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The Brussels Post, 1948-6-23, Page 5
,..�—.,-,..,..a,.....,.-+.--�+�-•.-.w----.-�..-.mow,.-�,.+,•n.,.-i+....,,�.. THE BRUSSELS POST �. ) WEDDING is 8 t�+rCw1 t 1,'.:.; �u11+' Ads ' Fr) SALE..-- t d '• ' Wlldfong , M ^!tCh„t i nr la .,.I i FOR SALE-- ! u Uel n 1 r o 11, 1 Lr•Ih 1 rid',=t flu, fn 01 Itt:l1 , P. 1 , vu 1:,- - j vas the scent + f 1 NI, it Lilt f 1 ,r, l t tt'll:f Jltim h , t I:.' fl FOfi SALE ._�_.. ___ m..•. j• ' 1 , 1', 1 tI llliy 1111 St tlil -ti day, lino+• 1() -_-. `- .--•_.. I , t ''11 .: til! , .:t,'..t s F iR SALw E It I: fin i b,: t r cI"a i' 1 11 1 h11 soli fft di Ihun•t.a tint Ind ht in 11. . v:11, \h \foto was u 1 FOR 11ALF-- • I unit d it' a 1 u 1l t ,. t min L tit ,, _ riot ,'•' 1 ti r. l t 1, -'A n. ' 1111 t I .... ..� N It•thU n ' ..„11rt r . n'.,r 1I'1'P';' t„ h'rinlc !lotto: !'h , r 31.1:: 111 .11r 1111,It'tu or 11 W:111•01.1"ill t ..',,h;„'..2':,1:,,,,',:". t. nn,tt Plow.. .u.,.; n., h„ h u 11tr+ tt v. AIr, FOR SALE— FOUND— , I',-1 r= ,x'11, ;;,,,,,,i, T':n• hi iii,.. ,,,., n 1 Has rack with <1idill' t 1Irl!,: - 1111 lit i 1t ,• iLatPv Ila vv) ,Il,;u a lowwa:.rn :It•?'11th I c,, ,r,1 of with la:y iii tudttr Host. atr-l., fit tit - 1 tnrsc'! Ito.t• 1: 111 1 utlon will, 1•„ yolk and _ 1 ne 1„;1;;,,,,I k '., b•• ruw'tt I FOR SALE— ;,,Iiu„'1 u ,, g1,.i1- t, Ihn, her inn; vr3I 31crot miek Deerilt_ 6 rt, uil•hath j (lits held in 1,1:w,, by ,. ,•'oleo„o. of mower, good n. now. • whit e roses, and :rhe carrier! a:\1', 13, Ilay Pht,ue 111-1--21, 'r ITS 9-76 p� CONTENTED CATTLE with aCiee, JNC13L"ASED production is the answer CO 1 higher profits from your herd. That's what running water- where and when you need it --gives you! EXTRA PROFITS . IN- CREASED PRODUCTION . . . REDUCED COSTS. Dura Pumps , , . built for farm operation F• ill all your needs in barn , , , poultry house ... home ... provide sure lire protection for all your buildings. INSTALL THE BEST INSTALL A DURO, EMCO Fixtures and Fittings It's easy to improve daily living with simpl: EMCO remodelling in kitchen , .. bathroom • . laundry. See us Today and learn how y1.1t, can add to daily comfort . , , safeguard your family's health . , , easily , . . with real economy , , , enjoy a louder/1 home. DURO'f M"1tP ,IF1A :' $112.00 F.O.B. London, Canada 1-1. J. GIBSON Phone 83x -r-4 Brussels ,mt ei E SSiritFk.co LIMITED LOn00n•iinenLTOn-TOAOfITo-SUoeufiy winnIPEG-VAIICOUVEA M.1Op for Acetylene and Electric 'Welding Our shop is eduipped to dm First Class Welding Yew Patronage Solicitor • Good Service ,knsuurr o- , Relief For Sinus H n.dacha I•'a rd Iteatl huv, ca,By nenbt11:i,t dint and litho have brunt; tt new rt lief ,r! f ^ , l -alb -wiles. ,,1.-.•t 0,.•1!1•, ami• of three bi.v magazines listrlbuted with Sunday Detroit Times. , . Be te .t,1 -Pont t illrt Inc Sims - - Alis! er Bust with this Sunday's (shute 27( issue of The Detroit Thanes, c. ,r�"Ccta. ,• MANY FARMERS have testified on the basis nctius1 Increased to :F4 production—that Otaco Automatic Cow Bowls pay for themselves in a few weeks! Ensure your cattle plenty of water at allit a es andlandde the barn --and save bor of watering stock hand.byoa thm ALL STEER The new katdmastor All Steel —• s wagon development from more than fifty years' experiment and teat. Every feat* designed for a lifetime of dependability and service. A in for every haulage purpose. Repair Your Tractor — any make Repair all kinds of Farm Equipment Dominion Tires Otaco Farm Implements Pedlar Barn Equipment n Rkhards & Phone 86-r-5 — Ethel Cita❑ 1 tall ht --,t .. 1,}- 'r l rtue I r r ,•I„ or metier ditto u, es and ephaontls with whit, 503313 slroa,n I FOR SALE— Ars. Mlas Csrmeltn Ah'Niehol,I 1 robber tired wagon, in gond eon • -later of the bride, as hridesminid'riltlnu equipped with wore pale blue Watered taffeta with 4ae-111 •irt•-:. Phan• S t •1_' full skirt and sweetheart nock line, IT Silt, ea tried a ca tartar of caprin',• I•STRAYED— , with blue corn flown, .ctrl to the premises of Clem Steffb'tr a Pink satin streamers. ers. Mime: Wild- pig, ses may have acme paying fang was his brother's best lion and expenseses and proving ownership. Glen MeNichol and Elliott Wildfong phone 75-r-13, were ushers. During the signing of the register Mlldrs1 lin\'4aho1,' FOR SALE— sister of the bride song 'Throughthe ( -Hassey-Harris manor.:• years.' The wedding mu!sic was I egood condition, amoo supplied by 1Tfss Bessie Davidson, I electric motor used 2 month The groom's gift to the brute wits a i Pitone 23-r-23. rhinestone necklace and matching' FOR SALE— _ nor rings, to the beat man, a Ronson j �prearler, 1,1 H. P. s, lighter and to the bridesmaid a • s due U y 1st One York sow and C pigs, 2 weeks string of pearls. After the sere - 'old also 2 sows 1 J 1 1(0 11y a reception was hell at the i apply to 1-33. , Eng -1. Cranbrr:ak, b-=tn' of the pride's mother, who i Phone r rt,irrd in a dregs of u•inler —� t . ssI teal by the groom's mother who wore a itlacic and white or pe are- with enrta10 of ,•use oarnadons. After th.e reeer,tron Mr. and 1h'-, A\ildfong left 011 a motor / in to ( ,v..nitn,•nt, North Bay, /1; t to g and Totem n. Foot' tent -01111g ,be bride ghost n beige •soh ^dinr,i snit and matching tnproat rt,•i'11 tad ( atreacories, On their refute they will reside in Bt'itlgeport, I 1 silk , FOR SALE— . .-. 1929 Essex noaeh. good motor cal 1 tires, also rubber tlrr,t1 wagon and 1 Buckwheat seed. I 31, A. Fraser IFOR SALE McKinnon •• Milliere Georgetown United Church, decor- ated with bridal wreath, pastel shades of iris and Other spring flowers was the setting for the wedding mt Satnrdayy, June 12th of Eleanor 3Iae \Till'ierc, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, William L. Milliere of i'm'getnwn and Hugh Spence Mc- Kinnon, son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert H. McKinnon of Bhterale, Ontario, v. R. C. Todd of Niagara Falls officiated and 9Iiss Lgn.la .\I, Steo-art was at tine organ, DLlrt00 the viruin, of the register Miss Marjorie C., mom sang "T love Thee," The bride, given in marriage by h• r father, wore a wedding, dress of Mesh ivory satin with nylon net y •ke and long train. A full length veil was held with a coronet:, of seed Pearls and she carried a bonnet of ed rose4. She wore 11 three -strand ;wall necklace rite gift of the groom. .miss Belly 0(1111(11 of Brampton v.us maltl of 110110111', wearing t.reliid iuo're taffeta with matching gloves :old headtb'ess, site ca r!ctl o bonnet. or yellow Il tw ro.ec, Bridesmaids were Misses Norma. Thompson and Mary Dobson weaning chartreuse moire taffeta with match- ing gloves and iheaddresses, Eneh rlrTied a bonnet of ytBow rose, Mr, Kenneth O. House of Prrstnn, 101(13 .gronntsmttt( and. ushers were the bride's brother•, 3Tr, 'Vm. G, Miller() taut the gromn's brother-in-law, Mr. John K, MacTavish. A reception was held at the church, the bride's m0lher receiving wear- ing green printed silk crepe with 991011 accessories and corsage of ph111 carnations. The groom's mother \Nolte turquoise 73131atted silk crepe with black n.ceessoriea anti corsage or yellow roses. Tho couple left on a two week m0tnr trip the bride wearing a suit of loganberry red gabardine with navy blue aCeaSS0111es and a eon, sage of yellow roses. They will make their hone in Georgetown where both are on the staff of the Canadian Bank of Commerce branch, GREY Mr, and 1I1's. Neil MOCualg of Barrio have been recent visitors at the home of Mr, and i't's. Alex SPoira n, Mr, W, I -I, Love and Mr, and Mrs, .flex Spedran and Miss Olive Spartan have beep visiting the Corner's son H W, Love In Stratford last weep, Phone 17-t•-10, 'Hardwood for body wand and 334,50 for limb wand. 8 cords to a Load John Falconer Phone 84j Wingham I or apply at the Brussels Post `FOR Hygienic Supplies (Rubber Goods) mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25s, 24 samples, $1,00, Mali Order Dept, 11I-33 Nov -Rubber Co Box 91, Hamilton, Ont, WANTED— Man for steady travel among con- sumers to Brussels. Permanent con- nection with large manutaturer Only reliable hustler considered. \\'rite Rawleigh Dept. No, ML -J-152- 331, Montreal. FOR SALE— George 'White Separator size 36x180, straw cutter, Ebersol fender, high grade elevator, Also a gond wood wagon in first class shape with steel [!res, and 14 ft, McC'or'mick Drerin, horse rape. Sam Alcock Phone 36•r-4 FOR SALE— Rawleigh's Fly Spray and D.D.T„ and 224-1) 'Feed Killer are easily available just phone 56-r•0. Did yon ever try our summer 51 rinks Ask Your Rewleigh Dealer for this utmlth's specials, Gen, Wesenhur:g FOR SALE - 1 Deering binder 7 ft. en: equipped for horses of tractor, 1 Doering plower 6 f out. 1 land roller, good as new, 1 set of scales, 2600 lbs. 1 brooder house, Chas. A. Lamont and Son, Phone 21-r.13, OWN YOUR BUSINESS! .., Join the leading company 0f ROME SERVICE IN CANADA. Let Your effort determine your income. Very little capital needed. If yott have travelling equipment, here is your chance to use it with benefit. Write for full details_PAMILEX, 1600 Delorimter, Montreal, FOR SALE— 60 acre farm off Highway, price 1,000, 65 acre farm 11/,t miles of Highway 2,600.00 100 acre farm on Highway, hush, hydro, good buildings, price $4,500,00. 100 acre farm on County Road, all modern conveniences • and up-to•dai e buildings. J. 0, Long, Real Estate Broker, Brussels, On`,, AHELP WANTED --MALS” N OPPORTUNITY-. Rstabiished Rural Watkins District available, It you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55- have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get estab- lished in a profitable business 02 your own, ,For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept, O -B-4, 2177 Mason St., Montreal, Que. FOR SALE -- C 1 d a- now 3 inch /Ire It:ru Farm 'lar quit . ,11 u 1 t1 w ;lift, 1d' ti'uhr+• 1 tic 1,11.1•• or. (11 rote.' i 'renin -fu I'll ,;1 53 FOR SALE— F,leetrlr, motors rewound and rt• `'Sired. Expert workmanship, Model ate prices. New motors in stook, Bettger Industries, 649 Ontario, Street, Stratford, Ont. NOTICE— Have your flock properly culled, 1 Feed rnsls mat fi half, Predirr•' as many er?gs on half the teed. Ro- 1 MOLT diseased birds and improve ap- pearance of flocks 5013, Reasonable ' rat to and satisfaction guaranteed, 11'trt. ,T. Grant Phone 25.1'11 Brussels. AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture Turnberry Street, South, Brussels SATURDAY, JUNE 26th at 1.30 P.M. i buff,,[ 6 dininc room alta Ddllin: room table 1 side ho 1 davenport Rockily:. chair Settee 2 chairs (overstuffed Lawn chair 1 sofa Bed springs 1 dresser 1 wash stand 1 brass bed 1 dresser 1 wash stand 1 brass bed 1 wooden bed 1 Morris chair 1 rosewood table 1 clover leaf table Small tables Kitchen utensils 1 galvanized tub 1 boiler Shovels Garden tools Lawn mower 1 large ^hair Slcates, boats 1 desk 2 Perfection nil heaters 1 hook case; 1 sewing machine 1 highchair 2 large tables 1 mirror 1 Morris choir Kitchen 'utensils ; Tre cream freezer Crocks 1 ca.mora OLD, DISABLED ()R { with UrITiff DEAD �' rtE� wiidatnaged. Hides and Awarding To Sire and condition Cows lap to $8.60 Zones clip to $7.00 Koys (300 lbs, each) $2,©Q) Pius $2.00 per 100 lbs, for addie,iwaal weightAT YOUR FARMPhos a Cts c ct Brussels 72 --- IRg'ersll 21 FOR PROMPT, EFFICIENT, COURTEOUS SERV CE L 10.20 Tractor on Steel i:7 A-1 shape m 3 -furrow International Ace-bottoPiough on rubber 2 -furrow Cockshutt Plough on steel. Elbe! Sale PHONE 59-r-9 BRUSSELS ETHEL, ONT, W.ILLIATVii T. SPEND Estate Conveyance it'd and CGd_ missioner and s.1SNERAL .ia1SUARANCE OFFICE ” MAIN STREET -- ETHEL, ONI`. ▪ Clocks Real Estate—Lot 410, Elizabeth St„I in the Village of Brussels, being an acre more or less, Soid oubject to: reserve bid, TERMS CHATTELS CASH MRS, JAS. JONES, Pron, LEWIS ROWLAND, Auctioneer - AUCTION SALE -, of Farm Stock and Implements will be held at South I Lot 9. Conces5i0.i 4, tivcrrts1 2 miles East tsf 0e'grnve at 2 p.m. on MONDAV. JUNE 18th Tho following 1= for ale ... Three '-'-vent ,',l hrifet's Fire 1-y at 0l1 bolters Six 1 -year -01(1 s.Z^terl 4 valves 6 cows 2 souls and 14 nigh 31 sows, lured 1 Tatgworth hog 19 pigs about 65 lin. 7 pigs, 150 lbs, 60 fence posts, anchors and braces 1 cream separator (electric) 1 turnip pulper 1 25 -cycle tai h.p. motor Electric brooder q bowel of molasses 3 oak barrels Steel drum Electric fencer Rubber -tired wheelbarrow Pannig mill Thresher tame, 400-ga1, capacity 15 acres o4 Hay 400 bushels of oats 100 bushels of wheat 40 hags of cement TERMS - CASH ELMER WILKINSON, Owner F. W. KEMP, Auctioneer F, iivirnath Regrst ereC$ Optometrist ""Western 17ntarto's Most l4M'oalent Eye Smarr "'hone 118, Hara^istan BUS NFSS CARDS C. A. Myers, M. D., L. M. C. Cm PHYSICIAN and SURGEON William St. Phone 4. Brussels, Ont. Allan A. Lamont Agent for --Firs, Windstorm, and Auto:no&8e Imes:leaven let particulars of our S ac aI Automobile Folks Lar 5th Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 65-r-7 Walker Funeral Home Day or Night Cells Phone 65 No extra charge for Use of Funeral Horne, B. G. Walker Licensed Funeral Director dc Embalmer. J. F. Harper-, B. A., M. D. _ --=-- PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 . 9 p. m. Also 11 - 12 a. m., when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p. rn, Sttraday — Emergency and by appointments only. R. S. Hetherington, K. C. WING-HAM and BRUSSELS AT BRUSSELS ?racdaay and Saturday all day — Off1;:t 01503313 every day. Phone 20x— ^^^ _— Successor to E. D. Beit Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co. Phone Office 96 - Brussels, Ont. Harold Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES For information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson 'HONE 18-r-661 — SEAFORTH, ONT. Make arrangements ,it THE Brussels Post o1^ R. S. Hetherington K. C. Barrister Office, Brussels. D.A.Rann&Co. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or 85 — — BRUSSELS. ONT. Lewis Rowland• (Licensed For Huron County) SATiSFACTION GUARANTEED — PRICES REASONABLE For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post” and they will be looked after Immetfrately For information etc., write or phone Lewy. Rowland Or wrtttc to R. R. 3 Walton. A\11111 , 146ER t go*' BAKE Moe 6 Good For H Kande of sow MUMS AT, ches' gee dlOSe