HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-10-20, Page 1POS I' PUBLISI-IlNG HOUSE
Wednesday, October 20th, 1948
Satisf nth' tn` . d
On Sale Friday and Saturday, Oct, 22 - 23
limit One Lb. to a customer put up by the
Famous 'Tea Blenders of Flowerda.9e Tea.
Compare this price with any tea on the
k-narket. Limited quantity -No phone orders,.
Phone 5
We Deliver
Notice To Hydro Consumers Majestic Women's Institute
It •..,t Hai leo, r., 111,"e perm -+nail•
ed, by the hydro comnlie:Aw e to
those in this district who have leen
using too Much electric. power. The
Power shortage Is acute and coo;
snutptiun must he cut down to 1110
I' quota allowed. If recipients of
nets, natures do not curtail their
, consumption the loon" Hydro tams.
mission is empowered to forward
!I their names to the Crown Attmrncy
'I fin prosecnticn. _ I
A resident of Wingham for 28
years, 'Airs. J. Harry Hopper dle•1
in Brussels in her 77th year. Born in
Inset Wawannsh township, she was
well known here and was a member
of the 'United Church, She wits the '
, amor Francis Stnurhoose. snr-
viving besides her husband are two
daughters and two sans. 11re. R. L,
Tobnston, Mrs. D. A. Rano, both of
Brussels; Lyle, Belgrave: and Rus
!leen, Exeter. Two sisters anti ono
i1,1 ,th r also survive, lira, Charles
Masquerade Dance
in Brussels Town Hall
Thursday, Oct. 28th
Wilbee's Orchestra
Prizes for: -
Best original Hallowe'en costume
Best comic costume
Best fancy dressed couple
Oldest person in costume
Lucky Door Prize Spot Dance
Admission 75c
Lunch will be served.
Dancing from 9-1
Sponsored by Ladies' Auxiliary
of the Canadian Legion
In Brussels Town Hall
Thursday. Nov. 4th
Music by Don. Robertson
and His Ranch Boys
Dancing from 1 to 10
Lunch Booth Admission 50c
Under auspices of L.O.L. 774
You may dep.nd upon the
Lord, may the Lord depend
upon You?
Melville Church
Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A.
10 a, m. Sunday School and
Bible Class,
11 a, m. Divine Service,
7 D. m. Joint Bible Society at
the United Church.
Louie D. Thompson, Organist
and Chonimaster.
The United Church
11, a. m, Morning Worship
Rev. 'V. E. Cronhtelm
of Wroxeter
Mission Band.
12 Church School and
Bible Class.
7 p, in. Evening Praise
Bible Society Service
Rev. J. H, Kerr in charge
Special. Speaker Dr. Jt.lnutt
Motion Picturee.
Everyone Corially Welcome,
Church of England
• Parish of Brussels
Rev. J. 14. Kerr. Brussels.
22nd Sunday After Trinity
October 24th, 1948
St. George's Church Walton-
9.15 a, m, Morning Prayer
Sunday School
et. David's Church, Henfryn-
10.15 a. m. Sunday School
11.1115 a. m, Morning Prayer
St. Johns Church Brussels --
2 p. m, Sunday School
8 p. m. Evening Pieter
7 p, m, Union Service
Canadian Bible Soolety.
Church Parade
On Sunday. October 15th 1Ile local
Boy Scouts. Girl Clnidc',, 'Wolf Cubs
and Brownies attended 'Mitten
Churn Rally Day Pardee.. They
met at the library at 10:45 and
paraded to church. ,3t the Church
they were Poet by the (ermine Com-
mittee of the Boy Scouts and the
Local Association of the Girl Gnidrs j
who aceonipanierl them into Church, '
There was a splendid turnout of the
boys and girls whin"! pleased their
len dors.
Standrtrel.bearere for the services I
wore; Fttinn .Tack. Stout Georgy
Cnusins: 10010 i ,Tacit, (tonin Shriln
Pcrter: World Fine, Lieut, rnclmm'e,
Girl Miklos.
(BJrnie, Winnipeg; Mrs. ninnies
Wilkinson, Michigan; and Robert,
1 Belgrave. A funeral service was
held from the home of her son.
On -law, D. A. Rano, Brussels. Tues-
; day at 2:00 p,m, Bultial was ix
Brandon. cemetery=Belgrave.
Thr Pi'am'n or ten' 11th':» Seri, ty
in 11110 ennt (unity has been fnt•tnnnte
in errane.•'ne for n visit from the Rev,
F. B. Allnntt. P.D„ wh, will be the
P I sneaker nt a tnr'et'
held in the ignited Cenreh. Beemeels.
on Sunday. Oct. 24th at 7 o'clock.
Dr, Alhmtt will bring with ltim a
sound film nn the world wide work of
the Bible Society entitled "THE
Dr, Alhnttt is well known through-
out the province and nag given a
long period of service to the work of
the Bible Society, his coming will he
an inspiration. The officers of the
Branch aro 'Mr. John J. Schnook,
R.R. 3. President; Mrs Ben Walker.
Secretary -Treasurer. The annual
business meeting of the Brussels
Branch will be held immediately
following the above service
In Ethel Township Hall
Monday. October 25
Sale sof homemade articles.
Auspices of Women's Institute
in Orange Hall, Brussels
Sunday evening. Oct. 24th
at 7:30 o'clock
Speaker -
Mr. Arthur Rouse. Missionary
China for thirty years.
Be sure and attend
A rich blessing awaits you.
Seaforth, Ont.
Melville Church
At the morning service on Sunday
Rev, Mr. Milne preached on the
subject "Motes and Beams" from
St. Matthew 7:3. Stress was laid cn
the dn.mage paused ey unjust and
unkind criticism. The anthem was
"Song of Thanksgiving" by Syl-
vester. At the evening service the
serm011 was on the story of Nino-
demus' interview with ,Tions. The
evening anthem was 'Song of Hope
and Peace' by Sans-Rnuci,
The United Church
Mr. Carl Hemingway was in cherge
of the service in the United Church
on Sunday morning, A Rally Day
program was followed: Mr. Roy B.
Cousins assisted in the wnrship.
Guests at the morning service were
The Brownies, The Girt Guides, The
Rangers, The Wolf Cubs, The Boy
Scouts and the Leaders of these
organizations. • A story was read
by Mies MMadalon Ryan. John Hoover
and Lena Miller read the Scripture
selections, A delighted duet was
sung by Mary Beth Jewell and Carol
Lowry, Mr. Wilson spoke from the
Text, "if the root be holy so are the
branches", Romans XI verse 16.
Attendance awards were presented
to the following Sunday School
scholars; ,Tohn Wilson. Betty Cousins
Me.dalon Ryan. Dorothy Stiles, Mar.
jute Sanderson, John hoover,
George Cousins, Glen Bridge, John
Stiles, Ben Bridge, 71911 Thomas,
Joyce 'Thomas, Karen Bnsohlin,
Ruth Hemingway. Lena Miller,
Lavarre McNair, Sheila Potter, Jean
Jewell, Murray hoover, Donlyn
Hemingway, Teddy Stiles, Ken,
Stephenson, Billy Campbell, ,Allen
Bridge, Marian Hemingway, Jane
Rann, Dianne McNair. Joyce Miller,
Harold Bridge, Murray Davison,
Thurs., Fri„ Sat, Oct. 2122.23
Magic Town
James Stewart and Jane Wyman
The story deals *ith a email town on
Election Day. Be sure to see this one.,
Mon., Tues., Wed. Oct. 25-26-27.
Cass Timberlane
Spencer Tracy and Lana Turner,
From the great novel of a small-
town girl who wanted big-time life -
and got R.
Next Thurs„ Fri., Sat. Oct 28.29.30 1
In Technicolor
Robert Young Willard Parker
Marguerite Chapman '
This Is the ticket for fans who like
teohnleotor westerns .without frills.
Be sure to see it.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Majestic Women's Iltstitnt,' wet;
hold in the Brussels Puhllr Library
on Thursday, Oct, 14. The meeting
I opened with the Institute Ode follow-
ed by the Lord's Prayer in rnisnn,
Minutes of last meeting, and treasur-
er's reports were read by Mrs. 7.
Spetr also 2 letters of ackitew.ledge-
ment from Mrs. A. Cardiff and the
Belgium tunnies who lest their
home by fire sometime agn,
Plans were nind,. and at, lovit'rti•m
extended to all members who could,
in '.,tend flu' insett,e to he h, le in
Ethel on Nov. 2nd, Roll call "your
favorite vegetable" and ways to
Prepare it' was responded to by 21
members. Six visitors were present.
Several ladies then cave a ..lisplay of
t mete, wil'1) the privlerre of ex-
changing patterns, instead of the
regular meeting plans war,, made
for a Family Night to h held in the
town hall in the form of a metal
an the evening of Nov. 121h, Mrs.
K. Shurrie gave a veru sriendid
report of the Guelph Area Conven-
tion, She also thanked the ladies
for malting it possible for nor to
it was decided to hare a bazaar
early in December. Mrs. K. Shurrie
took charge of the oirthrlay presen-
tations to five Ladies, Tars. C, Lnng
Mrs. R. Cousins; Mrs. W. Kerr, Mrs.
M. Rose and Mrs. Bnckbourougb,
each lady also r•ccivrri a eor,;:a, of
fall flowers,
Mrs. B, Garnias had charge of the
social hall hoer. Mrs. 1Vm, Spelt'
presided at the piano while a very
special singing contest look place
and was judged, which preyed fun
for all.
The Sunshine r'olieelentt nags tlton
and the meeting ,closed with the
National Anthem, A most genermts
Iunoh was served by the hostesses,
It -deo Conservation
Tn oder to eotserv, hydro the
post office lobby will be closed each
night at 8 P.M.
Si. John's Church
The sacrament of Holy Baptism
was administered at the Sunday
service of St. John's Anglican con-
gregation by the reotor Rev. 7. H.
Kerr. The children baptised were
Gerald Edgar McCauley. son M
Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Merleulry and
Lorne Davidson McCauley, son of
Mr, and Mrs, Lorne McCauley of
St. Marys.
Boy Scouts Apple Day 8. C. S. Sport; and
Saturday, O•.tober 23 t Track Day
BUY AN APPLE it et et :.',,„ !
praga', iI 13y Kt it Wor,a Ph - 1. -;;»star m.'ntfr "': '•Itsuii-'
de t0 th4' tc,r t^I 1 1. u11(1 Cil ,'l' th+• v.'i1J.t ? e�:
deed on Saturday by buying , !c Thr, annual I. C S pow- and t r'.
clay was h• 11 11.114 :) 0,1 'etII tie I', u- • i t+u: 1111,1 ort 'h,, al?o'et
big, rod, juicy apple From the ISoyY' ,m Council la - .lith all utrolbr:a of the
cch„,l €:ronntb- A numb. • r
prendsine :I11(1, 1 0 ••ami.! ler 1 for
O.,t „x•r 7, 19437
Meeting held Get. 211.1
A resolution was passed a0lttn.
'he Lout, of Hi:'hwayo for allow)uc
rf additional .xm ,1,11'11re of $2000.64
on account of Flood Damnce and the
necessary bridge building;.
Bylaw' \.n. 11 and 11 •yor, phased
• , -01,, ons ..'non' on w•itleh
tots taxev should h" levied and to
levy rates of taxation for 1040,
The (eerie was !nut -octet t„ nettfi
the engineer to inspect and repnri
nn the Buttery Award Ditch.
The petition of TINA Keifer and
others asking for the constr«nt'on of
a Municipal Drain was accepted end
the clerk instrttetetl to notify the
Engineer to examine and l•epert nn
the area described.
Tile Tt, eve was annninterl a+ a
delegate with the delegation of
Brussels to interview the Dept. of
Education as to seenr'ntr a Brnseels
Hieb School Area,
A Grant of $150.00 was made to the
•Rrneesls Fair Board,
A Grant of $25.(in was made to tete
Horan Plowman's AssnctatIon.
The Reeve and Clerk were in-
etrueied to make application to the
Dept: of Municipal effelee for the
one mill subsidy payable nn the
ncseasmrnt of the Tnn•nshtp tinder
the ]Tnnirlpal Subsidy Art,
The order for the P.W.I'I. Truett
and snow plow was cancelled.
An approved acconnie were pnie
and rennet' erjmtrned till Nov, 0th
or at the gall of the Reeve.
The following. nermints were paid:
Ti on rl s .. _.. 77166.11
Drainage 420:71
Rep. Mnn. Bldgs. 121.00
Sheep 16,50
Ethel Cemetery 1.81
13. 0. H. 89,00
Ethel Village 17.00
Sundry 160.29
Grants 100,00
Relief 33,00
Postage 11,00
Fox Bnunty ,,.. 12,06
J. H. Fear, Clerk
Engagement Announcement
Air .nue Mrs. Earl Bernard wish
to announce the engagement of
their youngest daughter Mary
Evelyne to Harold James East
second eldest son of Mr. and Mrs,
James East of Clinton, Wedding to
take place in the latter part of
Arnold Davison, Marian Hoover. 41
Dwight Campbell. Carol Lowry 1 Fl
Barbara Stiles, Nancy Lee Camp 1
bell, David Hemingway, John Cous-
ins, Pamela Porter and Elizabeth
The subject of the evening
sermon was, The wells of our
fathers, It was based on the story of
Call Northside 777
James Stewart Helen Walker
Capitol Theatre
Wed. Thur Fri. Oct, 20-21.22
"Easter Parade"
in Technicolor
SATURDAY. October 23
Double Feature
"Horne Steaders of
Paradise Valley"
plus "Second Chance"
Sat. Mat. at 2;00 •-- serial
Evening at 7:00 P.M.
Mon. Tues. 0:t, 25-26
Humphrey Bogart, Edward G.
Robinson, Lauren Bacall and
Lionel Barryrnore
in "Key Largo"
OFFER $140.00
Mon. Attend. card night
Wed. Thur. Oct. 27-28
"Ulf fin Centri@il Park"
with Deanna Durbin
Dick I'laymes Vincent Price
CKNX-every Mon, to Fri.
at 6;00 P.M.
Come enjoy the fun
Hallowe'en ['shit
to be held in the
Ct 3
8.30 p. m,-- everbody welcome
Coerce one - Come all.
To be shown 071 hie screen -
Silver Stallion with Thunder the wonder
horse -- action, thrills, romance and spills
Starring - Chiel "Tonto" Thundercloud
Capt. Boots "Famous Police Dog"
David Sharpe Leroy Mason
Added " Selected Shorts.
Prizes to be even for Costumes -
National, Comic, Clown
Special prize for
Hallowe'en Costume (original)
Treats for the children
No Admission
Sponsored by the Brussels Lions C'hzb.
..-,• tettle'd events 'nth e.,reee
entering at lease two .ctrl not NI:N.
Thr i. tln•s'g aro ,Tsui,• l: y-'
01'01.111 and winners: -
Melt .l:Dui)..:P:1.11 Sommer,: 4 f•,-,
• ino1' Kinlork Gt"•it:e.. r1arottt;
Running Broad- ,'attl elettimere 11
fi:, 6 inches, Archie Willie.
,,.. E. Gr, war.
Standing Broad -K, Grewee 7 ft, 5
Koith Andereen, A. With.
Soft Ball Throw C, MoCutehtene
75 yard Dash -Keith And,•ttem.
."tut i .,e1.1T, 1C, Paul Sommers.
220 yard Dash -Keith _title+.' -on, J,
Cardiff, A. Willis,
Slog- i:it'ycle Rag,- (: 1 1041,
oeofgr' T']Ilarott, A. Willis,
!u!ettrt dl,tr i (i ri! 1'1 1 n.
High Irmo- lois Knh.tht 4 ft. n
invitee. (.len .Iatdhte, Tlo;.. _aerete
Running Breve -Jae): Eteel, 11 ft, i
iii_' inches, Fr, d 17'trtin, Glen
Standing Brtuol-•-.Tit.,; Kni hi 7 ft.
invitee. R. McCall. C. Jardine.
Hop-Step-and-Jtemp--- Jim Ander-
son 24 ft.. John Edgar.
to Ili, Shot Putt -Rots McCall 291
ft. 5 inr'hrs, John Edgar. ,lack
leo yard Dash -Frit- - •
Clifford Morrow, Glen Jardine.
_'1 yard Dash-Frwd
]Tornow, )today Cardiff.
least Bicycle Race---Fr,(
1' jrr::y Cardiff. Tan Stutter: on.
Senior Boys' t vent. an•.1 01)1) ,',,
High Jump -John Wilson 5 ft. 4
inches, Donald McDonald, Stewart
Stilt a,
Running Broad -Jim Bowman 11
l"• Si, inches, S. Stiles, Kenneth
Sanding Broad -John Wilson 9 ft.i
4 inches, D. McDonald, "T.Armstrong
and J. Bowman) tie.
Hop -Step -and -Sump -J. Wilson 33
ft, 6 inches, S. Stiles, J. Armstrong,
12 Ib. Shot Putt -John Wilson 29
ft. 3 inches, Chas. Turnbull.
100 yard Dash -D, McDonald, J.
Bowman, K. Bone,
220 yard Dash -D. McDonald, J.
Championships -
Junior -Annette Campbell 20 points.
Inttrntediate-Isabel Spetr 26 points
Senior -Muriel Anderson 20 points.
Standing Broad -Leona Johnston
6 ft, 2 inches, Geraldine Stretton,
Annette Campbell.
Running Broad -Isobel Dennis
11 ft. S inches, Annette Campbell,
Berva Knight,
Ball Thow--Anne tie Campbell 112
ft. 3 inches, Geraldine Stretton,
Betty Carter,
75 yard Dash -,Shirley Machan
j101:',, seconds, Annette 'Campbell,
Wilma Johnston.
1 130 yard Dash -Annette Campbell
22 seconds, Jean 0ardie. Shirley
High Jump -Geraldine Stretton 4
it„ Annette Campbell, Shirley
Slow Bicycle Race-Berva Knight
Standing Hop -Step -and -,lump -
(Open Class" Muriel Anderson '17
ft. 7 inches, Doreen "tong. Leona
Standing Broad --Esther Raymond
6 ft. 51,6 inches, Doreen Long, Nada
Ion Ryan.
Running Broad -Esther Raymond
11 ft. 2 itches, 'Isabel Speer, Doreen
Bail Throw-Tsabet Speer 115 ft, 6
inches, Esther Raymond, Madslon
75 yard Dash -Isobel Spetr 10 sec.
ands, Mavis Oliver, Esther Raymond.
. 160 yard Dash -Isobel Spetr 20
seconds, Mavis Oliver, Esther Ray
High Jump -Doreen Menzies 4 ft.
1 inch, Tsabet Speer, Esther Ray
Slow Bicycle Raee--Isobel Speer
Esther Raymond.
Atter flu ro:otirtg of lite minutes
et' the regular 711,, lin; of Sept. Tat -
a00 1 0pecla1 ntr.etinc; of Sept
14 wore read. 1twas moved by'
R. W. Kennedy, seconded by W. Ff-
Wil :hart the ininrttrs he adopted as
reed. Motion carried.
On ,hr mn11•411 or .1. 75,. Fischer;
ar,1 b; T.. W. ackmier the
fallowing accounts ,i, r^ to,1, red'
H, A. Workman. sand for
streets $ 125d•
County of Huron, etre. 12.00
G. E,
Ttrolford, crashed gravel 325.00
Jno. Evane, teller ... 3,
H. Thomns, repairs at Hall
and sidewalks 202.61
Munn Tile re., 12 -inch tile 37.56
Brussels Fair Board, Grant .. 100.00•
National sewer pipe Co
sewer tilt , .. "..k.7F
R. Farrow. labor ........... .... 16.50
Gregg Hardware, misc.
hardware 10.5E.
Brussels Hydro. street lights,
Town Hall lights 109.$3'
W. H, Bell, September salary
and cleaning supplies ,,,125.14=
G. R. Campbell, September
selary .. 45 00;
G. R, Campbell. postage etc.,
on Tax Notices 10.0tte
It was moved by 7. W. Fischer.
seconded by L. W. Eckmier That By -
Law No. R. 1948 as real a first ane.'
second time and now read the third
time he finally passed.
Motion carrief's
This was a By -Law authorizing azt
extension of time on the return and
acceptance of the Ass"ssnent Rolf
for 1040, and the extension of tines,
for the final revision of the asseea--.
meet roll.
It was moved by W. E. Willis
seconded by R. W. Kennedy "Thai"
By -Law No. 7. 1948 as read a first
and second time, and now read e.
third time be finally passed.
Motion carried:.
This was a By -Law to provide fon'
the holding of the Nominatfosw
Meeting and to provide for the hold-
ing of the -Bleotton of Munioipa7
Officers for 1949.
The following resolution was alaes
passed on motion of W. F. Whist$$
seconded by R. W. Kennedy, That all
accounts chargeable to the Waters
works account up to date. be paid;
from the new Waterworks Account.
The Clerk reported the receipt of
$763.58 from the Dept, of Highways'
this being the interim Road Subside
for 1948.
The business of the meeting belnle
completed, the Correll now adlonr7
Narrow Escape
William A, Turnbull, Brussels,.
ntiracnlnusty rsraped iniury 10 an
aecidcnt. Saturday afternoon on
the county road, one and three-
quarters utiles south of Brussels.
in attempting to pass another
rehire., driven by Silas Johnstone
of Walton, Mr. Tnrnhnll drove too
far over nn the shoulder of tha
road and the gar was pulled tree
the ditch. Tt turned over and
struck a telephone pole, '
Provinciai Constable James 'Culp'
of Gnderirh investigated.
Library Notes
Raising Livestock
Waiter H. Peters & George, P. Myr,' •
The purpose of this book is t.
provide up-to-date information on
raising livestock, information aa•
included on the most important
activities involved in raising anima?$
suer, estully on farms and ranches_
Cnneidora.hlc emphasis 's pieced or_'
activities helpful to persons interest-
el in starting or improving herds
and flocks of their own and err.
raising livestock for other persons:
This hook is intended primal -fir
for stedenes of vocational agriouittrr's
and other youths on farms anti.
ranches who are assuming new
responsebilities. 31 should also bee,
ueefni to adults already establtshced•
in the business, w110 aro interested
in securing better returns from live-
stnek enterprises. •
This boob may be obtained in 0.11*'
R. C. L. A. section of your library.
Standing Broad -Muriel Anderson
6 ft. 9 inches, Margaret Cardiff.
Running Broad -Muriel Anderson
12 ft, 216 inches, Jean Matheson.
Tlall Throw -Muriel Anderson 132
tt. 11 inches, Jean Matheson, Doreen
75 yard Dash -Jean Matheson 14
seconds, Margaret Cardin.
High Juane--Jean Matheson,
P. F, 1' v,rrin elf
dt r o°�wvl &a
'hone 178, tlaarr istal