HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-5-26, Page 1FOS f PUBLISHING HOUSE
Wednesday, May 26th, 1948
2 lb. Pk. Corn Starch 25c
2 Ib. Filled Cookies
1 lb. Apple Blossom
Ice Cream Bricks
lb. Tender Leaf Tea
2 lb. New Crop Cooking Onions
Open All Day Wednesday As Usual.
Phone 5 I3russels
'In Brussels Town Hall or!
Thursday, June 3
Music by Don. Robertson and
His Ranch Boys
Dancing from 10 ro 1
Admission 50c Lunch Booth
Under auspices of LO.L. 774
Everyone Welcome.
"The Dutch Detective"
Lions Cub
The Lions 11)4,01111)4 Was 11 Id Toes -
11 !his r,ek with 111). ladles (IS
St. John's Guild servinA the supper.
Lion president, II. Wilson Pre-
Sided. Kenna, Wood was pianist for
the eCeltilig 111 101184411(-4
O. Thompson,
11)1111 Karen Bosehlin, winner of
the Silver Rose Bowl At tit- recent
aoderieh music fes,tival, -was gnest
'solo pianist,
Dr, W. T. Spence, Toronto and
! Rev. J. Ileyeraft. Poterlsernigh, who
Were guests of club members spoke
, Lion 11. Champion 118V an intey-
eating acrount o1 bis recent trip to
Florida whero they spent lite winter.
Dion Dr, Harper addressed t hP
'clot) emicerning the '1.11. to be
held here On .11111EL 11)411 11111 221111.
11114.1no44s initluded orangements
for the 'P.11. Clinic and a lengthy
EliS/1111RSiOn ovor the site 412 t reerra-
I ,n{11 e entre.
The Liont, Frolic 141 il 11 141 at
the Brussels F311* ("rounds on Wed-
nesday. Ione 22rd.
Lion Roy (),,)sinc. elialetrati
the nominating eemniPtie., petsettlel
the f0liowing slate of (4tficersi-
Prosid eat •-.A Woncl
\lee Prosident-1101)! nowt -ruin
211,1 Vice Pres. ---Wm. Speir
ard Vice pr,s.--Wnt. Turnbull
Di rectors
1 year M Winoberg. Et, Thomas
2 years --S. Baker. TT. .10111181011
Serretary---.T. 50111114Z
Troasurer--R. 11. MeRride
Tall Twisler---Jas. Armstrong
Lion Tanter---Gortion fjor.elwoctl
Mrs. Samuel Alcock
The funeral of the 18414 Mrs
Samuel Aleock was held or Friday,
May 21st, A private service 81 the
family home, 4th emieession
'Morris, wits followci nubile
service in Brussels United Church.
Serviees wore condueted Ily Rev.
311(1. 'Kerr of St. .Tolm's Anglican
Tho community was shocked by
the sudden passing Tuescloy motininz.
May 1 21 11 of the late Mrs. Alcock,
whose health had not Nut Ut4o41 for
the past year.
The deeeased. who winibl
been 52 years old on May 22111, 8114,
will be presented by Melville the daughter or the late Chas
Church Dramatic Club, Brussels fl 111)111-514 and Rebee0,1 jordan. She
was married to her now bereft 11101 -
band 25 years ago on jam 16th.
She knives to mourn their loss her
husband and 0114. son, Samuel James,
and a brother, Charles Ilambridge,
who lives with them.
Interment took place in Brussels
Cent F4ery.
Walton Community Hall, on
Friday eve., June 4th
at 8.30 pm.
ander the auspices of 16th con
Group of W.M.S. of Duff's
United Church, Walton
d Chuh
lv Girl's. S oeftbaliSch
e Weitttn1la'ty.t tn.,,M
s bCar
Child Suffers Broken Leg'tThe UnteIc20 Brosl11) Figures In Accident
IrnMyc,rdangti.1 o !ILaariill riaal tI I111 1 11I111 May I)i. ..: W.\ 1.T1)4May t
ligg.r1 nit
and M 91) 0, Wesel,ad "14u1 I' 111410
1)141 «4148 1 Althrn 1 lra l 11 11 1 th min
ft eg brokn wne) hcall-i S1f u.1 1(1 4)1 Thrnioad 4,1) 8 Seat.rth t 1crr ont au
ly truck by car dr,1 by ia(.1c 1ah17:::1Irnv:"""Dine 111iritsels t Itlyth opiwhen I l1pOjqk
Al(114(Iw011'Ph"lit"141)1'wilt':seu11 rtain 1(8,811 1111 j114w1,„1A((Ill'of1)11)14in grade one in school10watt:144 4w:1::441:jti:1111n.31111)4-lirtois Woltet1,1 31covtly
hesixth birthday this week in the
Hit chatter -Wet orient lump; (fil 1 Voll;.1 1, If' "411 4. 1 1(11.1'thY 11"""IA sans; Juno '48 59 at 111 )se its
the 414 illaa the subjeet was "' Tie 111 ',Med r,411w.4'.. otttployl,08
sbo Wa8 taken atter she was injured At Morning" by "1181111) (111011 In .
Tidy r, Tiro ot 1,1, at 1I'4. I 11
The accident nceurred Frid..- ,,r!er- rh's July 7 - Brussels at Steiforth no,44: 1 Mainprim., minor Val
noon whon the youngster Was On hey 1111,41, -as of the Masters face." Misses ,
.1 ly 9— ‚1411)111) 11 Till1,..,A, 1,rui,es; and il fletnew,,,,,1. cattl
way home from sehool.
sang "Faee 1 0 Face" by Fullar as a
July 20. -11rus,c, Is at Walt on :demi tle. head which neeesshated
clitIng by a Brusesls 41 14 Both
Dorothy Dennis and Ruth Wilson July 5 (1_,R1y1.11 at .1.3,11,14.41.1a
Melville Church 1. : July 211 Searo, ti, at P.I.T! 7; 1 1! loon art- from CincIph Juni-How
RI v. T. 3 . TIObinson , -.' 1 rut fonllAub
. ; July 30—Walttel at rim, 4.!: .,,,, 01,1111e lo inform 11 ,,t. Tay
was guest speaker at the merti'de 1) 1111e MI Constable rese. '-
I, 41 114.1 2. Itric,, at urn
401'8i('1' 011 Sunday. Miss Jane I Notice .... ...._ lot f rho Godorich Proriticiat ro.
ii.., .1111,- 111' Jigger wa, trav(11111g
Work sung 'The Lord's Tiro yes' by I, frtat,ot,tid t. 21
0(,„ „).,) by 511-0 it. Engagement Armouncerneot in ,, ,,,,.,),.4-1y (111,,,,,110, (.,,,,. (1 nt,irtb.
l'ilallottee. The morniag anthem. ,01e1011 , al Saturday, May 2111d 111 , 31i' ctici Mrs. Fr, I -,, etthet.,(4,1 , f curontr, to Goderich, and a ear -
'BM the Lord is m111,1011 of His ! alt 111114)1 18 wore tho p1'oper3Y of •Mr4.. Drus,.ols 18i-11 to ani.oun('. •;,.. ,ii die -11 ioa Fred T.. 1)..yit1.,.41(. Wing -
At the evening sortta- Rev. .411 on tile
by Mendel. Elia Melittosh. 'he 011110 1110 11"4 ; gagement Ill thr. r da,tat,/ itor et, 'late ,,,. tray lin- lout 11
lean purchtoted recently by her ' mai,,,,,,,.„4 I, 1,0,1. kt,„, , ,44 ,,,i, ,
Inca. son id' itrir ,,1 :Jr z. Kinn, .' it :11.14:414:;:gli(;n:EtT1 Yon. rn'' )1 1111441 518583
the Spirit and the brill -e). '' ent' . with the 18 041`4 (' alld prOnPril.
Milne preached on tie text. "."11 front the (4,1ate of Ida Lowry aloni,
511 1111110011- It i ti , a el c. tl t: 1 ri a ce. !., 1,1,, 14,,,,, ,, ,,,,a , (4)1-1(4 )1 by NIP.
Fe*tival Awards
Tho following music students from
Brussels and vicinity (111115 6't ell in
the seventh annual Huron count),
-Festival of Music:—
Maria Oliver, piano. 0111'' Speiran
Ringing: June T-Tackwell and Cath'
-01)11)1' Ridclick. Mane, wort the highest
marks in their respective classos
1118191101',Plllihea-1'81'S W81'8 180') and were awarded silver medals,
John White, Wm. McCutehon, Tdar- Karen Ruseblin won lb- highest
vey VeCuteheon. Alfred Nichol,
marks in all sole piano classes in -
Chas. Draper.
1 elusive, and was awarded the Silver
Admission -- 35c and 25c Those who carried the! beautiful Rose Bowl donated by the 51101)108)05
19. rosn's true wealth is the
good he does in the world.
Melville Church
Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A.
10 a. In. Sundtvy School and
Bible Class.
11 Et, m. Divine Service.
7 p. tn. Divine Service.
Evening service discontinued
from June 6211.
Louis D. ThOMPS011, Orgaulet
and Choirmaster.
The United Church
Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
Organist Mies Elva Sholdioe
11 a. m. Morning Worship
Happiness in °Nativity
Juniors' Congregation
12 Church School and
Bible Class.
7 p. m. Evening Praise.
Rev. J. F. Reyeratt
Of Peterborough..
Everyone Cordially Welcome
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rev. J. 11. Kerr, Brussels.
First Sunday Atter Trinity
May 301.11, 1042
St George's Church Walton -
9.15 a., in, Morning PraYer
Sunday School -
St, DavIcPs Church Henfryn.–t
12.35 a. m. Sunday Sehool
11.15 a, m. Morning Prayer
St, John's Church Brussels—
floral 'tributes were Den and 15111)41
MrAsder. Clarence and Ross White
Jean kleArter, 51)0'11 White, May
Smith and Elia Draper.
r1181111S, who attended the servier
from a distance were from Londes,
born, Clinton. S41afort11, Drayton.
Stratford, 'Per on 0. Hensall and
The rognitty mcmtbly roes -tint; of
the Brussels Branch of the Canadian
1,051011 will be held on Mominy, May
31s1 at 9:32 p.m. In 1111' Legion
Manning Piano Company of Clinton.
'This is the second yea, in succession
411411 [11141 trophy has been Won by
111 the finals fer the Senior 550
Scholarship ill piano playing. Miss
Mavis Oliver and KP 1111 III Wend
(nmpeted with two Mayers from
Cadmic:h. Tip Schnlarshtu went to
11 Goderich girl.
The following competitors in the
Festival Piano Classes obtained over
90 per (1ell), of marks and \very
awarded certificates of merit :---Ken-
noth Wood. Petty Consin,--, -Mary
John Kerr. Edna :,1011111,
Ruth Hemingway. Dena 14111151, Doris
jelinsien. 'Margaret Perrie. Marion
from Re velat ions 2J, I 7 M is-
Joyee Porter eontributed the solo. take 1)111 r: l: il Ge• ..,,!o. t. -, et 1,1.. ,1),,,.,-,,,..
. ,
'I come to Thee' by Roma. DIED . . Th, , ,111,ot sow 01, '4111,1: rail-
.....--._ __..... I _ „ ,„, (1)4(4114', to r) 1-, feel ti-,mt the
Blvth Fall Fair Date P1) VNNF,--- -In Mond. town sit IP on ) rootuati (4)me Here t•1e-1. e,,,,1 1. w:o! 1aina..,o41 to the
Change h Announced 'Tuesday. May 25. 1!,),. M1011- On June Ifl 4,.loto or al,,4,11 ,77. . 'Wirt ....', to the
BLYTH, May 25.-11 bps 11 en Clark, beloved wifo of the late Last 14ace14a7.- .,,...-t !le, ttre .,.1., t ..„.,..,), 1 ,.4i5t81.0 ,tt 1,41,w 3t10. ,
found maressary to ch 'at,- the datosJm
aes Thynne. In her 701 11 year. i F11; .1 lal.!1 .,-,1 1. ,' 0 14
1 tf eql 'A 4,bron
or Myth fall faic (rm Se)e. 7 and ' Funeral will be held from 11,1. late - here by ote ,e,r, , . :t-,1. 'rt. 1 At
E4 to Sept. c. 411141 1 booa14,0 11- l'.41 ! 1.!--441 once! kit 141, emees14I(01 it, ,tone w i 11 to 41,1)' .1 :it \ .1 1 ,`` :' 1 'a IT BORN
5)0(14 black and whit,. show e.tult1 'Alorris township on 1,,,,,iday• May here on T114404:ly. 111110 lst t1 7..11 • y---77.
t :
in 1)
eaNsI ,1at inMYPtI 7t;' .7 .1(1
not be held n the previously : 2M11. 1943. 5014)4(4' a 2 pan in- .. ait Wlt. .,, , u 51, 141141 N, , K- '11
spiel ted daes, 14-11)10113t in Brussels cemeer. 4,11,1 s , 9111' 1 . - (Itbet-1 Lcnard,
The family of the late Mt s. TTomingwity. 'Murray Hoover. DAN -
Al sincerely thank
rerrit, Dianno :McNair. .'101t Perri) il
neighbors and friends for their menu !I
nd words 1
(58,06441 04 kndnessaw0
sympathy at the time of our 1trteave-
merit Special thanks to Rev. John
Kerr, it was all deeply appreciated
and w11)1 ever be reinombei•ed.
amiSIglailamp..10-0401.,...........a.s.......rnagehMealamlowl•P I
Seaforth, Ont.
' NOW PLAYING In Trucolor
Thurs., Fri., Sat, May 27.28.29
Springtime in the Sierras .!
Roy Rogers and Jane Frazee
Thrills galore when they bait a
death-trap for death -dealers, Bo !
sure to see Roy with Tr.gger—the
smartest horse in the movies, i
Mon., Tues. Wed., May 31 June 1-2 .1
The Foxes of Harrow
Rex Harrison and Maureen O'Hara
This is one of the warm, moving
stories of the Mississippi, combining
surprise, humor and action o way'
that is hard to forget.
Next Thum, Fr1., Sat.
June 345,
Natalie Wood
Walter Brennan
Ruth Warwick
A heart-wanining story of a little girl
and her dog. Natalie Wood, the de.
lightful new child star in a p1311110
for the whole family.
2 p. rist, Sunday School COMING—
S p. In, livening Prayer Green Dolphin Street
Lana Terrier and Van Heflin
Capitol Theatre
Wed. Thur' Fri May 26-27-28
"Good News"
in Technicolor 1 ii
Matinee Wed. at 2:30 1t
Saturday ONLY May 29th
"Stage Coach To Denver"
"Strange Journey"
Sat. Mat. 2:30 — Serial
Mon. Tues. May 31, June 1.
John Garfield
Geraldine Fitzgerald
in "N'obody Lives Forever"
OFFER $100.00
Mon. Attend. card night.
Wed. Thur. Fri. June 2-3-4
Spencer Tracey Lana Turner
"Cass Timberlane"
Mat. Wed. at 2.30
woirommas.........Kammoommatmumatn* I
CKNX every Mon. to Fri. I
at 6 P.M.
, I
As it may not be possible for 111e to see you itil
personally before Monday, June 1411, I take t111' means of
requesting your support during, this Provincial election
For the enr-inercasing measure of confidence you have
placed in me, I am most sincerely grateful. In again
appealing for your support, 11 ca)) only promise to continue
to• serve You Individually and collectively, regardless oi
your 41811111081 affiliations.
As your Member Or tile Ontario Legislaturc for the past
live years. I found it took some considerable time to acquaint
myself with the different departments in the Ontario
Legislature. such as :-
tunas & Forests
Municipal Affairs
Planning & Dc.velopment
Public Welfare
Public Works
Travel & Publicity
and any others
To rho people of this Consihnency who supported nte
in the past, T would like to montiomat this time, a ft w
of the important progressive achievements which have been
Place in the Riding of Huron-Bruee. which 1 believe 'have
benentted all of you — such as: -
Highway No 4 through W1114811:' 11(, Teematc e and
Durham Highway.
111511w.ays Nos. Sti & i7 through Wingliont, Blumale
and Wruxeter.
Highway NO. 9(1 throngli Aralterley. Lechalsh 141144
Lit Allow.
The completion of the ilium\ 114 1')' 111 u Wt.*" roin Port
Albert arr011gb Amberley to 1511101111bile
Assistance given by Ontario Government to the IkoW
wing of the Winghton General Hos11101 kssisiance given
by the Ontario Government to Community Centre, ot
Mildmay. nods' Coyne's, 'Formosa. Whitocburch, l'ordwieb and
others pending.
Rural Hydro programmes for many turas and 4.111(44888.
schools and ChUrches which are being eompleted as, craieltly
as possible, to make life more convenient for the farmer
and housewife in all rural eolumunities. Thirty gangs are
operating ihrougliout the Province of Ontario, with Rural
Offices in 1118111 centres throughout this Riding.
DON'T BE OVER -CONFIDENT • • . Get Out and
I am also greatly interested in Ceiumuntty SerVives 111
the lidding 01' Huron -13r1100 such as
Rural Fairs
Public Health Services
Junior Partners' clubs
Plowing Moieties
Crop Inutrovement.
Free Librales
'rile Drew Governinent has saved the taxpayers a
great deal of money. as is shown by the following accurate
ligures ;
••,..•.• .
1942.43 1947-48
\\log -118M -r'Ceitted $ 4.053 521.726
Myth 1,374 4.3114
Brassels 2,192 11.1,21
.4,4)11350111 12,242 34,963
colbern, 8.42a 24.9344
Grey . 2.232 16,008
Howick .... .. ............ . )4.,7511 47,718
Morris '' 7.4541 28,s0S
Tornberry " 44,7sr 22.004
Wawano,11 1.4, ".5,117 1 8,11811
Wawa -nosh W " ',.4 11 1 20,973
Savings of a similar nature are also included in
culross. 14111loss, rarriolt and 14111•011.
111 the live years fa this - Th'ovittee, and the
farmers of this Province will enjoy new items of farm
machinery. electrical 1.5)1'i '(4114'4.14 and ideas, which will make
life 8114910 pi, 088)1)1 1 will be a forward step to vote
for Jelin Hanna. on jone 7th. who has also represented the
Town of IV 11 511:i ,18 518701' for five years, and who
eonsiders it his first hit!: to serve his 001)&11510111s. regard-
less of political affiliations.
Oilier important matters in whieh 7 ant interested, are
the building of more houses for tt 451st -growing Ontario;
'reforestation for H111.01141r110e: Flab and Game for the
Tourists and Sportstnen.
1 would also like 111 gO on record as beirtg opposed to
Communism or any other "18,111a" 98111011 might hamper the
finny, of the younger generution.
Premier Drew is asking the people for a further
tenure of older. to enable him to continue his Government's
record of achievement, that Will baling greater prosperity
to all sections of the Province.
1 respectfully snagest that both for perforntance and
promise, the Drew Adminarttration deserves your,. endorsation.
1?Icese vote and vote early,
Yours fat tht utlY.
MONDAY, JUNE 7th Polls Open from 8 A.M. to 7 P.M.
Committee Rooms in Winzhant, Lucknow and Ripley • Wingham Phone 521,
i•vt &i:Lt•Weet-1744,,,c—