HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-10-13, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST -.on is S10(Time fver Li'ves Hallowe'en is coming round again! When your doorbell rings, be ready with this grand Purity Pumpkin pie .. made with Purity Flour . . of coursel Here's a melt -in -your -mouth pastry recipe. FURRY POOP( (enough for 2 FILLING (I one Beat 2 ems only until whites arid yolks are well blended. Gradually SIR together 11/2 cilia si '00.11 .. , )7 te4i,pti.cup.white sti.ga d add .i Peon pie shells') spoons ice undo. sractostlY. tr4xiria igre )..,,l' 71 kA411:111 bake in hot oven (4 t.) f,:1/4t, FLOUR and Vt. IrdiPao ff,,tuCti_ s.”4„.114 with two knives, until it looks like Simon .d/lip 'A cep shortouns into mi. re very cOUSe meal. Add 3 table. sail. A 'i111 1tO' together. Chill dough for 5 or LO ten minutes, then rt. ii.)PeanIl °obi enough to hold mixture inioaes arid turn outwofitha,,Ilittij, tt.,1:101-e1r.,„,„)d. --2-i in r until non to Vs loth tlIttito.ss. i,Vit.,Intiesdagre, m 053 „605,..ez.41,08 (toured ho.tud. son esks tr,i-sit tightly into Die Plates ralsilr (ace. outing recipe maY so hat 00 015 bubbl°s. are traPPeth dp?is'illed if you wish 2 pumpkin and trim. oil the ed i;,.:•,i2...77.7r, Remember, Parity Flom; specially milled front finest bard wbeat—is best for all your baking. YOU NEED ONLY ONE FLOUR PURITY OATS GRAND FOR BREAKFAST FOR ONE RESULT—PERFECTION L 31 buys you the famous PURITY COOK BOOK svith 10 875 recipes developed in the Purity flour Kitchoo. Send to your nearest Purity Flour Mills office. St. John. Montreal, Que., Om Wa. Ont., Toronto, Ont,, Winnipeg Man., Calgary, Altao YanCouver, B.C. Name Street City PrOvince 843-F8 51 he ini VQ)gig '40 kpeoeme a Et XY, tochnitlaim In the post -wax R.C.A.F. there are many trades which provide ample scope for the ambitious young Canadian to prepare himself for a progressive future in the technical, radio, or clerical fields. This is the day when the men with special skill and training have the advantage over the other fellow. The R.C.A.F. offers you just the training and opportunity you are looking for. EARN WHILE YOU LEARN Rates of pay in the R.C.A.F. have been increased and you can add to your monthly income by improving your trade proficiency and by promotion to higher rank, • Technical trades training • full opportunity for advancement. • Progressive pay increases. • Provision for religious welfare. • Medical and dental care, • Sports and recreational facilities. • 30 days vacation a year with full pay. • Clothing provided. • Retirement income assured. and remember. . ,the R.C.A.F. offers you continuous employment and pay. THE5E uGETALt " IN VIE VOINJOIlissorster,___ A, Ps r14tret4 . .4.44,tg 14'1 ;KA, I•ti A F W.20 • MAIL COUPON TO YOUR NEAREST R.C.A.F. STATION Geniral Air Command R.A.P. Station or North.Woo Cmm oend, ti3O,A.10 Station 1 Tom, on.Ot„. Edmonton, nita, Piano oand mo, without obligation, full Psrtionia. rogardia2 1 eoliannont rormiromonis old openings now available. in tho 5.0.1L51. NAME Mimeo STREET ADDRKSS... - _ - I. You aro a Gonadial, althea or edam Tirklah Yo0Orriegible 2, You aro a ng , a. 11.111 110/11 tsilMmUM of Imo yew km than hiller 5°Piiv Matriculation for radio trade., end tam Yeah, fer 011 4. 000*0. ‚10141150110(04000 1708, 5*00 ricarles atilt Ilrs. Il -vi', lil, line. ; It.ittylng a holiday visit to Lind- ttythe oId bottle 1ie0411 41' :11151 also :klatch 1.1.341 W1111W11-11, Wil,/ wen- 1V, al en iht liar. es, et4411,10o. 115 1''I Il'1l541 Ittarce, i •tiel li,etttie, 'pipet Two„ l'itt"11,1 'It; wet I, whit their rl omit Ir. '.1;' (leo llionie ain't Mt Itilitlile, • _a 11 trim ra 111E4,1 et.,11 W:1,4 TbanItsgiviiig visitor with lier parents Mr. land Mrs. 'lis. ( iiTed Ads FOR SALE— A. grinder and '23 Model A car. Phone 33-r-5 .Tac,' Whit e FOR SALE— A good boas°, Stephenson,Brnssels FOR SALE— ("rinks Stove. coal or wood. Harry Keys Phone64x-r-2 FOR SALE— A. peacli moire taffotta (waning dress, size 13. Latest style. 09x -r-7 _ — FOR SAL5- 15 1-Tolstein cows. Phone 49-r-0 Wm. Etratychuk FOR SALE— Barb, d wire fella. Joe Hamilton, Brnssels FOR SALE - 125 Leghorn pullets, ready to lay. Phone 30-r4 Thos. Pierce FOR SALE,r . 1 driving horse, 7 yrs. old, gond single or double. Phone Bressals 271-41 _ — ---__ — NEW SINGER SEWING MADHINES Electric portable and cabinet also Treadle machines. For particulars write Box 50 The Brussels Post. WANTED EVERY WEEK - 500 pigs., any size, Phone 38, Listowel or write P.O. Box et Listowel. LOST - 1 bag of laying mash between Brussels and C. Martin's gate OA Saturday night. Will finder who found same please phone 174-23 Clarence Martin FOR SALE— S, double -deck hen houses or suit- able for drive sheds: one 24 x 40 it all insulated; the other. 20 x RD ft., both in good condition and could be I moved. Torrence Dundee at Walton "hone 90-r-5 voR SALE— Eleetric motors rewound and eu tsatred. Expert workmanship. Moder. ate prices. New motors in stock, ... Elettner Industries, 644 Ontario, Street, Stratford. One. 1 FOR SALE - 1 Hygienic Supplies (rtubbar 0 -node) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. Six saMples 25s, 24 samples, $1.00. Mail (I Order Dept. M-33 Nov -Rubber Co Box 41, Hamilton, Ont. FOR SALE - 1 have listed 4 houses ihi the i-c:rillgaigveenof. Brussels. Those are good buys an d immediate rOAROBSi011 can 100 -acre farm, real goad buildings, good farm, hydro, imemdiate Posses- ' —1"751 ,,I °11160 -acre farm, real good hUildings, good location, hydro. This is a real good farm, 'immediate possession. 75-nore farm. 1A mile from High- way, price $3200.03. C. Long. Mane 84 Real Estate Broker Brusesis, Ont. AGENTS— Door to door Salesmen wanted to establish a business of their own with our 250 Guaranteed Household Necessities. Splendid territories vacant in your district — -Unlimited pos,sibilities for the ambitious person —Never a dull season-, Experience not essential but a ear if von select a rural territory—Very capital needed-13E8T opportunity of start. Inc a business of yoUr own — Write for 1D(31311 details and CATALOGUE to PA:1MM, 1600 Daloritier—IVION TRIBAL, P., F. tiwnatils Re gist ereil Optometrist 'Western Donders Mio %Went Eye Samiloter , 'hone 118, tiarpiston P„L 111. ,:1,11,et:v .15 51111'1 the rui,m1 11,.. 1 Prerfrirr,d Tharrl. ..1., rs, 5111 irm • glvirot.- filen tint text "Pt tt tit.Lord not rev t ti larrth t rta eves." altnia ersttr3' ?H. 1'14, 1 lryt ritilrett Go tr. , tut Prot. I11, S' Herten to Ittet-', • tet 1, '414t7 te1-111,'“ .1. to I1/I,' 1101 or% .1 ”11Nif. CIO .1i01t1 1t. 5'1143 Calm), f sc, .Tolin. let-, istti Tit t, , giving me..tase, has. ti .11 “Illt:ss the is't till 1. Hot -vitt of Tilyth wilt I I,' 1.1/1111/11`11,'11, 1 1-4 17. Permna Is MI- Ti I, • rn- ton and daintier Mat 7 pf with Mr. and Mrs. ton; ?,Ti'. anti M1114. 1( 1Toward, Tornit 10 and 7tirs. 1' 'bort son, Tic Igrave. with Mrt. lames Robertson: Mr. 1110 7111.1. 1111r3i.11 and two children from Nora Scalia with Rev. ,T. A. and Mr,. Burden; Mr. nod Mrs Fred 4,1 Mrs Tcle Wilson, Toronto, writ ft'. and Mrs. Norman Welwr,,,d, 711,'..s'. -'.,i” rd. ; Miss TIN by Duff, Twontn. and Mrs. Donald Street, Nilrh nes, with Miss :\ if and )11in Aitken: OIy MoTatt. Inzt rsttli. Mrs. Edith Sanderson dal] ittrtr 'Catherine. London ‘‘,4 h C. B. 3.1.91, fatt ; Mr, and Mrs Tr -ty Tnityry attended the Wakat•ell -St -en wr d. ng at the chureh of the Epiph ray, London, on Saturnia,. 5,115,1 1 " gr,r111[16011, Srntt Me'rle ut tt. rich, was rine Iles rev in rert many; Miss Mary Duff and Mrs. M. A1111"n, wtti, 11r and Mrs. T'nelte• at 1.7,--cor Mit and Mrs. j, (' v•Tirl., 11,11111 1,11111(111 111, their gnu- TS. 1111.. Airs Yr rdmi Tilogtn., Ter, ero. 11.4 - ted their 11151(5 AT (1 't-' at London; :11r. -nd Mr,. Tfirry Elliott. Jack and PhvIli, -Mr and IlTrs Tone Men Yt"rox. eter; 'NT111, 13, Olire ITtsat her cousins IMr. and Mrs. .T. .1. Rattan tynP .,11,15,11; 114- mul Mrs. Joseph Greenaway, their son Leslie and Mrs. C,:teeletway„ at, tended the funeral ti Tewttitt on Saturday of Rtchert fluirtm. a brother of 11, J. Gre nawaY. Personals. 1114-.1, Arnold T,Rintv c•. 15'turned from visiting hur father. Nos man :11e1Nlinn, at Pa154r4vet Mr. fleMinn retnrnel vdth -• 1,10. rx- pects to speml he winter I1rf Patsy Turnbull. Jrantlanzitter of Mr. and Mrs. Eldwar 1 .Toluistcm. I e1484«1 without injmy -a-htm swing she was on tm Imo over at forete not all TN, it tatttit, " UGE fAILK.ERS DAIRY MA .11 J. B. Aitsins, :3e;ri,f,:yi Service Dealer — Ph,' '.711 Sive or+ h 07,ORGE POLLA Pr) RF.PRESNTATIVT7 1 _ — . 1 iniblie :olio .1 Iiiiiirbut her on Ill,' ',V1 11111'1 tilt:, 1!, vvilpi 11;t:" ;11,11I 145 weeks %, tenting itc the 1 tobacco fields in Essex county, i1 sis ruling a few days to Ws home Iter, : Mrs. Raymond Elliott and her brother Gordon Messer are visiting their brother Harvey and , 'Mrs, Messer, Toronto. NOTICE TO CRIaOITORS 111 the '-814(04 of Filccrty CLARK late of the Township a Grey in the County of Huron, gentlemen, who died on or about the twenty. second day of August, A.D. 1948. TAKE NOTICE that all parties having claims or demands against the estate of the above deceased must mail particulars and proof of am,, to the undersigned executrix or her sorcitorA, on or °store the nineteenth day of OctLber, A.D. 1948, rtmn whieh date the said executrix will proceed to distribute the assets with regard only to those claims which shall then have neon re, retved. DATED at lirns.,,elt !hto twenty- fourth day of Sentemb r A.D. 1548. Mary Clark, Executrix Walton, Ontario by her solicitors CRAWFORD HETHERINGTON, Brnssels, Ontario • 1,,y , («1 1114' 13111, 1048 • _ trir ss at AT ti 0 E P-OHIS CONTENTED CATTLE with a Me INCREASED production is the answer to J. higher profits from your herd. That's what sunning water—where and when you need 14—gives your EXTRA PROFITS . . . IN- MEASED PRODUCTION . . . REDUCED COSTS. Duro Pumps ... built for farm operation . . fill 211 your needs in barn . . . poultry house ... home ... provide sure fire protection for all your buildings. INSTALL THE BEST ... INSTALL A DURO. EM C 0 Fixtures and Fittings 258 casy to improve daily living with simple EMCO remodelling in kitchen . .. bathroom ... laundry. Sec us today and learn how you can add to daily comfort . safeguard your .family's health . . • easily . . . with real rummy =joy a modern home. $112.00 F.O.B. London, Canada H. J. GIBSON Phone 83x -r-4 Brussels -EMPIRE Ellfiss MFG. CO. RCM LIMIT -ED tcation•Ramit.rqn -TO50111-0-$00021RY•gamiNG-VNI5DVV6N 11A -NDS AT WORK... for ONTARIO'S products are desired and purchased by people all over the world and the capacity to produce such goods largely determines the economic welfare of every man, woman and child within her borders. Because the sale of every article produced iu Ontario brings valuable dollars into this Province, we all are more assured of job security . and we and our children can have more of the better things in life. To produce such goods in sufficient quantities, skilled labour is vital. That is why every single one of us should be glad that war veterans are constantly being trained to provide the skilled hands so needed by,,,Ontario industry. They receive ON THE JOB training under expert instructors in our Ontario factories. This training, provided through the co-operation of the Department of Veterans' Affairs, the Federal Department of Labour and the Ontario Department of Educa- tion, starts veterans on the road to skilled craftsmanship. Taught to use their hands in such jobs as routing, etching, stripping, burnishing and finishing, they will eventually become photo engraving craftsmen. Because of the increasing im- portance of this trade, every effort of these newly.okilled workers helps to make Ontario a finer place in which to live and contributes to the welfare and happiness of all her citizens. THE BREWING INDUSTRY' (ONTARIO) 111177FARIO • OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 01181011•••0 OOOOOOOO 000000e40 LEARNING PIROTO ENGRAVING R. C. Smith, 22, of Toronto, an R.C.A.F, veteran, is shown routing a plate in a largo Toronto photo engraving plant. During theirtraining,veterans are shifted fiviu one job to another to familiarize them with all phases of photo engraving, Many veterans subsequent- ly obtain full time employ. ment in the factories where they receive training. 0