HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-6-9, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST Stepping Into Summer Large Moth Prof Garment Bags 9c & 98c g Red Cedar Flakes Moth Control Liquid Spray Ant Traps 35c A • 0 85c 35c Vitamin B1 for Plants 25e Father's Day Cards ' ' .. 13c and 15c each Also a large selection ofG.._: that will be appreciated for this c cc:asien June 20th. Baby Scales — We have recently installed a . Set of Baby Scales, 'come in and k el l free to have the baby weighed. Hudnut's Home Permanent • . $3.25 Toni Home Permanent $1.50 s 2.50 Sun Glasses New Style I 1il71- IR TELEPHONE No. 62 59c DRUGGIST and v A 2 STATl.ONER — BRUSSELS, ONI, 121 S OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD MUM MX,LS With Undamaged Hides and According To Size and Condition Cows cap to $0.00 Horses lip to $7.00 Hogs (300 lbs. each) $R Plus $2.00 per 100 lbs. for additional weight A■p�Tp,YOUR FARM 1n k:RJ hone VoIllect Brussels 72 — :Ingersoll 21 45 FOR PROMPT, EFFICIENT, COURTEOUS SERVICE ELLIOTT BROS. y.iITH THE NEW IMPROVED GOO[y'r/NEAR cOgale9i If you want thrifty, long mileage, road -gripping traction ... equip your car with the new Goodyear DeLuxe. In this great new Goodyear, you get a wider, flatter diamond tread—designed to give you 34% more mileage than the big mileage Goodyear it replaces. The new DeLuxe puts more rubber on the road ... to share the load . . . to grip the road, giveskdand blowouts. r safety from ELLIOTT BROS. General Garage Services Phone 82 Brussels, Ont, Phone 24 — Brussels, Ont. cimster. stoemfftCtF.+F.iEtweetF.:Pve;lms,^Li[;RitfturefewatBA'u7C ra-a1 mormr Ladies Crepe Nightgowns $2.98 Fine Cotton Bloomers 75c Nylon Hose, latest shades Good assortment of Print Dress Jersey, Rayon, Washable, Wide White, Pink and Blue $1.95 Curtains, Bed Spreads Window Shades For House Decorating. F. F. HOMUTH Optometrist will be in BRUSSELS all day Tiursday, J ne 7t to Examine Eyes and Fit Glasses where required. Phone Miss Bryans, Brussels 26x for appointment. Order Now At The Brussels Creamery The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chamb- ers, Court House, Goderich, commencing Monday, June 14th, at 2.00 p. m. D. S. T. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, June 1.2th, 1948. N. W, Miller, County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario. U.RANBROOK Calvin and Mrs. C.amerou, Tose and Alex, spent the w^aK rad in N'i'agara. Ross and Mrs. Taunter and little daughter, Orangeville, were SundaY v'sitors with Harvey Hunter. The June meeting of the Womens' M:ssinalary Soolety was hrtid at the home of Mrs. Ma:rtiu MacDonald, Owing to the illness of Mrs. Alex Stets, Mrs. Martin MacDonald acted as leader. Following the call to Worship Hymn 448 was sung Several short passages of scripture on the "Parables of the Bowel"' were read by the leader and a meditation i given on the same, Psalm 33 was 1 i,vne: and Mies A. Forrest led in pr:,'or. Mrs. Cordon Knight was in charm, of 911 ionic "Our Commission in Br. Cullom and Ind11." Mrs. Dan Hnethor, president. presided for the business period during which offer- ing we minute: sea r read and apm'overi. roll call was answered by eleven ladies. Mrs. liuether spoke briefly on Thr hi hllghte of the Presbyterial held in Lncl.nmv. MaY 18. The July meting will be 1)1711 at the home of Mrs. R. K, McDonald and the word for roll call is "glory." Psalm 72 was sung in closing. De- licionis refreshments were served by the hostesses, 11'eiln ,day, Jun,, 9111. 1945 Delivered E he ewe . Yards Pick-up 25e per pig. w� ''� F- �'bt E sad POULTRY — EGGS — FEED i Cold St vav Lot s Each Locker Insured Against Fire. Phone 80 — Brussels, Ont. Mrs. Housewife, do not slave over a hot cook stove all warmer. Get a Coleman three burner stove, a gas hot plate or camp .stove. Ask to see them demonstrated at THE ati SKS HAR W ,'S.E Now is the paint up season; add dollars and protection to that house with a coat of paint. We have line of paint we are very proud of — Aze?nt in this district for Flo. Glaze paint, varnish and enamel. Also in stock at present coal -oil stoves, electric rangettes and hot plates, rubber hose, galvanized sheet iron, Johnson 1.34 H. P. gas engines. Telephone 63x M. C. Oldfield, Prop. rmeteesgmemsretweectorr C T 1 E ect.'i_ai, Heating arid Plumbing Wholesalers for Acme Pressure Systems (deep or shallow well) Clark Air -Cooled 3 H.P. Gas Engines Electric Motors, Grinders and Rollers Electrical Appliances and Fixtures DE LAVAL DEALER—Milkers,, Separators, Speedway Water Heaters and Accessories. Full line of deep and shallow well Pressure Systems. MccWhirrter Electric PHONE 53X BRUSSELS, ONT. NOTICE — Shares in the Co•Oaerative Anto• mobilo Insnt'anee under the Fidelity and Cnnrsntee'Trust Association are for sale. Anyone interested should contact M. Dennis, president: R. Knight. vice pres.; or W. Bremner, sec.-treas, of Grey Federation of Agriculture. TENDERS FOR COAL amt, COKE Federal Buildings Province of Ontario SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Coal" will be received until 3 p.m. (E.D,SIP.), Tuesday, June 18, 1043, for the supply of coal- and coke for tate Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. Fm'ms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be ob• tatned from the Purchasing Agent, Department o f Pnhl'c works, Ottawa, and the Supervising Archi- tect. 80 Adelaide St, Lest. Toronto, Ont, Tender's should be made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with departmental spcci0catton.s and conditions attach. ed thereto. Coal dealers' licence . numbers must be given when tender- ing. The Department reserves the right to demand from any successful tenderer, before awarding the order, a security deposit In the ftxrnm of a certified cheque on a chartered bank in Caauada, made payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of armada or of the Canatlian National Railway Company and its constituent cont ponies unconditionally guaranteed as to 'principal and interest: by the Dom - Bon of Canada, or the nforemention. ed bonds and a collided cheque, 11 required to make up an odd amount, Such security will serve as a guarantee for the proper fulfilment of the Contract. By order, somortVTLJ.in, Secretary, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, May 28, 1943. , Wiannanzarasmaaattnamsusenowavawamounzasszdavarszasamsszuswassiasmaxa 75 Women's and Misses' SEERSUCKER DRESSES buttoned all the way down — pre-shrunk Sizes 14 to 44 — Special $4.95 25 WOMEN'S DRESSES (broken sizes) Spun Rayon, Crepe and Chambray Regular up to $12.95 Special $2.95 100 Women's and Misses' PRINT HOUSEDRESSES New Spring Styles and Patterns guranteed fast colours — Regular $2.98 Iie Scial $1.98 120 Children's and Infants PRINT DRESSES large assorth--nent of styles and pa .t,:wns S:'.zes 2 to 12 years Special to clear $1.00 5 ONLY Women's and Misses SPRING COATS and 2 SUITS S (last year's styles) first come first served, Special $9.95 We have he largest and finest assort -Tient of Men's Odd Slack and Sport Shirt to match Come in and look them over. Men's and Boys' Blue Denirn Sailor Pants — $2.98 up Men's Work Shirts — $1.39 up Large assortment of Women's and Misses' SHORTS and SLACKS Women's and Misses' 1 and 2 piece BATHING SUITS Sizes 14 to 44 — $4.95 up Men's and Boy's Swimming Trunks $1.00 up Large assortment of Women's and Misses' Sandals — $1.98 up Men's — Boys' — Youths' Sport Oxfords — Crepe Soles .r— Men's Sport Shirts Special $2.98 up. HF : , ROADEE ,TOPE tM141121^ Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family Phone 61 — — Brussels, Ont.