HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-6-23, Page 1• '"""T'F'""`"•'' ' 4, .* POS .1' PUIZOLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, June 23rd, 1948 Post Office To Be On FOOTBM...L Saccehsful T.B• CVnie Held fiere Iff 11 .— g*: Nen% Wedianday Afternoon closed f 1 or the lialf holiday next - ,415.41.114.4111, I )11.. :11,. Iv, .1 tic, v. ill tiot .1,1,i•• P 1St': e,•.; ,••: 3 3 :: 1 holiday. July being on Thui,,lay 2 a 2 it will Is ...pen day Wednerd..ay, dune . S 2 .111 4,1 2 Boxes Shreecled Wheat 1 1b. Domestic Shortening 2 lbs. Filled. Cookies ' lb. Red Cohoe Salmon 1 lb. Weiners RNA Phone 5 3ps ROC di 25c 28c 49c 35c. 35c ERA Brussels FOOTBALL Saturday, June 26 Atwood at Brussels Time 7.30 Admission — 25c asssaaammomumaximesassasa GARDEN PARTY WALTON UNITED CHURCH ON FRIDAY. JUNE 25th Programme: - Paul Brothers of Kirkton Richard Girls of Belgrave Seaforth Highland Band Supper served to 6 to 8 Admission -Adults 75c Chldren 40c issams==aemammsmverosasatamagnmeasass GOSPEL MEETINGS in Orange Hall, Brussels Every Sunday Night at 8 p.m, also Orange Hall, Jamestown Every Sunday at 3 p. m. Speaker - John Martin of Hawkesville, Ont. Besure and attend A rich blessing awaits you. o maguify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His Name Library Notes A new Toronto Travelling Library ms arrived, bringing 42 more books. few of these are;- Steranson—Nat by bread alone. eragg, K.0.-1atber on fibs farm. RobInson-The "have more" plan. Wntson-1A112 all your beauty. Bird—Sunrise for Peter and other stories. Chase-Illasing gums on the Chis- holm trail, Graham -The New York Yankees. The library is sorry to lose Mies Helen Cook who has been a member or the Board for the pas! five years. l'eluin ben ,,,,,,, . •.. , W.i11, \11iI It'op Atwood .. - • - New Score Board A 11PW su0''lmil1-11 has liocl erected 04 the ball park due to the 111111 19 01 Mrs, Davie I last ings. Some 1 ago 1114:;.4, IV 1110 1 110 S1V1i1i1 Caporal Cigarette Company ini ths 14111,141/451111d ryas reeenfts ree,.1, from them by her. Engagement Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Cheater tittle, At, wood, announce the ensagement the'r yoeneer danehi.r. Ames Thelma to George Lionel Clarke, fuel or Mrs. C4arke and the Lite insepit D. Clerk.. .17 Oxford it. \V.. London, recently of Port of Soil*. Trinidad, 11,WR, the werbling tit 1-dke slave in Ow Atwood Presbyterian Church it 12 noon on Saturday. July :rd, 194c. Young Women's Guild The regular monthly meeting or the Young Women's Guilt: was 'held in the home of Mrs, Margeret Sweeney the evening •ef Time 14th. Mrs. Long conducted the Devetims al period which followed ihe busi- ness inert hies assisted by Mrs. Wilma 111-11t.t who led in PraY0'. Various hymns were sung and there was communal reeding nf chapter 5 in the Book of Dmiteroumny. Mrs. Long gave an interesting PIP -Pr nil Former Brussels Lad Wins Honor At Kitchener Murary Cameron, formerly of Brussels, received an honor award at Courtland sehool, Kitchener. The 1 3-yNosnld lad had attended the school since last. September. The family moved to Kitchener from Bruasels last ,Tuly. Ho had lost a year at school previously, having been in a cast for a yeae, end had been linable to bake much part in sports, but was goalie for the hockey team at Courtland school which won a ebampionship this year. The honor award went to him for in- tesxrity. popularity. honor and good work as a student, He will attend Elmira Collegiate in the fall. as his Niftier, has bought a business there, The bid plans to take a therdogy (inmate when be attends univeraity. Melville Church U Ili service on 14111141V, Rel'. Mr. Milne preached on th' subject 'Cnittion prevents Remorse.' The 1'1111111 ups bleed 011 the oarable of fliV5,11 11 114 .1441Z11 anthem the P,00k of Deuteronomy of the all was "Come to our heart and airde Testament, The devoti mai elneed 1,r MavY. with the Mispab benedietion. A delicious lunch was .5erver1 Ily Mrs Grace McFarlane, Mrs. Gemmel 11. together. and Mrs. E. Cardiff. I The Gad Is not meet hi 4' again until September 21st when it will he in the home of .Mrs. Melville Church Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A. 10 a. Tn. Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a. in. Pre-Counnunion Service. 7.4011/S D l'hompson, Organist and Choirmaster. The United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson Organist Miss Elva Sholdice 11 a. in. Morning Worship Rev, W. J. Moores of Belgrave, 31.1nior Congregation 13 Church Sonool and Bible Class. 7 p. tn. Evening PralSe ROIV. W. J. Moor09 Everyone Cordially Welcome Church of England BORN McCAPLEY-Mr, and Mrs, Lnrnc McNulty of St. Marys are happy to announce the birth of Lorne Davidson `David' McCauley, a \- brother for Kevin, in Stratford General Hospital. 4.wo se .- tsati„t4. D4454' ,41144.1, .4".41'4 .. 't. 40, 1.1.4, 41 . o 10 1 1i45 11 1 111111 tV, 0,4 5.1 24 i• 11 , 41 14 1 42 ,.4 - 2 ,,• '1*, 111 v, 114 44 4.:14,44 (.0,44 .„ .444 44' 4,„ , 141 441, 4.1. 5/111 "41 1 1,', . '4, 1 2414 121,1. X1l,l2 ti f'/F" the h, --2l' toe r. 1,.,C.1 li ,,,,,, WI ',111,1 1`,. r114),11. charge. t ;or_ T f 1 worth arid ri'-erri. Pr, I 11 44,4 4.`1, "II, 2)10 t /1•;11i141. for Music Examinations 4 ()eel .,1011 Tie I I 511 00 14,10„.4,1,14 14.41.‘ tt 1,1re,-; 111104121 111, III „r 2: 1,1.'er Exsdn, essoter.- .1, lYilford Cies, yen •s• • s' Jaeld e• se. • sts. 1,1 fisi e 01 1e1,e1 11/44 1 404. 1 1 2' ttesttierisl 001.1 le, Names of Former Resident Dies In Vancouver Many friends in inn- 1 o 1 vIrdllity wit regret 1,, beer 4.1 1 11 passing of :Mrs. Wkliert, wife of TIOV. A. C.Whiieirt. a 1,1 1-11 110W11 111111 1020' 01' 11- 210' Church 11111' forty ye.‘rs see passed away in a etinveleseeni 1, tasal, Vancenver, after a I. untity and ;.,ever ,12111 4-, du honrt condition 0.111111 early ie the year ant which ,,,,, borne with ebristian 11L10121lh1h1 fortitude. sn, fimers1 was held en the 13i11. The serviee 1'.?' C1511411/4'1 11 by Rev. J. 11. Skene, DD., moderator of the 000 .1181 Issseibly of the Presbyterian 0101 roll tit Canada. Six brother ministers ase, .1 as pallbearers. CARD OF THANKS To the Intermediate Hockey Club. Brusseis: 'I wish to express my sincere thenks for the gift I received for looking after hockey equipment, it 00110 ch,eply appreciated. Mrs. Fred Stephenson The United Church At the morning worship in the tinitea Chucrh the °heir number wns greatly appreciate:I. The an than was "This is my gory." . goln part was taken by Miss Beth Wilson and a duet part by Mrs. R. B. Cousins and Lawris (.11114141114,44 The morning text was "Arn 1 my ?math - tea 'keeper?' In the evening, the ser 11111 sueeet was en answer to the mastich "Ts rrligion necessary " VIII -AGE OF PRITSSFI Tervi-e For Waterworks Sealssl Costly inarhed ,11 Pontents. will be ree..1seel by the lindereigned up to 12 °Meek n Satutaley, July 10th. 194o. for th, constrnction of :- IL\ o ".• 14 ulembess Wi• -tern rse t's.: ess,„.„ , Aso- Iliaat WON' r4.1.11 The s. stint, Th• . • • ill 4.41' 2114. 111,, 2(0110100. r, t their - in def --,11? of 119-411' GP, 11 oriel littet '1""'Y w"'.4 "1"w" 1°' (0 ,11' ile. 'Lat Post. tiees 1,10 of s.lenee mut Reveille. Grave- 00'4 114 +Tor-tPd smelt flags. Many iinsvers hal been 141,1041 previous to the see -rice. Picnic Poste of th, "The Till!'1,11 A large number of 1",,t..dt,fi 111f1 14.-ir see 4141i 1)1114.- ooniiiittoRY were Maser t. at Park Jams 111'11. One bemired and ten sat ilnwe to the ! p Fr) p frp Plants saltiest et six s'elnek after 1 whirl, penerande pheiniessph was Mr' Wrn• 71`-'gler 4" s01) of London were visitors in Brussels and Ethel on Tuesday. * * The winners in the rhildren's • To 1 in 811.1 5011 2 raves were alarraret A, Ra/1115,111. ' Filkins. Marry Jam, Lee. Paul Ile' raitehen. Ralph Grose, Dila li011111- ,on. Mary Harrison. Cal -Serino ItaY, 0' 111 Deaernff, Ron af,Cutelteon.. Peal Galloway, 'Knew Carter. Olga Boorman end Valerie Carter. Jim D1111-41-414, 0114.11 the rave far senior boys. Th 'ronit1111 0111110011140001111' 010d FlotwunD itt. o,"s Partita. Or . J. 0. F,.rsason. Mr. and Mrs. Deeland Glazier. stem Ml' si•le-ses i. Pre '1 and 0121r. 1S:ri. on_ A sonvenir of the eccrises was en ive :ssensest 1111 11'414,, presses IL•dlineslessi , h' 1n..nt 10, And t.1+, Pr,,,,t4t. Mr. P, cnratt:f.r. wn, it :!112 ail 1,41 rovrnArT A Cener.-te t -S , Slid Pliny House CONTRACT 11 -Pump Hesse r 17o-, --— 1110111CONTRACT Watsr bi- fete prising about 221100 ft. of t se e" mains. Plans and sp, eiflon lion. oay +.0 examined 111 the (111100 11' 111, '11410"signed or copies may b.. 010:tined applying to tln Engineers. Lowe -4 or any tender not rteeo-i•sarily accepted. Dine -en, Philips & Roberts. CARD OF THANKS 44 Holme St., To 111Y many kind friends in B 1 russels and Brantford, Ontario. neighbors on the 501 , line I wouldConsulting Engineers msay Tbank yon ever so . uch for your loving thoum a ghts to e R, Campbell, boll, Clerk, while in the hospital. I van assure you it is plenaure to semi them Village of Bruseeie, Brussels, °Maio. over end over as I lie h ro. Thanking you again. Mrs. J. 0. Michie I r. . • • • Gordon and Mrs. A. Wallace and son Mervin. Fordwieli were Sunday visitors with Mr. and lire. R. W. Kennedy. * * 5.W. J. and Mrs. TIonstioa of molehill. Mans visiting at ths home of J. A: and Mrs 1100111. it is no yearF since 'Mr Housten 'yew WP are pleased to welcont.:, them back, 141 5. Mr. and ails. Arthur iniapinsn of 0,0111' i,., were week end guest, at the halite of 3, and Mrs. Fieluir They accomnanlegl Mr and mrs. on sunday. EV(.1y11 011111 ill:Ali:1P: ',11:2, WW1 11P1' IrtstIls, 11'.I'S. n. R. runninomm. ennnin44,111, suecessfully sonebuled yesis a., a S RUSSE S,JTAI nist,e!s Rese,sisf Set .•. i'4111 11,1 '4' 0W00e12011,4ii$V,F!,201.1 SUltitircf,1. 121,11111110 ''4 1118' IPA 8(4.1,311 1)0 4 1 lai Tilt' 1 1.4.' 0111,44:43 - 111,4! 021001 (1 'rill be ee• iiieludInt; 1.2,1111t .itid tle tosl wtiip of Grey a 11,1 Sierris, lispe to: .1 I Kink' ail and 0 110.0041 111' coin/Ott, o eXplairt- , h. 1' 3111,11 were not re - *Hie os, 1,11.,. the ft, ...09- ttttry by-law and other information tipprov:11 of th Minister 5211)1(-'ltHn ; and the 0.11,1,1e -tee a,. • miss:, 1., pp 04 '1,,4 1,-,(10111- nu`!1n ,141t1,,. 111.-4,. 11. It 1011s1. -0' rt,,,,h; es, 111001.01 Ire i..1)111! IV) 1109- son why Tlint,s0+, '1,1,111'l,111,1 dot have 14 22.1,pvp John 'McNabb, Gr'y, declared it was undemorratie to shut eft one seined. "Bruesets 10100111 not be slighted - three children thore won ,,ehollrships. Let's got it right to satisfy the cranks of the Educa.tion. Department." ROP-Vt, Harvey Johnston. of Mo, ris, stated that the resobition was ;passed some time ago: and he kr/era t 11. matter would be etradghtened out another year. Deputy -Reeve C. Rowland. of Grey, said he was not opposed to form- ing the Brussels district. Reeve .7. D. Beeeroft. chairman of the committee. said the requests would have been acceded to but, bec,ause of delays in getting a complete picture of what -was re- quired, no recommendation could be made. —Stratford Beacon -Herald 1249 License Markers Will Be Blue on White Ti)TiONTO. Mile 22 - Ontario's 144•41..11' sc.11,.:11e for the 1949 motor vehicle lieense es platwill he just the reverse of this year'9. it was annoimeed Ment. yTt aisv,t.iolitbeebbalsuee BORN Toronto I'll:N-4 1,411", and g now holds 1'].111119 and null. 1101s 1E11- To Mr. and Mrs 11a the poAtion of senior lung... .14 CI" Som. 3earlo5014,04',to 00 made at the 11- 'lo. -r of Morris Two. in 11 -vs -el, Brant Comity Public 1711,10111 rlltt Ontario Reformatory in Guleph, u ;time 14-11-9. with ofil0111,2145 in Brantford. have been ordered. REGENT THEATRE — — Fall Fair Dates \ : Seaforth, Ont. ; E---.:="...4.,..,-.—.7,—..,27—* ....-7,----,=.7Teatre -2:--.7,:=-_,,,m,-, i Ba yfielrl -----------------------------21.21 ..., ------ I Sept. 7-9 Sept. 3.11 1 Sept. 9-10 1 Sopt. 910 Sept. 9-10 I Sept, 101 1 Sept. 1445 i Sept. 15-16 1 Sept. 10.17 Sept. 17-18 1 Sept. 17-19 Sept. 25.92 1 Sept. 25 Parish of ‘41rUssels Rev. J. H.,Kiktlr, Brussels. 610 Sunday After Trinity June 27111, 1948 St. George's Church Walton - 9.19 a, an. Morning Prayer Sunday School Gt. David's Church Hentryn- 10.15 a- m. Sunday Moo' 1.6 in 11., Morning Prayer St. John's Church W1156811.- 2 p. m, Sunday S8o00018 p. m. Evening Prayer NOW PLAYING Thurs. Fri. Sat. June 21-25-28 "ON THE OLD SPANISH TRAIL with Roy Rogers and Andy Devine I Donit miss Roy and TrIggsr In an - 1 ' other good Western story - 1' COMING— Adult Entertainment Mon., Tues., Wed. June 27, 28, 29 1! ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "KISS OF DEATH" with Victor Mature ' Coleen Gray Brian Donievy • Mon. Tues. June 28-29 One of the most suspense -laden, ' Nelson Eddy Ilona Massey gripping dramas to' so -me to the "Northwest Outpost" screen In many days. '11 TUESDAY FOTO-NITE LISTOWEL Myth nnInInm Wed. Thurs. Fri, Sat. Ripley tr.laun_e 2v3 -a12114:22 -26 2(01080111 11 ok 1. ifford Frank Sine Fred MacMurray - in "Miracle Of The Bells" 'ITanover One of the most inspiring Capitol h \' mii,,,,ton um in ''pt. 3. 4. and 6 pictures of our time. Mat. Wed. & Sat. at 2.00 p.m.1 EVE. Performance at 7.00 Next Thurs., Fri., Sat. July 1-2-3 In Technicolor Mat. July 1st at, 2.30 P.M. "THIS TIME FOR KEEPS" with • Esther Williams Lauritz Melohoii) Jimmie Durant° A show full of Durante's comedy routines, Cugat's music, Johnnie ..Johnston's „crooning ,,and, trips to „the ..Makinac .„Island ..in winter and summer. ••••••••••••140 COMING -Double Feature \',DAISY KENYON', with Jean Crawford and Dana Andrews and "SUSIE STEPS OUT" with David Bruce Nita Hunter - ...r OFFER $140.00 Mon. Attend. card night. COMING 4 Days—Wed' Thru. Fri. Sat. June 30 — July 1-2-3 The Comedy Masterpiece of the year. "Sitting Pretty with Robert Young Clifton Webb Maureen O'Hara NOTE—MATINEE THURS. July 1st at 2.30 OMITInse•XVIAILROWNIM111.11..,,MLWORMOSINIMMOMMON CKNX Mon. to Fri. at 6 p.m. New Hamburg Stratford Dmbrn 1 Whinny Exoter Tilk.OVP1 t 518111191 011 Zurich 1 T.steltrtow Mitchell Drumlin Sept. 26.20 wirkron Sept. 15.0et. 1 Woodstock Sept, 30 -Ort. 2 , TIRTISSELS ,,, 0c1, 1 Fordulieh Ort, 1.2 St. Marys Oet. 0-7 Toessvater 00t. n -n , 'Ingersoll Oct. 8-9 OTHER BATES 0.N.19., Toronto Aug. 21 -Sent. 11 Western Fair, tiotiden ..... Sept. 111-16 International Pleating IVtateli. Lintisav Oet. 12-15 Royal Winter Pair, Toronto Nov. 12.24 Christmas Fair, Walkerton I 1, Sept. 20.21 Sept. 22-23 Sept 22-23 Sopl, 22,24 Sept. 27-28 Sept, 28.29 Sept. 29-.241 Nov. 00.000. 11 11) , -,.s.--- c,:,,.•.,.%-' ....-,...-:.•cr.-- .s.„,. T:ri - ) -'.\ i N ,.1.2 ...? ,, // / ,./.. , ,, eff;‘,....'"" .(7(?ilte`:,1 , ......-........ i ..'i,,......,.i.p.,:i tiers: ,•-e a ftw or the lovely cr.:a:iont, sly ure- lisse on 0(1 1)1111 I:•.. . , are triase‘rnies. s in their liwn line Selliog \ l 1 -,.9.:e.fOr.'.....: ' • 4'• Vi` at wit..t..s 14,41 l' , ,:..'-.istisant ,ai „,. ‘ '.-,. Q,......ic; .,_., ,,,.. jun, ....). 4 i '.I. 4 '4 ' N - t4,,, + n 4) In x ...,,.....::„..: ,$P ' kzati, “, 2 .:.'...1.:::,,..:. THE PROUDEST NAME ,., ,,,- \ DIA MG , $8 5 4 -''-• k- 1 : 40. .2_.'t VI MI. FARROW • I/ JEWELS 91219 VERY TUE WAftfilipPO FOR VALUE ote,slizio, (7)021211111$ E I e/5° on "The Store for Beautiful Gifts" . G. Leach Jeweller Brussels, Ont.