HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-10-13, Page 8WU'r`n, .l 7:5 legw VW*`?2'' s;10A t il, �1 '1 °�Y Moth K_llo (r •::caws 49c Tins, I!,.a vt:e Dichcr.cade, Eikay'S Moth Corit .,1 l.E_au!id, Hand e�.ra yadrs, th Balis a-. .laTix'f-te.nt Bags. 4•Square F' l.'eim Wax Furniture Polish, Lemon Oil, Glass Clealaer. 1..;`l:;uaid Wax, f 1MartinSe,ra.l� ,,.°lcc•.A Wax Linse: a Oar ca.p, Floor Enamel, Good Shades in a:^.liar.°...-llse Enarnel, Varnish, Neuts'ne Pe,. Paint, Selina -Glass Paint. >, �•a- � --- Cur Range �f Patterns SIJL ',r,(ORTIb r of Wall Paper ?a.taerns, is such thaei: any re - qui enients cani-•.. met. a,. tl,e Patterns, with the New Lok it THE BRUSSELS POST AT Phone 24 w°G::, yr.t �t.. , fP . ,; P IP, � .;'n , e .:: e'r�r?c;tmrit;�e.••szt?xr�wL"�L"3+3G8w;�*t�TtSL-:, COATS -- For Girls and Juniors Smartest Styles and Cloths. Brussels, Ont. COATS - For Men and Youths The Famous Cragnnoor line and many others to choose frown. Snow Suits, and a good stock of Winter Wear for. Children. c.• ,.+;. Wfy.,i1er Citi od?s 1 ]:;satPeaick Patterns E SOW PROD' ' POULTRY --- EGGS - FEED ew Cold Storage Lockers Each Locker 'Insured Against Fire. Phone 80 -- Brussels, Ont. ANE IS Ladies did you know that every morning we give a Beczaztihi' Permanent '6V•av�' a' or °rely $2.00 (Reg-ular $5.O Wave), Phro�le 1 JONES BEAUTY SALON For Sale at l€•Listovue. Ont. 1e Br 1ssd s . tr eaa el ' _ ° 'r V. . aMa .? 'f 'S t (j 4'x e f( a K ? necessarS, for llrca toter 0. 1ttCa Carried 43. MORRIS TWP• COUNCIL. Moved by t has. Cntt'te 1. seconded �`�aa-°,��'1���.���.,��. by Sam Atc•ock that the meeting :VTreting Octoh°r 4. 1044 ndinnrlt to meet a�ai l on November Cnndn•v, Ort. 10, Rev. .Toho --('m•r1ed. Pollock• Ringhn,n occupied Holt nn the above date with all the The following accounts were pond: 1 't •n 'Knox Churn. The choir Dolly Cream Wilson's Fly Pads On . for Curta,ns 1 1 theThe Council met in the Township 1st at 1 pen?. Tintex, All Purpose Fly Swatters Rit ' o y M. •. . STATIONER .exalt Drug Store DRUGGIST znd TELEPHONE No. 62 -- BRUSSELS. oN f • Vecr, J' , tt n, �roi+1,Y �,TeP�1'IM" NiIIR?•IpIA A. dk44tr.. S rib FO All Types of '.,oultry, Farm Livestock and Fur Bearers Now Available in Brussels. MASTER FEEDS ARE BUILT ON THE GRAIN BASE PRINCIPLE. IN THIS COOLER CLIMATE FEEDS BUILT THIS WAY MAINTAIN PRODUCTION LONGER IN YOUR STOCK. Try Red Head Egg Mash and Master Laying Pellets with your Pullets. YOUR MASTER FEEDS DEALER !troll MASTER BALANCED FEEDS for ALL CLASSES OF POULTRY FARM LIVE STOCK FUR BEARING ANIMALS & BOGS X16 M M M MJ M M M M 1000100 KrWer00.5 00100 f4 Ada as lS Phone 99-r-4 Brussels '. Pees $°100 imt pt 1 -anti an anthem. On •nn1a•'. net members present. TO Reeve pre' Counts of Huron, indigen 2.00 ,u 1 - Anniversary services will be sidsd. lU�•']t `:h,udnrd, udrertisin.* -. 115 1014 with Rev. Percy F vgasen, LtiO g,' TTemsnll guest sneaker. R ,,tees at The minutes of the last meeting Frank T)nnean. fox bounty ... .1 3.27 4111 am, and 7:30 pm, Special music. were read and adopted on moymt et C. w. Hanna, relief aeeeuot 60.00 i./1 by the choir. Sabbath school will not Baillie Parrott and Sam A10001t. Brussels Fair, grant A0.00 m, et at 10 a.m. of knn:v'rsarY Blyth Pair, grant .. PI Sunday. Moved by Chas. Coolies. seconded ^_0.00 ]3elgt•ty° T'alr. grana 5.00 The October meeting of the \\roe by Tlaillie Parrott tS�nt the Comet of 1 ,, I u,l:nl twain 1,n•s Missionary Secrets was held Revision m, the Asanssmenl Roll for Gc,orgn Radfm 1 Blyth ('tern; AO 110 S I` a* 1110 home of Mrs. oho Schnook L. F}, Cardiff. Grant t , Enron •, l rte an attendance of and Mia. 1049Moved be opened. Coulte .45.90 d° t,llnn Cameron dn•e4idrfl and read ih' ATm 0d by Chas. Cou1te , seconded plow nu:•n s .\ so c tat. ,t �? 1 call to worship. Provers t n'CVC by Som Alcock that th0 road bills - WILLIAM T. SPENCE -� isiate Conveyance and Commissioner GENERr�� INSUARANCE OFFICE MAIN STREET -- -- ETHEL, ONE. T TIS ray, Electrical, Heating and Plumbing Wholesalers for Acme Pressure Systems (deep or shallow well) Clerk Air -Cooled 3 H.P. Gas Engines Electric Motors, Grinders and Rollers Electrical Appliances and Fixtures DE LAVAL DEALER-3ldilkers,, Separators, Speedway Water Heaters and Accessories. Full lbao of deep and shallow well Pressure Systems. McWhirter Electric PHONE 53X BRUSSELS, ONT. riven h, 'Mrs. Baht. Cemphel. :111s.as presented by the mad Superin• Dan T.Tnether and \Tt Cameron. Thr s ripinrr rending from Ps..ltit 1(17 tencbart be paid.-Carired.er�nlrr, ver“--, 1.22 Rea. drill it 11i - Alice Moved by SS m. Peacock. Farr st. Mrs, Campbell carr a nailer by Baillie Parrott that tit,. lend co. ,° •1 'in Everything Give Thanle5." genr�P Radford to c1'•an and rrpai+• `T?t, hl1 11" s was conducted by the 1 pres'.d nt. The word "fruit" was the 'McCaughey and Rm4nel Drains at I ns,•r1 in roll call resnon<P. An in- $1.40 per rod. be accepted.-Carh•od. ,•,.....c. in the allecntino foe 194c Moved by Chas. Coolies, seconded was reported by the trnsmrer Thr by Win. Peacock that the wages of t.Pectio.n.s1 meeting in Teeswrater on the Road Superintendent and ;Oct. 21 was mentinnA. also an in - i citation from the Tonna' Women's Graderman be raised To 71 cents per CrMm to atenl their October meet• hoar, the truck driver to 70 rents i tile: at wltieh Mrs. .T4s Erskine Per home and all other labour to 50 ;Moncton, will the fguestspeaker, cents per hour and Haat the Road ',.1, n=emrnts were madam for the I animal Thankoffering of our society. Superintendent rec'r iv., $15,00 per Tee nucetton 00 a Misalon Band month for bookkeeping. -Carried. Leader was referred to the Young Moved by Sant MOOI'lc, seconded IWomn'seditations were egiven byl Mrs. .Toho Schnook by Baillie Parrott that a charge of and Mrs. Clara Ometead. Anis read• $0.05 per hour or a mtnhnum charge h,g on "The Peace River District" of $5.00 be made for spraying was given by the tea der. Mrs. barns. -Carried, Cameron. At the close of the meet - Moved by Wm. Peacock. seconded ing refreshments were served by the by Baillie Parrott that a grant of hashers, The Sacrament of Baptism was $25.00 be given to the Huron Plow - administered to Brian MacTlonald, men's Association. -Carried, , 11105111 son of Murray and Mrs. Moved by Wm. Peacock, seconded }Thither, in Knox Murcia here on by Sam Alcock that Baillie Parrott Sunday, Sept. 26 by Rev. I. D. Mac -and Chas. Coultes be commission o'a TM'. Holiday visitors wish Lylle and to loolt after the Russet and Mc• Mrs. Cordon and Mrs. C. Omstead daughey Drains, -Carried. were Wm, and Mrs. Hunter and Frank and Mrs. Hunter and family. Moved by Baillie 1•astott, second - all of Oshawa. ed by Sam Alcock that 13y -Law \o. Art. and Mrs, sBLena and ng. 0 1948,setting time for Nomination Bray and Miss Lena Cowing. Listowel, were Sunday visitors w.th for November 26 and the election, if Wm. and Mrs. Smalldoi. George (1• Martin, Clerk Ne,.r Lone Ranger Adventure ,. . l . t. 1 1 .'...4#41104 in n• •r rxc?unti ,,Yitluit "Tit Outlaw See The lnnu Ranger. Flash rierdou, The Phantom and other cannons and Eesti,-,,_ a v..ntnrr. l t.-1. s 141 (1 141- ittc ht PI'('N. The ('mai' \?•': ekly the it't: Color comic magazine with this Sunday's I OCtehv,r 171 144110 :It The Detroit Sunday Tines. Articles For Sale -- Typewriters, Adding Machines, Cash Regsiters, Bought, Sold & Repaired. Safes, opened, com- binations changed, used safes bought. J. W. Locking, 369 - 24th St. W., Phone 2096w Owen Sound EYES EXAMINED Listowel J. A. MONAGHAN, R. O. Graduate of Ontario College of Optometry. Office: Wallace St. - Hours: 8,30-6.00. Evenings by Appointment 0PTOMETRIST COMING TO % RUSSELS R. A. REID, Registered Optometrist of Stratford will be at his BRUSSELS OFFICE In Miss Hingston's Store on. Wednseday Morning, Oct. 27 From 9.30 a. m. to 12.30 Noon Eyes .Examined -Glasses Fitted. Having secured the dealership for The Austin Cars and Trucks a cordial invitation is extendecT to the public to call and see them. You have to ride in one to appreciate their many fine qualities, ONE NOW ON DISPLAY MORE PROCURABLE AT ONCE M Neil's Shell Service Phone 77-r.'6 Brussels, Ont. v FREE INSURANCE Our range of Diamonds runs from. $47.50 to $250,00 in single stone and shoulder set, Our gurtentoe 'avers freedom from flaws or Imperfections of any kind, Perfection of cutting and brilliance, perfeot colouring, All this, plus an Insurance Policy against loss, theft, or damage. Buy your Diamond with confirisnce from Leach's Jewellery Store, "The Store for Beuutifull Gifts" W. G. LEACH Jeweller - Brussels, Ont - Fall Specials 9 Untrimmed Women's Winter Coats lining guaranteed for 2 yean (lasts year's styles) sold regular up to $35.00 Special $14.95. Misses' All Wool Skirts (last year's styles) Special to clear at $2.98. Girls Winter Coats, sizes 8, 10 and 12 years Special $10.95. Full Fashioned Lyle Hose Special $1.35 per pair. Women's Heavy Cotton Bloomers medium and large sizes 2 pair for $1.50. . Infants Fleece Lined Sleepers in pink and blue, sizes 1 to 4 years Special $1.98.. Women's White Flannelette Nightswwns medium and large sizes Special $2,98 up. Young Men's All-weather Gabardine Coats - sizes 34 to 44 Special $14.95. Men's Winter Overcoats in fleece, rneltons and tweeds Made by the hmous Cambridge just in stock - $37.50 up. Men's Blanket Cloth Windbreakers in red, green, blue and brown Special $8.95. Boys Gabardine Windbreakers Sizes 8 to 16 years - Special $2.95. Boys Heavy Plaid Shirts Sizes 8 to 14 years - Special $1.98 up. Fall and Winter Underwear for the whole family. Women's and Girls Fall Shoes in Ties, Pumps and Loafers, in black and brown - Special $1.98. THE 4RCADE STORE Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family Phone 61 - B'russels, Ont.