HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-7-28, Page 4I/ RE IT 15 ,•t izEre The super -value, money -saving, new DeLuxe has proven by actual test that it will give air: more mile- age than the big mileage (loodvear it replaces. Stronger cord construc- tion provides more protection from blowouts ... a wider, flatter tread steps up traction in any weather. come ifyl, colA See al ELLIOTT BR OS. General Garage Services Phone 82 I• russets, Ont. THE BRUSSELS POET _ ., parent s, Mr. and elle lurid SURGE MILKERS ut q: Mrs, Hooper,'(nl•hun with Mr. and Mrs. Willi un Niebolsoltl IMr, Nicholson is suffering from a �Iheart athlete BLUEV ALE Marilyn and Doris Goll. ltelgraye, with their grandpa''ettte Mr, and and Mrs. Alex el,Cra;ldu; lieu. mans and ,Tim, Detroit. Dougal Strachan and Mrs. Lament. Tern=n-ls, •with Mrs. Petr 14tae1wen; Mr. and Mrs, Vannan. I3elgrs•-', with Mr. mad Mrs. J. H. Smith; Tlervn Get. Weer, Wroxeter, with Eleanor Smith: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marshall, IL-istowe1, with Mr, and Mrs. George 'Thornton; Dr. and Mrs. Arthur gleam and 'Barbara, 'rartmto. with Mrs. Anther Shaw; Joyce Hoffman HARD MAPLE ON WAY OUT IN ONTARIO LUSOON. July 1'1. --'crud Five in teeee. and ll•ow .n hien: the \i plc • Leal' forever." i•• sill Sung ,1'!c b}- thansnlud, of western .r'•, eve, ,'1111,1rrn on public ,r9eions; hitt C. 11. Zevitz, 11511iet 1ee rr r. pre:, et dive, of Cha4ham. w;trIR I ye-terduy that the hard melee veer, t'rnnh w11c•h Cumda c,t= Irv. Int tonal 01i1111r111. may one day 1,, a •nine of the past in this part of ter ionnt y. rote drastic (1(1 .coos rr.' -alien. Th.• bird. or AllLar. nriple i.. dr - creasing in minihel• et -res ••e•tr. lie said. "I won't go .n eir as to :".• 01 (11(4'e limit for its existence. eenne hive dune, but unle s proper growing emulations are restored or created it may well beeems a rarity :violin this generation. Canada's emblem wn, first copied from the hard mnnlr leaf, Mr. 7nvite contends, although Ile COD , cedes that since it was first nrinptel the more serrated leaf fie the soft mettle has often been need for Patriotic designs and decnratio)s. The hard maple grows all over , Southelm Ontario and Southern • Onetime w11. )•e 11 114 tilptU 1 it the . Eastern Townships for the bigeest maple syrup and maple sugar crop ern the continent. with Mrs. Geyser. Shipka; Mr, and .Mrs. William Griffiths, Montreal, at ill,, it' home here; Bernard tow. London. with hie mother, eirs. Nellie Lillow; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gerrie. Wingham, with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Elliott; Mrs. Horton, Soft Maples Increasing At one tine evrryy Southwestern Ontario farm boy knew what it woo to tap the trees in dad's sugar bosh when the sap was running but 11)day the tree more familiar to country and city dweller alike is the big. fast-growing soft inaple, ,-hick thrives under conditions that Tnront:., will Mr. and 9lrs. Rny- . kill off its harder -wooded ensue, mond Elliott; Mrs. 1. ray Wilson, Listowel, with Mr. al.1 Mrs. Roy Mann; Mr, and Mrs. W. N. eleTag- j gart ,and Scott, Goderich, with 11ir. and Mrs, Roy Turvey; lir. and Mrs, Charles Coultes, Lietowei, with Miss Mabel Coultas; Nliss Edith Garniss, Clinton, with her "There are a number of , causes for the mortality rate among betel maples;" said Mr. Zavitz, "This year the foliage didn't develop very well. partly because of frost, and partly because of insect trouble. Insects and disease have lately ben attacking the hard maples and this in itself is a danger sign, be - (]AIRY MAID Hot Water Heaters J. B. Higgins, Seaforth 1 FOR SALE --- Pullets, Rooks and Retie. Aire Row Ovinalun Plum' e.e.11. FOR SALE— Fresh volt r1tildes. Phone 77 -tee Fran 11 11111er 1 FOR SALE-- Service Dealer — Phone 138 Seaforth eeery fete :e Gr e ter '"r1. 5 per'ity T i n and C trey , Modern Massey -Harris Machines Increase Output per • Man and give the Farmers Greater Buying Power On Saturday nights all across Canada, the shopping centres of towns and smaller cities are crowded with farm automobiles and farm people. Side by side, with the town dwellers, farm people buy all kinds of consumer goods, from breakfast goods to broadloom rugs, from canned goods to cosmetics, from raisins to refrigerators. Time was when farm buying was more limited, when farmhouse furnishings were more meagre. The change is due directly to the increase in the buying power of farm families. The reduction in operating costs and Increased output per man effected by modern farm machinery gives farm families today more income from their operations in supplying agricul- tural products for home and export markets and more money for both the necessities and luxuries of life. Greater prosperity for all. Massey -Harris, builders of farm implements for over one hundred years, has contributed in no small measure to this progress through the development of modern labor-saving farm machinery. MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY, LIMITED Established 1847 Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina, Saskatoon, Swift Current, Yorklon, Ca Edmonton, Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Moncton gpryr GEORGE POLLARD REPRESNTATIVF_ — eeedmeedey, July :tette 19IS Furnace, in good cn1141 eoe. Phone 1055. 1 TO RE.idT•— Renee to rent by September est, Corner of Williams and :Mart Si.. Brussels, Ont. Apply to Miss N. A. . .Tardive. Telephone No. 1, Brussels. FOUND— A ,white fox terrier dog with black bend and few bleclt spots of body. Owner can have same by applying to 4RIJSSEL9. I Mrs, Chas. McKay, 13ruseels. cause trees succumb to these fit• •TO RE NT - 75 when they lose their nonan• .II 75 acres of good pasture running tutional hardiness, which is just wat+�r. twhet h., • been happening to the Apply to George Kerr, R. R. 1 Ethel Phone elrnssels 36.:•12. sugar maples. "One big trouble has neer the FOR SALE— <c•lrir.z of livesitoci in wnoliole. Hygienic Supplies (Rubber floods) This r:niscs compaction of the soil, and changes the air and water postpaid in oIain, sealed mailed mailed relationship of the tont. Tho top envelope with price net. Six i samples 26s, 24 samples, $1.00, Mail branches' die first, and e1'FUtnnny 1 Order Dept. M-33 NovRubber •CQ the whole tree. Box 91, Hamilton, Ont, Blames Livestock WANTED- 7dealth of our woornnrs iuqurnces Mao Por steady travel among con - when we get the livestock out, butsupers in Brussels. Permanent ecr- unless this is done we're going to j nection with large manuta,turer lose ninety per cent. of the wondlot I Only reliable hustler considered trees in every ease who'.- they are I Write Rawleigh Dept. No. ML -J-162- not m•otected from pasturing 131, Montreal. animals. "The lard maple is not the hest I FOR SALE— t^ee. to plant for decorative purpose. because there artificial conditions are created that produce much the same 000ditions as when the trees areaffected by pasturing; animals," Mr. Zavitz explained. "The pave- ment •and sidewalk curt off the water and air, and hard maples won't stand trinim'ng. either of roots or branches, like other trees," Modern drainage. which has Up- per Thames Valley Authority ex- perts worried in en effort to pre- vent flooding and conserve natural beauty, is an enemy to harry maples. Young seedlings will adapt them- selyes to artificial draining, but it is apt to Idll off tree; of some types, be explained. 200 acre farm in desirable locality, Two good bank barns. gec'l frame house. 10 acres. good iurdwood, run- ning water for stook. 1tt miles from village, station, storee, . churches, sohnol and etc. Owner retiring, ill health. Immediate posseeeien. Apply '10 George Kerr, R, R. 1 Ethel Phone Brussels 36-r-19. OWN YOUR BUSINESS' ... Join the leading company: of 3107116 SERVICE IN CANADA. Let your effort determine your income. Very little capital needed, If yon have travelling equipment, here is your chance to use it with benefit. Write for full dets.lis—FAMILER, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. A Natural Victim The hard ma.15 makes 'mob good furl flint it Is a natural victim of the rural dweller's axe, Mr. Zavitz went nn. Tt is easy to split, and burns well, and once it has been cleared out of an area the soft elm frequently grows in quickly among the etumpe, s•o that thee.. is little hard maple secondary growth, The wood is much used for flooring and enbinet-making, and during the wa' it even went into veneer fen Mosquito bombers, whose all -wood ,'oisti•nction made then fast and Halle Getting back to this yea's eon - delete, Mr. Zavitz said that Public Enemy Number One for the hard maple is the aphid, fir plant louse, Which is appearing in particularly large quantities and attar.Iting any forms of growth. The aphid has picked on hard maple as a par- ticularly large and vuinerable viotim. "We are not quite sure why there sh'oul'd be so tunny aphiris this year," said Mr. Zavitz. "Every few years ihor is e. plague of some kind of insect, possibly because of climatic conditions, and this happens to be a good season for plait -lice." FARMS FOR SALE -- 100 aero farm — good buildings price $4000,00. 100 acre farm on County Road with crop and hay, imp.. diate possession price $4300.00. 100 acre farm 3 miles from city on County Road, 3 miles trom pavement, gond buildings with crop, price 57100.00. 3, C. Long. Real Estate 'broker, Brussels, Ont., Phone 84. "HELP WANTED. --m Nue, AN OPPORTUNITY— Established Rural Ws -teens District available. If you are aggreeslvc, and between the ages of 26 and 66 -- have or can seem travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get esteb- lished in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company Dept. 0-B-4, 2177 Mason It., Montreal, Que. MRS. FREEMAN'S DEATH ACCIDENTAL, JURY FINDS All Inquest 111(0 the death or Mrs. George Freeman (tate former Grace Mos 011 Goderinhl was heli before Corner Dr. 5, E, Fraser at Kin- cardine on Friday night. The J0r7 brought in verdict that the fatality, which occured cm the Blue Water FTighwey smith of Hlneerdint- on Dominion Day, was acrideneel, FOR SALE— Flectrie motors rewound and r stared. Expert workmanship. Moder ate prices. New motere Ir, stock, Bettger Industries, 649 Ontario, Street, Stratford, Ont, tr+GY1rtuth .legis; area Optometrist "Western Onte t iota l°44at Modern Eye 5$V`tt e' "hone 118, Harridan YUR t CHILDRE$ are your business .. I can help you to Insure their higher education by means of a Confederation Life Policy to mature at their college age. I represent Confedetra.. tion Life Association* which has policies tom. pedally designed for his purpose. Why: hrvite me to talk tllkh matter over with ref !Woos 3,eu insure. oras* Confecterailos Life AmeociaiIoR 18110►. om I TO/AIM STYLED ANO DESIGNED TO INFLUENCE THE FUTURE $112.00 F.O.B. Landes, Canada the charm and convenience of her modem bathroom ... the magic advantages of her modern kitchen . , . thanks to a DUR0 pressure system. Luxury she dreamed of fuitbaut the extravagance) she thought accessary. INSTALL THE BEST ... INSTALL A DURO you can get shallow or deep well systems to meet all your needs for home ... barns . • . truck gardens ... fee protection. EMCO FIXTURES and FITTINGS Teamed with your DURO system, they will add new joy to daily living . . protect family health . . . Be your home modernizing budget like e charm. See us for complete imfotmadon. H. J..GIBSON Phone 83x -r-4 Brussels nwI IIflnss mi . co. Rcsa r LIMITED tCil00n-41ROILTOn-TOIIOnTO-SUOSURY-wlnntPes-VAnCOUVES BUSINFSS CARDS IC, A. Myers, M. D., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON William St. Phone 4. Brussels, Ont. Allan A. Lamont .gent for --Fire, Windstorm, and Atrtotnoarie fum am:re? ;et pOrticulars of aur Special Automobile Celine for edlvea au, Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 65-r-7 Walker Funeral Home Day or Night Calls Phone 65 No extra charge for Use of Funeral Home. B. G. Walker Licensed Funeral Director & Er/she/met. J. F. Harper, B. A., M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 - 9 p. m. Also 11 - 12 a. m., when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p. m. Sesnda3r — Emergency and by appointments only. R. S. Hetherington, K. C. WINGHAM and BRUSSFi 5 AT BRUSSELS Tuesday and Saturday all day — Offict open every day. Phone 20x — Successor to E. D. Bell Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co. Phone Office 96 — Brussels, Ont. Harold Jackson ECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES For information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson PHONE 18-r-661 — SEAFORTI, O1dT. Make arrangements at THE Brussels Post or R. S. Hetheringto, K. C.. Barrister Office, Brussels. D. A. Rann & Co. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or t3S — BlftUSSELS. ON F. Lewis Rowland (Licensed For Huron County) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED — PRICES REASONAB1Li For Engagements Phone 31 ."The Brussels Post" and they will be looked after Immediately For information etc. write r phone Lew. Row/and