HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-11-3, Page 6s•' c� 6 •• m 45,2 1 Wed., Novo 3, Thurs. Nov. 4. Friday Nov. 5, Saturday, Nov. 6 The money saving event of ,he year In Drags if its Rexall Its Right. STATIONER DRUGGIST end TELEPHONE No. 62 Rexail IT Drug Store THE BRUSSELS POST fi BRUSSELS. ON7• All Types of Poultry, Farm Livestock and Fur Bearers Now Available in Brussels. MASTER FEEDS ARE BUILT ON THE GRAIN BASE PRINCIPLE. IN THIS COOLER CLIMATE FEEDS BUILT THIS WAY MAINTAIN PRODUCTION LONGER IN YOUR STOCK. Try Red Head Egg Mash and Master Laying Pellets with your Pullets. YOUR MASTER FEEDS DEALER MASTER BALANCE FEEDS ALL C Asses OF POULTRY FARM LIVE STOCK FON REARING ANIMALS A, DOGS M M91MM M A M . C. r a Phone 99-r-4 ns ,�r russets Phone 24 — Brussels, Ont. .•G331.�T.{�iP,14�', °-ki+yR°„PES;E„<PG`a'..�;?k.2r�,�tf:7o,e,aWfE)k'NtCS:'7r0�i.''1�Gh�`iS�.;u:.'E3�.SPC:vwtv.�l presses — Smart styles in better dresses, featuring black for fall and winter. New Shipment of Draperies Cotton Plaids for Shirts and Children's Wear Men's Svits and Overcoats Ladies' Melton Cloth Ski Slacks :Smart Yard Goods and Butterick Patterns, EYES AMINED ca E` Listowel J. A. MONAGHAN, R. Graduate of Ontario College of Office: Wallace St. Hours: PIS Si NO CATCHING NO HOLDING ?. Optometry. 8,30-0.00. • Evenings by Appointment. HOPIASERAIDMIUDZI v—�-WgI.LtI.AM T. SPENeCE Estate Conveyance and Commissioner GENERAL INSUARANCE OFFICE MAIN STREET -- — ETHEL, ONT. 0 TRACTIN kkct 'kkaI, Heath g mud Plumbila p Wholesalers for Acme Pressure Systems (deep or shallow well) Clark Air -Cooled 3 al'. Gas Engines Electric Motors, Grinders and Rollers Electrical AppllaseceS and Fixtures I J Milkers,, Separators, Speedway Water DE LAVAL D ER-- Heaters and Accessories. Full lemur of deep and shallow well Pressure Systems. PHONE 53X BRUSSELS, O i'VIc 'hirter Electric NT. Announcement -- Having bought Mr. Oliver Doll':: Shoe Repair Business I would respectfully solicit your business. 1 am continuing as agent for the Arrnitag-?s Dry Cleaners. A select line of men's work gloves and mitts and Gooderich Rubber Footwear for men and boys is being carried. Henry Dent Brussels, Ont. For Sale al :he Brussels Creamery W. ,Inesdly, 0..tober Who's To Blame For Juvenile Delinquency t Are parents at faul" quents horn or nlad •7 Gould, consulting psyetoinglst. pro. vides up-to-the-minute answers to En.nr r PEOPLE WF KNOW v * r $ m a Mrs. N. Speiran is visiting in Toronto. * * Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cousins were holidaying at Atlantic City, * * 'NT and Mrs. C. Busctften and Karen were week end visitors at 1 Come rn and see the new Stainless Steel Beatty Washer also White Enamel Cream Separator Now is the time to install a Litter Carrier, we have a few of these in stock now. For Sale — Second-hand Washing Machine, in good condition. J. Fischer Massey -Harris Sales and Service Phone 55x Brussels irge ti Having moved to what was formerly known as the Keffer Machine Shop, we take this opportunity of thanking you one and all for your past patronage and hope to serve you in the future from our new location. Dorneoh. * * 1111:, and other psychology problems. Read h'e "MIRROR t)F ri.JR MIND,- in Pictoriaal Review, maga- zine with the all-star ..get, with this Sunday's (November i) i,:.ue of The • Detroit Sunday Times. Mrs, Fred Burchell and Peter of • Perth were calling on old Sriends in town this week. * ,r. * Mr. Smith of Dornoeh is spending a week at the home of his daughter Mrs. Cliff Buschlen. * * Mrs. Wm. McNair ha'i the mis- fortune to fall in the ditch breaking her thumb on Tuesday night. . * •i h Mr. Ward Buchanan and his daugh- t^r ,inye, of Detroit were recent visitors at his home here. * * ,} Mr. ntld Mrs. Earl Somers and Paul and Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNeil and family were week end visitors in Brantford. t * * Mr. and Mrs. Arc,ter tirewar 1 attended a reunion of Woodstock College held at Niagara Palls on Sunday. Mr. Grewar was a former student of Woodstock College. * * Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. Thompson attended the meeting at Seaforth on Monday evening of the O.R.M.T.A. Mr, Thompson gave a paper on Form In Music. * * a Dr. J. Harvey Buchanan of Deloraine, Man., spent a couple of days last weep with his sisters Mrs. R. Strachan and Miss Flo Buchanan. * * * Mrs. M. Davidson who is visiting at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Lorne MnCauIey, St. Marys, received a pleasant surprise on Monday, the occasion of her SGth birthday when a large number of new acquaintances called on her to wish her a happy birthday. After an enjoyable after- noon a delightful lunch was served by the hostess. * a. -' Dr. Harvey 73uchanan, Deloraine was a visitor during tha past week with his sister Mrs. R. Strachan and Miss Florence Buchanan and also Ward Caldbeck, a former resident of the 2nd line of Morris, enjoyed seeing a few friends, he is in Bos- vain locality and also visited his brother Cleo. Calbeck up north and his sister and brother-in-law, Joe and Mrs. Bowman, Toronto, he also went to Bluevale to visit old friends, Fiera and Mac Black, Dr. Buchanan and Mr. Calbeck met friends in London and motored back to their homes in the West. C. & Ga Kra alto° Co. Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmitla.lrtg Phone 47x Brussels An nc®::t oto, Having secured the dealership for The Austin Cars and Trucks a cordial invitation is extended to the public to call and see them. You have to ride in one to appreciate their many fine qualities. ONE NOW ON DISPLAY MORE PROCURABLE AT ONCE r Mc a l's Shell Service Phone 77-r-6 Brussels, Ont. amerammonavn USED PIANOS 12 refinished like new, reconditioned, with new bench. Delivered to your home or school. New Pianos New Willis Sherlock -Manning Mason & Risch $490, $535 etc. at Schuett & Sons ' urnitur . Store Mildmay, Ont, '�� P CS PR CE POULTRY — EGGS — FEED e Ea.ch Phone 80 o eLce,s Locker insured Against Fire. Brussels, Ont. Winter Underwear For The Whole Family 'Women's Vests and Bloomers, medium and large — 98c per garnaeut ron'ies's Fleece Lined Blccmerl Sizes 38 to 44 — 89c Children's Blue Fleece Lined Bloomers Sizes 22 to 30. Girls Winter Vests and Bloomers in brush cotton, sizes 4 to 12 years. • Children's Mason Knit Combination Sizes 22 to 34. Boys' Penman's Fleece Lined Combinations Sizes 24 to 32. Boys' Penrlan'=, Merino Combinations Sizes 24 to 34. Boys' Penman's 95 Combinations Sizes 24 to 32. Boys' Penman's Preferred, in all sizes. Men's Blue and Redtabel Stanfield's Shirts and Drawers, Sizes 34 to 44. -- Men's Startfield's Blue and Red Label Combinations, sizes 30 to 46. Men's Penman's: 95 in Shirts and Drawers All Sizes. Men's Penman's 95 Combinations Sizes 34 to 44. Men's 71, Merino Shirts and Drawers Sizes 34 to 50. Men's .;Penman's 71 Combination Sizes 34 to 44. Men's Penman's Heavy Wool Ribbed Combinations, sizes 38 to 44 Special $4.95 a garment. THE ARCADE STORE Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family Phone 61 — Brussels, Ont.