HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-4-7, Page 1T
The Dutch Detectivs.
FISSeall.POLVAN.01640141MUJIM asemeenweve,eamea.0.rn.teecere.........
fromormaGermamfararagurcroarrgsamemogagneramazarcramixtrazomplemanamtranagroaroamaassougassarof Boy Scout Leaders
Needed Here
di -lit m
+••••, it ••, •Ii•• ui
organizing the Boy Scouts ber...
• .
2 Lbs. Rice
2 Lbs. Prunes
2 Cans Golden Bantam Corn
Our Own Blend Tea
No. 1 Katahbin Potatoes •
• 39c
lb. 79c
• $2.69
VIII' ie. L. 111.,••111
SP1.11t11 Of the aims and uj of ilt.•
1•• in,k, illV1(111.111,
Ille• Inv ,freluttif:ty. i 1
eI I II, 11 IlteW11,1 ICIII1 it,
C. inteitimt .•f to • r-o-i•ri,
Wolf Itt,. s 12
Scouts 12 to 11 el11,1111 and lioltpr,- 1,
and ,,Ver.
Mrs. ti.
'11$• 1111,1 1111.1. II. 1V11,011
1111 1.1111111,11 11111 1..11 •:,1•11 li• r.
r:t.iiittitie iTIt• .11 I, :ft. •,.r
9c, f1rUI%J into, boy:, car Imo.. it !••,11••••s-
!rnaft and ollirr hih It .littiti•
111011., 1h111,1, 111,11 I 1 1, 10 It
Mira' in 11aitiv, mwrai
— We deliver ---
It 1. lowed 'lei 1 I ir.,r.• w1,1 b. 1
Phone 5 Brussels iippowth inert in the ommtiffily 510
1 1
11 111 lef able :ma willing to dr.Wrdl, i
tt1=1111111IMMX=3:=1.111111111/1111=011111r41114111141S12101aaaa=1021./Mea:0/11ffer.t.==.11=111152.131111:11.5.3=a0l1W . ,1,,,,I 01 him,. ,, nil ,i,r,,,1 i,, 005 imry
--, ------------.'
!worthwhile work willi -hp ['nye.
The Safety Committee of the Brussels Lions Club
offers the following suggestions to all bicycle riders
1. Ride at a moderate speed. Many accidents are the
results of speeding.
2. Keep to the right side of the road, as close to the
right as you conviently ean.
3. Ride alone. Two on a bicycle interferes with
the balance.
4. Signal when making a turn.
5. Ride as little as possible after dark but if you
do be sure you have a rear end light or a very good red
Observance of these Five Simple Rules will help to
keep our Village Free from Accidents during the riding
Be still and know that 1 ain
Melville Church
Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A.
10 a, m. Sunday School and
Bible Oleo,
11 fr. 10. "LOralcang upon the
Bright Side."
7 p, m. Duct Rated Ch irstian I ty"
Louis D. Thompson, Oritardst
and choirmaster.
•AN111000113•20,16ttitare•tirn creeraerneeemeemettemee
The United Church.
blister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
Organist TVLIse Elva Sholdice
10,45 am, The 'Session will meet
11 a. m. Mornling Worship
The Holy Communion
Mission Band
12 Church School and
Bible Class
7 lit, in. dil/ening 1?raise
The Meek
Everyone Cordially Welcome.
Church of England
Pariah of Brussel,
Rev. .1. 14. Korr, Rector.
Second Sunday After Easier
April 11111, 19 48
et. GOOff164$ ChIlrOn Watson -
I1.90 p. m. Evening Prayer
Sunday School
1St David's Church, Hentryn-
10.80 a. in, Morning Prayer
Stmday School
Jahn'! Church, Brussels -
1 p. ni. Sunday School
11 p. re. Tilventling prayea'
I wigh to thank all those that
kindly remembered during my
stay in the hospital.
Wm. Smalidon
Seaforth, Ont.
NOW PLAYING- In Technicolor
Thurs., Fri., Sat. April 0-9-10
Good News
June Allyson Peter Lawford
Joan McCracken
M.G.M. gives us a youthful, tuneful,
joyous shot in the arm in the form
of the gayest, brightest film you have
seen in a long time. 'Good News"
that is really worth cheering about.
Mon., Tues., Wed. April 12-13- i4
Adult Entertainment
The Web
Ella Raines Edmond O'Brien
VInoent Price
A neatly -spun mystery yarn which
proves the old adage about giving a
man enough rope - AND
Blondie's Holiday
Dogwood has money to 131.11111 while
Blondle Just burns.
MATINEE-Wednesdly P.M. - 210
Proceeds for the Hospital Aid
The Bachelor'slDaughters
Gail Russel Adolphe Menjou
Claire Trevor
Be sure to see this entertaining
Next Thurs„ Fri., Sat. April '5.10.17
In color
Apache Rose
Roy Rogers and Dale Evans
You will want to see the king of the
cowboys with trigger -the smattest
horse In the movies,
Song Of Love
Katharine Hepburn Paul blended
Rebt, Walker
A love story so boa:Aqui 15 was set
to music.
rbere 551111 th1rty•11vp boy,: 9•4
W4,11 115 11 numbew or' a 111I'11 1-11•5111111
:at she unveil -Mg who [Ir.' anxious to
Domini Boy Srants.
Robert C. McDonald
111-,TFI, April 4 • - Robert Cornwall
McDonald died slicideoly at his home,
attack. Mr. McDonald stiff suffered sit reef , following ft heart
stroke three 'Pars •Ign, and had born
in poor health 511WP that 1 fIlla. A
week ago be held ri vely successfill
stile of farm stock and Implements.
having sold his farm mi the 8-113
(111111Cmsion of 1.1o1045 Township to
Mr. Badley. of Hespeler. He thon
moved to a new home on DinsieY
street, Blyth Mr, McDonald wap
life long resident of this community,
He was a son of the late Malcolm
McDonald and Tsabell McArthur
McDonald. and .was born 011 111e 14'h
concession. of Hnliett Township,
Ma,rob 20th, 1875, On September 11th,
1918, he married Isabel] Sanderson
also of Hulled' Township who tiled 11
years ago. Following their mae.
rlage they took up farming on the
lith conotssion of Morris Township.
Surviving are throe daughters,
Misses Katherine, Edna, and Ise -
heti McDonald, all tit hornet 0150
tht'et br ea ers. Pet er c Dona Id,
13t -h concession of Mullett, Cutin
McDonald, Tintlett b0111111nry, Dun-
can N. McDonald, Brusselei
sisters, Mrs. Wflllasn Grainger,
Walton. Mrs. William Ferris, Pro-
vost, Alberta. Funeral service was
held from the 1501113' residence
Monday. April Mb. Interment In
Brneests Cemetery.
In Walton Community Hall
Under auspices cif Walton Girls'
Softball Team
Music by Ken Wilbee and
His . Orchestra
Novelty Dances
Lunch Counter Admission 35o
Capitol Theatre
Wed., Thur. April 78
Adult Entertainment
Joan Crawford in
Fri., Sat. April 9-10
Walt. Disney's Technicolor
"Fun and Fancy Free"
"The Ghost Goes Wild"
Sat, Mat. 2;30 Serial
Mon., Tues, April 12-13
Adult Entertainment
"The Big Sleep"
with Humphrey Bogart
Lauren Bacall
OFFER $100.60
Mon, Attend, card night
Wednesday ONLY April 14
"The Majic .low"
Violin played by
Yehudi Menuhin
Wednesday Mat. at 2130
CKNX every Mon. to Fri.
at 6 P.M.
Lions Amateur Night
: Draws Packed House
•o: •111,1 I%
i•t .n0114.1{14 enDlivat 4.11.,
st it IIItt ll1y.01114.
I) t' till. \ now -11 'oat. t • • '
in the firues..le IVA! •,,!
I Tlie .1tnati-ur Night. •• • 0
the ;••••al Limn; I'm 1,. ui• •-• •
WWI I.0111 11, 11. 1,1
• widely 11.4.int I.,.
gral000, The act. irehm, .1
r 11,1. 11111.-11. of Ow
• 11,tell I/TL11lB. 1,1111111111 1
comedy. oldt intr. mmi.b• 11. CIele 1 1 .ee.
C1.11: Ihe 111.1111a, 5e•I11 I/1111.11111 STIt
1:01 dalfrine.
emitest,u4iih r.5f 111
best amateur night,: pre.,•otetl 11115
t tin
n !mg ftu,.
splendid array of totem nod 1.11.1niab
liv,, awards were not all
dese,ving nontortanifs f.on1.1 will
prisi. 'Winn ClIa WIWI'? v110,011 111.
tngt11 1,1 of !Ill. 1111111 31I-1 iii. 111111 11
INIC 11' of •ea.don by fIRXX. WIne,ilmrn
Non. pr5111,,111 Frugh Wit,on wel-
comed the ntombera if tho andience
that parked 11,1 1. IT., paid
tribate to I 110 Ci'01.1t of 111,-• ,'li-tiroto
of1 hi, .1 111a1P1111 i'!lit cow -Hitt c.
Lion G. Leach.
Junies rtusIrr.0,5, rf,Pp1P11-
dent in tuxedo. acted as Ma.-iltir of
CoremonleS for 1 115 evening Gml
Interview, -11 and introduced the
eon I Oslo itl g in bis usual gonIa 1
A talented youngster of nine. 'Irma
Illehard. won the ooveted first place
and $15 prize. Heiti acrobatic dame.
Ing \Vas n display of marvelous grace
and agility and the audience was
completely charmed with the big -
eyed little girl who was almost ton
shy to express her thanks for the
enthusiastic apprectsitiOn of her
accomplished eniertsinMent. Trina
naillr. to Canada from England with
her IlanvIly only last Demmer, when
they settled on a farm In Morris
Township. -MU" won, first plaee• with
SOO points, 250 more than the second
Place winners Donald and Bruce
Faligar who came second- with 544
Donald and Bruce, ,twelve and
eleven year old sons of Mrs. Winnt-
fred Edgar of Brussels, pleased the
audience with their singing of "Now
Ts The Four." 'Plisse brothers ring
splendidly in duet and deservedly
won second prize.
Sevin year old Marjorie Moffatt
of Wroxeter, ali attractiva little
Miss in plaids and Sonte bonnet.
came third getting 510 points with
her exhibition of the Highland Ming.
Fourth prise winners were a black
fare comedy team, Messrs T•Cenneffii
Wood imud John Wilson. Whit P0111-
1011.041 some fins piano solo 11 11(1
duet playing with moony coined:v.
Their snore was 420 points.
Miss Pamela 'Richards, sixteen
year old sister of the flair
prize winner, delighted the (111111e1100
with her splendid tap dancing. per-
formed with shill and grace which
wrm her fifth place with 405 points.
Cast prizes were presented to,
the winners by Lion W. fl,
whose efforts what the assistance of
his committee were re?
the success of the snuttenr enter.
ainin ant.
The other cmitesiat,h. who an
presented their sots with talent
worthy of acclaim as follows•
Donald Dunbar. pisno solo; 1111S,:trA
T -1.0011F•1' Allrll and Karen Ruschlen,
Pine thief: Mrs. 'McDowell. reading!
Lena Miller, piano solo, Beryl Mc-
FarInne. vocal solo; 'Doris Johnston,
piano solo: Jeannette and Deng' Is
Clemmll, piano and guitar; ("has
Boss, mouthergan solo; Mary Beth
Jewell, vocal sole: Audrey Davidson.
P15110 solo; Joyce Thomas. rending:
Scott P£111,14011, Sam Burns and Jean
Burns, guitar. V101 in and Mann;
loan Thomas, solo; Forrest Whit-
-lard, clog dance; W. J. Muriel', Unw-
ind Smith and Mrs. O. Evans, vitifin
guitar and piano,
Lion W. G. T,earli 511011e hrt0f17.
after Presentin,g the prizes, to thank
CKNX for Ole 15101 '00115 11)111) of their
equipment and his rommittte fm.
their saMPOrt.
The evening's splendid entertain -
01,11 -1 wos brought to a close 51111
the singling of National Anthem.
The local Tions Flub sr" due
einigratulations ffir 4,111150ring the
Ahaa1•0111' Night. ,,Ipecittl recognition
should bc given the chairman of
the Num-it:Me 111 chartr.?, tion W.
G. to:Jell, and his ro-wOritera for
their efforts' that accounted for the
splendid arrangementa and maim vo•
wow whieh i.ontribui w, 1111701 to
the Plateetra of the affair.
Free Account Books !Girl Guides Organize Here
For AB Farmers1151
ll V V 1 'I1'' 141' I" ' 'n''' ''
$.•.'ir 1 1,, ,ye / . ,011 l,.,,It r,, ,, y ,.,. 1 1.11' ,. F, \1:0 v . A 1 nT, . 'I A ',,,I. 'i, lit :. ...1,1 I lit I • ivit. d for
ilium., F,ralf od ti ' t, A , .1 tIC .1 .I eICi 'I,' II., ' , 1,P ' ',P.' I imi"e
i. atf 4roplf., ,apply ;1 II.• . 1 . I ' 1 '. ' ' ' " ''. '' ' " 1 ''' ' "
, 11111, , 11, '' 1 / 111 1, 1 I . J1 . 1, j 1 1, , " a -tl , '1 1 1, -00
t ., , Way liar.,
1 ht. • I .the., le1111: on'e. 1,.Il
t, 'a' :.i. 1 el• t• .. '• ,. - , 1 ' '••11
11 II...11.11 1 11 J 1• I ':lar
hut in liffrn'Pax 5. !Q.I 1 Pe..' ..,1
1 115
if We, 11,411111o:I I/V 1 hie IN mullet, eet i 'Il''' 1r '' ' 'T'l 'i'' ' ' ' ''' ' '' 1 ' ' ' it ' '4"1
''arftn,r,r „ 1111p1.
11 11
111 in ,,tvi nrry,
1.1 11•'10 farmer; Tre 1111), 13 'I 1 1.111 1'1 /1•II"'. "10,4'
1'l e ,1:111,1!-e•••Ilee, -• howls
Ir tllfannt.r, 11111'01111.1 III.
1,411. of Al:fj,,r pl,,ortivn
value in preparing irk lor.onto f •-••oi ith the
1, 1 Ilea,. '1.111` 1'.11.111 .1141-otint
Altowa thr dedireI 1012a he can
..hIll wponsel 4111 demetm yoarF'f was for..1.d W111
Pttr1..r 1 1tti.1 1 uPrt
100. l'11/11 111•113" 1101 'VI' 111.11. 1814-Y. 10'4 NIT ' • lel, . le .•
MN (1. (hit lion, to. II; 'C Al' - .• • .
'Phr. Thanks Amateurs
Yea Will if you bay(' 1111s nito1i
" ahr7 '1.rr0':111';111111117);10
Thr• 1.01111' lalteli f,• -i• 0,,' the ; tlia»k all
205 adv,,ti4ing mrth.• h'ir ralent8
i!,t1.1";,1•-• t •<•• It, 1 t 1 "d
• ,,,:•tttt• • tt. *11.1(1 11
iro"Ii" 5 win/i.:4 and
110111v 111 s"111 10(.11 1 1111A1fIrrICI1
The United Church
Hvitienee ?Ai Alb Him
ril,431,,, along !he run I. was
,objeet Ille morning sermon 111 the
"rutted Church Mrs. Be itrice Walko
assisted by -.highs' "l Pilgrim and a
Stranger' 'in excellent Vnirr In
rrl,nting Mr. Wilson spoke of
going beyond the demands of inty
to do a little extra, as a test of
ehawiel el% The alair sang "crown
Him King of Kings" by Tra 11.
Melville Church
The Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper was dispens"d at the morn.
ing service on Sunday. Rev. Mr.
Milne preached on the text "1 will
remember their sin YID more" from
Jeremiah 31; 34. 7115 morning
anthem was "Once to every man and
nation" by Bach. Miss bus' work
took the .solo part. At the evening
service Rev. Mr. Milne preached on
the mthjeot "No alternative to
Chrfst' 'and stressed three of the
characteristics of a Cod-controlied
life as being a moral mind, a
brotherly heart. and a child,rke
faith. The evening .mthem 55119
"Sow blessed day" by Nevin.
Icailteli 1(111 110 .151, • 1".3 • • II• 1.1 0,01 TII./111 1011q
111 tI1 .1e1Y111.1-• aext time
'417 11. t,earit
William McMillan Mi.Athirtci
A -tragic Fit eido•tt too, ;I„. Nt,
W11115111 Ale Mr Vf.'11
111011111 old son of Mr and Mr. Will
NIcArhirter 01Tiritssei
Thinfant was frnitoi „,„„,,,,.
In his blankets early Sunday 119, r
There are two 0411,n ch 11110c0 ir
the family, his twin 5111101' Nancy
and three.year-old Tn'esta tTerrvl.
Mineral services we...-. emolnet-d
by ROY. II. C. 'Wilson on Monday
afternoon, Interment was made in
Brussels cemetery.
Sympathy is expressed to Mr and
Mrs. MeWhirter in their sorrow,
Engagement Announcement
Nu. and Mrs. Wm. C. King
announce the engagement of their
younger daughter .Tanet, to John
Hastings Day. son of Mr. and Mrs
George L. Day of Wingham. Mar-
riage -to take place In St. Andrew's FISCHER.--To Mr. and Mrs, Hartley
Presbyterian Chiiw'b Witigliani Sat• Fischer. in Brussels on Wednesday,
April 7th ---a son
nraay. April the 17th fit 12:30 pm.
111' C.1111111 it 1 415
Melville WM.S.
Tr, Missionary Society of
Mei vine rhttr••li hrld thr•ir regular
11100 111,1 on Friday. April 2nd. Mrs.
!Ille•IiI•, ria r,si 1.1,15 Seriptare lesson
which wa.•,; followed with prayer 1)9
This. J. Work. The secretary's and
rr•ports xere given, also
the report of sick visiting. The roll
call wlts answered by giving the
line 04 a favourite Hymn. A
splendid paper on 'Make Canada
thine OW11" Wila prepared by Mrs.
Yuill and read by Mrs. W. Speirs,
Hymn 049 was sung and the meeting
closed with prayer by Miss Stewart
PREST- Tn God erich Hospital on
Saturday. April 3rd, 1048. to Mr
and Mrs. James Prest- a daughter.
.61.21,9191WORMIASCLIMICIlta-,1=====7.J11,1Z •1111111V=.4:0===laga
At 8.30 p. m.
Ce int, eoy a laughter -lade: evening