HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-5-19, Page 3What Goes On In The World By Norman Blair United States Talk of drafting General Eisen- howIr 1I a Candidate for President appear, to he dying down. The General's clo •1..1 friend, continue to iusi,t that ulith„I' party could have hint under any conceit abl. cireuul- stvlces. lint many of the 1)euu,crats hO 1ee1 that th1'. I1 11011 g'1t a ghost or a chance with 'llruman at the head let their ticket -• are still hoping for stile 11iod of a miracle m lumina). Before the 1 re tut ,r. 11 of Con- grt=s i. river a hill is likely to be pa, .e 1 11hi lt ul•Iy' have far•rraching re -alt. It is one, which places some 210 g,wernml'Bt-oared War plants On a "national industrial re,crce," This means 0'a: such plant; cannot he Sohl num I to private industry but anal alwat. he available for Government use in ease of war. And in Chicago an eminent medi- cal authority has singled out Spring as the most Igerous of all the four seasons. .1crortling to him, more people die, go insane or cont - mit suicide 11LlIing this three-month lad than at any other time. "Spring fever is a fatigue condition," he says. "People, drained of energy and vitamins dur'ng the winter, are hvicle ope'1 for anytt ng that conies along. Sonne break down physically, some break down mentally — hitt it's a simple fact that there's very little spring to Spring", South America The Pan American conference at Bogota, C'olonlbia, scenes to have ended on a note of harmony. But the harmony was achieved, in all , probability by dodging most of the controversial issues. The insistence of some Latin American countries that all European nations—Great Britain especially—be ousted from Western Hemisphere possessions was quietly by-passed; and the South American demand for more economic assistance than the United States is willing to give also re- ceived a non -committal brush-off. Actually there were only two ac- complishments of the Conference that could be called at ail positive. 'A charter was adopted together with the formal title The Organiza- tion of American States; an agree- ment was reached by which the different North and South Ameri- can States would defend themselves collectively against outside aggres- sion, much along- the lines outlined, in the 1947 Treaty of Rio Janeiro, When it was all over Secretary of State George C. Marshall rose rather abruptly and said that he was returning to Washington, pressure of important [natters there demand - in his immediate return. Germany In Germany, and more especially in and around Berlin, the Russians continue their policy of "needling" the French, British and United States co -occupants on every pos- sible occasion. New regulations have tied up Bizoniu-Berlin traffic on which the latter city depends for Mulch of its food. Drastic regulations on west- ern air traffic into the German capital have been threatened. In spite of British denials the Rus- sians continue to insist that the fatal crash with . a Soviet fighter plane on April ,lilt. was the Eng- lish pilot's. fault, .iud General Clay, American commandant in Berlin, told same of the families that had been showing signs of the jitters, "if anyone is nervous they'd better go home to the United States. I'd be just as happy not to have ner- vous persons around." Altogether it appears to be a sort of "pinprick' war—with the Germans meanwhile looking on, wondering whether those pinpricks ' will ever go deep enough[ to burst the whole occupation balloon, Ger- man sympathy seems to be gener- ally [lith the Western .Mies—but there is also a feeling that the RIIS- shins an' not bluffing, and hold by far the strongest 11111111 if It ever 151115 11) a real showdown, , Russia "1 4,es Ru,eia want another war?" and "What sort of shape would Ru+iia be in to fight another war?" —•these are 1Wo of the questions that come up in almost every dis- mission of world affair's. A recent report trade to the United States Rouse of Representatives by the Select Committee on Foreign Aid paint; a picture of what goes on behind the Iran CCurtain._ (In the ['hole it is rather reassur- ing, front our point of view. For while toga( industrial production in Russia is sail to be as large as it was before World War Two, and the Soviet budget for 194g calls for the spending of 51 per cent more of resources on national defense than in 1040, everything doesn't seem to be going as smoothly' as Stalin and his cohorts would wish. Steel production is the major bottleneck. Although there have been improvements recently, pre- war figures are not expccted•to be reached • before 1050; and there is little prospect that the goal en- visaged in the five-year plan -26 million tons annually -can be reach- ed for a long time after that: Coal and coke production also lags; and although oil production is on the increase, it doesnt nearly keep pace with vastly increased de- mand for oil. So far as oil goes "the net picture is one that would not encourage the Kremlin t0 undertake a war on a global scale unless it, could count on overrun- ning productive fields from which it would be possible to transport oil back to Russia or to the fighting front." Meanwhile, in Russia, prison sen- tnces running as high as six years have been handed out to directors of companies responsible for sup- plying customers with inferior - quality bicycles, bread, felt boots and coal. Evidently, over there, they don't just hold an investiga- tion and let it go at that. Great Britain In a recent international Gallup poll one of the questions asked was "Would you like to go and settle in another country?" Almost half —42%—of the British men and women to whom the question was put answered "Yes". But although such a large pro- portion said they'd like to try an- other country, only ten per cent said they'd like to .love to the United States. More titan three- quarters of the would-be emigrants specified Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa or some other country within the British Empire: American .loving picture stars are likely to be flocking to Britain in large numbers during the coming months. To use up funds "frozen" over there, Unite'' States film conh- pauies have scheduled more than 40 pictures for British production this year. Among these stars is Bing Crosby, who will make "Briga- doon" in England and possibly, while over there cross to Ireland to film "Needle in the Haystack". The secretary of an English Swimming Club has come up with a $64 question. Since its inception the Club's emblem — worn on alt swim suits -- has been a herring, But now, .the harassed Secretary complains, women's suits have be- come so scanty that there's no longer roost for the emblem, Un- feeling male members suggest that it be changed to a sardine. A cheering note is seen in the re- port that, for the first time in 25 years, Britain became the leading passenger -car exporter in the world. SIDE GLANCES By Galbraith .91.;.-. Porn, 1445Bv e't'-T^a ,1. ,, •• "Oh, I don't think men are as deceitful as women I ' Take my husband, for instance—I've caught him every time he tried to fool mei" Balances Budget—While most other hospitals in Ontario were piling up deficits in 1947, Kichener-Waterloo General balanced its budget although increasing its staff and payroll. Economies were effected for the taxpayers by doing other civic departments' laundry at the hospital, by making its own soap, floor wax and several drug compounds, besides buying milk direct from farmers. Stanley Statia, hospital pharmacist, makes a germicide, on which several dollars per gallon are saved. Sports - And One Thing g or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Slzbit Critic") Before the next hockey season is upon us — and the way things go It won't be long now — there is probably just about sufficient time left in which to take a fleeting back- ward glance at the one which has just classed into history. And what stands out most prominently in the welter of our personal memory is not the easy manner in which the Alaple Leafs outclassedt their appo- sition - not some of the hectic moments during the Barrie -Port Arthurbjunior series —not even the gallant one-man stand made on the behalf of a lost cause by ?fr. Schmidt of the Boston Bruins. * * * What we seem to remember most clearly was Trow many goals were scored and games lost because of de- fence men committing what many consider the worst possible sin of which a rear -guard can be guilty. We refer to the increasingly -com- mon fault of backing in toward your ow'n goal -tender until his vision is obscured, thugs causing him to fan on shots which ordinarily he could catch with his teeth. As a former honorary member of the now -defunct Goaltenders Froth Blowing, Liter- ary and Benevolent Guild we feel it is high time some of our modern twine -minders took drastic action in this platter — and if they don't know just what sort of action to talcs, we shall be glad to tip them off. M * * For after all the cure is almost absurdly simple. We are thinking now of a famous old time goal -tender — pronounced in those days "gool- tender" — who, at the start of each season would call his team-mates to- gether. With special emphasis to- ward defense -men, he would ad- dress them something as follows: "Youse guys are out there to score gools and to stop the other guys. I'm here to stop pucks. And 1f any of youse ever backs hi on me so close that I can't see what goes on, I'm warning you here and now you're going to regret it." * * * Sometimes a new defense man would forget this solemn warning; but not more than once or at the outside, twice. You'd see him back- ing in, backing in, closer and closer to his own nets, Then, all of a sud- den, you saw him rear up like a yearling colt stung in the caboose by an angry horse -fly. For that goal - tender carried a special stick which must have weighed all of seven or eight pounds. He had a powerful swing and was uncannily accurate in his aim, It was drastic treatment, and sometimes the erring defense - man would prefer standing to sitting for the next day or so, But it was effective; and we recommend it highly to the much -sinned -against net guardians of the present era. * * * We have long maintained that baseball — minus all the false 'glamor and ballyhoo with which it has been surrounded — is Jost about the slowest gams there Is so far as real actor is cottcggttled, Onoe upon s tuna, having nothing better to do, w took a stop -watch to a game with the Intention of otocking just how many minutes, out of a game lasting two hours or so, the ball was actually in play. * * 5 But the bun teas warns out there back of third base. The game was even slower than usual and we were drowsy. So our noble experiment only lasted an Inning and a half or so, and the results of our experiment in scientific baseball research came to nothing, But we will go so far as to say there's more real action in five minutes of good soccer foot- ball than in most nine -inning ball games — and if this be treason, Mr. Chandler, make the most of it. a * * Radio announcers, who have to try and make an event sound ex- citing even when it's deadly dull — and magazine writers, who picture each athlete they deal with as some sort of Superman - have put sport in real danger of being oversold to the public. As an instance of what we mean, take the recent Ken- tucky Derby — the tamest sort of an affair, with Citation winning as he pleased. * * * But after it was over the Micro- phone Maestro had to go into a mild sort of dither regarding the masterly ride Eddie Arcaro gave the winner. "He didn't make a single mistake" was one of the phrases, if we recall correctly. Actually, as the jockey would be first to admit, all Arcaro did was just sit still and let the horse run his own race. We know a couple of 14 -year-old girls who have been attending Riding School for about six months who would p-obably have done just as well, and bt.>ught Citation home just as easy a winner as did the great Mr. Arcaro, No Trouble At All A sentimental woman was mar- ried to an unromantic man. One evening she said to hint with a sigh: Would you mourn for me if I were to die?" "Oh, yes" he mumbled, "of course I would." "And would you visit the ceme- tery often?" "Certainly," he said, with a lit- tle more animation. "I pass it on Illy way to the club, anyhow." T HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Steno Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your loom Staeo Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our primma. We manufacture 10 our fie. tortes — Harness, Horse co lam, Sweat Pads, Bores l �"nn. kete, and Leather Trfvelliljgg Goods. Insist on Staeo Brand Trade Marked Goode, and you set satisfaction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD, 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE ISSUE 20 — 1948 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED &ILS, GREASES, TIRItls, Insecticides, Electric Vence t>ontroiiare, n and liars Paint, Roof Coatings, 0* er wanted, Write Wares Oerime & 011 ' • tql�, 11050>1.)5' RADY CIIICHS PI1r,LieT bargains nve week old, while thwY lax[: Whlta L,el,nrnx. Blank ISIS eso. Haul, Atlnure0 x Whlra 0o iIl'rn. Whim l.ueburn x Barreditook 0 .1>, Whim nnek,,. Ilarrl:d Iiowks Black Alt,, Barred New lianmaldrnn• New reed Hiork x 00 ,', o,1 18> 10. Light *men x B1hund hark 45.05. Assorted tweeds 1.00 per hundred eek 5100 0 wok old 4 week, 5 want[. 1, week pullIA,,dray os and rum. F01(1.1,1 at rxndarn in prl•'nx. 5)00 aid cockerels: Meek M!norm x white Lnitlmrnn, 111,110 Leg - horns 1.59. Barred Hock x White beghlrns s.00. Bend for complete prirmltst. Twaddle Chick Itutrherlex Limited, Fergus, Ontario. —4%—Heavy Breed Cockerels -6c - 0,1000x. 600,10 x Now Harnp, New Hompe. Prompt delivery: 61.. Aller April 0011w 6150. Stay 1st to May 10th: 00. 101050 Inland Rude 4 'So. Reek x Leghorn and Sussex x Leghorn lo, Leghorn° le. I•'ast Feathering Rocks and ltoek x New Item* to May 011t 00. May 1 -10th: 70. To revelvo these specials enclose thle ad with order. All pricey *eddied to mange without Wire. tICRONDALE Ctur.'Ic HATCHERY, Lnndnn, Ont. FIVE week aid pullet bargains whilo they last: White Leghorns, Black Minorca x White T.egh'rns, Black A,otralorpu x While LeghOrns 48.05. Bared net•ka. New linnmahlree. Innek Alwlrai,rps, light Sussex x Barred Ruche. White Wynndottex, White Reeks 47.06. Axsor,ed Breeds 1.00 per jjaindred leen. Also 3, 4 weekold pullets, cor72_nrela or non -„0x04. Day old mekerelx: White Leghorn x Barred Rncke 2.00• Black Minorca x White Leghorn, While Leghorn 1.00, other breeds at reduced 115(00. Send for priming. Top Notch Chick Salve, (Ivelt11. Ontario. FREE! 100 HEAVY -BREED COCKERELS with every order or 100 pullets, Large Type White Leghorn pullets $28.00, New Ramps. $28.00. To receive Ods xpeclal enclose Me ad with your order. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, LONDON, ONT. SET PRICELIST on xpeclal crock berkatne, dayoldo, etartnd, Immediate delivery. DWI. be loft short—you may and ehortagep In 0550 end poultry later. Be ready with Bray ehleke. Bray Hatchery, 170 ;John N.. Tiomilton, BEST In years, That le what the Dominion Department of Agriculture Marketing Ser- vice 5111 about the poultry outlook. Looks title a real chance 100 turning idle brooder space Into money maker. Some smart people will make real money that way thin season. Shortage of early hatched pullets makes Fall Egg •market outlook exceptionally bright mo. Start vigorous fast growing Top Notch clicks. We can give prompt delivery on day old. started and older pullets eight weeps to laying, Send 105 reduced prices for May. Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario, BREEDER HATCHERY CHICKS OVER 10,000 BREEDERS IN LAKEVIE .1 FARMS All double blood tested, banded and inspected Many customer,, have had yearn of continuous 0100000, with Lakeview 01,151.. You can too. From John Coles, Graven buret, Ontarle>— "Maly thnnke for Ilnt shipment. I have 100% livability.” "Wonderful ou0cee0. 76 to 80% Production with your Sussex," reports Arthur Arycro, Orgoo00, Ontario. EGG SHORTAGE Total ehidt hatching% down 60% from year nen, Feed priers Wil be tower and egg prices higher. POULTRY MEAT SHORTAGE Reports show cockerels started to date down 70 to SO% from year ago, 3.4 Ib, broiler. are selling for 30 to 400 Ib live weight. The margin of profit Is greater than ever. PROMPT DELIVERY 60,000 Lakeview chirps weekly. Wo 1,11 (01, prompt delivers, In most breeds Give 2nd choice of breed. If onesiblo. Breed. asOtanin Sussex, Sussex x N.e Bantu°., B. 110011 x 1p ttans,. Barred Rocks. N. Iiamps.• Rhode Island Reds, Large type W. T.elhornn, Rock x Leghorn. Sussex x Leghorn, N Ramp. x Legtmrn. STARTED PULLETS 4 wks.-24 wks. Get a head start with started pullets or hook order for future delivery. 3 weeks to rcadY to lay. It loops like It will be impossible to bur will -started pullets later on. All older pullets raised on free ,range under Ideal rondittens. HEAVY BREED COCKERELS 'thousands available weekly Send for special IOW prices on large o,ders CAPONS 4 WEEKS READY MADE 'there le good money In raising Canons. Roll fors much nor ib. ea tu'keyn, 35 to 40e per Ib, alive now. Send for large nluetrated catalogue and man- agement book and weekly special Inst of day old, started pullets and capons. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM AND HATCHERY 122Ac — Hurondale Chicks — 12?, c All Breeders trouble-bloodtested and banded, backed by 111011 pedigreed foundation stock, Many customers report 'hest chicks I ever had, Dud prices 0o reasonable" "'1'lu chicks I had from you have dem eplendl4lY" reports Jame. Wright. Owen Sound. Pure Sussex mixed' 14e: Sussex x New Ilam%, Ruck x New Stam, Barred ItertI and Nate Ramp Mixed: 1312e; pullets; 241. Reek X Leghoqrn, Sussex x Leghorn, Now Munn x Leghdrn to May 20th: mixed: 115, pullets: 27e, cockerels; 20, After Silty 20th, Mixed 1245x, Pullets 240. La1'g0. t3'pe White Leghorn Pullets 24e, mixed 12(ke. Feet Feathering Rock and Rork x Nov Hemp cockerels 6r to May 1st; Sussex x New Ramo and Broad Breasted New Hump coekerols to May 1st, 5U0, May 1 • 10,11: 65. Assorted Mixed ohicke llo, assorted Pullets: 22e. A 00,004 heavy cachorele, 6e .'hen available. All Prices eltbjert to change without entire. 100 o Live Delivery to your Station. 51.00 Per 100 deposit, balance 0.0.0. order from and enduoe this ad. 11t110NDALE CRICK rHATCHERY, LONDON, Ontario_ OPPORTUNITY Is knocking at 0ailr door. This le the year to maize real money 111 Poultry meat and eggs. It never looked better. Pearl prices are going down and poultry meal prices ere up. There 1acertain), good 111e001' hi milling coelterols fur broilers or roasters. The margin of profit Is bigger than ever Don't dolly, send for our reduced prleolisl 10r May, We don give Prompt delivery on day 014, two, three, four and live week old millets, tookurels or von-Oexrd. Also older Pulite sight weeks to laying. Free catalogue. TWeddlo Chick Hatcheries limited. Fergus, 110100io. DYEING ASD CLEANING HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write to ue for Information. We are glad to answer your eueetlone. Department H, Parlor's Dye Works Limped 791 Yong, Street, Toronto, Ontario. POR SALE HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parte and Service. Bert E. Iietiardy & Son. 410 College St., Toronto. EARLY xollegg Premier Stravborrme, 000 vaunts 81.00 1,500 010.05. 141610 tato, t2 00 1gD. O. E. 9011th, Seotivd, Miter q, ALL -CANADIAN Milking Shorthorn 13roo(ttis Sale Held at Alderloa Farm, Hamflterb M.O,Y 27th, 40 choice females, 0 otttetn.ndlne bulla. For catalogue. write Alan Alderson, Rte. 4. Hram1110. Plan to attend, FOR BALI; BROAD -BREASTED BRONZE TURKEY POULTS Alpp 03151,1. WHITES Ind 1011(1AD. OILEAS'I'l;D BRONZE 15 81151,0 WDI'l'Et- and SMALL I1.11 If.'8 T1215 Melts the year to matte teal money In turkeys, Send for our Turkey Outdo and let. for to get an me dein'!, 'there le a good American market And demand The defy Ie down 2 melte mq Ib Need prices are Poing down. (AmttWmts for May delivery for gala are down 813ea t0 111 Oe (Int tun A,',•rl eau Breeeer Mirka ere dawn 40.50 mer rent Pettit produ"tfon will be away down It 10 expooted that Canadian pnulta will be shipped to I7 B.A, by May or b,•Iere at grind Preaa Plan to roue minim Th10 10 the we•arl neat, your order now, Rig downtime for Aur11 delivery. Send for 'nnitey Moringenleoi 02 (00 0011 en:setae n'Lleh tulle all Wean prom,. Prevention of d1110000 r d roaring methods LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH EXETER ONTARIO IMMEDIATE DELIVERY nay Sneerer, Lm:Ib13'. Extra Front, day-old chhike and einemi. tom ehiens are Purebred and beauty. Gan.o3 from Merits laxpe,ded. approved or m'0 1 ,1 film, .I,,o rid hre, derx. The reern,bne"rO aril It o P or duscm,diug from 11.0.P. 0chereln it,irirtnil 111 110 same Mme healthy and mope. clucks, well known for laving large eggs limn 24 to 34 flumes Per dozen. You eon abt'syo depend upon a Poli PIM IOC' {cot when 500 ord00 7001r rhreko from us 581C for our ntate 11ot. For inuuedlaie or Noire delivery, WrIfri4 Lefebvre, 1,1111j1 Ambe'st St_. Montreal. 44 BARGAIN! STOCK REDUCING SALE NEw Pnt•IYpe (Ia.,. 1111 Surma.: it, .,,der moves, new Ego 00 or 021 00 deliver:A la your elation. Act oulekly, while they (001. Subject to change without notice. 1'o receive tine bargain price enclose title ad with your Order. Also ROOM REAPERS a. low ae 132 00 and New Pot -Tyne 0IIEEN RA50E OIL BI'RN- ERs, $45 00 while they last! LAKEVIEW HATCHERY AND SUPPLY COMPANY EXETER ONTARIO BEMIS ONE AND TWO -ROW 110R0E AND TRACTOR -DRAWN TOBACCO AND TOM- ATO, ETC.. TRANSPLANTERS AVAILABLE NOW. SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER OR W, F, McICENZIE CO., DISTRIBIUTORS SINCE 1000. PHONE 21. LEAMINGTON. ONTARIO. HI -POWERED R(0e0—Write for deeerlptive folders and prieoa. SCOPE SALES CO.. 820 Queen St., Ottawa., Ont. SENATOR Dunlop etraw'borry plane, well rooted, heaviest producer., hundred $1,60. thousand 18. Order early. Percy Yarrow, Route 0, Trenton, Ont. EAT HONEY. Nature's finoat .went, we will 0090(1 a cage of 12 four -pound 0000 of des, Haloesfine flavored clover honey for only $10.00. Order today while this bargain pride Inst.. RII Rook Farm, Mille Roches, Ont. WEED control with cllemloale le may, Oulgk effective and economtrat with use of Hop- son sprayers and ohemtoalo. Wrlte for 11aa formation to George Willie &' Bone OompaAY Limited, London, Ontario. n HIGH PRICES — USED BAGS Minimum quantity 200 begs. wrltp WESTERN BAG & BURLAP OOHPAN7f 87 Front Street East Toronto, O. MACHINERY NOW IN STOCIC. Beatty deep and shallow well pressure systems. deep well Rand Pdmp-e�, and Pump Jack.. Air Compressors, all ele1e both stationery and portable, Cometd,�5pp line. of woodworking machinery. Eleotrlp MptoLB, all sizes In 26 and 40 cycle. Portable Comet! Welders, 100 ami. capacity. Write Lor prices and descriptive literature to: Mllgrom Electrle Limited 70 King Street Wet Hamilton, Ontario ROOFING — SIDING Bargain — Afil) Ends — Factory Seconder 005 Ib Asphalt Shingles 84.70 136 Ib. Asphalt Shinlgle° 2,98 Colours--Oreen, Red. Blue, Bleck, G n Blend, Red Blend. 011" thick Brlok Siding. Rod or Red Blond 13.06 Sq, Smooth Rolled Roofing 46 1b. 11,66, 66 lb. 221.0. Rock fared 90 !b. Roofing Mott sc liod, Green & Black. F.0.11, Hamilton, Th0,0 are real 0auee at 'the above pricer,. Order Now, Stock limited. ROBERT JONES LUMSER CO. HAMILTON ONTAR) WI11Zy,1585 motor to put on your own bi- cycle 5160.00. Whtzzer, complete wit Chieftain heavy duty bicycle, With heal' duty tires, heavy duty spokes olid heavy duty miring forks. 3270.00. Corggi� paratroope}9 Io1.„lg motorcycle, $281.00, Francis Baroutt power -bite, 5207.00. Frnneie Barnett 'Ct erlin' motorcycle unlade In England). $460.00. we pay skipping charges. Rae J. Watson, 287 Welll"Atee St., Landon, Ont. 0010101 oyo1e 11eMkimlrt„re for Western ()Marie. ART HALLIWELL AUTO WRECKERS AL1, PARTS Thoroughly guaranteed, [wrecked and catalogu- ed. shipped with no mistakes anywhere. i11011 orders a specialty. All correspondence meted ,lolly. No part tn0 bard t3 *9t, Tey moo feat 011d accurate service. We clean, re• pail. or rococo ally make of radiator. (Rape 1,101nihel while you wait. Lakeside 4433, 140'6 1310er St, 11'., Toronto, Ontario, Write Wire Pyong Fent 551.15.. One 30 x 64 17,04>0on Steel Sep- arator, clover attachments, Grain Re5leter. Elevator, in real good muting order. $350,08, One 32 x Se Hower -Massey separator elenal01' with lilting 09w155105 000vol'or. Bagging 0,0dt. stones, t1eu. W. hunter, H0ger0vtlle. C11,it. t'HE6APPIAlSE Buy 10trlerer0, 005(01ered, 4 months ohl. 1511 make good bunters ape ex, ellen!. cmn1Onion0 D. Nash. Stoney Creek, Muer i.. L05101114 rine berries this season, July to Ortolan'. Geuulne Gem Everboaror et'aw- bmry Phots halt former price. All inn afford this hrdy, praline easily grown variety. Monte 001110. honor accepted in trade. 20 for $1.00, So, $2. n0. 100 $4.00 prepaid, Excellent plants, One hundred, 24.00 prepaid. Excellent 01100(0. 0, W. Phillips, Rex 11, Welland, Out, 1008 SALE. Farm 160 aeree, 15 am* clear, 5 -roomed frame house. 2 log barna, ro'bt Ileuses Tomiskaming highway % mile. North BSY 16 Innes, good scheel0, Clear post edits and stores, $000.00 rash. William Pttllltpe, ttndbridga P.O., Onta'l, BUILDERS' Sulphas evadable Imnledmt01Y. Na11,, — Cast-iron soil -pipe and F'Ittlig0. I'unlbing fixtures and electrical oPpllang5s, Send stamp for circular. Economy Diatribe - tors, tCingnton. Ontario. 84155DRE0811041 LEARN Iiati'drespins the Robertson method. Information on request regarding alasgee. Robertson's HOlydroselnS Academy, 187 Avo nue Road, Toronto. HAIRDRESSERS start a business of Your men giving Atte Cold 1YBves in the Monte,. Arlo Cold Wave Co., 100 Adelaide Si. W.. Teton tp. DOj'1"h Deloy1 Even, sufferer of R'hopnlatic Pal ,Ite 1, 10,118011�11n shut Id try DI>,p`il e gge�)» ' Uunro a 1.000 Stora, 075 10(0(0, (Ottawa. Poetbald $1.00. Al ERICA I. Y1t1V14:v It oi,1y....t s, -r 1 r 11' . 11' LW ('a11111 or N"b til .1 .461 11 aa- ,y'$ Ii 110'10 ata ,n'e than ,r. 14 1.. .111. 1110,0'., 1 paid 51 1 '1 hnnvuurlx Lni 1,11 N,11131 1'14or FEF' BEI( TONIC coml.* marciliettia rworeaarg 1'01' ,t 1.1/11,11 of M111b„mg'• 1110 for velor,nlx '',nol 11-.0,11. I5-doy's soot4r. postpaid 'st.011. BEK HEALTH PRODUCTS Din 25. EU1li10 18, 'toren.,. al['t'ORTIPNIruah FOR IVOt1AN BE A HAIRDRESSER 101N 0ANADA'S 1.1:ADING ;-' 11111/5. l311,1tl1 o11l,0rt111111ly Hairriee 0u,g Plenxant dlgnumd poi!,18:m, 0111.4 , ,•,, (hounm,dx nu -neral id a01,1 America's seen teal $4,i1,./11nluu 410 n. 1017110 00,0 01,110 a1 I,•11 /731/5101. II.M1 Itt UItESCI NG Rr110' 11.5 855 Blow Sl 15 1',,,.,n1n 8100:11.0 44 Ring Si hnum8no & 74 R1de:,1.1 01 0 ' 111,10:, IlP1'O,t'i'I'Nl'r115H fur 41111 and 11'0111.'4 1911115 13'rN0,9' :t'1' 11'11119 apace 01. fall -lets„ 10.0,•, A11.,klnn 1,r:tro 50 motto randy at hunt, :10.1 1:21 ase 31110 h,r,u enrr«apnnd«n,e co11rx0 ti01.(11:11 1not,ru0, of 1-:untie fluttery 15,•K'd. ln4.r. ru,er !'.t, 1140 :2, Montreal, (pie PATENTS FETIERSTONA(:ll ll & 10n,peoy Solicitors Established 101111 14 10110 (1.'oO Toronto 8001001 or '11101 .'tor, nn ,tm, 1'1140'rnia.l I'll1 FREE enlargement with cull 20e, or w111, 10 reprhts 950. uedude thin ad Art 51,0,., 1000 173, 01unnn It. Montreal FREE COL'RED ENLARGEMENT A beautiful 4 x e onlurgenneir. hued radon. la oils with earl, order. Films developed and Printed 30e. Iteprinta 4, eaa1. Dolly 0,,., 50011ty guaranteed. Hun Photo 0000(•0, sta- tion H, 9'nrnttt,r. WANTED WANTED: Muukr'u 0110 a1 goad demand Nor top pekoe and prompt returns elite your taw furs tm Alau James, Lindsay (Int. WANTED. Jeep ,naw plots, ltrdramtr, us«d, in good condition. Ady,•rtne', 43 11:10 Avenue. Toronto. Ontario. HELI' WANTED PROTESTANT teacher, wanted for Town this School Area of ICnnneboo. Stale epmimrn- tlom name of last in00eci0r and eanlry expected. DUTIES to commence Sept. L 1048. Amer J. E. Hughes, Sec.-Treas., Arden. Ont ROOFERS, CARPENTERS, Etc. he ta0ioot. 00,00,4 an4 d oapnot way t m¢ko a preamble bu010.00 1, he our new typo 1NSULATI0N Vey eo015000 ty 0110114 taro an cp. rit.2g„ r. '$�0 tqp'jyia you• Wo have she nchtnnrr. wean and got Pun Infm•nr anon, to C. A. HURLBUT 15.p CloNyap Ave. Toronto, 0,11. al -O -Pak Manufacturing Co. of Granada. DOES INDIGESTION WALLOP YOU BELOW THE BELT? Koh, Your Forgotten "28" For The Kind Of Relief That Helps Make You [tarin' To Go More than half of your digestion ie done Eviow the bolt—in your 23 feet of bowels. 8y when indike,tion strikes, try something that helps digestion in the stomach AND bOleN the belt. What you may need is Carter's Little Liver P1 foot' of abneeded help to that forgotten Take one Carter's Little Liver Pal before and one alter meals. Take them a(Oording to directions. Tho help Wako up a larger Bow of the 3 main digestive juices in your etom"oh AND bowels —help you digest what you have eaten in Nature'ps own way. Then most folf,0 get the hind of relief that mak1e you feet batter from your heart tg your tb",Rs Just be sumyou got the genuine Carter'0 Lath, Liver P,llo from your druggist -35M 1. For Quaky, 41�d17ada's a Fattiest Selling CGARETTE A BCCO POP—High Far* iii T . (iS 'f1'lg Pl ti aeoucINa WYMMA51 W M ? YOU HAVF'11T' R,RiDUGCeo MINS. M GeNDINGI Z'OLJR SA. B'AC'K TO YOfd By J. MILLAR WATT • vi