HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-10-27, Page 1PUS f PUBLISHING HOUSE S1 „ (1' Vikcineseitay, October 27th, 10/13 2 lb. Box Viau Salted Sodas . . . . 39c 1 lb. Chocolate Marshmallow Cookies 45c 1 lb. Tin Lyons Coffee 65c 1 lb. Custom Sliced Bacon . 65c 'REWAR'S G OCETER1A We Deliver Phone 5 BRUSSELS, ONTA AA,* Obituary Glen And Stanley Bray Lotal Residetritt. Win Awards Softkall Team Twp. Sc -11 At Internatimal Plowing Match Entertains At Banquet :Au ht.A10-1,tard The coninomil y was chocked nue, •i1 I1LU Tee , preeent at a ineetine 14 4l1 eededd e ddened to learti of the pa,sing dalex rearson has sole the ; l'"• Charles A. Lamont Buy Businmts At Ethel away of Cline. A. Lamont In \Me- llen] Ilospit al on Sunday, October !l7th. The late Mr. Lamont, while not .njoying rugged health for eome years had been going about as usual 1111111 a few days befere his death. He was the youngest son of the late Arehibald and Mrs. Lemont, 7th r G tam. orey and his entire life was intent in this community, His wife the former Elizabeth Huether p11- 111(01141(1 him three and me half years ago. He leaves to mourn one een ne Melville and obrother Arclii. bald of Seaforth. 'Meg of a jovial and social disposition C.harlie, as he tttr, CInntlionly known (1141114 many 1 friends and will be steady The funeral which was. ATM. lar,4:01y attended was held from his Brussels , late residence Wednestla a Oct. 20th and was eonclueted by the Rev. Hugh P. Wilson. Th.? pellbearers The United Church Rev. U. R Cronhielm condusted the worship in the United Church on Sunday morning. He preached from the text "Against thee only have I sinned and done this evil in thy sight" Psalm LI:4. In the morn- ing anthem entitled "Come ye disconsolate" duet Parts were taken by Misses Betty Cousins and Francis Dennis and by Miss Betty Cousins and Mr. Lloyd Wheeler. In the evening Rev. J. 11. Kerr was in charge of the service. Dr. Ailing/ of the Bible Society spoke and pictures were shown. Mrs. (7)41..Hamilton presided at lite organ. DANCE In Brussels Town Hall Thursday, Nov. 4th Music by Don. Robertson and His Ranch Bova Dancing from 10 to 1. Lunch Booth - Admission Under ausoices of L.O.L. 774' Christmas Parcels For Overseas Attention is to all pntrens nlalllnO Clirlstmas parcels ove,rseas, declar- ations, which are free of charge should first be obtained from your post office, and all items iu the parcel listed on the declaration also weigh and value of each, If the above method is followed this will greatly assist in loss of time at point of =Bine and expedite your parcel while enroute. Yam, co-operation will be greatly appreciated by the post office staff. Bible Society Meeting At The United Church There was a gond attendance at the Bible Society joint service in the United Church on Sunday even- ing. The service was in charge of Rev. TT. Kerr, and the speaker was Dr. Alnutt, secretary of the reeler Canada Bible Society. To supple- ment his address Dr. Abfutt used the filen `The Bible in the world of 50c to -morrow.' Following the service the annual meeting of the local branch was held, with Mr. John Sdhnock, president, in the chef. The executive elected for 1040 was President, Mr, John Schnook; vice- presidents, Revs. H. Wilson, J. Herr, end G. Milne; secr-treae., Mrs. B. Walker; oominittee, Mr. Wm. Ella - cote Mr. John Bryans, Mrs, Mc. Arthur, Miss Jessie Strachan, Mrs. Deadrnan, Mrs, G. Henderson, Mrs, Morrison, Miss C. Hingston, Mr. J Perrie. "Thou Shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, eon], strength and mind." Melville Church Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 10 a. m. Sunday School end Bible Class. 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Guest Speaker — Rev. Alex Ninnuo. 7.05 p. me Organ Recital. Louie D. Thompson, Organist and Chonimaster. TheUnited Church OF CANADA 11 a. m. Morning Worship Woman's Missionary Society Thank -Offering Speceial Speaker — Miss Edith Snarling of China. Junior Congregation,' 12 Church School and Bible Class. Notice—The eveneng service has been -withdrawn so members can attend Melville Ginn& Anniversary, Come and bring the family. Church of England Parish of Drumlinflev. Rev. J. H. Kerr, Brussels.. 2/3rd Sunday Alter Trinity October 81st, 1948. St. George's Church Walton - 8.15 a. M. Morning Prayer Sunday Seheoi St. David's Church, Henfrye- 10.18 a. m. Sunday Sohool 12.16 a. m. Morning Prayer St. Johns Church Brussels - 2 p. m. Sunday School 8 p, m. livening Prayer DIED WOODS—In Winghaen Hospital on Monday, October 25th, Ella 'Woods in her 72nd year, Private funeral was held from D. A. Rann's funeral home l3rus- sels on Wednesday, October 271h. - Service at 2 p.m. Interment in Brussels Cemeteree BAZAAR The St. George's Guild, Walton, will hold their Annual' Bazaar Thursday, Nov. 4th in1 the Walton Community Hall. Sale of aprons, fancy worlc, quilts etc. W.A. counter, Fish pond,. Supper served. Adults 50c and Children 25c. 1110.11,edneueastmo REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. NOW PLAYING Thurs., Fri., Sat. 00128-29.30 In Technicolor Relentless with Robert Young Willard Parker, Marguerite Chapman This Is the ticket for fans who like technisolor westerns without frills. Be sure to see It. ••••••••••••• Mon., Tues., Wed, Nov, 14-8 Call Northside 777 with James Stewart Helen Walker Richard Conte IFor ten weary years he was kept behind prison bars—oonvloted of e °limo he didn't eothmit—tense drama torn from the pollee blotter. COMING— The Voice of The Turtle with Eleanor Parker 'Ronald Reagan In et e Norman Lamont, Cline, ITen. 111141,T-Tollinger, Elmer Arm- strong, Glen Bray and Thos. Ale - Parlance The floral tribute.; \1'14&earried by Stanley Bray -elm Arm- strong, Wm. Hoy, leonnete3ray, Norman Stephenson and CliffordBray. Bray. Friends were present from leinear- dine, Goderich. Clinton, reafortle Wingha-m, Pordwich and 13elgrave, Tnterment Was in Brusesls cemetery, Majestic Institute All ladies of the &mummify are cordially invited to attend the citizenship conferences of the North Teurren District Wemen's fnetitute. Th first meeting is In be held at the township hall, Dthel, Nov. 2 at 1;30 p.m. and the following day Nov. 3, at Fordwich. The subjeet, 'Developing Community Enter- prises' is being given by Mrs. Clarence Hays of Georgeown, All ladies are asked to please talo, advantage of this imitation ns the meeting should be of great Interest and benefit to all who attend. Melville Church At the morning service on Sunday, Rev. Mr, Milne preached on the subject "'Phe methods of Jesus" and based the subject on thaa story of the wedding feast at Cana of Galilee. It was seen that little can be achiev- ed towards the improvement of world conditions without .flans co- operatlon with God, The evening service was withdrawn on account of the Bible Societe, Joint service. CARD OF THANKS Mr. 3. H. Hopper and family wish to extend sincere thanks and appreciation for the many kindness- es, messages of sympathy and floral tributes received from relatives and friends during the recent sad bereavement in the loss of a dear mother. Special thanks to Rev. Mr, Wilson for his consoling words and also members of the Rebekah Lodge Capitol Theatre LISTOWP.L Wed. Thur. Oct. 27.28 "Un in Central Park" sommtmemesulemumanmenesmaembsomemnhottelomem.... Fri. Sat. Oct. 29-30 Joe E. Brown Richard Lyon in "THE TENDER YEARS" A heart warming story for all the family, Sat, Mat. 2:30 Serial shorts Mon. Tues. Nov. 1-2 "Dark Delusion" with - Lionel Barrymore, James Craig Lucille Bremer, COMING TUESDAY POTO-NITE OFFER $140.00 Mon. Attend, card night INN.1.....SMff••••/001•91/..1.1•14,../010......M.R.0000/Ele Wed. Thur, Nov. 3-4 The most acclaimed motion picture of the year -- "Gentleman's Agreement" with Gregory Peck, Dorothy McGuire) John Garfield. ItiorebrISMarmwessrammersabrareweiteranntereMOI.Mat CKNX.every Mon. to Fri. at 6;00 P.M. grading station, cold 4:4,41•,1, ,,,,,4 t''' '. 1 1;4 ''Et 1,,'i,,,".1414 fend business to Glen and 4(4,e •,1 '‘', “ 1.1/01,01- (11 11 ,14 CO,1 /1,1 (1(4B•ray. (Hen Ilray is •holiht.: . l'1!;'"' ',, • ' - ' no' eieobi • el'exine- auction sale and will move te Etted: •',ei r,e' I-',,' in .•',F.;,, :11' tor n,'1 p11 early in November. 111. 3,,,44 t,144,, ia4iin.?. 4114 1(11- in t4 , 4,... ln 4511'-':', furrow plow. -................das---- ----.....,,,-............................-.....—.... ANNII,' ERSARY SERV ICE,5 -- AT 111 el ville Presbyterian Churc h ON • SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31st 11 a. m. and 7.30 n. m. h Guest Speaker Rev. Alex Nimmo. Organ Recital at 7.05 p. m. Anniversary Music, Choir, Male Quartet. BRUSSELS LIONS CLUB A J. —PRESFIVI S— STEELL'S CAVALCADE OF STARS 9 I rolph K Ashton. 111 04!],- 44' ef M. ' ' a Wineberg of th, Arcade Store. pr,- sonted the pli;c'PrR. ( 9:I ell ,.,4 nnd bat i boy. with sweat sweaters. 1 ' After the bumpy t there W1(1( 1,4,4 111- ir 14. 44. victo,v "' I:41"".• "t v..11111J lutequ,1 olo 1 a, 41,r, N, • • ••' 4'164 "" by mml..9,1 I heel, 14. Tarter end 11. McMurray. their erents. fee 411 atel 111P1/111±,,, of the Town etennoil. ; I). .1 110111. tetteue • et' 111, tf.:III: pr; 44.1.•,1 r 14 e'en tree and celled 1 Shohtiv4:. was 114,,truM, arrange for repairs to we'il cover dee. e ed•- e. 444.4 N,4. 9. Motion, McMurrap and Taylor that supply teachers be paid eferie pet on the following speekers• Rev. it day. 94'1l '"14 neer, R 11, C'ousin:4, Jerry , The offer of the Huron teibrePY tev eedede ieeee ''14 11(4 Ii.? team. supply book!, to the eeluiele was held Ser.,11141:105,;m.10. 1,:f„01f::1 1111: 44:1(4,14111s.,S. f1 1: 41, 6. 11I,n14 stmrt,=:!ffiotAlp 4h, • TT r,..gqidtu., his plumb.. on and off ,11- ti• peel tepee,. trig et -attract at S.S. No. 12. On motion by T. Duielae aed H. '4 l'1l11 .1 3411 ded-,se••e, IVIcCutabenn payment of bills was 4 b. e i1a.uthr,r1z(.41: Horde, eapilee. 01 45.557 t!1.4.1,1,f4.-;1,4,,,,,:T,.4,.. he talc:. . fee ; advertlslng 54,45; Heintzman and CO. , equipment 910. G4 Standard; prnvh] 4. 4 11 ;•,4,41; 4.1: 4). A. Ffnizz, euppliee $4 07: Si;' tdde flaret-- Western and South American 25 AMERICA'S FINEST TRAINED HORSES and NOVELTY CIRCUS ACTS — FEATURING — AZABOCHE — That F amous South American Fighting Horse. He fights, he dances, and he jumps over an automobile Ten perfectly trained dogs in their act beautiful. Trick toning and trick riding. Clowns and Mules. This is the biggest ,how of its kind to ever show in Ontario. russels Arena rid ONE NIGHT ONLY y, th at 8.15 p. in. ADMISSION 75c CHILDREN (under 12) 35c PROCEEDS IN AID OF LIONS CLUB ACTIVITIES. dancing at the Town Hall to 11.• music of Frankie ereli,stre At thP hall the team, menav r, caaoh. 45 1(714 bat boy were called to tho Clam, and presented with Individual silver.trophi,a by the town counril in honor of their A' 0.A A. victory Tho presentations were made by Reeve R. 13. Cousins assisted by ; eouncillor W, E. Willie. The (Until:: room at the benrynet and the hum for th, 1411111414 were antifully dpeoratol for he occasion. B.C.& High'irrhfc 1- oh 01, both:tin:1 ' Frtdav evening' rt.r.s. 1 . 4 . 1:44,,9 021.00: Enibury, leber 942 9nd el nett -110e, labor 712.04': Yfecelllint. labor 1$22.00; TT Pleteh. wong ee03.49. Bird, wood ITRientl; Humphries ,te Co.fuel 911107; Print Shop, report oar& 94.35, Meeting adjourned 1': (4,t again November 4, at 2 p.m. in S.S. NO. S.. W. R. Sluddiee, R. S. Shaw, Chairman Seereteree Majestic Women's Institute ChM Project Mrs. Wm. Martin an I 'lire. Chas. Davie. of the Majestic I were Winehtn t week to attend the training Felinnl eponeeree by the Women's Institute. The girls of this - community who wish to take the club work "Sb epine Germents" are asked to come to the Brussels iibrary nn Saturday. Oct. flOth at pen. (0' 10 eet in temee with Mrs. 1110141,1110141, On Martin er aTre, Davie b11414011114 rena ezrens of fun and imighter fel' • i , everyone except first former'e. One !by one. blindfolded thee took tbeh Turnishrn.- nt. Walking a plank o' balanced near one end nn a chals ' 1 was the first task and then nosey ' 1 seniors provided a waoh In a basin of dour followed by a few raw eggs. Phe feature attraction fer the ever- ing was a square danee provided bv bnffled first formers called on at a moment's notice. Lunch was served at a very nominal fee and later dancing took place the halls. Costume lists were given to the boys and girls to be followed rigidly Monday. Tuesday and 'Weft -May of the following week. All offenders suffering a Come enjoy the fun Hail we'en 1ght to be held in the russeis Town HAI 4. rt,„„,t ct. 8.30 p. an. everbody welcome Come. one — Come all. To be shown on the screen — Silver Stallion with Thunder the wonder horse action, thrills, romance and spills Starring — Chief "Tonto" Thundercloud Capt. Boots "Famous Police Dog" David Sharpe Leroy Mason Added — Selected Shorts. ..a.Menev.410.1111011.M.M01•101 Prizes to be gen for Costumes — National, Comic, Clown Special prize for Hallowe'en Costume (original) Treats for the children No Admission Sponsored by the Brussels Lions Club. CARD OF TI -TANKS I wish to thank me e ighboars and friends for their kind words and deeds at the time of nee hereave- ment. Their kinhness will be long 'ememheeed Melville Lamont . Library Notes Po you know that the following megazines are in emur library, and that you may take home any but the eurrent Issue of each National Geovraphle Canadian Homes and Gardens j Maelean's I Canadian Geographic Journal. Saturday Beetling POA' penalty. Good Housekeeping Popular Mechanics And others 1 Notice Also. the Globe and Mail, the . Wingbam Advance. the Huron Ea, I The Majestic Weiner:, Institute ; positor and the Brussels Pnst are on. are holding a bazaar atut baking, sale the tables for your convenfetecese Why not make use of them on Saturday, Dec. 4411. pti,eJ !de Made Ruality16 your Se.3t Ray/ leidai Wreath carries the only 4.polet guarantee of perfect color, cut, ',tannins, cad flawless guality.See these typical Wilue4 ieetellee, 'The Steen for Beautiful). Gifts" W. G. LEACH Jeweller Brussels1, Out ASK FIlEt 800K408 BRItas • 1+