HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-5-19, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST . + 111 Reid and Lawrence I v1n1 vt Y'! .flr: 9 0ry !y Aalt,,0; ]ret:ph Rowland o: tfote 11 ,,1111 .d 4'1'41 i. ,rt+ ltewland tri :St. t ,1um1,,,,. liTtitm, regular :++,rc . ,11,, 1' .m+L::trot r, vat n c s attt nit r . ill, t '',I.,,' it •.nr`yII 11 -'re front London. Slrat r `Sour:milt Church ba 1,1...11' .,1, 4L- t'nlamb;ut, i)n lalia. •r With lV• 1t and t call "\Ln u responded er' NIT, Georg (`.sister afr1 Ili, sister 1 1'* l /tad pori:41 that +' \visa i, ca iter. t+out \Iirhi.^. e, 130\ dnna:.1 1 „•;tt lr e gnenlintr the ra+termed home after rr vast w-eelt with \17 :and Firs. 11. 11 reectir 1.11kby and other 1e11ti•r. g In ttrg the 1l trim P t• 1 1. 1 110 • i, ttllty t -!'v <,ru-,v Dot C. 1.3' sd. in4.1 } rt 111 .., 1 a•,: : 1 in \\ tit Ill:10111h ,t ic,..., a 1 I ..;a aeiirn 5 r 1,„ n,tmP"g• years. halt bOteht ;t 11o•11-• '-11 P€t.-r 'VI"' Pr tnn•ish 11111 in? 1111 noviu c duri+la c1 CARD OF THANKS ZIi (iI1111- in loving memory cr a dear Husband and Father. William dolts Ziegler. who 111t asett on, see,„1 years age, May 21. - "Thoughts go back to bygone days Life goes On, but memory stays.” - di:r• r remembered by his Loving wife and soil. Classified Ads FOR SALE -- Seed potatoes, Ketahblue. Phos. Pierce Plhon(' ail -r -f, FOR SALE— \T - F1 ti nett; small leaf table. 1ilu• new. H rl 1,17 . the summer holidays,: t1 `vs; small leaf table. 1'ko VW. 2:5 Sinclair is t patient in Scott Me'11 Phone 15 r: :4 , -ire rt) Ii,• r :1', bone ,\e11i1 oiren for a carder. v t} r, to h^011 ri:11 Hospital, G afar t: R. , _ on the church lawn at 1Talt•n. le.-, Plattwille with t1.- wire and FOR SALE— Sits? :vary Sni il. 1 !Citell r,.•.. family liere Mise Elia 111cdtwell, 1911 ihnda,:• coach, in good coo- -:lc nnrt Mfrs Chas- prilard have calf, ui o!th h r fathc.... Jr'e11 I' tnrne;l front IT:: milto-1. 1i„c•kw ll. Mee. Mar y 'Virg. W. T. 1 innuh'tea in Toronto roe. intends 0101110 int.) the home Mrs. Horace Rutledge Ives re'u•nee ' new e,r0MPied by Dong.^' T.awlees• to her home in Quebec. 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller with Mr. John Benne't1 of (1,1011111 at friends in Drodhttgen' 11Mi•. x111 his home. Mrs. Lloyd Porter with friends in Mr, and Mrs. Edger Hollinger and C'•anbronh; ('larenee 'McNichol, children of Hamilton with relatives, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Me. The funeral of the late. Ellice Nichol, is ill with scarlet fever; Lowland, whose sudden death took Stewart Bryans, Mitchell. with his lace at her home in London, on 'Tay 4, was held from the Gingras •"unera.l Home in Stratford, on Fri day, May 7 to St. Joseph's Church where the Requiem Mass was sung by Rev. Dean Egan, interment fol - :owing in St. Ambrose 11. C. Ceme- tery, Brussels. The pallbearers were Lewis Rowland, Norman Rowland, Parents. Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Bryn. s, Mr, and rMs. Fred Rutledge, Blyth, with friends here; Frank Birkby has sold 1110 farm in Mcliiiloi township to a family from Switz- -rlend: Mrs. Ethel Hackwell with friends in Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs Ryan. Brureiield, with Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Reid. B SINFSS CARDS C. A. Myers, M. D., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON William St Phone 4. Brussels, Ont. Allan A. Lamont Agent for—The, Windstorm, and Automobile Ir etwo set particulars of our Special Automobile Polk:, int facer+ Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 65-r-7 Walker Funeral Horne Jay or Night Calls Phone 65 No extra charge for Use of Funeral Home. B. G. Walker Licensed Funeral Director & Embalmer. J. F. Harper, B. A., M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 - 9 p. m. Also 11 - 12 a. m., when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p. m. Sunday — Emergency and by appointments only. R. S. Hetherington, K. C. WINGHAM and BRUSSELS AT BRUSSRT.S Tuesday and Saturday all day — Offict open every day. Phone 20x -- Successor to E. D. Bell Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS Autorseobile and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent fotz Great West Life Insurance Co. Plsone Office 96 — Brussels, Ont. Harold Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES For information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson ONE 18-r-661 — SEAFORTH, ONT. Make arrangements at THE Brussels Post or R. 5. Hetheringto, K._C.- Barrister Office, Brussels. D. A. Rann & Co. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or 85 — BRUSSELS. ONT. Lewis Rowland (Licensed For Huron County) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED — PRICES REASONABLE For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post” and they will be looked after immediately For information etc., write or phone Lew. Rowland Or write to R. R. 3 Walton. (% tte MEOWAVAlgOWAZAVRit5 %X c: ilctna r s 5 r Phone 86-r-5 -- Ethel Repair Your Tractor — any make Remember we Repair all Farm Equipment Dominion Nobby Tires Otaco Farm Implements Pedlar Barn Equipment Book Your Oil Now for Spring The Price Is fight, VAC ,MattWiikkeeglgaW,MoeMORCANMcWct`,:.;Pille 11111011. Phone Wingham 490w FOR SALE— ] rubber tired wagon. 1 low steel tired wagon. Wesley Searle Phone 15 r4 ' FOR SALE - 2 Tamworth sows due May 15th and 2 York sows due June lith and a number of chunks of pig';, Dan Mckinnon Phone 24-r-12 . WANTED — I Curling Stones At Once. State con - dation and price, Write S. Carlof, 517 Besserer Street, Ottawa, Ont. FOR SALE— Wringer and stand, table model coal -oil stove. - May he seen at The Brussels Post. Ross Tnrvey Phone 11-r-17 FOR SAI.,'.^:.• 1 real heater; 1 Princess Dist cook stove; dining room shite' a c•ongoleulu floor lovering 9 x 15: a dresser and wash stand. Douglas Lawless Phone 10-r-10 WANTED— Man for steady travel among con- sumers in Brussels. Permanent 000- nection with large manufa)turer Only reliable hustler considered Write Rawleigh Dept. No. ML -1152- 1 81, Montreal. FOR SALE— Electric motors rewound and r'• _aired. Expert workmanship. Moder ate prices. New motors in stock, . ,. Better Industries, - 649 Ontario, Street, Stratford, Ont. FOR SALE— Don't he state about buying May chicks. if they're Bray Chicks. Tdhey'll catch good fall winter markets. Especially if you get started chicks. Most varieties. pullets, cockerels, mixed ask for special prices. Agent Wm, Glenn Bray, Picone 84 -r -S, Ethel, Ont. TENDERS WANTED - 2 cord of dry cedar to bo delivered to each of the 12 Grey Tv.p, Schools Tenders to be in by May 24. Tenders may be accepted for all or any part of this wood. Phone 25-r-5 J. Carl Hemingway WOOL Ship us your lot direct or thrallah our meal collector, (land Prices -- proPer grading -- prompt payment, Sacks and tags suppliid, William Stone Sons, Limited Sec-Treas. OWN YOUR BTTSTNESR! ... — •,Toin the Incline company of HOME SERVICE TN CANADA. Let Your effort determine your income. Very little capital needed. if you have travelling equipment, )here is your chance to ileP it with benefit. Write for full details---FAMILEX, 1000 Delnrtmier, Montreal, FORSALE- 6n acre farm 011 Highway, price 1,800. 65 acre farm 1(4, miles of highway 2,500.00 100 acre farm on Highway, hush, hydro, good buildings, price $4,500.00, 100 acre farm an County Road, all modern conveniences and up-to-date buildings. .1 C. Long, Real Estate Broker, Brussels, On`., TENDERS FOR PAINTiNO— Tenrlors will he received trntll Sons 1, 1940, by Morris School Area Board for the painting of the inter- iors of schools number i, 4 and 7. Walls and ceilings to he thoroughly cleaned before painting and two coats of paint appited if necessary. Work to he done during, summer vacation, Ralph 5, Shaw, Sec„ Illiterate, Ont, INGERSOLL, ONTARIO, Asassmalogramaamwar NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of ANNir" ST111(TT11N late of the Vtila,e of tlrngaal; in the County of Huron, widow, who fitful on or about the :.(1tl lav of April, A.D. 1943. TATs ENOTTCE that a'? parties having, rialtos or demand; against the ,'state of the above deceased must mail particulars ar.I proof of same to the undersigned (XPrt11001' m1 or before the 4th day of Stine, :\ D. 1943. upon which .into the said executor will proceed to distrihrte the assets with regard only to tunes claims which shall have been re- ceived, DATED at Brussels thi•? lith div of May, A.D. 1948. J. Herbert Stratton, executor by his solicitors CRAWFORD & IIETHERINGTON, Brussels, Ontario "HELP WANTED --MALE" AN OPPORTUNITY— llstahtiehed Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 65 -- have or can secure travel outfit, this to your opportunity to get estab- !!shed in a profitable business of your own. Per full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company. Dept. 0.3.4, 2177 Mason 9t„ Montreal, Que, \Veeluewday, 'May 19111, 1948 E p GEI4G '# EW DISCUSS . el g tt J [y'] , ; 8( { iE l'. ELECTION J E 7" } i [1 Ya 9V G1 FT ti lay 24- 113041 p.m, x a(T 23 • 3,30 -, 9 .M. Yoe PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE JUNE 7 Pu4li.hed l,y the Proaraaalve Conssrvalivc Party of Ontarlo ' NOTICE TO LI,EDITORS Mrs, Roy Mann; Mr. nod Mrs. Wil - In .the estate of ELIZA MATiLDA MULDOON, late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 21st Say of April. A.D. 1948. TAKE NOTCE that ail parties having claims Or demands against the estate of the above deceased must mail particulars and proof of same to the undersigned executrix on or before the 4th day of June, A.D. 1948, upon which date the said executrix will proceed to distribute the assets with regard only to those claims which shall thein have been received, DATED at Brusesls this Lith clay of May, A. D, 1943, Isabel Lowery. eeecntrix by her solocitors CRAWFORD HETHERINGTON, Rrussels, Qutario, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of JBMTMA E. Erman late of the Village of Brussels, in the County ' at Huron, spinster, who died an or about the 9th day of April, A.D. 1948, TAKE NOTICE that all parties having claims or demands against the estate of the above deceased must mall particulars and proof of sane to the undersigned executors on or before the 4111 day of June, E.D. 1948, upon which date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets with regard only to those claims which shall then have been received. DATED at Brussels this 11th day of May A.D. 1948. Mrs. Bessie S. McNair Mrs. Eliizabeth A. Elliott Mr. John Evans Executors by their solicitors CRAWFORD & I•IIDTHERINGTON, Brussels, Ontario. BLU'EVALE Personals: Miss Jean Sutherland, Peace Rivet' distt•ict, • with .dr. and Mrs, Richard Johnston and other relatives here; Miss Sutherland, who is a granddaughter of the late Robert Johnston, formerly of Morris. town- ship, is taking a course in occupa- tional therapy at Toronto Univers. Sty; Mr, and Mr.s, Harold Harris and two sons, Holstein, with Mr, and Mrs, Edward Johnston; Mise Eileen McKinney, Victoria Hospit- al, London, with her mother and sister; Mrs, M. L. Aitken, Luck - now, with her sister, Mise Duff Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wilson and sOn, Listowel, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hollenheck, London, with Mr, and SURGE MILKERS DAIRY MAID Hot Water Heaters J. B. Higgins, Seaforth Service Dealer ••-- Phone 188 Seaforth GEORGE POLLARD REPRESNTATII/E — t3RUSSELS. eseresesemeensapseemeneseeenspepresesseemee bub' Mothers and daughter, liin- cardine, with Mr, and Mrs, .James Peacock; Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson, Winghain, with 1Ir and Mrs, Elmer Sellero: ]Mrs. Riohardson, Toronto, with Mrs. 11 E. McKinney; Norman McMinn has returned to his bootee at Pal - has returned to his host,' at nil. grave after spending the winter with his daughter, Mrs. Lillow, and Arnold; Miss Margaret liras -r is ill at her hoarse sere sufering from flu and measles followed by an infection; John ICirtan is -utter• itlg from a heart condition, Huron Lay Association Meeting At a 1"4'1,11111110(1110 nl''he 1lmron Lay -1,'-•cclalinn of the i'ntted ('hureh c.r (11111111 held nt Seaforth, a resolution was passed calling 111011 the Goverment to bav,t the Lord's Day better enforced. Speolal reference was Made to he vin'atlen1 'which t„ole place last saintlier as Gran11 Lend and the failure of the officers to have IIt 00 law enforced. A recommendation was also made that consideration be given for Brit - isle children with a view of alleviat- ing some of their suffering and ' distress. The local churches ar-e asked to tel an a campaign to increase the circulation of the United Church Observer. N. W. Trewartha, Clinton, was appointed president of the Associa- tion to take the place of the late Oliver J. Jervis, R. J. Watson, Bruce -field, is secretary. 1t's Your bank is there to serve you in fie personal, private way. When you make a deposit your passbook is closed to anyone but you and your bank. When you arrange a loan, that is strictly between. you and your bank. 'When you discuss private financial matter* with your bank manager, you know they will stay private. Such privacy is the very essence of Canadian banking. It permits you to deal with your bank and to use its many services on a basis of complete 'confidence and trust. SP0NSosRD 1117 YOUR Bdlyr