HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-9-29, Page 1POS, ' FW3U$HIRG HOUSE - mmo.._..,am. . • �_. ... _ nem #1" ndince tt ®41) sees O1,,e, vv r1) Han Flt 011;)• ctober est'al 8.30 m ANNIVERSARY SERVICE 1 will he held in Knox PresbterianI 6111' , ch Ethel on Sunday, Oct. .r 3rd at 11:00 a.m. and 7:30 14'1• pain. Guest speaker, Rev. E. A. Thompson of Toronto, Sec. Board of Administration. Special music by choir. FOOTBALL Brussels Legion Club Vs. Stratford in Victoria Park, Brussels Saturday, October 2nd at 3:30 Sharp Admission^Adults 25e Come and cheer the boys to victory. Mahquerade Dance To be held our Oct. 28 in Brussels Town Hall, sponsored by Ladies' Auxilary to the Canadian Legion. Ken Wilbee's Orchehtrn. Prizes, ,Admission 75c including lunch. Watch your paper for further particulars. Truly n1y soul waiteth upon •Gocl; from Hint cometh my aalvat ion. i � iIvi11e Church I PAlnlatar Rev. G. A. Milne, tLA, 10 a.. m. Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a. m. Sacramentof til•; LO,r'd'I+ SuvPer. 7 p. m. "Declnsive CllirstilrritY" Louie D. Thompson, Organist and Choehr. aster. i 1 Thefiniteda larch ! OF CANADA !!1111 Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson Organist Mrs. Ian Wilbee 10.46 a.m, The session will meet 11 a. m. Morat1g Worship The 1•loiy Commnition, The Broken Ghent. 12 March School and Bible Class. 7 P, in. Evening Praise The Minigrant. 16 eryoue CoriallY Welcome, Church of England Parish of Brussels Went. d• H. Kerr. Brussels. 1901 Sunday After 'Prinity October Ord, 1,1148 et. Georges Church, Walton—• 41,15 a. m. Morning Prayer Sunday School St. David's Church, Henfrn-•- 10.16 R. m. Sunday Scheel 11.16 a. M. Morning Prayer M. Johne Church, Brussels-•. 2 p. in. Sunday Sohonl A p, ma, /livening Prayer CARD OF THANKS wish to thank lily amity friends the :lovely cards and letter- received during my stay In Listowel Memorial Hospital, adso for gifts of flowers, fruilt and candy Special thanks to .the W.M.S. and S.S. of Ethel Presbyterian Church for boxes received. Your kindness was 1mt(1.1 a,ppreolat.ed. Mrs. Stan. Dunbar Wednesday, September 29th, 1948 New Signs Erected Signs Inuring he name, 'Mortis Township and Confession number' one at each t •e: 1t , were erected last week, t ,end of every concession and the boundaries. The party responsibi( tor this move Is the Morris'Township nate-ration of Agriculture. to aid the public in knowing their whereabouts when travelling the borders of the township. The, protect has (net with much favorable Comment. The signs were painted at The Brussels Post, It's Timely! Be Sure To Real "Football Girl" Katharine Brush stole•; anothet touchdown with 13119 4parkting 1nv1 story. You also will c•njny features by Arthur "1)3);50" Baer, Paul (Janie° awl other writing headliners:. in Pictorial Review, brilliant magazine with the all-star east, one of the three great, magazines appearing with this :Sunday's (0014143er 3) 'issue of the Detroit Sunday Tinges. Teeswater Fair OCT.. 5th & 6th Outstanding Light and Heavy Horse Shows. : Reglanal Hereford, Holstein arid Yorkshire Shows Softball Chan)pians Guests of Lions TIIH 13r11e414!s 1.a(11,1, :'of'I ht 11 'roam 19114 ('haalp,iutn '14 lit.. lY r 1 1.‘" wars guests of human al Elle ).tau: Slipper meeting on S'onday night. Torry Gregg. President of leu• N'. 0. A. A. wa31 also present anti mad, the ofi'ichtl presentation of the \4'.O.A.A. Champlonrditl+p cup to catcher Jetry Stephenson, captain c•' the tent)). Lion president A. i\'0mi Tnrv:,l)'4 and welcomed the guests. Lion s",•• 1.e3a.ry Schultz read The Minutes. There MIS a letter from the Minister y��' ta o a a t of health, R. T. Kelly, congratulating PEOPLE y l` &:.`..., P L, IIP' KNOW the Chub on the success of the 'tit. • r r e a a d Clinic and the sale of Christmas Mr. Win. Henderson left on Seals` The club will hold n 1Ta11nwe',•n party for children of the aomnnm111 Monday for a trip t0 Iho Newt. Proceeds from the Ta; DAN' for the sr 11) r bibs. Maury Sperling, Clinton, is visiting with lIr. and Mrs. Herb Manning. Jahn F. •Howard or the Forest align School staff, [;pent last \POE end at. iris home -here. s n a Mr. and Mrs. Russel W. 'Bryan and tamely moved to their new home 1n Guelph hast week. v a n Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McCallum of Myth were guests tvid.h Mr. anti Mrs. Stanley Wheeler. x 3 Miss Tena.-Armwtron, has taken a position in Brussels creamery in connection with the office work, ) e a Air. and Mrs. ('leve Backer have returned home atter v'slding in Fort Francis with Mr. Garfield tlaelter•. 1x * x' Cardiff and Mrs. Best and sun Robert were visitors. during the past weep at the home of Mrs. 1V1a1'gnret Best. m >ti 9. Mrs. .Inn. 'Walker of Seaforth spent a few days with 117'r. anti Mrs. Tom Walker, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley 4Wheolel' and Mr. WWI Mrs, Ken. Sburrie. Miss 171i*a:beth Ann Pipe was taken to Wdngfhaan hospital last Saturday for an appendix operation. Elizabeth is recovering nicely, we are glad to report.. —Feeder Cattle Exhibit -- Junior Club Division Blyth Boys and Girls Band. Walkerton flirts Bugle Band. Harness Races—Running Race Road Races. Musical Chairs on Horseback-- Dec. orated Bicycle—Chicken Fly Contest. Joan Ross Babe and Lee Fairchild in an exciting half-hour of trtok and Fancy Riding, { Admission—Adults 351: Children 15c Gordon Melvin, President. Melvin Rome, Seo. e Blind were reported In be .$50.1,9. A brief programme Inelndrvd a lir lighttnl Mann solo by 11011 1. A. Thompson and impromptu tincts by 1,lnns. Tien J. Arnlstrune ,retold 111(1111- merriment by his 1..1121! col- lection of tines. Mrs. Rev. G. Milne spoke to rthe W,M,S. of Knox Presbyterian Church B1nevale, Sunday evening in regards 11 Guiana 3)k in British mission work 'iQ ,no mi.e Potato Oddities '1'11 ro lilt' 3.11(33 odd 0)1.nu1 inns iuvulured 1)r til(• 3..g. '.,.her tvr,rid hat nater have we -ten ,111 Ill u,l(tIy -hahrd putatue.t n thug t. t t(.t11 111')1)13:13 31) the calk., of ill' a •» paper 'these are ItoW (o d! n1,p113., fu the window of 1+1P ens Rune... Shop. Tlo'v were !'arm (3f Warvev :,taphen:nn, (lr, y Township These are not til,• mly pnittiocs grown by )4r. Stephenson. I3e had an abundant ere, ith many v'r3 large well :rhapr4 p,:ta'nes. • Tory (:'er'a's, Win!'hc1•11. was 011oa speaker for the occasion. 14r t nlrcral plateal the members of the s0f!3m!l team and coach Ken. Ashton and manager D. A. Hann 03) 111P1)' 3L•rurv. 0h3nlpdmuships don't ill^t 'happen Tin recalled that Brussels Marl been 111 the play-offs every year 11incr they were organized having; fought Ripley for t71•" con 4 e('ars :ran This year They defeated the Cliffnri Tmnerlals. a difficult team to heat. after n hard climb. He complimented them on their good strnrtsmalship saying that they had made a name for themselves all. over Western Ontario. Sports keen a small town an the neap and hying them closer together 17e said he helive4 the sports sponsored by the W. 0. A. A. help keep the young gamete fn their own community and it was an institution that is here to stay. He sniff there were 164 ball teams and 66 hockey teams 'rhe objective, to keep small villages in sports, Service clubs help to pro- mote sports financially. 11) ('0nclus• ion Mr, Gregg again praised the 'Brussels team telling them they were the hest out of 40 Incites softball teams. He ofl'i'cin)19y presented the W. 0, A. A. cup. Sorry Stephenson, captain, accepted the imp on 'behalf of the team. Tn her reply site ex- pressed the hope that fore girls 7011111 stick together and win It again for at lenst two more years. She also thanked the he Lions Club for en - also films were shown. Ninslc was 10rtaining the teams. supplied by members of the society. Boxes of chocolat es were pre a k A group of friend's gathered 3)t the sented to all members of the team home of Reg. and Mrs. Watson, Gth line of Mortis and presented Lillian Mitchell -with' a, pen and pencil set, prior to her departure to Kitchener where she has gone a snm'sedn•train- ing ed tate K. 8c W. Hlospital. Keith McPhail McLean Seafortn Editor Dies Ke11h 31ePlraii 11.1•e,rh led):or of The Huron h31Powllnr, 4h ;t1111 311 diad •lid,L nit' 17 Ili. hose )harm, 11141 Wednesday after "a, "cur,, a heart attaek. Notice Businessmen And Farmers T1'. O(Oria1 iluard of the 11 ed ('gnu•, h twt•1' tit aid h" folia it HIP 11uu)h -beet. 1o1•'r•1) - Ir11s Leen Ir t rct14 repair•, 3):l, hr 1)o(1'' tatc;v i1) '11.i1 ihur•. The Huard tl4.1t) that, : Ib,-h,•d t1)' 3)t. '„ tndi[ to the flitted Church Inn i-' .1 derided .1 -:sal to the x•1(01,' community. )natty 1!' the hn=hir-ss mon et' rh,' lows and fardels of the surrounding district 701111! he willing to contribute honle- blee 1,1 le -1p tivaa),- IiuHugo iw)airs atiimr than see tilt' stied fall into dierepuir ')t' tr. be• '109)1(! entirely. • Anyone wislrne to ,nnfril,nt' to this 3'11(111 may leane their donation at . . . D A Ra.nn's store or 33rtlas,4s C'raamery 13' cu.c,cdod filo /ate M. Y. 11.•1,ean as editor and 9111111shrr in 1916 turd was in ills sevtnly-first. 7,+a r. 30'i111 his passing the 1'lew:Iran! • w•nr111 loses one of its fittest rnniil ry weekly editors. Seaforth and '110(1ict has lost an understanding ti l,11d avine0' lank 731)''0 of sortie.: end 31111- 1 vtanding personality "ld.•are l 111:11 t3) a. wide circle of friend- and 1)r• 1311111111)111131339.. 1 The late Mr. McLean wog a life• lone resident of Seaforth. He is 1 survived by 1110 widow. two song Y„ who was associated with his by Lion J. Artnstvong onbehalfof Mr. and Mrs. A. Coleman. d,tlon R. J. Bowman, thanked Tory Gregg for being present. He also commended, roaches, Bobs Campbell and Bill Coleman for their interest in the girls tenni. BORN A photographer was present 3)t the Tl]RN)31]11,L--At Scott Memorial meeting and ((ink several pictures of Hospital. Seaforth on •Sept. 209.11 the (emit and the presentation of to Dr. and Mrs, 1, 1). Turnlnl)l—a the daughter, Capitol Theatre II. LISTOWFL REGENT "l H.EATRE Seaforth, Ont. NOW PLAYING Thurs.. Fri., Sat. Sept. 30 Oot. 1.2 ' Ramrod with Joel McCrea Veronica Lake Don before The story of a woman whose weapon was deader than steel—a picture you will want to see, Mon., T11es„ Wed Oct 4.5-6, The Treasure of Sierra Madre Starring Humphrey. Bogart A memorable, intensely powerful ploture—one of the finest, full of action, melodrama and n great deal more. Next Thurs., Fri., Sat. Oct., 1.8.9 In 'Technicolor The Swordsman with Larry Parks and Ellen Drew II1 A dashing new role—chockful of swashbuokle--for Larry Parks, the exciting star of "The JoIOon Story" COM1190-- April .Showegs,. with Jack Carson anti Anti Sothepn Wed. Thur. Sept. 29••30 Van Johnliton June Allyson in "!'HCH BARBAREE" Fri. Sat. October 1.2 "Summer Holiday" In Technicolor with Mickey Rooney --a Gay family comedy all will enjoy Sat. Mat. 2:30—serial, shorts Mon. Tues. Oct. 4-5 Pat O'Brien Anne Jeffreys in "RIFF RaFF" TUESDAY FOTO-NITE OFFER $110.00 Mon. Attend. card night . m. ,�..� .m............1).:.. .—.,..amm COMING 4 Days'—Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. October 6-7-8-9 "FORT APACHE" with John Wayne, Henry Fonda, Shirley Temple, Victor Mclaglen. cup, Melville -Church The. United Church The danger of wren., thought, was a?rnp11agis„rl it': •, s0)13)1, front the trot,: "As 11e 11inkett hf his heart so is he." In 11is tnnrn'nt sermon 31r. Wilann dr=v: attention r.., Cln•ist words "it was said by thorn of old time - but 1 "1133 :Into you." The ,•hall' sang the ant 110111 '•1\'item my soul reaches hum-" by Titebtan the bass section taking 1, mite ;mt. In the ,•a0ntng the nlombor9 of 'hr Btnso•els•. L1011 51 (113111 attended the worship service. The SO1111011 (1011 .1111••, t W3(31 "SI and Ing lop to 11fr." 'rhe choir sang "The Hoer; 3)1 G0(1;' by rather in h11sinera0; K. 1. of Scafor:h titcAfee. and two daughters. Mrs. G. C. Jaro•att, Stratford and Mrs. T. 14, 1 —.--- —. ._ BRUSSELS, ONTJ • Brussels Girls Win W.O A.A. Championship Spectators at Victoria Burk, 13rta3. sees. Sit 1nisi ay. were+ tea+ad ed top» brand t'1' 111)11 that ,q"1Ol d any area R11l•113>av1 13):1)1(7 p1'of...•,lutea. guavas. The Btuss is ladies Fier/hail t -0::m., With a 6'2 score wrested the W.O.A ga. championship NO 11•01/1.,1 Ell' r'i{fplru3 T",T" l•lvh' in w 113u31 100411 gam,. a,3),. that:.:).. llrn-s,N theirfourth game lis the four-nut-ol'. seven (i.')"3'" winning.four out of five gauges played. Fano witnessed 1) sp,-: (0 u• C)ll trip" play, something rarely seen in Soft- ball. 71111,:, and 13 double play, were oontrlbut.ing factors in the victory 1)14 the local players. The tt•!pf1 highlight of rho game;. .-..,,,i.•4 f,•nl Ihr, 1111l11.1,1•11that fe54-. tired the batting of the Imperials In the last. two gan1P9. F. Shaw. pre Pared tor a h+in1 from a 0)1fford hat.„ r , :r},cht it in her Imre hazot3 f1i1)p,,i 11 inteant.ly tc :i, Col, inert 1st 1, who ma4P an 1111111ed1,11'' per - fent throw fa N. Shaw on 21331 h., thug, nal -chine out Ube 104,1.ter and surprt]r• it t 1e Mil runners off bases. (11lfford lm,,ertal1 scored 111,311' only counters in the fir1t inning and' kepi the. leacl 1111 the end of the seventh inning. Brussel. score,( one run to 'he fourth n.nd another In the seventh tytyingit up. They scored' their other three rung in the eigh't'' givinn them the game and the champ, 1(11,91)1(1 corp • Scorce , ('lifford--2 a a- I) Il a 11 (1 (1 • - 2' Brn.iPls--41 0. 0 1 0 0 1.0x— 5 Two Rruasr,ls 111uvers received (-Irani of Kingston. William P,,,bert Gioakey facial injuries' in the early minuterp Funeral OPrvl<•es xe,•e. c0nclnc•t''d , I or the game J. Strithonson, catcher Saturday front his hone and from i :r, hi: home. fir 111, ,l1' Ave.. 1 and S. Coleman, first false. collided First Presbyterian Church. Inn,• } q•,n•mltn )'ridgy, Scpr. 24(1', 104> when Loth tried to catch a foul. Thetrent was in MaitlandBank 1 William Robert ('loakey. in his G6th ,,,teller's maskant Shirley a.baut th(r Cemnte Y.yea'. beloved husband 3)t' ('11)')) month m and .Terry got a nasty g .slh �"--"'-•— -- ( S'ykenlan (1'nrmarly of wit (.h•e,•nwo•ti i on her nose but she retained the hall Many Wells Dry Ayn.h, clear feather of William .1. and . sh,, bad caught. Both girls had, There are many wells in 111i' j Dorothy. brother of Frank .lack and' loosene(i teeth and were badly - district that have gone dry. On.' well ; Wena. Hit's, R0h11{nsr. 14'n'3) 131 rle!1 , shaken. They received (lir hearty in town that has not Leen without 1 h•u11Pra] mune. 1111 Drnferth Ave !applause of the spectators when, in water in thirty years i; mt).r ,''•3'. 1 Serie,. was held held Monday at :3 11•11. t spite of their injuries they started: interment Prospect eenteterY. 1'3) the game. • Recent Bride Honored ;__ __- ,_. r The Clifford Imperials. with good Mrs. Ross Nichol mei. Della 1 sportsmane111p extended congratular Thynne) wa.s honoured by members NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS 1 !inns to the victors when they re- ef Morning Star Lodge at their I Tenders will be received by the 1 fh,nnisbed the W,O.A.A. cap whic3a regular meeting on Tuesday night • Township of S+orris to clean and ; they had held the past two yearha:. 'elle 1'P Cent bride was presented with r., pair approximately 100 rods of the The cup is a handsome silver one a plate in the beautiful corn flnwPr 1(nasel Drain and 120 rods of the given four yeas ago by the South - Pattern. The presentation was mat, 111; Cangbey Dram rl Tenders to be ampton Athletic: Association. It by sister L. Williamson. Mrs. Nichol 1:1 by .3 P.JI., 1:' 1, iaf. 0('' )1"'•' lib. was won the first year by R1p1ey guff expressed• her thanks for tha gift in (316;1. Alb ITTN ( legit the last two years by Clifford, It 5s. a forty well chosen words. now in the 1)0ssesstion of the Bruss3 5 COURT OF REVISION` Girls' Softball team, the symbol of sr . Notice Tm'nnto Corot of lt"ylsiol of the 1.049 401)33(,1 ,lf wel'. played hall games. a s e�SB 1 1311 a Girls! i'1 13) Congratulations rid x 1] 1 Y 'V10Don Tan E prices for Dogs and will pick til) -'m Assesment. ^011 far 'Morrie Township • up tree of charge wttnin a reason will he held nn Monday, October 4th able distance of Ethel on Wednesday. at 2 P.M. All the appeals pr11S4 1 t8 W finesdaa and in the heads of the et'. is proud of you. f:ongratuln.tiotrs also131: to the roaches, Ken Ashton, E Coleman and -lobs Campbell. mem- urn your ra21(10 mg ager D A. Rain and all others listen to livestock quotations to see this date,. ClHO 111ART! 31 Clerk whose interest. in the team malls how much your hogs are worth. their successful season possible. "The 7rm'd is my I hep1Pr•1" wax i the theme of the Ra113' Day Service at Meivi)8le Church on 1,110(107 morn- ing. The Snnra,lnent or Baptism was administered to Saily Jane 1 Galbraith, William Gary Reed, James, Kenneth S1rm-Ir"ed, Douglas George F;ilioG1, Robert Alvis 'Higgins, Robbie. Elizabeth Ann 1.7iggiro. Don ala Charles. McLeod, 1 The following S1lniay Scigool 1319.0112101100 awards were 3)13101 Diploma and Pin, Fliza,hetit Pipe, John Pipe, Garry Wilson, t\lnnrla Rintoud, Hellen Rint0111,' Scat 11 Pin, Frank 'Wilson, leta'y Agnes Higgins, i Sheila Alderson, Barbara Alien,' Heather Allen, Donald Edgar. Seal, 4 Helen Wilson, jinn Wtlann, , James Miner, William ;Martin, Tacit Me- ! Leod Catherine 'Rkidick, Bruce Edgar, ,T1111r Edgar, Tan 1Mathesam. 1 Diploma, Murray Long. Mess Mary Lou McFarlane and Miss Margaret Cardiff rendered the i dale.! "Saviour, like a Shepherd, lend I n1),” Tile morning anthem wa.s "Cron- sider Mt Lilde)," Waghorn. Gerald Gilson toot the nolo part. At the evening service Rev, Mr. Milne preached on the subject "The Sword of Jesus' 'and referred to fhb , way in which Jesus shattered the religious ccan;31aeeney of the people of His) time, The Choir rendered the anthem "Once to every man anti nation," Bach, Cliaa (Every Mon. to Fri.ly at 6:00 P.M. P Lyes n 'E ; S(wick EI`':ti`) YEES1. New contribution rotes for per ` ,me ;r wt Insurance Are effective October 4, 1948 The new contribution rates are:— WEEKLY RATE Weald}' Woo ad Chas Class of NmpIoyed Persons ytlmployel' Znoployce Stan'o Cesnts Centro Ce4445 0While earning less than 90 cents a day at 3' *9 1151, while under 16 years of age....... (*Paid on his behalf by the employer) 1 Earnings in a week: $ 5.40 to $ 7.49..... 1624 2 Earnings in a week: $ 7.50 to $ 9.59...,, 24 3 Earnings in a week4 $ 9.60 to $11.99.. 24 4 Earnings in a week: $12.00 to $14.99. 24 5 Earnings in a week: $15,00 to $19.99,., .30 6 Earnings in a week: $20.00 to $25.99.,.36 7 Earnings in a week: $26.00 to $33,99.---.— _ 42 8 Earnings in a week: $34.00 or more$ $Weekly and monthly rated employees earning 33,120.00 or more a year aro riot in*m31 On and after September 20, '1948, new denominations UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE STAMPS will be on sale at POST OFFICES. Surplus stamps of od den not inions to may e3ex changed at Post Mkt" anyae Wd'rFECTIVE OCTOBER 4, 1948, INCREASED BENEFITS GARS PAYABLE TO CLAIMANTS WITH DEPENDENTS. THERE ARE OTHER C AND ANGES AFF ETING $OTH I ((PI OTTlli For fall particulars, apply to the neaPert crate e!rf THE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE, COMMISSION AL J. TALLO101 J. G. 1318:0116 C. A. L. .111131110321111.11Chief Cornmiralesue Ceeferwhaie►aos 12 15 13 21 24 so 34 42 so 42 45 42 ev9 72 84 Cosrrmaiaisi onor