HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-3-31, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST
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The T
When it comes to Decorating your .Rooms—
Lee us show you what fresh Wall Paper can
do for your home. In new colorful patterns
and roear plain designs for livirw rooms,
dining rooms, halls, bed rooms aid kitchens.
Some new papers in Varnished Tiles, that
can be wiped off with a damp cloth. Fine for
bath rooms, wash rooms and pantries.
See Our Large Stock of Patterns
�,�:�...-,�,..,,.. .�....o,._-,Q.r� e..,�.m.a,... .,-_ . _�»• rs�_ war ,
Estate Conveyance
and 'Com5ni,isioner
11/1 ,iN STRr F: -- — ETHEL. ONT.
C. . Myers, M. D., L. M. C. C.
William St. Phone 4. Brussels, Ont.
Allan A. Lamont
,;:,,eat for—Fire, W adstonm, and Automobile Irt-....mir.om
set particulars of DM' Spacial Automobile Policy for lire•
Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 65-r-9
�_ Walker Funeral Home
Day or Night Calls Phone 65
No extra charge tor Use of Funeral Home.
B. G. Walker Licensed Funeral Director & Emb mer.
J. F. Harper, B. A., M. int.
Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 - 9 p. m.
Also 11 - 12 a. m., when possible.
Saturday evenings until 10 p. m.
Sunday — Emergency and by appointments only.
R. S, Nether ington, K. C.
Tuesday and Saturday all day OT -ens rt e E very
d y,
Phone 20x
��— Chas. T. Davidson
Automobile and Fire Insurance
Accident and Sickness
Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co. Ont.
Phone, Office 96 —
Harold Jackson
For information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson
ake arrangements at THE Brussels Post or
It. S. Hetheringto, K. C. Barrister Office, Brussels.
D. A. Rann & Co.
Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer
.,.».,...•..m..,_..—.— BRUSSELS.ONT.
PHONE 36 or 8!i — '-
Lewis Rowland
(Licensed For Huron County)
For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brusseh Post" itself they
will be looked after immediately
;Fos information etc., write or phone Lew. Rowland
Or write to N, R. 3 Weiltor,
Phone 24 — Brussels, Ont.
dates;tetez:vemseN:lesevemetge',•.:t:- -. et msoc t(ig
Teen-age Cotton Dresses for the Hi
Crowd $4.95
Smart Pullovers and Cardigans in
Attractive Shades
Unbrellas in plain and fancy colors
$3.25 up
Wool Tartans $2.98 up
Children's All -year Utility Coats
Special $8.50
Very Attractive Shipment of .Print and
et Various Yardage./ / /gay
''�'P. ;..., 5:+..i'Es"o �j •9i�+�b'ib"t�� � 9 1'.'J 4'1 ebCV "�": L�. `•�It:,`� r
The service In Knox Pres'tyteriat,
Church on Sunday morning was (MI -
ducted by the ministst. Rev. I. D.
Maciver, who pr'eac'hed on the
subject "The First Etster Semon.
Tho choir sang the anthem, "Christ
Is Risen" by Lowry.
On Sunday evening' the cll::,it
pr, sentel ;t bountiful choral service
relating the ,=yenta o: Passion Week
': oitt i o with the T:tamd tial Entry
and ending with the lie=nrreetion.
This serwihe t+ -ill oe pr •:;ented again
r c Sunday evening In Chalmer's
Prs stn ••rear Chosen. \ hite-shurch.
Th Huron County Library ary Aseoci-
1 1; mud: r,n exrllallat1 ng hooks
• T ;bra:ry hero nn Monday of
this week. The rranbrooi: Library
now has an exnentiratatl? fine
!collection of bunk. •n,l the people
of the community art, invited to
avail themselves of the privilege •-,t
read'ug these hooks.
Consratulotions ore r-v,tended to
Stuart and Mrs. McNalr, 14th eon.,
on the arrival of a batty daughter
I on March 25, in "itinc.ham hospital,
Lloyd Michel is able to attend to
his duties around the store, follow-
ing an attack of mumps. There are
I several cases of measles among the
school children.
Easter visitors with Alien and Mrs.
Cameron were Otto and Mrs. Ortrnm
and children, Detrntr; Murray and
Mrs. Parton and Sharon, Mrs. J.
Ritchie and Douglas, Miss Madalene
Cameron, all of London and morgan
Ross and :Virg. Hniter and little
daughter. Orangeville visted with
friends here.
The March meeting' of the Cr:,n-
brook Tonne Women's, lnvta
was be7d at the home of Mrs, Earl
Dunn with Muriel Mcflnnald in
charge. The meeting opened with
Hymn 159 followed by 'he Soti pta r
Reading in unison, Mrs. \tach er lel
11 prayer. Hymn 119 was then •n'uo
followed by an Easter story. He le
Risen by Muriel McDonald. Minntes
of the last meeting' were real and
adopted by secretary, seconded by
Jean Dunn. There were eleven
members present. The word in
response to the Roll Call for next
month to be Seed. Tho topic was
then taken by Eileen Steits, Hymn
212 was then sung and the meeting
closed with the Benediction. Lunch
was served by the hostess, assist'd
by Eileen Steins,
Order New At
The Brussels Crea
Miss Kate McNabb is spending
the Easter holidays at the home of
John anti Mrs. McNabb.
Mrs. Fred Martin, Thamesville,
is a visitor at the hom•o of Peter and
Mrs. Baker.
Car of Egg Coal, Stove Coal and Nut Coal
Car of Nut Coke
Car Sun King Coal (Maple Syrup Coal)
Place Your Orders Now!
We have a good stock of Frost hence
Barb Wire, Steel and Wood Posts, Gates (etc.
Asphalt roofings, shingles, sidings of all
kinds at the right price.
We carry a full stock of Insulation
materials and lumber, hardwood flooring
oak and birch, combination doors etc, Lime
for all uses.
— Terms Strictly Cash —
Phone 77
Brussels, Ont.
Have Your '' apering '' oneEarly
See Our New Wallpaper Samples
Smart Modern Designs in Plaids, Diagonals,
and Bold F'lorals
Wide Range in Patterns and Prices.
Any person interested in decorating
call 76-r.12 Brussels,
W. G. Tucker
1948 Seed Supplies
Farmer; are •.' l ' nt t'
dt lay in procuring their seed
supplies for 1114S a11112. While
uo definite shortage of any kiuo
is expected, it is er'idont that titers
exists in litany re 0.10118 ,11 1'iasdr'ntt
Canada, particularly Ontario, (Nebo.:
and the Maritimes, shortages of seed
oats and barley. Generally speaking,
it will be necessary to rely 00 West-
ern Canada seed to :Apply these
at vas. There is enoucit seed of
most of the accr pt i ,lr- varieties or
oats and barley in W,,—,torn Canada
to !met the needs r `i,tnrrs in the
Wednesday, ..\I,u'ch .11s4., 1148
With the tapping season fast approaching
we are once again prepared to serve, you with
sap buckets -- ling and short style --- sap
spouts and tapping bits.
We also have in stock brooder stoves, oil,
coal and electric, chick feeders and founts.
Glass in most of the standard sizes.
22 calibre rifles, repeaters and single
shots — a small supply of soft point 22 long
rifle ammunition.
If you are thinking of painting be sure to
see our colour cards, you will be very pleased
with the Flo -Glaze shades.
The Brussels Unaware
Telephone 63x
M. C. Oldfield, Prop.
Available for immediate delivery
HT de. raSu
Brussels — Phone 8
t t.a Het . 'T -c, . r a ,. iltr• 1 1:1011a
WI* the ..11.x 1 foraps,e
in Flasteru Canatla -red (duvet. al
slice. alfalfa cud timnaty, tit -11 : x,•• .:i
thr supply in ' ry t1.'. 1t,,alite
short emit nl rinnlll.,.r.:f' 'r'1 1 1'
in Eastern ('::nada 1❑ 0:7. I1
expected ibat 1 wilt
sulitel, it, as the r: t t 1 - hiarh
of this seed is exp.. -1.-1
reduced t1rtotnd, t h -,ate( usY
of alfalfa In tt
its prnrinetinn. 1\-;:'a :: seri
of alfalfa -seed 'H v. , , i Canada,
this seed will be .; :.it'nhi in sul'-
ficient goantitle.; 1:, 10e,n Ilse le
mond, A large crop oP a1.1ke m
!Alberta will assure ,;implies of ...and
quantity seed for the rhnucrt't market.
Production of thno!hy. w1111e down
• somewhat in 1147 from recent years.
was sufficient to snnnty nr•rmai
n eed s.
Opt oretr isf
'Western Ontaf3o's arrst4
Modern Eye ,r
I 'hone 718. Mare store
For more profits from poultry
. assurance of a high
livingrate start your
chics the Blatchford way
that's the right way.
It costs you less and paysyon
snore profit—because chicks
need .less of Blatchford's
than ordinary feeds.
A scientifically formulates ,
farm tested feed with s
higher digestibility.
For Salo By
Brussels Export Packers
Brussels, Ont.
6 W.C.711tiai'- .11:_rr1lt_; Coats in b<... s and
Navy, ,i7W, 18 - t..222'', Reg. V;? 95
Special $15.09
6 Misses' Alpaca. Skirts
Special $1.98
Misses' Plastic Rancoats, sizes 14
to 18, Reg, $3.95
Special $1.98
6 Girls' Spring Coats and Hat Sets
Sizes 2 to 6 years, Reg. $110.95
- Special $6.95
6 Boys' Tweed Coats and Cap Sets
Sizes 3 to 6 years, Reg. up to $11.95
Special $6.95
Boys' Tweed Suits — Coat and Knee Pants
Sizes 2 to 6x — Special $6.95
Boys' Pullover Sweaters, long sleeves
Special $1.0
Prints 49c a yard up
One Rack of Men's and Boys' Spring
Windbreakers - Special $2.95
6 Patterns in 54" Table Oilcloth
Complete line of Men's, Boys', Children and
Ladies Rubber Boots.
Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family
Phone 61
Brussels, Ont.