HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-4-21, Page 4OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD arm Animals COWS -$7.00 HORSES --$6.00 HOGS, over 300 lbs. - $2.00 per Cwt. ACCORDING TO SIZE AND Cui W i t1. baa Same Prompt, Efficient, Courteous Servile* SIMPLY PITO i' '. C OW.it,JOT Brussels 7a -- Ingersoll 21 THE BRUSSELS POST wTie Act POR SALE - IA quantity of Crbeu Otis t rd. George Menzies Phot ti:i4,14, LOST - Livens, No. el Pi 4, finder please notary Jack McDonald, )'hone -•, t 14 FOR SALE - (1 ease Peas. Elmer Locking 1'h•on. 55-r-15, lFOR SALE-__.....- _ -- ---- 1 • n Cht v ulot Coach. ! 'floury ..rn1 tonyx Plrnlr. •46-r-7.. FOR SALE- • Ifine t,uield, TWA,- .\ppic at The Pru : -,la Poet. ILOST-- I 1,1. on, N.•. t'17739, finder pietist, 1.t, .:.aril with Sala -\L 0...1t. Phone ".g -r-1 .,r til,. Ern=. el, post n. ... I FOR SALT _..�- L'1 DoEady See Our New Wallpaper Samples Smart Modern Designs in Plaids, Diagonals, and Bold Florals Wide Range in Patterns and Prices. Any p , rson interested in decorating C 2s�r3 76.r-12 -12 , r'?ssels. w, r Tucker L u�i 9 BUS1NFSS CARDS i e nnn.!`rt} of .',nd vl••;,n Tinnntby Hark H,tnitton Phone 4s-r.2e. FOR RENT - Gra ss Farm. Apply to Jas, Steveneoa, Phone 51.r-17. FOR SALE-- Electric ALE-Electric motors rewound and re ^sired. Expert workmanehlp. Moder. ._a prices. New motors in stock. 5cttger tnaustrles, 049 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ont. WANTED- Prueeel•, Public t ! c o] rrgttires teacher for Grades T a t4 11. Doti rw t,1 commence September 1045, TT. Bowler. ".- rnas, Brussels Sennet li.,a1,1 FOR SALE- 1Tun,l washing machine with wringer. in good condition, MN. Lillian Clark Phalle 70•r_11. WANTED- Raw Furs, highest prices paid also Red Foxes, Ship to Norman Green- spoon, 223 Grace St., Toronto. Toronto Wind Mill 50 ft. tower and elf oiler, ready to 'load, also range shelter 6' x 7'. 1' W. R. Bt'nadfoot . Phone 27-r-10. ----,' ' • FOR SALE- ('olenlan gasoline plate (2 burners.) ]•ariicaily new. Suiteble for trailer ' or eny place where i'ylro is not a - Ivailable. If interested write Box S0, Ttrussels. Ont, C. A. Myers, M. D., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON William St. Phone 4. Brussels, Ont. Allays A. Lamont :+.gent for -Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile i - OgAz ;aet particulars of our Special Automobile Polies icr I er .,teez Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 65-r-7 Walker Funeral Home Day or Night Calls Phone 65 No extra charge for Use of Funeral Home. . G. Walker Licensed Funeral Director & Embalmer. J. F. Harper, B. A., M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 - 9 p. rn. Also 11 - 12 a. m., when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p. m. Sunday - Emergency and by appointments only. R. S. Hetherington, K. C. WINGHAM and BRUSSELS AT BRUSSELS Tuesday and Saturday all day - Offict open every day. Phone 20x Successor to E. D. Bell - Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co. none Office 96 - Brussels, Ont.• Harold Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES For, information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson ?HONE 18-r-661 SEAFORTH, ONT. Make arrangements at THE Brussels Post or R. S. Hetheringto,_K. C. Barrister Office, Brussel. D. A. Rann & Co. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer HONE 36 or 85 - --BRUSSELS. -- BRUSSELS. ONT. Lewis Rowland (Licensed For Huron County) I'LSFACTION GUARANTEED - PRICES REASO?dA ME For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post" and they will be looked after immediately For information Or wm etc. t,e rite or phone to R. R. 3 Walton. Rowland LET S g, RiCit9r" S ©�' Phone 86-r-5 - Ethel Repair Your Tractor - any make Remember we Repair all Farm Equipment Dominion Nobby Tires ()taco Farm Implements Pedlar .Barn Equipment: Boob Your Oil Now for String The Price Is Right. FOR SALE - New Light bottom ho• melt with sliding section for ono tra t' 1 use. 2 rain shelters 1 brooder house 2 brooder stoves (oil and coal'• 1 dump rake 1 mower 1 disc harrow Eley Brandon Phone 111-r-17. FOR SALE- 7 •(10111 cottage, with large, sun roost. new pressure system. hard and soft water heater, 3 -piece hath. new built -In rupbear40, also new blue asphalt roof. Immediate possession. Hubert Griew Phone 92x, WANTED - Man for steady travel among con- sumers in Brussels. Permanent con- nection with large manntaaturer Only reliable hustler considered. Write Rawleigh Dept. No, ML -J-152• 131. Montreal. TENDERS WANTED- Fo• redecorating the Moncriell Church basement. Tenders received up to April 24th. Apply to 000 of the following: Mrs. Alex Speiran. Mrs. Donald McTaggart or Mrs. Ken. Loddington. BL UEVAL.E A company of young people from Whitt -church presented ' a three -art play. "'Dark was 111e Night" to a fall house in 1110 community hall on Thursday night. A dense followed. The entertainment was sponsored by the local Women's Instil 11', Peronsals: 'lir. and Itt's, Go Patterson, Toronto, with lir. and Mrs. Jack Wickstead; Miss Mao gnret Prneter, Morris, with her aunt, Mics Margaret Curtis, lir. and Mrs III 11 TTall, \iringhanl, with lir. and .tit's. (00 4011 Hall; .lir. and Me. George Timms 'i 3t St. Marys; Elmer Fowler with his sister, Miss Florence Fowler, S. a - forth. FOR SALE - Good solid building 15 x 2S' well finished inside suitable for cottage at lake or kitchen eau he moved as it stands. Apply Harold Keys, 11.R. 2 Brussels Phone i9 -r•12. FOR SALE - Bray Hatchery .•a,1 giver prompt shipment - dayni l r•hirks, or start- ed. Specials on started pullets doe to heavy exports of cock ^'el chicks to the TT, S. Can give good delivery, most breeds, pullers, cockerels, mixed. Ask us for prices. Agent W. Glenn Bray, Ethel, Phone 34_r -S FOR SALE- M) acre farm off Highway, price 1.069. 65 acre farm 114 miler of Highway 2, ,09.00 100 acre farm on Highway, hush, hydro, good buildings, price $4,690,00, 10R acre farm on County Road, all modern conveniences and iip-to-date buildings. S. C. Long, Real Estate Broker, Brussels, O1L"., MEN WANTED - $35, to $60. A WEEK 1 Your own business! No boss, no timeolock, independence! The leading line of Home Service Products ! Fine city and rural territories available, A vehicle is needed for routes. If you have selling ability and a small capital -write to -day for P51910 in. formation - FAMI1JTX - 1800 followed an acnt.e heart attack, Delordmier, MONTR1AL. She is survived by one daughter, Mne. 3. H. (Florence) Smith, Blue- , valet three grnn.dehildron, Wilmer, 1 Muriel, and Mac Smith; one bro- ther, Allan Miller, Victoria, Ti, C.; sand one sister, Mrs, John McArter, Mortis. Three sons, Lorne, Prank, and Wilmer, predeceased her, The funeral was held from the home of her daughter or. Monday, with service concluded by Rev, J. A. Eurdol, minister of the Vatted Church, of whfeh she was a mem- ber. Thane were many beantitul floral tributes, The pallbearers were WI'iliam Fniconer, Conlon Messer, Mae Bleck, Burrs Moffatt, A. D. Small. and Alex M0(lraciren, Buried was in BrusIois cemetery, At the rutted Church on Sunday morning, Rev. .T. A.,Burden spoke on the subject "The Challenge of 1'n - finished Tasks," based on the ttxr, "He went out not knowing whithrr he went" At Knox Presbyterian Church Rev. Leland C. Jorgensen preached o1 the subject. "A Christian TLome." The ohoir sang an anthem. Personals; Mrs. Robert Aitcllesol, Ripley. with Mr. and \Urs. Robert McLennan; Mrs. Robert Nicholson has returned to her home in Bel - grave after -spending a year with her sister, Mrs, Robertson; Ml's. C. Hntfman with her Father lIr. Mor - lock who is a patient in Victoria Hoseptai, Landon: Mr. and Mrs, R. Elliott, Elmer Powder. Mist Dorothy Greenaway, Miss Olive Scott, with Miss Florence Fowler, Seato'th, George Wheeler George Wheeler died at his. home, 1st concession, Morris township, on Friday in his 71s.t year. He had been in ill health for over a year. Mr. Wheeler was horn in Indiana ;and mime to this district with his par- ents, the Into Mt'. 11114 'lira. Henry Wheeler, widen a child. He Fs sur- vived by his wife, the former Mise Agnes Forrest 00 Morris Townsltlp, and four daughters, Mrs, Lee BreC- kenridge (Anna), Morris; Mrs. Alex Skinn (jean), Wingha.m; Mrs. Jack Wylie (Gertrude, Turnherry, rind Mrs. William Johnston 'Irene), Wingham; roan' brothers and two Sisters, Artthur, Blnevalo. Peter Hamilton; Tlioeae,'Wingham; airs, Wm. Reid and Mrs, Mary Hogg, Wingham, and Manor 1V(. Wheeler, Charlottetown, P. E. T, The re. mins ventral et 1:h" R. A. Currie funeral home, Winghaln, where funer. oral service was held 00 Monday after- noon, Mrs, James B. Kearney Dearth came suddenly to Mrs, Annie Miller Kearney, widow oi' Jamas TCearney, on Thursday last while she was visiling her sister-in-law, Mrs. •G\rillianm Kearney, In 'Morris township near Walton. Mle, Kear- ney was horn in Morris Township SO years ago, and was married at Myth March 21, '1804. She conti 1- u.ed to live in Morris until 1027, where she and Mr. Kearney retired and moved to Bluevele, where she had lived since that time, Death "HELP WANTED --MALE" AN OPPORTUNITY-. Established Rural Watkins District available, If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55 - have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get estab- lished ih a profitable business of your own. Por full particulars write today to The J, It Watkins Company. Dept, 013-4, 2177 Mason St., Montreal, Que. FOR SALE- 1 Beatty Jet Pump, deep web. pres- sorO s7stem, prided for pulek sale, Apply at Phone 53x The MoWhlrter Mottle 11'. In•• -day .Aprti 101' .y .... THE FARM ACCOU m BOOK A _ 9 .., CO t- =4E TAX GUIDE SAVES FARMERS E, T h','` OU LE AN' NEY SAVES YOU TIME -You will find that a few minutes a week keeps your Farm Account Book up-to-date. The first 15 pages of your new Farm Account Book tell a straight story about what is required from farmers. Your problems are dealt with in question and answer form and an index refers you quickly to the section you want. The pages and columns for accounts are numbered to correspond with the items on the Income Tax Return form itself. You can make an accurate record of all farm dealings as you go along. If You Haven't Received Your Copy, Get It Now - FREE AT YOUR POST OFFICE SAVES MONEY BY SHOWING YOU HOW -Every farmer legally is en- titled to deductions for a wide variety of expenses. Your Farm Account Book has 12 pages de- voted to columns for these. You are reminded of items which other- wise you might forget. Deprecia- tion, a big factor, is covered on 75 named articles in common farm use. You are shown how to establish claims for a Basic Herd and make a Three -Year -Average of your re- turns, This latter gives you the advantage of the lowest possible tax and it may be dated back to 1946. These are direct money- saving advantages entirely to your benefit. THE THREE YEAR AVERAGE You can't lose if you take advantage of this. Two things are necessary to average your income over the three year period ending December 31, 1948. First your 1947 return MUST BE FILED ON TIME -that is, by April 30, 1948. Then when you file your 1948 return in 1949 you may make application to average your income for 1946-1947-1948. This averaging of income continues yearly so that in each year you are taxed only on the average of each three year period. REMEMBER - HALF CULTIVATED LAND YIELDS A POOR CROP -HALF KEPT ACCOUNTS GIVE POOR RESULTS TOO Last year Canadian farmers -and there are nearly a million of them - produced over $2,000,000,000 in farm produce of all kinds. No other single industry approaches agriculture in volume of production. And :ts in every other business -even the smallest -every farmer must file an account of his transactions with the Department of National Revenue to qualify for the many tax exemptions which are allowed. DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE (Taxation Division) GRE't , Union Church W. M. S. The Woolen's Missionary Society of Union United Church met at the home of .lira, Percy Ward, Thursday afternoon with 16 ladies present. Mrs. Cox presided over the meeting which opened with Hymn 115, follow- ed by the Lord's Prayer in 011110011 The secretary, Mrs, Elston Speiran, rend the minutes and roll call, which was responded to with velem coniahn4115 word "Joy". Items of business were discussed. An invitat- ion to attend a mCOtbl, with the Ladies Aid of Cranbrook on April 22 was accepted with pleasure, Delegates were named to attend the Presbyterinl in Seaforth. The ladles have completed 5 quilts, avbieh are to be donated to the Sal- vation Arty at Listowel for European Relief, They 'have also collected a large bundle of nand clothing for this worthy rause, Mrs, Everitt Robinson read the Scripture from Matt. 25 31- 48. Mrs, Wm, Speiran react an article on Church RedItef abroad, Mrs. Meehan gave a part or the study book Great is the Company. II'ylnn 315 WO sung •and meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs, Cox, The W. A. meet- ing foltewed with the president Mrs, Ln1te presiding. PFA..ciR. AvF 715, W. M. 8. of Kno'c Presbyterian Chinch met at the home- of Mrs. Seines Leitch, with the president, Mrs, 5, J, Scott, in charge of the mending and opening with the rail to worship. The Scripture read- ing and the meditation were taken by Mrs, 0. G. Anderson, The alto• cation for the year, supitlies for tete bale, and lOuropeln relief work all ea1110 up for discussion. Plans were made for sending supplies for 01143.40011 In school in t101 west, nigh tl'ihtr.te Was paid 1-.y the prestd.ent to the work and life r•f 1110 late Mrs, W. J. Geddes, 0 dearly loved life member of the W. lir. S., Vim died recently, Mrs. Bruce had charge of the ionic, dealing with missionary wont in the 7nx East•, The plaster thank. offering was received and the meeting closed with pre,y0I by the President, 01114E0 EA8810G1 $450 $600 HORSES HOB 0500011 THE WATCHWORD FUR VALUE Hero's beauty distinguished by smart styling , , , Guaranteed dependable and priced for VALUE TERMS to suit your budget needs. rs Jeweller -- Brussels, Ont. Fancy China and Dinnerware We have a lovely assortment of Fancy cups and saucers, also Dinnerware in 32, 66 and 96 piece sets. Come in and let us show you all our new patterns.