The Brussels Post, 1948-4-14, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST 1.12.111 HEAR PREMIER GEORGE DREW DISCUSS "ONTARIO MINING LOOKS AHEAD" IN QI.EEN'S PARK R11P01IT No. 13 WINGHAM CKNX 920 Friday, April 16-8.00-8.15 p.m. Sl ve bT, "M: clic• r{;.U'.: "a.j d'i 4 See Our New Wallpaper Simples SmartModernDBsig ns in Plaids, Diagonals, goals, and Bold Florals Wide Range in Patterns and Prices. Any p,•rscn interested in decorating call 76-r-12 Brussels, 3 u '+ +' r %r Y*.f viii 1.1 14055(50 $1900 • N SR00451 i44Rit105 5tn2C ;;NOAIii 56CAMEO EARRINGS $450 $3475 $600 HORSESHOE ER00051 Here's beauty distinguished by smart styling .. , Guaranteed dependable and priced for VALUE TERMS to suit your budget needs. Fancy China and Dinnerware We have a lovely assortment of Fancy cups and saucers, also Dinnerware in 32, 66 and 96 piece sets. Come in and let us show you all our new patterns. A Biel Phone 86-r-5 ET rds Son Ethel Repair Your Tractor — any make Remember we Repair all Farm Eq uipm i nt Dominion Nobby Tires Chaco Farm Implements Pedlar Barn Equipment Book Your Oil Now for Spring, The Price Is Riht, a r'��•mg�y 0,700; .' Classified Ads FOR SALE - 1 colony Mouse. Apply to Phone 76-r-5 Girt Henderson FOR SALE— A quantity of fertilizer, Phone e'7 -r-12 Harvey Stevenson ^— FOR SALE— Timber frame buil-ling 23x42. Phone 51-r-17 fames Lteveuson FOR SALE--._.__�._�.,.._ A quantity of hay Phone 42-n-24 Elmer Danby LOST— A brown leather hani-ba+1, 2 large aanber handles. Phone 31x Mrs. Waiter Porter SALE_ _.---• At Mulct Sone Plum Mire Stene, Mildmay, April loth to April 24th. PLEASE NOTE— Sn'.sors sharpenn2 and put in perfect wnrkin^ order if left at The Brussels Post. WANTED— Raw Furs, highest prices paid also Red Foxes, Ship to Norman Green - spoon, 223 Grace St., Toronto. FOR SALE— Tricycle. medium size. guitar, gun .22 repeater, camera smail candid. Phone 24 o• .Wood's Stere, Bresee_!s FOR SALE OF RENT— 100 acre !arm lot 15, Con. 9 Twp. of Grey 314 miles from the Village 05 Brussels. Red brick house and good well with wind mill on property. Apply to Mrs. W. G. Mcliachern. 1 Francis Street, Galt, Out, WANTED— Man for steady travel among eon. sinners in Brussels, Permanent cer- t neeHnn with large manutaaturer Only reliable hustler considered. Write Rawleigb Dent. No, ML -J-152 131, Montreal. FOU ND— A brown and white hound. Plum 4.1.r-19 _ .._ Lawson 'Ward The Women's Misstonar; tioeiely \Vndneed uy, April it 111, 1215 CRANBROOK Tilbury Bridal Pretty Event P[LBl'1R1' — Dsreel S. Moffatt \Tentorial ehut'n1t, Tilbury, dummied with Easter Lilies, ferns and candles was the scene of the double rhrg marriage of Jean isnbella moss, daughter of Mr, and WA. James Ross, Tilbui•Y, to jams Wetmore Shaiv, sen of Mrs, S1ia.w, Searorth and the late James Show. Rev, W. Stuart MacLeod officiated, assisted by Rev. W. A. Williams, 'Valetta, Mi'es Marion flurgees was at the organ a>ld Miss Marianna Gni. cllner was %dialed, Mr. Rows gave his daughter in marriage. Her gown was of Trille satin n.nd lace, with a high round neckline, the . bodice finished with a bertha of the satin row - laid with rose paint iace edging, The long sleeves were shttred and the panelled skirt extended into a brief train, A Nylon nap held her embroidered fingertip yell. She wore the groom's Rift, a shined of pearls and canted a cascade of Easter limes. Taffeta gowns were worn by the four bridal attendants. Mks Eleanore Senton, maid of honor, in powder blue; Mrs, William Roswell, bridesmaid, 4n yellow; the junior bridesmaid, Miss Elaine Webster said flower -girl, Marlene Webster, nieces of the bride were in ecclna and pink, re- spectively. All four wore Dutch caps IWO shoulder length veil- . ing to harmonize with their gowns, and carried bouquets of spring flowerer Trh:m:aF, McEadsean, Brussels was, groomsmen end the ushers were Delwond Ross and William Roszell A reception was held in the church parlors. For .the wedding trip the 1>r1(10 chose a dress In novel shade, hat and necesso.'e in black, her topcoat was brow muskrat an:cl her oorsa.ge hub (met red roses. The couple wil be at home in Merlin. WANTED A girl to clerk ,u en h;lecteiC.11 Appliance Store in Wingham. Apply to The mussels Poet. of Knox Church met In the slurch on Wednesday, April 7 at 2,3e 1,111• Miss A, Forrest 51501ded and opened the meeting with prayer. Hymn 615 "Lord, wh Ile Por all sinal!ne, w'e pray" was sung, The busier Ss period was (Ondueled by the presi- dent, Mrs, Dan )Tnetter, 'Pile minutes were• read and approved. Ton Members responded to the roll call with a verse colttainine the word "We." The treasurer, Mrs, liobt. Campbell, received the offering and also gave a report for the first quarter. ht Vas decided to quilt the 5550114 (milt for the bale on Tuesday, April 13. et the home of the pre".t- dent. Mienion study on "Melte Canelo Thine Own" was divided into 'three ports which were read by Mrs. le D. Marlver, Mee, ,Tim Gamer - 111 and Mr's. Clare Olnstead. One verse of hymn 04R "0 (1ennds" wa1 suat1 and the tapir Prem the study hook was in charge of Mr,. Martin T,Tac'Donalcl. Luke 10: 2047 was read In unison, followed with 1 meditation on this Passage Miss Por er c; ted in prayer, and hymn 049 "From Ocean Unto Ocean' wits sung. Mrs. Dan Huetlier closed 110t:meeting with. prayer, The Ladies' Aid held a meet.in, at 'ill rinse of W.M.S. Mrs: A. Cameron presided and hymn 587 "Rise up, 0 men df God" was sung, The L'ord's prayer was repeated in unison. The minutes were read, and adopted. Further arrangements were made for Thursday, April 22 when Mrs, L. Ballantyne will he in Tinox Church, Cranhrook, to address ladies from Ethel. Inion and Craabromc wemrn'0 groups, Several items of business WI discussed anti Mrs. I, D, Mac. s Iver closed the meeting' with prayer. Mrs. M. (Hessler and daughters and Herb Jesdte, Dotenit, spent n row. ,lays with their rather. Paul Jesche. t0`OR SALE— Seoul ALE— Seould•halld 111111he1', 2x4, 2x6 and a MUMMY secaucl-hand steel roofing suitable Inc saga' shanties. Phont 58-1"13 Jack Wheeler FOR SALE— At:nx seed nets (Nn. 2 on account or color). Phone 29-r-13 Kenneth McFarlane FOR SALE - 100 acres of sand, lot 27, eon. 9, Grey Twp., fait' •et 1,t hnilditlas. windmill, 115111011 well, 10 acres or wheat apply to Brandon Phone 50.5117 T•'rlgv B1anl FOR SALE— A pair of lights suitable for traetor, priced Por glial sale, Apply at The Post. WANTED .____... Brus.vel: Pub11t 5,'11on1 requires teacher for Oracles T and 11. Duties to continence September 1948, H. Bowler, Sw ,Tress., Brussels School Boa11 FOR SALE— ' Barb -off Barley, grown from registered seed 31.75 .Per bushel: Beaver oats 31.50 per bushel and mixed grain 31.25 per bushel. Phone 43-r-25 Gordon Knight TEACHERS WANTED— Grey Twp. School Board invite applications to till vacanetee in their schools. Minimum salary $1500 with extra for experience„ APi>licants Please state expel'ienee, (lrallfiStion and salary expected. Apply to Carl Hemingway, Sec.-Treas., R.R. 3, Brusesis TENDERS WANTED— For redecorating the Moncrieil' Church basement. Tenders receiv0O up to April 24th. Apply to one of the following: Mrs. Alex Speiran. Mrs. Donald McTaggart o• Mrs. Ken, 2 mi1es from church. J-ttddington. Miss Janet McNair, R.R. 2, FOR SALE - 5 range shelters, 2 brooder houses, 2 coal brooder stoves, 2 Queen cit brooder stoves, a number of baby Welt feeders. 15 spout disc seed rh•11l with fertilator, 1 set ",-section harrows. 1 set harness. Phone 5e -r-17 Eley Brasden RAW LEIGH'S ANNIVERSARY MOSITH— April 6th, 59 years ago. W. T. Rawlefgh started o'l.t with only 6 products, we new have 139 different lines. If you wish to get onr anniversary hareains wait for your Rawleigh Dealer or phone 565.9, Geo, Wesenberg FOR RENT - 100 acro Farm, lot 15, con, 15, Grey Township. held( barn, stone stabling i aLUEVALE The ronunaulllty hall was nowt to capnottY on Friday evening, for the second eratoriral contest Per public school pulpits when emit elstnuts from eight schools entered fur the R. E. McKinney silver trophy, Car] Johnston, vice_president of the local el tub. sponsoring, the event, acted as 'etrairnlan and Introduced the speakers in tul•n, Hirst 5rize 1105 awarded to George Pronter from the Stone sohool, Morris, who Spilka 011 "The Anparing Ant." Nortne Moffatt, Biuovaie, -winner or the trophy lust year, came second -speaking on Princess Elizabeth," Nora Felker, Kirton's 8n11oo, caste third; her nu•bjeot was "Lits on the 1 Parra," Other spaadcees, In the or, der of their standing, were: ,Tune Moffat], Wiagbanl .7ull5Hon school, "Pauline Johnston": Kenneth n Morris, and Har- old -Jointstan, ler owntown School, both speaking on "Troy Scouts of the World"; ' Raymond Haugh Powell's school, "Skiing"; Belly Cnlliton, Gl(nannail, "Vegetable Gardening,' Public School In• speotor J. M. TClnlcald of Canderich Rev. A. G. Hewitt of •Auburn and Rev. Alexander Niannne of Wing• haus meted as judges. Speaking foe the judges, Mr. Ntinn10 congratu- lated the speakers and announced the standing. He said the judging 511505 difficult and the margins were close, R, E. McKinney, London, was prese1vt to present the prizes, anixl expressed his pride that so 111011)1 c'hildre'n from rural schools evade such fine nddresses. Cecrge Procter received they silver trophy, and Norma Moffatt was given a t miniature .trophy :v1t11 her name engraved on it. The other contest- ' ants wer0 awarded cash Prizes, n i During, the program pupils from Bluevale school contribute] two 1 vocal numbers: and a singsong was rnjoyed with Mrs. 1Toffman at the piano. straw shed, 01(11 hen house, omen The Girl and The Outlaw iOe a rnmanric tale stranger than t fiction, this love story of one of the silo. Water in both. Driving shed drilled Well, .Spring, solid brie] house, frame kitchen and woodshed FOR SALE— Bray Hatchery has staetel pullet" for prompt shipment. Dayolds also. You can catch up wit -et these. 'Teary eoekerrl chick exports to the permit punct chick pure reductions to nut Canadian rlIetntller'. Pe slue. you get new price list. \Ocnt \tt Glenn Bray, Ethel, Phone 34-r-8 MEN WANTED - 955. to 900. A WEEK j Your own business! No hoss, no timeclock, independence! The leading line of /Tome Service Precincts ! Fine city and rural territories available. A vehicle is needed for rotten, IP you have selling ability and a small repitel—write to -day for FREE in- formation —-FAMTLIIC — 1600 Delopinnier, MONTREAL FOR SALE - 100 -acre farm on Highway, good buildings, bush, hydra, 40 -acre farm near village, 30 aeres ploughed. Brick house in thriving village, barn and hydro, price 32,100,09 37 acre farm in a village. frame house and barn, J. O. Long, Phone 84 Real Estate Broker, Brussels, Ont. "HELP WANTED --MALE" AN OPPORTUNITY--, I9stabilshed Rural Watkins District available, If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 26 and 55— have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportun(ly to get estab- lished in a profitable bualnese of your own. For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company. Dept. 0-B-4, 2177 Mason St„ Montreal, Glue, FOR SALE - 1 Beatty Jet Pump, deep -well pres- sure system, priced for quick sale. Apply at Phone 53x The MOWltirter Electric Brussels • West's most dangerous outlaws and h.is gentle Julia. dead the Uu•11'irg story of desperado Emmett Dalton's career in The American 'Weekly vv,th jR..OA`aRL,f'r' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shaw have FOR SALE— re'turneci home after spending the Electric motors rewound and re. winter 1m0n111r1 with Mr, and Mrs, paired. Expert workmanship. Moder. J. Brown, New Liskeard. rtces. New moors in stock. Mr. E. henry of ISIngsten is visit- Bsttger tnoeste] es. , this Sunday's (April 18) issue of ing at the home of E. J. nud Mrs, 849 Ontario Street, The Detroit Sunday Times. Stratford, Ont. mormwessase MO. Afai Ste„ 3 e ire'`ee ...._. HANDS AT WORK • a • LEARNING AERO ENGINE AND AIRFRAME ONTARIO'S products are desired and purchased by people all over the world and the capacity to produce such goods largely determines the economic welfare of every mon, woman and child within her borders: Because the sale of, every article produced 111 Ontario brings valuable dollars into this Province, we all are more assured of job security , , , and we and our children can have more of the better things in life. To produce such goods in sufficient quantities, skilled labour is vital. That 19 why every single one of us should be glad that war veterans are constantly being trained to provide the skilled hands so needed by industry. Veterans receive ON THE JOB 'training under expert insl.rnctors in our Ontario factories, This training, provided through the co-operation of the Department of Veterans' Affairs, the Federal Department of Labour and the Ontario Department of Education, starts veterans off on the road to skilled craftsmanship, 'Taught to use their hands in general afro engine and airframe work, bath on military and civilian aircra ft, these veterans may qualify for a Department of Transport license, authorizing them to declare aircraft airworthy. In aircraft manufacturing plants and on flying fields throughout Ontario, those newly -skilled veterans will have the opportunity to apply their talents and training. Their efforts will help to make Ontario a finer pinee in which to live and will contribute to the welfare and happiness of all her citizens. THE 13REWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) MECHANICS AERO ENGINE MECHANICS IT, Parry, 25, of Oshawa, Ontario, n Canadian Army veteran, is shown matting an adjustment to the engine of a Cub Trainer, Students work on various types of aircraft tnpging from the Cub Trainer to multiple engine militate, aircraft.• Many veterans, trained as ground crow specialists during the war, have chosen to take post-war training in this occupation for which they aro particularly suited. Icor them the transition to ' peace -time employment has been easier. • •