The Brussels Post, 1948-6-9, Page 1POS f PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, June 9th, 1948
russels Liens Met M. Potts, Guelph was week
Club Frolic
will be held on
ed les ay, 'June 23
C NCERT hi The Arena
at 8:00 p. m.
A new concert company in this vie
Admission - Adults 35c, Chi1dren.25c
Co test
Iend guest ivIth Mrs. D. R. Curnini.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rate
I. mime e Week enti ft1110(4 With
MO mother Mrs.T. T. MuRae.
the CKNX Wes awes
On ,the Main Street After the Cencer.t
Bingp Gaines - Dancing
Lucky Draw Tickets Now On Sale.
Football Game Postponed
Mlle Brussels -Ethel football game '
for Friday, June 11 has been post-
poned lean Saturday, July. 3rd.
The Trinity A.Y.P.A., Belgrave
Welcome to the Meredith Arms'
an original farce comedy
in three acts
at 8:45 PA.
with the Richards Sisters,
and Vernard Routledge,
sponsored by
St. John's Ladies' Guild
Admission :-35c and 25c
Thou Omit worship the Lord
thy God and him only shalt
thou serve.
Melville Church
Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A.
10 a. m. Sunday School and
Bible Class.
11 a. m. Divine Service.
Evening service discontinued
until September.
Louis D. Thompson, Organ:at
and Choirmaster..
The United Church
Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
Organist Miss Elva Sholdice
11 a. in. Morning Worship
Rev, E. V. Workman,
Seaforth, Ont.
Mission Band
12 Church Sonool and
Bible Class.
7 p. in.evening Praise,
Rev. J. F. Reycratt
Of Peterborough
Everyone Cordially Welcome
Church of England
Parish of Brasses
Rev. J. H. Kerr, BrUsseds.
Ord. Sunday After Trinity
June 13th, 1943,
Gt. George's Church Walton -
9.15 a in. Morning Prayer
Sunday School
St. David's Church Hentryn---
10.15 a. M. Sunday School
11.95 a.. iTt. Morning Prayer
St. John's Church Brussels --
2 p, m. Sunday School
3 P. in. Evening Prayer
Decoration Service
Western Star 1.0,0.5. Morning
Star Rebekah lodge and the Bruseele
Blanch of the Canadian Legion will
hold a decoration service ni the
Brussels eemetery On Sunday. J4Ille
20411 at 3 pan. All menihore of the
above organizations are urged to
attend and the public is invited to be
enelincIalii===1:33rILEGe1516:r... V22110
Will be hetet in
At 1.30 p. m. (DST1
And 8 p. m. (DST)
Everybody Welcome -No Admission.
comewes=nsfs==rar .veatrtAerasse-
* A
MI's .1110( llcLeo, Wroxeter and
11r. Vorne 11cLeml of Fort S. 3ohn,
B.C., were Sunday visitors with Mrs.
M. ledger.
* *
Mr. and Mrs. r. Braddlck, of Van-
couver, MC, are ayisitiing her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pollard and otter
Mrs. Drake and Mr:. C111111nel atei
Withm. David and 1.9111'11, Cromirly
were Sunday vist,ore .wi!!! Mre,
* *
Mrs. E. Bates, MRS 110116 TIM( o,
Termite leek Beteg, it Catharines
and Mrs. S. Carter anh Miss Myrtle
Carter, Seaforth were week end
visitors with Miss C. 'Ilingston.
• *
D. M. MacTavish, who is corn-
Missioner fon. tbe Enron -Maitland
Presbytery, is attending the general
assembly of the Presbyterian
(imn in C.anada now being held at
Knox Church, Toronto.
* *
Week end visitors at the home of
Mr. ,and Mrs. H. Manning were Mr.
and Mrs. C. A. Xnox, Jimmie and
Donna, or Now Hamburg, Mrs. Laura
Manning, Kitchener and Mr, and
Mrs. Cliff Shobbrook and Charles of
• * 4.
Dr. 9\T D. S. Jamiesen was In
Brusesls on Tuesday night when he
attended the Installation of officers
of St. .Tohn's lodge 1.5. & A.M.
Dr. Jamieson is at present in
Clinton conducting the T. 13. clinic
Tuesday, June 22
Union United Church
"Maid of Money"
presented by
Young People of Walton
Supper served from 6-8
Cold Ham Supper
in Knox Church, Cranbrook
on Friday, June 18th
Supepr to be served in the base-
ment from 5 - 8
Programme --
Jessie McGregor Concert Co.
Featuring Jessie McGregor,
Pianist in person and
other new characters.
Admission -Adults 75c
Children 40c
Refreshment Booth
Seaforth, Ont.
The Unitel Church
At the morning, 'worship in the
Thillorl Church a report of the
sessions Of the London Conference
of the United Church wee given by
the minister, Mr. Gibson Willis sung
"Clod is Ever Beside Me". by ROM
very effectively.
In the evening Mr. Reyeraft was
the guest preacher and spoke from
the text in Philippians "They that
are or Caesars' household.
There patient away in K. e,
Hospital on May 31st ThorlIV.A f•ro.V.
Alcock In his 14,111 year. T1i ft.
ceased was born in am/ Tap ,
()el. 18t1i, 1894, a son of the 1:111 n,
B. and Mrs. Aleock. ;T» was
married on April 12, 19111 to his
beloved wife the fOrle.,. 11 him
ClIonsber of Myth, who t•nr,..1r.•:
mourn the loss of a hirtband
father along with one son Lloyd
remote of Grey Twp. end daugh-
•ter Gertrude (elm Normen Tedd)
a Mortis Twp. whey., the tat,
Mr. Alenek farmed for 29 yea, lar
to moving to Drayton 4 eats ;lee
where he made many friends and
will be inlIssed in the rommituity.
Ile bramme a member or ehe T
the Conestoga A.F. Am, and
Britain Rebeeea Lodge was aleo
menthe!' of tho T3rusests Presbyterian
March. The deceased 1.4 also F4117'.
vired by two brothers Samuel and
Richard and two Rister; Mary (Mrs.
Sam Ovington and Annie 1Mrs. Marl
Bernard) all af Morrie Twp. The
funeral was beld at his late cool.
dente Town Line, Drayton at 1 pan.
Thimsday, lune are with service in
Bruseels Presbyterian Church con-
ducted by Rev. Milne or Brussels
The pallbearers were reeembere of the of Drayton, Fred torch,
James Robinson, Leonard Sehielc,
Marvin Goodwin, Alex Trepleirie
Stewart McEwan. The many beam
tiful floral tributes were carted by
nieces and nephews, James Alenek,
Thomas Bernard, Beecham Alecek,
Anthony Ovington, Norman,
.Tohn Pattison, Mary Bernard, Jane
Ovington also Douglas and Robert
Tinhorn of Drayton. Friends and
relatives were present from Strat-
ford, Galt, Wocalstoelt. Goderich.
Clinton, Wingham, Seafortl:, Myth
end Brussels. Inter -nem took ptaf.f.
Brussels cemetery.
Huron Old Boys' Association
The Thiron Old Boya Association
of Toronto are holding their annual
Picnic at Area 2 a High Park,
Toronto on Friday, ,Tune the 18111.
The picnic iscalled fin. 4 p.m, There
will be races. sports and contests.
Families will bring their lunch
baskets and the Asosciation will
eupply eotTee, nhdhk and ice-creem.
This is en opportunity for everyone
or any age to meet and compete with
their fellow Huronite.
c Thurs., Fri., Sat. June 10-11-12
William Elliott Vera Ralston
John Carroll
For those fans who apprJoIate Good
Western stories be sure to see thi.e
thrilling picture of ',Wyoming."
Mon., Tues., Wed. June 14-15-16
Dane Clark .ds Lupine
Wayne Morels
Mountainous thrills -wild adventure
plunging them ever deeper into
desperate danger.
Next Thurs., Frt., Sat. June 17.18.19
In Technicolor
Gregory Peck and Jane Wytnan
On of the great plcturee of all time -1
because Its indomitable courage, Rai
humaness, Its man-wornan ,eve and,
sheer clown-to•earth honesty, arel
shmey Temple Ronald Reagan
Capitol Theatre
Wecl. Thurs. Fri. Sat.
June 9-10-11-12.
"My Wild Irish Rose"
in Technicolor.
The year's greatest musical.
Mat. Wed. 8t Sat. at 2:30
Mon. Tues. June 14-15
Adult Entertainment
with Susan Hayward. -
Lee. Bowman
OFFER $120.00
Mon. Attend. card night.
Out During Performance
Wed. Thur. Fri.
June 16-17-18
Jeanette MacDonald in
"Three Daring Daughters"
Matinee Wed. at 2:30
"The Miracle of the Bells"
Test Well Coinpleted
Th. mtv11..,.1 w,,11 drill. 14 Of
WhIgh1011 eh, 1,
test well here in pieparat•on tn
in, a flu Hot. ef the W11.1.,.. work,; The
well it. Ti 8. et deep eel produee,.
e nee. er eon gallons pt water
otilotte. A
tho Department of Freldth for
Cedet Iwinection
1.1FAIt Colonel 11101.'11 aol'n
11 S., ....mtninding ',Pike.. 1 he elet
Anti Tank Regiment Witt:ham. rap•
1111 (ioFltri ttti Moll ear. Irwin,
aesieleto CA,'
don, were in ITt Er,'" 1: ft -
the 'lintel ee.1,,
Th.- offieer, compIttrealial
boys and :fir?" ,.11 til Ir ,05r.
15751 'fl(" 111 their 1.7,` Thwr
thin nt mci 1,, ,, 'in
fa] mi.: cowl aril vet...eared fav
ably with other *Itools. 'tIlIOt
were extellem. The Pi' V.frFk of
both boys and girls wi.- hit.
there 1 still r111 1., h.pre, en} 10
Library Notes
During the months al Inie,„:01:
and August. the library will obsery
its usual summer hotir,--open
days 2-5 P.M. 7,304.10 P.M.
Saturdays 2.5 P.11.: 7.10-30 P.M.
The Huron County library (0..
operative. will make its quarterly
exchange or banks in Bruseels on
June 24th at 10 a.m. Tf there is any
particular bnnk nr subject in which
you are interested. will you please
let the librarian know before that
I wish to thank the 'rinde and
neighbours for the neighborly
sPir:1 of helpfulnees. also tor th,
many gifts pent me and the many
enquiries for my health. They
alt very much appreeLeted ind will
never he forgotten.
CKNX every Mon. to Fri.
at 6 P.M.
The citizens of the Village of Brnssels
are asked to keep their dogs tied up during
the garden season.
By orde.r of the Chief of Police
W. H. Bell.
R. A. REID, Registered Optometrist of
Stratford will be at his
In Miss Hingston's Store on
Wednseday Morning, June 23
From 9.30 a. m. to 12.30 Noon
Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted.
WEDDING Hanna5WhiinslitBy aMzajrour.i?
Lake•Thornton To Keep Assembly Seat
While and ni•anta, Mae,' sloriet1
and varicolored with' graved the
altar of Gerrie United filo:cell or
Faiarday for 1110 ltd 1r14 Mar.
• nerite Joyce, +laughter 1' Mr. and
Mr,. A1114011 Thorn, 011, (There te Mr.
01.1111,- Kennel] relit-, only eon of
'Ir and airs., Leelie Lake, 11. 11. 1
Bru.eole. Rey Mr. Fibulae minister of
the rhumb, performed the eeremony
The wedding. music 0.';.,, stayed
1.y Mrs. Georee (Ina-. tiorri, and
the:..rueet soloist 11.:.,-, :lean Snarl-
ing, rierrie. ...anti "Il Wall. ta,shli,
Von ' T11., bride, 1'i.,•1; 1' • -rale,
1..... fat I. er. I --nt '.,... I y in a
neocienctli gown or 'hit- tin with
I.,• -the and 1,.11.1a, ted •,W,•1 -
‘1,•:11't NOOlilth, Dr .1. ,t•latit,th tett
as !i,:b1 1y ,, 07o :41 -t'
Id,- •,,,. 1 -do. o,7T1,1 v ',odfIll't
MI 1;•, ro-oq. 11 .n' ,..4 otodoor 01
w;i, a !hr..- trawl pot.khci. (.1
til :Fitt or the he ,tetiana.
Miss Mary Thorn:en. •--ist, 1 of the
bride, was maid of lines woari•it
a ttown ef pink satin with donhie
p. plant. match int: 0101114." I, nati,
veil. and lona white 21ove... She
earriad yeltliV; rtO:PS, '111:. 1.1i(leS
111111(1. were 111s, Firth 11.I • 'Irege of
fierne and Miss Rhona Mary Fick -
1 rnior of At wood, eousdr. n1 'the bride.
ftroont Miss Dregs: wore a blue satin
gown of a style similar to that of tho.-
maid of honor, with matching
arceseoriee, and carried pink car-
natinne. Miee Eckrnier, who enrried
n bourne t of yellow resee, wae
wearing a gown of aqua taffeta made
with fitted bodice .ind fell 40,1 end a
,,,,,elling ehoulder-length veil nnd
long white gloves. T.ittle .TimP
SU/11.0g. niece, of the beide, made
winsome flower gh'l in a cown of
7107511 '5 and '1"5'1i '7 1 11
5115 of pinh roses. Tho 1, st rian W't':
NTr. John Cox, Thrusols. :11.1,1 mr.
Willeinni Thorn. on, brother of the
bride. anal Mr. Wiliirm Bremner.
Brussels were ushers. 'mellowing
the ceremony a recepron anti wed-
dttin dinner took 1.15c.• rtir tho home
of the hill's parents. Mrs. Thorn-
ton received the ,i,..i,- Fig wearing
an noun ftwonne crepe dress with
bin etc areeseori es and cersnge of
costumed In gold moil,, brown am
cessorics, and ...ersatz., of bronze
roses. The home Wits altractivt ivitit I
white bells and rink and while
streamers. The bride's table was
centred with a four tier weillinz
cake. and silver cannel:0nm. Th.-
gnests, numbering ahem lo. w, -'s i
served by the Misses Scan Moffatt.
.itildrey Hastie, lleP11 in w-tli orrw.
, Tcattlen Cath erg and Margaret
Moffat. all monies of the brrl. 1
i Honored guests of the eceaPi(111 were
', 1.1r. and Mt -e, cathere. erandparente
of the bride. and Mrs. T. Fingier, 11. 11.
1 Ethel. grandmother of the bride-
' groom. Fer a meter trip to Ottewe,
IToronto. and Hamilton, the bride
donned an aqua wool quit with acces-
sories in navy and eareeze nr white
roses. On their return tiv y will
reside on 1110 bridegroom', famn.
RR 1 Thaissels. Clients were present
i from Hamilton. Canfiel.l. ellenalinn.
• Druseels, Atevond, Wengintm, towr'l and Wroxster.
A quiet wedding telt plane nt the
Preebyterien Church. Ethel When
Tie's. MIMS IITItt (XI In merrier('
Margaret Cicely Boot of Lemls.
England and Horace TiartiPV Of
Fithel. The bride was given in
marriage by Gomm, liertieve Toronto
brother nt the groom. :Pim Grey ,18
Ethel was his uncle's b. at 010, The
wedding musie was pleyel by Mrs.
Elsie Cunnightem and during TM,
signing of the register Mies Eetelle
Crontigham sang "rile tord'e Primer.'
The church was decorated with nate
kets of spirea, Iris, snowballs and
honey suckle. Mrs. M. Hartley.
mothor of the groom and Mrs. E.
Grey Aster of Toronto, rise attendrd
the welling. After luneheon at the
graMn'S 11.0111(‘ MP IlTiarll t1011 1110 left
by motor for a honeymoon in Toron-
to. Ottewa enti points else On their
return they will reside in Fill el.
Mrs. IT. Hartley, who Just arrived
from Tiltonul is gladly welcomed in
the vieinity.
Lead Is Cut Down
From Last Election;
Loser, Hugh Hill,
Strongest In Carrick
WING11,1111. .1111e 0-- Int re-
peated itself here Mond ty as John
W. Hanna, Pr...grossly., tionr.irvatdva
Wingham merchant, ileteall his
opponent, 1 lugh 11111, Liberal,
Colborne Township farmer. by 1,077
vote. to (.412 in the Hamm Brite
With the night made noisy by
1.agir11.14. and fla1eil117; in111.(11.4 ViO.•
tor and VA/111114'1e a Sin he briefly
111 the amilteeetini 111 Winallam
town hall.
Mr, Hanna than1:.01 his Is:import.
and ,l,1 11, elean fight
...ado by hi opponnt. :Tr voiced
the belief the iTuron•Brize./ riding
would go abtlia no matter which
man had been el, eted. He had tried
during Ite, five years ie the Leges-
lture to rve all in the riding,
1.,..tirdiess of party.
The win for the Wingliam man
was not so ,peetaeular ne in the
.letion (If June, 1915, when in a
throe -sided battle he wen by a
plurality of 2.057 over his nearest
rival. In that year William S. Mac-
kay. Huron township, carried the
C. C. E. banner. The total then
for Mr. Fianna was 6,967: for Mr,
Mackay, 4,039; for Mr. Xing, 1,356,
giving the Progresisve Conaerva-
tire candidate a clear majority of
731. In the present election ne
carried the riding with a majority
of 255. his total Tote nein.; 8,677, or
2111 fewer than last time.
There was a difference .of 104
in the number of enters who went
to the polls in the two elections.
in 1945 the number was 13,203; in
this contest it was 11,090.
.1ringham gave its favorits 5011
d.lVided boost tow-ard victory,
turning In a majority of 514 for
Mr. Hanna. Huron township was
hie next strongest district. his inee
jority there being. 211 V1f00. 111
ITowick tnwnehip his mergin was
10e: Kinloss and Ashfield town-
ships provided 99 votes each to-
wards his majority: the village of
Lecknow, 711t, Merris township. 50;
Turnberry townehip, 19; Teeswater
and Blyth each 27; Ripley, 20.
The Wawanoshers split West Ws-
nenosh giving. Mr, Henna a ma.
iorIty of 44. and East Wayeanosli
previding a majority of 11 tor Mr.
Carriel; township gave the largest
of Mr. Mire majorities, 527. Next
• Grey township with 189:
toWnshiP, 104; village ar
ltildinay, 1.11: Culross Lownshlp, 491
ottlgtlf Pr111.4SeM, 15.
IA' lb. Cream Cheese • • • ,
Jelly Powders, Your Choice • • • •
Ice Cream Bricks
2 or 15c
Phone 5 13russels
iat T.T.R*1.•
Hanna Hill
Asheirde 451 352
Blyth 198 166
Brunets 216 231
Culross . 360 409
Carrick 295 125
colbccne 173 337
Eest$11 262 275
Howlett . ........... 632 574
Huron 478 267
Kinloss 383 284
Grey 326 515
Luchnow 318 245
Morris 414 364
Ripley 139 112
Teeswater 234 207'
West Werwanosh "r 818
852 801
!Winch -am 597 331
Majority for Hanna -255.
B1311NARB--To Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Bernard, Morris Town-
ship, in Wingham hospital on
June 2nd -a daughter.
Glad Tidings wasread by several
members of the society, The Roli
Call was -answered With a verse of
Scripture containing the word Bride
or Bridegroom, Next meeting the
WOrl to be used is fruit. An in-
vitation to cater for a wedding in
linty ,at the church was aecepted
and comittees were appointed. The ,
topic!, "Upon this foundatien WO
build overs -ens." was read by Mrs,
W. Kranter and Mrs. McInnis. The
meeting closed with prayer and a
.delictous lunch was served bY
hostess and eorravaittee.
Mr, and Mrs. :fat* Chamberlain ot
Brampton spent the 'week end with
Mr. Ct. Hutchinson and Mr, tata Mrti.
A. LonnburY,
1 Thi‘ monthly meeting of the. 'W.M.S.
I of Ethel Presbyterian (march was
. bow at the home of Mrs. L. 'Reath.
! with the president in charge. The
Iscripturc was rend hY "Vim. Boss
Cunningham. The prayev in the