HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-4-28, Page 2Y
J A C i'C 5 0 N• C O L E
\\ e,.r ass
n:.teriously and Ellen 1,1: noes
suspicious, She roc. to 1 ,aro
and frees Juanita,
Ellen watched the slim li itfade
inn the night. She slowl) t . 'ted
311 engagement rieg from l c t finger.
\Vere• through, Clark,' she
Slipping Lack into the h'•tt,e.
Iter Ir t' r all :iousb. ['acing
the floor, worried river her los„ ab-
sevice. L'ttt x11,11 Me had 1,,!d lti:tt
the reason for it, he jt as p ,-.rated
0'::t ]•then had u'tath!e keepipg '.tint
from stalking of n n -tars aril basing
- a showdown v. alt Cares:\\, el . r then
an 1 there.
"Put in the moven, we'll 171 2 it
out," the premised tie :,t:.•, ylie:. fie
finally gate in. " 1 . , r he tern es
t':4 place, richt aw:r , or yr • do'
14,vttstairs the hits of a door
creaked. Ellen rao to the ut..i-•w.
her hand clutching !:e't,af
"Mark's ,ire t., theiva! she
cried in .darn.
„bio ger itt lied:" ',i:x.. (oiere,l
lretih. ":\rad droit att.t•.tr !te
call. jou."
Ile \vent to his own room. Ellen
inns scarcely Is i ti, her idxakets
when the dim e.stairs door aas bang-
ed, to the accontlianitnettt of rinsing
Dalt., and Clark \Veber carte tonild-
int up the stairs. Iris ,t. r.: ,reps
indicated that he was lila an enrag-
ed Least. Ellen ,,:dt •d r: 'ti :gaited
P,ar , -1 r 1,ss i:aisle Pati
made an agreement, t•t the sour of
the moment. v:hich hr now meretted.
He paced his r,'oice fluor, cur -hug
himself :or promising to wipe oat the
V l .r \!anon mnrteacc if -_lark
\Vei er captured El t ab:tiler., Rojo.
"Th.,f,.,,,1 nicht l e j1,:: -t luck. en -
°ugh to deliver Cie „t rad.," 1,_ rtut-
terrtl. "and then I'd lie rat;' four
tl t -and dniltit i I'te gra t :.edge
ten t f that promise somehnc•.
Tv, hew to hdlge without per,t'ug
t`,• .:.t Id.,mislt tit his reputation
.j•tt' rut eItttrle---it's going Places!
Easy slenderizing dress with Clatter-
ing jabot, slim boxy-etrt jacket—
Pattern 4i',.0 is an ortitto take
heantifttl care of your social life!
l'attt'tgt friss .axes :,1, ,4, 3d, 40,
4° 11, 111, 4`s .n, Size db dross, 2i
;sal, ;bistro: jacket, yds. contrast.
Psrr) in coin: for this pattern to
Rre n 121, 73 Adelaide St. West,
Toronto. Print plainly SIZE,
ISSUE 17 -- 1)48
for bury, 1 t i for the
farmers he hail . rood? Bartle
paced and planned ,....l he was leg-
treary and train-ioq_r1, and then at
last a scheme fortis:! in his brain,
The only way- -the • - .-.t tray,
He hurried to hi ,rl.•;1., sat down
and snatched tip a oincil.
He worked zin..tinir tete minutes
at the desk, then einriesl. about the
large roots collecting an assortment
of things wlticil he pit.d on a chair
beside the door. When he went out,
he carried a large 11 !oto candle, a
can of oil and an cerin:: ran tin with
the t,,. ttom punched t _' of holes.
* -.-
Half an hour's ri1 brought him
to the edge of the ,alley and from
above he looked dna n on the build-
ings of Chris Pringle', farm.
Notting stirred Leh,., tum as Bar-
tle watched. After a chile he rode
down into the talk_., as close to the
Pringle place ;tr the dared, dismount-
ed and stealthily tel:auced with can-
dle, can and oil. Like a shadow he
made for the long sited.
Bent double, i:artiie wormed his
way to the centre of the shed. He
knelt, reached him and drag-
ged down a dry stalk. Crumpling
the leases, he made a little nest,
soaked it with oil imd placed the
candle in the centre.
A match splutter:••; i:: his cupped
hands. The candle win': ;moldered a
moment: then, as to:i_'t'. melted, u
spearhead of yellow light was born.
'1'o shield stunt a dar,r:•r signal from
any curios eyes. he carefully set
the perforated tin -tier the candle.
He got up gcicld:, sprayed the
oil about and dray. 1 down more
tobacco stalks. He left the building
cautiously, then d t. it1 to itis horse,
flung himself ionto, tn't saddle and
tore off tutraril Cbdt ::reek. At the
pace he !held, he figured, he should
he hack in his af;ice ir1 about thirty-
five minutes—j1,:: tL•_ length of time
it would taloe te: canonic to burst
* * *
So the flame would touch the
rim of the oil-coal::r.! :.:st about its
Abruptly, a c!iEi shook Bartle, as
unconsciously he p t! tl up his
horse with a jerk. i'or from some-
where near had conic the sudden
weird cry of a tusn:u:aitt lion. It
turned his blood
Bartle snatched :its quirt and
flayed his :tore '.nit otlt mercy.
Snorting in pain and ager, the ani-
mal carried liar .. at breakneck
At this gal101.io ;•t •-..1 Runs Bar-
tle returned to 1',tt tt.,' t•ming into
the jail he knurl . eriff Londe,
fully clothed, snoring on the bed.
"And what WA ybc "accomplish
with all that ci,li: $h" aortic de-
manded, waking hirci,
"Nothing Innen. 1-iti• teilo',v We-
ber that 1 had h .• •.i in, swears he
saw Via Caballero R ,, the val-
ley. Pete Haslt„!l swears the same
t thaw popped into . cattlemen's
meeting, and go, av:ty with a
let wound."
"Arad while- you're smiting time
of the hunt, this: rtttlatd pills this
t sty door with a da;aer1"
Sheriff Laucle snatched a scrap
of paper from the banker's hand. He
read crudely printed words;
"\\'ell?" Bartle detitanded. "What
you going to do about it?"
"I don't believe Di Caballero Ro-
jo wrote it," said the sheriff flatly.
"1 was on the landing at the head
of the stairs above the bank wizen
the door below rattled," Bartle
snapped. "That wia lite dagger
being driven in, Anil I got down-
stairs 1n tithe to ti: g open the
door and see who hal done it my-
self! It was you' 1?1 Caballero
Rojo --silver dt,oda l:, t ,,,ted gaunt-
lets, scarlet neckerchief axl all."
"Butt still not hist," the sheriff
said positively. ' ' :h assn can stake
me believe that 'td's std ilenly gone
loco enough to t tllitant around
posting notice, of. what he intends
to do."
(To Be Continued)
Your Handwriting
and You Alex Sy Arnott
Your Handwriting
Versus The Forger
There is no accurate record of
the number of forgeries committed
in Ontario. but aecorcihlg to known
facts, the forger does a lively busi-
ness and Iles er lacks new victims.
The l.insites man and the public,
generally seem ever ready to take
a tritmoittg and realize only too
late that they have been the vic-
tims of a st stt'mtttie fleecing rou-
T1' • for'ge'r always has two things
in mind: getting his 'take" and
escaping justice. One, he is fatuili-
aY tvith human nature and is trust -
that lr.; victims have poor
memories. Two, he i; betting a
hundred to one that the at crane
person eould root positively ideuiiy
his or her own handwriting. In
these two a-sunrntious. the forger
makes an easy lining at your ex-
pet,e. He relics mainly on your
inability to recoil definitely wheth-
er you made a !,ttaness transaction
or not, and fh,rtrs that you dill not
make 't record tit it. Poor memories
and slipshod ,cc; t:t,t;ng on your
par: ;, hitt in his trade.
Any good art: -t could copy the
signat re of aat,ther per.ot after
painstaking prttnticc. Iiut the for -
g -r does not fool the Itattdtvt•itit,g
analyst wlto takes a scientific ap-
proach, and doe, not rely otl mem-
ory or chance for signature identi-
fication. T'ite anal: st knows, thro•tg1t
the use of instruments, if the sig•
Mature is !•^nttitii' or not.
One clue itt idettifieation, are the
smooth even lines made itt free
flowing bariityrtins script as com-
pared will: Lim rough or corrugated
edges of lines mode by the attempt
to forge the fame writing, This is
one of the positive differences 1,e-
teeen a gen:tite signature and a
forged one.
As I have rel,tt,f in pres loos ar-
ticles, you t':ri,e according to the
tray yon thii 1: and -all your writing
takes the fora: cf mental activity.
As the think, Sit do we write. The
forger than has a decided handi-
cap, since he cannot think exactly
as you would, td must resort to
artistic inclinations to complete his
work in forging your signature. But
itis artistry is not good enough
to follow the trend of thought which
produces the pattern you make
with our ha:ul',vritin_ and that is
where the have hint.
'When we compare your writing
with the forged script, the forged
shows irregularities which ate ab-
sent in the gemrine script.
Anyone tc'islring a more complete
analysis please send self-addressed
stamped envelope to Box 13, roost
421, 73 eldt'aid,' St. !Pest, Toronto,
There is no charge for this service.
�t�.WLrn V V Ina.a.�Cc3c.
Have you got that quilting bee in
your bonnet? Here's the very
design! The Poinsettia—just picture
it in red and white, solid or print.
Here's a "happy task for your
quilting hobby! Pattern 871 has
pattern pieces; complete directions,
in coin; (stamps cannot he accept-
ed) fur this pattern to the Needle-
craft Dept., Room 421, 73 Adelaide
St. West, T'or'onto. Print plainly
Russian 711 interests in northern
Persia cote: an estimated 40,000
square mires of the Azerbaijan
Police Chick Peasants in Trieste—Lung-time trouble sprit in
Europe, Trieste is imee more the centre of international wrang-
ling'. Police at a road block between Trieste and Capoclistria
check tilt• bundles of peasant women before allowing them to
cross tilt frontier.
L ANNE1t�'
71 z ` & - 9 Cate4a.4 i.€u't,
Good .Recipe for
Happy Marriage
Today 1 quote from a wig' wife's
letter because it is sound and help-
ful. 1t is her ads ice to husbands,
particularly. She write-:
"In reading
your excellent
column, I began
i realize how
little most mar-
ried people really
try to get along
—find lion- little
it takes in order
t ,
"l have a recipe which, if fol-
lowed, I think wot!d keep things
running smoothly in every hone,
especially if used by husbands to-
ward their wives:
".\pprertatioit in large doses;
,.Consideration in medium doses;
"Recreation in small doses.
"Being appreciated means so
much to a wife. A little considera-
tion goes a long way. 'Ino much
recreation sometimes spoils things,
though it is needed to keep disposi-
tions from getting sour.
"If husbands would use this
recipe, wives in ,general would res-
* I surely agree with this recipe,
* and 1 am gl td the writer aimed
* it et husbands. Too mans hits-
* !'ands leave the initiative in 11tar-
How Can 1?
by At Ackley
Q. How can I retain the flat or of
A. Always keep spices in tightly -
closed cans or boles, as they will
quickly lose their flavors if left in
open receptacles,
Q. How• can I measure molasses
and keep it from sticking to the
measuring cup?
A. Grease the cup lightly before
measuring molasses, or dip it full
of flour and tho:t empty it. Either
method will enable every drop of
molasses to conte out of the cup
without sticlting.
Q. How can I clean gold attd
silver articles?
A. By dipping a w:: cloth into
cigar ashes and then scouring.
(.3, How can I make use,of lemon
A. Don't throw them away.. Place
them in the dish water when wash-
ing greasy dishes and they will re-
move any fish and onion odors.
They will also remove any marks
from the dishes,
Q. How can 7 cleats a vinegar
A, By putting a teaspoonful of
lye into it, filling with water, allow-
ing it to stand for a few days,
then washing and rinsing very
Q. How can I remove a disagree-
able odor from the kitchen?
A. By sprinkling ground cinna-
mon on top of the stove,
Broad Hint
The incitation to the anniversary
party read, "And don't tt'y to knock
o1, the door when you arrive, just
nudge it loudly with your shoe."
One of the recipients called up
the sender and asked for an ex-
planation of these curious instruc-
C'a011 the answer: "We are pre -
stoning of course that your arms
will be loaded with presents."
* riage to their wives. They stick
* in the same old rut they've been
* living in, never realizing that
* setting the pattern for the mar-
* riage is as much their responsi-
* bility. They do not treat their
* wires as partners. They with-
* held their business confidences,
* they dole out money a, though
* their wives were incompetents,
* and they are no companions in
* any real sense of the word. They
* practically live the life of bathe-
* lors, shunting out their w'ir'es
* from everything that makes for
* true partnership.
* Wasn't it Emerson who said,
* "The greatest human need is to
* be appreciated? "This wife who
* writes is wise to list that first
* in her recipe. .If a woman knows
* that her husband appreciates
* what she is, and what she does,
* site is secure in his devotion —
* and site will never cease her own
* appreciation of it.
If married couples appreciate
each other, trouble doesn't conte
around, Anne Hirst can help
you appreciate your wife's good
qualities, and vice versa. Write
her at Box A, Room 4111, 711
Adelaide St. West, Toronto,
His Choice
Visitor: "You don't mean to tell
me that you have lived i1, this out-
of-the-way place for over 39 years?''
Inhabitant: "I have."
Viritor: "Butt, really, I cannot
see what you find to keep you busy."
Inhabitant: "Neither can I —
that's why I like it!"
Sunday School Lesson
Zechariah Pleads for
Zechariah 1:1-4; 7:8-14; B:10-17
Golden Text: Execute true judg-
ment„ and show mercy and com-
passion every man to itis brother
— Zechariah, 7:1,,
Zechariah urged tate people to
continue with the building of the
temple of Jerusaleut, lest they dis-
please God as their fathers had
done. As Cod had exiled their
fathers from the land when they
turned away from I-Iint, they, too,
would he punished unless they were
converted and followed Cod's way.
* * *
As leaders and people refused to
hear the Prophet when the delivered
God's warning and instruction, so
Cod would not hear. Ile would not
alter Itis decision that they be de-
livered into c'aptiriq'. Ile would not
prevent the drrtruction of Jerusa-
* * *
The Cltalcleans came against
Judah like a whirlwind. Their vic-
tories were swift and the Jetts
were scatter.ti as strangers in
strange lands. While they were
gone their land 51 110 left desolate
for the seventy year, of their cttp-
lisity, Clod re-crvecl it for their re-
turn which lie had promised
through :rte prophets.
* a, -*
In Ilis purpose to do good to
Jerusalem and to the house of Ju-
dah, the Lord through Zechariah
commanded: "These are the things
that you roust do", First — "Let
every ratan tell the truth, in dealing
with his neighbor," Second — "Let
your decisions in courts be true and
for the couuuot good." Third —
"Plot no evil in your hearts against
another." Fourth — "Never give
yourselves to any perjury" And
why? "For all these are the things
that I hate!"
1f people were to follow Zecha-
riah': message from God, the founda-
tion for malicious gossip would be
destroyed. Since God hates evil im-
aginations, false oaths, injustice, and
lies, those who profess to love and
seine Him nest surely hate them
Chinese is spoken by some 400,-
0(I(t,000 people if all the various dia-
tects are included,
"Huh? What'd you say? Oh—you
mean those malty -rich, holey -gold-
en Post's Grape -Nuts Flakes!"
"They're some dish!"
"They're so cleverly made—of
two grains, you know —really di-
vine Canadian wheat and malted
"They sure taste out of this
world, darling—but you're forget-
ting that other reason why I go for
Post's Grape -Nuts Flakes."
"Energy, you mean? The carbo-
hydrates that load you up with en-
ergy so they call you the human
"Right! And what are those things
that help buildup the old muscle?"
"Proteins, Hercules. And Post's
Grape -Nuts Flakes sure have got
"And phosphorus — what's that
"That's for sturdy bones and
sound teeth."
"Eating Post's Grape -Nuts Plaices
every day—no wonder I'm such a
husky guy!'
"And Post's Grape -Nuts Flakes
give you iron for the blood—and
other food essentials."
"Say —Post's Grape -Nuts Flakes
are ready to eat right from the
package, soy let's have some, quick."
It keeps in the cupboard—it's quick-acting—it's always the
when you want id Now, with the New Fleischmann's Royat
.Fast Rising Dry Yeast, you can bake more delicious breads
and rolls in extra -fast time, No dashing to the store at the lass
minute—you can keep a month's supply standing.by, use it as
you need it. It will be as potent the day you use it as the day i
you bought it. IF YOTJ BAKE AT HOME --get Fleischmann`s
Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast today, At your grocer'st