HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-11-3, Page 3THE BRUSSELS POST 11 you have egg•]aying machines built ter heavy egg capacity and a properly managed egg -laying plant— Vita -lay will produce top profits. It will not work miracles ... Ara•-c{ay is "first choice" for poultrymen who know that good birds (breeding), properly handled (manage- ment), fed a proven feed (Vita -lay), will always bring results (egg profits). ROE FARMS MILLING CO. • ATWOOD, ONT, 0,a that egg production vanes in direct proportion to body weight of your birds. Feed poultry by weight NOT Measure, Mark your feeding buckets with painted lines in- side the container to show owelght levels of mash and grain. BUSINESS CARDS Cr A. Myers, M.D., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON William St. Phone 4- Brussels, Ont. Walker Funeral Home Day or Night Calls Phone 65 No extra charge for Use of Funeral Home. B. G. Walker Licensed ed Funeral Director & Embalmer. J. F. Harper, B. A., M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 , 9 p. m. Also 1 1 - 12 s. rt., when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p. m. Sunday - Emergency and by appointments only. R. S, ! etheringtton, K. C. WINGHAM and BRUSSELS AT BRUSSF.t.S Tuesday and Saturday all day-'Offict open every day. Phone 20x Successor to E. D. Bell Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co. Phone Office 96 — Brussels, Ont. • • Harold Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES For information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson PHONE 1S -r-661 — SEAFORTH, ONT. Make arrangements at THE Brussels Post or R. S, Hetheringto, K. C. Barrister Office, Brussels. D, A. Rann & Co. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or 55 -- — BRUSSELS, ONT, Lewis Rowland (Licensed For Huron County) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED -- PRICES REASONABLE For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post" toad OM w® be looked after Immediately For iniorneation etc., who or phone Lew. Rowland Or write to ft. R. 3 Walton. FOR SALE - 11 Verb pigs, readyao•wean, (toy Bennett Phone 82.r-.. • FOR SALE -- Vacant lot. tlr.:. L. Parr Phone Ox LOST— _:1 lu•indle steer abort 7110 lbs, from con. 5, Morris Twp, Pinder please "lne Molesworth LOST—. 111b cap last between Seaferth and Ilru,,•h for Ford V.8, year 1937 Finder leave at 'rho Post. FOR SALE— .\ number of large Toulouse geese. Suitable for breeders. Ken. Tyerntan Phone 21.i'-•7 FOR SALE - 100 ITybred pullets, 31,i; months oid $1.25 each, Phone 43x Prank Mitchell, Mill St., Brussels _ FOR SALE - 000 White Leghorn ?uliets, 6 months old, laying. Duncan McDonald, R. R. 1 Ethel. Phone 40-r-9. NOTICE— Will the owners of car license No. 1103z3 and trailer Leeose 06016-1' or 550954' please call at The Post and -get same. FOR SALE- 1trancl new Maytag Oas Washer enamel tub. equipped with the' famous Maytag Multi -Motor. Box Furniture Store Phone 48 Seaforth STRAYED— From lots 6 and 7, con, 14. Me- Ktllnp, 2 cattle marked on lower half of right ear. Any information gladly received. Phone 43-r-25 Gordon Knight FOR SALE— Hygienic Supplies (Rubber Goods) mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price lint. Six samples 25s, 24 samples, $1.00. Mall Order Dept. M-33 Nov -Rubber Co Box 91, Hamilton, Ont, FOR SALE— `! Electric motors rewound and rs ,teed. Expert workmanship, Moder, ate prices. New motors in stock. ,.. Bettger industries, 849 Ontario, Street, Stratford, Ont. FOR SALE — Blower, Motor and Thermostat for furnace. Child's sleigh fitted with shafts, and dog harness for it. Harness suit- able for a Dane or other large breed. Wardrobe trunk. Mrs. Wm. Porter Phone 38x -r-3.' FOR SALE— I have listed 4 hooses in the Village of Brussels. These are good buys and immediate noasesston can be given, 100 -acre farm, real good buildings, good farm, hydro, imemdiate posses- sion. 100 -sere farm, real good buildings, good location, hydro. This is a real good farm. Immediate poseession, 75 -acre farm, 1, mile from High- way, price $3200,00. PT'hono 84 J. C, Long, Real Estate Broker Bruseels, Ont. BE YOUR OWN BOSS!-. Distribute our 250 Products: Toilet Articles, Medicines, Extracts, Spices, Floor Wax, Insecticides, Farm Products, splendid asortment of Gift Boxes. Our. dealers make substantial profits. A customer in each honmei For Catalogue. and de- tails, write to FAMIEK: 1600 Deloraimier street, Montreal, P.Q. saw SURGE MILKERS DAIRY MAID Hot Water Heaters J. B. Higgins, Seaforth EWA* Dealer -- Phone 18$ Seaforth GEORGE POLLARD REPREBNTATIO, — SRUSS*Lt3. Christmas Mailings \Pith Ghostacts i.';; tli:tu two months away t}o' Cana !a Post Office nrgrl+ tine piddle vert to r1-- lay 101411 u,' of i.°llrl�i and panels 1 . '91, l.'nitu4 Kingdorn and lenrope Tls line 1.41.4 hav_ been ; t as follows: Nov. 8 --Tot• Continent, ,:4!ers and Parcels. Nov, 15 ---United Ktngd re, •,arceh:. Nov. 29 --United Kingdom.:ettere. A returu address should apin•ur un letters' and part els, wislea,bng abbreviations should be avoided in nrder to expedite delivt ry, Customs declaration fcmuru may be obtained at the post ofliee witb.,nt charge. MUNICIPAL NOTICE I hereby give notice that the Nom- ination of a Reeve, Deputy Reeve, Three Councillors and Three School Trustees to serve the Township of Grey during the year 1949. Will be held at the TOWNSHIP HALL, ETHEL at 1:00 P.M. to 2:00 P.M. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1948 1f demanded a Poll will be opened at , the foliowiny places on MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1948 Polling Sub -Division No, 1 At School House 8.5, No. 4 Polling Sub -Division No, 2 At Scheoi House S.S. No. 1 Polling Sub -Division No, 3 At School House S.S. No, 2 Polling Sub -Division No, 3A At A.O.U,W, Hall, Walton Polling Sub -Division No. 4 At Community Hell, Moncrieff Porting Sub -Division No, 5 At Township Office, Ethel Polling Sub -Division No, 6 At Community Hall, Cranbrook Polling Sub -Division No. 7 At School House S.S. No. 5 POLLS TO BE OPENED FROM 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M. J. H. FEAR, Returning Officer. MUNICIPAL NOTICE 1 hereby give notice that the Nom- ination of a Reeve, Four Councillors, and Two Scheel Trustees to serve the Township of Morris during the year 1949. will be held at the TOWNSHP HALL, MORRIS At 12:30 P.M. to 1:30 P.M. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, 1948 If demanded a Poll will be opened at the following places on MONDAY, DECEIvIDER 6th, 1948 Polling Sub- Division No, 1 D. R. 0. Miller Riclunonl Poll Clerk, Tack Nesbitt Polling Sub -Division No, 2 D.R.O. Jos. Bewley Poll Clerk, Frani. R^Il Polling Sub -Division No. 8 ,,,, D.R.O. George Michie Poll Clerk, Harry Goll Polling SuU'Division No, 4 L.R.O. Cheste" Rintonl Poll Clerk, Clarence Tull) Poling Sub-Diveiton No. 5 D.R.O. Wm, Elston Poll Clerk, Rosa Smith Polling Sub -Division No, 6 D.R.O. ,Tames nnborteon Poll Clerk, Ross Purvey 00115 be opened t^.•, 9A.M.t,"5 P.M. GEORGE MARTIN, Rat:crnIrg Officer MORTGAGE SALE on • WEDNESDAY, 17th NOVEMBER, 1948 at 1:80 P.M. at Lot 16, Concession 9, Morris Twp. Tinder and by virtue of the powers of Sail contained in a certain Mort- gage, which will be produced at the time of Sale, there will he offered for Sale by Public Auction subject to n reserve bid and other conditions. of sale, North haat of Lot Number 16, in the 9th Ooneession. of •Ile Township of Morris in the County of Huron, Upon the said lands there is said to be erected Farm buildings in a good 'state of repair, and there is said to he on the said lands a plentiful water supply. For further particulars and con- ditions of sale aftply to the under. signed. Dated this nth day of October, 1948. 16, W. Dlllott, F. 1I'INGLAND, Attetioneer Soltolteo for the Mortgagee. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Farm Stook and Impien'u:nt, Lot NI/2 16, Con. 4, Morris Twp. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12th. 194:, At 1 O'clock 30 liead of rholra f:e der:, to 800 lbs. 16 steers 16 heifers 25 tante of hay 1 rubber tired wagon 1 cutter 1 lni..rgy 1 hay rake 140 feet of hay fork 1ep' 1 fore,' pump, 14 inch rvlinder f Fleury walking plow A quantity of lumber 7 stable doors sections of shingled roof 12 x 1 kitchen stove A number of chairs t. -ton truck And other articles ton numerous to mention. TERMS CASH No, Reserve as the farm Is sold. EDWARD ELLIOTT, Auctioneer W. R. LITTLE, Prop. 111,k I 12ft. I AUCTION SALE Farm. Stuck, Implements, Woos:, i Grain, Some Household Effects, 47 Head of Cattle Lot 16, Con. 3 Morris Twp. (Centre Road) WEDNESDAY, NOV. 10th at 1 o.olock 8 cows, all in calf, some milking 8 steers around 1000 lbs. 2 heifers around 1000 lbs, (These ten head will be sold by the pound,) 14 head coning two year old 12 stead spring calves 1 bull 12 young pigs 600 bushels mixed grain 20 cord dry wood Quantity cedar rails 100 cedar fence posts 2 set of sleighs 2 cutters, also 4 set mitre: shafts 2 set heavy harness 1 truck tarpaulin new 1 gasoline engine 4 horse (new engine guaranteed) 1 set rubber tires for wagon 1 manure spreader, repairs only 2 gasoline lanterns One small heating stove 1 set scales (2o00 Ib,' 1 Ford ear A model 1929 Some Household goods and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH Everything listed here will be sold. Free coffee and sandwiches. JACK THYNNE, PROP. MATT GAYNOR, AUCTIONEER. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Property, Cars & Household Effects Albert Street, Brussels, m SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6th Sale commences at 1 P.M. Sharp 1948 Westinghouse Refrigerator (new). 3 -piece Chesterfield suite 2 -piece Chesterfield suite 0 -piece bedroom suite 5 -piece breakfast suite Simmon's bed and vanity dresser and bench Studio couch and two chairs Studio conch Piano a.nd bench 2 writing ,decks . . 7 -niece dining room suits in oak 2 Ouebec hestors (like new) Lawn mower (gond as new) Nnnteroue variety of rugs and lin- oleum- Sten ladder TM -light lam» Other articles ton numerous to 'Mention Cars 2-1547 Chevrolets (in first rtaae condition) 1929 )Ford rnsrh (in gond shape) TERMS CASH PROPERTY—House and Lot 6 on Albert Street, Brussels. The house Is a two-storey Insul-brick with a quarter acro of land more or less. TERMS --100f. of purohese price, balance within thirty days, re. serve bid. ,LACK LOWRY, Prop. ROST, PATRICK, Clerk LEW. ROWLAND, Auctioneer F. t ,' -tn /it'll P? rftlfPre Opttvprnpfrh.Rf "Western Ontrt#n'e Mnat Modern Eye Sigie ,t 'lone 118, ,r arriatou 071749..E THE ABLE "SEAMAN" This man is the back. bone of the Navy. A fully (rained seaman, highly competent through brood know- ledge and exper- ience, he is equally at home on the deck of a warship at sea and on the streets of the foreign lands to which his duty takes him. Wherever he goes he wins respect for Canada. He has a satisfying job and does it well. He is not called "Able" seaman without reason, You'll have a busy, active, adventurous life. You'll have a healthy life and a satisfying one. You'll visit foreign places and have your chance to see the world. You'll have the opportunity to learn a trade . . acquire a wide variety of knowledge. You'll be given every training and educa- tional aid to help you climb the Navy's ladder of advancement. You'll be encour- aged and helped to advance with the Navy. Naval regulations permit 30 days leave 8 year with pay. Pay scales have recently been increased ... and you can qualify for a generous life long pension at the end of your service, while you are still young enough to enioy it. Get the facts today from the Naval Recruiting Officer, Royal Canadian Navy, Ottawa, or from your nearest Naval Division. 40W ArdefICIV Itis name may be George Wilson, Patrick &Reilly es Ratio Legank. Pte may be a farmer, a lawyer, a carpenter, a real estate agent, a banker, teacher or one of our own employees. His wife or mother might be a aiisaobeldr.r. Ito and about 5,000 other Canadians from all walks of life ss•e the owlets of Dominion Textile Company Limited, Last year, =tog that, they did $57,838,394 worth of business. That•was the 66 estg 'a total biome for the year. -,at's. simplify It and say each Average Shareholder did $11,547.68 Worth of business. That was the money he took in. Now let's look at w4at be spent to get that money. Here it le, roughly calculated, for tho average shareholder, Raw materials (principally raw canon) 85,730.85 Starches, chemicals, dyes, peeking cases,' other supplies and operating expenses such as re- pairs, fuel, power, light pensions, inaurmleo and other ouch hems 82,184.68 Amount ma to employees, , .......... 32,628.16 'Taxes .... i 457.01 )limtey rodnveatod to treats the bus3nces�to a stable oon8ition $ 178,05 Not profit received by Mr, Average Shanhotder (on whiea he pass pommel nctca too) $ ass:�16 DOMiNION TEETU.E COMPANY LIMIVID