HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-7-7, Page 1POS g^ "PUBLISHING HOUSE
Wedne:3day, July 7th, 1948
Atlen's Drug Store will be
closed all day next Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday and
will be open again an Thurs-
day, July 15th as usual.
Daily papers can be procured
at Doris McDonald'a restaurant
Thank you,
Results Of
Music Examinations
Sincere thanks is here expressed
to friends and neighbours who at the
time my mother suffered the stroke,
throughout her illness and when her
death oeurred, expresei that' sym-
pathy in so many kindly deeds, also
for the beautiful flowers. It was
all deeply appreciated.
Leslie Lowry
Brussels United Church
on Church Lawn
Friday evening, July 9
Supper 6 to 8 p.m.
Admission — 75c and 50c
to be held in the
Township Hall, Ethel on
Sunday, July 11th
at 8 p.m.
Continuing each night until
Friday, July 121h.
peaker—Evangelist Duncan McIntyre
of Bridgeport
Everybody Welcome
Orange Hall. Brussels
Every Sunday Night at 8 p.m.
Orange Hall, Jamestown
Every Sunday at 3 p. n•
Speaker — John Martin
of Hawkesville, Ont,
Be sure and attend
A rich blessing awaits you.
"Christ has no hands
but our hands
To do His work to -day.
Ho has no feet but our feet
To lead men in His way:
He bell no tongue but
our tongue's
To telt men how Ile died;
He bas no help but our help
, r
His 'iii .
1 fi s
them to
Cin L
To bring
Melville Church
Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A.
10 a, m. Sunday School and
Bible Clasl.
11 a, m. Divine Service,
Lade D. 'Thompson, Organ:at
bend Cboirnnaeter.
The United Church
Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
Orge.nlis,L Miss 'Silva Seoldice
11 a. in. Morning Worship
Common Courtesy
Junior Congregation and
Sunday School
Blveryone Connally Wetco:ue
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rev. J. H. Kerr. Brussels.
701. Sunday.A,Oter Trinity
July Leith, 1948
Int. ileorge'e Church Walton--
L15 a nt, Morning Prayer
Sunday School
St. David's Church Henfryo-
19.16 a. m. Sunday Sobool
11.16 a. nt Morning Prayer
•t. John's Church Brueeets—
A p. m, Sunday a$tool
8 to se Eveadeg Prayer
The following pupils of Mr 1., D.
Thome•-n:+ r: stcet.ssfill in
passing the music (vaatin:tel 1:11; of
the Royal Conservatory of 'Music
held recently in Rrna.els, 'The
names are arranged n order of
Grade V1II—•Pass, Elva Sbnielce,
Grade VIM --Pawn, Betty Cousins,
Jean Moffatt.
Grade VI—Honours, Keret Bus.ehlin.
tirade V --Honours, Edna Margaret
Grade iV--FIrat Class Honours. Lena
Miller. Honours. Dari. [l Jobnaton,
Mary Elizabeth Smith, Barbara
All en,
Grade TIi--Paas, Ruth flemingway.
Grade Vill-• Pats, Mnry Len Me
Grade TTT History- -Pam
Grade 1—Pass. Karen nuechl t,
Library Notes
Yon will be sure to it,; .nterested
in these titles:
1—',She skated into our hearts" by
Gay Mare, This is tee dcilgbfhl story
of Barbara Ann Scott, and will be
enjoyed by both young and nett.
2,—"And all your beauty" by Wil-
liam R. Watson presents a new and
fascinating approach to the story of
Canada basest on a trailer trip made
by the anther, his charmine young
wife and their clog, Kellie. Where -
ever the trailer goes on Its romantic
eighteen month jearn Y,n ts the
Dominion. the breath taking, some-
times austere. often vast, always -
variable and fnrnvrr magnificent
scenery comes to life with authentic
As the trailer moven from region
to region. the people speak freely
a r familiar-
openly tiyith Flt. t nam tam r r
ity, to the two yotme t(13Rners dig
euseing government institutions, in-
dustries. natural venom—N..7,-nmtnml-
'ties and every -day netivitdes, until
Canada. in spite of the ne•rreees and
influence of the Milt e1 States,
stands nut as sornetiline disttnr+ly
different, "And all yens beauty is
written in n fresh, free, easy -to -read'
style that is a delight.
* *
e m * * a• M * '- e
Miss Marie Bennett i., holidaying
at Wasaga Beach.
* dt 33
Mrs, W. II. Porter attended the
Poultry Convention 10 '7uelp:h last
week. •
Miss Florence McNacgba'n le
✓ isiting with her con%ins in
:I: :k ”(
Mrs. H. 13. Allen and daughters
Heather and Barbara are vacationing
at Port Elgin.
x: * :s
R. W. Warwick and A. eynott
se-m.1ii a day last week at the Poultry
Convention in Guelph.
Mr. and Mrs, McCurdy Lowry, To-
ronto were in Bras -eels to attend the
funeral of his aunt Mrs. C1 a. Lowry.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs, 1T, A. Lnffree and
Mise Morin T.offreP, Toronto, were
visiting Brussels friends last week.
* * zY
Mrs. Glazier, Stratford, was a
guest a.t the home of era. sister Mrs
Joan Henderson, during the past
* * 'y
Dr, R. A. Reid will be at big Brune
sels office on the morning of July
21st not the 14th as announced pre-
>* * *
Gordon and Mrs. Best, Detroit,
enjoyed a visit at the Ionto of Mre
Margaret Best over the 4th of July
The household effects ni Mrs. -Ant)
Hollinger on lot no. 159, ,Tamen
street, 'Brussels, Ont. Further
particulars next weplc,
T wiser to thunk all my kind friends
letters and t
' cards, 1e e
me while ill in the hospital. Tt was
very much appreciated.
Mrs. Ann HTollinger
Mrs. 0, McDowell is spending the
summer months with .lir. and Mrs, B.
N ortel of Long Branch and Mr. and
Mrs, Mac Mellow ell of New Termite.
* *
i.Tr, mad Mrs. Earl ,Vhtttar1 of St,
Cathe'ines, Mrs, Carl Self and little
Ross of Brampton spent the holiday
at the home of their parents. Mr and
Mrs. Ben 'Whittarcl.
* * 4.
Misses Wary McLauohlin, Edith lee.
Lanchlin, Mrs, E. Bales and Miss
Davis Bates all of Toronto and Tacic
Bates of St. Catharinee were holt.
day visitors with Miss e. Hingston.
• * +t
Mrs, Carrie Dunbar, rearms
District Deputy President and Mrs.
1t'nn, Little, of Morning Star
Rebekah lodge attended a meeting of
Rebekah District No. 5 a- Godenieh
on Tuesday night of this week,
Tenders will be received by the
undersigned tillMonday, July 19th
at 8 p.m. for the work to be ciente nn
the McTaggart. Drain and on the
Grant Drain. Plans and st
,ttm s
Imay be seen at the Township Clerk's
Office at. Name Ont the lowest or
CARD OF THANKS any tender notnecessarily accepted.
I with to thank all those who so certified er4tfted cheque Inc We, at the
kindly oemembaretl me with cards, A er • Ot price should acocnnpany the
ietters and dowers while 1 was in tender.
Listowel Memorial Hospital. 1 wish J• I3, Fein, Clerk
also to thank the Womeis guild and
W,A. of St. John's Chnrch, Brussels - ---
and Christ's Church, Listowel, They
will all long be remembered.
Mrs, Ed. Morrow
t aa+.n.,w..w„e--•.,,•••'..--•.:..m,.,+,..w,•ewnu,w,v.,mv.r
Sevafort 3, Ont.
, Thurs. Fri. Sat. July 8.9.10
Gene Autry and Lynn Roberts
II Be sure to see Gene with 'Champ Jr.'
and hear his songs of romance and
the West. and
"The Louis - Waloott" Fight.
Mon. Tues. Wed. July 12.13.14
Jean Crain and Dan Dailey
Here's that "Margie" Gal — and that '
"Mother Wore Tights" Guy — In an-
other great hit, A picture that'd
loaded with the songs you sang —
and will want to sing again.
Next Thurs. Fri. Sat, July 15.18.17
ehhe with v5 •
William Elliott and Catherine McLeod
Double Feature
Joe E. Brown and J. Hutchinson
"Adventures of Don Coyote"
Capitol Theatre
Wed. Thur. July 7-8
Louis - Walcott Fight
"Adventure island"
in color -
Fri. Sat. July 9-10
"Springtime in the Sierras"
with Roy Roger — plus
a Walt Disney Festiv-tl show
Sat. Matinee at 2:30
Mon. Tues. July 12-13
Barry Fitzgerald in
"Easy Come, Essy Go"
OFFER $160"00
Mon. Attend. card night.
Cranbrook Cornrnunily
Saddened By Tragic Drowning
'Phis eomnnudty e:,= t t ,...
Sunday when it L as !'u,a,1, rh
Louis, nine and a hell year n1d 0,:11
of Clem and firs eteel, r hal
drowned In the Maitland tic, r
of Stan. Fisebe•'s. Dr. Kama Brie
a group of velum, , 3' helpers work' d
an 111111 for almost tiu•ea hone- but
he failed to respond Io artificial
r•stiiration. Alone with hit two
younger brothers l.n'Y, incl hitt
home about eleven a.m 1.11133' in
the shallow water by FIseh •r's and
the boys wandered farther went
where the water is deeper A younger
brother got into difficult; and was
helped oat by Louis, aha later gat
into a ripep bole. 'l'lr two young
boys summnnd their father and
other neighbors and It ape Noll.
succeeded in finding the body. The
sysnpetby of the cr,neetmh v Dot, ,,nt
to the Steffler family who lost
moved •to tlte'ir fare, in 'be spring.
WEDT a ren
MacDonald — Sanderson
-A quiet but pretty wending was
solemnized in Molesworth mn iatur.
day, Jens 3rd, when Merle Marie.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Sanderson was united in marriage
to Edgar Ferguson Macllnnnle, Rev
T. S. Hutton offlnl'ated.
The bride war a amnme• suit of
medium blue with white atanesorles
and a corsage of red :user,
Marjorie Sanderson, sister of the
bride, was hrirlesmate. She wore a
navy blue suit with white accessories
and a Corsage of red roses, -
Tan McDonald, cousin of the
groom, was best man.
Fallowing the ceremony. a dinner
was. served in the American FTotel,
Later Mr and 'Mrs. MacDonald
left on a trip to points north.
Wed., Thur. July 14-15
"Voice of the Turtle"
Eleanor Parker
Ronald Reagan
Wheler — McCutcheon •
The retory of St. John's Anglican
Church, Brussels was the Scene of a
Pretty wedding Saturday at 1.3D
o'clock when HPI. n Eliza' c ,h,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hervey
11v0,ntrbeo n became the ?rade of
.lir. Lloyd Stanley Wheeler, son of
Mr. end Mrs. Stanley Wheeler, Bev.
T. H. Kerr officiated at the e, rcmony.
The bride wore a gown of white
slipper satin fashioned with a fell
skirt and nylon yoke. She carried
a bouquet of Better Time roses, her
only iewrBery ems a strand of
pearls, the gift of the bridegroom.
Mites Mary MOCntcheon. Hamilton,
attending bare sister as maid -of -honor
wore n gown of powder blue taffeta
anci carried a bouquet of palest pink
roses' Mr. Glenn Wheeler, London,
was groomsman for his brother,
The reception was held at the
home of the bride's parents, Mrs.
McCuteheon, mother of tee bride.
receiving in e. dewy web crepe dress
with black accessorise. and n
corsage of red roses. Mrs Wheeler,
mother of the bridegroom was
wearing printed atlk telt.h a corsage
of panseys and roses.
Later the, couple left for a wedding
trip In the Ma:ekoka district, the
bride trayelling Mn a two piece dress
of may and white with matching
accessories. On their return Mr
and Mrs. Wheeler will resale on
Con. 11, Grey Township.
The United Church
The Holy (701=1111 on was adminit-
tered at the morneig v'orw'hiu its the
'United Chnrcb. The Gospel Rang "Tri
was alone." was gap; by Miss
Dorothy Dennis with exeellent effect.
The Pe•iiLnit sehject wti "The me
speakable Gdit,"
The Sunday School was enednoted
• by Mrs, William MITr'r end Mise
Roth Wilson.
I Melville Ladies' Aid
1 TVTrs, John Gibson was hostess
Mon any evening to Melville Ladies'
, A.td -which was well represented by
1 he members, The meeting was
leaned to nyder by tete preslden-. Mrs.
B. Kerney. following the opening of
a Hymn stud pna'yer, the secretary's
i and. troammer's report was read and
adopted, also the Sunshine Fund
reported and lettere (14 thanks rend
i fromthese who received boxes, by
IIIMrs. Long. Items• of business and
suggestions were ddscua'ed, During
tba teocial period a. reading was
given by Mrs. Clark Matheson and
also a alelicnbua' lunch waas served by
the commdtte in charge. Mrs. W.
CKNX every Mon to Frei•6 pin
Listen your name may I I
be called. Scott on behalf of the saclety
thank -ed Mrs, (;Ibsen for °petting 'her home,
1 The meeting closed with the Mizpalt
Seaforth Driver
Is Fined $100.00
G+et rich -- A titer- (,f 11oa '•..-
im;-t : , ,1 on 1;1'00 4, ti. 11,111h:1 l: of
t Reatorih, by Jude* T. Al, ('"-'elle:
after convicting him of a Chan e of
, , k'e-a driving after a tweelav trial
It in County judges criminal court here
1 "r, W,-dntsday. His car Ileans,- was
I suspender) for two years.
The charge rose out of an acct.
dent north of Winghlmt on .An1.11
12, 191e, when a car driven by Hab-
kirk struck a pedestrian, Fenton
Iiarnr•s, of Wingham, causing fatal
Under examination by his conn -
s+'1. II, 01t13 Hays, of iteafnrth, It
neared bright lights of an approach-
ing car hindered hien tram seeing
anything mat be struck a bridge. i
f!rnwn-Attorney D. E. Betimes,
A. C.. prneeented: Mr. Hays w•a::
assiatrel by W. A. Sutherland, Gotha.
Presentation Hold
fin Tu. srlay avenins a surprise
natty wan held at the borne of MiGs
Annette Campbell, where the Ladies'
softball tenet :Ilene with the coach
and manage•, met in honor of Miss
Shirley Thompson and Rill Coleman,
w hose marriage is an eventof ibis
Shirley and Till were salted on
a love cent decorated fnr the
°erasion, while the addrrna• which
was composed by Ken. Ashtnn. was
1•Pad by eedrev AndPrann. Vera
Hastings• on behalf of the hall team,
nresented the enhple with a bride's
hook and a walnut writing desk.
The gnome thanked the hall teem for
their P r . ft.
After the presentation. Pontenta
w ere Peeved and a Ging song ren
.e delieinen ittneli wan
t11P hnatcna.
nerved 1,t
I Public School
Promotion Exams
Mrs. George L.wry
13,eele, 1 ,111/11 examination
Mrs. G-,rgr• Cl, 1,0v,,,.y. a U. 1. r,:' i❑ 1 tr .a era P,11.,1 '• s ,nr' June 1941
resident of the ,un n ; L , t:, 1 t'u:tnbn
Knelt, me Waned .,, ;eel ea, el, \\ad- 1•Fai1m r
re. shale .lune .. 'L ,3.- I ,lie e .s I (.l' a, melee.a1 T'nmmotien
tete result 1n' -t1vh, .uCi: 0,1 four .r(ui( 1 to
month:: pr, yeasty.
Adams, Grant
ells Lee 'r:. wit,• 11.1 11e, lat.,.
Ceorr_e (' Lowry. w1 ''a- ,10-,
resident on the atr, et w3 31 tire
lint!! the• time of the.st•rd, ii":,1
an the 3rd line , f
her death orenrrr•1 .n her ,_114 Scat
Her he -land Tocenn.,a=e,i her twelv1
years age,.
The late Mr wt•y wr,e a kingly
rhri,tinn ta,.nnan 11.1e1 '.M11 he s•,dtr
niIMSrd 1,y 1:11,' r. r•:-! '1 it friend,
and t 1 learn
One sten. t. sa •,. ,
rive' :,,. ,
Time. nee-. , I len . I. t,,,,.,,.,..,
Sr ,fo;9',, `,lr .3;i 1 , .. er:n,3.
rand etti n 111,„•?,oi \Cut .i;,:.r, fieugr
of einrrf< t.,.., le., awe,- ,. , -.
Mrs. Dune tn1,1 lira. 1,
nnabe, re ..,t,'.iel •h, -i.• sitter's
arvia: 3,v brat fain
her late CsirLnr•,,, t, .,., : •,•r,
Brr.saei:. nn g•:'itl•d c e,.n,Tur:el by
her pastor, P,ev. 71. WO -.m of the
Prated Chun:•11 of whi,lt the 8ee'M 'I
was a nit•11111.1. T0'r•501rnt track plane
In Drusselc erme'ert
Penal trihntP; from 1e zitbo n•s.
friends and relatives were. beautiful
and were carr`wl by three grand-
nephews Kann ^h. (Merle: and Olin
Pallhrarers ,y,^•r y*. ` :rel" ty.
,Tack Lowry. .Tar•ic War A:cit. Russe',
Rene, OPnroa Wale 11011 ('partes
S•urrl,. nephew:. n5 the .letched.
Th :1i n(t;n^ h, fnnP1•ril from
a d.intanra inelmInd T:,1-ar Lowry.
nodes: Ed Te•wry n^ . McCurdy
Lowry. Tornntc, earl 'ter and Mrs.
Frank Ball. Tlran'ptnn
('am3r. li 1'wlie'hl P
t'a'tnpbell Gwen P
leastines Devitt P
Toreson Linda P
Lowry Billie P
McCutehenn Melvin P
Myers Trrne P
Stiles Barbera. P
Tba•nton Thntrlow P
Wood Elaine P
Workplan Frank P
Greer 2---3---
Belden Harold P
Campbell Billy P
Campbell Ronald P
Davi eon Arnold P
1,..,:,.. dile.,..,„ P
T•a..,,, 3 ftrlrn P
leu•<,.,, i'lwn.in P
Jew, 11 Mary tIFth P
Kennedy David P
Leech Catherine P
Lowry Carole P
Oran, 3--4 -
Bridge Allan F
Br'dgr, Ben P
Bryans Franklin P
Eiger Jimmie P
Higgins Jack P
AMcCuteheon Margaret
McNair P
1MrNPi1 Shirley P
M,Qu•arl•te Rill. P
elnTagagrt Dale P
St pbensan. Ken. P
Stiles Tod P
'trkman Barrie P
(;rent' 5—.q—
Bowler Arm. P
Brillee Olen P
Clark 13111)' P
Melee, Work Tea id -nn Alelrey P
Mr. and Men. Frannie i,it le liter st,•a'Pc1 Tucson Roland P
lin»nr< 1 Ru Frn� �rla away tn' , ' etre..., ..,1
cm Tnr' Work. in Martin Dili P
Tc n
't C trheni.
Robert. obert CP
11r. and lire. 1;'rank T,1'tle were 11a Elizabeth P
honored on the oceas'nn of their
twenty-fifth **Odin:: a,ntvr^spry nn
'tTonriny. Tuns ii th. Friend. and
n.ei_h:in'urs gathered M their home.
nn the 4th conresienn ::f Morris and
nrearntrrl Clem with a heantlful tri-
tieht lamp and the foilowing address
read by Robert i't1111:
To Mr. end Mrs. Frank Little
Deer Frank end Mattie
We weir friends and nstgllhours
are happy to be here with you this
evening to eeiebratt with yon this
very special event. your twenty-flft't
wedding anndtveranry.
This nerasion marks for you en
important milestone of twenty-fl'rr
y„ars of hra,ppy wedu7Pd life, We hope
that you may enjoy many more yearn
of :health and happiness together.
With oar beat wishes we ask you
to actrpt this e'itt as n. slight token
of the esteem in whin you aro held
in this oommiun1ty.
Signed on behalf of friends and
Roy Burrett
Bob 'Pull!
Jesse Wheeler
The evennng was pleasanty spent
in playing Garde, Leet wee served
Melville. Church
The Sacrament: of the Lord's
Supper was dispensed at the service
an ,Randa)', Rev. Mr. Mlle. preached
from the text, St. Luke 23•.28 "Weep
not for me, but weep Inc youraelvts,
and for your children,” A welcome
was extended to Mr. Camerae
Adapts and Mr. Wm. Adams. both
from Bluevalo.
711r. , p. of lir ar'1
Mrs Flop, rt ^i•nrtt n1 r'r r
1- 3 3115,,. , .,.Lill'' +jti
Mann Jnne P
Smith Esther P
Sullivan Dernthy P
:•1iti.snn Frank P
Tecas. 5' S..A.. Tn Cera rice ?;*:, five
n sr- ., _ T11 1 113 ', tilt" ,Alderanr Sheila P
di:,r, 13. .r. Three' 11.: id ,:o11 1105,':n CP
sister- r: main. ttit Mrs. Daviulson Larry F
Mary Imo:fern. 1.03 410. N.11_. Fdgar Brnc•e P
(\iac'L'ir-t Mrs. Henrc McLean. Elliott Ted CP
Hamra?. N'.T).: (Saran: '1Tr•s. TamPG (ttrwar .Tack CP
RIM mar Fhmstels Htc:gin Mary Agnes 1'
Mr. Work wan horn nn Lot 1. (ton Tlneson Elva CP
R. Gray Towntditp June 1f. 1539. I lee'llnedy- Robert P
in 10034 he inertial Zane Rabb. ? Leach Douglas P
daughter of etre and Mrs. John R.obh, 'McLeod Sack P
of Morris Township. He ie =ntrvieed McTaggart Niel F
by three sons, Robert R.. 'r,nron:to: Porter Sheila P
John A.. Corey Townslhip: W. Harald, Smith Lorraine P
Wtkartnn: else five grandehildrwn Willis Mary P
anci one groat grandchild, : Workman Ruth P
Fn 1920 Mr. and 11Mrs. Work retired ((4rmdc 8-.-7-••
to live In Brussels. Five yeare later 1 Alton Barbara P
Mrs. Wavle passed away when Mr. AlliCampbell Fred P
Work returned to make hit home Calt Flarold OP
with bis son John of Grey 'Township- Carter Kathleen 0
Mr. Wok was n. lifnlone mem'hrr
Clark Gloria P
We take this (report:tinity of
expressing our sincere thanks to all
Our friend's and neighdwut'a for their
kindness and sympathy at the time
of the passing of William tamer, We
weed also thank them for the
beaut.tful floral tributes,
The Work Famlly
of 'Melville Presbyterian Church. Be
woe a. former member of the Board
of Managers anal was on the building
rmmniate when the present rhnrcli
eats built.
The pail bearers were MPRere
Chas, Davis, Harvey Bryane. Stewart
Mc7 alum:Nn, Roy Meleardant, Stanley
\l'It, .rt,rl•. Williem Cardiff.
The beautiful floral tributes which
were bonne by neighbours one
r,•irnes 'a^ere ?Maw, the 1ainily:
spray, the grantdrhldren: 0003.tlrnde 7-A—
Mrs. Bowman. Mrs. Galhraieh end R.Atko-;rin Heather P
T. Bowman: %pray. neiehhnnrt and ituhi"n i{ars'A P
friends: spray. Session of Melville 117.dgwr Ronald .P
Chmrh: haakwt. 11Mr. Inti Mrs. Rahn Elliott Marie P
V;uiB and Mn and eira Joe Sheet: Long Murray lr
basket, Mr. and Mrs. (lnrdon Welsh: Rano hobt. 1'
spray, Mieeec McTemehlin, Taranto: Sheen John P
*pray. Staff of Work's erne Store. Wilfis Tlutmas P
'W'ierton: spray, Me,: (env. Burford:
wreath, Toronto trlende. spray. The
Plower Shop. Owen ;tatted.
Friends Who nttentled nom a Ws -
Nome were from Toronto. WiartOn,
Paria..Soaforth and iiarristOf.
CARD OF THANKS The service. was conducted at the
Harvey and I wish to thank avert'• htim'n °t lrlis eon John A. by Rev. Mr
one for tm.e many kindnesses shown Milne of Melville Choral. Interment
us eines my accident The acts of In '.Brussels Cemetenv,
helpfulness, enquiries, v1Rits. and
frlemddy nates of oheer, Ritts of BORN
flowers, .trait ere., are n11 deeply W;iLSON Mr, and Mrs. Mtward A.
appreciated surd will be remembered "1 Medkls) t'
happy .to(hoe enou0'co theea berthryanof theeir
eon—Paul Bryan, at Brussels, Om
tarlo on Sunday, Judy tth,
Cousins Gearee P'
Jewell Jean IP
Meeetcheon Wm. P
McNo.ir. LnVSrre P
Meemarrie Marlene P
Reymond Winnie P
Riddick Catherine P
tepheneon Shirley P
Sullivan Maureen: P
Thomas tsar. P
Thotnas"Joye* P
with gratitude,
Berea Dennis,
Ren. I. Ashton
Giibeon Ninths
Helen MenmteheOn, Teaobere
Brussels Legion Sponsoring
Amateur Night
The Bntesels Legion are eiloneo>
Ing an Amateur Contest, eo he 41st
in the Arena, on the evening of tiVa1
Carnival and Sports Day, lob S
Persons Visaing to enter thfal cantos
will kindly give names and v a1'ftllt;
of entertainment they intend to eh&.-
to Doha Campbell, beore Jolly 1*tl1.
itraseels Legion lixeefcl#te,