HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-6-9, Page 3a 3°rt Goes On In The World By Norman Blair Moslem and Arab World I herr are •one thins like 900.000 Jew, living in 1LtJcat and Arab countries stretching front the At. hunk, along the Mediterranean, to the Indian pecan. Zionist leaders today are afraid that the position of the;e people is one of gravest danger. Now that the end of the Briti-h mandate has precipitated at lea,; lural warfare in Palestine, it is feared that there may be terrible reperrus-ions in Jlosletn-controlled) lettdri. French Nlor'ucco, Iraq and Alger- ia are the countries (laving the larg- est Jewish populations, numbering over half a million altogether. Tran, Egypt, Tunisia, 'Turkey and Iraq are some of the others. in Syria, where there are only some 11,000 Jews, a policy of econ- omic discrimination is already in effect. Practically all Jews in the employ of the Government have been discharged, and freedom of movement for Jews is practically abolished. In Iraq, uo Jew is allow- ed to leave the country without depositing $20,000 with the authori- ties as a guarantee of his return, and no foreign Jew is allowed to enter Iraq, even in transit, e "Unless pleasures for their pro- tection are taken immediately, the very survival of Jewish comnttti- ties in certain lands is in serious danger," was the way a prominent Zionist put it some weeks ago, Now that the State of Israel is an accomplished fact, the danger is even greater; anit would seen) that the only effective solution would be to arrange for a quick transfer, insofar as is possible, of all these people to their homeland in Pales- tine. Palestine -1882-1948 Now that the British have at last left Palestine, a brief summary of what has gone on in that unhappy country during the past sixty years or so might be of interest, 1892. Zionist colonization of Pale- stine by immigrants from Russia 1s begun. 1897. First Zionist Congress forms world organization. Jewish population of Palestine about 50,000 out of a total of 050,- 000. 1917. Balfour declaration affirms British approval of Jewish National 13ome in Palestine. 1022. Churchill White Paper reaf- firms British recognition, but would limit future immigra- tion to "absorptive capacity of the country". 1929. Bloody rioting betwet a Jews and Arabs in Palestine fol- lows long period of increas- ing tension. 1033, Riots and strikes accompany Arab protests over Jewish immigration and land purch- ases. .Andy Clarke—Sometimes af- fectionately called "the mayor of the little places" no man was better known, and better liked, throughout rural and small - town Ontario than Andrew .Daviel Clarice, whose unexpected death on May 19th. will be deeply regretted by hundreds of thousands. Born, raised and educated int Grimsby Ont., Anda early in life deter- mined to be a newspaperman and worked in various capacities on the old Toronto World, The London Adver- tiser, and The Toronto Globe, acting as News Editor on the latter for over 13 years. It was as the creator and broadcaster of Neighborly News, however, that he gained an audience un- equalled in numbers as far as CDC programs 01,0 concerned. Ho spoke of the things that seldom hit the front pages. The (atilt homes of two provinces— and thousands who had left the farms for he cities—listened every Stttl(lay morning to his voice—a voice which never foiled to hying a feeling of the r.'aI friendliness, sincerity and humanity of the man behind it, 1935. '111. ilaifa section of the oil pipeline from Iraq is opened, 1930, Arabs declare "national poli- tical strike' to enforce de- mauds for J'wislt immigra- tion restriction. 1981. British Peel Commission re- commends partition of Pale- stine with Jerusalem tinder international control, Both Arabs and Jews reject this proposal. 1939, British issue white paper re- stricting Jewish immigration to 71,000 within next five years. 1940. British allow resumption of immigration at rate of 1000 per month, after stoppage due to the war, Jewish Pale- stine population now 450,000 out of a total of a million and a half. 1945, League of Arab states form- ed at Cairo. President Tru- man calls on Britain to open up Palestine to 100,000 Jew- ish refugees. Britain refuses and Jewish extremists stage disorders in retaliation. 19.40, Anglo - American Committee recommends admission of 100,000 refugees; that Pale• - stine be a state neither Jew- ish nor Arab; and that Brit- ish mandate be extended. Premier Attlee says recom- mendations cannot be i0tple- nteuted without American support. Committee then pre- sents plan for partition into Jewish and Arab provinces operating under mandate. Jews, Arabs and the United States all reject this proposal. 1947. Secretary 13evitt announces Britain to submit whole problem to United Nations. Latter names special coln- mittee. Refugee ship with 4300 Jews aboard captured by British, Refugees refuse to land in France and are later removed at Hamburg, Jewish extremists hang two British troops in reprisal for Prison executions, United Nations Committee recom- mends partition of Palestine into two slates also admission of 130,000 extra refugees. Britain announces decision to end mandate and remove all troops. 1918, U.N. Security Council studies problem of how to enforce partition in face of Arab opposition. in March Ameri- can delegate to Council an- . nounces reversal of United States stand on partition, asks suspension of plan and establishment of temporary Palestine trusteeship instead. In April Arabs threaten invasion as soon as British leave. May 13, British man- date ends, and Zionist state of Israel is proclaimed. 1949. — ? ? ? ? ? France The cost of living in France is now just about 15 tithes what it was in pre-war days. The past year has been a drastically tough one for ordinary people. On paper the rations allowed to the French citi- zen doesn't look too bad; but the trouble. is that most of the rationed articles are almost impossible to get, And tlte disastrous crop fail- ure of 1917 produced an epidemic of farm hoarding — with foodstuffs being held back from the market until, at times, there was danger of widespread suffering, even starva- tion, Lt recent weeks however things have brightened considerably, Crop prospects are exceptionally • good, and food prices have stopped rising and are expected to take a down- ward trend before long. And with ERP help coming through soon, the economic situation should be relieved, although it may be quite a while before the, French people, as a whole, realize that it has. For the inflation has had disas- trous consequences for the savings of Maly millions of thrifty P1'ench people, especially the white collar workers, who have seen their cost of living multiply itself 11 tithes, while wages and salaries didn't in- crease with anything like the same speed, Government policy has been to remove price controls while keep- ing wages pegged. The rationing system never event approached working efficiency and has now been almost entirely given up. About the only thing a tourist has to give up ration coupons for is bread—and French bread, accord- ing to those who have been there recently, right now is the very poorest bread in all Western Europe. LIFE'S LIKE THAT 6 413 I ''I u� v� v "It's my new lather gun)" 'Tiny Tim' Punches Holes in Two -Inch Plate—"Tiny Tim," a rocket with 125 pounds of TNT in its warhead, rests on its 1500 -foot launching rail, left, before being tested. The flying missile is undergoing research at an Ordnance Test Station. The rail does not vary one -sixteenth of an incl) in its entire length, At right is a sheet of two-inch plate, through which "Tiny Tim" punched holes. Sports — And One Thing or Starting in 1942, and continuing for almost two years, Greg Rice, great middle and distance runner, chalked up a string of consecutive track victories which, for a while, looked as if it might go on in- definitely. Sixty -live tithes in a row the Notre Dame speedster was off with the flash of the starter's gat, and hot -footed it to the wire ahead of all opposition. Then, on June 20th, 1943, the string was snapped when Gunder Haegg, one of MISS Garbo's countrymen, headed Rice in a five thousand meter run. * * * When Rice finally did end up in the place slot, many doubts were expressed as to whether his feat would ever be approached, let alone topped. Track and field competi- tion being as keen as it is these days, it seemed impossible that any human could go to the post sixty or more times without a single defeat. But now, less than five years later, such a matt Inas popped into the picture. He is Harrison Dil- lard, sprinter and hurdle -hopper out of Baldwin -Wallace College. Just the other day, out at Oxford, Ohio, at a dual meet with Miami Univer- sity, he ran his consecutive victory line by scoring three wins in one afternoon. * # * What is more, Mr. Dillard smash- ed three existing track records to do it, showing that he really must have the stuff, He coasted to vic- tory in the 220 -yard low hurdles in a mere matter of 23.9 seconds. It took him 9.8 seconds to win the hundred yard dash, which isn't ex- actly dallying. And he skimmed the bars in the 120 -yard high hurd- les in 14.4 seconds. * * Altogether, we'd say, a pretty fair afternoon's work for one young man; and just another example of why so many of our boys are won- dering what ever possessed the folks when they abolished the old color lines in sport. For Harrison Dillard is another of the great and growing contingent of top athletes who own a deep, natural and perm- anent sun -tan, * * * Th other night we heard still an- other argument over one of the most famous incidents in sport—the time when Fred Merkle failed to touch second, and so won for him- self the enduring though largely - unmerited tag of "Bonehead". As usual, some who took part in the argument claimed that the bases were loaded at the time; others that only one was out at the time and that Merkle was in the middle of a threatened double play; still others that Merkle was actually declared "out" on the play. * * * Such debates and disagreements. have been going on for many years, and will probably continue for many more. So here, in case you're interested, of even in case you're not, is what actually carne off at New York's Polo grounds on the afternoon of September 21, 1908, * * * The Chicago Cubs, New York Giants and Pittsburg Pirates were all practically tied for first place. With the end of the season so close every game was a "crooshal" one, with World's Series gold and glory riding on every pitch. When the Giants—the, home. club—came.. to bat in the ninth inning, the score stood New York 1, Chicago 1. * * * With two teen out, the Giants had McCormick on third, Merkle on first. Al Bridwell, the next bat- ter, singled, McCormick crossed the plate with the winning run, standing up, And .Merkle slid exact- ly what 00 out of a hundred players of that day world have done. when he saw itrCornlick safely across the plate, instead of continuing down the baseline to touch scr,P.mi, he turned and headed for the club- house, to escape the hilarious anon - By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") tions of the victory -maddened over- flow crowd. Another * * * Most of the Chicago Cubs also started for the showers, heads hang- ing low. But little Johnny Evers, the second baseman, had noticed Merkle's lapse and he either (a) dashed to the outfield, retrieved the ball, cattle back and touched second, thus malting Merkle a force - out, nullifying the winning run and bringing the inning to an end with the score still tied, or (b) dashed out and got the ball but was pre- vented from returning to touch se- cond by the homeward heading crowd, by this time all over the field. * * * Under such conditions resump- tion of play was out of the ques- tion. Umpire Hank O'Day report- ed the incident to the top brass and it was decided that the game would be played over, if it had any bear- ing on the title, The Cubs and Giants finished the season dead - heated. The game was played over, with the Cubs winning 4 to 2 and going on into the Series. And as long as he stayed in baseball, when- ever Fred Merkle reached first base one or more loudmouths among the clients were sure to arise and bel- low "Don't forget to touch second" or some such. * # * So that should make It all as clear as mud, or even clearer. But, now we come to think of it, there's still a third version. Roger Bresna- han, the Giants catcher that day, swore forever after that Johnny Evers never did get hold of the ball that Bridwell actually hit, but that Joe McGinnity, on his way to the clubhouse, picked that one up and pegged it into the left -field bleachers. So, ladies and gentle- men, in spite of our best efforts, let the argument continue) A Real 'Whopper" Ot.e of Britain's latest inventions is the world's biggest excavator. Now being built in Ipswich, this giant machine can move 1,800 tone of material an hour for 24 hours a day. Although its boom is longer than the Statue of Liberty is high, it takes only one man to operate it. It is costing 2050,000 to construct. Don't Be Fooled — Study Statistics The redly important factor in the cost of living, and the standard b 1L1,inn—says The Finanetit Times—is the relationship of purs.hasing power to the availyhe supply of good and commodi- ties. A:: waka'-s la rlcmoc atic countries would be well advised to study such statistics as these be8ore dropping the meaty bone to grasp at the empty shadow. For the following table is based on latest Soviet averages and American wage figures issued by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statis- tics. The first two columns show the length of time the average Russian must work In order to buy various commodities—the others, the comparable average working ime on this side of the Atlantic. IN ORDER TO BUY RUSSIA HERE I-Irs. Mins. Hrs. Mins. Wheat bread, 1 ib 1 10 7.5 Sugar, Lump, 1 lb..— .... 2 34 6.6 Beef, 1 1b5 15 34.6 Salt butter, 1 lb.� 10' 42 48.5 Milk, 1 q2t 118 10 Washing soap, 1 bait 2 1 10 5 Cigarettes, 20 , 2 4 9 Cotton dress ,_, 31 51 2 22 Men's worsted suit _ 530 15 25 20 Men's leather shoes 104 30 7 1d Women's cotton stockings 2 54 19.5 ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES WITH �y r;n'F iy CIGARETTE TOBACCO CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED OILS, GREASES TIRES, Insecta les. t0ieetrlc Fence Controllers. Ho50e and Barn Paint, Roof Continue, etc, Deal- ers wanted. Write Wareo areas. E 011 01101 - tad. Toronto 15A162 OH5CR8 FREE 100 COCKERELS With every order Of 100 Leghorn Pullets WO wIll give 10Q Rock X Leg, Suaao% X Leg. Or N. 1Lun5 x Les pullet. priced at 280. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, LONDON, ONT. WOG untie will be higher but that won't moan a thing unloo, you have 0501 to 0011. 11', not ton late 1f you gut the kind of °hicks that will grow and develop fust. Before you know it they'll he shelling nut eggs for you. Twndelloe are a wife het, You 000't CO wrong with time tented chtclte. Our 24 years M the hatchery industry is your guarantee of settee - Meilen. Don't delay order your 02,151 , to -day WO run ship promptly day old, two, three. and four week ofd pullets, cockerels or non - sexed. Also pullet. eight week, to laying. tato catnloguo. Twaddle Clunk Hatchertoo Limited. Fergus. Ontario. 22c — Heavy Breed Pullets — 20c All heavy breed pulloto 225, Attar June 6th: 10o. Nee other advortl,etnent for particulars. Amnried Pullets 20c, atter June 16th: 180, HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, LONDON, ONT, WE HAVE moat breed0. Clucks. pullets, cook- erels, non -sexed, immediate delivery. Started too. Bray Hatchery, 120 John N., Hamilton, Ont. VOL can still get those feat maturing Top Notch chick.. When egg and poultry meat privet are high next Fall and Winter, don't be one of thole winhlns you had bought. Deed. now to buy, your usual number of ehleke. With preepeete of a good atop with lower feed prince and all indication. pointing to high egg and poultry prleen you can't help but make stoney. Writ• to -day for our reduced prloee for June. We have day old, two, throe acrd four week old atartod. Also pullets eight weeks to laying. Top Notch Chlok Wee, Guelph, Ontario. BARGAINS HEAVY BREED COCKERELS Thousands available weekly. Send for special prtcont I Rock x Leghorn; Sussex x Leghorn; New Hemp x Leghorn Cockerels: 8 1-1 tante. These medium -bred coekerele am Net the thing for Br:Oler:I HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, LON. 33010. ONTARIO. 6 WEEK ofd pi 011 New Hempel:tree. Whits ores X 05Oke, 61.96. Black Whits Los- hornn, 68.96. Meart.d Light a X Light er Heavy reeds. 1.00 per hundred Isle. week old New Hntdp- .hire sulfate, 68.96. Alca o two, three and tour monk old puncta, nog -coxed or oJunerela In many breeds. Dag ofd seex, New Ha preheat Barred Reeks, Ltebt Sussex, Now Ha.mpehtre X Barred Rook, Light Sussex it gam shire.. Bleak Auatralorps, 9.961 ..1•19w iMai ahtreo, 8.9 �qp htto ,LLoeo1),ornb 9b e,o complete 7t elle;. Legh roe, 8 00 9on4 tet eoe,plste prlcollot. Top Notate wank Sati8, Guelph, Ontario. 10/c — Hurondale Chicks it* Assorted heavy -breed mixed akink4 11 9. sorted light -bread :ninth10(4,, ?ukS cubeb*, Sussex X New Hams., New Hatnpe, midi 140, Pullets 220. Atter Tyne 6t 1¢o2 1 1 pullet. 220. Barred Rook, Rpok 1j Cf' {Vow HwnQi 165: after June 5: 140. Rook 7XI Leej,a9a, Smsax X Leghorn. Now Ha Leg 5rn, Leghorn.: mixed 13c; pullets 9 Alta Jugs 6: mixed 12a, pullets' 140. A for June 18: mixed 11'4 pultete 850. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, LONDON, ONT. 20,000 PULLETS 8.1b-i2-WEEIcs-0LD, TO READY -TO -LAY For delivery 1n May, Tune and July. These pullets are not surplus. They have been definitely not outdo to meet tho bis demand for this age of pullets, All floor raised under the moat ideal conditions! Send for full particuara. LAXEVIEW POULTRY FARM, WEIN BROS., EXETER, ONTARIO. FJVPI week old pullets while they last: New Hampehlree, Rhode Island Rede, White Rock., 62.96, Black Minorca X White Leg- horn, 64.96. Light Sussex X Barred Rock, New Hampsptre X Barred Rook, Barred Rook X New Hampehlree, 60.06. Assorted Light or Heavy Brenda, 1.00 per hundred lee. 6 week old New Hampshire pullets, 67.96. Alpo two, three and four week old pullet°, cockerels or non -sexed In many popular breeds. Day old cockerels, dune prime: Light Sussex, Barred Rocks. New Hampehiro X Barred Rock, Light Sussex X New Hatepohires, B1601, Auatralors,, 8.96. Leghorn,, 1.60: White Leghorn X Bat - red Anka, 8,60, Send for complete prtoeltet. Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Llmlted, Fargo., ont1rlo. BREEDER HATCHERY CHICKS OVER 10,000 BREEDERS IN LAKEVIEW FARMS All double blood tested. banded and impacted. Many onstomere have had year. of continuous success. wth Lakevew chicks. You can too. Freon John Coles. Gravenhuret, Ontarto — "Sfany thanks for rite shipment. I ham 100% livability." "Wonderful succoee, 76 to 80°4, production with your Susan," reports Arthur Aryere, Otlgoodo, Ontario. EGG SHORTAGE Total chick hatchings down 60 percent from Mar ago. Food prlcea will be lower and egg Prices higher. POULTRY MEAT SHORTAGE Reports shote cockerels started to date down 70 to 80 percent from year ago. 3.4 lb. brollore aro Belling for 96 to 400 lb. live weight. The margin of profit is greater than ever. PROMPT DELIVERY 60,000 Lakeview chicks weekly. We can give prompt delivery 1n moat breed.. Olve and choice of breed, If pooslhle. Breeds available Sussex. Sussex x N. Hamm. B. Reck x Hama, Barred Rocks, N. Damps., Rhode Island Reds. Large type W. Leghorn., Rock x Leghorn, Sussex x Leghorn, N. Hemp, x Leghorn. STARTED PULLETS 4 wks.-24 wks. Got a hoed start with started pullet. or book order for future delivery 9 weeks to randy to ley. it looks like it will be Imposeiblo to buy well -seined pullets later on. All older pullets raised of free range under Meal conditions. HEAVY BREED COCKERELS Thousands available weekly, Send for special low prima on large orders. CAPONS 4 WEEKS READY MADE There is good money In raising Capone. Sell for es much par 15. as turkeys. 96 to 400 per lb. alive now. Send for Jorge illustrated catalogue and man- agement book and weekly apeolat Ilat of day old, started pullets and capons. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM AND HATCHERY EXETER, ONT. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE FOD anything neede dyeing er clean- ing/ wrlto to us for information. We are glad to annwnr your questions. Department H, Parket'. Dye Wortta Limited 791 'rouge Street. Toronto, Ontnrto FOR SALE HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parte and Service. Seri 10 Rrnncd9 & Son 410 College 9t., Toronto ACCORDIONS BUTTON — lo Reye 1 hoe 21 t,570 12 bees Mamma, 308 Sta. Catherine W, Montreal, I' Olt 14.l1.1s Or:WRAC crawler tractor. 1111 Diesel, medal 4-cyl., months. Apply tinniest* Lmbert.ompny, Port tery. On HI-POWERED Rltleo—Write for deno'nt,tve folders and ptdcee. SCOPE BALES CO.. 550 Quem ft., Ottawa, Ont. EAT HONEY, yature'o finest sweet, we will supply a apse of 12 tour-pu'tnc) gene of d0• helots fine AaVOred 010ver honey for 0019 ;10,00. Order today while Oda bargain Price Meta. Big Rock warm, Mille Roches, Ont. 160 -ACRE dairy farm, 4 1-$ miloe from Caledonia on eounly road, Good brick house, big bank barn, 12 acres Muth. Immedi- ate pase000lon. Box 7, Caledonia, Ont. MA50E syrup, 1045 crop. Itoaocnabe prices. Order early. Jahn M. 011loeplo, Quebec, PICK-UP BALER, Case, on rubber, good con- 10011b.nbalge, 11. Motor,rndlre ole,tOntarioAodl1•[[ REGISTERED coon! hound Dupern 6 month° sae. leraaok and ton ak Dewey, Go 400550m, Oat. STEADY businee0, good turnover, sand farm - Ins 100,11ty. 46 mlloe Toronto, aboppinI mill, 0teol and cement, 46' x 35', hydro Dower, poultry, livestock, feeds, farm supplies, eta. Goal, gnoollne, Otis, 00.000.00. Full Diirttan•. lord. Mr.. Annie B. Zooid*, Zephyr. Ont. CONCRETE DRAIN TILE 4" to 16" dna. Coatinuo5a 05501)'. Brentford Bulldere Supplies Ltd. 45 Bruce St.. Brant" ford, Ont., Phono 1astIS. OLIVER 70 Row Crop Tractor, nearly new. with Now Row Crop Cultivator. 800 the new Glleon Refrigerator., starting to arrives. Bean Bell, Campbelloroft, Ont. 150 ACRES, imitable for market warden or tobacco. About 06 acres bunk. 869 logs out. Cockotown vicinity. W. E. Keown. Orand Bend, Ontario. BOATS 47 Now Deluxe Oabtn Cruiser. Sloops two. Fully equipped. Length twenty foot. Sp0ud twenty miles. Operation twenty hour°. Many extras. Reduced to 01400. Terms. Box 166, Parry Sound. 200 -ACRE farm, 50 warm cleared, 6-roo,s frame boue0, am61t barn, 144 moat north. of village of South River, on South river. Write H. W. Wilson, South RIVer. Box 106. GENUINE Gem Eve:bearer Strawberry Manta. Bear thla Tear until late fall. Sell barrios whoa they bring real money. Easy to grow. Hardy, great multipliers. Should do well 1 Northern dtetrlete. 16 for 51.00: 50 for 62.00 er 100 for 64.00 Poateatd. Rush order. L W. Phllttps, Box 11, Welland, Ont. F014 SALE. 1941; Massey -Harris 81 troatok PloW and . disc66 Harold Ivad' Route 1, L COMPLETE Henle Inq ulatton Service went of Brantford, a nth Godsrtob. Fr. antlmate, of blown try ROok 00 or F1l�berglan. Ratko!. Reefing Lys,. 61�1 friss, London. g ye �? POULTS ppSo,pprr�ro'rj we yqqsti*�(�e o EE444Pyo0otr of poelt. to Mute 10111p!... !WON/ Pouttt. fog My, August August and Septtetq- bid. SOhd far mforvo9Son why tkore is motW 5193 10 19 rat iray Summer or Fail Penile an b°LA3 uEV Ser LAKEVIEW p1RKEY RANCH, Ii1C15T IR, ONT, HAIRDRESSING 0514.0)5 Halydr950ing the Itober`te'on mothod. Iriformat oq os rgqueet regardltis 0110opo*�1,, Robert:Ma'■ Hatrdreaifns Academy, 167 Avi- alte Road, Toronto. MEDICAL NATURE'S 11104P—Dixon's Remedy for Rhe matt° Pains Neuritis. Thousands prale1A it. Munro's Drug Store. 856 Elgin. Ottawa. Pootppt5 61.00. HUNDREDS ENJOY 000D WEALTH from the combination of ingredients used Ian FER-BEIC TONIC TABLETS. These Ingredi- ent. are being used by medical eclence to cor- rect lose of appetite and run down oondltlonl. If you aro tired, Ostlaen or run down, -It yeti feet the need of a quick pick up 2101413fek FER-REIC today. 2 weeks supply postpaid 51.00 BEK HEALTH PRODUCTS Box 26, Stenon K, Toronto GOOD RESOLUTION—Every sufferer oY Rha Matto Paine or Neuritis should try tion' Remedy. Munro'. Drug Store, 886 RUIN Ottawa. Poetpald 51.00. a OPPORTUNITIES for MEN and WOMEN EQIiIO MONEY AT HOME •H Spare or full-time money -matting. Learn melte candy at home and earn m YOU lea fCpgrreepondonpe oouree. National Institute 9pp teotlonary Reg'd. Delorlmlr 2.0,, B 162, Montreal, due. N OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER 201N CANAD_4'S LEADING SCHOOL GreatpalyQe hull])' Learn dredittO5 I� ' Pleasant dignified profession, good weep. thousands aucca,eful Marvel graduat�4, America's greatest system. Illustrated coifed.. loruo free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 868 Bloor 8t. W.. Toronto Branches: 44 King St.. Hamliton. & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. PATENTS FETBERSTONAUGH & Company. Patent Solicitors. Established 1890. 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information en request. PERSONAL MARAZZA'S MUSIC SCHOOL Course by mail, with or without inetramonta. Write for free folders. P. Marmara Ino.. 309 St. Catherine West, Montreal 16. PHOTOGRAPHY FREE COL'RED ENLARGEMENT 0 beautiful 4 x 8 enlargement, hand colored N oil. with each order. Films developed and 'Printed 300 Reprints 4c each. Daily service, quality guaranteed. Son Photo Service. Sta- tion I3, Toronto. HELP WANTED 0APA12L0 experienced gh•1, general house- work, fond of children, private room, Refoi•- once., 423 Palmerston Boulevard. Toronto. LIBERTY Stone walls do not a prison make, Nor iron bars a cage; Minds innocent and quiet take That for a heritage; If I have freedom in my love And in my soul ant free, Angels alone, that soar above, Enjoy such liberty. Front—To Althea, From Prison by Richard Lovelace. The snake -killing mongoose le readily tamed and makes a good though mischievous pet. ISSUE 23 1949 POP—Meat The Folks' N✓ DOH5t4'T LOOK ,%LICit ,L.IKS3 A CAAHINIe.pl TO Mee Pop I e) NOW l-OOl< N me ! I `'"'MEViIZ SAID NE V.rAl' A LANNI I'A1.. By J. MILLAR WATT 'X SAID HE LIVED ON HIS WIFE'S RELA-r10145 , hi inaltaer R, 150