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The Brussels Post, 1948-7-28, Page 5
OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD R Mi NI LS lithe IUndntna¢ed Hides snarl A.00ardbg To She and Condition Cows up to 18.08 Horses np to 17 Hogs (300 lbs. each) 12.00 Phut 12.14 per 100 Ibs. for additional AT YOUR FARM -- xfte Collect Brussels 72 — Ingersoll 21 45 FOR PROMPT, EFFICIENT, COURTEOUS SERVICE aC t.'1 :ta. Nude Boy Steals Sltce; On Goderich Square GODIBIRiCH, ,lu1v -1'111' 0 yea, old Lawry Abbott (1(4.14011 to go sl1•a,l- ing when ills 'nether went aeross the street to parches., milk for Larry's lunrl0, Larry sauntere4 up. THE BRUSSELS POST lt. ',,ti 1.,1� NEW DEAL ON POLIO NEEDED '1'kys n'u;El e,i. ul Vi,•tm91 1l .-pii,11 111 London, 0111lr10, hat•, iu1'00nu.d 4110 unfurl,' f, irarilmall of health !too Vietorla will no longer he able to treat poliomyelitis onil••r,•11 from •, t , „ earl 1,1 w, Thom mini', :04 it h : to r„r• 111 y :n•”. '11t.• homdt:l1 truetees pointout that if an 01)11"mie were to break 0111. the ibuHeq leo. aim] faoiltli,•_ of 1'irtnrta 4y0111'l he swamped. The, 11,'eleiun 1)t' 1l! VinIeria Hospital aith'aril it.•? sly lid 00 of ',gleeful to every nrmtrt!,11 9y b) SV 'st 111 Ontario that depends en 1 melon to Neat ifs l.c:'i0111)Eelitis cases. Few hospitals 111 \Vent ern (hl'nrin centre,: pro%i.le 1e,Iation nf.coatnulrinti011. Thepropel treat- ment of 110110 regilirrs sper!alleed personnel and %portal 1 1111ptn1 0t. liospitalleanon is often required n, Ir:', n' r',nt1. I1u110„ for a period of several meetlta, ani .41 -tea:: Par,ldl, of snmlt.itnes for a year m' two or 111' Getter 011 tlitl , "C r11'lIn t Band,longer. All of thews c::ntsiderations r+r,!htc u a rcaliziue he Was 41EUuc(, )Make it desirable that adecpiatr facil- ''rt about as 10111.11 attention as lt(1' Ni'othe treatment of 1")lin be the band parading to church, iprovided at a central point, to serve a wide area. Larry was, in his birthday suit. 10 recent Years, all polio sufferers 4. . - ,— i'a. )." x � rvl.4,64'1( .. am a� °M p e�� rlt p..„^ y \, "\\\ .\\\ �6Yt�b`a ° d6W+11`i� \�, \\\ \\��p\(\w\. \tea 9pra ® EA ®�� �'A� WI • The "Blue Soak” — your CanddJrrn National Time Table guide to Buoy. ogre in Canada. Day in, day out, for more than twenty years, The Inter -City limited has been providing regular, dependable service on its 'through' main line route .. , between the great industrial cities of Montreal, Toronto*, Hamilton, London, Windsor, Detroit, Chicago. Over the years, the flow of travel between these busy and important centres ... travel for business ... vacation and pleasure travel ... has moved in growing volume on this popular International train. It's the pleasant way to 'go places', because a wide range of sleeping accommodations, comfortable modern coaches, lounge cars and dining car service provide all the facilities to make your journey enjoyable. And it's the smooth, fast way to go ... a perfect roadbed .. , easy curves, long "straight-aways" ... double track all the way between Montreal and Chicago. Next time travel on the famous Inter -City Limited. You'll ride well, sleep well, arrive refreshed. * Pool service Montreal —Toronto only. COURTESY AND SERVICE W'helher al home — or "going places" — in ell your contacts will; Canadian National, you will experience courtesy and service. 611411 RAILWAYS • AIRLINES • STEAMSHIPS • HOTELS • EXPRESS • TELEGRAPHS* ate.•,. r. 40(11)1 Et 1x1.00 s' colon of lt•, ,.,:,•r, I Odd But rrtle (111401io have been .-'!140.1 „, 1',...,. fre0 treatment 1)1 the (1..11, t"-1:1 • in (44 4.0111'''„ Jr,: 1 .',1)•,1 ',t''i (!(-!•-1 1,en11„n. fin• r•: oh,• 1.: ,i1„ „tit1 NO 111111 up). -.t of the 011'(4(21,1:•is Victoria HoSpita: 01111 flaloti 1)r. nttth done by women, hitt it may +in•prt;e fie blessing of the 1)114,1'11) 4)01,; . 1 ” . , +,d 1,10110 p, upl' , I. 1)t ,'. 411414 mint of Health. 'I'r,:11ua-0 1: i:ru 40, v prefer to .blip flit. nl,vl 1,111. ululsr 1 11 direction 0Y Dte polio cunt. thou themselves. ;% !au•r,•y conducted mote, 0:h',•h 1., c.n,ipn,140( of 1 !oete 10.1400 women by the Antall- prominent f.on11141 'mien'-- 111'1 IP,' reveal" I'll, geom.' and par iliatrielou:, ah„ 4"04, 11114(1 that 75 pr.t• 1,111 of fir•'. their "41.0X1'.;without pay Th shirts. hosiery. ,#0., 1)r, hon:^ht by Oufttri0 Department of 11 alit' p:1r women. and 19 Per cent 00 alone Vleturia JD-opit-at on a patient -,lay wheel the man of the 'muse wants a basis, but the amount. is said )1. I,,, n"1:' loll. So 14400 .sea .•an 4)010 considerably below the , unit, rstand why t:he tons,- 1)01)110 1' of pro0111110 acclnnulnl;a''4'14 1'.t' :,,.it., 111e11'g stores are the ones who are patients. eonsi.tent arivertisera.—Basten It is not clear t.1) us ehelhe, :he Present deeielon 1)t the ta,l -o: of Victoria Hospital stems ma 1111y free, lack of accommodation, from di ter n,nals: Dr. Annie ,toga, Pnrnn- satisfac•tlon over the financial at.- I t1). with Mre, D. '.ltrfnwan. Miss rangenient with the natrrin 11, p%r.'' IDlhel T1.vinr. T ltehenee, Rev. .and meat of Health, or from the fact that Mrs. 'Kenneth ;nIi'tchell, natty and there has been eritirieet hr PA.<YTH Post. handling of poliomyelitis eves at Victoria Hospital. Possibly a7 thi'-'o' fact -urs have had some influence, Anyone who is familiar with the situation at Victoria Hospital must admit that the matter of physical ac+ com,modation is an nettle m'01)10m. The hospital is over -crowded, and if a serious epidemic should sttllte this 'section of Ontario, Victoria simply could not meet the 1.l„manrl for beds. Furthermore, it seems matte unreasonable that Victoria Hospital should be expected to pay part of the cost of accomodating Polio suffers 400111 outside Points. suet as Stoat. ford. We believe that the first public criticism of the treatment of polio at Victoria T-iospitai was contained in an editorial published by the Beacon -Herald on November 11. 1947. Our criticism was fivefold. (11 We pointed out that the normal relation- ship between patient and doctor did not exist at the London polio centre; that no one doctor was personally responsible for the pat - t' if b t th t ib' it en s we are, n a respons i! y was borne by the committee as a whole; that this diffusion of 10- sponsibility was a sericite weakness, (2) We contended that the policy of requiring the members of the polio. committee to give their services without charge was wrong. Why should the doctor who repairs a broken finger be paid, 14 the doctor who treats polio is not paid? (3) We pointed out that all of the members of the polio committee were busy men; that several of tllenl lied large practices and that others hacl heavy teaching responsibilities and we g0estionetl whether it was fair. either to polio sufferers or to 1he committee to impose on such a group the additional responsibility of bancl- 101g a polio epidemic. (4) We said that the treatmentment of polio was controlled by those more or 11ss wedded to practices NV were accept- able ten years ago, (5) We point- ed out that, in London, nobody had taken trouble to see the plwsiother- aptsts had received acle•.lnats train- ing in the hest availahi+ nletln0ds of treating polio. Karen. Modena '.Mich„ with Mr, nod Mrs, A. Taylor; Mr. and Mrs. Fames Scott, Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. F. Fall's, 04100: :Ws. D. (1. TTodd .Sire. P. fiarortt, Bories Reach: end Mrs. Stewart Young and 'dela, Savanna, Ont„ Mv, :,1),i Henry Young, New Hamburr, Myrtle Young. Reg,N., Clinton Mrs. M. A. Young. Meet Prince Mike Romanoff with Mr. Pat Mrs. Mrs with He's everything from a hanker to a Brooklyn pants presser. Be sure to read the fabulous story of Prince Mike's rise from a dank cell on Ellis Island to a position as reigning monarch of Hollywood's soolal get: Read "Itomanoff in The American Weekly, great magazine with this S'unday's August 1) i ssue of The Detroit Sunday Tlmea, * * Tt 10 time for a new deal on the handling and treatment, of polio eases in this part et Ontario. Th.e pr'otes't of the trueteee of Vict'o•in Hospital is In the hands 01 the Ontario Department of 7Iealth. The past performance of the Depart- ment shows that it is willing in help in meeting the problems of treating polio suffers, but it 1s 40o much to expect that the Province 0h0nld boar the entire burden. It may he that a solution of the problem can come only through co-operation of the' Ontario Department of Health, the municipalities concerned, the mad ical profession and interested lay men, The polio season will he upon us within a few weeks. Obviously aellion is needed at once, —Stratford Tleacnn•TTerald MACHINE SHOP rRouBI HAD 17 y a 1IOgg” rom WE Vim weak STA t3 for Acetylene and Electric Welding Om shop is eduippett to tto First Class Welding And Lathe Work You Patronage So1leitefi, Good &ervloe A ..asntlag al the third cases pay irflnstoditt5Ifelleti. oar/ damn dtishlers wow to P,ts WeeNtelfdeVetaila real M- ena to irealthr vtiterees pity yeraAsc ennittNai amo• 9ea411:0115'h Rad eee " ole Is vas0%3 of a mil a9 pa* to octa slowed rd @cath 6° —that a good tale AO 091)0° hoe to—la dry status nottita tootling, trough should be cleaned up each 12 hours. is wet mash feeding It should bo cleaned up to 20 to 30 minutes -3 times daily. AT WOOD. __- ONTARIO. FW SALE 102 Massey -Hark -is Tractor, twin power on rubber in good shape. General Repairs en all rnalfo-ts n ca.r1-. Up to date L uncb Bear Ethel Sales and Service PHONE 59-r-9 BRUSSELS ETHEL, ONT. Yi r T1 RE Got an old warm lying around dna you figure is `through'? Equip It wills Otaro Steel Wheels and a set of used automobile tires. Rides eerier—lona easier, b cauda Chaco Steel Wiseeib bring your wagon down to easter loading le et Com* la and me tel ,ALL STEL The new i1:,.,41master Ail Steel — a wagon development from mare than fifty years' experiment and teat. Every feature designed for a lifetime of dependability and service. A needed for every haulage purpose. Repair Your Tractor- — any make Repair all kinds of Fars'n Equipment Pedlar Barn Equipment Dominion Tires °taco Farm kraiofernersis h ed Phone 86-r-5 Ethel WILLIAM T. SPENCE Estate Conveyance and Commissioner GENERAL INSUARANCE OFFICE MAIN STREET -- -- ETHEL, ON r. `1E4bd� Good For Bli of •``) ff0 �,, ©s RAO Dafe'��ktal�lg at pad! AEKER BROS. rhos*1 BRt Ie