HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-5-26, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST f"Il Ve"crl r...4 • „ ° PEOPLE W E KNOW * * Ruth Afeltonald. i...eplen. at Iter Ailee Addle Cardiff Sprott HIP week .11 wit h friends in Tata. * * M. and Mrs. r. Thoenion tediday e, Nei viee,ee in Toronto. •' I * et * Mise M. (elite. w n ereek end visitor with Airs. D. R. Cunning, ha nt LIBERAL CANDIDATE HURON -BRUCE An Experienced Public Official A Sound Business Administrator A Practical Farmer RADIO ADDRESSES CKNX THURS., MAY 27-1:15 - 1:30 Hugh Hill FRIDAY, MAY 28 — 1:30 1:45 p.m. S. Hallahan MONDAY, MAY 31 — 1:15 - 1:30 p.m. Brown Smyth PUBLIC MEETINGS BRUSSELS MAY 27th. 8 pan. Speakers—Hugh Hill, \TVm. Tuer TEESWATER MAY 28th, 8 p.m. Speakers : Hugh Hill Walter Harris, M.P. WINGHAM MAY 31st 2 p.rn. OFFICIAL NOMINATION KINCARDINE MAY 31st, 8 p.m. Hon. Farquhar Oliver SUPPORT OLIVER v FULL The Huron -Bruce Liberal Association •1111.11, DEFEAT DREW The Election Act Form 25 (Referred to in Section 88 (4) ) NOTICE OF HOLDING AN Advance Poll or Polls F 0 R RAILWAY EMPLOYEES. SAILORS AND TRAVELLERS MYR Rif F hst act NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to the provieione of the Election Act (Section 88) a Poil will be opened nn FRIDAY and SATURDAY, the 4th and 5th days of June, from eight o'clock in the forenoon until five &clock in the afternoon and from seven o'clock in the afternoon until ten o'clock in the afternoon, (Daylight Saving Time), TIM POLLING PLACE' FOR THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OP HBRON-13RITCE WILL, BE LOCATED AT THE TOWN HALL IN WINGI-IAM for the purpose Of receiving the votes of rallwaY employees, sailors, and travellers, whose employment is such as to necessitate their absence from time to time from their ordinary place of residence, or who have reason to believe that they will be absent upon the day fixed for the election. Tice ballot box will be opened and the votes counted at 7 o'clo,,k (Daylight Saving Time) in the afternoon of Monday, the 7th day of ,June, 1948, at the said place. DATED at Ripley this 24th clay of May, 1949, (1, H. RtiTTLE, Returning Officer. 'AVONCMIteM ANAXAVOWAVOU'ri LET E. Richardg lit Son Phone 86-r-5 Ethel Repair Your Tractor — any make Remember we Repair all Farm Equipment Dominion Nobby Tires Otaco Farm Implements Pedlar Barn Equipment Book Your Oil Now for Spring The Price Is Right. 947e9WRKMOW.M5sEMMMOZnra9ke Obituary • Mrs, Mary Ramage Oldham The funeral of Mrs. Mary Ram -age Oldham, who passed away in the Kingston General Hospital in her 85th year, was held from St. Luke's Rectory, Camden East to St. An- thony's Anglican Church, in Parker on Tuesday afternoon and was con• ducted by Rev. A. T. Brlarly Browne, dean of St. George's Clthedral, in Kingston, assisted by Rev, G. Ware, of Tamworth. She and been resid- ing with her son, Rev. M. F. Oldham, rector of Camden Mut and she had been ill for a period of three months, Mrs. Oldham VHS a native of Grey Township and her parents were Al- exander Ramage and Gerrie Reid, She had previously resided at Chats. worth. Atwood, Clarksburg, Tara, Brussels and at Dundalk and her son had been rector of these Places. She nttended St. Luke's Anglican Church in Camden East end was a member of Eastern Star, Gerrard ltd Logan Avenees, in Toronto. Shn was an fic- tive member of the Women's, Gelid, the W.A. and took an exeereling In. terest in the work of the chureit. She in enrviveri by nn. Fell, Rey. M. ▪ Oklimm, rectnr of Camden Tenet ; one daughter, Mrs. R. E. Venlenekerlt (Leilnl, of Artlinr. ()Marie: ere bra. ther, IF111111: of Windsor; tem Priaters, Mrs, Agnes Rein!, of Termite and Mrs. Grave MarLean of Detroit and tam half brothers, William of Bow River, Alberta nnd James, of Olean Polls, B.C. The pall-benrers were Ogden renreh, Georg.. Robinson, Janice Wood, 'Terry Sutton, Ell1Cnt Young nild Orville AirConni:qc, Clint oh Were! en e. The body reefed tit the \Veltman Funeral • Home until We IneStlaY. Ar" ter wlmirlm 11 wits taken to chatsworth for the serviee in St. Patire Anglican Church, where the tleceeeed had been n -member for many years end where her husband, the late Dr. Edmund Oldham, wee a medical practitioner for ft long period of years, The service al Chat eworth was eonducted by Rev. 1) D. Salmon, rector or the church. The floral tributes were from bei' son, Rev, Ni. P. Oldham and left's. Oldham, of. Camden least, Dr. foul • 14, Oldham, of Yarke", the members of the Women'e Guild and the W.A. of St. Lukee Anglican Church. Camden East and St. ,Tohn's Anglican Clutreh, Newburge and the congregations of St. Luke's. and St, John's Churches. The remains were to rest imi Greenwood Cemetery. ' in Owen Sounn, Mr. and Aire. L. D. Thompson of Brussels were present, —The Naparee 'Express. — H, wrouth Optornetrisl 'Western Ontarki's Mast Modern Eye Unite'? "hone tit?, ?-lart.i@ton ing n Voimouver, B.C., witMrs. .11tliett; i and Mrs, tiraliam Wray arid fain ly, Alt% and U. Derail.; shutter. !trainee' I. a. el, .vir. mid I lorbert 1.. \I,. ;Ind rs 'lorry I; \ Vie Aeon. .111 11/111 MVS ..,111i/111, Mi. and \In- Donald Street, reitelten .r. with lite, M..,y !toff lei Aire .N.itkon: Air. .tttri Mre Cherie, floe - n en torta 1. Mcleit,itee , fatuity DT a ,111111, p.-ory San - day .011,gnot. InelddiN, lir. and VhA. -JoAfeleintee,. s•orthvi,1-. miebienn. Rev. De. AlIt in lir ptatite Caned Bible Sotiety, was the .1e alter at meeting in united (11111T11. W. .1' .Tohneton. presideno t •.,1 the tura brenoll, preeldtel. Rev. L. r. Jorgen eon JPri prayer showed ti eound "The Book for the World of T11111011'.A1'," the diff, rent methods used in trans,. Wing the Bible into 1 110) languagee and dialects The following Mlle. -1e rt, .n'et. NI: honorary preeldent, Robert Shaw; president. W. .T. Johnston; vice presidente. RPV, J. A. Burden, Rev. L, C. Jorgene-n; secretary treasurer, Aire. It F. amiss, Col. lectors will be appointed by the rx ecuthe ive in tearly fall. St 1.117NORe land In the Sunday ehoel room s Arise Jane Hall presided for tho regular meeting of the Mission $37.50 f the United Church. Verna Wheel., r read Scripture. Swum Yeo read I article on "Peae.." Birthday reclines were sung for Kay John. ton and Doreen Burden. Airs. But - en told the Misison Bend story and Ire, W, J. Johnston conducted the orship service. Airs. George Thornton, Mrs, J. WiCkStAad, Mir. Thernton. Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. A. D, Smith and Miss Margaret Curtis attended a trousseau tea at the home of Mrs. Anson Thornton, Gerrie, in honor of her daughter. Miss ,Toyce Thern- ton, whose marriage 14 to take place early in June. Mrs, L, C. .Torgensen hag return- ed home atter being a patient in the Presbyterian Hnspital, Chieago; Roy lefooney with his parents in Toronto. EXECUTOR'S SALE There will be offered for sale by public auction on Saturday, the 29th day of May, 1948, at the hour o: one - thirty o'clock, daylight saving time in the afterniin the following.t- Real estate and chattels, the property of the late Mrs. George Muldoon, ite the premises in Brussels, Ontario. The dwelling house and lot con- sisting oe a two story 7 -roomed red brick house in good -ondition eldric wiring, new roof, furnace and water supply, three-piece bath, im mediate possession. The following is a partial list of articles for sale: 8 piece chesterfield suite Walnut living room table Cabinet Deforest Crosely raft Occasional (their 3 small rocking chairs Combination desk and book CABO Studio Couch Dining room table 4 dining room ehairs Kitchen chairs 0 dining room chairs Small safe Raymond drophead sewmg machine Drop leaf kitchen table Oak buffet 2matched wool rugs 9 x 11 wool rug 9 x 12 Kelvin(' tor Gurney combination oral and Electric range 'Electric vacuum cleaner Mind vacuum cleaner Carpet sweeper Couch Small chest of drawers Mall rack 1 four.postetr walnut bed Wood bed, dresser and stand 2 spring mattresses 1 feather mattress 1 feather tiok Kitchen cabinet Small tables Electric cooker Meat grinder Step ladder Lawn mower Tools, rakes, hoes, tubs, Settlers, kitchen ware 2 card tables Cuetains, cushions. Pillows, Some bedding, carpets, 2 dress judys, some dishes, etc. TERMS OF SALE; Real sstate-10, percent deposit at finis of sale and balatme In thirty days, offered subject to reserve bid. Furnitswe suni Funeral Chattels—cash LEW ROWLANb, Auctioneer Phone 36 or . Mks Pearl Welter. Poronte. with . , . . ' er parents. Air. and \Ir `+' e. s. 1., lineker. * Ill 0 Alre, Twin eleett, Tempt°. was e holiday attest witlj her mother,, Mrs, M. nest, • * Mrs, G. McDowell and Miss F. MoNatighlon are visiting in To- ronto this week, * k't mr. and Mre, Harold Currie and Warren spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, Russell Currie. * Mr. add Mrs. Roy AfeiCa7. Florida, are visitors with his mother. Mrs. Chas. McKay. * * Mr, and Mrs. F. E. Ryzell of Teltelniner Were week end guests with Mr. -and Mrs. R, Manning. * Miss Evelyn Cunningham, Toronto, spent the week end banally with iter mother Mt', D. R. Cunningham. * * * Mr. and Mrs. A. Ralla.ntyne and Miss Madeline Roedick, were week -end guest with Mrs. M. * * Miss ATaymc Thompson of Toronto and Mr, and Mrs. Ceell Conk of winehem were week Plbi visitors with Cassie ThomPeoe. * * Mr. and Airs. ,Tohn Pipe of Londes• bore, and Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Pipe of Haileybury were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Pipe. * * .* Mr. and Airs. Everett Nichol, :ferry and Patsy and Mrs. Harris Spotton and Murray of Windsor visited with relatives in Morris over the week end. et et Mr..and Mrs, G. AT. Laycock and family of Waterdown and Mr. Wilson Tibho of Tillsonhurg werm week end gneeits with Jas. S. and Mrs. Arim strong and family, * Holiday visitors at the home of John and Mrs. Speir were Kenneth and Mrs. Speir and baby Diane of Sinume and Miss Helen Speir and 'Mrs. John Speir of Toronto. ,II Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Collett and SON Billie. Niagara, and Mr, and Mrs. Ray Fear and Mrs, Mary Sperling. Clinton. were Sunday visitors at the home of Air. and Aire, H. Manning and other Brussels friends. * te it Mr. and Mrs. Wellie Marks, Air. (littera Marks and Mr. and Aire. Rollie Marks, Bobby and Helen at. tended the funeral of Mr. Geo. Rolls of Moorefield on Sunder. Mr. 'Rolls is a brother of Mrs. Wilson Marks, now of 'Mitzi°, B.C. !RV ALE At the morning service a! Knox Prterbyterinn Churn Sunday, Rev. Leland C. Jogensen preaeherl 00 the book of P,xodus. Rev. J. A, 'Burden, at the molar service in the 'United Churn, used the text, "T beseech you therefore, brethren, by ,It. mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy. nceentnble unto God. which is vont reaennable serviee," Personals: Mr. and Mrs, ,T. M. Lillow, Strniford. and 'Bernard 141. low, London, with Mrs, ifilllowt and Mrs. Harold Holmes and Mrs. George Nina, Toronto, with their father Anderw Holmes, end Ititato ,Tessio Holmes; Mien Ilona Von Tel. sor, WroXeter, at the home of Mr. noi Mrs. Gordon ;Artmetellt Mr. and Aire. Finnigan aini4son Allan, To. route, with Mr. rind Aire, Rimer Sellers; Air. and Mrs, Harry Mess. or and Dotty. Toro -n00, et their home here; Miss ATeMinn, Toeonio, 'with her sister, Mrs, tillow, nntl Arnold; Donald McLeem Torento. with Mrs„7. 7. Seders and Wallet': Mr, and Mrs. Wilnain Townsend. Shelburne, with Mr. nrel Mrs, Wil- son Thornton; Mt and Mrs. Ignores, Toronto, with Rev. and Mrs. J, A. Timelen; Spence Alegin. not Georgetown, with his Parente, Mr. anti Airs. R. tI. McKinnon; Miss Nitta Robb, a former Huron tounty publio tvhooll noroo now liv- \retitle -day, May 2tillt, Lei. elAne 17 Jemels t $39.75 s iLit rUly—at Graduation —there is no finer gift thane watch.., no finer watch than Buloval e'eet.eneelek•U 'ileeeettleinee If you are buying Flatware don't forget Lo see our stock of 1847 Rogers Bros. and Community Plate. All the latest patterm cart ied in stock. "The Store for Beautiful Gifts" 4 G. Leach Jeweller Brussels, Ont. • Fur Coats 2% of Your Own Vaination Minima Charge S2OG Cloth Coats Jackets or Windhreakers Ladies or Men's Suits 75c Insured Convenient Obtainable At Any Time. Listowel Locker Storage Elora St., Listowel Phone 267 MilOnlillennIlble2VD1.19191teseteaRDZIMInagnInnIIMMEantnanninaw.m.MOSEMI Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs — REPAIRED and RECOVERED — Also Rebuild Mattresses fi 11 FREE PKK -UP AND DELI ERY Stratford Upti isteri; g= Co. 43 Brunswick Street Stratford, Ond. Enquire at — D. A. RANN C Ft A WFOR H18T1-1 E R I NOTO - „ Brussels Solicitors for the Executrix tossisels, Ont. 41111i2' 4