HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-11-10, Page 5WALTON I'rk ud•. a1 to i:'-'� in 11'1111.71 t 1r1.n.711 V 17.1'i 1..1 i'1•i' dtiy 07(11171pr. fn honor !i'' ,,,,: lir T)uu!il•,: '' ,. 1Yh , r ••1• • i11 t111y rt:•11`I•i01 .Ju ' r,u.1111..!1 1' l.t a'o•. t•,..I \ir an,! 111., PI' c-,,• 1; `n, ,:•111 1, tht' platform and r1.• of, q .11111 .1 777,1•." ' I' 1' liY. '111 1 i 1 , l : in1. read by Jeloi Bryan .17 .•n'•IHnu mule by tlo'41i` Ihrr-tell. lI PIl'v of th,• Mrid \11.•.!,• w,1± entti1',•tl by \\'llbr,•'., 1.r •h,.,arn, FInnoring 911•- .1,••,u ' le , elent, Mina Doreen r ,,,n-. e•,ler• talnetl 711 11 crystal 1.110771:1111, r homo. 91t n,'•" . of lion I 1 lulu l r , f tut, Ia • 1, t,_ it d a rhirltnn ,Ih1 1. r '1'h , 1-r•ni. spent In htni.o re., 1, 1•I ' r:,:' ). of Ow .1 r. ^.1', n, ('1: ',•.1.1 surrn:.4111 b.rn..r M minify halt •I'11,1•^„1,,•' sn.ry Ion :7711'1. r t •,h„'1 ^".n , Perannnlg: .Tnnr : \1 f" with :Tr. :ma Mr: In ono.- Mrs. n ...Mrs. Merit Campb,ril 111.'1 ler 1'r,,l lWilann. Soafurth. Will, ''Hood,' h,•"r, (lr•,,rs„ Taylor, Iiumnln 11 ono!. '(,:'lta, T;twrenr•, \Tark'<. Hugh Campbell and Pert v Dnitntt left Sntnrday for North, r1. Ontario w?1 r fpr 1' 1•'111 hunt .ler,. Personals: 9Tr. and ITT:. :Moly Holland 011 family, Iii"th, with friends her,: Robert Dalian. Sarn- ia. at his home here: lir. and Mrs, William Dennis and family anti Jnsapli Hackwplt with friends In Hamilton: Mr. and Mrs. ,Tames Humphries. Windsor, with Mr. and 1h'-. 1Viiliant Humpiu•i, s; R, Ar chi:!es. Melton, with his wile and CRANI E OK fh'• 1u,1',•y ,nisP r ile''I hi Knits I 1 r , (91.'1.111 - "• 1 utl ')'burs 1, ulna (1'77; attend,•l by w,. 71 iter :,119 people 77)7(1 nn,•'r 9111 1: I,nlyd d,tl'hD the n'ltp•: i'y urrh, 111'1.. lltenlu r•, of the .•m•n1 1. i vineTTnne tl ('hurt(( .•''n • n 1.t 11 f in•`; 1 1 .0,1i11 tenpin , f' Lylle Gordon .Tam's I; :14'.1.• Hood, 10dont rnu,ltlrlo,l Ih,• 1 rh It linos A'lutr0 mn"1 n 'I'lu• 1ii.11 qtr li tl'• II ' J 111. 1':'1' "Jeri 31st pr ,11,1,',1 Pt rlul 77iva1' at ilethesd f'lnlrrh h, 117e evening. l t,6:, *_y 0 4j Wa I�:�+, ..'�.��'q"�4. tai FOR SALE—, A number 1,f yu:111.4 cattle, ford and Shorthorn eros,. 1'tunu• 11.1.11 W...1. 1It Cntehnon FOR SALE --- 11.f'.:1. 1'11(1.(' battery rulio in guxl condition (new hatteriunl. Apply to )'hone 7,-1.-12 S(':ntey 11 neper , FOR SALE - 1 1.', 1I.P. ututor used. only a short time, Write to Mrs. W. Brothers. Pltonn 7R Wroxeter a FOUND— -- -- _ Two ducks. Owner may have same .fag. 1111(1 Mrs. 11 r'i1bntt, St "9mN•a'• weir, 1.1 i1 t,, M.: r. On ;il 1,111,• •1771 ?t7"; flnrrinn. " , Iter' thein •I;1 Thoinao. "t:,'Ior 7.1711 \11.,.,r9 Mrt. ' ''• ;:r:"i',y .vr.1 'Mr, . Flotilla ..rr' urrt \7" and 'T,' ..(lin Swift ' +•'iii,. Yeller(, \lax. 21(1as 1,,;' •.. 1-1' 11or. frarrtIitv'-1 n,t•1 air. and \Tr:•. .Tnpit Y9.ntr. Nheei1-.1 and Air,. Adrian 1T"Tnrr :r' and , 1'..•, ..,''',,; nml n' her ,n,'mltery •tt'e flrr•th''r fnmih•. "<:.,.,•„ tt:1.'1 1.•n" h•'!'1 on Monday the (Mirth batmen( iu charge of Mr.. Glenn TTnether with 17 in netulan17', the me. tin:( npr`ne•l with •177111 u1” 0' 1' 1.. iTt•mmn 7.11 was `1'i'' 1'.:ilm 1 rc:1s given '' F!1. ..1. ..ter 11,' hnainea8 rhernse:a O'rl•p sung ti •.,:1 y Camp bll ^eve a story 11. "Carlo. Proves the Ruh." 1Tyinn 721 w:1s sung, After ,he ilt'nedie- ,,'n the children had a work period. . Yes, the True lest of a laying mash Is "what extra profit remains after cost of feed and management is figured." Y! •r,eO,y/ is a scientifically balanced bag el raw materials to be led to egg -laying machines , . , It keeps the "machines" in good running order and supplies the materials for the manufacture of eggs. You can always count on V1 a.lay for maintenance and profitable produc- tion. ROE FARMS MILLING CO. ATWOOD, OR% vou ? KNOW. that a properly fed hen (heavy breed/ pro- ducing 180 eggs a year will eat: 50 lbs, of mash, 40 lbs, of grain; 2 lbs, of grit, 2 lbs. of shell. 4y rngnlring at )'hone 11 The Rrttsaels Post FOR SALE— Small quantity of en, split elm wood. Phone 29-r-19 W. Turnbull LOST— \ brindle steer about 7100 Ills. from eon. 5, Morris Twp. Finder (;lease Phone Molesworth FOR SALE - 600 TTybred pullets, 3r¢ months old 91.25 each. • Phone 43x Prank Mitchell, MW St., Brussels STRAYED - 2 sheers from Plena Black's farm at McNaught, round hole mark in left ear on steers. Finder please phone Flynt Black, 30.1.12, FOR SALE— low Singer Sewing Machines At School House S.S. No, 4 7 Arable doors Polling Sub -Division No, 2 2 .notion, 1.P .hinae,! r1.-,:' 12 x 12 ft. At Sch',oi Hcuce S.S, No, 1 1 kitchen store Polling Sub -Division No. 3 A nnnater 1.P chair- At Schaal Ha.,%'. S.S. No. P 1:2. -ton truck Polling Sub-Divi;lon No, 3A An/ nthc•r 77111:1 t:; ±1.:11..: -nus to F11, -,'trio portable and rahinrt 1.10 thine.. Also treadle machines, Per information 'Write Singer Service il.'nresentative Box 50, Prnsst ls. THE BRUSSELS POT MUNICIPAL NOTICE 1 hereby give notice Char n„- ';, Illation of a Reeve, Pole Cnincillcrs, Three School Trustee; and On r. Hydro Conun;asioner to ter,.: St Village Village of Brussels (fur::.) the y':;., 1949. will he held at the COUNCIL CHAMBER, 111USSE'.,' at 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. MONDAY, NOVEMBFI^ .n, 1349 If demanded a Poll will be ')pet,/;') the following place: on MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1040 ! Polling Sub -Division N.., 1 In the Counvll Chamber In the Town Hail R. J. Bowman, D.R.O Ben Whittard, Poll Clerk Polling Sub-DivIsion No. 2 In the basement of the Public LJhrarl Robert Patrick, D.R.O Joseph Kelly, Poll Clerk Polls to be opened from 9 A.M. to 5 P.ht G. R. Campbel', Returning Officer. b MUNICIPAL NOTICE I here y give notice that the No'rt.At 1 O'c!oc ' illation of a Reeve, Dupery Re'rse Three (,buncillors an -1 Thr,e School Trustees to serve the T., A11711113 of Grey during the year 1547' Will be held a• the TOWNSHIP HALL, ETHEL at 1:00 P.M, to 2:00 P.M. MONDAY, NOVEMB;?R 29. 1948 If demanded a Poll will he opened at the followlny pia;es an 1 fnrr•,• pomp. 14 'nenet.lind.�r MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1948 I Finery walkin ploy, Polling Sub-01•.ls17n No. 1 A ,lu:ltu''r of lumber SPECIAL L i''(�Q W I LYiGtl'��GSc t:3 Li,t��l'Jd;.9il T®ROYAL AGRICULTURAL DETER FAIR Nov. 16-24 TORONTO Good going—Nov. 156 to 17th inclusive, Return—Leave Toronto not later than midnight, _Nov. 25th. FARE AND ONE THIRD FOR THE ROUND TRIP Government Tac Extra Pull in/re'nm rpt /rum any agent, CLEARING AUCTION SALE Farm Stock and Implements Lut N!216, Con. 4, Morris Twp, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 12th, 1948 S 31. 711•;7'1 of .-hair' i • ,1, , , from Cull to •7oe Ma, i st' t'rs it, heifers 25 tome or hay 1 rubbcs '101.1 wagon i cotter 1 hung: 1 hay rake 140 feet rt hay fork rep Fo;T SALE— flrand new Maytag Gas Washer enamel tub, eguippel with the famous Maytag Multi -Motor. fax Furniture. Store Phone 43Seaforih J FOR SALE— Hygienic Supplies (Rubber floods) mailed postpaid in olain. sealed envelope with price list, Six lnmples 25s, 24 samples, $1.00. )Mail 'triter Dept. M-33 Nov•Rubber Co JJ T3ox 91, Hamilton,' Ont. I r0R SALE— Rlectrtc motors rewound and rt- ...red. o••,red. Expert workmanship. Moder. 11, prices, New motors in stock, ... Bettger Industries, 649 Ontario, Street, Stratford, Ont. TENDERS FOR WIRiNG— Tenders will be reeedved until December 1, 1948 for installing •11rtrie wiring in S.S. No. 12 Morris •r017.0ship. Plans and specifications 'nay he obtained from Ralph Shaw, Dint vale, Secretary Morris School Area. FOR SALE - 7 have listed 4 houses in the Village of Brussels. These are good buys and immediate no3session can i•t' given, 100 -acre farm, real gond buildings, gond farm, hydro, Tniemdlate posses - 100 -acre farm, real good buildings, good location, hydro. This 177 a real sand farm. Immediate possession. 75 -acre farm, ?fa milo from High- way, price $3200.00, PJhnne 54 J. C. Long, Real Estate Broker Brnsesls, Ont. BE YOUR OWN BOSS!— Distribute our 250 Products: Toilet Articles, Medicines, Extracts, Spices, Floor Wax, Insecticides, F.,rin Products, splendid asortment of Dirt Boxes, Our Healers make substantial profits. 4 customer in •1r11 hems! For Catalogue and de - write to FAbilSg., 1600 1\eloralmter street, Montreal„ P.Q, e SURGE MILKERS DAIRY MAID Hai Water Heaters t. The Goodyear DeLuxe by actual test Will give you 24%o more mile- age than the big mileage Goodyear it replaces. Buy iti Get a bets tire with the super -traction mond tread, /N ,n'syps,wd bur 00/81 J. B. Higgins, Seaforth Sorvloo Dealer -- Phone Tai Soaforth GEORGE POLLARD REPRESNTATIVE — BRUSSELS. 1 disk At A.O.U.W. Holl, Walton m••ntion Poliinfl Sub -Division No. 4 At Community H•+II, Mancrieff Polling Sub•Division Ni,o5 At Township Office, Ether Polling Sub -Division No. 6 At Community Hall, Cranhrook Polling Sub-DIvir.no N., 7 At School House S.S. No, 5 POLLS TO BE OPENED FROM 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M. - J. H. FEAR, Returning Officer. MUNICIPAL NOTICE I hereby give notice that the Nom- ination of a Reeve, Four Councillors, and Two Schou! Trustees to serve the Township of Morris during the year 1949, will be held at the TOWNSHP HALL, MORRIS At 12:30 P.M. to 1:30 P.M. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1948 If demanded a P -:I! will be opened at the following places on MONDAY. DECSMBER 6th, 1948 Polling Sub- Division 10. 1 D. R. 0. Miller lilrh!.nnn1 Po11 Clerk. Jacic No,bitt Polling Sub'Divls nn Na. 2 D.R.O. Jos, Bewley Poll Clerk, Frank 11 11 Polling Sub-Divisten V1.. 3 .... D,R,0. Georg, Mich]. Poll Clerk, Harry 0011 Polling Sub-Divioton No. 4 L,R,O. Oheate” Rilltn51 Poll Clerk, ',laren, a ?lull Poling Sith-D!vsiion No. 5 D.R.O. Wm. Erston Poll Clerk, Rd'1: Smith Polihlg Sub-Divisinit No g D,R.0, James 7ohort:nr, Poll Clerk, Rn,s Turvep Dolls .o be opened t'• " 9 A.M, t,a 5 P.M. GEORGE MARTIN, Ratarnlrg Officer MORTGAGE SALE on WEDNESDAY, 17th NOVEMBER, 1948 at 1:30 P,M. at Lot 16, Concession 9, Morris Twp. Tinder and by virtue of the powers 0t Sale contained In 71 certain Mort. gage. which will be pror111re'l at the time of Sale, there will be offered for Cale by PuhNn Auntion subleet to a TEMPTS' hid and other conditions of gale. North half of Lot Number d1, in the 9th Cnn0pgsinn of the Township of Morris in the County of 'Huron. Ilion the said lands (her,• is said ., to he erected Perm hn!'d,ngo in a ;end state of repair, and there is said to he on the said lands a nl••ntif'il water supply. Por further nartfmllars and eon• dittons of sale apply to the under- signed. Paled this 26th day of Oetoher, 1948. A. W, Elliott, F. FTVGLAND, Andtlon-er Solicitor for the i Mortgagee, '9 tOrie 118, Ht rristo't' i ITERMS CASH i No Reserve as the farm is sold. !EDWARD ELLIOTT, Auctioneer W. R. LITTLE, Prnp, l\'•'w MING to rave about ECONOMYto boast abote Jg1 146 Z1Ya fii � `41 "Well twoishlii 416.,1 EKE 1 pound tioPPad "'Ate /a P un 1 od y F panne •••roan 9l°our ottlos ,A pound' d pornY our mild 1 cu rat You'lllavelel gay colouring, ful Savour, And chis wonder- ful PURITY FLOUR recipe :s in tune with your budget. Pound for pound it's economy hospitality. This new White Christmas" Cake calls for PURITY FLOUR, the dependable favourite that's tallied from thefinestbardwheat, For holiday baking ... and everyday baking .. go tight on using Pur.;y I'1cur. ft mal._s wonderful cookies, tie;, t..!;cs, hues, bread it makes wonderful everything, - 45.F. YOU NEED ONLY ONE FLOUR ? t 9 TFV A L E PURITY OATS— GRAND =PAST The W.M.S. of the t'clte'i Chnreh held a thank-otrering meeting nn finndty evening with the president. Mrs. Marl Hamilton, preuldtng. Special mush, was nontrihnt^d hT the choir, and'Ross Smith sang a sole Two impressive oxerei.ee were given by members, entitled "Dollars and Diana." and "Lnvr; Ornelhb ," those taking Hart including Mrs. Sperling ,Tohnstnn. lira. W. 7 PP,. rnrk. MTra. ,Tampa Jnitnaton, Mrs. Ales MTrCrarkin, Mrs " Hoffman, tore '171.. ShirLnp 'Minion. Mrs. A. Borden save 1n Mare", Intsed nn the thpma, "Th. church of no lighted 1am'•11.' Rev. 3, A. Borden pronounced the rtrnedictlnn. The service 'it Knox Preahvtorian Church here Sunday mnrnlnz was Pond np7pd by Rev 1., C Jnrsan- SEM. Nett the ordinance of baptism will tie nhaet'vea, P: rannaia: Mint P. S. McMwen with Mira. Unroll T.na•ann, Clinton; Mr, and ?firs. T. TT Smith and (;mien lTpager catty Mlse Flounce Fowler, Seafnrth' N^ And Mrs. Gordon MTnndell. Tan led Thigh and John Mun,l•eil with Mr. and :qrs. Cicva (','rhrano, Seaforth: Mrs. Hnward 1111r4r, Toronto, with her danshter, Mrs. Sellers. and Elmer: Maier ('lif?','d T'Tetherine- ton, of the Ralrntinn Army. Sault St,. MTarie, Mrs. Hetherington, nod son Carman with ('111'111. TTatherine• ton; Mrs. Andrew Lemon,, P.rnssels, with her .inter, Mrs. Peterli0T7wen; Mrs. D. C. M0Naughton. Mira. Jessie Ln*.•ell. and Arise Ellen MacEwen, Wroxeter. with Mr. mad Airs. P S. lielnwen: Donald \ictean, Toronto, with Mrs, ,T. ,T. Poledrs: Mr. anti Mrs. R. E. McKinney and Mra .Taroks. T,nndon, at their home 17,re: Dr and lira ,Arthur Shaw- with Mrs. Arthur Shaw; Mrs. .Annie Wray, Woodrow. Sask. with her mere, era. `'V1. ,T .Tnhnetnn; Mrs. Wray plans to anend the winter with h,ir oiatet- fn l:•1ti. :Trs. Brandon, Belgl'ave; Mrs. William Jenkins. Gait. with her daughter. Mrg. (1+ern TTpthpt•• Ington, j6.. y. 779,7ac Opltnno,,t'r;t 'Western 1,)17$774i1) I340.:.4 tlo,ttrn-13 Eye See1'ie ' • P MOT FLOUR FOR ONE RESULT —PERFECTION L 51 buys sou the famous Party Cook Rook with its 75 retires it,ptd in the Puri9 Mom I.nylon Sind to Your nearest. Purity Flour Stills Unit e . St. John. N.B., Montryal. slue., Ottawa, Ont., Toronto, Qat..'Sinnin,e, Man., Calgary, ,La., 1'anv,4u,cr, 9 Name Street Cit' Province GOVERNMENT OF CANAA B:;NDS 3' due November 15, 1951 have been called for payment November 15, 1948 These bonds should be presented lot re- demption with all coupons of later date attached, No further interest will be paid on these bonds after this date, stew nqt 1ltica6 ilhe (hada „Quality /1 your .ladt _earl / Bridal Wreath carries the only 4•po]ut • guarantee of perfect color, cut, brilliance, and flawless quality. See these typical va3oest 'Ile Store for I3s toitifuh Gifts" W. G. LEACH Jeweller Brussels, Ont t