HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-10-13, Page 4Would your business need to be wound up .. IF? Many businesses are wound up because when the owner or owners die there isn't enough ready cash for the family or partners to carry on. This calarnity is caused by lack of adequate Business Insurance. Had the owner or owners purchased Business Insurance the premiums could easily have been paid without financial strain. If you own a business and don't want to see it sacrificed after you are gone, why not ask us to send a specially trained Confederation Life Represen- tative to discuss the matter with you. i8 BEFORE YOU INSURE, CONSULT— Confederation ONSIILT— Con f eder ion Life Association HEAD OFFICE TORONTO aacsa J. C. LONG;:, Representative, Brussels • a war tia THE BRUSSELS T`f3ST NS SI Fe TO 17.17 0!», IMS.PaLED `�OI. PLEAD r14' �1 AU L 17aci L EbazimssisztY3i1aO and AtIraawYsaQ O ✓ are C eta "�4 ¢frxa ll f:l4i: .',&O fbs. eao',i.y P 100 lbs, for aei:nitioaal AT YOUR FARM L.'`b 9p) t'%; L ,OBte2dt Bi uSscis 72 — Ingersoll 2 OBITUARY Styles and 11. Willl:,ttt-on, all of Toronto; E. F. and Airs. Margaret Lowry of Dundas and Mr and Mrs. Fred Scarlett, Seaford. John McGill John McGill pass,d away ate Saturday night. October 2nd at his home in Morris Township after a ,'.'ne:thy Illness. Hotu in West Waw nosh Township 60 years nem He came to this district in 1004. Ile was married at Wroxeter to 1914 to Cora Williamson who survives him. He was a member of the Anglican Church. He was always :, kind and thoughtful neighbour always ready to help when in need. He had been a member for tw, my y. trs and a Director for five \' :a•.c. Fut: ral was held from his home 'I'n,•=day, Oct. 5th at. 2:90 with 1,111111 at Brandon C onetery. Pallbearers were Howard Willem- * * THANKSGIVING VISITORS a - .. r a v ,. „ li; 1; t o <tpt :u,•ul 'F aulcsgivIng ILobert Thomson. 11r. :011 Mrs \\'. ci. .11,'11cw,41 chid Ito ir Ow! .Hos. Jeal - v l Ann:' of '1'nr,nnn, .,rut. 9'h:ndt,-".lelmr: ufth )fig- 11..11a4 [iu.-: Lruhrt ",: Mr. 11111 Ila::a. ;Ci• 'it,••+,." ,et".t Thanliag,Iving at the homy •;f Mrs t'b,.'.,ece lir and Airs. ,i A 1 .i... „t. 1,awl Cameron and children of Toronto spout the Creek end wit.i 'Mrs, Itallantyne. Vii .•rs with lir. :non Mrs. llrilt Manning over Pheit'f t. fiord day w, re lit. awl 11• Shohbroilt and rluir1,-s „i' Hull. it and ll' -as Laura .\I:tlntie,., Int•. ,nnl Ars. L. E. Ro/e11 of l' itchertc•r t,ud firs. Checseboro. of \menta. Pen.. t".S.A, W"'1St'. ith Aire. AUCTION SALE House and Household Effects Queensbury Street, Brussels, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16th Sale commences at 1.30 P.M. Chesterfield suite Radio 3 beds, springs and mattresses Cupboard Extension table Rocking chair an d4 odd chair.; 6 leather bottom chairs Large leather chair Window table 3 end tables Dresser Toilet stand Rag mats Rugs 2 sits children's rocking horses Canning sealers Baby carriage on, Robert Yuill, Joseph Allan, Cooping utensils ironing board Coal -oil stove Cecil Wheeler. William McMurray 1 110 -Volt Electric Weldor and Carbon Flower.hearers. Frani. Little. and Joseph YArc Attachment es. .Tessa Wheeler, Rae Crawford, Dick Acetylene Welder and rutting Torch Procter, Wm. Stubbs, Carl Procter. Large Emery Stand Friends from a distaucr were Air. Counter Shafts and Pulleys M. Williamson, Mr. and .Mrs. \.i TERMS CASH 1 House and 3 Lots, to be sold Subject to a Reserve Bid. Terms made known day &f sale. jjj HALBERT KEFFER, Prop. LEWIS ROLAND, Auctioneer You choose the bank which suits you best. Your freedom of choice keeps the spur of competitieil always working to give you better and better banking service. Canadian banks, like other private concerns, compete for your business. They strive to excel one another in helpfulness and efficiency—in satisfying your requests for information or advice—in meeting the growing, changing fi uanc needs of the community. SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK 0 ACT's Joan ITcltlnald, Ports, nn"tt Thanksgiving at her hone hero. P,': ret'it and MTh's. Young- and Susan, Sebringvitb, were nu•:te with S. and Sirs, Da 114“11 to' 1 the week -end. 1\Irs, Nelson Freethy and s,nh 'Perry, Brantford, with '.Air. and Mrs, Wm. McNair and othar. Brussels frlends. .lir. and airs. 0. Whitfield an'l daughter, St. Catharines with vela• tit'es, Mr. and Mrs. A. Grewar and sons :pent the holiday weep end 10 Niagara Falls. Dr, W. A. Spence and Mfrs, Spence Toronto, with Mr. and lt.'s. D. A Rano, Mrs. E. 'Arcata and chlblree, 'Pcr• onto. with her mother, Mr•. 3. FI Gabraith, Thanksgiving visitors ,vide XIV 1111 lir,. .Toa Rowland were :\tr. and Mrs. .Too. Ryan of Hcnnittm: Mr. and .firs. Wm, Rowland and flamt,Ter nt Witne:hatn; lir. and Sirs. 11. Hymn's and family of Listowel. They also call, d on lir, and 1H'°. Cleo. Davidson and family. Mrs. Ryan, niece nt .lies. J. Rnw1<n1 is rccen'lr r,nt front Cardiff. Wales and this ". . tin ?list time they nlet, CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock & Implements at Lot 19, Con, 14, McKillop T'wp, 11/4 miles south and 11/2 East of CLEARING AUCTION SALE DATE ANNOUNCED LATOR 50 head of Cattle Crain Hay 20 cord of Dry Wod 5 set of Sloop Sleighs Cabin Trailer with cellt'nt5, etc, etc Everything listed will be sold, WATCH FOR BiLLS JACK THYNNE FOR SALE— A 'quantity of dry long. suitable for Walton on stove. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29th at 1 P.M, Dan McKinnon HORSES Clv' ' train S and 0 vrs. old Ing 3200 lbs, CATTLY1 3 Durham cows due in March . heifers riling 2 yrs. old 1 steer rising 2 yrs. old 1 yearling sten r 3 spring calves PIGS 4 York pies 70 lbs, HARNESS 1 set brass mounted breeching 'harness Number of horse collars IMPLEMENTS Massey -Harris binder I_ l0Cormit'k 11111wer. R ft. tot Spring tooth cultivator Soucy rake Seed drill . Diamond harrows Wanting plow Riding plow Rubber 'ire buggY international manure snr'adcr het sleighs, flat rack Farm wagons Hay rack .:•ravel box Scnffler Fanning mill 2 piano boxes Fray fork Whiffletrees Neckyokes Logging Chains McCormick Deering cream separator: like now FARM -75 acre farm, frame house, bank barn, 6 acres of goad hardwood bush, well drained, good water supply, all in hay and pasture. Sold subject to reserved bid. ' CHATTELS CASH MRS. REBECCA J. DENNIS, Prop HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk weigh- 'T,r Y'"IALE Thnnitsgivtng visitors included: Mr, and Mrs, Frank Sharpe and daughter Jean, Toronto, _wish Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Elliott, Mrs, W. 11. McKinney and other rela- tives; Mr., and Mrs, t•Tai'old Holmes, Toronto, with Andrew Holmes •and Miss Jessie Holmes; Mr. and Mos. Douglas L, Tait and two daughters, London, with Mr, and Mrs. F. R, Meliinnep; Miss Norma McMinn, Toronto, and Jack McMinn, of the Radar School at Clinton, with their sisters, Mrs. Arnold 'billow, and Mr, Lillow; Miste Thiene 14lcitinney, • London, witit her mother Mrs, W. H. McKinney; Miss Florence Fow• ler at Seaforth and son WVildom with relatives in Detroit; bit's. R, T. Ctar'niss with Mrs. Oho.rios (farniss and Mrs. Helen Scott at Seaforth, etm 'hunks 12" furnace of box Phone 24-r-12. N'ednoshay, fiefol„ r 1'1th. 1'13 When the day comes for you to ease up, will you be de- pendent on others—or will you enjoy freedom from worry on a CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY$ Don't look back and say "If Only,..," Look forward and say") Will." * A tow -cost Canadian Government Annuity guarantees you as much as $1200 a year for life. ® No medical Examination is required. ® Your Annuity cannot be seized udder any law. You cannot lose your money even if your payments fall. into arrears. ® Anyone, from, 5 to 85, is eligible..' Annuities • Branch DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR HUMPHREY MITCHELL Minister A. MacNAM ARA Deputy Minister Mail this Coupon todayPOST A G'c FREE Annuities. Branch, Deportment a! Labour, Ottawa, Please xond mo COMPLETE INFORMATION about Canadian Government Amount.. NAME ADDRESS (PRINT CLEARLY) Repair Your Tractor — any make Repair all kis. 's of Farm Equipment Pedlar Barad Equipment Dominion Tires Otaco Farm implements E Richards y P.?Of'ts Ethel The extreme seriousness of the power shortage makes it essential that every means be used to relieve this critical situation. If you have steam -driven or standby generating equipment of any kind that is not at present in full- time use, which could be utilized to augment the Commission's available resources, please wire us collect, giving full particulars. The gravity of the situation can not be over em- phasized. Your co-operation in this respect is vital if the present high level of production is to be maintained. CHAIRMAN, THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ,ONTARIO WIRE NOW Address all cormunicatlons'to'the Power Ca•ordlnalor, The Hydro -Electric Power Coonnilssion ei Onte 4 620 University Avenue, TORONTO 2, Qatari*.