HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-10-20, Page 5THE BRUSSEL_1„i I
New lump Rock Pullets,
Prank Mitchell Phone 43x.
711 Leghorn eros- bred pullrt3.
Phone 93-r-7 Jas. Pestet
11.11. 11, Iirtt:',t'1•4
Bear, 7 mouths old.
Phone 37.1'40 Wtllfant Flood
('atur• to feed, can talm about 25
Phone 17-r-19 Dong, Fraser.
ALE Sprayed McIntosh Red Apples.
Phone 42 -r -R Wm. Blake
A hill fold with snapshots. Finder
please notify Jack Alcock,
Phone 42-r-18.
Two Shorthorn Bulls of cr rvice-
able age.
Phone 13-r-4 Earl Anderson
A Claire Jewel Cook Stove, uses
wood or coal,
James Clark Phone 82-r-8.
000 White Leghorn 7Milets, 6
months old, laying,
Demean McDonald, E. R. 1 Ethel,
Phone 40-r-9.
Any person wanting wood split or
chores In Brussels. Apply to David
Hanna over Vodden'e Bake Shop
Readings given by noted Exper-
ience Teacup and Palmistry Reader,
Inc appointment Phone39-r-03, Bros.
sets. 1 help with all problems near-
by. Miss T. M. Sellers.
The person who by mistake took a
blue Biltntm'c hat At Ethel United
Church last Sunday. kindly return
it to Joc Pearson. Phone 95-r-7 and
reeo(vo their own hat,
Tenders will he received for the
wiring of S.S. No. 3, Grey until Oct.
30th- Specification may be seen
at Wm. Smith's.
Carl Hemingway,
Sec: Treas.
Hygienic Supplies (Rubilor Goods)
mailed postpaid in plain, sealed
envelope with price list. Six
samples 25s, 24 samples, $1.00. Mail
Order Dept. M-33 Nor -Rubber Co
Box 91, Hamilton, Ont.
I have listed 4 houses in the
Village of Brnsst ls. Those are good
buys and immediate'nossession can
he given.
100-ncre farm, real .good buildings,
good farm, hydro, imemdiate posses-
105-ncre farm, real Good buildings,
good location, hydro. This is a real
gond farm. Immediate possession.
75 -acre farm, 114 mile from FIigh-
way. price $3200.00.
PJhone 94 J. C. Long,
Real. Estate Broker
Brusesls, Ont.
- __.-
to door Salesmen wanted to
establish a business of their own
with our 250 Guaranteed Household
Necessities, Splendid territories
vacant In your district - Unlimited
possibilities for the ambitious person
-Never a dull season. Experience
not essential but a car if yott F'eleet
a rural territory Very little capital
needed -BEST opportunity of start•
ing a business of your own - Write
for FREE details and CATALOGUE
to FAMILEX', 1600 Dalornter--MON
Electric motors rewound and rt
paired. Expert workmanship. Moder
alta prices. New motors In stock. ...
Sanger Industries,
649 Ontario, Street,
Stratford, Ont.
Hot \Vater Heaters
J. Be Higgins, Seaforth
Service Dealer - Phone Ise Soitforth
The regular monthly 1 crIi •;
the W,A1,t4 wall 1141 in the eltturll
basement with Mrs, 11. Martin l,t
siding, Roll call was au r.c.rei ti:
Thanksgiving poem, A tory int, re,t
ing letter was reutl from
Smillie in which she told •lin I er
'tocir•t.y was first or -m i.o I
and she and one outer (netliht:, o}'
that first group are ,t'll lying. Mr..
J. Marshall and it's. D. \ ,unon
were chosen as delcgab s to attend
C.011 11 1 inn 114101,
1,•1.111..1„ ;Er. 1/1.1 Lt, .Urliill[+tr
+t, ,11 or c1(
I I ul:' I'I rin!t a 1.1'!.11( 4 to 11
1101,1 ;n Anr„nibv!•. S131.' 11111 r,f limy
,'11' b1,,.<'nl. ,41 Ibe pt•"pr ut ler
U,,,Ede l and tolyl the 'rte of \1l
if•''rc 1', n :c: tali' u 1'ra1' 1It wetly
bnnit 'flee :,Ito told u'• Ile,• •''11•et'.'1
conditioe:; !u ivo((n+n's venter: and in
uu• 11144141-t siluatiun In 11111:! in Ib,
past 111 yearn, Wyton 113'1
and benediction wan pronnuuc•ed,
'Ther' will be a 11x,',1 Tinre Social
ill 111 ban„n 'l(t, td' [h clue'<•!-
Everybody tc olrtu,r4 '
Mr. and 111.1 li„1 r, 1
In,1111 41111 Han1, '1 t'
111., 11(11(!1• or (1'' 11141 1' p.," 'll }ll.
and Airs, Wilbur. Turu}sul1,
1\'i11;nr 'I'ut111,111 rp• n -! p,va
wool; in F'otr•t'bnro 'tn.' :r 1:,. pi' •c.
ing ututcli at Lindsay,
111'. anti Mrs. (ro••r,
.loan and . littbbie of iug, rsoll spent
.lay, October 24th, 1040
. AI'Irn1A
• I, .-w,1 111(!'- ;11.'44If -.11/1),-.
.i'a 114. 131 11 :.c. ,
Inru i 1 - r
if r I !• n,ll r 111 ('n`Is•,i
• 1111 '•h < \1'111. (',•tun! er with
i '
(':It l;, r'in,.•..- ,:'iib
i- ll .rill 1111
mh1,111 ui.0uciht,atut+ld i(1dsn•lay.e4 the plough -
Friendship Circle
October nleeting of Itt I•'riend,
11',•111 I. 1111'
Mrs. Wm, Cardiff. The president,
I. 'i}-!u.iu, r nut , -..1
-1 1' ,11 1iyiti 1,• I
r 1.1
,•tpi, 1t,,.: re•:111 1.' ,t1i4:;
acids. The roll call was answered
11:10, 1,.1 '',`411.'' 1111Y 111,
!1(t •. ,1 ut -ash m, 11bp•r ;.we
ill h;n:01111d, 4•
tc;! :•icon by 111's. i 1 ac 11. r1(.
lllil r v„E, appointed rlt .('^!IC tr, Itis
\1 tt 1;' ;swat meeting to bs held
in r , , 1.,. Mrs. Wilson favoured
!h : r.'_ din.. Tho tapir, "L nteuaGe
I, 4114 presented by :Mrs.
+ , :r -r :'.lecnithenn, it dealt with.
• I. I t ;rsiislalion of the Bible
it 4:14.11.0 era:r1 Mrs. Cialp-
1.: I -11 1 i' uu y Lt, e:m. a int+t,
of.t.oll;v:WeE1 1 ' Mr', I(, St1Cel!e[r11
r. 1, •-,,rnh411 to 11r . Catnp-
1, If ;I• :1 woy d to ldly'.h and to
I ',•r,!,! bride. Nra. lb-0as Wield. A
nu`• ,-un4Irtod by Mrs. Lead
t: 1'1'111;41,41 by a -nclal
b. 'rh+ 1(r be, aeht 111,4• meeting to a
ade by The Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario
and "'approved by Order -in -Council
mendments Appear in
1.41) Unless water heaters operated by electrical power
(a) equipped with thermostatic control, and
(b) installed in or on tanks which are thermally
no municipality or municipal commission receiving
electrical power from the Commission shall supply or
use or permit to be supplied or used by any person the
electrical power or any part thereof for the operation
of water heaters installed or replaced after the 1st
of November, 1948.
(2) No person shall take from any municipality or
municipal commission any electrical power received
from the Commission and use it for the operation of
water heaters in a manner contrary to the provisions
of subregulation 1.
(3) No person shall take any electrical power procured
from the Commission and use it for the operation of
water heaters in a manner contrary to the provisions
of subregulation 1,
2. -Ontario Regulations 237/47 are revoked.
3.-(1) No municipality or municipal commission receiving
electrical power from the Commission shall supply or
use or permit to be supplied or used by any person
electrical power or any part thereof for the operation
of air -heaters, grates, radiators, boilers or any other
device for space heating in hotels, tourist cabins, shops,
offices, commercial premises and, except in the
case of sickness, residences.
(2) No person shall take from any municipality or
municipal commission any electrical power received
from the Commission and use it in a manner contrary
to the provisions of subregulation 1.
(3) No person shall take any electrical power procured
from the Commission and use it in a manner contrary
to the provisions of subregulation 1.
(4.-(1) No municipality or municipal commission receiving
electrical power from the Commission shall supply or
use or permit to be supplied or used by any person
electrical power or any part thereof for, -
(a) lighting, of interiors of shops, show -windows and
offices except, -
(i) not more than 1 watt per square foot of gross
floor -area of a shop during business hours,
and after cessation of business with the public
not snore than 1 watt per square foot of
the gross floor -area of that part of the
shop where the staff is working;
not more than 10 watts per lineal foot of width
of show -windows of shops for lighting only
and only while open for business;
not more than 2 watts per square foot of gross
floor -area of an office during office hours,
and after office hours not more than 2
watts per square foot of gross floor -area
of that part off the office where the staff
is working;
,(iv) for the protection of property' after business
hours not more than 5 watts per 100 square
feet of gross floor -area of a shop or office or
40 watts per shop or office whichever is
the greater;
(b) lighting of exterior signs;
(c) exterior flood- or outline -lighting for decorative,
ornamental or advertising purposes;
(d) lighting of out -door Christmas trees;
(e) lighting of parldng-lots, used -car lots, service
stations, out -door industrial premises and out -door
playing fields except, -
(i) not more than 10 watts per 100 square feet
of parking -lot space while open for business;
(ii) not more than 10 watts per 100 square feet
of that portion of used -car lots used for display
space while open for business and not more
than 5 watts per 100 square feet of the used -car
lot after cessation of business;
(iii) not more than 40 watts per gasoline pump in
a service station, exclusive of lighting not
exceeding 25 watts inside the pump -meter
compartment, while the service station is open
for business;
(iv) not more than 10 watts per 100 square feet of
whatever part or parts of out -door industrial
premises is in actual use for work in progress
and not more than 5 watts per 100 square feet
at other times and not more than 5 watts per
100 square feet for protective lighting of that
part actually opcupied by installations, or used
for the storage of materials or equipment; and
(v) not more than 40 watts per 100 square feet
of playing area of an out -door playing field
only while in use;
between sunset and sunrise;
lighting of, -
(i) marquees; or
(if) sidewalk -canopies
on hotels, theatres and restaurants except not more
lex Type
than 1 watt per square foot of floor space or side-
walk area covered by the marquee or canopy;
(g) lighting of exterior extrances or exits of commercial
premises or residences except not more than 60
watts for commercial premises and not more than
25 watts for residences and, where occupied,
tourist cabins; and
(h) exterior lighting between sunrise and sunset.
(2) The lighting permitted for shops during business
hours under sub -clauses i and ii of clause a of sub-
regulation 1 shall include the lighting of interior signs,
merchandise -displays and show -windows.
'. No person shall take from any municipality or municipal
commission any electrical power received from the
Commission and use it in a manner contrary to the
provisions of subregulation 1 of regulation 4.
3. No person shall take any electrical power procured
from the Commission and use it in a manner contrary
to the provisions of subregulation 1 of regulation 4.
1. Subregulation 1 of regulation 4 and regulations 8
and 6 shall not apply to, -
(a) (1) lighting of air -ports and transportation
(ii) lighting for police, fire and property -protection
services, traffic lights, traffic and warning
signs; and
(iii) lighting required by law;
(b) hospitals;
(c) lighting for interior domestic purposes;
(d) lighting of a single exterior sign, not exceeding ZS
watts, to designate, -
(i) an office of a medical or dental practitioner,
embalmer or funeral director, or pharmaceu-
harmaceutical chemist;
(ii) an ambulance, telephone or telegraph station;
(iii) premises providing sleeping accommodation
for travellers.
8. In these regulations, -
(a) "shop" means any building or a portion of a
building, booth, stall or place where goods are
handled or exposed or offered for sale, or where
goods are manufactured and which is not a factory;
but shall not include any part of a building used
for office purposes; and
(b) "office" shall mean a building or part of a building
occupied and used for office purposes only.
Any person refusing or neglecting to comply with any
direction, order, regulation, restriction, prohibition or
control made or exercised by the Commission under this
section shall be guilty of an offence and in addition to
any other liability incur a penalty of not less than $100
and not more than $500 and a further penalty of not less
than $100 and not more than $500 for each and every
separate day upon which such refusal or neglect is
repeated or continued,
The penalties imposed by or under the authority of
this/Vsection shall be recoverable under The Summary
Convictions Act.
The foregoing Regulations are modified by excepting from
the application of Parts II and III thereof the following,-
ollowing(a) the territorial districts of Algoma, Cochrane,
Kenora, Manitoulin, Nipissing, Rainy River, Sud-
bury, Thunder Bay, Timiskaming;
(b) the territorial district of Parry Sound, except the
townships of Carling, Christie, Conger, Cowper,
Ferguson, Foley, Humphrey, McDougall and Mo -
Kellar, the Town of Parry Sound, and the Village
of Rosseau.
exhibitions and fairs held in 1948 by societies
under The Agricultural Societies Aot.
further clarification is required please contact your local Hydro office.