HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-6-30, Page 1POS l' PLTBU HING HOUSE
PEOPLE I'VF KNOW ,1'I• Huron Liberals
Retain President
Mr, Ward Buchanan al Uetl'rit Is,
Hpenit^ug iurt rel' lilt. vt,caJinn at his
„ kt
Wednesday, June 30th, 194
, l3ru:isels Legion Sponsoring
Lions Officers Installed Hrinr:'r.d By Friends
t7n l r• n , ' , :
A i iteur Night I Thelata Linnf taut„ , I , le
r! ,+
n •,• .nn:.or- . the s.la'snll Wag (odd,t1, lin ttc of 11 t .}. fr"•r•( l
hld Itov. .1 Ile. s t d
Th Lrna4r'1< Lr+gin/ . i I i•r te, n t hf d ' bene :,t lir. and Ilett
Brussels Lions Club Shortage Of Help
haste Froli:: Well Attr:ndcd For Ontario harvest
I,.. ti::• ill ,,y.:.,, ,.•,,i,,., lin',ri.i ht•eiona,l tirl et -t 0r aha
(' {nicer, eni:tlit whit/ i `
The .trona .41 the ., n
•lnt: (1' 'Leh' f the following officers for tlh• 1`14' 1 i
tt•1N(111A.11, .luny LJ.-. n n
but h re last eight t,. North 1-T'rn11 n' ,u .1m,tu•ar to h'
homy logo.
Mrs, D. H. ('unu nglralu speak a Liberal .t'sn„
r ]• , ,' 1, rut "wilt I c t ,. 1 ti..,1 s;r :,rt• flay, July 21st, season,
F. Hetherington, lural barrister, a^.: , , 1,a• u, onto:, this contest President.—A. Wood
few days lost week in (Melva with I i f r•r• ^r iti i i ..
Miss M. Potts, president of the assoemtinn. tt hen• 1 will kindly lave, flaw, itnd yarinty 1,1 Vic+ Pres, --It, J. f)ow,nan
's Lott of Ln'ndolt officers elnrteel wore. 1st vie' - 1 tit entertainment they int t, n to trite. 2nd V'iee Preis: --1Vm. Bleb t
Mr. and tit W. 1 C(,li,nrnr.I
the home of : president, Rocs Fisher, u' Tsnlls Campbell, berm, Jn'y Lath. 3rd Vice Pres.—Wm. Turnbull
Brus.sc'ts Legion Executive.
have been visiting 'township; 2nd t IcP-president, 'MTS. cousin Mrs. Chas, McXaY•
Mr. and :firs. W. L. rainier and ;John 1Towrey, Gnderirh. and w't•o
sons TDillie end Robert arent a few , per'+irtent, Tsrown �mlrth, . 'W
days last week with het mntltor, tors. W0,1,1,11,101:secretary treasurer.
Kenneth TTnritr•r, Goderich, suhanni ed at the home of '140 hrldcs
Gerry and Mrs, orate, (leer„ 'ail of minion eonvettt.tan In Ottawa, ,Ing• 1lrnsdsls, Ont„ an June n."r(1 at high
Toronto were visitors with ms, and 5-0.7. are: G. 'L, Persons. Gnderieht ins, 'When Rev. 1. D. 'Macivr' anf
Mrs, N. F. Gerry, Brown S uythn; Dr, ,1, 1V Rha Knox I'reshyretian (1inr h
Mann — Steiss
A very pretty Jute wedding was
Strachan' Delegates appointed to the Do -
and Soles. Dino; Tweedie and nrrenc:; lir. and .firs. .11..: - Steiss of
Miss Bessie Most% 1s in St.
Joseph's hospital. London where she
underwent 110 eye operation. ITer
friend: hope it will he •very snccess-
TSr. and Mrs. D. A. funs and Mr.
and Mrs. Selwyn Raker are In South
Porenpine this week wcre're the men
are delegates at the Ltous conven-
Mrs,. tt'nm. Tucker and °,kiss Esme
Tucker, who have been staying with
the fornter's tether at TKerwood, nee
spending the week at -Moir home
Mr. and Mrs. E. Mabee -or Tnger-
soll; Roger Mabee of 'Derroit and
Rev, W.'H. Ellis of Medicine Hat
were visitors with Ed, and -Mrs.
Miss 1Telen Mcc1)i,tcheot entertain-
ed her pupils of grtldns one Turd two
at her home In Morris township 00
Monday afternoon. The <Tt)1drea
enjoyed a pleasant time.
1.111 }„m.
Ethel Vs. Brussels
Saturday, July 3, 1948
in Victoria Park, Brussels
Orange Hall, Brussels
Every Sunday 'Night at 8 p•m•
Orange Hall, Jamestown
Every Sunday at 3 p. tn.
Speaker — John Martin
of Hawkesville, Ont.
Be sure and attend
A rich blessing awaits you.
('lintrm. Alternates; M. H. Martin brook matted in marriage their
Gorleiirh; W. A Suthe.riand' Cnl- eldest (laughter Winntfrel lyfal•y to
erieh; David Torture, Wiugham. ('bane- Clinton, eldest can of Clinton
The association deeldel in 'rnipl Mann and the late Mrs. Mann of
the norrllnmt111g rnnventiorl. in l.ie•towel. Before. an arch 0+'10(oted
rh00se federal cnndidn.t0 ^ret' this 011f11 Fink end white pennies anti
rirh'ng, 'in the ]atter part of October
Marguerites. [the bride who was
or fist week 01 •November. given! 491 remarriage by 'hor father
looker! charming in a floor 'length
1*:RANBROOK gown of white flipper satin with
nylon yoke and u bustle effect et
The service in - Knox Per-:l,ytei•i ret -h"ps, Long white net veil gni:tiered
Chore]] nn Sundry Was rol(lueted 1133' at the 'Maid by a wreatn of altange
the minister, Rev. I. 1) M•'irlver. 11014solus• The v0,1 was (worn by
whnsr set'mml Rlthiel4 was, "Tmrmin- her mother on her wed:0mg' day. She
ans. Lives" The choir gang the' ettrt'irrl a bonquit (Ti red briarolfff
anthem. "Rru'eive My Cry,' U9
111S1(5. Tier only mnamen,t was n
Gabriel, rlofbl'e string of pearls Me gift •>J(
During the 114311 143' mouth of July the •g'room. She Wats attended hy'hor
therewill be serrica in Knox Mster 'Eileen ;;teiss ars ma'tr'on of
Church here on the '*two Sundays•' honour whoavore a nor •il length
July 111h and July 25th. The
service on July 11t11 wit' he conduct-
ed by Ret•, William thole, e, of Paris,
5101 on :My 25th by Rev, Thomas S.
Hutton of Molds'+vorth. There will be
no service on July 4te and 13th.
Walter Brown, Wellculd, is spend-
ing a few days at the home of Calvin
Donnie Pride. 'Waterloo, 'Te holi-
daying with his grand4arent4, 13. A.
and Mrs. Keys,
Mrs. ,Tint Ritchie, Lnnrinn tete, 44
wW(1111111(1 visito1• with 1 et pat,ent.,
Allen and Mrs. ,Camey"n,
Right eou1neas rxirlleth a
1,a11lot but sin is a : eproarh
to 1111y p,'nplr. I:
Melville Church
Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A.
10 a. in. Sunday School and
Bible Claes.
11 a, rel. Holy Communion
Treasurer ---R, Mellridr•
Secretary Jn0. Schutt,
Lanai Tamer—G. littel0W..0 4
Tail. Twister—Us. Arrrl.;tron,
Directors•--iA'l. 'R'fttehett'. B. JnLt;--i
ton, IT. Thomas, S
The meeting was nn ;1.1,10 over
by Linn Prevftlent ((Tali Wilentt.
Misses Rnth 'tS'llann wadD„tn+hy
Dennis. aecom1antie0 :tt tie. piano sty t
Lion L. T). Thompson 0+11'•1 .1 due:.
1111 -sines% included a 1•e1mr: 'hit,
$424.7(', heel born intro] 111 )111+0+se
the following 1iltYglonn'l equipment
swings, 3 baby chair ..(vines, h
tooter -totters and a 9ultinr aide, to b.
erncied at e park. A mott'n: was
Passed to help finance the fifty S(.011/14and Girl GnideR, A report of the )'r-.
lin indicated that net prneerd' would
he between $4•'0,00 anti ?Ma,, 0/, T.tcnt
Robt. Bowman, chair llnn •of the
Frolic committee wu't aeenreo'l •1
vote of 'hanks for tris wnl•k also the
ladies, and all rsthr'rs Who asst::r.;d. A
was as Passed to ;lay halt the
expenses of n new road into rile -Pair
Gronnde. ln
Perfect attendance hv,ns for th,>
s,tasnn were present to 'he following
Lions — Jas. S. Armstrong, R. rt.
,.• t.• honor I, `: ',•
It,;„1, rt 'e' 1 chi. ,..p,.. Tie.
guest of hl•
n111r Was ', "•r '
,ll •1,14
many ;nv,•ly gifts, (ILP ...01.11crs tett'
1 by `dr.- U, iv +
t it r't i, , -a
,njoyable pprogram4+110wed th'•
pt 'rntutinp !(1'e.. 0111'. d: try
111(0'41 •:,,k• FerrSil.
Hlark Bass Seeson
..1401(11 1.41/4 4 inelil .',retie,'
;n III- ]:,., 1- Ar n', 3;At. d w rl•-1Inlred in Toronto '(clay tier' if f
.aril 44('/0((1 of 111 /-1 utmost impart au,• 14141
. ^, , 41 4+! t t ,
4 , Queer' by the ,-' }: K. 'tt'PyL
1 ar„
, t „r •.duh :utry `1 (,p^i'•rtions tttrra7g'h-
ed the, ntrrt•dnmen' Iter i'",),> fir ' out Ontario. During this (into of
I „ '•, Ids, i.; t'i: . ' 11+ . , (1
cep ,'avl not be
e•r, 41111-• darn- 412,
� r: •, •-n, 7 . '., 1 "1"11' r' t,..y and ',in !molt
not ;1, •11 Ken ,t andand1,t,, • throughout the provider• has been
0reho'-trv,,. 111,,,.11111,,,.11in a pns;1inrt of tremendoustremendousous
11in r 1)
and 41'»r 441,1,0. ,•' ,4:•,• importance owing to the fart that
Opens July 15th in W.O.O, .. •.. i +t>L, r play
4,••••• tire t•.. the (:•1.r, .,red ,'i?U. Tl:. wron0 - 411• rh,. ,L,11, ..rt . '1,1 ':,d ,, u;,. ,, ,- rd n
Department of Lands a;vl r,•c • •
+he opening of thy, 1P.t'', tie= chest ei Mittt,r 1e. 12'413, 21,1„t
1 1
«911 1,. Jury 474', ^41,1 , '.111411,:, I+1. ' 4, 11 , •ti,, "r4+,`:••
1,"r' -'h• r
1:1 14, t+'i•1+ I1,! r.tr(+{;tbt, , Ord. R. r. HnntorWenn,.', n +i s'.....
Lalte Erie d strict 11 1 -,, rod. re, i ,tori Jm • Nr; fro 4th. L.
be Jant- 14th 11 1111. Tr r ,br: , t
1:,- t'• .. t 1 1, , throw,
— _. •, 4n tnn 1 tt1 : t '.t.-'-'.
Melville Church tt, (t'il'l m . l:t:I t t :, n: u s 1 '
At the titin''tip- 0
•,.i,.: -•edin€r npc•rlltinn, write
rot;o•tl ,. greatly increasing the risk
lot •tr'bi;• E',:'„ I: P,. I'r FA! f,',st. :lined to this :4, mous
s.' 1,0, r 111 +t -Stf,n /r•0l • 1 !
hent attae104 Ity rr+14•4444+3101•s and
Daring previous years we have
' r 1 r r• t'nn of western
F, •,r ,nn', in a441Rt in
/hp OOwed,'Owed,'Owed,'TI t v.t, nor,llfy obtain-
-Ina ,n the nrt..h„rtrh,,n•l of Vi
nn (' 'n.
inflioltotny aro '•had help
eannit 1)P 1.-1{1141(14.,(1 from that source
1 anything ❑43' Ogh;te( the numberrequired, Assistane„ has been
from other regions I1.
("anode but without a rr^eat deal of
An urgent apnea) is being directed
fo all men and hays over 10 years of
age, husky and strong, who are
seeking summer employment. A
number of young lads have already
been placed on farms for this work.
Those interested can register now at
their nearest National Employment
(Mho . All yon aced to say fa, "r
11111 interested 11 sutnnter farm
work” — the office will do the rest.
Ontario farmers are urged to
r- au' Thatlit view of this acute
' is of e greatest Im-
('nrt an e (11 +t et e:ry 8 t "iable stall or
boy I r r', u , r ' i. , . 'u•ed in
ilari r t 4 rid, h, util:.c d.
. . 1 :•'f• • Gib. 41...
Rev. Mr. Milne Tr, -,rd- 1 'if - - \1't it roId, !. -,0-' !+i•', 1,
,/Melt 'hire without Paii; - r: t
445- x,11 .'.'. 11:(m,,:. ':1+411, r'0
16f,•. A ennrra.,t at.+N•'.• 1;.,:•10. ?:r, -11: tot R. •T. /1,1111 1111,,
ohiween lash in thircrs :net faith Brut.,.],. pair flunnerf
1',r '9(.111: rs.
1'0 ter•'• r ,.i, ,, + 1r,, 141.,: pt)h. Gant Fischer. Gorier.
,•1,'(1 .r C1C111-1--1C111-1-1.y X41 ltfr. Mrs. 'Cf 4rh. ba,k.'t erneerles, No. 1170: 10th,
Edgar ,aki0,1 th,- (“,14, 14111144.14111144. an+, Beitlie Parrot, Walton, basket of
"frame Ulesst.,l day" ay Nevin. gro,,eries. Ne. tti`1s.
,17111 Ar.l.!rnn' watt !1130131 .'
Il. :erre Fri:t+y. July }tali far 1-nitPei i'1.1111111(111 IPS at 1110 draw •i•ith :Wa(march(nu•ch Gamier: Party +' 1'. 41' 1 nn4.1 /1141 llrothor', •a
d'win0 the
ohm, latvl,- F01.1 dl par' •0:1:.: •
next week,
• tickets.
Prim cis of the frolic will be
II1• V C',1 to aortal and welfare work
h1 7rorade satin with VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS in 1:4' rommUnity,
Three heifers owned by Lennard
Romney were the victims of on
,•'r•*ries( storm at t11n and of last
woek. Twn were 11i11e1 °Wright by
lightning, and the third was blinded
and hard to be killed, The animal',
went dual-purpose Shorthorns, whit]]
h, d been pastured in a group of 14
cattle 40 a field which eantainr,i
=•nn3 isolated large,trees,
At abort the sante time, lightning
also Milled a (W 41by Gilbert
Not'hery, and a row MINI by Rus.
sell MacDonald,
141 nod '.tars. Tran Wight/nen,
nelyweds, were guests of honor at a
11 Party hold in Foresters hall here
4 Harvey 1Tellowr,11 and his orchestra
Service, II supplied music for !lancing. After
Louis D. Thompson, Organ'et tett'esllnolrts bud been served,
and Choirmaster, •I Harvey Black Invited the bride
and groom to the platform where
hewelcomed the bride to the cm -
1 Inanity and presented a handsome
sum of money to the conpls. Mrs.
Wigh'txnon is. the former Mary Grace
Serf (Trth+ Ont.
Thurs., Fri., Sat. July 1.2.3
In Technicolor
Mat, July lst at 2.30 P.M.
This Time For Keeps
i Esther Williams Lauritz Melohoir
Jimmie Durante
A show full of Durante's solid
comedy routines, Cugat's music,
Johnnie „Johnston's „crooning ..and ,I
trips to „the „Maklnao ,,,Island ••In
winter and summer.
Mon., Tues., Wed. July 5.6.7,
Double Feature
Daisy Kenyon
Dana Andrews • Joan Crawford
Henry Fonda
These three together in a love that
only two can share. • and
Susie Steps Out
David Bruce Nita Hunter
Susie steps into a pack of wolf,
trouble. Music to hum from the
start. -Romance to thrill your heart.
gown of oink
ovrrslrrrt of -net. Anne Mann, sister' Cousins, C, Deng, D. Mac 1 at ish, Wm.
or the grnnnl and Isabelle Guy, Spe'ir, H• Wilson. 111, '(Vin berg, .1
'Wood. W. Porter, R, Ti. McDri(le (ler,
12+1101012+11010 of file bride as bridesmaid
wore gowns 4Inialer in wino and 'Nichol, Harvey Johmso't, anti tt'm. J.
orchid mimics and 11
eelts of rases and carnations, Mr.
!Tarry Mann, brother of the groom
was hest man, Mr. William -Mann
brother of t11P groom and lfr. 11114+14
Guy, cousin of the bride also attend.
'1 411,• groom. Miss Jean Steiss,
sister of the bride played Lobes.
G'rin's treadling march!. After the
e r elnnity a httftet lunch was served
to about i5 attests: The house +vas
decorated with pink and whit,
streamers and pink rind whits
ponies, The table was ,'mired with
a three story wedding rata. Five
t^Irl f'''ends of the hrtl"s. Nora
INrttlet'. ''ranges Dennis, Florence
fin>rengeset• Doi•e.n Smith and
Noreen McPorlanr. acted es wait.
r0s4es, Gifts to file bride's attend.
ants were pemlen'ts, to the groom's
atrnrlenta. gold collar and tie phi
set, The 'bride's mntlier received
411 n brown flowered silt (rape dress
and e. corsage of pink roses. Later
the happy co(it13 left on a onto• trip
to Ningaro Falls, Toronto and other
Writs east. The bride travelling
in a powder blue silk Jersey dress
with white shortie coat and other
white accessories and a corsage el
while roses. Guests ware present
from Mitchell, Cranhrool. Brussels,
Gola•ie, Forclwich, Stratr„rd, Atwood,
Conestogo, Ethel, Trowbridge, St,
Parols and Gowanatowtt,
On their return Mr. and Mrs. Mann
will reside on the groom's farm near
11 c.a.n•virg nose•
The United Church
Mlnlster Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
Organist Miss Elva Sholdice
10.45 rum, The -scission will sleet
11 a, in, Morning Worship
Holy Communion
The Unspeakable Gift.
3310101' Congregation and
Sunday School
Missionary Sunday
No Eventing Service,
Everyone Cordially Welauue
Church of England
Parish of Bs•Uasele
Rev. J. H. Kerr. Brussels.
6th Sunday After Trinity
• July 4th, 1943
St. George's Church Walton --
9:16 a. m. Morning Prayer
Sunday School
Bt. David's Church Henfryn--
10.15 a. m. Sunday School
11.18 a, in, Morning Prayer `
bt. Johnta Church Bru8ee111
2 p. m. Sunday School
8 p. m, Evening Prayer
McCully of Bruoefleld,
Carnegie Hall
Martha Hunt William Prince
Capitol Theatre
L !t S T O WV E L
Wed, Thu. Fri. June 30 - -
July 1-2
'Sitting Pretty”
Mat. Thu.. July 1st -- 2:30
Sat, ONLY July 3
Double Feature
1Blondie's Holiday"
"West of Dodge City"
Mat. Saturday 2:00 p.m.
Eve performance starts 7 pan.
Serial - - - Shorts
Mon. Tues July 5-6
Adult Entertainment
"Nightmare Alley"
OFFER $140.00
Mon. Attend. card night.
1101•200.141. 601.0111,SWYMM0111.1=10111MMIMIIIF
Wed. Thur. July 7-8
"Adventure Island"
Louis - Walcott Fight
Decoration Service
There will be a deeera'fon
memorial service held In Snn^Ina'
cemorery on Sunday afte'nnon. fo
Lith. -Service to comment., at tin•'•,
We Ftincerely thank our friend 1:1,1
neighbours for sc'tilp1l'n• oxpre,-,d
and kindness shown at :ile tint,, 0f
the death of ilirtc, S. Pnrvts and for
th«• beetiftll flowers. it w1,- 4111
deeply appreciated.
Mr, and Mrs. Sta'11"y Purvis
and Frank.
Wstch for
Walt Disney Festival Show
CKNX Mon. to Fri. at 6 p.m.
Tender For Waterworks
5(1+1,,+1 ","q, r., ileo r't marked as to
ran '-ret,, will be r o,tv,H.,l by the
wler=]_ned ftp to 1 / clock nano
:,atnrr1+ y if'ily 15'1. 1943,
for tin
crown:: rt'on of
CONTRACT A — Cnne.1-4"
Ltbrar>• 1`N,•:40••••A vow 411,304+
has arrtrrd, r•nr.tt,ht]nn inn a •+
I Lnnlra "n (lett + 25 e11r:001. and 10
l +,i yenil".
Grades a, 4, and 5 of Brass is
-!hent pail a visit to the library on
rts. cn,•t• T111101lay afternoon of last week.
i•nNT1c.1CT C - 'tCnti'r 111:
('I -minty Library 'nu 1t
pri=7lz h«<;t
2140a C. of 7" a."]
a" lir it DIED
..,..1 s4+ r fan, 1:,y
`' -in, t'le n441.,i 1 a„ ir' In -11N-t•'•;Ito1 ,>
.111,•1 r 401.^s mot L,: ohlalned 1 • hi- .re,• 111- :fir
h:• to .lo En.i1101-rn. 1 r.: r , n': T: t r,fd 1t•. 4,11to 241'
T owo,1 or any 1-n1(r net ;41tressarlly t In ,. s. J.nl"',,. '•1.,•. •1
areept•ed, • : ;t, 101 31'• sod Mira,
Dineen. Philips & Roberts, 1 t'i1,,vi- t:1•111 -....N.- of i. heli 0n,1
44 Hahne 84„ 11' hi, 7,111.1 v,•• r. le r tl ,to•orde
Br-nttord, Ontario. was held ht ti•e itotne of
Consulting Engineers
Village of Bross, -
G. R. Camphcll, Clerk.
r 14Trt 1'17 T A
William Work
Zirilliam Work, Petit"1.1 faral++- 0.1:'1
Sunday at Wingham Hoslntal in ht-
90th year. JTntil a. fete days ago ile •
had enjoyed excellent health. Ho
n lifelong rrtsident on the farm
01111111 his father settled as 3
pioneer, Mr, Work sat •1) altiy•
member of Brussels Presbyterian
Church, -and formerly served on til',
hoard of managers. He lea"' : 1
three sons, John, Brussels; Da". 1
old. Wiarton• and Robert Work.
Toronto: two sisters, both over 90 '
years of age In Dakota,
The United Church
Weal' y ,1 M,;, re: of )ielerat'e
l:v': 1- :1114030 of ihr rvir,. in the
('nit 1
(Turf 11 011 Sus1n•. Tn the
v7• ,=P 4: - of the
, t !I1PO4 when writ a
1:Ire r,1'" 1 or f0'1- find their
rh'ef o14'41-urr in wnr'.dty things to
t},' 10 deet of eternal vahies.
Tn the evening the sermon dealt
0111, the r", s.]'Y r., mountain -top
,•tnetionees if nor i= to and abun-
brother lir ST 1114 r•`; Perri-. 1 t dant 134.111 :1 due: "Com - Holy
cone, , '• sot. 11, (,,:.y • Spirt," by re •+ 011r. w: + 11 11(11 in the
on Sahu•day. ,Tune' :Nth. 1!11' • n1.,rtlrng by Mi..", a Drmntily Dennis
3.45 p.m. Interment In 1•'+e,'1 • m1 ilnth Wilson.
Anson Thornton
A highly respected resdd,nt of
this community in tele person of
Anson Thornton, 11aae0d away on 1
Sunday, Juni 13th, in Victoria 1100-
pitel, London, in hits 00th year. 1.1'
had been in poor health for a
number or years, Tie was horn in
Morris Township, the sot of 111,'
late Mr, and Mrs, Nelson 'Thornton,
He was married on Sept Bili, 1913,
to Lottie Cather8, of T-Towtek town-
ship, who survives with a fancily of i
throo sons and three daughters:
John, Willdnm and Doran of ITowick.
Mrs, Thos. (Lorraine') States.
Belmore; Mrs, Mims, (Joyce) Lnke
of i:thel, and Mary at home, one
granddaughter. also one brother,
George of Bluevale.
Ms early life was spent. in Morris
Township, near Biuewale. in 1925
he ln(rciresetl a farm on the 4tit con.
of T-Tnwick and has resided on that
line since That time. (Te was a
member of the Butted Church, and
of L, 0, L, No, 797, also it Tllncti
A private ,scrvire was 11010 at his
home on Tuesday. with nubile sum
vice in tate Tinned Church at 2,30 P.
m„ conducted by his pastor, Rev. G.
G. Howse. Mrs. Leslie Lake, Ethel,
sang, "T3eyon:d the Sunset."
Pallbearers were; Alred Tiyn0nlnn,
Ttnowlaol Ttueston, John Dinsmore.
T, L, Mclnuls, Norman iTarding and
I•Terb Neill,
Flower Hearers were: Horvoy STMT.
ling, Tom Earl, Archie Miller, Jack
Toner, Irving Toner, llnssell Adams
Everett Sporting and Clifford BrOW((,
$ 20
i2 �1 r Gfl; .(./1f
Portrayed Isere are a few of the lovely
creations we (ow hate on display, /kit
are tnasttrpfeC a•in,thelrittvttlin ''ellr.0g
at prices that shell exceptional t,tlue for
,111E orsT ONE
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_..Sill✓ lb, ` _ �,ti�1"�
i4". G. Leach
Jeweller — Brussels, Ont.