HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-7-28, Page 6A Home For
Young Um
Along the highey:q trudged u
girl. Cradled in her kit arm was a
blanket-wrapi•ed bundle. From her
right hand ,s+•: ung a heavy suit-
A car halo d to a stop as she
inured to "Wyant a rider the
driver called.
1 he man opened the car door,tak-
ing the suit -case from her hand,
weighs a ton"" he ex-
claioud- -Don't tell nuc that's a
baby you ve god there."
"l'nt going to my husband's peo-
ple. Th:y're really not his own
peole. but they raised hint,"
"How come they're letting you
wall:,' it's note of my business,"
seeing her quick Push, "but a fel-
low ran wonder, can't he?"
"1'ltcy don't know I'm coming,'
she said. "But 1 had no other place
to go and 1 thought they might let
me stay and work for my hoard. I
want my baby to grow up in the
country where he can see things
growing, instead of being cooped up
in one room in the city.
"'That's rich, You're leaving the
city for the country and I'm doing
lust the opposite "
"You mean you're leaving all
this," her hand indicated the green
fields they were passing.
He laughed harshly. "Looks
pretty, doesn't it But there's a lot
of hard work goes with it."
"You work hard in a city too."
"Sure—but you know where
you're at. Her., you work your
head off, then a freeze comes along
or a hail storm or something and
a01 ,rrr hand work is gone. I used
to have great plans about what 1
would do on my farm when I got
out of the service. Say, what's the
matter with hint? Is he sick?" as a
loud wail issued from the blanket.
"No, he's cold and wet and hun-
gry—and—" her voice broke, "so
am I, hungry, I mean."
With an annoyed exclamation he
turned the car around. "I didn't in-
testd going back," he scowled, "but
I can't stand having that poor little
tyke cry like that."
"Where are you going?" she ask-
ed, hushing the baby.
"Back to the farm—to give you
a chance to take care of the baby
and rest a bit yourelf. You needn't
be afraid, my aunt and uncle are
"I'm not afraid," she retorted.
"You look just like a picture my
husband had of a buddy of his, only
your hair isn't rest as his must have
been, because Dan always called
him 'Red'." Site smiled. "He was
always talki;:g about his wonderful
The car almo-t went into the
"Say, whriCs your husband's
"Dan Webete:."
"Well, P11 be ,Iantrdl No wonder
your face is f;ntiliar. Yon re Sally!
Dan had a pietnre of you he was al-
ways showing le,. So vou'rc Sally'
What cl'ya ...
"You're roc
„Sure, 1't•; ,. -I'h,- 1. Ili s cal-
led me that ",,,:,use wy fare gets
red so easiiv--ray—where is old
Dan? We Ice, -4-lit of each other
wht0 he was in to the Pacific and
I was kept In 1'r it re, IA'hy are you
alone? Ile's
She nodded
Red was - ...;t unlit they had
turned into the circ,',' way of a pleas-
ant old farm hh,nt•e. "here we are,"
he said che,rfulir, getting out.
"Take care of e,nw:! I)an and I'll
have Aunt Sarah fix you a lunch
of those egg, and that milk you
were talking
"And you're ,, it,e• all this," she
breathed, "for t'ie
"Nope, I've •1 my mind. I
guess all that wa ,erong with me
was, I was lc.nc -our• I've been
thinking. Dan wit, my best friend
and I don't htlicve he'd mind rite
taking care of his wife and baby—
that is, if she'" willing. horn about
it, Sally? I lawn. it, a crazy thing
to ask. But someway, 1 think Dan
world rather you would stay here
and help Aunt Sarah than go to
those slave-drivers. And who knows
what will happen in a year or so.
After all, young fine will need a
father. I think you'll like it here,
Sally raised rnisty bine eyes.
"Yes, 1 thinlc Dan would be
pleased," site said softly,
Public Enemy Number 1—The Common House Fly
During the war a well-known cor-
respondent was stationed in Italy
and one evening dropped in for a
meal at a litttle restaurant. Over
the door he noticed a big sign read-
MOSCA (War Against Flies).
But when the waited brought him
his meal, the correspondent saw that
the platter was rimmed with flies,
with some of them even struggling
in the spaghetti itself,
"Hey, waiter," he cried, "what
about that sign over the door WAR
"The sign is quite true, signor,"
sighed the waiter. "We did have
such a war here once— but the
flies were victorious."
That little tale is just by way of
introducing the fact that a declara-
tion of war against such pests was
recently made on a national scale
by the Junior Chamber of Com-
merce of Canada. From coast to
coast rural and urban communities
are being urged to rid themselves
of flies, mosquitoes, rats, weeds and
a horde 'of other pests which have
plagued mankind for centuries.
* * *
Fortunately we are well equipped
to fight a pest war today, as science
has forged weapons which our
grandfathers never though possible.
We have hand sprayers and dusters
—power -dr, en and turbine spray-
ers—and aerosol bombs. We are
even experimenting with airplanes
and helicopters for laying down
lethal patterns of weed and bug
killers. The dawn of a pest -free
world is here but the fight can be
won only if everyone contributes
some effort, no matter how modest.
* *
A famous authority on insect
pests recently made the statement
that the common housefly is the
most dangerous living thing within
the United States or Canada. This
could apply especially to Canadian
farms, where flies are present in
astronomical numbers during Sum-
mer and early Fall.
* * *
Because of the nature of its
breeding places, and its habit of
crawling over all manner of filth,
the fly is a carrier of many disases
of man, domestic animals and pouf.
try. Many health authorities agree
that it is largely responsible for the
spread of dysentery, typhoid fever,
and many parisitic worms.
Like any other campaign against
diseases and insects, fly control
should be carefully planned to take
advantage of the insects' habits and
breeding customs, so that attack
can be made from every possible
angle. Entomologists give the Ica-
c -lowing advice for practises to be
followed in all "all-out" anti -fly
0 * *
11auure lutes and oth.r known
breeding places of the fly should
be sprayed with a fifty per cent
DDT wettable powder, mixed at
the rate of one pound of powder to
eight gallons of water. This spray-
ing will destroy both the develop-
ing maggots and the egg -laying
* *
Every four to six weeks walls
and ceilings of barns and stables
should be sprayed with a solution
containing one pound of fifty per
cent DDT wettable powder in one
gallon of water. This amount of
spray should cover approximately
1,600 square - feet of surface.
Farm animals should be sprayed
with a solution of one pound of
wettable DDT powder in from ten
to twenty gallons of water. With
this protection against the bother-
some pests, they should show ap-
preciable gains in weight, and cows
will be much easier to handle milk-
ing time,
* *
As for the home—a fly -free house
and kitchen is made possible by the
use of DDT household sprays
around window sills, doors, screens
and all other places where flies
gather, or are likely to try and
enter the house.
* * *
Russia grows millions of tons of
sunflowers every year. The Gov-
ernment of Queensland announces
that it will devote half a million
acres to the growing of sunflowers,
chiefly for the purpose of feeding
pigs. And the British Government
is examining their value and it is
probable that the three million acres,
now being planted to peanuts in
Central Africa for the purpose of
obtaining vegetable oils, will be
planted in rotation with sunflow-
* * *
The average amount of oil in sun-
flower seals is 30 per cent, only -
6 per cent less than that in peanuts.
Sunflower oil is edible, with a
pleasing odor and flavor and is said
to be even better than olive oil
because it remains liquid at lower
temperatures. For use in paints 11
transcends the drying qualities of
linseed by a margin of eight hours.
By Fred Neher
"I certainly don't see how you can call being jerked around
by fish a vacation f 1"
Britain Still Tops
As Carrier Nation
More than 11,0110,000 tons of Bri-
tish mercantile stripping were sunk
during the recent war, and latest
official report from London is that
the nation is only 1.000,01)0 tons
short of prewar tonnage. In addi-
tion to building for themselves, the
British have built great numbers of
ships for foreign countries, and if
they had not done that they would
have been past their normal amount
All this has been accomplished in
less than three years, and even
greater progress has been held back
for lack of steel, llut the steel-
workers are doing a great job,
They are steadily producing more
than 15,(1(10,000 torts a year, which
surpasses all previous output ex-
cept for one year during the war.
rhe new British freighters are
tar finer than any built before the
war. Instead of the 5,000 to 10,000
"tramps" that plowed the seven
seas, many of the new freighters
are 15,0110 to 20,000 tons, with the
graceful lines of an Atlantic liner,
more comfortable accomoclation for
the crews, far better equipment for
handling cargo to enable faster load-
ing and unloading, and with mach
greater speed. The result will be
more voyages in less time.
Britain retains her position as the
great carrier nation of the world,
and in that respect Britannia will
continue to rale the waves.
The first Canadian steamboat on
the Great Lakes was the Walk in -the -
Water, launched in 1818.
So Now You Have to go to University
To Learn—of all things—Horseshoeing
While we have yet to hear of any
great revival in the buggy -whip
business, it's a fact that in at least
three United States college."i—Mich-
igen State, Rutgers and California—
they have courses designed to turn
out graduates in—of all things) the
ancient art of horseshoeing.
More colleges soon are expected
to be offering similar 14 -week
courses, with no worries about
placement of the graduates. Accord-
ing to the president of the United
States Trotting Association, the
young nten who complete these
courses are simply rushed into wait-
ing lobs. The tremendous demand
for their services comes frau prac-
tically every state of the union.
The reason,it seems, is the wide-
spread revival of harness racing,
which is now flourishing in the
U.S. from coast to coast and from
the Gulf of Mexico to points in this
Trained in 14 Weeks
Most of the old time horseshoers
have departed this earthly scene.
Until recently, few youngster; tried
to replace them, and the sport of
harness racing got into a bad way
as a result. Half a dozen years ago
or so, less than 4,000 trotters and
pacers campaigned annually in the
U.S. In 1047, however, the number
was close to 9,000. Yet there were
fewer horseshoers than back in 10.10
and 1041. As a result, the man who
owned a trotter or pacer, and need-
ed shoes in a hurry, often found
himself in a serious dilemma.
Then servicemen, returning from
the wars and seeking some trade or
profession which could he quickly
learned, sensed the opportunity in
horseshoeing. Colleges were ap-
proached an the subject of introduc-
ing coarses in the art. The three
mentioned responded quickly, and
it was discovered that youngsters
could be adequately schooled in the
fundamentals of horseshoeing with.
in 14 weeks.
Shoes Made To Order
Shoeing horses for harness racing,
however, apparently is a specialized
branch of the business. Even in the
case of running horses, shoes can
be manufactured in wholesale
quantities, since they are standard.
ized small, thin plates. But shoes
for a harness horse must be made to
order. A style of shoe which would
fit a certain harness horse perfectly
might be all wrong Inc another and
cause him to go into frequent breaks
in his gait.
As in the case of every other ac-
cessory to locomotion, the tendency
now is to make horseshoes lighter
and lighter. In the old days, two -
pound shoes for harness horses were
no exception, the thought being that
so much weight would cause them
to hold truly to their gait, It has
since been proven that trotters con
move along in a faultless way with
six -ounce shoes, and the present
aim is to make them considerably
Britain Invaded
By Potato Bugs
From London conics word of a
half -itch -long bug that has accom-
plished What 1°,.ker and his legions
were never able to eio—get past the
sea-girt islands' defences and ac-
tually invade Britain..
'rhe new invader is the black.
striped Colorado beetle, which
threatens the 1,500,000 -acre potato
crop. Ile conies from Europe,
where his grubs feed on potato
leaves, destroying the plants.
Some of the beetles, which
scientists say carte to Europe from
Colorado 81) years ago, have been
found aboard ships docicing at
British ports.
Now incoming cargoes are scrut-
inized closely—there's a fine for
bringing in beetles deliberately—
while in farms throughout south-
ern England and the Midlands
hired hands, land army girls and
voluntary workers patiently comb
potato fields for traces of the pest.
Tractors have been pooled to pull
spray equipment through the fur-
The agriculture ministry is dia.
tributing an insecticide to stamp
out serious outbreaks. The insect-
icide is injected into the ground.
This kills not only the beetle but
the grub which hatches on the un-
derside of the leaves and awak-
ens to devour them.
lluntmingbirds and swallows can•
not walk or hop with ease on a
horizontal surface.
T : E
A moderate man is temperate in his thinking
in his actions ... in his convictions ...he is
modeaate in all things.
lie has the respect of his fancily, his friends
and his associates., He is, in short, a contented
and a happy man.
And when an occasion calls for the use of
whisky, he is a marl; who knows, as The House of
Seagram has so frequently pointed out, that he
has an obligation to himself, and to his com-
munity it is,. to ()rink moderately or not at all.
��jjZ R e, 4, J/'7few 4,/go9AeOi i8 P
REG'LAR FELLERS—No Respect For Age
ai loppPOP
oaag. HOME w1114
N0t4iS ARK!