HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-7-28, Page 7Handles Cattle Valued at Half a Million—Herdsman at J. E. McCague's well-known farm at Alliston, Ont. Mortimer Butch- ers has had charge of some of Canada's most famous cattle, with a total value of $500,000 or more. For the past 16 years, before coming o Sig to Ontario, Butchers was herdsman with the great Montyle Herd of the late T. B. Macaulay at Hudson Heights, Que. That herd became the most famous on the fiontlnent, and its strain has now been spread so that the world's nest Holsteins can be traced back to it. Among the Holstein aristocracy he has had under his care are Moravia Rag Apple Marksman—valued at $100,000—although that is only an esti- mate as the owners won't let him leave Glenafton at any price. When the 1948 Major League baseball season started, and the Philadelphia Athletics hovered up around the top for the first few weeks, the experts—with a few neg- ligible exceptions—put it down as just a flash in the pan. "Just wait till around the Fourth of July," they said, "whrn real class begins to tell, and you'll find that those A's have found their proper level—down near the dregs of the second division." * * * But the Gee-lorious Fourth carne —and went; and still those Athlet- ics were hanging in there giving Cleveland, New York and Boston— all three of whom figured at least two hundredpercentage points bet- b.'. et- ar than the A's—plenty to worry al).mt. And some of the other mag- ntr.a—their fingers heavily callous- ed from signing those large, coarse salary and purchase checks—were b.,ginning to wonder if, perchance, there ,,tight be something in the Cornelius \racGillielubly system af- tcr .11. * * * For the aging Connie Mack's hir- ed help have always been—as com- pared to other big league outfits— a pretty much "from hunger" group. Back in the days—thirty years or so ago—when the Athletics topped all competition byas far as strong a s g boy can throw a rock, five or six thousand dollars was considered a generous stipend for any ball -play- er, and ntany's the fine one who did his stuff for a whole lot less than that, * * * And in his inmost heart of hearts Mr. Mack consi(let's that what was good enough for Eddie Collins, Home Run Baker, Stuffy McInnis, Eddie Plank and all that lot is good enough for any modern. It is no secret that—outside of possibly the Washington Senators and the. Chi- cago White Sox,—nowhere is a dollar squeezed harder or let loose of more reluctantly, than around Shibe Park in the City of Brotherly Love, where the A's perforin. * * * It is said that the entire present Athletic team cast Mr. Mack less Shat, $70,000 to assemble; and that what is paid just a couple of mein - hers of either the New York Yank- ees or the Cleveland Indians would ,toyer Connie's entire salary list. Yet there they are, sticking up there, and with few signs of wilting at the moment of writing. There must he .9 moral, hidden somewhere in there —something about virtue being its mi. reward or the like; but right mow it's too hot ,jo do any digging in order to find out just what it Is. * * * One of the reasons for the Ath- Ietie's 'success is, of course, a de- fendable pitching staff with at ileast. four heavers who can be de. fended to go the route, or at least a tnajor portion thereof. - This is a distinct and refreshing contrast to atatly other teams we might men. lion, where there is such a continu- al parade from bull pep to pitching 'box to bench that the ground keep- ers have to work overtime, filling in lite ruts made by the procession, * * * In the Alt Star game they have a rrtle that the starting lineup ,,lust 1pls.y, without change, for • at least throe innings, We think that it Is high time that the long-suffering fans should, in self defense, arise and demand something of a similar, nature to cover the regular season. Sitting and watching two teams use eight or ten pitchers—to eay nothing of pinch hitters, pinch -run- ners and other thee -consuming line-up switches—may represent one of those keen battles of managerial wits the slick -paper sports experts like to write about. Oti the other hand it may Just indicate that those saltie ,,tanagers have clean forgot- ten that they have any obligation toward the fellow who really keeps the game going—the chap who comes in, not on a Press Badge or other form of Annie Oakley, but by paying good cash, * * * As a concrete—to match our head —illustration of what we mean we turn to the first paper at hand. It describes a game played between the Brooklyn Dodgers and the New York Giants, Manager Ott, of the latter outfit, used seventeen players. Manager Durocher, of The Bums, was content to put into action a mere, paltry fourteen. The playing time was three hours and sixteen minutes—and didn't even go into extra innings but was completed eto d in the regulation nine. 31 players; 188 minutes; 9 innings. 'Nough said. * * * Getting back to that Philadelphia pitching staff, after a slight detour, here's a quotation from the Christ- ian Science Monitor which should be of interest to a lot of Ontario folks, especially those living up around Penetanguishene. * * * "The veteran Phil Machildon," it says, "whiner of 19 games last seas- on, must be rated one of the finest hurlers in the league. The Canadian ace has trade a remarkable come- back following his harrowing war experiences witli the Royal Can- adian Air Force, Phil was shot down on a bombing mission over the Kiel Canal in August, 1844, and spent nine months in a prison camp at Sagen, Silesia. He rejoined the Athletics near the end of the 1945 season but did not regain his prewar form until last year." For Safety's Sake allow otiler velli Juan 04 0 0s$41teo. /Allow at east 1000 tt 4' 9.Y•Cry 0 Ila *or boar or ea WI TGOES ON 1N THE WORLD JNorman8late India and Pakistan It was just about a year ago— August 18 to be exact—that India received her final freedom from Great Britain. Naturally there was much clearing -up to he done, and plenty of headaches for those who had to do it. One of the greatest of these head- aches was the fact that, within the borders of India, there were more than live hundred sovereign Prince- ly states—each of which was ruled by its local Rajah, Maharajah, Khan, Nawab or what -have -you. Most of the five hundred were— or considered themselves—absolute monarchs. Under British rule each had his appointed place in the pic- ture; but what was going to happen when the British had departed was something that worried many who knew just how touchy, and jealous of his rights and honors each of these potentates could be. A week or so ago the Dominion of India issued a "White Paper" telling of what has happened to all the Princely States since Indepen- dence' Day last August. All but twenty of them have been merged Into regional units and have joined the Dominion of India. They are on exactly the same footing as the other Indian provinces, and the Government at New Delhi can re- gulate most of their activities. More important still, most of those once-Soverign States have now elected legislative bodies. It all may represent Progress with a capital "P"; but we very much doubt if a lot of those Rajahs and Maharajahs —shorn of their power and nlagni- flcience—would be greatly inclined to agree. Palestine Count Folke Bernadotte, the United Nations Mediator for Pales - doe, flew more than 14,000 miles, during the recent 4 -weeks truce, in order to secure some basis of un- derstandfng between the Arabs and the Jews. But hie efforts ended in failure, as all similar efforts seem doomed to end until both sides show a little more of the "give-and-take" spirit, The war between the two oppos- Ing sides Is being fought, basieally, on just one Issue—the new State of Israel. The Arabs insist that they will never ,,lake peace as long u this State exists; and demand, be- sides, that no more Jewish immi- grants shall be allowed to enter Palestine. Israel insists, just as strongly, that It will never snake peace unless its sovereignty Is main- tained intact. * * * There are said to be, altogether, from 8o to 85 thousand Arab troops in Palestine. Eight to 1.0 thousand of these are members of King Ab- dullah'', Transjordatt Legion—well disciplined and well equipped. Egyptian forces number around 8 thousand; and there are around 2 thousand Iraq troops. These are second in efficiency to Abdullah's forces, The remainder are Syrian, Lebanese, and "irregulars" — and are reported to he of Indifferent fighting quality. The State of Israel is said to have v 40 thousand well -seasoned first-line troops and, in addition, 80 thousand second -line defense forces, They are well supplied with machine guns and small arms and may also have some fighter aircraft, although not very many. * * * • The United States was the first nation to recognize the State of Israel, and there are some in Wash- ington who think that the Truman Administration should help Israel by lifting the seven -months embar- go on shipment of arms to the Mid- dle East. Another school of though, however, considers that to do so would be a big mistake—one that would antagonize the whole Arab world and perhaps result in the Arabs cancelling American oil con- cessions. Great Britain has very close ties with the Arabs, and the question has been just how—In view of these ties—she will use her influence in the Middle East. It is widely felt that sooner or later Britain will re- cognize the State of Israel; perhaps such action will have been taken by the time this reaches print; and there mint little doubt that the British Government Inas been putting pressure oh the Arabs to call off the hostilities. * * w Iu any case, it is to be hoped that some solution of the entire problem will soon be found, The conflict could have repercussions far more important than a number of Jewish and Arab casualties. Already the Palestine problem has done muoh to alienate the United States and Britain—and the anti-British feeling. south of the border is far stronger than most Canadians begin to real - lee. As for open enmity between Brttaltt and the U,S.A. — by no means a probability but still a dis- thtat possibility—what a chuckling altd robbing of }lands that woliid cause lteklii.,d the walls of the Ttrem• A Book for Every Thinking Canadian Just off the prose 19 a book which will eventually be a ",,lust" for every thinking Canadian—a book which lilts hard at economic plan- ning and Its fallaclea, but one whose arguments will be hard for even the most ardent Communist, Socialist or "fellow -traveller" to refute. The title of the book is "Ordeal by Planning" and its author is John Jewkes, professor of economics at the University of Manchester, Eng- land. He should know something of what he writes about because, during the war, he was a member of the British beaureaucracy. Referring to the 1947 British coal and power crisis, Mr. Jewtces writes; "A government pledged to plan- ning and economic stability was compelled to order, at a moment's notice, the closing down of about two-thirds of British industry." "No country," Mr. Jewkes points out, "has ever suffered from a more sudden or catastrophic economic seizure ... The price system brings about gradual and continuous read- justment in a changing economic world; the central planning tech- nique means that, from time to tittle, the eroll•,Itlie system must be kicked dowuxtairs." "I believe," he continues, "that the recent melancholy decline of Great Britain is largely of our own snaking , , . At the root of our trou- ble lies the fallacy that the best way of ordering economic affairs Is to place the resottsibility for all crucial decisions in the hands of the state." But though he shows again and again how planning leads toward national impoverishment, his most powerful indictment of it rests on its destruction of freedom: "When Sir Stafford Cripps declared in the House of Commons on Feb. 28, 1940, that no country in the world has yet succeeded in carrying through a planned economy without compulsion of labor, he might, with equal truth, have gone much fur- ther and admitted that no planned economy has yet operated without suppressing free speech, destroying representative government, robbing the consumer of free choice, and virtually abolishing private proper- ty. This is no accident ... It is due to the logical incompatibility of a planned economy and freedom for the Individual." Yuth 1I � r;[ t , n kirinqi lo rock fiiie riv r 1 1,: 3 11 DON MURRAY OF WINNIPEG, MAN., braves dangerous Niagara River to save 5 -year-old girl from drowning di child's scream pierced the quiet of the late April Sunday afternoon. Strollers near the Peace Bridge at Fort Erle, On- tario, gathered quickly on the banks of the Niagara River. A six-year-old girl had tumbled from the second pier of the bridge ... and disappeared in the waters far below. DIVES IN FULLY CLOTHED The echo of the younster's terrified scream had barely died away wben Don Murray, a visitor from Winnipeg, sprang into action. Racing the 100 yards to the water's edge, he leaped in, fully clothed. Spectators gasped ... for he had missed the jagged rocks at the edge of the river by not more than a few inches. Soon Murray reappeared and began swimming to the rescue of the little girl. In a few moments he had her safely ashore and in the arms of her frantic mother. The fact that the onlookers probably knew more about the dangers of that rock -filled river than Murray did does not detract from his heroic action. We aro proud to pay tribute to the cour- age and gallantry of Don Murray, of Winnipeg, Man., through the presentation of The Dow Award. THE DOW AWARD is a Citation for outstanding hero' ism and includes, as a tangible expression of appreciation, a $too Canada Savings Bond. Winners are selected by the Dow Award Committee a roup of editors of leading Canadian newspapers. A shrill scream shattered the air as the little girl lost her balance and tumbled from the Peace Bridge into theg is N ar aRive r. In a few moments 18 -year-old Don Murray had reached the floundering younster and brought her safely to shore, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED OILS, GREASES TIRES Gieootteldee, Eleetrie Fence Controllers, House and Barn Paint, Roof Coatings, etc. Deal- ers wanted. Write Ware° Grease & Ott Lim! ted, Taranto, 10 OUT OF 12 ARE BUYING Agents earn big me ,,os,. full or tntrt tine, taking ordure for nor doer name plates. Feat seller. Mr. Coal!, (bund Cam:apedlu, Quebec, mho: I allowed it to 12 people and 10 bought. They found It 9017 hlce for noel. a low prtee " Write now for details or pond 76c for sample with your own name on It. Tlnsoleratt 15os'd., St. Hilaire, Box 88, Queben, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Goat Opportunity Learn Iiatrdreaalnx Pleasant dignified prnteseton, good wages, thousands surcenetul Marvel graduates. America's greuteet aystetn. Illustrated catn- logue tree. Write or Call MA It 9130 HAIRDRESSING SII0008 254 Blunt St. W , Toronto Btan,•hea: 44 !Sing St. Hamilton. & 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa. MONEY IN RABBITS Reed •'Cnn.tdian Rabbit Ratner" monthly. Send $1 fn, nae yet.' to Box 248. Vancouver, B C. THRIFTY PHOTO SERVICE Free enlargement wile each roll 8 or 8 ex- posure roll developed and printed 30o Reprints 40. P. 0. H. 746, Toronto. BABY CHICKS LAKEVIEW CHICKS For Juno and July. oleo Summer and Fall etnclts, Prompt delivery It you act quickly, but book ahead for Summer end Fa1L 8 breeds and comma to choose from, Started Pullets 5-4.8 aceto to ready to Ins, Book yours now then will be very scarce and saga will be high In pries. Rends Made 4 week 010 Capons—Capoee are more profitable than Lakeview chic .tellable real Ing July, Buy or bestw oonin,k. trbm a teat breeding plant for beet noose. LAKEVIEW FARMS & HATCHERY PHONE 78 & 92 EXETER, ONTARIO STARTED CHICKS two and three weeks old nun -sexed, pullets or cockerels: Barred Rooks, Now Hampshire.), New I4ampa111rn8 x Barred Rock, Light Sussex, Light Stumm x Now Hampahiren, White Rocks, Pullen only: Black Minorca x White Leghorn& White Log- horna. Al. older pellet., eight week', to lay- ing. Summer and Full day 014 chicks booked to order. Free catalogue. Tweddte Chi.•k 1I l t,.rlea Limped, Fergus, Untarlo, 180 HEAVY BREED PULLETS 160 All Heavy Breed mixed Chiake 14e, Heavy Breed Pullet,' 100. Leghorn, Rock x Leg,. Sussex x Leg. Pullets 53c, Assorted Pullets 100, Started Chiek, & Pullets 8 weeks add O& 5 wka, add 12c, 4 wire, add 18e, Ao,orted 4 weeks old Pullets 820, Order from and enclose this ad with order or $1.00 per 100 depoalt. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY LONDON ONTARIO 30,000 PULLETS 8. 10, 15 weeks old to Ready -to -lay, For de- livery in July, August, September. and Oct- ober. These pullet', are not surplus. They have boon definitely sot amide to meet the big demand for this age of pullets, All floor - raised undor the moat Ideal conditions, Sone for full particula•a. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARMS WEIN BROTHERS EXETER ONTARIO WANT Sept, -October broilers? Order well in advance to Insure delivery, Fur delivery now we've ehleke — some started. De ready for the good egg -meet markets. /tray Hatch- ery, 173 dohs N.. Hamilton, Ont. STAmrasJ) CHICKS two and three 1e. ek old c,n•kerels, pullets or non -sexed: New Hamp- shires, Barred Itoelte, New Hampshhea x Barred Rork. Light Sisasex x New Hampshire.) Light Sussex, Pullet•, only: Black Minorca x Whne Leghorn, Al. older pullets eight weeps to laying. Summer and Fall -chicks booked to order. Top Emelt Click Sales, Guelph, Ontario. DYEING: ANI) CLEANING DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean - mg? Write to us for information. Wo are *1,1 to answer your queellono. Department iI, Parker'', Dye Works Limited. 791 Tonga Street, Toronto, Ontario, FOR RALE COTTON TOWEL — BAGS Illem•had and washed cotton bags. Flour. 47.7) nor dozen. Sugar. 32.50 per dozen. '1'(,WELS DENOTED, AItOUP 17" x 24" Flour, 32,40 down; over 2 dozen, 32.26 doz- en. Sugar, 52.68 dozen, over 2 dozen. $2.50 dozen. Ry -Predicts. 92 Ontario St.. Toronto Alt 25e Shaming Charge. BLIsCTRtC.1L enmities sold at wholesale Prices. Shipped within 54 houre. Write for catalogue and price list, Trans Canada Mall Order, 5432 Waverley, Montreal 14. FARM 'frailers far immediate delivery, 8160 to 5275. Waverley Motors. 149 A.Ibert St. °Nowa. Ont. FIN8NT Wood -burn Ing brooders made in U.S.A. 330.00 delivered. Write for Free Circular, .Fitt,', importing Co,. 5307 De Vlmy Ave., Montreal 8, Quo. G. & S. POTATO PICKER Runt for the Job. The modern way of San,. °sting potatoes. Write for Information. Gray - Snyder Ltd., Hilloburg, Ont. GARDEN tractors — three sizes band and ,,manor lawn mowers with riding moat, Complete outgo of engines Stainless lighting Plante. Parte and beryls for all makes, Gas Engine Cu 88 Church, Toronto. HEAVY May White threotmr with straw nutter, Good condition, Phone Agincourt s21J-4 HI -POWERED RIFLES Write for net' lista and prima. SCOPE SA1a09 CO. 320 Qnoon 41. Otlow1, Ont. ONE 141RD3ELL 00091511 HULLER, en rub- ber, with blower Bud feeder. Bert Irwin, SeaOortb, Ontario. CHOIC10 Collie pup. from excellent cattle dogs, melee 55.00, tamales $6.00. Bzrn. Stork, Tnvlstock, Ont. 723 INTERNATIONAL crawler tractor with Bnoyruserio hydrauno , nglsdozot'. Small tractor, *00111' trnneportaldo by truck, suit- able for cmnrnotm', lumbermen or farrier. Price $6,910. Far further particulars. write Box 14, 12346th St., New Toronto, Ont. FPR HAL50, 145 acres ohotoo dairy term. partly in convention on No. 4 Highway between Wiuglmm and Clinton, Good 8 -room (muse, hydro, bath, hot water beating. Now silo, now .tabling, tie 40 cows; venter bewle, litter carrier; 0100 largo Implement abed and a hen house, Priced for quirk solo at 010,500. Apply 130x 18, 128-13t1, St„ New Tenanto, Ont. b'011, 54051 111)50 35540, leoomre aunt bulwoen Wtnuhnfpnt and t'hnt.,u 7 -root,, henna. Rota 48x'10 1C tmplonigt„ shed 26050 ft, and ohl0tten hen 22027 fr. Nodding,, in good renew. )7'0)1 Well and 911110 hint", All for 55.000. Apply Roux 10, 1-11 1801, St., N,:w Toronto,_ Ont, 5:.':06510 114151H h 11rut�+r 'f 'color lu A 4 top. anion, or.,r 5,0,5 loaded thea, starter anti liable. rin'•,yd4onul vitae, Reply Wm. Edgar, It. 12. N°, 2. Ayr, 'eve •t& phone 151122. 1'O15 2.:111 1 1117 M.,n,ea-Harrta 12' noir-Pro. rvdLd cuut,Io,. uhve, molts, Platteville, Ont,”50 1.1 Now t-. t l 0 7.12, 1354:11 11 ;:i N S (.,,,111..o. Fur quality. 10301• N1 ,e 1.• ce,maitty plum lenient dealings, Cot- ta 1 Gloomy.). l.ennelo, alen,fleld, Ont. HARLEY DAVIDSON _____ MOTORCYCLES Parte and Service I :o,4 E. Kennedy d, Sub 413 College NI . Tor,•n+, TURKEY manse to mfr maty nn"tonere ter facilitating out small pr:eliietion by plarlttg tttatr orders ear's,, and to tho;.e who have Wrlttott to tut 0f their splendld success With our 1945 Poulto. Limited 000311 y atilt evident') for late July. Orden, now neeepted for Full Hatched Poulin. LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH EXETER ONTARIO NA-CHURS LIQUID FERTILIZER Wonderful reeelte from modern liquid feeding. Inrrenoea yield, produces better moue, 10.1 for planting. aide dtesomg, lawns and home Gardena. 1G 0z. $1 ae, 82 oz., 11.70. We propay Postage. Na -(:baro, London, Canada, HAIRDRESSING LEARN ti:urdr.•enlnt the Robertson method. Intermitlun on request regarding cluaeoa. Robertson'', Hairdressing Academy, 187 Ave- nue Road, Toronto. 50702.1' WANTED DIIGTIC5AN-Iiouoekeepor wanted for St, Helcn'0 School, Dunham, Que. Applicant h a have training or practical e,Knowledge of French desirable. Appty Miss 10, Hague. Mesta Beach. Quebec. QUALIFIED teacher required for Stanley Vlling° 5c11o1 16 miles from Fort William. grades 1-8. enrolment 25. Exoellont 0050m - modal -,on close by. Duties commence Sept, 1, Experience and extra qualifications apereel, aced Eric Sideen, See, Teas„ 8, S. S Palpenn,;a, 11. R. 1, Fort William, 003, SCOI0QL NURSE wanted for St, Holon'g School, Dunham, Quebec. R.N. or Trained Attendant with experience. Some aupervleoryry duties with Younger children required. Amit Mtes 27. Segue. Melia Math, Quebec, 9334021ERS WANTED—Three 0001101 d 10*09. ere for Medoc Two * 80,,1 Aron. CNB, 7 Hlbhwpvl. Salaries $1.5, a or 31,000. aecord- 100 to experience, etc. Apply to Berl Bura- aldn. See., Mallon, Ont. IiIt41:T INT. I2''l:i''n' county; Teacher 10',, ,.8 for Do:men N- el. No, 1. Dutton cu+nmunco Septembe, lot. Apply stating sal. - ary end qu0liri ration. Time. Dixon, Sec, Tr,•as„ $rent, Ont. Q1IAWFIA/D TEACHER required for Monol51. land Village School, S. 8. No. 10, Roxbor. moth. Duties to commence in September, Aly Ply. stating oualtflcatlons and export... tO L. H. Cmnthart, Sooy.-Troas., Moncinane, oil, MEDICAL 'e DON'T WAIT—Every outferer of Rhomnatlo Paine or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy: Munro's Drug Store, 270 Elgin, Ottawa: Post pa Id 11. 00. HI01101 RECOMMENDED—Every sufferer Rhe,mtatle Pains or Neuritis /Mould tri Dixon's Remedy. Mimeo's Drug Store, 88 Elgin, nttawa, Postpaid 61.00, OPPORTUNITIES POR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER 7o111 CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Pleasant. Hairdressing Plnaaen digntfled profession, good wages, thousands ene„esoful Marvel graduate.). Amerlen'e greatest system. Illustrated cata- logue free. Writs or Call MARVEL HAItRDItb5SSING SCHOOLS 294 /floor St W., Toronto Rrun••.he,: 44 King St„ Hamilton * 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa PATENTS b'BTI1Ki4STi1NAU(tle & Company, Patent Se. Itrr.,,rs. Established 1800, 14 King Weak Torrent•. Booklet of information on regnant. SELL BY MAIL MN...WORD BOOK *MOWS WHAT, 11(112118. 5911EN AND HOW OF M17:155. tltlnee BUSINESS. GET ITI 550151 I7'1 MOVE 11.3 55.00 postpaid. GREEN'S, I I Orford Street Toronto, Ont. C ECK(ai 1 - in a ✓677 Or Money Seek, For quick relief from itching caused by mem • athletes foot, scabies, rtmples and otheqritdd aD DtDnRESR ePT oOggmG o d l gq0sulnmese. Soothe& cooforte and qUicdoly calm Emma Itching. Don't Ask youdm ay (or 4 P. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Czech Extremist—Communists in control of Czechoslovakia, may reorganize their govern:, stent. Alexej Cepicka, above, minister of justice and the most extreme Red in the eajriiilyt may be given a more inipnrfan't post. POP—Speoital Delivery ray J. Millar Watt 1