HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-6-30, Page 4THE BRUSSELS Pon
wv.�•.,a..... ..c ..4 K K
Lowy 1: it1 : t o n ail over
are hi -in;. 4i•"L -au oppor-
tunity to gin practical . 1. -ad, r air
and programme _kills at the Com-
munity Prngrunttm s ins t to be
held at Camp Sunf1 h, L,lte : intc.w.
August 2frl to A Tt t her 9th.
lieu>sel-. brat 11 tl 'Po"-, tt,.0 :i
k. en ln-:ar>st in the l inpnlen.• ,tf
constructive leisure tint activities,
is being riven l
represeniiti ,,t The Outtu., D
pattnn.Il f 1•" ';:'il
sponsorship ti,-. I, h r
held, will bear the cost ,_ adminis-
tration and ins':m. lis;ac
expenses of those at tru t t nti it h,
met by the deie •,t<s `u n ttc s, ,r
by the community organization spon-
soring them as representatives.
Several exciting separate courses
will be offered, subje^t to suiritr ti
registration in each — Social T' re-
ation, Dramatics, Music, Physical
Recreation. Arts and Small Crafts.
Arts. and Small Crafts, Human Re-
lations (group discussion) will also
be a special study. The use of
radio as an adjunct to community
programems will be integrated with Ont.
.iv: under ri mead twee . IRISH. PLOWMEN ENTERED IN
tt Miss1hs Booker c, t int'iiin y 1948 ONTARIO'S MATCH
utr 'tan, awl ht} Statcn-
+:an of the (' B.C. r in .uld'tion to
- , m h. -ft-, of 'a„ 1te.
partm-ntal 'Staff 1. . Outstanlinc in-
-trac , will sive le ttlershit, to ohm
Teri' t U 11:= >it'. Jjtne E. 1) an
.,f th e. n at Ontaro Pranua
i. equate. f •f. \iron hletn. ? It 1 cl
Social "Work. Toronto: \lt,
V••ar-slay. (lot aria, t":'i • \rt:
'Jr. Quirt i\Irl(inney, Pet.-rboron: h:
liulcl C to t lieni-
9 r -•r \'L•, .t !.t'n • nn.
a D'reet,,r4 from=evor•a1 Out trio
u rtpatan will play an leapo to
1.1,ittg aet'VII lcs a tura
lana be applied to Monte 003111?ent
It is anticipated that the c:omper.4
will return home with a real contri-
bution to Brussels community
time arttivitto.:. .\ cao.p
rainy tvas cho+.en for the train,
so that r.presentatives may bring
their famflir:. alone. Children from
2 to 12 • years may accompany
parents. and a separate children's
programme will be given espec•.'aily
for thein. interested persons may
send applications to 'he district
offlc.• of Community Programmes,
Room 20,9, Public Library, London,
TORONTO, Juno 21 -- For the first
time in the history of the Inter-
national Plowing Match conducted
by the Ontario Plowmen's Assori-
..ion. a !ennh or exit -0 plowmen
from the British Isles will be present
when the big event is held at
fla ls•ty iu October this year. and
will take part in the horse and
tractor competitions. J A. Carroll,
set•r, .a., utan:a,•r o: Om Ontario
Plowmen' s Association, ha¢ been
by the ,ei.i, '.a"-, of the
rn 1._1and Plowing Arotfa-
n t'tt a. party of lite officials and
t� n •tit h:• in . odea•. as tui.
11 ul uh int.. tthnl 1r' born re-
nms., 1 to enter theta iu tIm various
t ithts open to them.
The thret• experts tree will 1, IOW
:u ecnapetition with contestants
from Canada are Janes Morrow,
ICit, nannagh, Bangor, Camay Down, a
r„rage eh:unpien horse plow•nan; R.
A. Erwin, Kilrnss, Crumlin, County
Antrim, a former tractor plowing
tdt •''pl :n, and T. C. Reid, Bally-
knockan, Ballygowat. County Down,
an expert tractor plowman. .lccon-
Panying then on the trip to Ontario
will be John Hart, Coleraine, County
Derry. chairman of the Northern
•IrtIcnd Ploughing \s-toefation , and
Archie McFarlane. vice-chairman of
because The
opened nupta great newMassey-Harris
makefor tractors 't
One year ago, Massey -Harris introduced a new small tractor ... the "Pony” .. with a
full complement of mounted tools ... to be made in ifs Canadian factory at Woodstock.
Previously, all tractors used in Canada, were imported, Thus, Massey -Harris took two
important steps which are bound to play a big part in Canadian prosperity during
the years ahead.
The "Pony" opens up a great new market for tractors, both in Canada and in the
export field. The last Canadian census showed nearly 500,000 farms still without tractors
. many of which are small farms and market gardens where big tractor outfits are not
practical. And there are a great many more thousands of small farms in the United States,
in Europe, in Africa, and other countries where Massey -Harris products are sold. Almost
every one of them is a prospect for a "Pony".
With the practical, economical "Pony" thousands more farmers will be able to use
tractor power to do their work easier, quicker, and more profitably.
The manufacture of the "Pony" Tractor in Canada will provide jobs in the years ahead
for Canadian workers ... not only those employed in the Massey -Harris factory, but also
those employed in the industries which supply materials, parts and services.
The great and growing demand for the "Pony", from the day of its first public demon..
stration, is evidence of its red need and place in Canadian and world agriculture.
Established 1847
Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina, Saskatoon, Swift Current, Yorklon, Calgary;
Edmonton, Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Moncton
Tiias w'.riva;
Hot Water Heaters
J. B. Higgins, Seaforth
Service Dealer — Phone 108 Seaforth
the association.
The party has completed arrange-
ments to sail on the Queen .F31ize-
beth for New York. Oct. 1, arriving
there Oct. 6. After a day or two in
New York, the Trish group will cone
on to Toronto, and will go to Lindsay
for the ptriod of the match, Oct. 12-
15. The three Irish contestant; arc
sending their own plows over in
advance, and these will be shipped
about the first week of July. -
J. A. Carroll, commenting on the
entry of 11te three Trish experts for
the International events, said this
marked a now venture of the part
of overseas plow ten,
On Tin stlay evening, June 22, a
very successful gird^n Darty was
held at Union Trottel Church and
n he
, s Srhol.t
sponsored by the onlay
ladies served a sumptuous supper to
well over 400 people in the church
basement. which was foilowed by a
wary interesting play "Maid of
Money" prat on by tbe Walton Young
People. Between acts me Richard's
children of Belgrave gave acrobatic
and song numbers which were much
enjoyed. Mr. James Bremner. S. S.
Superintendent very capably acted
as chairman and at the close Rev.
Gordon. Hazelwood, ministry of the
church. who took a prominent part in
the play, spoke briefly on the good
attention given by the large gather-
ing and paid tribute to all who had
helped make, tbe garden party a
success. Procecals amounted to
02055,60, which is used mainly for
Sunday School supplies.
The June tweeting of me Women's
Missionary Society and ''omen's
Association of Union T'nitetl Church
max held Feilay. June is at the home
of Mrs, R. W. Whitflel1 with 11
ladies present, Mrs, Mac McIntosh
tool: charge of the meeting and Mrs.
Cox read a part of the Study Book,
Great is the company. The offering
was '02,50. W. A. meeting followed
with Mrs, Leslie Take, president in
Charge, and final arrangements for
gavlen party slipper were ,male. A
delicious lunch was serve,' by the
hostess assisted by Mrs., Ralph
Machan and Mrs, Herman Whitileld.
'Mrs. Helen Cox has been appoint-
ed 'It legate from 'Union Church to
attend the Young People's ,'amp at
Cotberiolh. being held shortly,
The pupils of S.S. No. 1, Grey
presented their teacher Miss Ruth,
Wilson with a. comb and mirror set
last Friday afternoon.
Mr, E. Akira and his sisters Mrs.
Moore and Mrs, Roee-liff and son
(';acral were visitors last week
with Miss Jessie Strachan and also
with Mrs. Chas, Davis, Morris Twp.
Mr, Will McCartney, Milestone,
Sask., has been visiting at the home
of his sister Mrs. Wm, Turnbull, 4113
Con„ and also Mrs. Nelson Cardiff,
it is 60 years since be last visited
the old annunnnity and finds nanny
changes, hitt is pleased to meet(
many former friends,
A total of 634 men, women, and
toemage' boys and nir!s took ad•
vantage of the free chest clinic set
1117 in Memorial hall ;nil sponsored
by the local Lions Nub. Volunteers
from the village did the index earl
A baptismal service wee meld in
the TTni•teti Church here Sunday
morning, when San.lra Lynn, (latgh-
1 ter of Mr, and Mrs, Arnold Tlerthot,
( and Patricia Ann, daughter of Mr.
i and Mrs. Harvey Mo Callum, were
i baptised by Rev. W, J. Rogers, the
minister 1„9E
Wrdnesdity. ,facto Ana, 1,1i.;
•4,4,..4 ems.[ a,.•",......
flp{�, i t1
F9'+'?tltjs,'♦,"i4• �_ sem- -a-.
7,\C. \\-77".
\\\ your
The "Blue —
year CanadIan
� National Time Table
— guide 10 Every-
mbere in Canada.
Day in, day out, for more than twenty years, The Inter -City
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route ... between the great industrial cities of Montreal, Toronto*, Hamilton, London,
Windsor, Detroit, Chicago. Over the years, the flow of travel between these busy and
important centres ... travel for business . . vacation and pleasure travel ... has
moved in growing volume on this popular International train. It's the pleasant way to
'go places', because a wide range of sleeping accommodations, comfortable modern coaches,
lounge cars and dining car service provide all the facilities to make your journey
enjoyable. And it's the smooth, fast way to go ... a perfect roadbed ... easy curves, long
"straight-aways" ... double track all the way between Montreal and Chicago. Next time
travel on the famous Inter -City Linilted. You'll ride well, sleep well, arrive refreshed.
*Pool service Montreal—Toronto only.
Welber at home — or
"going places" — in all your
contacts with Canadian
National, you will experience
courtesy and service.
FIRS'C ROAD DIESEL IN CANADA — Canadian railway motive power entered a new phase with the delivery to
the Canadian National Railways of two triple unit, 4500 h.p, diesel electric road locomotives. These new road giants
will operate initially over Canadian National lines in freight service between Toronto and Montreal, and were
officially inspected by R. C. Vaughan, C.M.G„ chairman and president{ N. D. Walton, C.D.E., executive vice-
president; members of the board of directors and other company officers.