HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-7-28, Page 1OS f PU LISH1NG HOUSE
Wednn ,sd, y, July 28th, 1948
Marc MA altafr3+G.'R..:51=6:: 'd211721n EtattoalsyW'au:" u.'1.di^WSl'i^*icer,+�u. u.a-+•.-✓k . ,i...:.w ;
€i°Q. S< OLS CdWI . 'i Ai !ay
To fall in line with other
' ;it the province, the people ask that
Mor ay'August 2nd
And I hereby proclaim the same a
Public Holiday and ask that al! persons
observe it as such.
R. B. Cousins, Rec.
:e and elr•e. f ineta.(, ii( 11111 vee•
are holidaying with relttives here.
Mr. and ears. l\'nt. Jardiee end
ecu Glen have left for a trip to the
Al's. itobert Ferguson Is spending
her vacation with friends at St.
Cath aria Ps.
- Mrs. Hugh Wilson returned on
Friday alter spending a few ,lays
with her sister, Mrs. T. Hawse of
Mr. and Mrs, ,T. W. ieier'te:• were
Sunday visitors in Ilespele,'. Mr, and
seta I Mrs Wm,, Hastings on,' baby soy.
r""m ,"eneweee
with thein and are holiday.
MORRIS N°lice.
Dr. W. L. and Mrs. McCutcileu'h
and Mr. Fred O'Brien of Berwick.
Pa., have returned to their home
after a two week's holiday with
Morris friends. Miss Kathleen
Clang accompanied th, m 'tack.
There will he no issue of The
Brussels Post for she next two
weeks. That is August 4th and
August 11111 as the staff will oe on
holidays, Correspondents :aro osked
to send in their copy as usual,
WiII Rebuild 400 Feet
Dr Harper will be on vacation Of Pier Damaged
August 8th to August 23rd.
ing with relatives here.
* * 1
Welcome visitors at the home of
E. J. Pollard's were Mr, and terra
E. Knox of Tuxford. Seek., also his
nephew Harold Tyerman and Mrs
Tyermen or Seattle. Vnsiliegton,
* .x
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Me sanchiiti,
Toronto, Aries Annie McT.auchlin,
Provost, :Uta., and Mts. Geo. White
and &ei ht(r, Drumheller, Alta.,
former residents of the village are
Floods At Goderich visil.ing relatives and mends,
In Brussels Town Hall on
Thursday, August 5th
Music by
Don• Robertson's Ranch Boys
Dancing from 10 to 1
Lunch Booth Admission 50c
Under auspices of L.O.L. 774
Orange Hall, Brussels
Every Sunday Night at 8 p.m.
Orange Hall, Jamestown
Every Sunday at 3 p. (t
Speaker — John Martin
of Hawkesville, Ont.
Be sure and attend
A rich blessing awaits you,
A good name is rather to
chosen than great riches, ant
loving favor rather than silver
and gold.
C011f RrCTT illy 27 — Department i
of Public Works will rebuild 400 W A.LTON
feet of the north and south piers
at Goderich harbor ;0 replace fr.-
stallations. swept away by ice and
water in the flooding of the Malt-
land River last March,
D. H. McDonald, district ,engl-
Lneer, said nt Londnn on Monday the group•
tenders are being called for the Personals; .lir. and sirs. Campbell work immediately. Dre.iging of \Cee have returned home fr'nn a
h d 1 P dell o:
the cement and steel debris -of the lir Jnntc's Cummings, son nP A. S. L.
former pier sections ':as been calm
Park Cars Properly Notice
The Young Peopee's 'Onion of
Duff's United Church, Walton, gath-
ered tut the Goderich Park en Wed-
nesday afternoon to enjoy their
annual outing. Rev. R. G. Hanle
wood, the minister, was present with
tie ship c arms an remove n Motor trip to Winnipeg an 1 rag
Melville Church
Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A.
No Sunday School During
11 a. re. Devine Service.
Rev. Samuel Kerr, 13. D.
Louis D. Thompson, Organ;ot
and Choirmaster.
II The United Church
Minister Rev, Hugh C. Wilton
Organist Miss Elva Sholdice
U a. m. Morning Worship
Seedtime And Harvest
Junior Congregation and
Sunday School
Everyone Cordially Welro-ue
Church of England
Cunnings is in Clinton Hospital;
Mrs. William Walsh and family.
1Tamiitnn, with MI'. and Mrs, Wil-
liam Humphries; Mrs. Repents,
:v 1 cv,1 tit,
I'h.• Ih•m:s i- 'pant sh' ut L, „3 ic,ht .Sr ,4h u 1 Wey---Hackwe?I
"erle h,r ;,r:,l,• r , n'.; :onto," ,,,,, t ,.,, , • i, ' ,it, n,•,-, t ,! ,, .. I , ...,
A ntt'P.t 1r:ariinr• ..
Car drivers are asked to S. tial
1,1,.;,.: ,tr•' I•Jelt„1 , -1tp,” ,L,. r, r.•:,nr. ,:1,.c. i „
ed by the street markings. If thl; - ir„
1 h"'" hIt t.• 1, Run1!„'(Prov(
,ion, mute etre Net be peeled ,..
1. :,, ,• nu: r„able,;
dauglirer of tiro lo , ., 1
niait> strs,•I particularly on Saturday _._.
Mains, i'ark your ear elthin the
Mies!Local Insurance Man
Wins Award
Legion Sports Frolic
Draws Large Crowd
The Legion Sports Pro11e (road herr
last Wednesday was a sueeessful
affair. :\ large number attended to
enjoy the en/ ertaimemo. Peevidc,t.
The frolic opened In the efternnoa
with a pot parade ant a decorated
tricyle and bicycle par:.il' at Cb.tttnst
Park. There were soflb Jt ;;30ls0 ar'1
races for the children. The visiting
Broadhag. n band added to the pleas•
are of the tiny, After n water fisht
football game at the park the remain
der of the evening ent'rtainment
was held in the arena where bingo
was the mail nttrantion, also mbar
game's and dancing to the imiele of
Ken. Wilkes, enc( his orchestra.
The pet parade brought 1 largo
the a.; P •i t i wet,
omnis, of yann,. 1 1 at t :.
their pets. Dogs predominated bail
prowl owners also parade cute, ban-
tams and a pony. Priz;ss went to
Wanda Rantoul with her dog dressed
in hat and cape of crepe paper and
riding calmly in a get -cart, Frank
Wilson astride his handsome pony;
Nell McTaggart for his pair of ban-
tams and Kenneth Bowler with his
dog drawing 0 cage in which rode a surprised Ile young t•nitI
cat. evening by railing at their hong'
The trieyele parade drew many with a variety of noisemakers
young contestants and prize, were Mier the Pres, atatinn Telteel
awarded Billy Lowry. Murray Lowe thanked all for their kindly frielet-
tout Wayne Lowe rti41 1 Raymond ship.
Brrnsnn and Jaek McBride (tied). A generous lurch followed.
Winn. -re of the best derrn'ated
l eyeles were Robert Kennedy, Sheila ! Stone School
Porter and Olen Bridge. Beats Fordwich
The softball game between t"iifforrl WFN'GTTAM, July 20.—Undefeated
and Brussels girls was one of the StoneSchool i
best games of the sr -aeon and PndPtl
!vitt a final score or 'Brussels 5
Ciilifordt. The second softball game
between the Legion ani the Brussels
men's team was discontinued be•
cause of rain.
Tn the early evening a water tight
wa.s staged between the Legion and
the Fire Brigade with the former the
victors. The football game between
Hanover and Brussels was an excit-
ing exhibtion with a score of Hanover
1 Brnse'els 0.
In the arena the bingo dill a rushing
business end the games and dancing
was thoroughly enjoyed by a large
The lucky draw made by Mary
Willis showed the lucky tickets held
by Roy Champion; Edward Elsdon;
Joseph Adair; Roy Kennedy and C.
The Legion members are to be
commended on the splendid prizes
given for the pet .and tricycle and
bicycle parade and for the lucky
John Bracken Quits As Bayfield, with her mother, Mrs.
Pro. -Conservative Leader Walter Davidson; Mr:. D. Bird.
Kitchener, with Miss Mary Smilie:
Hon. John Bracken anarnnteed VTr. John Conk, Heepeler, with Mr.
on A7onday that be intends to resign end Mrs. Thome Hackwell; Mr.
as leader of the Progressive Con- Alert Holland in Londnn; Mr,
eerret-Ire Party. Mr. Bracken, the Stewart Bryan, Mitchell, with his
Opposition leader, who is 55, in a parents, Mr. and Mrs, Edward Bry-
Parloh of Bruaeela
Raw. J. H. Kerr. Brussels.
loth Sunday After Trinity
August 1st, 1948
St. George's Church Walton --
9,15 a, m, Holy Communion
Sunday School
it. David's Church Henfryet—
10.15 a. m. Sunday School
11,15 al m. Iloly Communion
it. John's Church Brussels--
2 p, m. Sunday School
g p. m, Holy Communion
letter to J. M. Maedonell, Presi-
dent of the Conservative Asosication
gave his age and ill -health as
reasons for tendering his resig-
nation. He recomended that a
national convention be °ailed to
select a successor at the earliest
possible date, Mr. Bracken was
chosen leader of the Conservative
party in 1942 and at the same time
the name was changed to Progres•
sive Conservative.
We expect to have plenty of good
clover honey for sale this season.
We'll be glad to receive orders.
PHON3I 21-(4
I Seaforth, Ont.
an: Miss ,Tuna Hackwell with Miss
Doris Johnston, Blyth: :ciiss Ber-
nice Hackwell, Stratford, with her
father, Mr, Joseph Hackwell; Mr.
R. W. Hoye, Welland, at h!s home
Mrs, Jas. Fartihtlterson of Alberta
-with her sister, Mrs, Walter David-
Miss Mary Shortreed, R.N„ Lon-
don, with Iter mother, Mrs, Wm.
Mr. George Kelly, Mr. and Mrs.
Garvin Smith ,and son of New Ont-
ario, Mrs. Smith's mother, have been
visiting relatives and friends,
Mr. Bruce and son Stanley of Mi-
ami, Manitoba, and Mrs, David Ches.
Hey, Winnipeg, have gone back to
their homes, after vieiting relatives
t yl thy- I tt, \lr it , 1
I I. ,i 11 111 t 1' I1.
c , , le ' t, .i n [r Walton, It ..:1
mi..,1. C. Tnn:', ?n al rr•pr "•ul.,, of Mr.and Mrs. George Wet tea.
f',,rf,dr•r• t Life .1-'- 11- 0v.,u rad officiated at the
ti` ? SI, �, t tr
Tim bail a,ts tttrnd'd
>nr ;nie,n has rpla,.. , d for t?,,. .. 1 •.
Notialal Anality t r.., 1. Tlr • 17 her sits(. r, Miss i9Prnir
well as bridesmaid. and the r*i.
;se (ea!, tie htolotmll rmnply-,11,
Sea forth Mr. and Mrs. W -y are
rom.1,ltL r1 �, reenrd qualifytnc hint ' H”' ' •�''•1 �'' 1 ,it \1'?'
to receive it. Cnn..r'•afutatimis to tui .. Th y ,vitt ,warts in Walton
11• La»cr i n' :,1'',t'.Ilc- 'ht- r,.'r,'•d,
award is presented lis"rhe T.tf
T'iid,' wrltere i enri tarot (7f eetoad s
veb.•n an in in tt s,1P'en,tc 11a'
Trees Carrccd Hundred
1't':t':t It; i?ig Washout„
pt •r.y.
And Peh•twc.p
Lines Escape Darnege;
Estimate 400 Yards
t- rt't Moved
1. :t• Drys to
1 , ctry rainstorm acontrol 1n r b....
and vicinity lint nicht, a 1.11.•a !!ells
Pat t t 15 1! t r plaint
.J, ,"i .",rat f et b.•ino: 111'' (" .$1;t.
overload Littre. Pito vitt' tf thy Tail1
Pert n 1rte w!tii it,
, do rem he the,
,tireti'm nt she ;prof lithe. 'rice
1 Highways Dep.,rtntent bag talion
n.ro 't rr, •rut.»t•, pill' ling' hyo a
f..l , . ... ? 11 .,ti it t: . vello•.s es;'
the RFI( 0['etr•r !Tighe ty lids ti,at
been i;!ie'I' eel with. :tfr. .T. 3,
Gordon Knight First Rnhcrtsen in eb t, z,. cr tit, m•sn.
In Oats Competition en11t1r,y l hull.. h,., • stitnt1ed it Will
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wheeler rerinire p >rnxitnnteiy inn cubic
Honored By Friends l ,,, h .;, "!, n 'yawl- , r r, : .,1 ' t an,: this
(hi moll ay „i•, ti nr. ?Ti'. and ',Tr,:. T.e, it t ,.n rr. t i ;'.I r., , , -,,n- 1 (task +1!11 br r»••.u0 iii- T'ittt a, roto.:
Lloyd 1t'h,•'ti"' rare.,. 1101-11 ',r,_ 0 1,11.,orori by rho East i Many Crcpc. Flattened
('itt'Ivoul were goes(. of !((,neer et mu on .1orirnitoral Society. The AUlinnah many ,,rope thrrnt^hent
Brn.scat= Tnwtt 1Tall niter. ah, »' 1'x'1 jnd.".intr til is etn•ried on; by : ormau f '1u• area n:..rt fi..t,oittii. mere e,..me
frlritts stud relatives eatherr-,l 1 . Smith, Mildmay. I withstood the tmele eht of ;he storm.
then happiness autl proep'.r:ty !!! 'file oft'iciat r•sr,lta ,u',-. C",doe i The Cc,der arra teas hardest Tem
through tate coming ante 1 leniehe, .lou Smith. Andrew 'Turn 'adman • street+ were flooded when
I,n }
The Jack un m•rlhr•strt, supplied hal;. Win. Dennis, Cs',. Menti• ` 1 sowers became plugsed.
thtlug anisic for danr'u Por i`.e ,Ts>Bm Wnrk. Dmt;ila- Hentine.wity. 1 A few tens in the city were
younger members of the stn,p �b".• John Yni1L I blown .down. but bus. rail smell
the older ones enjoyed n serial chat. All roam (ices will exhibit a I r•eneminieePen lines wo+'c, not ger-
At midnight the brie!, and ert ut let -h,•1 of oats at the P,rus;el- Fail 1 temey affected.
were called to the plat fern! where le.ir en tact 1.
Ross Nichol read an ttidr«:sr, in j
verse while Graham Work pre ente-p Farmer London Postman
them with a aeneeens gift of money. z :- j Huron Farmers
russets Native, Dies
I See Test Fields
a number of other ac!itfts were gtte7 n — Morrison S
among' them an attractiv, eine tette. LONDON, July r,
Mci"rarkrn, a ,sural London Fest- 1 CLINTON -fair 07.. The TTnrrla
from the chivarta gen who hitt Cottnty ("rel, lugtrovt•nt-ie Assoc•
man Hied Seterday in London.'
Ttnrn hl T'.ntst-t-1 lir. Stert•aeeee i ration held a nr11.1rht fleid toile
tea- resident in this city
for le yeetsrday in place of the fall day
years. 11' was s letter ,,Preis,• f"r• ' scheduled prncrntn which was ease
years until he retiree fir, years 1 "led heel' 3''' of the :.at'ness 10
ago, at which time he moved to ;the haying.. Mem!). re ender the
e,,•i•,lan• tvdte� e' he ep,•,•at•-•rl fen- ! rlhwrtion of LeRoy r. T;rotr•i Hent
Perm fm theca years. Sett„ carr;,- ; 10 rhe Roy rrnthere f"rm. TAIn,
c•r, i>; hi; ei<• •r, sTr?. :?dna Will:Pv I
desbnrc, too view the rod rove' lost
The emend srtcir, was held at 2.00 'of nate and barley tvhica was: dee.•
p. m. Monday, at the Janes \i. I eltsse'd b•
y prnfrseor R. Kraegan
Carhothers and Son funeral home from the Field Husbandry depart -
to date the c. nn a n' with Rev. R. R. Canter. King Street meat of the 0.4.C. Thr group t4t.n
trounced Fordwich Whippers herr went to la. Snell's farm to see the
15-5 in their first _non' of the United Church. offteiatin,. Burial i
was in Mount Pleasant cemetery, pasture. Adjmrrning to the boitrcl
semi-finals for the W.O.A.A. soft- , room of the agricultural office Bea
hall group "0" title The winner
1 ; Thurs., Fri., Sat, ,iuly 29.30.31
1 with
LLIII Palmer and Sam Wanamaker
IAbundantly endowed with vitality
wholesome humor and an array of
splendid performances in this period
piece, here's a heart warming story
of the lusty, brawling, nostalgic days
of 1900.
Capitol Theatre
Wed• Thur. July 28-2i3
Adult Entertainment
"The Strange Love
of Martha Ivens"
Mon, Tues„ Wed. Aug. 2-3-4i
Matinee: Mon. Aug. 2-2:30 P,M•
Robert Young Maureen O'Hara'
Clifton Webb
This one ends the current comedy i
starvation, every bit a No. 1 tomedy,1
it is truly a merry business from
beginning to end.
Next Thurs., Fri., Sat. Aug. 5-6-7
M.G.M. presents Wallace Berry
and the boystar of "The Green
Years" Dean Stockwell, in a heart -
stirring entertainment.
Deanna Durbin and
Leopold Stokowskl
and Adolphe Menjou
Fri. Sat. July 30-31
Double Feature
"Thunder Mountain"
"Jungle Flight"
Sat. Mat. starts 2:00 P.M.
Evenings starts 7:00 P.M.
Midnight show at 12.05
Before August 2nd Holiday
Mon., Tues. August 2-3
Eddie Cantor Joan Davis
in "If you knew Susie"
a laugh -packed comedy
with music
OFFER $190.00
Mon. Attend, Card night.
The United Church Clinton they listened to reenteleti
of° this series w11 meet either addresses by professor R. G. Knox
Wroxeter or Londeshuri for the A service of nnusnal interest was of the Animal Husbandry dap a -
group title, Higgins on the mound held on Sunday mnrnIne in the Unit' d went of the O.A.C. and Il Ewa
for Stone Schon] had nine ate?rte• ('burgh when a Homier of rm.=P Woodstock whose talk was on
nuts and aided his carves by slam -
people who had attended the C,nd-
Prirh Summer School gave a report Knees'
making procedure. MrKnees'ming out a hamar. E. Elston tpper, spoke nn "Pastures to the rescue.'
cated the feat with a round tripper, of the week spent there. Different After the recordings the groin
Henderson led the batting parade phases of the program of the Sam.
I sincerely thank all those who
made tlt'b time I spent in the hospital
more pleasastt by calling to see Hie
and with their many messeges of
cheer, It was deeply appreciated.
Wm. Smelldon,
for Fordwich. Joe Higgins on the
mound fanned four for the Ford-
wioh Whippers.
Stone School—M, Edgar, c; 17.
Rolston, se; C. Higiins. If; H. Fed:
gar, 3b; J. Higgins, p; Baines, 2b;
G. Higgins, 1b; B. Elston, rf;
Friby, ef.
Pordwich—Gibson, se; Schaefer,
ct; Baker, 15; Ashton, 2b; Graham,
1b; Stinson, rf; Brown, 3b; Hen•
derosn, e; Higgins, p•
‘Stone School 012 065 full -13
Fordwich 003 000 003— 6
Umpires, Carmichael, Groves,
I hereby give notice that. all weeds
are to be destroyed before gotne to
seed as provided for by the Weed
44 Section
Mrs, Allen Cameron is spending a
couple of weeks visiting her brother
Robt, Campbell nt Flint, Mich, Mrs.
Cameron was a000mPanied by her
sister, Mrs, Osborne, Mitchell.
Murray 5011 Mrs, Parton and Sims
on, London, were week end visitor,
itt the home of Allen Cameron.
Stuart and Mrs. Noble and dnngh• 1
ter Pet, Guelph, are holidaying at
the home of Mrs. Jas. Noble,
Howard and Mrs, Mitchell and It
three daughters. Thorold and Albert WHAT'S IN A NAME
Control Act, Chapter 3 end Mrs, Near, Toronto. 'pent a few days last week with Dnnt'an and
4. Any Person or Persons failing in A7rTngagrt.
comply with these provisions will Mrs. IVIeTagagrt.
eTagaGertie Pride 1s in R'•afm•th
be liable to a penalty as prnvicled Missat the borne of her sister Mrs, Alvin
IHunter, wain underwent an (mei atl0 i
1 in ,Reott Memorial Hospital last
Alf. and Aire. King and family.
Brantford, are visiting as the home
* of J. King and with other friends. 1 her a goose,
Will and Mrs, lefoffatd and Airs. M. 1 Ton can raft her a deer, but never a
Wheatley of Clinton and Mrs• J. 11 I mono,
Htechley, Seatert'Ih, were Sunday You can call her a lamb, never call
mer Sehool were given by six young
people speaking in turn. Some of the
camp songs were also sung, Those
participating in the service oecupietl
seats in the choir loft. They were
!hissers Dorothy and Francis Dennis,
Mabel Speirs, Madalon Ryan, Doreen
Menzies, Doreen Long and Mr, Chas.
The Sunday School ,lasses were
taken by Mrs. Melville Delude and
Miss Inieila Mitolell.
Melville Church
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kerr
and children are expected this week
on a months visit to Brussels and
will prettily tdtt• manse and next
Sunday, Mr. Herr will preach in
Melville Church. Many members and
friends will be most pleased to meet
Mn. and bars. Kerr and also to hear
hint preach and good rnngrecatinns
are expected.
Library Notes
Brussels library will be closed
first week in August while
librarian is on 'vacation,
by the Ant,
Wm. R. Donee%,
Huron County
Weed Inspector
diseesesrl the various haying me-
thods in present use, It was a3so
mentioned at the meeting that the
junior farmers in the distrint were
to hold a church service on Aug: 8
at the Clinton Collegiate grounds:
Cabinet Minister Opens
Bruce. Reunion
A men must love his home village;
town or county before he can love
his country, Hon. James A. ltlle-
Kinnon, Federal minister of se -
sources. told thousands of 13rnee
County residents and old boys at -
the •opening of the Broca Connt3r
(Nd Boys'' Reunion at Walkerton on
Tuesday. The opening of the re-
union was (narked by the arrival of
250 former residents of the eotmt r
in the Bruce reunion apectal trc:Lt
from Vancouver, Mr. McKinnon,
himself a native of Bruce, praised
the Bruce people for their love of
their home county that brought
thousands of them across the con-
tinent for the largest scale coude0_
rntnhion ever held in Canada.
Colla woman a kitten, but never a
Yon ran rnll her a mouse, cannot call The Evonne 'Beauty nomwill
get: he closed the last week of July and
I will open on Tuesday, August 3r61.
her e rat:
Call a woman s ehieken, but never a
Or you surely will not he her caller Mrs. Jennie McNaughton
Von etin calf her a dnek, cannot call
COMING— 4 Big Days II
Wed• Thur Fri. Sat.
August 4-5-6-7
"Red Station' 'in color
Story of a Boy, a Dog
and a Horse
CKNX every Monday to
Friday M 6 P.M.
Stratford% Parking meters may
Yield close to $1,000 this month, 1t her a sheep.
NOS indicated yesterday when City i visitors at the homy of Al, Engel.
'Mennonites she titres, but you can't
Treasurer George McKellar an- Arvin Pride and daughter, Marilyn,
this month Waterloo, are spending a few days cell her cheap.
nonn5ed that so tar a 'Pfle with friends here, You can any she's a vision. can't say
has been collected. sight,
she's n . g
latest collection till pi 8ng A BORN 1 And 00 woman is skinny, she's
people are still putting dimes ' BLAKE --At Dr, Myer's on \Vednes- 1 slender end alight,
into the meters. The metras time day,July 21st. to Mr, and Mrc. If she should burn you up, say she
only one Piton, parking at a and that costs five dents. A dime George L, Blake—a. daughter, Anne gets you afire,
the parking , Mark. And you'll always be welcome, you
toms not double up l tricky old liar.
time, P"-
BLUEVALK, July 27.—A private
funeral service was held for Mrs..
,Tennie Ann McNaughton on Satyr
day afternoon, at the home of her
son, McKinley McNaughton, cele
ducted by Rev. J. A. Burden of"
Bluevele 'Drifted Church of which
she had been a member. She is sur-
vived by one daughter (Annie) Mrs;.
Oliver Campbell, Morris township;.
two sons, Donald and McKinley;
Turnberry, and ten grandchildren;.,
M,ns. McNaughton was hi her 37tfr
Year, one of the pioneers of Tune
berry township. She was buried rat,
Wroxeter cemetery betide her hue -
a -band, Demean McNaughton, y,