HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-11-17, Page 1POS 1' PUBLISHING ]HOUSE --___
Wednesday, November 17th, 1948
4 Jelly Powders, assorted flavours
A Good Broom
Grape Fruit 6 for 29c - Celery Crisp 15c
Sunkist Oranges doz. 29c -Tomatoes 23c lb.
Custom Sliced Bacon 59c lb.
C, m'GR$CETEAl�C;fit9c �
Phone 5
Ethel United Church Bazaar
to be held
Saturday, Nov. 20th
at 3 o'clock
Aprons, fancy -work, vegetables
home -baking, candy and
fish pond.
Lunch will be served.
A three -ant Play "Tempest and
Sunshine" put on by the Walton
United Church W.A. will be
presented in Brussels Town Hall
on Tuesday, Nov. 30th at 8:15
P.M.'Admission 35c and 20c.
Play is sponsored by the Majestic
Women's Institute.
m.Siteast ,.,.,..:=.,...1 -
Bazaar• and Tea
A bazaar and tea sponsored by
the Majestic Women's institute
to be held in the Public Library
Brussels on Sat. Dec. 4th at 2.30
Articles for sale include home-
made baking, iced and uniced
Christmas cake, aprons and
Articles suitable for Christmas
gifts, candy, farm produce, sec -
hand clothing.
Show me Thy ways 0 Load
teach mye Thy paths,
Melville Church
Minister Rev. 0. A. Milne, M.A.
10 a. m. Sunday School and
Bible Class.
11 a. m. "My Church."
7 p. m. Divine Service,
Louis D,'Thompson, Organist
and baonineaster.
The -nited Ci urch
11 a. in. Writing Worship
'Turning The Other Cheek."
Junior Congregation
11 Church ,School and
Bible Class,
7 p. m. Evening Praise
"The Prosperity of Joseph,"
Come to the House of Prayer.
Church of England
Pariah of Brussels
Rmi. J. H. Kerr. Brussels.
Sunday Next Before Advent
Nov. 21st, 1048
St. Davide Churoh, Henfryn---
8,80 a. m, Sunday School
10.80 a, in. Morning Prayer
pt. Johns Church Brusesls-
p. 111. Sunday School
2 le in. Evening Prayer
St. Geergeb Churoh Welton
846 Evening Prayer
Sunday School
The United Church
The morning worship in the
United Church was in charge of
'Rev. R. G. Hazlewood 13.4„ of
Walton, Mr. Hazlewood gave a very
int( resting account of some of the
work dote by the United Church
General Council, held in Vancouver
during last Septembe'•, The choir
snug "A song of Peace" by Wilson.
Tn the evening Rev. V. E. Cr,•n•
biotin of Wroxeter was the, guest
speaker. pictures were shown which
Mr. Cronhielm had himeelf taken in
Tibet. His lecture was enjoyed by
all. The choir sang "Christ is my
Pilot" by Hall,
Please note that the date for tee
'United Church Sunday School
Christmas Entertainment has been
set for Friday evening, December 1.7.
Bring Your Jug-
'Vas and Grewe<r'e Groceterla will
fill it Lull of Fancy Quality Sliver
Thread Sauerkraut 15c Ib.
Library Notes
A new Toronto travelling library
has jest arrived. The following books
are among its contents:
Cantdian Youth Commission -Youth
and Recreation
Ferber -Great Son
Lancaster• -Trumpet to Arms
Haycox Canyon Passage
K•owes-How to be your
Linduska--ely Polio petit.
Crosby -The story of Iling Crosby
On Dec. 6th the IY.C.T,.A. will make
its regular 'exchange of books.
Please send in your requests early.
orruer• Neighbours Honor
Menno Jackson
Mr. Combs and Vesta
On relevy peening Menno Inckson,
Mr. combs and Vette. were pleasant
ly surprised al the hems! of Mr. and
Mrs. fid. Bryans, Rth lits: Morrie
when forty neighbours and frienns
gathered for a secant ev mine of reeds
and a short programme and preeen
teflon of a beautiful tri li:;h doer
temp. Frank Kelly did .he bonen;
while Pd. Bryans real ".he following
Tn V'=da, Menno and Mr. Combs,
Perbnps, as we addles,: yon ie
night, we should experience a feeling
of regret, for we Anew that. in an
offlcia] sense nt least, you resict"nne
With us has some to en end, Vet
n Henry pinee 01 thovibts erewrl
into our minds, that all rrrret must
vanish. Many indeed are the
memories which we eberish, Mem.
°ries of geed times s -gent to,etbrr
wben somehow the per•nlier bond
that goes, to make up true friend-
eliip was being knitter].
We know that therewill ire man,
happy associations In the future, we
are glad that yon have found so
comfortable a home so chew et hand.
Yes, your life with tip has been
long and happy our memories are
pleasant and a comfortable new
home awaits you. We know that is
life as it was intended to be lived.
With every good wish for many
more happy Years to come and with
the wish that it may 011 a useful
Place in your home, we ask you to
accept this gift.
Signed on behalf of friend, au 1
Ed. Bryans. Clarence Martin
Although completely takers by
surprise, Menno thanked the' neigh,
bows for their lovely alit and invited
then to visit them in Brusesls.
Lunch was served by the ladies
In Orange Hall, Brussels
under the directon of
John M. Martin of Hawesville
at 7:30 each Sunday evening
Everybody 'Welcome.
Youth Breaks Wrist
In Fall From Ladder
Floyd Ironton, 15, was admitted to
the Winghanl General Hospital
suffering a broken left wrist on
Foxton, an employee of Percy
Clark, local plumber, tell from a'
step ladder while engaged at work.
He is the son of Mr. and Mrs Herb
Foxton, Turnberry township.
Cardno's Hall, Seaforth
• Saturday, Nov. 20
Admission 50c Student 40c
Sponsored by Seaforth Young
Progresive Conservative Assn.
Seaforth, Ont. '
Thurs., Sri., Sat. Nov. 18.19.20
• with
Darya Andrews Jean Peters
Clinton Town Hall
At 1.30 P. M.
Mon., Tues., Wed, Nov. 22.23.24'
The Bishop's Wife
Cary Grant Loretta \'sung
To King Public's taste, this produc•1
Non Is royal entertainment, expertly,
fashioned into fare of great promise.
Next Thurs., Fri., Sat. Nov. 25.26.27
The Bride Goes Wild
Van Johnson June Allyson
Tho stuff that provokes laughter to
llft the roof Is contained In this
happy picture.
Clarke Gable Lana 'turner
Capitol Theatre
Wed., Thurs. Nov. 17-18•
"You were meant for me"
Fri. Sat. Nov 19-20
"Silver River"
Errol Flynn Ann Sheridan
A fine action story of
the early West!
Sat. Mat• at 2:30 serial
Mon. Tues. Nov. 22-23
Joan Crawford, Dana Andrews
in "Daisy Kenyon"
'OFFER $180.00
Mon. Attend, card night
Wed. Thurs. Nov. 24-25
Irene Dunne Oscar Homolka
in -
"I Remember Mama"
A delightful heart.
warming picture.
CKNX.*Every Mon. to Fri.
at 6:00 P.M.
Grey Township Visitor Addresses
School Board
Meeting Nov. 2, 191M
The meeting opened with all
members present.
The minutes of the previous meet.
Ing were read and adopted on the
motion of Bolger and Smith. On
motion of Bolger and. McLean the
secretary was instructed to reenlist
guarantee for toilets at No. 3,
On motion of Brown and Bolger
Caustic Sanitation was given ;oh of
and Union No. 4.
On motion of Smith & McLean
Caustic Sanitation was given ren -
tract to install modified water
eystenl at No. 6.
There was a gond deel of disc's•
sion as to whether or not toilet-,
should be installed at Union No. 1",
butet111s was left over t111 next year
in order to consider the advisability
of building a new school et union
No, 12.
On motion of Brown & freLean
the contract for wiring No. 0 was
left for further consideration ne
tenders semed high.
On motion of Brown S Tlolg('r the
following bills wore to be paid:
A. J. Pearson, gate $ 15.9
W. G. Leach. repairs
Goo. T. Pearson, repairs
Wes. Moore, welding
Humphries Co.
Sack Hood, supplies ..........
P. L. Hord, supplies
Coburn Broom Co., supplies
Cantle Sanitation
Joe Martin, wood
Huron County Lib.
E. F. Reed, supplies
J. Oarl Hemingway, Sec: Treas.
B.C.S. Students
1119 T, 1t: tl'!:•Mt.I
La<t I'n,''d:r 1i 'nark, id.
\V!ntee ()i,n 11 ,',, , i. ti 11
worker for the can tem Notie,'r 1
htetltitte fur the 1'1;111 G«v'
61''111;01• nn 115' t„ rue indent", r '
Rae. Tee, ir+telly blind sial
December 1917. has a•gtir01 .t fall
,dmeurir,u 31,11 ,rrrtt then'. as '1
pnblie spe,Iln r 11, outlined the.
work that to being done 1,
schools and other inrb'i'••s wh r
blind people et' all :teet1 h•:n;v• i.
Huron County
011,1'. , '•11' ( Federation News
�n!nr a ' 1 in the \1 t,:
t ip.,t ( ,n(n 11 111 1'l • '1' .. ('lnl'•r ieir ISl•'ca for Ciliurr(rC*.:x:
ri:•, 1 +'ut.< n11ii 111 1:.,'ta,t ,.
1'1,01. .AI 1m /1111,-r, of 1)1101
Aft, r the read,nt it ; 1 uri;::, •.
LW. Eekmier eel lir i by .1. \i.
(17 1.', that the 3101 111,.., itiuptd
11, iron e•n'rjr d
4 tit mint.lrn -rd W. r: 11111, ; .., n•il
it by R. W. K,nnettr, te, fellowin
see : a 1.rt 61,1(1'0(1 raid.
Blind people can new tyke up It. �. \i U„nalrl fuel
aln:re.• . t 1: nd 1t v'. .11,,V d• ,i 71,1 1rrm1„-•r ... ...
•41111 aft r r hat• 51'0 wnrlc',1, (111-0111, mt.;e. i..p0ir , _.
along with ether ttotkere 17 i\ ore 1 y. (Tal!nwr' en Toltec
factories and do fully as emelt 0,o t' l;;1' -, I. u:.....
STs. moi. nl., :It n 'ell 'h 11 'ere, n. 1117100 welt ...
students how blind naple tnkr p•1' + .0 eis,me dratn•t ... ,.
in the s11 1.1- t tt•.tr•k ;10,1 t 111 1:. 11`01'6,. (illi°^ well and at
meets and that they it. -e wall: off
with prizes. T. lV i?rk:m'er, broom ltd hall
His courage and gond sense of Adair Tran=port, freleht.
of all the, eherg, s .....
serve; area' Nat, Sewer Pipe Co., sewer
1'. Tee let. parking signs and
repair, ...
l',.aree, Ltd., stationery
lgricalture A. Rutledge. fox bounty
F Jhnreate fox bounty
117. d'eersnn, fox bounty
I:I e:eel:, Hydro, street light:
the Feder- and hall
ation of Agriculture 1:: holding ite
annual me'etine and banquet in the
Forester's Hall- Bel rev-: on Dec
7111 at 7:00 o'clock. epeeker, Rev.
Nnrrnau 'Rawson of Hamilton, a
Chaplain of World War Two. Tickets
.$1.000 each, These may be had from
your Township diree,er or Earl ;
Anderson, secretary.
humour r:"m til, hear'a
B.C.S. students and he dr
credlt for his work.
Morris Federation of
To Hold Banquet
The Morris Branch of
Annual B.C. S.Commencemerlt
willbe held on
Wednesday, November 24th
At 8.30 p. m.
-IN --
Brussels Town Hal/
Presentation of Diplomas, Shields and Medals.
Variety Programme.
Dance to Wilbee's Orchestra
From 10 to 1:30.
Admission: •- Adults 50c Pub'ic School Child''en 25c
Lunch Booth.
Town risisseis
ail or§
1 Aft
Come and Bring Your Family
Tell Your Neighbors
Full Evening's Entertainment.,
Films Showing
"The Chicken of To -Morrow"
"Pattern for Progress"
Lucky Door Prizes
Sponsored by .icColl,-Frontenac Oil Co. Lid.
C. J. Walden, Consignee,
Free Dance to follow
Popular Orchestra.
Sponsored by your local Friendly Texaco Dealer
Riverside Motors
Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Sales and Service.
2 e
t2. R. Campbell. Tct. salare .... 44.25
B. M. 11 G. Telephone. loan .. 1000.00
P„<'tnastr•r, Bross -le. Unrm-
pieyureut Tne. anti poniere'' 71.00
Te R. Rryan , cartage, nil for
str'ete 8.00
W. G. Leach. trophies, Girls'
hall team .... 78.75
.7. Kreuter. seleeting Myers . 4.00
R. R. Corsine. selecting
11 jurors
'G. R. Campbell, selecting
' jurors
1 W. H. B.•il, October salary ....
1Nenble Bros.. painting hall,
i hell tower and scales
Tt was moved by L. W. Eckmier
!seconded by 3. W. Fiseber that tithe
sum of $4.40 he deducted from the
Taxes paid by S. Wheeler• for 1946,
Itlits hying the amount calculated 55
the taxes which would have beer.
Paid on the lot purehteee+l by the
Village from S. Wheeler for the
waterworks pump house and
reservoir. -Motion carried,
Tt was moved by 11. W. TCen nedy
seconded by W. E. Willis that the
Tax Colector be authorized to
'accept $3.80 less on the 11148 Taxes
of Supertest Oil Co, owing to an
error in the assessment roll.
Tt was moved by T. W. Fischer
seconded by L. W. ltckmier that
for the purpose of eertifying em-
ployment by W H, Bell so perma-
nent in accordanee with para. (11
Part 2 of the first schedule to the
Unemployment Ineuranee Act and of
special orders made by the Unem-
ployment Commission thereunder,
the following be and they are hereby
authorized to •issue certificates R. 11.
Cousins, Reeve and G. R. Cnmpbell,
Clerk. -:Motion carried
Tt was moved by W. 113. Willis
seconded by R. W. Kennedy that the
L.O.L. be given permission to hold
the 1949 celebration in Brusesls,
Tt was moved by L. W. 17ckmier
seconded by J. W. Fischer that by
law Nn. 8, 1948 as read a first and
second time he read a third time and
finally passed. -Motion carried
This Ry -law authorized the ex-
propriation of an Easement on
icertnin lanais in the village of Brus-
sels for the purpose if laying . and
maintaining watermatns,
Tt was moved by W. E. Willis ser.
1 nodded by J. W Fischer, That By-
iLaw No. 9, 1948 all read a first and
second time be read a third tine
and finally passed. -Motion carried
This Bylaw atithortzed the exe-
eution of en agreement with can-
adian Netional Railways, concerning
Ilthr laying of the watermains under.
,the Railway tracks.
As Ibis eoneluded the hlisine$e of
the meeting the Cnunot1 adjourned
of the ('aunty Federation heiti t. ,•_'
"nonan me, ling in (1112:tort. East
1 i'nturaan. and the secretary-tre-
orer renortot a balane , of $2 (,f .Ps
I he -id in treat account. A d:t,ulie'&
i statetm('ni will he given at Vie'
1 •,kion 11 n,er.ting in Clinton an'
irev, :Wee.•'tired
i The (t,lttioittee again decided too
,;pend sol v1 th's :I tunnnt ill Coe
i(•uunly. h9 paying motof til''.
_epee:, s of up to three Juniors c
i r•si,h Irl °'hip to a"et1t1 Cunene
coulee•, at either Louden n1' Cuele1ee
11 this coming winter, The Pott<:tb•
1 reads up tt, 50"9 of expctneee to
, Gnslph Short Coarses end 75`.0• of
1 r-1:110115.5 21T (nmrSet, in rural 1: •'
1 chip. Annliennts shnuld tiPP7F
11 'tali tin,',, ,ownship _eeeeiare.. at
an early date.
1 The Annual County meeting isfb9
1 be held in Clinton next Teesdale
November 23rd. at 1.30 P.M, in the
Town Hall. Special speaker for thee+
afternoon will be Lennard Harman.
of United Co-operatives of Onterso,
wile will speak on Co-operative
Automobile Insurance.
The Annual Banquet will be Ingel.
the same evening in Cardne's Hale.
Seaforth, at 7 P.M. Special speaker
for the evening will be Ethel Chap-
man. home editor of the Farmers"
Magazine. Toronto. Ladies ave
especially invited to attend. Contact
1 your township or county secre esee
for tickets. The evening will huje
rounded nut with a concert an
dance for guests only.
The Farm Forum County Rally
held in Clinton was a bf, sueeese.
75 forum pc'nple, representing fee -vi
forums from all over the County
were present and spent an enjoyable
I and prnfithale evening listening to
special speakers. followed by (Pee
euesion, musical numbers, films a^i'l'
inn'h. The evening was chaired toy
Harvey C. Johnston, Reeve of Morris
Township with R. Milian of Sea -
forth, acting as secretary. Our nese
Agricultural Representative led a
sing -song. in a way that inspired net'
Show an interest in your owns
organization by attending Finer"
annual meeting and treat s yotts'
wife to an evening ouc too, at C. rt
Annual Banquet in Seaforth.
Church Notes
Huron County Temperance
Federation Elects Officers
Honorary Presidents -Mr. Gordan
Lamb, Goderich; Miss Jean Mur-
ray, Hensall; :Mr.A. T. Coop,
President --Mr. 3, H. Cambell, 3.
lst Vice --Mr, Elgin '.ttcKinieee,
2nd Vice -Mr. Roy Cousins, Bruseela
Ord Vice. -Rev, G. W. H. MedIele,
4th Vice -Mrs, George Johnetcis,
Secretary -Mr. N. T. andersone,
Treasurer --Mr. Frank Howseza,
Educational Director -Rev, G. Haze
wood, Walton.
Youth Secretar'j•-•-+Rev, A. 4
Hewitt, Auburn,
Chairman I.uw & Legislation--leYtr
A. T, Cooper, Cltnton.
Chairman of Finance -Mr. F, How
sen,, Wingbam.
Northern Representative -Mr. Be (.11
Zinn, Ashfield,
Central Rep. -Mr. C. M. Roberts
Southern Rep. -Mr. Horace Deg
bridge, Woodham,
A Layman's Rally will be held
next week Nov. 24th in St, Andrew's
Presbyterian Cihsirch, Whotham at
p.m. A very interesting meeting
is aluttetpated and goof spankers aro
on the program, The chairman will
be Mr. Tees. Pryde, MLA„ who le
en older in the Exeter oht,reh. Gond
music will alto be enjoyed.
Melville Church
"Christianity has no mideB s
course" was the subject of Rev. blr.
Milnes sermon on Sunday morni'ng's
The subject nerved to show t aelS
every individual is responsible far
his own misdeeds and there are aaa:.
degrees of getlt, The n10r'1a2
anthem was "The Lord is my Sliep-
herd" by McP4rrren, Miss Mary lore
McI'arlane rendered the solo "Con-
sider the lilies" be, TopUti. At the
evening service Mee Milne outdivtektel
the lessons as taught by tbir
parable of the barren fig tree. Miner
Margaret Cardiff and Mtge Mary k.ota
McParlane rendered the duet "Jeer*
lover of lrty soul" by 110111r0olle.