HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-5-19, Page 5tie rit- tat- rad to the rch was ,cia- late son, THE BRUSSELS POST le minc:day. May 190th, 1948 9ood.. &on if? No wonder she looks pleased! That's quite a tidy little sum she's managed to save. And, of course, there ars things she wants to get with these savings. That's why she opened a Savings account with us. Open a Savings account with us now - for the things you will want tomorrow. Become a Savings customer with our branch in your neighbourhood. Our Manager will welcome you as a customer. 161.8 Ti r* 13,Fl OF CO .:- M E RCE BRUSSELS BRANCH - W. PORTER, Manager fisisaiumaimmxiis Free Tuberculosis Survey Planned For Huron County In 1948 a The Huron County ruberculosis p Association has oompetee arrange- t uents with the Department of health for free chest X -Rays for all the people of the County, 'These or. r.angements were made 'It tl ❑1: erlos of the Execntive and representatives of the Lions C16bs 111 the County, Rev. W. A. Beecroft. the chairman, presided at the moeting. Last year most 616000.66((11 were hell at Godericll end Wing cin at which some 3,000 1)60)610 ,lune t!ti.t free chest examination. Since the response was so grattfrinar in thee;? centres the committee is coelom that the Clinics nreaneel for this year will be well attended. Local committees are bottle eel 160 in the Towns 0.1161 Villages _es 'u arrange for the house to house canvas and all other details of the clinics. Tt was peinte1 out that all Church Organize tions, "net ee Service Clubs and the 100611 anlhmd- ties will wish to see 114 lu this work, As these X -Ray Tvxam'nations aro free and take but 8 re c, „eereis every citizen usually reepouds, The cost of the flhns is paid lay the Huron County Tuberculosis eeencistion which receives. its funds from the annual sale of Christmas Seals. The people of Huron County have Imported this Christmas Seal Cam- aign and we know they are nterested in the X -Ray program. The following is the list of dates and places of the clinics: 'NIXPTER-May 318 1. 10.00 a.m. to n On p.ln. and June Ind, 10.00 a.ln. to 3.00 p,m, DASRWOOD-.Trte 3rd, 1 116 a p.m. and June 4th. 10.00 amt. to 3.00 pan. 7,1' RICH -June 7th, 10.00 a.m, to 9.00 p.m. and June Rth, 1'0.00 0,111, In 3,110 tela. TT> \:SALT.--Jmte 9th. 1 *0 9 p.m, and ,Tune 10th, 10 011 a,nl, to 3.011 p.m. SEAFOR'TH-June llth, 1to 0 pm,. lute June 14th. 10.00 a.m. to 11.00 pan, ('IANTON--Ju:no 15th. 1 to 9 p.m. and .Tune 10th. 10.00 ran, to 11,00 p,ttt. BLYPT-T--Stole 171 h. 1 to 9 p,». and June 18th. 10.00 a.m, to 8.00 p,nt. BRUSSELS -3'1111e 191)1. 1 to 9 P.m, anti June 22nd. 10.00 5.1n, to 3.00 pan. GO 11 RIF ..Tuno 23rd, 1 to 9 p.m. end June 24th, 1000 am", to 3.00 p.m. i•' l' r H' ., r Calf: Regl.o; area Optomeetrioz 'Western Onkel O's 11410-4 Modern Eye • 'hone 118,, .t`1).'frrxsi'ir. Katharine Brush Stars For Pictcaial Review .1 new welter Is a61tlee to Pictor- I ti il,•cicw this work. icatharino Brush, famous mentor, begins a new :.erica or rust -moving short. stories in Pictorial Review, the mag veine with the Mister cast, iu this Sun- days (May 28) issue of The Detroit Times. CASH for YOU OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD Faun Animctis COWS -$7.00 HORSES -$6.00 HOGS, over 300 lbs. - $2.06 per Cwt. ACCORDING TO SIZE AND Winn s vice aesx Sonne Prompt, Efficient, Courteous Senses SIMPLY PHONE COLLECT Brussels 72 --- Ingersoll 21 ;0 ►M STONE SONS LTD ll+i`G. R S 0'L L ,ethi T sA l d' PEOPLE WF KNOW Mies Joyce Porter is vacationinb at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Manning spent the week end at New Hamburg and K'iltch ever. Mr. and Mrs. T. Scott, Toronto, were visitors last week with her mother Mrs. M. Best. Miss Elizabeth Backer, London, lugs been ,visiting with her parents ltir. and Mrs, J, 0, *Seeker, Congratulations are, due to Ru..esell Fox who successrully passed his conductor's examinations last week in Stratford. Miss Olive Speiran sang at the Gocleri'ch Musical Festival on Mon- , 24 -St. Columban at Winthrop 26 -Atwood at Brussels 28 -St. Columban at Atwood 28 -Winthrop at Walton 80 -Winthrop at ,Ethel July 2 -Winthrop at Atwood 2 -St. Columban at Walton 5 -Walton at Ethel ETHEL The Women's Institute mot at the home of Mrs. James Pesten with a large attendance, Mrs, Wardlaw, the president, was in charge o.f the meet• ing, at which pians were made to look after the booth for the football games, also the playground equip- ment. Mrs, Glen Eckmier, Huron day evening last, and won the cotinty llbraeian, gave an inter- esting talk on library work and highest marks in her class. its part in the community. Sev- W We regret to report that Vernet j Oral new members iatned the Kerr, who wits seriously injured in a branch at this meeting. plane crash early 111 `1111 year is not "Lou's Girls,' a teen-age club, inuptovIng as well as could be hoped met at the home of their leader, for, Mrs. Wardlaw. After the opening 170. and 111011. Lewis D, Thompson, exercises, led by Ruby Jones, an spent Wednesday and Thursday of this week in Ceederich attending the sessions of the Goderich. Musical Festival. The Depnrtment of Education has appointed Miss J. B, H. Medd, B.A. an Associnte Examiner for the Tipper School ,Tune =xamhlatimts 111 the subjert, of likigiish r.iterature, Mrs, L. Russell and daughter, Pamela Joy of Quebec City, 311(00 i6Tal;garet Russell, London altcl Mr. hour was spent in sewing, orocket- ing, and needlework. Tlie girls meet once a week to learn needle- work and other handicrafts, On Sunday afternoon, two new members were received into the united Church by Rev. "Hugh Wil- son, the pastor. On Sunday evening, 0 specie] service of song and gospel leach- ing, under the leadership of Johll and Mrs'. N. F, Haig, Kitahet:sr have Clark of. Toronto and John Carey been visiting at the home of Mrs; 0,r Ethel, was held in the Presby - F, Russell. tertian Church. Mr. Clark preached 16 . and Mrs. L. D. ",t'ho,npron on "Wishful thinking.' attended the funeral eerriee 1.Cednes- day afternoon of last Week at Chatsworth, of the late Mrs. (Dr,) Oldham, mother of Rev. Maurice ' 0101111m, formerly of St. John's Church, Brn5esls. Burial tooit place in Owen Sound cemetery. Soccer Schedule June 1 -Walton at 131•u60010 2 -St, Columban at Ethel 4 -Brussels at Winthrop 0 -Atwood at Ethel 3 -Brussels at Ethel 8 -Atwood at Winthrop 8 -Walton at St. Coluurbanl 11 -Ethel at Brussels i 1 -Walton at Atwood 14 -Ethel at Winthrop 1''5-13rllesels at Walton 18 -Walton at Winthrop 19-51, Colttmhan est Brits, ols 21--OOthel at St, Columban 23 -Atwood at Walton Mr. Robert Dockett Dies At Listowel Hospital By the den.th of Mr. Hobert Rockett at the T4stowel Memorial Hospital Grey township lost 0710 of its highly esteemed citizene. The son of the late Rnmldoll Dockett and Mary Pearson, Mr, Dockett was born on Dcct'nher 29, 1868 a.t lot 29, con- cession 5, Grey township. Living in this township for moot of his 80 Years he m011115d Christian Arm- alrong 65 yours ago, Ntl10 prede ceased him, The funeral service was held from tete home of Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Brenn,mei•, Pallbearers were: An- drew Dreamer, John Savage, Law- son Ward, George Hotbeln, George TTntchisnn and not Collins. Friends Of the deceased were present from Barna, Clinton, Egmondvlh,a, Landes - hero, Kitchener and 'Brussels, inter- ment was made in, Mt, Pleasant cemetery, Ethel, AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects will be held for the agate of Mrs. Ida Lowry on Turnharry Street, south In Brussels SATURDAY, MAY 22nd, 1948 At 2 P.M. e ted.;, ,tn'tne, +ud Mat trr 01,',4 1 sin..^.1e bed. springs and mattnas 1 dr,•..,:or,- 1t1r1 slanrls T+'ilt dish:� 1 piing, 1 elr6.'r rli, 14 -1(1te 4 rocking 01,1lre 1 r•16el1•ir• curl 10 1 hook table 1 book 061110 1 airline room `nit# 1 wi•it1118 dealt 1 fern stand I aatteo- and ellsir 4 rugs 1 Mellen table 1 kitchen eupbeard 1 kitchen 6abinet 1 sewing machine hlentric lumps 1 couch 1 pantry table 1 cook stove 1 heater 2 coal -oil stoves Cooking uteneils Sealers Other articles too numerous to mention TERMS CASH HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer ROBT. PATRICK, Clerk EXECUTOR'S SALE There will be offered for sale by Public auction on Saturday, the 20th day of May, 1949, at the hour of one - thirty o'clock, daylight saving time in the afterniin the following' - Reel estate and chattels, the property of the late Mrs, George Muldoon, et the premises in Brussels, Ontario. The dwelling house and lot con- sisting of a two story 7 -roomed red brick house in good •ondition. elctrio wiring, now roof, furnace and 1 water supply, three-piece bath, ire• mediate possession. The following is a partial 11st of I, articles for sale: 3 piece chesterfield shite Walnut living room table Cabinet Deforest Crosely radio Occasional chair 3 small rocking Chairs Combination desk and book case Studio Couch Dining room table 4 dining roam chairs Kitchen chairs Id dining room chairs Small safe Raymond drophead si'Ing machine Drop leaf kitchen table Oak buffet 2 matched wool lugs 9 x 11 1 wool rug 9 x 12 Kelvinator Gurney combination coal and Electric range Mlectrde vacuum cleaner Hand vacuum cleaner Carpet sweeper Couch Small chest of drawers Hall rack 1 four-poster walnut. bed Wood 11ed, dresser and stand 2 spring mattresses 1 feather mattress 1 feather tick Kitchen cabinet Small tables Electric cooker ,,Teat grinder Step leader Lawn inowc•r Toole, rakes, hoes, tubs, Seniors, kitchen ware 2 card tables Curtains, ('10114ona, pillows, Some bedding, carpets, 2 dress judys, some dishes, etc. TERMS OF SALE; Real estate -10 percent deposit at time of sale and balance in thirty days, offered subject to reserve bid. Chattels -cash LEW ROWLAND, Auctioneer CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, Brussels Solicitors for the Executrix KEF.FEI4. MACHINE SHOP Pao Acetylene and Electric Welding Our shop is eduipped to do First Class Welding And Lathe Work Your Patronage Soficcstett Good Service smarm. +tl. DIANA (l" 17 Jewels '1)l` $39.75 ANDREW 17 Jewels $37.50 (r) ruly-at Graduation -there is no finer gift than a watch... no finer watch than Buloval If you are baying Flatware don't forget to see our stock of 1847 Rogers Bros, and Community Plate, All the latest patterns car) led in stock. "The Store for Beautiful Gifts" 14' n '® Leach Jeweller Brussels, Ont. noanamemzenouressieseniammeneweasammiusemermzesseemenassessemesesesessenoMenscalerele `,Tar t keed 2% of foul' Own Valnation Fur 1 in' C rP 2.�0 Cloth Coats Jackets or Windbreaker.> Ladies or Men's Suits PM' earl tat. v Insured -. Convenient Obtainable At Any Time. Listowel Locker S Elana St., Listowel Phone 21617 >10nrt#ntsc Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs - REPAIRED and RECOVERED --- Also Rebuild Mattresses 9 FRES PICK-UP RD DELIVERY 9P Stratford Upholstering tt 43 Brtesewick Street Enquire at D. A. RANN Stratford, Ont. Furniture wad Funeral "Service. Mame 36 or illi - Brussels, Oat.