HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-11-10, Page 1P'OS T PUBLI.SIa I G HOUSE
Wedne.scday, November 10th, 1948,
– -- The United Emergency
Fund Far Britain
et, -,acv Fund for
I rn,- t tilted i:m g
Britain will start a thr,r-week
appeal for funds to aid needy
Britons on November L4, continuing
until December 5, according to an
•eetotmeem,mt made at the executive
offices in Toronto. U17F1l has OW
tablished its natio/1.1,4de organization
and new has chairmen in every
Province with local committees In
many cities and towns anrnaa
Artrr months of extensive effort,
;devoted to setting'uP its provincial
administrative bodies, machinery
for the co-ordination of all Canadian
1 airi to 1lritain will start functioning
tmntsdiafely upon enmPletinn of the
fund raising campaign. TJF'FB
enjoys the co-operation and approval
for this movement of a large
number of leaders in government,
religion, education, indnslry, finance.
labor. and social and welfare groups
in Canada and the United Kingdom.
Plans and objeetivee of DEM, as
ntttHned. include an ovr rali vnlentery
aid to Britain program. Donntinns
to the fund will he used to make
hulk purchases of fond and other
aunties in Canada which will he
shipped to FETE warehouses in
Britain f or general distribution
under the direct supervision of the
organ'za.tion's advisory council.
Ocran shipping charges will he
absorbed by the British government
who will also provide Tre' dockage,
handling, inland transnertatlon and
werehotaing in the United Kingdom.
All snrh gift supplies will he exempt
from customs and excise duties.
materially reducing costs and pro -
diving more relief for every dollar
TTEFB will also forward, without
coat, parcels peeked by organizations
in Canada for approved recipients
in Britain if del]verei at DEEB
warehouses in collective shipments.
Standardized 1meet packages, in
various sizes and prices. containing
selected' foodstuffs for deficient
diets, are being prepared and will be
available shortly. Arrantgements are
being completed to handle donations
of used clothing, bedding. and simi-
Snows, Spys, Mac's, Pippins, Canada. Reds
Orders Taken and Filled for your
Favourite Apple
SPECIAL –.. SAT., NOV. 13th
3 Tins Campbell's Tomato Soup ... 28c
Celery, Grapes, Tomatoes, l -lead Lettuce
and Pink Grapefruits.
We Deliver
Phone 5 —
The United Church WEDDING
The members of the Brussels ' Bernard—East
Branch of the Canadian Legion and
the Ladies Auxiliary attended the An autumn wedding was sclem-
morning worship in the United I nized at St. John's rectory, Brussels
Saturday, October 30 at 11.30 A.M.
when Rev. Mr. Kerr united in
marriage Mary Evelyne, youngest
slaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Bernard to Harold James, second
eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. James
East., Hullr•tt. The bride's sister
Mrs. Jack ivleEwing was bridesmaid
The grantsmen was Jain McEwing
of. Hullett.
The young couple took a trip to
visit friends in Youngstown. N.V.
end Niagara Falls.
Church. Mr. Wilson based his
sermon on the thought that at the
present time the world is being
given another chance to dud peace
and security. The application was
found in Paul's words to the Corin-
thians "Yet show I unto you a more
excellent way." 'We as individuals
are being given another chance,
using our accumulated experience to
help us in a better anti more useful
way of life. The choir sang "True
to thy flag" by Lorenz.
In the evening Jacob's Ladder was
the sermon subject The choir sang
"No tears in the sky" by Smith. Mr.
Donald Dunhar presi•led at the
3 -Act PLAY
"Tempest and Sunshine"
By Walton United Church W.A.
In Walton Community Hall
Wed, Nov. 17th at 8:15 P.M.
Admission 40c and 20c
"Prove all things; hold fast
that which ie good."
Melville Church
Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A.
10 a. m. Sunday School and
Bible Class.
11 a. m. "Christianity has no
Middle Course."
7 p, m. "Pleading Ignorance."
Louis D. Thompson, Organist
and CholdImaster.
TheUnited Church
11 a. d. Morning Worship
Report of the General Council.
Rev. R. G. Haslaiwood, B. A.
Mission Band
1>) church School and
Bible Class.
7 p. m. livening Praise
Pictures of China
Rev. V, E. Cronhielm
of Wroxeter.
Come to the House of Prayer.
Church of England
Perish of Brussels
Rev. J. M. Kerr. Brussels.
26111 Sunday After Trtniti'
Nov. i'4bh, 1:948
8t. David's Church, Henfryn—
9.80 a. m. Sunday School
10.80 a. m. Morning Prayer
8t. Johne Church Brussels --
1 p. m. Sunday School
2 p. m, Evening Prayer
8t. George'" Church Walton—
8.48 Bening Prayer
Sunday School
St. Chade's Anglican Church. To-
ronto was the scene of a quiet het
Pretty wedding on Saturday, Oct. 30
at 4 o'clock when Rev. Dr. Johnson
united in marriage Alice Kathleen,
youngest daughter of the late Mr
and Mrs'. James Nichol, formerly of
the 0th line of Morris to Mr. Harvey
John Cloutier, only son of Mr. and
IN COMMEMORATION ' Remembrance Day Service
At Cenotaph
In , ,, „it,• , .i II_),. A brief Remembrance Tray •,
:,orb. licith 1fJ .aa i,u•• .
was held at the Oenataph Sited, c '1 , :. i r 1...,1 ,,, ,i., 'i ,, it ^;rn,, h s��t^ice.
"I'':,u,. •ra,t rpi,i': lr:,r •mice The local branch of :l-trana11,,1,
t 1,+ "inn and members of the 1,a lies'
Auxiliary. who had attended I' m
service at the United Church, nar-
aded to the Cenotaph.
Rev. Hugh Wilson of the ltn't••tl
1 1tti. rt, ad a portion of sm•iptor-
,,.:.r Iand Rev. G. A. Milne of Melville
, , „1-. , i ( an•Ptr••'byt, rian Church offered prayer.
e ^r+• OP ( TWO ndtnttr•s of "lienee were
t ' observed and The Leat Poe*
-,,rder] by D. Redden of Wingham
it is an r•Xtrart from •h<• fon t 1 Wreaths were mate•) by Mr', B.
oboe ♦riven by Pe•icie 'n 181 lie 1
y ar lr ft, r tlrr. 1,1' t: 1
numb, ,ter, rl...; . , • *. It. rt
Mrs. Donat Cloutier of Swift Current, lar items, also without cost to the
Sash. The bride wore a street- sender. early in the coming year.
length dress of powder blue crepe
with black accessories and a corsage
of red roses, she was attended by
Miss Rita Miller of Toronto dressed
in torquoise blue crepe with black
aocesories and a corsage of yellow
roses. Mr. Gerald Dotheray of Arm-
strong, Ont., was hest man. The
wedding dinner was served at the
Barkley Club, Toronto. Mr. and
Mrs. Cloutier will reside at 209
Indian Grove, Toronto.
Oran brook-Eth el
Presbyterian Churches
A student from Knox College,
Toronto. will conduct services at
Cranbrook - E th el Presbyterian
Churches on Sunday. Nov. 14. The
visiting minister on Sunday, Nov. 21
will be Rev. R. A. Sinclair, Innis -
fail, Alberta. Communion services
Innis -
will be held on Sunday, Dec. 5.
'1'hIs tr buy-
was first puh.,a .°a',
the soldier•. why,
nt tient Athens.
R'liit+ard. 31rr. F.. 111:11.. :firs. .i.
no vnr:ann ^:a• rre,r,t ,1 ire Pref Baker and Mrs. N. r
H. W. Ancien, Fraver,i•r n? tC, +•ru . ,,,.:111............E.
_— _
"Streit were the mer who II, hr''•,. Melville W.M.S.
and such 11, rrnntr}• r. -.:r11'.::11 in-pi'r.l The S'i'nnren's ]Ii::'.1 ..t-'ry ^ ,r ; , '
them. We' snrrirvr.. it ..7• t„ of Slelt•illn Pt•oshyteru11 Church
be spared their },it1,- h,• it r run=! 'n-, !0 the primary rerun no Friday.
disdain to men* our i • with a \r1r. ;'h with 15 to ii present.
spirit lees trium-11n'. 1x1 ,,,: .t,.•i:,,• SSS, Miss Grace Stewart prFelded std
strength. not met, Ir n t c'r n -- opened the meeting with tilt, ei'1^inti
told arguments :, , fair .end "f hymn 50 followed by pr'tyer.
noble a thing it I. to chow r„nracr 'Mrs. Tran Thomson titan re .1i th-
in battle — — but fr. , n the busy Seriptnre reading after wh'nli hynm
spectacle of our great rt, nt.•y:, lite nn; was sung. The rn_tary sect
as we have it brfor•- ue le hl 1t,:• treasurer's report were then elven.
falling in ince with h a we tee A nominating committer consisting
]ter and remembering that all this of Mrs. H. Dennis. Mrs. H. Speir and
greatness she owe: to men who Mrs. D. McLeod was appointed and
knew' their duty and bid the rem;asked to have a slate of nffleers for
Dec -
age to do it. men who in the hone the coming year. 11 ady for the Dec -
of conflict had the fear of dichon�,t ember meeting. Plans were mad
ever present to them men who for the "i'm So Thankful Tea" to he
freely gave their tic s to her as the
held on Friday a.ltfernoou. Nnv 12111
fairest offering they remit: make, at the home of Miss Gore Stewart
Mr.. Jack Bowman ,:bly dealt with
They then gave their bridles to the 11 the topic `looking Ahead." Hymn
common-wea]ih fit' r.. r'v1 1 H 100 775 was then sung and the Mizpah
one, man by man. f::r his own
Benediction brought the meeting to a
memory, praise that will live on til, sloes.
lips, that will biossnm in the deeds
of their countrymen from sea to
sea. From the whale earth is the
sepulchre of heroes; mnntnneniw
may riwe and tablets he set up to
them in their own lands; but on
far-off shores there ie an abiding
memorial that no pen nr elrlsel has
traced; it is graven not on stone or
brass. but on the living heart of
Take these men for your example:
like them remember that happiness
can be only for the free, that free-
dom is the sure possessions of those
alone who have the courage to
defend it"
Melville Church
"World Brotherhood" was the sub.
Jed of Rev. Mr. Milne's sermon at
the Rememharnce service on Sunday
morning. Mr Milne referred to the
service rendered by Christians In the
cause of peace and the still greater
service which Christians ought "to
render in combating the simpleton
and misunderstanding which exists
betwen the nations of the world. The
choir rendered the anthem "Soldier
of Christ, Arise.' At the evening
service Rev. Mr. Milne based his
sermon on Matt. 6:46, and pointed
out the weaknesses of indleislveness
in matters pertaining to Christianity.
Mr, Wm. Spear gave the solo "He
knows the ways," by Briggs.
Seaforth, Ont.
Nov. 11.12.13
Gene Autry and Adele Mara
Here Is your chance to enjoy Gene
and Champion Jr. In another good
western, Don't Miss 0.
Mon., Tues., Wed Nov. 16.16.17
The Voice of The Turtle
Ronald Reagan and Eleanor Parlcer
This picture brings you everything
that made Its Ieve.making the ..snap-
plost, and Its 5.year stago•run the
happiest that over came roaring off
Next Thurs., Fri., Sat, Nov. 18.19.20
Victor Mature Ooleen Cray
Glenn Langan
• In the winning of the West this
1 FlamIeg saga of vengeance and
heroism was born.
Cary Grant and Loretta Young
Capitol Theatre
Mon., Tues. Nov. 8-9
"Captain From Castile"
in color
Saturday ONLY Nov. 13
Double Feature
"Under the Tonto Rim"
plus "Roses Are Red"
Sat. Mat. 2:00 serial
Saturday eve. at 7:00 P.M.
Friendship Circle
The November me sting of the
Friendship Circle was :i'l'l on 'Wed-
nesday evening at the home of Mrs.
J. Howard. The ®hair was ampler'
by Mrs. K. Tyerman who conducted
the worship service consisting of
hymns, the Lord's Prayer and Scrip-
ture read by Miss Lirelyn Lake.
Following the minutes read by Mrs.
Ryan, the roll cal lwas answered by
suggestions for Christmas gifts. A
nominating commite was appointed.
The Circle accepted the Invitation of
the ladies of the W.M.S. to meet '
with them for their Decentiber tneet-
ing. Mrs. Carl Hemingway gave a
reading in keeping with Remem•
branoe Day. The report of the
Sectional meeting was intorestinElY
Presented by Mrs Wm. Miller. The
topic from the study book was given
by Mrs. H, M. Garniss. A social
half hour brought the .meeting to a
Mon., Tues. Nov. 15-16
"13. F.'s Daughter"
with Barbara Stanwyck
Van Hefflin
OFFER $170.00
Mon. Attend. card night
Wed., Thtwat Nov. 17-18
"You were meant for me"
Starring Jeanne Crain,
Dan Dailey Oscar Levant
A musical treat that
everyone will enjoy.
CKNXnevery Mon. to Fri,
at 6;00 P.M.
s r 7 r + *
5 a .0 • • • • • 1
T. L. McDonald, who spent the past ,
month on a visit to the West Inas
returned home after a enjoyable trip.
e e it
Mrs, Stanley Wheeler of town was
. recent visitor with Gien and Mrs.
Wheeler, London and also friends dot
St. Thomas.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Champion and ,
Mrs. Alex Armstrong are leaving
this week to spend the winter at St.
Petereburgh, Florida.
* * is
Mr .and Mrs. Chester Higgins of ,
Winghsan and Miss Lenora Higgins ,
of London spent the week end with
I Mr. and Mrs, 151(1. Higigns.
• c n
Mr, end Mrs, Gifford Swartman, of
, Sioux. Lookout are netting et the
home of her parents Mr. and '.Vire,
D. C. hoes, Dr. and Mrs. J. 17,
'Ross, London and 1)r. and Mrs, 0. .
1I Rose and daughters. Wingham, were
►-- i also visitors witi: Mr. and Mrs, Rase
. ion SttndaY.
Large Audience Enjayed
Rodeo Circus Here
tit -h Cavelead Rodeo ,nil
nirr 1• nr„Fr t(rl a 1111,1!,1",;,T,,,,,,,,'- r f
t r'r l' ridln, trair.d
11,,rn icicle' whin r,t'1•7n e ,utd is
trained dor sot in the
rrt,1 { r 1,,7ht of 51 1.,1
They appeared her under
"neple s of the Renee*. Li ms rub.
In spite of the wet night a -arse
crowd gathered and t1,n, n"ah'v
nnjnyed the entertaiert'•nt p.•^vi'.ea
to the music of a Hammond Tliertrtr
There was not a •'i,i! •new, nt f••
r!nccn krnt the crr,v1 t " 1
between the main act”
The horses were wen trainrd and
00105 perfnrmnd 'int e'nctr ._w d,e,
the train. d doers. The main. nse4
by the Anton e a favrerrit,-. with
'be Youngsters.
Sinerre tllanke is eTre`ersed fur
kind words and deeds In our bereave-
ment. it was much appreelated.
thanks also to Rev. H. Wilson.
Frank Wonde and Mrs Woods
Church Notes
Melville F.P.S. entertained the
Young People of Belmore Presby
terian Church Tuesday of this week
in the basement of the church. A
social was enjoyed.
The W.M.S. of Me'.ville Church
will hold their annual "But so thank-
ful' tea at the home of Miss Grace
Stewart Friday afternoon of this
week. All the ladies of the congre
gation are invited to attend.
Township Of Grey
Coun:li Meeting,
s t,t*3 .r,-• 01, 10a'
C•n11,1:.11 ,',•14.1,`,1 1,1 k ;,111 Int: pair
rod ire :1nyr I e removing rail farina
and replacing with win' fence.
A By-law will hep . ,nd to inolattt$
Poultry with protection of sheep shag:
Petittnr ref TT. t P3•t'r9w3 alm
others for a Municlp'l Drain +Walt,
accepted and clr'rk t te'ructed ter
notify e'0'rer•r to t.rvt^ire• +s95'#i
r -port rr. described.
Dn Tl -gone, Ct - r
Clerks for 1040 as follows
.1:e: Feb Div.—
'7n. 1 Ty' ,^d McTernan
T.a .. -nee Willis
Nn71°rY. H•tr.ld Reeire
T' --
No. 3 John McDonald
Ila' Honsttrr.
No. 'IA W. 3. Hurnnhrleg
R .7 Bennett
No. 4 Kenneth McLean
Jannsa Bremner
No. „ John Kreuter
Cecil Bateman
No. 6 Jai.lro Cullen
And-ew Bremner
No. 7 Allan Cameron
Gordon Knight
Following accounts were paid r
30 dpi
-md Pc&
Office supplies
Fuel etc.
Lire Stock R:. Poultry
Fox Bounty
Select jurors and report
Next meeting December 4th.
L H. Pear, Clerk
A r
g eyes
Every day hundreds of customers may
in and out of the bank which serves you.
Yet you know nothing about their transactional
they know nothing about yours.
You may be depositing or borrowing. The
amount may be a dollar, or thousands.
That's your business ... nobody else's.
You take for granted this private, personal
relationship between you and your bank.
Ali banks see to it that your transactions...
and those of about 7,000,000 other Canadians
are kept safe from prying eyes.