The Brussels Post, 1948-4-14, Page 7What Goes On In The World By NORMAN BLAIR Italy Late this ntnutlt lutil S ters•-- soln•, 2` million are eligible --twill go to the palls and elect the first Parliament under the Italian Re- public. A tierce propaganda light is in progress, for no the result of this election may hinge the whole plat- ter of at least a temporary peace, or the outbreak of a conflict which ntay very well flare into World War Three, Of recent years Communism in that country has been growing greatly in strength, principally among the impoverished and land - hungry peasants, who eagerly swal- low the glowing promises of the farms and prosperity that will he thein—after the Russian pattern— made by Communist ,worker,, With The Pope as spokesman, the Vatican has thrown its full au- tltorily behind the anti-Communist elrive--and the recent proposals by Britain, France and the United States that Trieste would he re• stored to [italy has been a hitter blow to the keds. But the situation is still highly critical, and 140 matter which side ul.iutalcly wins the elec- tion there is almost certain to he rioting and bloodshed before the voting is over, and possibly after- wards as well. Palestine Palestine still retrains—and is like!} to do so for some time—a definite danger spot. The British are adamant in their resolve to withdraw entirely from that un- happy 00(10 try, and who can really blame them: The Jetws have ex- pressed determination of proclaim- ing a sovereign Jewish state—pro- bably to be called Jutlea—on May 0111. President President Truman has asked' for a postponement—not, he explains, an abandonment—of the partition plan; but this doesn't seen, to oiler nine 'tripe, seeing that there are plenty of fanatics among both the Arabs and the Jews who wouid prefer to sec the whole world in flames rather than yield an inch front the stand they have taken. The President also called on the Arabs and Jew, to arrange an 1111. media to truce in order to "avert ' tragedy"; but :\rab representatives would agree to this only i1' partition is "completely- abandoned". So it goes! Should the United States send troops to enforce the terms of partition, there would be nothing to stop the Russians claim- ing the right to take similar action —and Red forces in Palestine would be a grave threat to Arabia and all the rich nil territory in that region. Meanwhile, the guerrilla warfare le,tt'cen Arabs and jcws continues ,without sign of abatement. Scandinavia if the Rursians intend to expand still father into Western Europe, their action will probably take place -luring the coming Sumner and Fall. A year from now the nations of "tile Atlantic community'" should be, because of the \lar:hall plan, much stronger and better able to offer resistance to such a move, and with the United States likely to be chiefly occupied with election affairs, it looks like now or never for the Reds. Although communism is. by 00 :leans strong in either country, peo- ple in Norway and Sweden are jit- tery, With bout countries borderer[ by Finland—already in eli'eet a part of the Soviet military sy-steul—they would appear to be in real clanger -of Russian aggression, for in diplo- matic circles two fears are being -expressed, The first is that Russia may be willing to risk even war in order to gain a quick advantage; the second, that while the Kremlin may not actually want tear, the Soviets are liable to make some terrible mistake which will cause one in spite of them, Great Britain In 13ritant they are still talking about the Communist' "purge"—for although the • newspapers refrained front using so drastic a word, that is what it really amounts to. Prime Minister Atlee told the house of Commons that all Communists and "fellow-Uzit'ellers" engaged in vital security work in the British civil service are to be either transferred --or racked, I have not forgotten their atti- tuc(e in 11010, 1910 and 10.41," said Mr. Atlee, "and the workers of this country are well aware wlutt the Communist party stands for." Those affected by the purge will range all the way from telephone operators who Itave Communist boy friends to Wren like Professor Hal- dane; engaged its important naval research work but also 011 the Edi- torial Board of "The Daily Work- er". Estimates of the number likely to lose their jobs, or he shifted to outer ones, go as high as 10 thou- sand, but will probably be consid- erably less than that. Most of them will likely be among those connect- ed with the Ministry of Supply, which deals with atomic and other top-secret weapOlmt. Also from Britain—but in a some- what lighter vein—coutes word of a 11010 threat to the temperance :move- ment. A 0 -year-old Friesian cow, owned in Hampshire, has just set a new world record by producing, in one year 43,081 pounds of milk, topping the former :lark by more than 3 thousand pounds. But what worries the temperance leaders is that "Bridge Birch" -the English cow—was assisted in the record per- formance by an extra daily ration consisting of eight pints of stout, hopped up occasionally by the addi- tion of 10 aspirin tablets. The cow is said to take her Neer right out of the bottle, and appears to enjoy it. United States A couple of months ago President Truman was strongly favored, not only to get the Democratic nomin- ation, but also to stirceed himself. Right now his stock is tumbling with amazing speed, and it seems doubtful that he will even be nom- inated, let alone re-elected. Three plain factors contributed to the slump in Truman's popular- ity. First of all, in February, there ,vas his announced program against racial discrimination—which was a bitter pill for the Southern Demo- crats who believe in keeping the negro in his place, which is any place except near a ballot box on election clay. Next came Henry Wallace's de- feat of the Democrats in a New York State bye -election --a political surprise which raised doubts as to T r 11 man's ability fog swinging enough liberal and leftist votes to carry doubtful and key states come Noventber. Third—and most serious of all— was the Truman Administration's quick turnabout on the Palestine partition question -described by Jewish leaders as "a shocking be- trayal". With the Jewish vote so important in any United States election, it looks as though Preti dent Truman—with the best in- tentions in the world — has just about killed his political chances. Now there is a strong movement —which includes two sons of the late President Roosevelt—to "draft Eisenhower" to head the Demo- cratic ticket. \'Whether or not Eisen- hower would accept any such "draft" remains to be seen. Meanwhile Washington is going ahead full swing with a prepared- ness program; Congress being urged to approve of.selective service and universal military training and an expansion program for the armed services amounting to THREE BILLION DOLLARS.- Too OLLARS.Too Good Wife: "I've been asked for a reference for our last maid. I've said she's lazy, unpunctual and impertinent. Now can I add any- thing in her favor?" IIusband: "You might say that she's got a good appetite and sleeps well," FUNNY BUSINESS By Hershberger 2'7 NCPSaro .ulflaFroY=`eek• . .. Ie 51{'00130 lY.l ,las M ntoOHAIGas..- "Yolt may serve us, Lu1 •_..,.mv friend sees a rosy financial; future ahead of us I" s • Putting A Spring In Spring Spring's here and they know it. So to keep from getting too large a dose of that lazy spring fever, Diane Van Dusen and ;jean Strickland limber up with a game of leap frog on the warm white. sands of a Sarasota, Isla., beach. Sports And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") Elmer Lech of the Montreal Canadiens won this year's high - scoring title, but his record seems just a tiny bit tainted because of his having been credited with three assists in the final game, these giving hint just the margin needed to nose out his closest rival. This brings up, once again, the old problem as to whether or not it wouldn't be better to do away with assists altogether, and have goals only count in this matter of scor- ing awards. * * * Those in favor of the present system say.; that ,with assists done away with, player.; would shote a tendency to 'flog the puck" rather than pass it to a team -elate in a more favorable scoring position. The other side claims that friendly scorers—and all the scorers are "home -town" men, not travelling around as do the referees — can make a joke of the whole tiling, giving assists to players who didn't do more than wave at the puck on its journey goalward. * * e Our own idea would be to allow no more than one assist per goal, that going to the last man who touched the puck before the actual scorer; and perhaps there would be something in the notion of crediting two points for a goal, one for the assist. Or possibly it would be better still to do away with these individual awards altogether — or to make them purely honorary, with no money attached. Hockey is getting so cluttered up with them that we more than half expect to see a trophy for the player getting the most requests for autographs over a season's play. * n * There have been many "long counts" itt boxing, the most famous of all being the one in the L'lenlpsey- Tuoney affair at Chicago. For years Dempsey claimed that he got all the worst of that one, and that Tumney should have been counted out while outside the ropes. Actu- ally, Jack had no one to blame but himself, the referee on that occas sioo very properly refusing to start the count till Dempsey had retired to a corner, instead of standing at the edge of Chit ring eager to take a crack at Gene as soon as he ap- peared, * 0 * \Vlmetller or not Tuuney would have been able to scramble back in tinge—if Dtcmpsey hadn't blown his top—is still a matter of hot de- bate in fistic circles, and something which can never be definitely set- tled, not that it matters much. Our own guess, for what it is worth, is that Gene could have made it, and would have won anyway. Anyway, Tumrey is the man they finally paid off on, which is the most important thing, * * * But now the boys are talking about what seems to have been the long count to end all long counts. It canoe during the Madison Square Garden fight between Marcel Cer- dan, the French middleweight, and Lavern Roach of Texas. In the second round, according to ring- siders, Mr. Roach was down on the 0,i hONEI 1074,PPavof RRIMA''15M FOR FAST, SUE D MI6IEF canvas long enough for two or three counts to be tolled off, one estimate of the time being as high as thirty-two seconds, and e,en the smallest estimate running as high as sixteen. Cerdan finally managed to stop Roach for keeps in the eighth—but in the•,intervening six rounds the Frenchman must have been thinking to himself, "In America Time marches on — but slowly." - * * * , For a while, after Jack Kramer and Bobby Riggs started out on their professional tennis marathon, it appeared almost as if the boys were playing with one eye on the ball and the other on the box-office. One night Riggs would win; the next, lanky Krasner would knot it up; and so it went until there was considerable gossip that they bad been taking a leaf out of the wrest- ling book, and never forgetting the necessity of making a return bout seen called for. CHOICE FRUIT TREES AND SMALL FRUITS Ornamental Trees, Shrubs Evergreens Roses, Perconinls, Glnds & Cnnnns Largo & Conlpleto Stocit of All Loading Voriotics 600 Acres under Cultivation See otic Lec,1 Agent or Write for Frac Catalogue & Planting Guido 0' H. PRUDHOMME & SONS, LTD., BBAMSVILLE, Ontario. Sold by all Druggists -25c, 35c (tube), 50c end $1.00 ISSUE 15 — 1945 Classified Advertising 4(111000 1t'Av 1'1:11 OILS, OREA0 SS TIRES, 111000th I.,, bin. tree 1 ace ('o,1001lrr0. 11000, Mid laark 0,101, 1..of Comings. ale, Peal - era wanted, WOO tierce (',ease & oil 41,11 Md. Toronto ISt S1NIISS OPPORTUNITIES AN OPF'ER to every Molitor-1dol of Inver. (1000 and full Inrornlntion sent free. The Ramsay Co Registered Patent Attorneys, 376 linnk Snort. ottlws. BUSINESSES WANTED—ALL KINDS we hard clients, some with all rush, who }want to nnrrllaxe 000Io11s kinds of haninessi r, In- /.hailer rommunllleo throughout Ontario: Baked,.,. finishers. Tabarco, !Joliet? ,wear, 13000ly Salons, Hardware, Drug 00d Cmr•rut Stores, 11,4..1*, Dulrie,, (iu'tlges, Service Statham. Smuttier Collages, Summer itesertc, end 10000 01111'rs. Nolte h,r, large or Meth 4lioitly ,':rite IIx giving full ,lelolts M etrieL rolulden -o. Send a small pietas.. if possible. You etre muter no obligathm. Ate 0111 1450,1 Your business. ('all or write Meh'ose Realty. Brokers, 191? Yonne St , 'Toronto. Mayfair 8000, Mends -re of Ontario Annneinllon of Real Estate Monts, (14(11 ('111C1:14 FOUR -WEEK-OLD PULLETS Two, throe. four week and older pelteta, Start trite early—boogied 01,1,1,, and get the high Prices for 00:' 0005 4unlmrr end early nail Lathe Tyne tt'hile LegllOr,,s a1111 i•1re11 Mho, temulur 0,.'o' 0,s. Send fur tale* Phi. Manage. trent (Utile and cautlague end hook your Order nem LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM EXETER ONTARIO [SARI' Chicks from to (1.0.P. Breeding harm. It 511Y' 10 buy the best, White Leghorn Pullets 180 Heavy Breeds Allred toe. Pullets 20e. ('ox 6c. `atlefaetion uwamteed. Lien helm Hatchery Blenheim. Ont, THIS is the year to raise poultry 0210 and meat prices Will be high this year. Be Imre and Imy your chicks from an established farm. All chicles from our farm ore tram Government approved and puu0rmm veiled breeders, ,write for prices nod catalogue. 00001,500 Poultry harem, 6lonklon. Ont. 1011(P1 hanger 010(1 and egg lu0110 with Hollywood leghorns. 10,, are as large as most heavy breeds. These Real big, Ion. Bombed benutice aro backed by 30 years bleeding for every quality you need for ton Poultry grofila — Championship livability to rut chicly add layer Imam Guaranteed egg breeding for big, white, premium 01100. Really a big legborn for more meat, hast Utriform growth for quickest or all broilers. 11rt(0e these big profit makers once and 0011 will raise them always. write for ,,rirolbd and Gree calendar, Dig Rocin Paan. Allllo Roches. Ontario, 0111 001.. receive a 0010 of the 'l'wedulo 19.10 tattnlugue? If we missed you write its to- day and we will send you one Immediately. Feed prices are lower now and all prospects 00100 to wryer mitten for I''all and next winter. Next fail when egg prices climb Lo their peak 0111 you be rushing or Just wishing? They will toil You be earthing or just wishing? 01107 55'111 climb, You know supply nod demand will like care of Um. 1elta start ,your usual number of ehli,s right away and you will be glad that you did we ran hive 1,•mnpt de- livery on n11 popular breeds and hybrids 10 dao-01ds, two-week. three-week, Irl: a older pullets eight weeks to laying. 12 pure breeds and 12 hybrid er000en 10 choose from, Twed- de Chicle Hatcheries Limited, Vera -.10, Ont. HEAVY BREED COCKERELS -4c Stasrx, Sussex 5 N. Hames, unman delivery 40. After A1r1I 20111 4310 &lay 105. to Alar 1010 60. Rhode Seined Reds 30, Rork x Leg, horn, and Sussex x Leghorn 2c, 1,egh0rn0 10. Fast feathering Rorke and Rock x New Ramp. to &guy let Se. To receive these specials en- close Oun ad with order, HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, LONDON, ONT. 3 - 4 WEEK OLD CAPONS THERE Is good money in raising Capons. Capons toll for as tench or more per pound than Turkeys. All raised under Ideal condi- tions. Send for price 11rt and full particulars. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM WEIN BROS. EXETER, ONT. 0UR NEVER -CHANGING policy of 1100uci10 top quality chicks and offering them at mma0ingly low price, Is still In effeot In 1148. Right now 1n spite of our granny 10,100ved costs you can olaler Top Notch chicks at prices nearly on loo• MI they were 10 years 0011. Your /Magee 11050100 UPml the way you start. flood stock 1s the first Important thing. With- out It the whole summers work ram be wasted. A good flock Is always n profitable !lou!. hale* conte of Our soneatonnl Bieck &flnerea x White Loshol'ns Tar bag white egos and more of then. Also 11 other hybrids and nil pram - Mr pure bleeds to choose from, day Nd or Marled. Also older pullets eight woelto to IuyIng. Free cntadgno. Top Note!, ChM( Sales, (melon. Onterio. FREE! 100 HEAVY -BREED COCKERELS With 00001 order of 100 nullel0, Large TYPO White Leghorn pullet, 528.60, New Hamm. 518.00, '00 receive this special enclose this sal with your order. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, LONDON, ONT. S10ND for bargain prices en two and (tree woolk old chinks non-saretl,nultets and cork- orels. Alin 0Perinl prices on five tveek old heavy breed cockerels. Free caMiogne. need- dle Chicle Hotcherlee Limited. leer.^1x..001. ROCK COCKERELS 4c 10, Al), il, oar Barred 51001,0 are fart-fenther- tng and Dred for livability and fast growth, Hanes Poultry Farm, ,lolsoyrlllo, 01101110, For connsttaa/nt' Smoking Pleasure opetiff "EXPORT" Cigarette Tobacco ALSO AVAILABLE IN 11/2 POUND TINS 111111('MCS 11m 011.4 6 8 - 12 WEEK TO READY -TO -LAY PULLETS (11101 ) t 111'1'.' ns,lh,l b• f 1, .1 x0, 1 AI Ilona p- Lt ord.,., 1 ,' 1 1 It 1.1i, :0.10,1 hr nn 0,'14 t'e'a 011 , t Ir, 1 -.me Put ea itle 0,110 t, 1 1 r,•..1 51'11 , alta o.k.: 0-0.0•,, ,i+, ,0 t 1 .•,I on fern range 11,00•, , �01 ,,., P1 , , rI11•1 1100 n1'de,' t 1W LAKEVIEW POULTRY i;AISM WEIN BROR I' )IaTEIt, ONT HURONDALE CHICKS All 1003'10, double hood 1, ,,,.I ,;,,I IU,n,trd bard by 1,1,11, 5rd1..,,1 f„.,,,'1.,, n'm sto•1: 01001ke1.11.00111000 01501'�r,1 h_m • I::. 1 ,'Vere hurl, (00, Ir l9kvs 0.1t 111 11 100 1 bud fl'uln yhavehaveou e done ,l,ai ,d„1;�'"Jalm•N Wright, Owen Somal. 1.11,' 141.4,•0 140, Susses 1 New Hanle. 1: 111100 mixed 12150, rullel..1 21,, 1 h `v 1,,•11101, 0100100 0 Leg1101.11, Nom' 11u,�., ;: I,c••11,u•11 I„ May ".'I lnixeq 140, Il•Io A.11,1 May 20 mixed 1: 2 t1.)r. ('I,i•':0 21'-. Im141 T2'po A'hllr Leghorn P';‘'1'171' "Ilei .1., nn zerl lditk r. fust els fi 1 to 140,10 mad cockerels x Oc n, A'lny lot, S u,., •:u nes x N. Horan. and Inroad brr:•.,'r,l �.'1 ., If imp cock- erels to Aluy lot 40, alter Db. 1,5, ,lvnnrt el In 1 :111 les 111'. it r•',1 1.111',•10 A0xnrt0d hen 0 cockerelnrdllahl•. 111 orlros xubjert to li,u, '•,. w,nmul note e. Ilei',,. live delivery 10 van' '..,cos 11.00 p,.1. Ion deposit.. balance C.OP oder Duni ani ho ,• ' this ad. Ilu,ad.11•. 1 6,,h Ilnh•hr,•y, Lindon, oat, 5,111 .Peed 4110 Catch up 101110 141 ung W1.11-11101.1011 0010101 10 001.-1- '0'1. 1010011 nr orlol.ls, tn'0 OM! throe : eoelterrlu ltse week, 850,1:.1 1 1101 :up Nook 11,6-1r Niles, Gne1M,, 1 ., ., 01)11 1,(0 el ,':doable markets 1'..'.,' later 0,1411a 10l might 08 well 001.-0 w.. ,0004 un1•n— yin, eon, ea11erlt(ll0 with 1I',0 ,a ,reed pullets and fa -where's. We have then. t.., D' to &hilt. (let 'menial prices, Dray H:I.1. , 120 Julio 0,v.. FM1111hnl1, Ont. 1)11111(0 AND CLEANING HAVE YOU 555/5100 heeds dyeing or el0un- ina0 Write to us for inform:arm We are glad to answer your QIeammua Dop.irtment H, Parlter's Dye Works Llmi:ed 751 Yntlse Street. Toronto, Ontario. mu SALE HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parts and Service, Bert E. Esnio:iy & Son. 410 College St., Toronto, &IASSEY-HARRIS Forage CI: peer k Corn Harvester. Altalebmento mint very Mlle. Sellvlfelo'o Massey -Harris Dealers, 68 Fredric, Kltrhener, Ont. 14A11DT 2 -year Letham Ruel,u•:try canes. 15,0n per hundred. Premier S,rawbe•rles 12.00 per hundred. A. Growlo, 11.11. 1, Isling- ton, Ona r4ATTIMtY•OPERATED Rndl1 501 roe ease. Deforest Crossley Corona model. 1 tithes specially equipped with Romero Eliminator for us 51951, either storage battery or d0 00110. New cost over 5300 Melte offer A fine end tasting gift Boa Ill. 11 Adelaide W 7ornnln Stilt 'MAN'S Rub, an efre0uve remedy 101 sinus trouble, flu, swollen glands, bronchitis, weak eves,swollen throat. Address 2255 Queen Sr 1t' '00000(0. Price Sine PUMPS, ETC. McDougall shallow mad deep well systems. electric or gasoline powered, only 5110 00 cont. pleto will, tank. Clinton gasoline enables, 21/. 11.0., only lee 75. Contractors pumps, Sarin lighting 000101118, 110 volt, 0011 sse.nn Send for free catalogues 001 direct from (00110) distributors and save TERRY MACHINERY Company Limited, Dept. "7", St. Laurens Montreal D,, Clue, or Dept. "7". 24 Industrial Street, Lertolde, Tnrnnto. .10101 our long list of oauicned customers for Fruit Trees, Shrubs. Evergreens and Roses, etc. Order early, Free catalogue. A. 0 Hull & Son, Central Nurseries. St. Cotherines Ontario BROAD -BREASTED BRONZE TURKEY POULTS Also 831.00.0 WRITES and BROAD - BREASTED BRONZE 11 811,500 WHITES and SMALL 19,11.11.'s TIHIS looks the year to maize rent mosey In tnrlrelo• Send for our Turley Guide and let- ter to get all the details. There le a good American market and demand. The duty le dews 2 091110 per Ib. Feed pelves are 50100 down. Quotations for ling delivery for grain ore down $13.00 to 117.00 per ton, Anlerl• ren Breeder (lnek0 are down 40.60 per cent. Pettit protlurtion will be away down. It 1s oxPect0,1 that Collodion mulls will be shipped to 0,S.A. by Ainy or before at good prices, Plan to raise points! This In the yenrl Bonk your order nowt RIs diecount0 tor April delivery. :lend for Turkey Arnilagement Guide and cireulat Which Leila 111 about month. prevention of diocese, and rearing methods. LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH EXETER ONTARIO MARKSMAN Thousand -Shot Air mules. Ex• pert cnn:tructton. Shipped anywhere 15 05 Aialothon Agency, 1340 Gerrard .East. Tor' onto, Dealers write for niotaUon0 011AFT Supplies: Free Catalogue, we Stora a full line in the following crafts: Shell. craft, Leothercraft, Feltcrefl Beodcrnft. Hnndyeraft Suads, Company Petenotough, Ontario. 10011 SALE, nely 0, John, Deere ''rector, 8(011et, 1101111, power tnhe•o10 on 14" rubber. Late model 28-50 white steel mill b:heraol reviler, clover attachment, like new. 21-42 Om:Olson Mill Clover attachment, gaud run- ning order. Complete set steel 101,0019 for fnletnational Tractor. Steel rear 01:001,1 for GO and DO or OD minor Tractor. Albert Hoes. ton, 00 Emma St., Chaths,o, Ont, l'hure 0)0111, III POWERED Rllies. Newly convened, starling models. write for description and prices. Scope Sales Co,. 026 Queen Bt., Ottawa, Ont, SWEATERS <1 treat for ilia Ladies are these I•lnsll,h Pure Wool Cardigans and Pullovers. They eons in delightful /Madre of grey, yrllcw, wane and black. Order severe! et the low pries or 011.94 nottpAid. ALDAN COMPANY, LIMITED, Dept. 10, 402 ONTARIO 011114ET W0180, MONTREAL 2, BARGAIN! STOCK REDUCING SALE NEW pnt•lype Queen 011 Burning Brooder stover, new $20.00 or $21.00 delivered to your station. Act quickly, while they last Subject to change without notice. To roCelYe n - b a'rntn Price enclose this ad with your order. Also 110O111 llf,1T10]08 as low ae :.a0 and hely Pot -Type 11(1115( 'RAMIE on. 11rRN- MS, 041,0'1 while they Inst: LAKEVIEW HATCHERY AND SUPPLY COMPANY EXETER ONTARIO SHORT-WINDED HORSES A Now and Wonderful Morse 1lrmedy winch 0uldrly relieves henvoa, coughs, end strangles. Satisfaction guaranteed, Port final $1.00. it 10 Important 10 specify the age and 11,0 we'eht 00 the hmso. Wrilr to T. 20 Olrad, Sprvlm- let 111 011 ailments of the Re,llrrotory Organ", St, Felhten Co. . Robon'al, P.Q. YEAR-OLD Ronber,Y ph1lts. Latham and Taylor Varieties Go each, Im,00000 Senator Delon atravberrY plaits $2,00 hundred. llh'orvtew Gardens, 1(itebener, Ontario. ALDAN COMPANY SPECIAL 1,11• nth 1 111:11.0.1.;S! 1 •k,ly we le 1. n 01,7 1 ' 10,001 000 booty ' 1 1111,-. 11 11 V 00111011 , r'• Inm•ty to look OW t 1 to w1 It 1' 1 ,•, !••,11.100 h111tn1:x 1111 11013 1 1. 1 , 111010010. Slrex l 4 1 ugh 0tnrk 11 n 1 unit but they mr:11 set1 out rPduWY 1 ,1,7!'1'1,41. n11xbno,l. PRINTED' Dltls'SSEs t,, 11 BeomiD,il ER - 1,,. oily styled for 111, F..0010100 111..x In now In• t I f lurel3' lllor 1:1'00.. b t 14. 1401(1,' t -Inn' ' 1 with tarp and Maul' collum m,4 0G. .,•iy 10,0E1 at 51.1(4141c11 postpaid. 1:11,,(1011 (1111081 DIttt;4! Three 01Ir0a- 111'' 1111•x 0(0,0 8 t0 II to four !weir new 00,:,10 1111111100: turanoiie, 00 •, blue and S'1`Ilow, ••any trimmed with tfique collars end modulo 3,01 :hal the grn:arur Mitre rleelrrO. Order elute (110 00:01000111 is complete. Sh15' P• d postpaid at 02.20 earl,. Order several uo0'' 1'100 the, A1.11.1N 1•oMPA1':i', LIDIITED. Dept, G0, 411': 1,N•r.vtiti 81I11011' W., MONT1REAI, 1. 131:.111,1: Pape from Pleld 71.1,1 Champion. slurp, ride to train. also trained dogs. J. .1. Palmier, 8011, 100. 202 Queen SL, Ou1, k:0,:+l 1,ACDI ILu1eater, afeeormlek n'erlujC 14.413. 00,•.1, perloet rn11410 n. ltiv- lere ,Wlade yarn, I101,1,, Pont now... Que. 111011i.1:0148 Cord. -.16. (.11 tat leashes for 01,00 ring or silo•,•. 10110 adjuo(anle1,0 hall./.r'comfortably lit., any 0(00. t'm"1 by Comoro and (7.11,4, Sam- -0 roe 01 OU Ilse for gtf10. T. P. 1d, t p:u,y, 66 III. wrlhngtnn BL., f'n,ro to 1'.11121 for Sale' Pri,,,d for uMnrdinr• sato end Il005'O:.l031: 3110 1, 0: 0 111,1, well drained 01.5- loam 1111,0. mete rill,, 0101' 11,1, from aohdel. 1.5':,0, (louse, Barn 32%100, steel stalls silo. hydro, Implement building. hen house, has neo, 10 acres womllm. 10 acre.. wheat. 55 at oro plowed. On county road, 4 mons from litaim115 mllte route. '!this is n grade A farm. Price 511,000 Inquire for many other I(("0 of farms listed. R. It. MCNe11, 11ea1 Emote Agent, Phone 64, Dutton. Oa, (AR'11Eft Outs, net:. Ajax (11,1,:,51.76 n Int. packed In e•In-'hel bans, tounde, 11111id Corn 600 and 611 Mals or rounds, open pollinated late Golden tum, Corn. Imin,0' for prieeO. Terms rash by Money ortl, Chatham Orydne l eahen. 0101 7, Chatham. 101 Ac'R100, finest of soil, alt ttII.d,tn. s room house, barn 100'540', electricity, steel roofed. small orchard, good well, near cheese factory 00.1 0rhool. Situated at Alarvelville, Ontario. Coueeasion 10, 00goade. For particulars con- tort Gerald Brunton, Kenmore. Ontt1•1, 0001" 4901) Two ROIs' JOHN DIOERE PCl'LA- To PLANTERS IN STO1:K Nom% tV. 10. 51,14EN11P•. CO., DISTR113UTOES SINC15 10111, PHONE 20. Lh1'lllNOTOI4, ONT, HAIR DRESSI NO LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson method. information on request regarding classes, Lobettson's Hoh•dresoing Academy, 137 Ave- nue Itond. Toronto. Ai EDI (i1L A TRIAL—Every sufferer of Rheumatic Paiute or Neuritis should Ory Dixon's Item,dy, 010 00'3 Drug Store. 010 Elgbr, Ottawa. rompedd 01.00. MONACAD for 12(0eula, the n:w match- less and efficacious ointment. n)• mail 50c. Lo'rrappo, North Rogersville, 01.B HAVE You heard about DI9On'0 110011(1, and Rheumatic Pain Remedy': It wives gond re- sults. Munro's Drug :Pore, 2..6 1113:0, Ottawa. Postpaid 01.00, OPPORTUNITIES F1)8 WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S 010AOIN0 SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thou,.ands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest system. Illustrated cata- logue free, Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCIHOOLS 358 Bitter SL. jw., Toronto Drenches: 44 Icing fit,. Itamilton. & 7.1 Rideau Street, Ottawa. OPl'ORTP0r0I10S 1''0(1 3114N AND R'0)1RN EARN MONEY AT 11010E SPAM: or full-time money -malting. Learn to :tale candy at home and earn as yea learn: Correspondence eour. e. National Institute 00 Confectionary Reg'd, Delort:,ler P.O., Box 152. Montreal, Que. Al Ertl O FLTHERSTONA UGH & COMMIS', 01[086 Solicitors. Established 1655, 19 Kinn ,west, Toronto. Booklet of Information on request, ('011114111941 '•EL1JAH Cooing Belm•e Christ", wonderful book free. Megiddo Mraion. Rochester 11. N.Y. 1'l1(t7'001( A('DY ELGIN Photos. Developing and 8 prints 10e Replant (Ir. Jumbos .0:.,. Write for apeo- in10 on Pilins, Enlarteemcnlx, &founts, Promos. llox W1 S. St, Thomas. Ont. One Roll Film Free Special 810.`, during April with every two alms sent to us to be developed and printed. PILE'S DEVELOPED and printed, 150 PEI, ROLL of 8 exposures, All prints made Lorin. DOUBLE 011E SIZE Only 200 it prints of 0ln1;0a'p else desired, Write us for cameras and aunties. we curry n complete stock. Just arrived. Plash 0011.s for Brownie Reflex. 50.25, for MINN, Pioneer $4 21, for 1odnit (7.06. Canada Photo Sup- ply, 760. Rex 160, Toronto, Ont. REPAIRS RS FUR COATS REMODELLED Old coats made 11110 new by master furrier. Free Insured storage on 0000(00 and remodels. Write for information, Uptown Furs, 560 00118, 81„ Toronto. S7'A1ii'S & 111N1' blocks of 4 Hitler stamps free to n 1,00001 applicants. Enclose 4r stamp to rover postage Star Steams, 1197 St, Andrews Rd., Cornwall. Ont. w42 0100 WANTED 6 to G0 acres, reasonable for elate. nova 500.0 or village, 11000 0011. 110000. 11. ho 11', Aurora, Ont. 5t ANTEDI 011.00 paid for IN inehester 1804 and Marlin 1880 (only) 191100 with 1e0rn-out tannin The Gun Shea, 70 ward, Port Hone, Ontario. NTA11 PO Wafted: Your attic or trunk 10111 contain $10,000 In Old, Ured or Unused Pastime Ntanp;, Lenore, Albums, etc. Send them today for Free Estimate. Cash by re- turn mall. Satisfaotion guaranteed. No ob- ligation. .Tack r(o t0, milk 11 27 Harold lVar, Hollywood 25, California, (1.S.A. CHERRY LOGS Sought nor cash. Write Box 304• Fergus. Ont, HELI' 50470(05(J) HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Itoasel,eeper to live in, 10rinlnent Detrition 3 adults only. Apply &Its, Dert Weir, 76� Richmond et„ London, (101, STUDENT NURSES WANTED Icer the 00011 class eonpnenMg Sept. 1, 1016. Please apply to the Superintendent, Ross Memorial Hospita, Lindsay, Ont. MUTT AND JEFF—Here's a hint, folks—spend your lunch hour near the window, By BUD FISHER JEFF; TA's PoRTIPN' i5`' A LOT SMALLER THAN THE ONE YoU GAva ME YES RDAYI NAW! IT ONLY LOOKS SMALLER! , THEY,. • ENLARGED THIS PLACE OVERNIGHT! Now DoN'T TELL. ME1MWHERE YESTErRDAY'/OUSC-RVED WERE ME.TWICE AS MUCI! YOU STEAK AND PQTATOECSI SITTING !._. Ppe'tUTT t� J Ogre (ovER,THERE BY 'VAT WINDOW! '1,63 a9ie THAI' WAS FOR-) ADVERTISING PURPOSES _' °NI..y',! .'i`rrr