HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-4-28, Page 1T Tr, '.•;..:. 4 .,k . , ,..,A P: ..:.,.-• , 2,,, ibaa, ...,..411 g&T.O...-Ora ' 11 CI 1 .„I • leNTS'14. ! ......E,.....,„„.„..........,AA..............A•m......,....................L-A.A.A-mromoa.r.ATATT.T.A.A lit...rag-Mautsuga...e.,.............svnimatmezomearriuwassemet...........rnmarna......* issareneuecaseitoroMeWm.......m.e.mauf910 /e0.0.6ssentr......atesannalKNI*.a.....sev..., 1.13190MM ....H., • -ass wan. • ,t-rx... .., Wednesday, April 28th, 1948 - -- BRUSSELS, fONTARIL. ......_ —. FOS f PUBLISHING HOUSE tsvic=omvasummassatccs.e.caakswasst....,,,.-,..,,,==ar_r=sar United Church: W. aaanmarzzacurmiggammgmeaga.vgla LUX FLAKES • • 28c I., lb. SALADA ORANGE PEKOE 52c — WESTINGHOUSE LAMPS — 25-40-60 Watt — Your Choice 4 for 45c PERSONAL IVORY SOAP • • 3 for 20c SPECIALS FOR FRi. SAT. ONLY. 3, CROCETERIA — We deliver — 'Phone 5 Brussels faeXii2X2War.--TalakAAirate=giriZaarn2=4, seseso*avamadr,.*•eaman--*,..prnrcw OPTOMETRIST COMING TO BRUSSELS R. A. REID, Registered Optometrist of Stratford will, be at II.;s BRUSSELS OFFICT, In Miss Hingston's Store on VIEDNESDAY MORNING. PA 4.-171..2th. Trfl 9 30 a. m. to 12.30 *con Eves Exarrained — Glasses FL NOTICE Owing to 48 hour 17'k the Lumber and Coal Tard will be closed every Wednesday All Day until further notice, and we ask our customers to 'Please co-operate. D. N. McDonald BORN 4-1.A.STiNas-l1 nrussei, on SundaY, April 26th to Mr. and Iltratings-a son, The person who fears 0011 has nothing else to fear. Melville Church minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A. 10 a. m. Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a. m. "Chrietian liberty, and liberty of conscience" 7 p. m. "The law of consequences" Louis D. Thompson, organist and Choirmaster. antemazatausee.ralt0.... 6..anucestoneen•Se•filvinaloomo The United Church' OF CANADA !Sinister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson Organist Miss Elva Sholdice 11 a. m. Morning Worshin Rev. G. B. MCLennan Of Manor Road United Church Toronto, JuniCh Congregation 12 Church School and Bible Class Communicant's Class 7 p. mEvening Praise The Pure In Heart. litveryone Cordially Welcome. Church of England Pariah of SrusseIs Rev. J. H. Karr, Rector. rirth Sunday After Blaster Rogation Sunday May 2nd, 1948 $t. Georges Chueon Walton - 4 p. tn. Holy Communion Sunday School $t. DVid's Chtrch, Henfryn- 11 a, rn. Holy' Communion Sunday School John' ChUreh, Bruseelea, 111. SUndaY School , Hedy Oolnrallti011 1 Cadet Inspection Dates Ave Announced B. C. S. "At Home" Draws A Record Crowd The w. tbn chiliad! on Apt.' I 20, in A. large number of fernier Brussel.- r'ontitination P,chnol students, friends th,-, tm-11 401 loato th., t'itnrch There and parents attended the annual B. Were (Well:y-11Np preamit.. The preat• dent Mra. R. ousinopenee C. S. "At Home" last Friday evening. Cs d thmeet. Ing by the .singing of s hymn. Scrip. iure r lIling elven by 11 r'. R. Down - 1)14 followed by the Lord's l'itayer in ino'sfrn. Minutes of the last meeting were given by Mrs, Bryams and the 1 treasurer report by Met!, \V. nen, A !half loon, was 115,(0,-1 to busbies), igniting cleaning of the church PIC, This part of the ovenlne wa.: !dosed !by the ,\Tizpah benroliction. The 'social part was conitheted I.y tit D's ,rf the \1i'7-, 1". Downing, Ihe chair. called nn :kin. 11. Ciamp- i bell mul 11„- r daughter 1,3•Iney for a (Mot, neaiintr was itivon tv N111..1. S. 1-1,111'4011 1 and saki by 71iiss Carrie D'ingston. A !ittnal (mutest was romliated by 'Alia* !Hattie Friwning. and th»; Jane Rant Ein7ed 1 Plattn tole. All present were ' then invited to as' the lovely array ef ribbons and handkerchiefs given as a shower to a girl ornhanage in England. lovely Inuch followed and a rot F. of thanks 35.1.1pred the Larlient Aid of Melville Church Mrs. Lemine Ballanyte addressed reeetIng in Melville byterian Church on 'Friday evening on "The history of halving.” The WTIT; eltarge of Mrs. Harold K- they, presidert (If 31v111 1-tdic's Ballantyne R111(1 that Can- ada was unique in eullea-v art in sn much as it was formed by contribut- ions from many European emintries. The speaker deplored th, manner in whirl) so many Canadian 01011:ors waited hand-mailent on their dough. ers with the result that Dv. latter lacked alt,en:a. res.ponsiltilitv. 'Mrs. 1 G. McDowell gave a recitation and [Mrs. B. Consins sang a solo. Th" I Tnitel C.hrirch At the meriting worship in the Cadet Inspeetlon Elates for schools, 'Mined Chlirch the minister spoke in this area are announced in the !from the text "But if mut G2tspol lo 37a4e3 Bulletin for the Western On- 1114. it is hid to them that are lost." ratio Military Area as follows2 Corinthian TV 'verse 3. Mrs. Harold May 14, Wingbam Htgh School, i iCampliell sang the oolo "Hold Thou 2.00 p .m. May 21. school, in.on a. m. May 26, Schoel, 2.00 p .Tune 4, Scheel, Seaforth Htgh Listowel High Brussels Nigh my hand," by Briggs in excellent voice. in the evening thp fiffth Beat- itude "Blessed TITO the mericfril for they shell obtain mercy," was the text. 2,00 p 01. MehriPe Chnrrh At the morning service 'Rev, Mr. samessamistasaustassar-ntagssaanas !Milne preached on the subject "A Church Commended" the subject heina based on the letter to the Christian Clime11 at Smyrna. Mn snite of nnvertY, persecution, and other hardships the congregation at Smyrna bad a wealth of faith and confidence which earned the com- mendation of the Master. The morn- ing anthem was "Bless the Lord 0 my soul" from the Russian Liturgy. At the evening service Rev. Mr, Milne Preached on the text "This is the day which the Lord bath made; 'we will rejoice and be glad in It." Mr, Mlles Feinted out that the day to which the Psalmist referred was not any smote] day but every individual day, HOME MADE BAKING — SALE - SATURDAY, May 8th Brussels Public Library Farm Produce - Candy Afternoon Tea served from 3 to 5.30 o'clock Under auspices of St. John's Ladies Guild VITITIMEMAIVITETET111116191111.11=1,911118113111V15112116111ffiang411151 REGENT THEATRE Seafortb, Ont. NOW PLAYING- , Thurs, Fri. Sat, April 2940 May ist "EAST SIDE OF HEAVEN" with Bing Crosby and Joan Blonde') Hear Bing Sing - your best loved crooner In one of his best loved rolls. Mon. Tues. Wed. in Technicolor "THE UNFINISHED DANCE", with Margaret O'Brien Cyd Charlsse Karin Booth M -G -M's gorgeous technIcolor drania of the ballet, a work of art for your pleasure. May 345 Next Thurs. Fri. Sat, May 6.74 Double Feature In Technicolor "THE SHOCKING MISS PILGRIM", with Betty Grable and Dick Names Delightful, breezy entertainment; has tunes, color and smart comedy -plus, and OF WILD HORSES', with and Preston Foater COMING: In Technicolor "MY WILD IRISH ROSE" With Dennis Morgan Andrea Ping George O'Brien "KING Gall Patrick AWA,LO. "Attg Capitol Theatre LISTOWEL Wed. Thur. April 28-29 "HIGH WALL" Fri. Sat. Apr. 30 --May 1st "PIRATES OF MONTEREY" (Technicolor) Sat. Mat. 2:30 - Serial Shorts Mon. Tues May 3-4 Adult Entertainment George Raft — Lynn Rari in "NOCTURNE" An exciting Detective Drama Tuesday FOTO NITE OFFER $110.00 Mon. Attend. card night COMING — for 4 DAYS MAY 5-6-7,•8 THUNDER IN THE VALLEY (Technicolor) The thrilling story of BOB the amazing Shepherd Dog with Edmund Gwenn—Pe,ggy Ann Garner. MATINEE on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 2.30 CKNX every hilon. to Fri. at 6 P,M. Patrant! for the occasion were Mr. and jes. Wilton, Mr. 811.11. Mrs. ,T. Schnitz and and Mise Helm Conic, Music for danoing was provided by Frankie Banks .orobestra. Miss Mar gavot Cardiff and Edwin Elston were winners of the elmination !tepee prize. dellehtful evening' war, enjoyed by the students and theIr guests. CHARLES TURNBULL HEADS GREY JUNOR CALF CLUB The annual business, ineetin; of flu -- Grey Township bminr Calf Nub was held at the home nf Turnhnll, etm. 14. on Monday evening, Offieerx elected for 19 92-19 wore: presIdeot, Charles Turnbull: vice -pros. Ken. Knight: st,rof 4 ry, 1 Turnbull, club leader. Wm. Turnbull. 11 dm -tried that all membici exhibit a ealf at the Brussels Fall Fair, NOTICE TTaving been appointed ,it0r11 Borer Inspector far the Xorth part of Karon County, 7 urgently request all arnwers of corn, which includes garden pints as well as field cern, to have all refuse rif earn either burned m' buried before the 20th day a May. Penalties are provided for the 11111 vomplittnet, with MO Plant Disease Act. Thomas Douglirty, Corn Borer Inspector. Dr. J. F. Harper Speak To Lions Club Lion „i If.irper was the speaker at the regular supper rnek.ne, of the. local Linne Club on Monday night TT' gave an informative ad- oss on the subject of "Canner" 31 was "flite-1 Night' al 03(111 when 1 11,, members !mtertainptl other !pen of the community. Lion I,. D. Thompson rias pi'mIsi for the community singing and im. ncopqn duet and nal rt- 1! t (11' ti' Mrs. MZI her, 71 . te.• numbers on the programme were in- letother W. L. Mefuart:-. 41,.• strinnenbil tenni:ers by 12. lxhion. P. G. piano: Wm, Speir. violin: and S. \ rev,. ,, a T. 111 11 1 son Wilt 1,, with Lion Thompson at '1310... wa,- Mrs .; the piano o; vcal duet, Donald and 1 Mr, ft liand'ttel. 'Bruce Frigar with Miss .3 ,lemtnell at P., 1 1 1, '1! er. were: 16. ',Tern:eyrie. 1 31, ohno C Tta, 1: ", R. M'L'1 , vv. 31 'VI. T1')')"( Bryan. 71,' ! ,• !di Interment was in trmy. Mrs. Amoc cirott.» 11:vzh IV! Of C4hc.rni: Nomination At Convention !in ;Winghern Nies Ant,1!-, 1,14r, -.t ton n • .1 , .1 t.te, a: her liono! Cineen tt! ot, , roore,,entatige Tuesday. 'loth co', m ti,.. 1.iho. (k1 HVIII P7,1, riC W. 17, Sty,j,(t1 11 9l)(1 1!"' tee rif Powe” wil, be one of the late nectar and 11 11 4th coneession Grey. The former Annie t! a life long, reident of ill mon:anti)! 111:e Is ,nrviv,-,1 crya or. ,rrt-. TTairer4 two sisters. Mr. Tots,nt, Iiice th-rogan 1 voc 11 solo Gib- from her bin, residene, L'on president Thigh Wil,on ore sidr..1 at the in»ting and 00101303r 30 rdromrd the guests. The moull busily ss of the •• Ma was • -11,1ortell. 'Phe We,i( Juno 200, w -a nnnounend as the 11 3e of the Lions Froth,. Robert Bowman was 1 appointed chairman nf rho eommittve In eltarce. A nominating '011)1013 3'' j Lim). 11. 11. Cousins, G. and TT, Thomas. Were ti23230Int,41 1 . f• 2 • miming term. At the suggestion of T,ton L. 11. Thompsen, the 'Brussels L'ons Club will &mai- 1 seholar,hip rained at 925410 to a special Bach , class at the finflerich Mitsteal ?esti- rat commencing May 17311. The prize for the draw made by , Miss Doreen Long, went to Dnualria 110 mingway. The slipper was ar:'4 by l!l!1l of Melville Church. DANCE In Brussels Tows, Hail on THURSDAY, APRIL 2911i Music by Don. Robertson and His Ranch Boys Dancing from 10 to 1. Lunch Booth Admission 50c Under auspices L. O. L. No. 774. CARD OF THANKS T wish to thank my many frionds for their kindnesses shown 30 me for tit- randy and all other eat a. seri anti brought in to me cheering Inv recent These kindnesses will never be forgotten. Wm. Speller. 3.5 Colored Gentlemen ps TOWN HALL im ;Ida 1int• 1;' WILL PRESENT A IC Op Vt.-41.14h 8:15 P. SA, SHARP UNDER AUSPICES OF BRUSSELS L 0. 0. F. LODGE PROCEEDS FOR Cancer, Polio and Tuberculosis Fund THE CIRCLE 13A07( ROW -M, Donahue, W. Borba, A. Little, E. Sillick, S. Chapple, W. Melt, G. Dickison, K. Wilkinson, G. J. Dickison, A. Blair, 11. McKague, 0. Stobo, D. Hyslop, J. 'Porter, 3, McKinnon, H. Duffy, E. Keyes. FRONT ROW -L. Snick, K. McKague, 7.11, Dagg, W, Ballagh, D, Scott, B. Keith, W. Armstrong, D. Reda!, Jas McBurney, Jas. Ldttle. END MEN -Thos, Friendship, H. C. ThompSon, A. Worrell, W. Cooke, J. McKague and Frank Renwick. INTERLOCIJTOR-W, H. Mann. DIRIOOTOR & PIANIST -Mrs. R. H. King. SPECIALTIES - I, Teddy Bears' Picnic -Bruce McTavish. 2. Uncle Remus -446k MoKaigne. 3. Mock Wedding -A, Blair, W. Borho, 71. Moltague, W. Arm- strong, G. J. Atchison, A. Ulttle, J. Little 4. Trtnnphet Solo -A, Worrell, 6. Step Dance -Sack MeKinnon., 6. Porters' Song -a. McBurnety, W, Armstrong, A. Worrell, F, Renwick, L. Silack, It. MoKague, Donahue, J. Porter, 3, McKague, '1'. FriendshiP, K. Wilkinson, IL Duffy, A Blair, G. 3. Dickison. Dance Orchestra -W. Erb, W Stilick. F. Renwick. Mrs. King. Caner -IL Keyea, Intermissibn Music -Miss R. Friendship, Mrs. King. -God Save the King - Admission cAHDIULDTRSEt.2 5110c5.,c - BRING THIS PROGRAM WITH YOU - Dance IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE SHOW. - MUSIC BY BROWN'S ORCHESTRA - ADMISSION TO DANCE 600 — LUNCH BOO 1.1. 11f MI..1:+nou Kitt Thrtihin Wit, of the late ft! i,341“, died 1,1 Whit:dam TT, mit:!1 .13; •A'r•21., uesday. April s.m seventh year. The late 'Mrs. Muldoon ba,I :n11701'11 - w tn9 Tie possible than elan}, ie !h! Chliarie Liberal 1111. Iron. Farquhr,r 0.bver, provinvial party r. tnld TO:aril convention • •:.!. hen, 011 Raturday 'night when Hugh Hill. Colborne Town.. 3r33P 2' '1'!' and voteral, 02 municipal politics, wa5: chosen from a ft.:Id e-rndidato,, to carry thu 1 1.1titIntrr !n the :: ';'1 -1," 01 the Lb:: •, attt-mied 1110 '1!»4'',» l.TE El. ' T'l for the •••!•.• •. !.t •, . andidate - to to!• ion: elec. 71.11r. t7,1 lay at the dr. -J. th Tretmcs,!-tt, • tie% coM2leito 11311111, fa''t,ttnatt.,, tat ft 1(131in Dm Art'. to-0»'. te00me Tax!' ! TT. T',' )overli- ment 'had spent r.tily 31 2110 in two ypa-L. 11",,riv-ft 850.045.000 •' -• r. 1.3-'1 lir. mi. in failing health far fOrle Rho wng folilifnl •,e st .Tolm's ,"n 1)13'!!) church, aril " h •-• potTi'ttc.d. aetivf• 11. • only 330011)0 1,, • ! e. • Fanni,- 1\T,Int os,11 11 etir 7\1orth Palvot,, and TT ,ele,a hl, Lend f Aimn,in. 1110111`11 the ,1' Ili of th,ir 537, TT v ree"or, nor. :Win Kerr ef itt ,11,1101 Vire reit f end it'ted .71 50er1005 frfIrT1 her 23a+11-‘1:,1' April 24th. I ‘'' • • 311311)1' '1' ,t,11 ?dery in Fire '13.1411. IneterY. P w: "; " .1 TT Fitclat, }co f, cen-11-e1:. --robn Lego* and ""1 7 ?* arl in'., An,h-rsan. 'which Mo, fni s, 1, . "tough': 31.1 • win at: • .. .2! • 11 1 1 ,',11 when be 'it ' Atteek viz the pre.,ert Opiala "'t-.18,intt." 154 ,• • 43.114"D-cw '''.11 1111 rtv,,,a or lie will ''• tt s1e. this prov. TITETWer wet, ITar‘e:- Cetelano, Jos. 1333(107',win"1"1" a el "'''111 miteraY 0111 W. 'N'leStutoltlell. , 'Ore we' mInutes. of the leaving 0',.''-T.'icrol stand- -7.!•, --ti ri fight 3'' in the eve, Miss Jeinima E. Bruce 1 11 1..1 I 81.13' 1'0 1 11!. genii stand as eandlitite. ilf net ell stand 33- ' '.1 that wr• ear, v.tht tu brrhOtroo Tiirnberry ',it Smith 9931.Timis- 1 1, 't .,111 ;. , ,Ir.,: " April t. .Ternima r. , P100','' 1' ' ' ; 11 Foresees Stir Ell*ttle In 11,-.r qath year. The funeral he'll?: I express s- d cor f!,1 enc. in the held on April 1 II 1 11. Po-!. TT. 17'31"'1: 71r. rmalneting funeral nerrieng at both LI' .a1 Thie'Y'.. 23rne101181 leader, 11m1se and graveside. gave a rent. Mo, rimer. "whn 't',!-, 211" Print!- , f(...,,oni,r111:301ig.rw.onriteisssangre totritihthe hto,n•aeallvepqrzne'ts. '1. \'‘.''':;:, '.:: 7::, :,Pf.,;.,T:;,)" 0 .,,I,TF`m171Tlitsthiviats i TIrrial 30(111 place 10 the Prier ih'1 "'''' '7'1" if w" 1-17e a dater. family plot at Chesterfield, Witerloo IT:117,1.o "Pffori 1r, the par. on *very She being the youngest daughter 1 (John W. 1=373.n1iI. rr,,,.ent Pros -res. dof,,nWilaliantre5Bidr:ne41, onftn)3 oTextli:arlilocthmISnuTryl: j 9intyPther' cm;.•7 71,trli :37: . 0 aAlt,t1,11.1g.1.0,1771 .1 ernsbnOtar 1011 of a few years sport at Gilt. TIT where She resided, with the except. here Saturday night tbi. he would ta-r-ni for re..7lection if novninated. May11135a2r1 slitno charmi. esitsoteir.osiildr,r'siniT:nriu,,s; ,I 'NI(' rtngre'''!" (1°Th't° `Yrvatl'" 5(15 this riding hold their nomination lIrsiregmlnend orrohiemf„.3,Tnpuhl,,,., 1! Teohl\i'..,,,na,atic.nniiinit.,the ',ft -Me hall this b2( tda07. th1 e4 Three sisters prmineenerd her namFive Nominatedely I Mr. Hill WAS nominated hy Ross Tsabella, Mrs. T. rtreenglarle. 'Mirabelli' hTrs. ,Tames Evans: Mary, Mr.A. l'ohn 1C'!,31111. 11. 4. Goderich. one of Goadfird 1(11(1 a.„ hratbp, his Colborne Township neighbors, Price wi) died at Zealsnada. Sash.,13Tin4,1,17417,,rnAi..npl‘eT:C:rewahthr., Gioadt:rrIewth.th. a new Years ago, C'orning to Brussels Rhe hceorne a ! trc'w. we'rE': member of 'I\TelvIlle Presbyterian I lirc`wil S1117111. r"In''w".. A. silt.ewP: Church where Rile Vel.FT a faithful at- ' 3.831:110. 111)1l11111(1,"11bY : rt.non. and David Me- tcndant as lona as her health per art. Bunna !ratted. Allister. R. R. 2 Auburn: Donald Tillie. grocer and natation - Pall bearers WerP: R. II. Bowman, ; R. Bennett, Alex Anderson. John Mc i el''r• PinleY, nominated by MurraY Nair. John 120005 and William Evans. „ACTannirtprblellii..Rn..R2,.3u,IRriTy7 and David - - Hobert H. 1TAttuvritlXt011, lawyer, liloyington - Kirby i Wingliam nominated by Carl Mc. Elizabeth (1133371 'Kirby, daughter II Tilnn:11:::(1P1'f'l vvEnniAtr: Ethel and Joseph Wilton, of Mr. end Mrs. T-Ttirry Kirby. wag ! Wilfred Ande.rson, flax mill oper- united in marriage to Kenneth 1 tiler, Lucknow, nominated by Wel- p.,,,,,,bni.foi. (-4„tihmby‘ oon of yrs. ter S. Seott and R. 13311053 4. 13rna-- Florence Royington, in St. Thomas Ia' Church, -Et. Catharines on Saturday, ' The conv.ention electerl an exeou- April 24th et 4 p. m. !live comprising, Donald Blue, Rip - Mr. rsb anntlyMrsi, Boyington will reside I187' Pre9ikient: 131xYcn illit'll' R. R. Inoli — j 2. Auburn. vice-president: awl 0ordon TIllititt, Blyth. secretary, CARD OF THANKS Nominees Sneak We the neieos and nephew of the I ; The nominees who withdrew •election bolo each, in 4 leRxtperers'70114171;allaltrisl"t'ob 5:11(41,113771:eligth0:2I'Dbrinlr'l 4:1::(11."(*' to tilt' °°117°Itti°/4 in every way. 'For the lietitiful floral 1 "411 enrlid,te' .1 emphasized the need a a send hors and friends ter their kind syn pt aritil::::,fitoAct54thnot klaintptinewfssiLhoillvrnueuEls.!114,bmerna.,11:1,,loeersonto soutpreoLetneit:ineowevaentlita- governanrint. was guilty FlPecial thanks to Rev. TT. Wilson. I 3"'' -"Nc.. for his kindly services. Also to Miss ;of high•thanded methods in hand - Agnew: Fulton a.nd those who assisted 111t1,,,g t',11;*„.11"°',.11i,e,:*g ,a,,,,f,,,f9.75 While' T''''' "It tba people t Boa - In carein.g for Miss Bruce in her last I a"" "'"e '"'" -- illness. .and to these who were von. I of Ontario elect this man Drew bearera. lagain they will face five years of debt to finance his p35ns.1 IVr. 11111, announcing that he woull stand if "no one else doss" said tbe Drew government -was a I Continued an beck page i i . 4 John Hyena Bessie IkloN'air William 'Drams, rt