HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-11-3, Page 1POS .F PUBLISHING HOUSE
is Tednr:.sday; November 3rd, 1f348
4 1 Soup
..of Heinz Crea 1, of f Tomato Soup
With purchase of any Varities
Tins of any
other Soup V arities !
Phone 5
We Deliver
-- Brussels
The United Church
The Annual Fall Thank offering
service of the Woman's Missionary
Society was held on Sunday morning
in the United Church. Miss Edith
Sperling who was for thirty-seven
years a Misisonary in China was the
guest 'speaker. Miss Sperling gave
a panoramic view of conditions in
China and emphasised the urgent
need for more money and more
workers for the missionary enter-
prise. Mr. Gibson Wiidis sang "The
Stranger of Galilee" in excellent
FThe evening service was with-
drawn that all might loin in the
Anniversary Celebration at Melville
Presbyterian Church.
in Library
Saturday, November' 6
at 2 P.M.
under auspices -of
Melville Church Young
Women's Guild
Everybody Welcome.
Blessedare the Peacemakers
for they shall be called the
children of God.
Melville Church
Mlnlster Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A.
10 a. m. Sunday School Ind
Bible Class.
11 a. m. "Decision for Christ."
? p. m. "You have a brother."
Louie D. Thompson, Organist
and Ohordbnaster.
The nited Church
11 a. in. Morning Worship
The Brussels Branch of the
Canadian Legion
will be present,
Sermon Subject --
"Another Chance."
12 Ohttrch School and
Bible Class.
7 p. m, Evening Praise
"Jacob and the Ladder."
Come to the House of Prayer,
Church of England
Parish of'0ruseels
Rev. J. M. Kerr. Brussels.
24th Sunday After Trinity.
Nov. 7th, 1.948.
St. David's Church, Henfryn—
9.80 a. m. Sunday Sehool
10.80 a. m. Holy Communion
St. Johns Church Brussels--
1 p. m. Sunday School
2 p, m. Bolo' Communion
St. George's Church Walton -
4.10 p. m. Holy Communion
Sunday School
Lions Hallowe'en Party
The Brusesls Lions Club enter-
tained the children. of the commun-
ity, at a Hallowe'en party in the
Town Hall on Saturday night.
Lion Tas. Armstrong presided, in
his usual genial manner.'
A large crowd attended in cos-
tume and the judges, Mrs. Ross
Cardiff, Mrs. Merlyn Pipe and Mrs.
'Chester Rintnul, found it a diffienit
matter to pick winning costumes
from many fins one,e displayed in
eerh class.
Jno. Wilson and Ken. Wood con-
teibuted piano Mete to the evening's
F ntertainm en`.
Treats of candies Ind ampler were
distribute) to all Pie youngster;
Prize winners wer:
National Costume ---Helen Mc-
Whirter. Helen Wtlyon.
Clowns ep to 7 ye:,:; --Peal Kirby.
Elizabeth Stevenson.
Clowns over 7 years—Bob Mc-
Ctitaheon, Wm. Clark.
• Comic costume 7 and under—Garry
Wilson, Brent Davidson.
C•un''c eoshnne 7 awl neer--Petcr
Arent.,g say, Raynme Tucker.
Coe,de costume over 11 ---Sheila, Herman Whitfield, on the home-
le,rfet. Jim Pere' stead; Edgar Whitfield, con, 12,
Variety oostums--Gloria Clark, Eima; Nelson and Lawson Whit -
Patsy Bryans. geld, Parry Soong. One daughter
and two sons, predeceased him He
Miss Ella Woods
Thr• fcnv•rut of Miss Elia Woods,
a resident or Brussels for forty years
was held Wednesday, Oct. 27th. A
Private service was conducted by
Rev, H. Wilson of the United
I Chords, at the Mann Funeral parlour:
Interment was made in 13rttsee1a
Pallbearers were W. E. Willis,
L. W. Peltmier, R. J. McLanchlin
and J. C. Backer.
The late Mise Wood died in Wing -
I ham hospital on Monde/ morning,
I005. 25th. She had been removed
by ambulance to the hospital on
Sunday,, She was found by Thos,
Ryan, In her home on Sunday, with
a broken hip suffered in a fall.
The deceased was a daughter of
the late Henry Woods and Anne
Scott of Croy Township where she
lived prior to coining. 'r Brussels
forty seem ago.
She is snrviesel by mn
Frank Won(Is of London,
George Whitfield
ATWOOD, Nov, Z—The death oc-
curred in Scott Memorial Hospital,
Sraforth, on Tbues•lay evening of
George Whitfield, con, 14, Grey -
township, in his 88th year. follow.
ing a few days' alines. Only 3
weeks ago. Mr. Whitfield returned
from a six -weeks trip to the west,
during which he had visited his
sister at Neepawa. Man., and his
Sols at .Parry Snen9. Mr. Whitfield
was horn near Bowsnaiviile on Oct.
17. 1361, a son of the late ?Tr, and
Mrs. Thomas Whitfield. When nine
ye are of age be nt sved with his par-
ent to con, 12, Grey township, to
the farm now ownel by Russell
Dilsworth, On Feb. 21, 1304. he was
married to Mary Fischer. and fol-
lowing their marriage they farmed
on con. 14, Grey, where they resided
until his death. He is survived by
his wife and five sons. Lawr-
ence Whitfield, D, 0„ Qneenston;
Hallowe'en :oatumc—Joan Thom-
as, Joyce Thomas, Garr,' Wilson.
Moving pictures were shown by
Laurie Cousins.
A Bazaar will be held in Eben-
ezer Unitel Church on Thursday,
November 18 at 2:30 P.M. A
25c tea will be served. ...
In Brussels Town Hall
Thursday. Nov. 4th
Music b`v Don. Robertson
and His Ranch Boys
Dancing from 10 to 1.
Lunch Booth ' Admission 50c
Under auspices of L.O.L. 774
Seaforth, Ont.
NOW PLAYING In Technicolor
Thurs., Fri., Sat. Nov. 4-5.6
Edgar Bergen and Dinah Shl,re
Its a party at 1311^j1is wive Charlie
McCarthy, Mortimer, ,Timmy Cricket,
Mickey Mouse, Dsnald Duck at his
best and Goofy They also ask you
to come to their party and enjoy the
also leaves nine grandchildren find
one great grandchild; and cue sis-
ter, Mrs, John (iNartha) Patterson,
Neepawa, Men„ the :asst surviving
member of a family of 11. He was
a member of Union' United Churrh,
The funeral service was held on
Sunday at his late restdenre, 'Con-
ducted by Rev, Harold Snell, Sea
fortis. assisted by Rev. .Mr. Hazel-
wood, Walton. Pallbearers were six
nephews: Wilfred Whitfield, Eric
Whitfield, Lewis Whitfield, Albert
Whitfield, Jim Brandon, and Mil-
ford Robinson. The flowers were
many and beautiful. Burial was in
Dina Centre cemetery '
Mon„ Tues., Wed, Nov, 8.9.10
Glenn Ford Evelyn Keyes',
Jimmy Hunt
For top-notch entertainment which
- delivers much laughter end just the
right bits of pathos be sure to see
this one,
Nev. 11.12-13
Gene Autry and Adele Mara
Here Is your chance to enjoy Gene
and Champion Jr. In another good
Western, Don't Miss t.
Tlie Voice of The Turtle
Eleanor Parker Ronald Reagan
Capitol Theatre[y
Wed. Thur. Nov. 3-4
"Gentleman's Agreement"
Fri., Sat. Nov. 5-6
Roy Rogers in
"The 011 Spanish Trail"
n color
Sat. Mat. 2:30 ' Set.'tetl shorts
Mon., Tues. Nov, 8-9
"Cabash" starring
Yvonne de Carlo Tony Martin
OFFER $160.00
Mon. Attend. card night
Wed., Thur,, Fri.
Nov. 10. 11, 12
"Captain From Castile"
in color with
Tyronne Power • Jane Peters
CKNX-every Mon, to Fri.
at 6;00 P.M.
Shoe Repair
Business Sold
Mr, henry Dent has tsnwtha-1"1 [ho
Tahoe repair business of 0. Doll 11,.
Dent conies here from !Tnderwoerl
whole he conducted a shoo ane
Mimosa repair shop and was also
postmaster for a number of years
Mr. Doll was in business herr for
the past five years. Ile parch:; o d
the shoe repair bseeineas of the late
N. Chapman. Mr, Dell will remain
with Mr. Dent for a month, H^ in-
tends, at the first of next year to
travel for a shoe repair concern.
Mr, and Mrs. Dent hare taken
apartment in the Queer.; 'Third.
Their son Alan is teanitive Kele ,
near Chesley.
B.C.S. Highlights Church
1 Thr, fifth sn'etlng 1 r;,', 1Anniversary Serviee3
'public speaking club r (-rd.1>' 1otsnr'1
by miss Medd was held 5,, id
'morning, Oet. 29 0rile ere l I
part were: chairman, fan 1Tntba ,n.
I se e., Esther Ra'tuond; ('rirte. 1 11L:,n
Lake. Four outstanding at: POWs
e were given, the first being the st.,re
i of :t Snow Goose by Flora Turnbull.
'ixt Geraldine Stretten eek,• es
the "T,nely of the Lama" better
known as Florence Ni ;htin,r,;rle
accompanied by several interest in
pictures of her work. ;Following this
was a report by Rosa-hToCi'l of shy
C,N,T. interests and aetivitie, 1945
Ken Wend. the last see akcr of the
day talked on Stamp Collecting, with
interesting angles about the hobby.
lie showed the student) a•numhei of
stamp= of the 'British i cup:a o, mount• j
d and framed.
Sincere thanks !s expre,sed to
neighbours and friond; for fh(•!r
many kind epressiona of sympathy •
at the time of one bereavement.
Thanks also to Rev, 11. Snell and
Rev. G. Hazelwood.
Mrs. Geo. Whitfield and Family
Auction Sale of Farm Stock Mid
Inmplenrents on Friday, Nov. nth at i
Lot 12. Con. 3, Grey. Stanley Bray,
Brussels Legion
u a
ce ` ° er vkke
vmbr 7th
Members of the Brussels Branch of the
Canadian Legions are ashed to meet at the
Legion rooms at 10.30 a. m. on Sunday,
November 7th, to attend Divine Seo -vice at
Brussels United Church.
Cenotaph Service
Service at (he Centotaph will follow the
church service.
The next meeting of the Huron County
Council will be held in the Council Chamber
Court House, Goderich co*nmencin Tues-
day, November 16th, at 2.00 p, m.
All accounts, notices of deputations and
other business requiring the attention of
Council should he in the hands of the County
Cleric not later than Saturday, Nov, 13th.
N. W Miller, Conuty Cleric,
Ooderich, Ontario,
Western and South American
AZABOCHE — That I' amous South American Fighting
Horse. He fights, he dances, and he jumps'
over an automobile I
Ten perfectly trained dogs In their act beautiful.
Trick roping and trick riding.
Clowns and Mules,
This is the biggest allow of its kind to ever show In Ontario.
.g®q gp�
r "7adfs s e R h t7 t n
iday, N5th
I t Alex Menne St.ulu ..
1_h:rel, tot__ y 1 t t o .u•h, • 'at
day. At the murntt +3''110'0Ise :
'.'r. ?':umbo ,n: .,1u.r1 n the ,sbjrect
"The P-jr 4i ,n.•' .,ad nit;11 i •
ea mans inadequaee, no 'u a'ee. how
=killed. to 0111311 his ,+.lutt,•ri tavlr
!rithout the help of (.feel. Choir
included ihr anrh•-au '•1 trill
lift up utile eyes unto fir• ilii '�1,y
('lark -Whitfield, in v:hi••)r 11 nowt
Part was taken by 3114e .Mar::,r4 t
Cardiff and '111>-: 1Tc',v Lou 1i'-
Farlane, 3fr. fele, Rchull:a s. :,k
'hp "all, part. ''41. ^curl • 414 I,. nl
y::: "Pr .,y, tit` 1, ,,1, (1 .b...a'::,5s,,'
by 15,, .d,•r 111,v5Tolt Mica '.T•,rr
Lon 1TrPnrl,tu was t.t -'141,5. At
the evening se -vice 1. t. ?.Tr
preached on t1:•. . -et •'a'Ir.-' 'bink
}e'" .;,7141 lnrn•''•'i:',r,r', ti ., 11 t,t",ty+:
all motto, "T:t wk, Foto na,^etc an
Anthems were "Toe Lord is my
she,ph, rd' by 31cF,srri.n, as 1 "Hast
Thro not kno,r.s' by Pflenger. Tn
the latter anthe•.n Mr. Wm. Kin•- x,• -,a
tetlnr .soloist, and aTr t1'Io spear
bass ,rdist. .1 male guar's. com-
pr!gin e 1Tesr;•y, J. Gibson. Wm. $peir,
Win, King, and John Schmitz. son-
tr hated "Rentifnl Garden r,f Prayer"
by Philmore. Prior to 5!, everting
an'yice Mr. Louis Thompson gave
recital of organ music whir.); ng.
eluded "The Pilgrim's Chorus" from
Wagners (Mora Tannlhl is -r: "131511
nal Sonata" by 1(almaa. "Fanfare'
by T,enlmens.
Rescue Brussels Man
Trapped In Trench
Timber!' Farrow 11.111. escaped
serious injury Wednesday after-
noon while rntaatr' 5 in excavation
work nn th4 prentis•°s nT Dr, 1'. Jivers.
whom a 35a-emfo't rr.,,rrh, in will da
Farrow was wa'•king, euddarly caved
A fellow '.ora c •r. .inhsl Keens.
scraped the earth !rem amend Far.
BRUSSELS, ON' 'A , .w :4
Mai. ;laud Presbyterial
Sectional Meeting
hoot f i ,;r,l 11 t the
E:,:,te n •1, a.intt wsa h 11 a knees
('}„bell, 1 r• t;at;'r, Thursday, Oo't,
21st. Mrs. W. S. Sutherland of
1t'h1 rhulah Pr. _1313•1 'Uri. .iuh:v•ton
Conn of Whitechurch read the &TIP-
• • • f71. '.A:!nn. MT,q,2
11, ih r Lot n ';*.'i-,1 tic•cb 'oin '
rn 1Ter. elle Welter Railagh of
T„sweter tvrdeotned 51» visitors.
1VIrs. Robert Mowbray cf Winclsam
marl 0, um3111t,- and MI's. Bell of
Kincardine eevr the ttraehrere .
report. The Rol? (`ail wee answered
h It,'lar..1 •d f'•ntn +ha .1,nxlliar-
tee. Mrs. P.°11 ::,v,, !If report. of
Council. Mrs. Hewror King of
Teeswates rendered a solo. Mrs.
Mowbray tv, tho nr the
S Yet 4'41'4'411 as,-- ins re 1,',,Io:n ?Vet's.
r, 1or Mtge ,le and Mrs.
Fars=tt 7.1E:iy'at of Lana;ei,h: led in
Prayer. Mrs. r,nthrie Reid, Presby-
terial President lief-01,ewl rhe
speaker, Mr,. T)o',:•a14 R. Sincb,ir of
Exeter. Young Women's Traveliing
Se(•i'rtary. Shp told If the ;rl:<.sion
work in Cauo,la. Of the work among
the Chine send the Kenora Indian
school. She stressed the import,
anee of bringing young women into
the W.M.S. work and also the work
of the summer sumps.
Mrs. Outhri, Reid gave the offer-
ing prayer. Mrs. Fortune of Wing -
ham closed the meeting with prayer.
Airs. Jolla 'Howard wl',h, 3, fa iha',k
her many n^T ' of 'Ethel r:nrl Mon-
crteff re'. 5544 'i earr1 an$ treaty.
dcrin'n h°" reef illness. It was
uhnc•h appraclated,
a W.4, ,,,. g::. c•• 5:., I him from
:nc smotia' c'l. Evans 'hen rush-
ed for help to a nearb-hy garaffe
awl with 51, assistance of George
McCuteheon an l Jack Trite, the
1 :01,11 c1c.0 ".'- freed at the end
of two hours.
CANAi:►A BON 31/4%
due November 15, 1951
have been called For payment
November 15, 1948
These bonds should be presented for re-
demption with all coupons of later date
attached. No further interest will be paid
on these bonds after this date,
at8.15p.m. I
ADMISSION 75c CHILDREN (under 12) 35c I!
latices like thele .,.
2tuti ty is gout East All
Bridals Wreath curies the only 4 -poles
guarantee of perfect color, cut, brilliance,
awl flawless quality. See these typical veined
"The Stolen for 1Tiestutifult Gifts"
Awake Brussels, Ont