HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-4-21, Page 7Spars• Pafi One Thing By 172ANlt MANN HARRIS For l !'f 11; AR!! a 0 ,111P'u'a' i 1•h0, 1,'" LI1A'0 bas 1101'1'0'''11 •0,110 221141212 otft,t:lndiug perform:1 : :1101 11 k real old tinier II •av11',, 141 .411111111in'; 1'1)1,1' 1.1 tl'ea- '•^ll 01'011 111 tem:thin the Ilam,' of ;my modern puck -chaser in the salve breath with some of the im- mortals of 2,0'010110 eras, Vet ive greatly Mamba if any of them, (Moll Fred '1'x'•12 r down, ever came. up with a better one-man shot( than that put on by a gentleman named :Milt Schmidt recently, 9r Out• MO Of Schmidt, the Poston Pruins didn't being on the same i,e with the Toronto staple Leafs in their recent playoff .acnes. The l;nstooites looked like a 1101:0!, of tired old men, and Lucre were times when it appeared a, thoueli they would have difficulty getting tett of their local group in a Junior "II" Series. Vet every minute Schmidt was out there—limn knee and all— the Bruits were dangerous, and there 11.1'0t titles when it 1.0eoI1 ap- peared as though he were goiter to carry the v. hole outfit on his back 21.1 vh'WI'v. , C• 1, This wa'i't to be, 01 c -ill•', 1118! the Lea;s wore full value for their 1100, Bruins, like Cantelie15, are due for a whole lot of rebuilding hefurc they will pari anything lite the power that once was theirs. But in the falnlillg:Nees of years to cotlle, when they mime to talk about the 11147-19 Is seri;', \1'e don't believe it will be any of the %inners they'll remember. It will be Milt Schmidt, - laboring Valiall.ly in a lost cause, and putting on a performance which was, to coin a illlra.e, 001 01 1.1115 World. <. We hear a lot about the huge a•n- omits of money some people ala MC out of spoil. But flue Lombardo, Canadian born band leader, is differ- ent, it cost., Mr. Leto lardo plenty to indulge in bis favorite pastime— that of power -boat raring, am we greatly doubt if the publicity value of hi; atlenpt, 20 Set 11020 7e C0IYls is even 11 fraction of the amounts he has to spend. r i, t: For instance, his '114\11'0 \'I is valued at :a hundred thousand dol- lars—and every time it is bei. ted Into the water, Or out of It, It costs hint seventy -fire, Down at Indian Creek in Florida last month, Lom- bardo pushed the then horsepower job up to 114 miles an hour, then a troublesome fuel pump forced him to give up the attempt to equal or exceed Gar Wood's 122 plus utiles per hour mark, made hack in 111;"_. In spite of all the furs about Hehop, jazz ant! 1!:c root of it, t'•cre still must be real none)' 112 that "sweet- est music" 521123. 4: 4, t1 There's another menace to the pcaee of Mind of spurs fan',. Like most folks we round hardly believe our eyes ,when We saw an item from New York that they were intend- ing to try tt revival of six-day bi- cycle racing—fon we imagined that these "ride; to nowhere" wcrc safe- ly dead and buried. 41 x rs The tint six -clay bike race was held away Lack in 1801 and from then until Ms they were "singles" affairs. That is to say every _rider 1006 011 hi; ow'n—)11101 would ride as long as he could, then dash to Ids bunk for a brief rest, coaling bade to the track as soon as le felt able. 6 4, 11: There teas so much (Onticelnatioll of the"brutality" of this that some jolter thought up the bright idea of having two-man teams, one of whom is supposed to be on the track nt 1121 times—although there is some slight doubt if this is al- ways the case. That is to say, there' are those who suspect that in the wee, small honrs of the morning—, when no spectators are in the build- ing—maybe everybody knocks off for a snooze. As to tie truth or otherwise of this theory we cannot say—or at least if 2011 can, 00021'1 going to do so. The cries which a bat emits while in flight vibrate at 50,000 cycles a second, far above* the range of the human ear. Arab Army Leader -•-I awzi el Kawalcji 1s commander of the, Arab "Liberation Army," made up mostly a1 Syrian vol- unteers, He is shown address- ing his command at Ttabatia, hear Nablus, Palestine, English Aluminum House Erected in One Day—Featured exhibit at London's Ideal 1-1,2Pl JI,x- hibit.ion is this two-story pre -fabricated aluminum house. It can he asse1111(10(1 011 a site 12, one clay. Ground floor sections are built counllcie in every detail, including 8t.1uipnlent, so that lite work is limited to bolting them together. What Goes On In The World By Norman Blair Great Britain During the debate ou civil de- fense, in which the (4120 1ioll of lie - ginning toestructiml of (1810850 shelters against atomic bunting was dismissed, Mrs. Leah :Manning, Labor Member for Epping, made a speech which stunned the British Home of C•onnuons into silence. "This is indeed a tor,urcd gener- ation," said the 66 -year-old ex - schoolteacher. "Before we have drawn our breath after one war we are gating ready to light the ,:ext. Before 2011 have built the house; which were destroyed in the last war, we are beginning to think how we should build shelter; to protect people front the nest. 11 is a terrible commenttry on our times, and how we eat be expecte,, to.. sit here and not feel any kind of emotion while we flit cuss such things, I do not know. Alaybe the leen can do it, but I know the w'o- 111ei1' cannot" AL's, Manning Kent on to speak of the "Iron Curtain" which has given place to a kind of sheet in a shadow play across which bolt sides sec a phantasmagoria of distorted, horrible, grotesque people parsing. "Someone Itas to tear down that sheet, and short' people on both sides that we ariall ordinary hu- man beings hating war and longing for peace." Meanwhile, Britisli citizens gen- erally were reassured by Premier Attlee's promise that the "purge" of Iced sympathizer; from vital civil service jobs will be conducted with the utmost fairr•ess, and not be allowed to develop into a "witch 2111122." Whenever possible, suspects will not he dismissed but tral5ft0- red to other jobs, "It is our inten- tion to do this with the greatest possible tenderness for the individ- nal, Consistent with the securit • of the community," Attlee raid. United States Although the chief topic in the United States is the coming Pres- idential nomination and election— and the unlikelihood of President Truman getting cit 11 c r — ;here 10125 considerable stir over reported export of war materials to Russia. In 1017—against imports from Russia of hardly more than half that amount—the United States sent goods valued at ] 29 million to the Soviets. Included in this were ma- chine tools to the value of 221 million — electrical machinery 11) million—mining and pumping ma- chinery 17 million and so on. How- ever, even these amounts loot: small as compered with 11140 ex- ports amounting to 337, million: However, since March 1st, 13 American Russian and other ships have sailed for Soviet ports carry - Increased Interest In Canadian Uranium Stimulated interest in the scnrdi for radioactive minerals, especially in British Columbia and the Yukon, follows closely on the Canadian Gov - mining of uranium is on longer to be estate monopoly. ,The field is ,low wide open for independent prospec- tors and private miningcompanies. Since 1943 the presence of such minerals in the Pacific Northwest hast been known; but there was no incentive to 11122111 2110211 as the Gov- ernment had placed drastic restric- tions 0n such operations. Front now on uranium and similar minerals will have a high priority with prospectors as the Government has also stated that it wilt purchase everything produced within the ne:q five years. Elritish Columbia's mineral re- sources are ntore diversified than those of any other Province and it is belicvt:d that It uranium 1s to be found in volume anywhere in Can- ada it will be there. In addition to goill and silver 'British Columbia pro- duces huge quantities of lead and zinc, with one mine alone producing 10 different metals, including tin, lug foo,), Itnti'lih'ery, scientific In- strumeet-, a: d Initber Roo I,. 'Nine- teen more a -e scheduled t1) ;til he- fm'e the end of April, In view of the world sfiliat2 >11, this je,. 'for-n't make ren -c to ,011:0 people. As one Repuhlban 'rentor pat if, "1\ e certainly dru:'t want to I , in the pal:'itiou of 0111:i1(4 a fa'', a-001 011e1110," S.anc:navia 'With ngriiIt,1 , g0irg of in Alost'ow for a n, A 20 -ye. r 071 ,ty of "friendship, t'oupel'atiou :1". i for teal 'ts_ i. t 11:0.0' I et., crit Fiela•nl., fear of a sudden Soviet car, con- tinues to grip t''1' pe'.,71;e of Nor- way, S',.etlen a:d Denmark. Inside Fip.lm''1, ea Iva- Commun. i1,ts are raid t 1 I e ready to lead their country down t:m 2.3111.1, road already taken hy Czecltosl•r nide; and the Socir2 caval journal "Red Fleet" has already accused c •cu t ae 1 General Jung, chief of ti le Swedish tear staff of planning to make his arid;' "an appendage of the American military machine" and of prepa-ing to con- struct base's for United States planes awl paratroops in Northern Sweden,, Russian pressure on Norway also has a threat:mho; note. The It:1-:eau official paper "Izva-stia" claimed that Norway has agreed to esta- blishment of ,',nlerican military bases both en the mainland, and on certain Arctic islands such as Spity.- bcrgen. - - Soviet deigns on 5•'aul'ma'ia emphasize the vital role of the northern countries in all "Air \ war. It was front Norway - and Northern Finland that 11 i1,'n's Luftwaffe attacked allied convoys bound for 11urnlatsk during \\:nrld War Two. And even if the Rue -ion, still lack the atom bomb—as 0511 0 likely from latest reports—the .ante region and it, outlying 1012>11116 might give then) 'highly useful radar• and i:ltercepter bases to protect Soviet territory should another 0112- flict break out within the nest few years. Italy Although the tide see1119 t'1 have turned definitely- against the Cont- I1-16111sts 111 Italy—for the time being at least—the Rcds have by no 111<ans givefi up hopes of carrying tie ail- )lnportant elections later this month. At one Italian port alone last month no less that ten - thousand tolls of paper from Russia was re- ceived—all for the purpose of print- ing Communist pamphlets, Placards and other propaganda. And Italian police report that hei,.. . , of ridden arms are running well ahead of those last year, when enough t, equip a full army division were rot.cated. It is also said that Communist "ac- tion :quads" are organize,, and waiting orders is Northern Italy -- :01 ready to lake violent measures should the voting go again t The Germany IVesf.en Germans r:c:'i1e,1 with joy acd relief the uevr. ,'!•lt the United States las no pre -ant futen- 11„n 1f abandoning its ,!lore tf 111c L'evi:n area. The decisi et to main- tain Army control il' Geranaar was reached only tale night before I'fesi- d 1,1: 'Truman anuotlneed if, is !Icing felt that i11 view of 11'0 TN; 'nn at- titude, a 211101 er:i itt trio 1'11.1011. States zone should P..0t h ri<l;ed at this :Mlle. As one cot11l11entater .t , it, "this n:elies it clear t'',',2 the VA -stern :lilies will parer Bei'1 1 only under Pres ore c.1' military fare:—trod if force is applied. \' ashimgron thinks it will be only inciden al t1 a much break', Russian move, Foree, ap- plied in Berlin alone for the simple purpore of dislod.^,im+; t', • Allies would entail too f.-uch risk of a general conflagration." Under lotto -standing plans the United States .\rmy lhpar trent l'ad been scheduled to baud Germ- any over to the State Department on July First, Now, it seems prob- able that the carrying -cut of any such plan is indefinitely postponed. Russia News of long line-ups waiting to buy food in Moscow would seem, on the surface. to point to short- ages of essential supplies behind the Iron Curtain. 1tut cxoerieucel ob- servers say this is not the case at all. Thep point out that Ptus:ia has been stockpiling' petroleum acid wheat for more than two years—and that the food queues arc not significant of a breakdown in distribution, Inst to the Government's deliberate policy of withholding supplies from the people in order to still further in- crease emergency supplies of food. Bathing is forbidden among many of the inhabitants of Tibet. Official Advi-e An English lady who kept two cotes to provide mill( for her household found that on occasions she had a surplus. Being conscien- tious by nature, she wrote to the Ministry of Food to ask how she could dispose of it. The answer she received leas, "You should not draw so much nnillt from the cote." Classified Advertising A41CNT6 W'•:,1'LD OILS, GRE! .iES, TIRES, tateetIeid , 11(0)trir "renes Cow) oilers, (home and Barn Paint itoof Coo tir.ga, et., 21!11:• Ora wanted. Writ tsar,° G(_aao & 4.1 Lou' 10d, Toroa,n 211.617<12411 OPI'l4it l'1 1011'1184 AN olrl"I:n to (won. Invent n,•-- 1,tnt 0f 1)1001,- Hono and full Inforlpauur• 0001 free. 91, Ramsay 4'0 Registered Patent Attorneys. r:: toms throat, (10010.11. 13111Y (111(1(6 0A0.0 eta,at; t, nn, W, 11.11.1' loeetiiag 1")l'l It nays to buy the best. Melt,, Leghorn Pullets 7tl0 Wave breeds !diced 15e. pullet., 260., Cox to Satisfaction IOI rnnteed. glen helm 220 )share Blenheim, Ont. THIS to Inn year to raise 0)10!105' (8g1,1 Meat It1'1•'r+1 will 1!0 high 111.1 ,an r Ire• 51110 0I,l t„15' w:r ehleks lrrnn sr. nnlnl.11,),,• n,rm. ,\il fir ,1.1C from on. farm an. Iran tIOVortitIrtIr) ammo,ad and pullurmnl t•rir,l breet1 it Weis for nal,"•s Ilmd 1",i0ln4ne - --- ..-.--V.-11_11 Monition 25,,2)•2 1'a rob. Rim. , ;int.I::tl 11 f k (11•EftA Tall) Radio b,•1 101 sale 1.1 Y1:"f „•1 rmnay ,1 rd , r 10010- 01 , 1'1110)1 6 Ce ora 11,1.1del 4 (11hes. 0,10)1, ('1111'104 _1111 ..._....... _ EE! loo HEAVY -BREED COCEERE S •1'', 1.f 1'e 1r t; 1 1 • 1....11.21 -. 111111,1...S.: il, I 1\3 Ie•I I'IURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, LONDON, ONT. 111 ON14 AND ('0.0112I":(r tl 11 20)1 Y, III anything be•dy 410'.-0 or eln11h- "17" t1l",o 10 us for Inlorn,.,l,nv WY's are 11.1 P'1 your tore.•? ant Ilepar!ropnt 1••„ I'...r ' )170, 1002(10 1.1,11.14 1st Ynl,ge 1'ron 434.3n //1// 1'1111 11A1.0 HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES P:1 1e, It.',, R ti+. mad) & Son 719 I , Tnrenlo. started ,hi, 1", non mete,, pull•'. anti r,x•,- erels. Tn, ,,.1 12,',•.. n.5', .2,0, Alto (11 ed 030:10•1' ,d' 1000 • 6,•0.11 , ,•-11••0••1,+ :old 11'11. 11.1.tire 1111 "g,n!ar broads Send L.,'' �013," 1.01 I'1''srddle ('1101 spec :J._ souneed w SA 61,0,,,00 1Ilrntnota: for 2), le"t'. 0,11,0, storage m,;'ery or des coils 0.410 toot 000, F"011 afar.:- 00201 A 1;00 001 lalling 5.11 Bo, 171 13 600)0,de W i5 nn to 1l.i)''h'n e., I , ,• •I. Pergoo, (1 - 1011'. 1 4 I,hl 02 e,2 0,01 rnrwry 111' Al.t li i•: h,: •: , „eat :mel 1'1.1 r '1'•,05 511rnn). I:00`11 01,1a (10,es, b t ata- \ t , ' 1, ,:v-) -t 'o , '.• A n 10511 • 1 I n 1 They lar ', Nlrarr'(0, ('11th most 1 , . I "' d'+ 1111.5.' 0.1(1 1.16. nee t„ ,t1 1 i' .e Lu n; ,rent , 1101010,1 .0,1 n r‘0411,11Y t 1 1•. err 1 BROAD -BREASTED BRONZE mnln r r _ rl „r'! 1. , TURKEY POULTS 1 !ti,;( 01 1 13 I,1 0. l u Oleo] Egg 1,18, 5\1.11.1, 12'11 t'l'E,4 011,1 *11(11.110' 2"" i '11 1 " g' s t i 111111:1101 l:n 111211 WE 1 4.1151,1. 15111'010 I 1000 1.0 0...re meet t I xl t o m the growl I 9 f 1111 Ltu:1 rix i. ,',•, 060 S)11f 1, IS. 0.11.'4 00.40 !, rr ,, 11 .),� i Ill li I,n,,.. , r t• Ir al' ' ,r'., •I .! nd 1, 1:,•; n 1 for rh our Teti ror. de and let - (u ,0" 0,1 080 detn.l" '1 ere , h g"`"". ,: Rot 1, 2,11. 110 ! I: t" 11. - 11.04 1. : r 1 911. 1 t -_-- - )AI 20,1 511' 1011011: -- x (0: 91.,, a f'. for Fen t' 1t I - 11 i ,oat: nF. Learn to I (2 t , 1p 210.111. malt/. dl at 1 , m) earn its you learn: r I ! ;mesa gee du,.n 1411 „, kern 4•010em'te t I 1 ,011 , t National Institute of Cnr1„In"tat. I F 1 oehrrin,e, P.O., Bos 1 10513inn 101112u11 n•' r!(1•1 it Ss 1,.t. )l ,�tr•o1. r. 1 ra 1 I naun dl,h x''•,.11 Ire uh.nned 1-t, 1 , 1 N„,,,,„r 1 >+Ien, gond or res. PATENTS i . 1411) 0.11,1 ,gl l ' 1' Ilrri I' 2111, 0'I 00 I' r 11 Pull 10,1,1100v at,:, tl,ll rot rd) 1a!, 1-„310 /01:1100. I:.\'1 )1:' 2.1 ,a",p:, til 1701,1.1, It if 3. Pl Ist,o /111, 11A31t11111C801NO ileddi080)4 1,0 Itoberls,„ method. I r, Iln'nm nail na Iro,l+el regardklg 0101000. l:nl•etlno','o Ila nit esti lig ApadosO', 2117 At 0. nue l:nad Toronto. 4161(1( 41 Real 00x111)0 aft,')' taking 10. ,,'0 1t 1,0.1, for 1lheumntle 1'nus and 0,10. Nuuru'i 2 00 stare. 081 1•:1010. 1111110.0 1'nmha,,l 1,1.011 MONACAD t0r 1..•10.1110, We 110,0 motel,. Ices and cit.oacions oddment By nem 560, 1,n'l'r:1m.e, North Rogersville. N-11. Yi2t li.l..Alli •4 11,fe10,4 about the good re - snits f t,,4o n I„20„'g Remedy for 1111en- 11al r Pans root 1,4011.0. 01011,'1, a 1)0nd sun, 121111,,. 11)00,011. 00 1.1014 21.00. O81'01:11Nt'VII10 Pon 15'110116 BE A HAIRDRESSER Irl- t A ALA'0 LEADING SCHOOL r, ,a, (I1vn.r1 unit$ Learn Its '1,1 retsina 1 vu 1 g1. 1 1 10 fres on gond wages, ...1 1..1 02100,0) .graduates, :.'I ( m Itlnsirl, 100 ea IA, ! , 0 1 K 1' t!• nr ('0)2 2t 11,111. IIA R11'118SING 1•/./•11 ,4/1...5 834 0/0, 6, K Toronto Dram hr„ 47 1 r0 Sl„ llnrnliton. 6 14 Ride,, .0000), Ottawa. 0i'1.Olt'l' t N IT 01:4 1'(11) MEN AND I0O)I1:N (111' 0'11.1. t1 , ennm, t a 1 I, m 1 ,_ r•ul•,•aaf,.NO.It1tIftI 11 LPr ml 1 111 •,,r. .111 1 - I:' 1 1 10 1,11 1"r'l)') Pr: I Il 111 L 2 tf 711!1 1•:1. :. , , rin•ky in a i. n 0,101.01'� 11'1 11.10 .I 1 i 1 0 031 '.1 111,5031 , : :, an:' 11 t 1 posts! Tina to lea 1ear1 lint* I1 I I t it 1 llvl Holl ••s t I red nom itis fie f t for Apr 1'E'r11rd189'4N Al(.1) & • Company, Patent fI 1 [ - ... ibp N d t 1 ter Turl•P1 21 ,1,-.men1 Cull. Smelters 2010 ,,hired mut. 14 tong we0t, 111 111 t , :, ant: r.5- I •,,: 1' 0:10011 telly all 00)101 profits. °m at Booklet e1 ,nluatlon on request. HEAVY BREED COCKERELS -4c' I „r,r ,rt 4' rya read tent, =: n 000th5da 4,150': 000.+, ,,,„ ., d,•ltr,_. LAKEVIEW TURKEYRANCH ,1 l'I:IT6n1AI 4e A 1 'b. •01.01 \rl. i•:t 10'0)00 EXETER ONTARIO '•ICLIJAH t'ouong uelmre Christ". wonderful holt free. IdeF'ddo 51Gelon• Rochester 11, N. T. 1010 7,' (''11•1 1,1',,') 1101 3, , lin,it 0 I,0,:• 5.100l 2 0213, ,•.4 ltn,n5 nod I1.,' 11 r New Name, to Ito 1-.t 0 To re, eve 2)1 80 seeci010 en, el"oe Ur. ,11.1°•,1 HUT1ONDAL E CHICK M.\[11sli11, Thousand -Shot 5., 112)1es. na, 7011 Coll. 'micron. Shipped 020)011000 26 05 SI:unlle. Agency, 1140 ,tor id East. Tor ore r. 1)a•:Ie1 0,10 for 0,10itil,'-4,rs ('11.\1'1' :0,.210,5' Free l,tal•.,no 00e 1n0.11 •,n , the f3/11 00-10, • rafts: Nbrll HATCHERY, LONDON. ONT. 1'1':11, I.•at1•reraft, J",'tlr•'an Reader:at. )'2212 > noun. ui 1 it .,110 (131 d I ar Su11017 romps 0, posl1,',0,:b I tic,ec:1 null.1. )10110 uw er.Iv . d 001-03/ , 1 Afro I,.L.0 int smuts, \LI:, 000 D. Jolt, [Here T00,101, 00 '041100'14) i3O, rani, 1111,•:,. 601111 for • •'P11 - 7'11„ Not.-! click tales, _.___-_ ROCK COCKERELS 4c roe \' , 1. r0 1 IlICY ft, I, -t -hallo)'. ,ii 101,1 fa. I'tl1 .1,1' and glom lb. }t 1101 1,011.1., t :•• 3.1.0.‘,/v.11. onto no 101.1\ i o, -,I I m -i 1148 to 1,,, the 1,`11:,,.,,1 u' 11^4b n 11',( 501:0•)' nrlr,'x 1!,, 1'11 1 .1 .1 w'ntm and ln:er 10.'11 oldrex 0,• ', I'." :':' .• • ;,1 pnn1t'yn1:1„ n .11 1„' 1111511'4 01..14- . 1!I::. .1 lith to real,:: cash fn—tide he 220• : 10'0.5” 11•,•0,)1• there has 0118.1`„.:,' of err „1:r hatched t0' . fid' 11111,13' 01 :old pmltt•) 10111 •b•,r.11er. , 1•.11 10.1-\\'-„ler. 1011101 0'0.1 v 11.1 • 1)1)11 •br,ir•'• . ces. The ore l ,..I•.: .. leu, ,0 ) 1” rent., per tai 1"1, 1n••/;!•3S411 rents pllttlia. 0,;,,!, over, don't 'del.,11 ,,allot' mor' Tic, 12, 10 ,1 t 11 0114 buy 1'1 2., •Ins and Inn„'• Teal 1-30•1•1' 13 N. 31 hila fall,. to 0110.• Ing 0,11. we 1(01.” pro, it DI Ill.! 1041 im all tn, minion Vire hl ooda 011.1 1,)•10:1 rru1P0 (1 ala)' 11111, t ',:m- and )1101.,'-".,'!1 024. «1,r. Pulling 01•41-t ,•,••I,5 b, laying. Sorrd fur 0'a'. - 101s, •• Tweddl1 1'1,:.•1) II0 whor'u+ 1.initrd, 2',':)1,.', t)n',Ir'0, HTJRONDALE CHICKS Alt 5000dyc-1 double Mood -tested and banded backedba,Itod 111• 111:21 report Inpda ton 01,1,1: Many ices sero asonrt ht's, rhklts 1 ever had. and t•010rs en reasonable. splendid," •'The chicks I had 0(000 yr,c Imre done oPurekl,” 0011)1,')5 James Wright. 0,10,, Senna. P1100 812,0,5 m,000 140. Sussex a New ileum, Rock 0 New home, mixed 1: e, )0,1100 :40. nark x Leghorn, Sussex x longhorn, New Ramp, 0 Leghorn to afar 2'1 nlic•d 110. pullet, 0':, en:lrrrcls :o .After 31:13. 20 11114111 1:2,,e, nulLts 240, Lathe 1'S•ne 51.110).' Leghorn pullets 110, mixed 1"1§c Vast 21,nll, "l rg 00012 and Reek x N, Ramp. roekeres co to 'Nay let, sunsex, 140 001 0 N. [lamp :and Orton breasted Ne11' I111111g, 00011- erels It 'mar 1st 40, tatter Ray let :10. Assort- ed 0,2x,',1 )11101(0 11r, a: sorted 1'01010 230. Assorted bean: e,1olerele it When available. (000,Alt pricesnlJeet 10 change wuhout notice. m l.' 310111 /0 (0 Your 0111,,0. 51,00 per 100 deposit, L.J,mrn 47.011, 214100 0001, and 00,'0050 tlas ad. llurondale Chick Eta [then. Txnninn, (Ina 1//10"r 1,,,, egg add pnllhl'y 15,lr.o 11 111 0111r,.:. 11••0„ tn• O':•otf,aa. Tl:el''YC In•ru 1,1,11, un far ('auadmn 110011••y-Iteet.rs. Ord0t••11111 (41 it'll n, gal Jeger WW1 Elroy started '\pullets and .'0,7,,,••,1.1 ,111,11 ,lupnnxll , ,let slicrial price.,. 110;17 110„lore, 135 John N„ Ii,llnil- tot, tau. 01.21 1:.111 0,0,0 Whit.. Wetland Bro,ut- I rra0••,) :0•1 11 typo. L1roedor3 Imre m',nn0v0, pullorum f0,''3. Mr , Ch„oler 111114mnn, 00r )heat? 11 2. 1101008, BREEDER HATCHERY CHICKS OVER 10,000 BREEDERS IN LAICEVIEW FARMS All ,),111,1- bloat tested, bawled 10,1 0100"Ie,i. 0,.•• 01010)' ,51,0, 110)'0 Ila,, y1•l, 2'1 r1,111inimtls 1111000 0, 10111, Irda•cinw• rhl•ko,x Fon ,rl, 101, From John ('111••5, (1'ar:uinlrx:. Ontario— "11,e1)' t1,:181, fat• t1m ehipnAnt. T Have 10(0. 110nbimty" "W0lulnr(ol , 0,1'; I0"l 110'11,,0 with m e, ymlt' Silo, 'x•'' tr.•nnio Arthur Ary'r. 0,-,001'. Onuu•i•,. EGG SHORTAGE Total ' 1—Act—jots down 51'1 from scor ago. ,• 1'.1 pr.r , w,1 be 1"11',0 a 0 p WO 0.5rl Ing1W+r. POULTRY MEAT SHORTAGE *1020010 -51000 1".3 ,',' t l, 00,1(10,2 , elite down 70 20 x,1',. 21.01,1,e:tl• :MO. 3-4 11.. 1100110/04 are .0,111:.1 1110 115 t. 4t10 11, lit•, 000,14141, 01/0 12)0011,1 01 1,01111: ,.x 14,o'11l•y than •9•••r. PROMPT DELIVERY 80,000 1. 2.. a'l•ar r'hirko ,\•eek°-. 100 '80 gin, 1100011[ dellrer)' In 111001 hlee,'0. 111y, 311,1 0008” or bre•',). if 11,rnibl0, Il0r,o1s available 6000,0. S lxw•x x ?:, nnlupv., 11, 1:,,,1: Ebunpx„ 111100-,1 Rnrit0, N, 1100,,,,., 1111nde 1: gaud It.dx, 1•,,r.m cyte W. hes ,tux. Rock x Lethurn. Sao/00, s 1.og114u, .\. 100)00. A Hat STARTED PULLETS 4 Wks. -24 wks. Oa a head xmrt 10101 010040,) bnlb+ls or hoolf order for fn ln!'„ delivery' II wetk0 to ready to lay. It Melo. lila' It will be lulllexeibl„ 10 hu)' well•. 101n01 1,1111,,0 later 110. All oiler Pullets raised nu fr,.,' range 11110er ideal euudilinnc. HEAVY BREED COCKERELS Thousands("1 ,'. 1110 weekly. Soni for special low' irieee ,Ill l'o'ge octlers. CAPONS 4 WEEKS READY MADE Teo, 1s good money 111 1.881,15 C:apnllx. Sell for an mla'b n"r I2,, as turkeys. :8: to 40e per 15. alive now. Send far large ,lln,tratod es Siloam' and 010 11- W01110111 1,11111: mid weekly epeelal )let of day old. Mario., pullets and rations. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM AND HATCHERY 1 gn): . power tak00,1 r. o, 14" rubber I.01� 01,,,•10) 28-311 white steal 0,101 kp'el'anl love. attachment. Lite new, 3-48 Gn,• 212 Clover attachment, goal ren 111,0 rod,. Cnntntete aPl greet wiles!, for 11.1103Tractor. Sl ei 0.110 whee.s ter e), 0•III:Ili..., T11010r .tlbo. ert 11nu , l:. nl., St.. rho: hr, t,. telt. Phone BARGAIN! STOCK REDUCING SALE NIP! •,a-i^e.. Q1,01, Oil - Burning Brooder stn•: � , l,•". 590.61 or 2.*.1r0 del,vel':',l to your station, .0 1 '1,1.11::). While thee last. Saltiest to [•ha age tt i11:eJ1 onto+'0, Tr, rrcelve th'n °00(010 m'it, 0,.01,:'0 0118 A,1 10•,11, )'mit• ,d,r. Also noon ItEAT1•:RS as low as 532.01 and New I'•0,/1':'p'• gl'1221N TRANCE OIL 11111.N.. 101s. 813.1.' 0'1,,)• tiny 10x1' LAKEVIEW HATCHERY AND SUPPLY COMPANY EXETER ONTARIO SHORT-WINDED HORSES ,1 Nev and Wonderful Horse ttemedy which )1111.1), relieves heaves, coughs, and strangle" S'tl;rnren, guaranteed, Po, t na it 81.00. I* impm'tnnl to aperify the ago and the we'ght of the hors,. Write to 1. L. O10.mL Sor,'al• 1. iu all «,)mento of the Respiratory Organs, Si. h'ell'en C,1, Robennl. TEA11.1111, Itu..pbcrry plurals. 1,018,0, and Taylor 0nrielles 5e each, Improved Senator Dmf: ,,. strawberry plants 12 00 hundred. Riverview ISO rdens, ICitehe0er• Ontario, 111:2\02.0 }'u:'a (10111 Field Toil Champion sock 0061) a 1001n, also trained doge. J. .1. ra",1,er, Siete 100, 202 queen at., 1a:nvn, non. ES:SILAGI:i Harvester. hiet 'in tuna a Dearms No. „. Ronny used. perfect condition.. Woe Jere Chmnd, Yarns. l+rg'd.. l,mt Ronne. Que. 001: AND Two now JOHN L11•:li7172 1'OTA. Tli 21..)4T222120 fel S10 101110. \v. r, 2,101110611: CO., 41(011111,0Tnl''l SIN'S. 1 aa). 1'1{1101: 10. I,Ii.O1011Ni 71, 00(7. 11,21...L'1' :rent Latham I:aonb•', ry canna. 53.05 000 hundred. Premier Sim, wberr)os 19.00 per llund"ed A (700090. P1 I; 1. f:lln tr'I Ont. 1.1•:_14.. O �.•,lu,a .t Ilootal,'.,'.I 0.,. 1 Chante!• 1e' ,r-•11.\•' 191. Lem ol ague))'. Settled it, 100 1,1:.7.,4 tags, $l,:." be, W. A. Priro.::- 4[. •Irl"... 41„ Toror,n, i1:,"1.,1"11 4111. 111•:011.; 1',, AND '113'1,-1,v 110 11,111.,1: AND T1;A1"I"Il:-oiL\w'N TOBACCO AND 9'1m. 10' . '1 It-1Nil'L.1NT1a:4 ,V11I,A101.11 111'. 66:2: rrn,P. X40',5[, 1)1. ,0.72)2 012 \\'. r, Jl a(i1N'411.1 CO_. (11:;(11n(CTO11s S121'11 24'l:;-, rHusll ss, 1.1•:23T1\OTON. O\9'1001. 1 11.1, .'1,7':1'::.1+: Overh,0.1 shovel end Angle- d";:••,., , -ea 8 months 2'••o: •n•1dillo,. 11,7 11,1,11 G lilac. 0,000.,,:11.20. (100(ton. Ont. !home 11t'll.0l:1;4' supplies 001,1111.10 iffan,dateh'. 0,1e - 41,at-Lv,n emit-p:n•+ awl 1,11-Lingo. 2•:01 -11':),,00 anti el -co Int appliances. iSeed, 10: ante A'r circular. F.,ommor Distrihu- „r.5. i:„'. 111-Ivn1'2,11 It I:inno--Wo. o• ret •hwrell,l n•c f1,2.11.0. ).1 000'00, 4011'1: 's51,1,18 (•o., 1 111:10,i,1rot I 1 11.1 .1 1,111 o v1 1.1011 6'900, I \' ea-ai 11 1 t '1' 1.1,1: veneer 1111. a Inalso.. 11, Imo sunttnpr ago:, go... ledge or ,11:,4 ., 1-• )oil", 110011, Paco of Par's n.l nn Nnrtl, 11.1• hi::h,t-ay, Ape!) 15',11, r s U,Frliar, tint. 1'111 S.\I.21. 'fumblers, Ilo,n•'r.v, 9'ippiord 1111ti 1;0111,,... 11,41,r,eticod 1,•eder, *Wilfrid 0t,rmrn-.,. h, 312 Seventh S r.'l' 11,xt, Coln. m,llt int:0'A. 1:1.,\1'7'11'1'1. 1011111 1,04 o"•, x'1:51,,1)„1.11 malts. me.dis all. (IO.)). Slit. Canary .ringers, ran ,1)1,.00 for redn1 and .:Ing. S15. )'1,1,. I I',t :Mont.., Ono tt2eot' Toronto, Ci 2,:Mont..,111 1N11 .\1.1,10.1'il,(1,.\1hats .\II -cell:, 01,1 (•one• ,lin.,. w„', 010010 P1l'."51+0. rrx1r,l 010)00. Tri. loaf :11 I.1,11m,ln.' Itlo13'1101011 0'n"L•-rnhc. 0200100 tugg111, x21. 1.Nestletnn, 1111 1,11, \VHI'ri1 11. !,,', dlirnlingx. breed^T4 tin 10 9 11.4. 1'1'•x1 1111'11 Apr11 1:•tl,. write for full Inform:11,o, I..)rylin Shane„ 21.11. 2, AIte1,. ems., old 811U1.31, F• on 01;111100, Il,gh rumM000l'n 111,11,11 in n••', ',and:tion. Alh••rl Lorentz, St. t 'I me Ill, 111.rrte. WISCONSIN AIR ('0(11:4:1) .1.1011.INK bIR0121)0 . D.•Lr,rl front Mock, 2 . An h.p. 111.1'0I1(1) AND PARTS Rio tr,bn 1i on required to (Arta 1') territories. /'I'41001,111 5'1'1411 1.N11N178 & bl Al'IIINEit'Y 00011'ANY Dor, 'l'.n'nuI•, Ontario PIIOTO(lttAPIIY 1:1.!;17, 1'1,oto , Lo:,'weing and 8 prints 30e *10010 e0 .n::r. Jum600 ,05e, Write for dpere .01,. M. 1110»,, Eul:arg0ulents. 111,0010. rramoo, 12.0 01114 4t 11. 1.. (lilt. 1.1ND your 1,1 1s t one new plant for unsur- passed uu.dit5. our ✓narkling glossy prints 10111 pl. tee 7,,1. 0 or k nopoaurP rnlla 20c pugtpn Ll, repr,Itla 0 , en. 35 for 21, Gan1ln6 I•Im,o Centre, Boa 71. ('hanlea0, Ontario, Itp:P.tIRS FUR COATS REMODELLED flld 112,1,19 )•10,1,' hl,eA, n1. master furrier. Freeusor•d storage 0) repairs and remodels. 1000), for Informs ;Arm Uptown Fara, 510 0011ge 6t., T,a•autu. WANTED 1vANT702 213,00 0:14.2 Mr Winchester 1804 and 0051011 148:: '0:11' rifles with worn-out 042(020 The Gun Shop, TO Ward, Port Hope, Ontal'la. w 'ANT1•:D — Outboard ,'raukallatt. Lockwood (leer. wefts It••ut"n. 211 10rs0uurt Ave.. Tol•mtto- Oliver 5391 )0ANTE11' A111131.,1 are ,n good demo114. For top tor1.'e0 and prunlet returns shin tour raw torn to• Alan Jane , Lindsay Ont. CHERRY LOGS Bought for 00014 \V rite Box 004 Fergus, Ont. 111.11.1. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER WANTED H ou0,1,, 0ner to live in, permanent no; Mon, sults only. APpt)• 0110, Bert Weir, 761 litohmnnd 41.. London. Ont. 111) p'nur 4• General /lm)' movies. A]a0 night 0uper,040,' (11-7,, Attractive notary with !n - eves •,+ alter 011e ::e:l"g 0noel, : 3,'012 main - (mance pl'nvIded. Apply the Direotor of Nursing, Welland C'ottn! 00ue(al nosy:tal, Welland, (110)1o. 11-ANTr:D, at o111'0. reliable morel -rot man. pensioner nr /000,1'tlred, to work on small farm 0,2,0021)0 hying gnat tees: 011 eonvel- 101,+'n nn ,,;thing- 2111.0) he 118,0 10 11011100. 1,1011e ('110. :x. Aurora, (mt. Let's Be Frank The Canadian Postmaster -Gener- al 1,215• just recci,ed ten cents as con- science money from a man who ad - m135 h:n'ng filled iris fountain pea at \\'incisor Post Office, Ontario, At least once a week for the past twenty 14(010. '1'le note is signed "Honest Scot,' and add.: "1 sod only tete cents he - cruise. the 1111: was such poor stuff." RASa n E ? Are you going titre tl,o functional 'middle. age' period peculiar to women (388,2 era.)? Doan thio make you stiller from bot flashed; feel 00 06000,0, high-strung, tired? Then p0 try Lydia E. Pinkhsrn's Vegetable Com- pound lonl- pound to relievesuch dymptonls lPin ltba m'a Compound also has whet Doctors toll a stomachic tonic effect! LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S coot our S A ES Protect )0nt BOORS and RASH from 0112E and 1111411 ES. We have a also and Oto of Sate. or Cabinet, for ons pompom Visit 1114, or write for prices, otc,. 1n Dent. W. 4-l.&J.TAY LEI 64 LIMITER TORONTO SAFE WORKS LIS Front St, 10.. Tprnale 6slablislled 11108 HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Eiarness Supplies. Wo sell our goods only through your local Staoo Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so aro our prices, We manufacture in our fay. toriee — Harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pada, Horse Blom ltota, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on'Stade :Brand Trade Marked Goode, and you get satisfaction. Matte only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. 42 Wellington St, 12.1 Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE ISSUE 16 — 1948 MUTr,, AND JEFF—It'll Work Even If You're Readin g A Book SOMETHING'S WRONG WITIA MY S=OoT! WHEN I SIT STILL AND THEN GET UP. MY LEG CAVE$ IN (JNDE12 ME`! I DUNNO$ BUT 1T PEELS LIKE ALL PINS AND NEEDLES .111 MY f2 0011 41. OH,TI'lPs'S NoTN1N'!' YouR TooT FALLS ASLEEP,) ,0\ ASLEp P? By BUD FISHIER 2