HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-10-27, Page 7Young l; ::lir-Goer Relaxes at Mitchell
Photo by Ful -O -Pep Photographer
Young legs tire quickly at a Fall Fair. Your Ful -O -Pep photographer found year -and -a -half
old Kenneth Annis, Michell RR 3, taking adv antage of tate resting 'qualities of a first prize
pumpkin at the Mitchell Fall Fair.
Photo by Ful -O -Pep Photograpner
Photo by Ful -O -Pep Phot
"Elsie" the unto -operative "Co -
Op" cow provided the capacity
grandstand crowd at Mitchell
with ample amusement. Atop
the float with "Elsie" is Ken
?1i11cr, manager of the 14itobeli
"Co -Op"
A Close Match at New Ram -
burg is shown left, as jack
JJ;ntrerman brings his entry
into the home ,stretch.
RedPe_'-ltiftli i1..9"g1 3t tit -
Photo by Ful -O -Pep Photographer
The Main Building at the Mitchell Fall Fairgrounds has undergone some very extensive re-
novations since last year. This year the building and exhibits ranked next to the Western
Fair in quality and appointments. The picture shows part of the flower display in the centre
of the building that claimed a great deal of interest from the record Fair crowds this year.
Wins Saddle Class at Glencoe
Photo by Ful -O -Pep Photographer
Barbara Hauser of West Lorne astride her winning entry in
the Saddle Horse Class at the Glencoe lair. As in years past,
Glencoe had a fine showing of horses this Fall.
ob Lisle, Campbellford, Boys' Swine
Photo by Ful -O -Pep Pr;.tographer
The Campbellford Boys Swine Club attracted a good number
of entries and interest oil the part of the Fairgoers this year.
The winner Bob Lisle. havelock RR #, is shown above with
his Six month Yorkshi; ; being judged winners by Mr, Ralph
Banbury, Agricultural Relresentative at Brighton. and Mr.
'air Time
By the Ful-O.Pep Reporter
In reply to nu. ,leo ous requests we
would like to repe.,t here that the
pictures shown on.these pages may
be obtained froth the Ful -O -Pep
photographer. ldis address is 123
Eighteenth Ftrert. New Toronto,
Ontario. a''
th,re has Leet: a good deal of
int, rest shown in these pages and a
number of questions have been ask-
ed, some of which' we would like
to answer here. T he favourite ques-
tion seems to be this, "You took our
picture at the fair. Why was it nos
shown in the paper r"
The answer to this is that there
have been a good number of pictur-
es taken which could not be used
because of the lack of space on the
page. We have tried to select the
pictures which would be of interest
to the greatest number of people,
and we have had to leave out some
f you know ,rur picture was tak-
en and you have not seen it here
then you can still get a print of it by
writing In to the Ful -O -Pep Photo-
grapher at the above address. Tell
him what fair it was and describe
to him what you look like and other
details of the picture. He will glad-
ly reply to your letter.
Future Ful -O -Pep Champion
Photo by Ful -O -Pep Photographer
Ronald Crawford, Glencoe, is shown with his young bull that
won the Glencoe and Melbourne Calf Club Showmanship. This
fine young animal is another Ful -O -Pep -fed champion -to -be.
Photo by 1411 -O -Pep Photographer
The Normandale Trophy is destined to spend its first year over
the fireplace of W. S. Brooks, Paris. Mr. Brooks swept the field
in the new Western Fair Guernsey show aided by his son, R.
Brooks and nephew Lloyd Brooks who are seen holding the
many rosettes captured by the Brooks herd of Guernseys.
Photo by Ful-O,Pep Photographer
"Glen Alpine Mitzie" Grand Champion Female of the New
Hamburg Red and White Class proudly poses with her mistress
Dorothy Knapp, New Hamburg Fall Fair excelled in all cattle
classes this year.