HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-3-31, Page 4For Ferguson Tractors and .Implements, :see L. & W. Jackson Motors Ltd. We have a car load of 8 coming in around the list of April. If you get your order in now you may be able to obtain cne of these tractors. We hav'. a large stock of Ferguson I.rnple- ,t-eats to fit the Ford -Ferguson Tractors and en., guson tractor in stock. Also have new -ractcrs here on display. "Service With A Servile,,, JACKSON MOTORS Limited TNI79 ,L MOTORS DEAF,f".l?'y Piet? ..._ 1 11 Listowel -- Ontario THE BRUSSELS POST ia, ,siv ed Adb - _ - i -OR SALE - Horse rising 4 yews old. broke in W. J. Warwick Phone 53 r-23 FOR SALE - Dinning Rooni Table ;0111 5 (hairs, Phone 14, FOR SALE - Barb -off Barley, Gorc rumen,. Grade No. 1. grown from feelstercd seed, Andrew Turnbull Phone 2e -r -G, apagarceziall••••••61.11P PLEASE NOTE- 5ek.ksnra shatglene.l and put in pe-rfect working order if left at The Brussels Post, I WANTED- flaw Furs, highest price; paid also Rea Fnxe9. Ship to Norman Greer, speer, 22.3 Grace St., Toronto. ILOST- 1 lnynr.: lenow ing 'h-' whereahnnta of a white• x111 part Per -inn with gray :pots, please rail Phone no. 16. a reward: -- FOR SALE - A quantity or chlrken netting. Phone 71x -r-2 ,T. B. Hamilton ae•_�,=mPA.I.L, PAIR NOTES ES 'h ..xhibitor where It tnigh' he secured. Alen he elemid know at ,MANAGEMENT MAKEi THE what time judging s going to'hegin DIFFERENCE" and sllonld know who is going to ;hv et H. Graham. Fant. Dept. of judge. He should make it a' point Agrirutvte, Tor0ntol to he on hand to meet the judge and et:ly w'th hire amine the afternoon. T.' many visit-,,,- and exh1Riu,r• All too frequently. a Dlrentor !s as 1 `a„ ',,,,r. th-r' ar' certain at- simply a clerk for a ,indee and is of 1rr,etiops that are nearly r'.ways ,•ere little assitane9 to hire. The „l,.;,„ T t. At the .siert time, there Director in charge of each class of are a few fectui•es which nefortnn• stock should he eine en whom the ately night leave a had ininressf0n. responsibility falls to take eharge In the ntanaeemer.t e` e _ Dir-cte-s are 1'9P'1''1e fee• every whose interests are tied lip with FOR SALE OF RENT- -- thin. except the weather. :herefore, many parts of the el law 19 not in a inn acre farm lot 15, Cnn, 0 Twp, of they are directly r nnncihte for the position to undertake this responsi- i Grey 3r miles from the Village of Brussels. Red brick house and gond fait', the ,-o • itr . whole clay A Director FOR SALE - Boy's bicycle in good shape. Phone 56-r•11 Ken McDonald FOUND - A piece off welding outfit. Owner can have sande by calling 53-r-5, FOR SALE - 125 bees. of Dew Drop Oats, with a bit of barley, also 2ne bus. of Cartier Oats, with a lief of Ua.rely. $1.30 per buaheh Hugh Jnhn9:tnn Phone Brussels 37-r-14 _ FOR SALE- / pair of lights, suitable for tractor, priced for ciele.k sale, Apply at The Post, FOR SALE - 1. Massey -linens hay loader and a coal or wood change. Phone 1S -r-13 FOR SALE-_ A,iax seed oats and No -barb barley nixed $1 per buehel; glee 1 black mare 7 years old. Phone 13-r-5 ,Lech White FOR Site. SALE- stt1 Beatty Jet Pump. deep wet: pees- t'e system. Priced for M e'c Apply ad I Phone 53x The 'tic\Yhirter Electric ' I FOR SALE, • I Barb-oif Barley, grown from registered seed 31.75 per bushel: Beaver oats $1,50 per bushel and nixed grain $1,26 per huehet. Phone 43-r-25 Gordon knight j FOR SALE - A gond Guelph Stove. a calms, reservoir and wannnine closet OT oven in good condition, also cream - colored baby carriage. Phone 1 ger S. rood reetures as w 11 a- the lead The 'r1i ec tars are t -1t rile antral and hard working inti ad.tale when nave frequ- ently toe dttth' 'fide' to dernte to the fain'. Tf. how -ver. a Pais- is to he sueeessfrtl. a reasinabla measure of effort on the part of ev'"v director mnst b. made. Thio not eery itt- elttdes the day nn wht(ah the fair is 'held but hours spent at at meetings and same work at the fair grounds pre- i.n. to fair :lay proper. At the same time of th, fair. there ere duties to be nnclertelcetl ny each 'Director. All too fre,,nentty, wee• find 'hat the Secretary and l'reeident are aware of what 19 ening on, hat -.he Director; a.rr' there ?haply to do ' what 1e riven to them and in sante .msec do net hw" ve^v Hatch direct - fon 5n otter a tall fair is a place at -which the Direetnm. wear n large • .•Pd badge and met tiro i rarrcin1 it amend. Abort all It does le make enure or.o lrnk impert.Int, nets them :n and out of the ogee e.nare and that 1. anent ill. if any Direetot should he so ribboned end ielema'ed to do a certain job, it should he his sponsihidity to 99e ?hit th19 job -:s pr-perly dune. Fran: show should halter- nen nr more Tlirertnee made eeepen•ibl•'- for definite- r1title9. Whet: :any e1.1'9 63nrk i• al,ntwn nr ar". o"chlh't pnt in pier.. n Dir.1,4 ,, .h, 'harge of the ion.rtirtl'ae rxti,l;;t Y.nttid h^ nn meed t.1 11'" tit,• •:; v_ +111ng 39 reedy at '119 time. Pardee. sly in the lie" 0.091: n3. 111- T',lreetnee shntld at"mpt if r.-._:eihle to ger that the heldtnr reels ter Pane)) anti swine are is pruner nyder, : rest the berdoekc and 0+11e1. weedy lt:tve heap removed. anti that loose beards have been p'tt hack in place For the rattle. end horses. tie ring•: leveed be made avellahl,e at every mall and broken tr1o.7.9 anti n,Nn- thing' shmtld h•= remove -I. Sidra a chew is only held once a year, there It always an aceumn'atinri of 1•4'f1119 it from the prey -Ions show. :Vhen the live stock exhibitor errivee at the show it l9 the duty of i thy Director in charge to see that be is made welcome, that a niece 19 found for his stock, that water is .enable or in the event it isn't ir'ailable he should be able to tell !ditty. 1' same chow: vhiee 1 have 11.1:1 the privilege: of attending. the Di - 1.000• is in complete charge. with a knowledge of what is going on and also with the tnteres.t of the fair hoard in his mind so that no one t an he enmpladning about what should or should not be done, These are 9otne of the d110199 ',f Dh•ecrcrs brief• ly enumerated but if si?f1rient im• pertance to every i nrieulturel So. Ciety if their shtw is to be 9111- 9999ftt1. The vert part of the show is the show ring proper. This In a great many cases is simply a Ievel spot picked out in a field, with no definite beendarles, or in other words just a place to lead an animal out and ran it hack again. A smooth area with snow Pence properly placed makes a ring for eahibitnrs and also keep. the (armed away from animals while they are heing shown, and in the rase of an animal getting loos", there le at least a ehanc:e for the owner to get it again. It only takes an hour or se to put up this fence but it might well he worth all tate time spent in re eee''ing an a aident. in the rase of small animals, I r how any class of small efeek. Sheep nr swine. can be shown left in the trucks or trailers Inc '11«. ledge to look at. Personally are times when 7 have .refused tr, Mee ander avnh conditions. r',-ery exhibitor ah0nld have to nn- 1nr1d hie stork 6n that a proper view f it might he given the judge as veep a6 these who re." guests of the show. if a fair i9 to Serve tile rip -21159 far which 11 is intended, the •-••snple interested in 9eeinm these etamnl, should have ;heli a eh1nee, Fa,'r9 in their erietnal hee.inning were for the purpnce of breeders exhibiting live stock so that same 00111d he made and 91 en for othol breeders to see what their fellow breeders were producing. It does seem very improper t,, allow animals to be hauled into a 41109,", pay a decent prize for' them and then have no one look at them. lob>: ks mmaiw J'avawr 0 LET E. Richards & Son Phone 86-r-5 - Ethel Repair Your Tractor -- any make Remember we Repair all Farm Equipment Dominion Nobby Tires °taco Farm Implements Pedlk, Barn Equipment for Spring Now �S $a®k �'oua• Oilp g The Price Is Right. well with windmill on property. Apply to Mrs, 71'. G. Mrllachert. 1 Francis Street. dell, Ont. WANTED - Man for steady travel among con- sumers in Brussels. Permanent corm nectimn with large manutaeturer Only reliable hustler considered. Write Rawleigh Dent. No. ML -S-152- 131, Montreal. FOR SALE - Bray Hatchery ]las started pullets 1 for prompt shipment. Dayolds also. Yon ran catch ep with these. Heavy cockerel cheek exports to the D. 5. permit pullet chick Price reductions to Canadian customers. Be sure 7011 ret new price list, Agent W. Glenn Bray, Ethel, Phone 34-r3, MEN WANTED - 335. to 450. A W P1IOK I Your own business! No boss, no timeclock, independence! The leading line of Home Service Prndnots ! Fine city and rural territories available. A vehicle is needed for route:. if yon have seliing ability and a small capital -write to -day for FREE in- formation - FAMTT.1'T - 1600 Delorfmier, MONTREAL. FARM EQUIPMENT DEALER WANTED - Pell line farm equipment manu- facturer of well 'known hrend of traetnrs. ploughs and all other nnarhinery needs wide-awake dealer for 'Anisettes district. Teo not apply unless you are willing to devote full time and are rei9onahly fixed fin- a.iteially. apply to Box 50. Rruenel9 with fall p;erticulers. TENDERS WANTED - Morris. Township Retool Board will receive tenders until April 1, 1040 for the Installation 0f flush tol''ets in Tinian school number 12. For sPect1ications consult Trustee Ken. nett Taylor, Walton; also wanted man to make necessary repairs to indoor toilets in the other township schools, R. S. Shaw, Secretary Blueva.le, Ont. FOR SALE - 100 -acre farm on Highway, good buildings, bush, hydro, 40 -acre farm near vlllege, 30 acres ploughed, Brick 'house in thriving village, barn and hydro, price $2,100.09 37 acre farm in a village. frame house and barn, J, O. Long, Phone 84 Real Estate Broker, Brussels, Ont, "HELP WANTEU-MALiE" AN OPPORTUNITY 7tlstabilshed Rural Watkins District available. It you are. eggresstv0, and between the ages of 25 and 55 - have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get estab- lished In a profitable business of Your own. For full particulars write today to The J. R, Watkins Company. Dept. O•B•4, 2177 Mason St., Montreal, t , i QUO. FOR SALE- - Vangettiel eats, also Vanguard oats and two -rowed barley mixed, suitable for seed; alar buckwheat, John McNair, Brussels, Phone 44x or 43-r-7, FOR SALE - One Perfection coal all stove, 3 - burner, with oven, with a back and on lege. in working order 11190 one 1 slightly used hand washing machine also ball hearing, 091199 inclosed wringer. reduction far quick 900, Phone 20 -r -1G Aire, G. Holt FOR RENT - 100 acre Verne lot 13, con. 15. Grey Township, bank barn, stone stabling, straw shed, and hen house. cement sil•n. Water :101 both. Driving shed. drilled well, Spring. solid brick house, frame kitchen and woodshed, 2 miles from church. Miss Janet McNair, R.R, 2, Brussels GRE' Gorsalitz has returned after spending the winter with his son in Clio, Mich, Mrs. Thomas Turnbull visited in Goclerlrh last week at the deme of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Prest. BLUEV ALE Weclliesdaly, March ;1st, 1941 HERE'S THE VERY LATEST IN FOR GENTLEMEN! When you give a fine gift, be sure it's the finest of its kind "The Excellency Group" by Belays. e A.1'1tlNtls'rOsd -31 ]avrgiis $45-P3 13. Go Leach - Jeweller ed to her home; Mr. and Mrs, R. E. � McKinney and eon Jen. l.o,ll,1 i ited at their home 1., e; Miss Bret- t.tt Fleeting, London, mita Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Higgins; Harvey ;ale=ser. Toronto, at his. home 11 re: S1nms, Idekli Hoa Georgetown. own, with This I parents, air. neat etre, It 11. 11C - Kin -non; George 0110.1 c a,t nde'it at the university of . n^nl.ht. and ('Miss Helen Thomson. Sarnia, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. (1e.nrge T. Thnmenn. An Easter drama "The Challenge of The Cross," was presented in the Sunday School room of the 7101(ed Church on Tnriday evening. Mrs, J. A. Burden took the part of Evangel and bestowed the Crer.s on a. number of applicants' Mrs, George Hetherington. Norma Mof- fatt. Wilda and Roma Brecken- ridge, Delores Hamilton, 'Mary Darling and Kay Themn9on. Mrs. Alex 1TcClackin and Mrs. Hoff - men sang appropriate hymns, Mia. W. J. Johneton was piano acocm- panist. Rev. T. A, 'Burden led in prayer and Rev. Mr, Thompson '14 Toronto pronounced (he henel4r- tion, At the Sunday morning service in Knox Presbyterian Church, Rev. Leland C. Jorgensen, preached on the 9alhject 0f "The Risen Christ' and the assurance of the resurrec- tion ae recorded in the ieti) elite - ter of Furst Corintthiens, The ter - vire, wbIch was in keeling with the 'Easter season, wag prefaced by soft music with Mrs. Jorgensen at the organ. The nhnir sang "Lew in the Greve He L,ty," and Mrs. Gordon Grote and Mrs. Hervey Robetu.son sang "He fives,' The Sunday School wilt open next Sum clay et 10;30 am. followed by the regular cllelrn slervioe, Rev. .T. A. Barden (wimp -led the 'United Chnrdh pulpit end conduct ed Communionservice end deliv, erect an Easter me99age. Mrs, Alex McCra'ktn and Mr9, Charie•e Holt man nang a deet and the ohnir Seng an anthem, "Christ i:; R11en.' The Huron Colney traveling B. beaky truck visited the village on Ratnrday 9111 left, a new consign - /melt of 100 bonus, 'Phe ithrnry is being well Patronized, ft Is located at the Community Hall and Mrs, ,Tames TT. Smith is the librarian. Personals: -Mrs, , W. S. Devitt. ROM lin + , w Spent tee lea. 10 days at the home of Mr, ,Ind Mrs, Berne Moffat following an neeident when she fraot»rod her wrist, has retivn- BLYTH A Good Friday service was held In Trinity Anglican Church Friday morn- ing with the Rector, Rev. .1 1,, H. Henderson in charge. Perennials : Mrs. Lee TTight-ate with her daughter, Mrs. I I II. Hender•een; Phil PihilIps, (te1011. ton Mines, with his pm•em.,, Mr. and Mrs, H. Phillips: Phillips '1 cull• ler and works more than 0,000 feet below the earth'; aw'face1 Dr :Annie Ross, Toronto. ,vitlt her s'.0. ter, 1h's. D. ;TcGuwan: Rev Charles Houghton, dlarrle, with his sister, Mrs, P. Rogerson; A. !i'iike, London, Eng., with 3I., and :firs. ,f. Marks; E. Jolmstnn, Sunnyhrook Hospital, Toronto, with 1119 wife and family here; Mr, and 1Trs, Stewart Durward, will have just returned from three mouths :fav in Merida. are visiting -with Mrs, Telka McKay. Before her retirement as a mem- ber of the local bank staff, Mrs, Gerald Harris wee presented with et wall mirror•, a gift from the man- egemelut and gaff. Manager N, W. Kyle expressed regret at Mrs. Harris' retirement, Grant Sperling made the presentation, Wm. McV1htie lute sold his fern on. the 3rd roncessinn, of East Wawa/nosh to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nooks, Hensall, Mr, Noahs le a veteran of the Second World War and Mrs. Noake ie in an English War bride, They have lour sons. They will receive possession of the farm early in Aprii, for it. Condition Horses For Spring Work A few Minutes spent in getting the horses ready for' spring work will leave holies and maybe days 1atsr on. Leine 1104x09 and horses 1 handicapped by 1i1 shoulders cause expensive delays during; 9eedieg time. Stroh delays Can be avoided by taking certain %t.ens now, says T. G, 13tnroitart, Division of Animal 7Teshandry, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. When hoses' feet get sore their ; neei'rdness is considerably reduced. During the winter menthe idle horses get soft and their feel often i become broken to 611011 an extent that lameness occurs when they err peat to wont, The feet .1 she I tl d be iriminrd eel straightened tip ('hely so that when the ('isle conies for heavy work they will he ready Ilorso-:+ should 00 hrokcl.t in to heavy work gradually, but even before work starts j'eed sho l l he gradually increased to put 01, some extra flesh and tone the horse ftp gen orally. Nothing causes sore slinul(ers and the resulting loss in the horse's efficiency as quickly as a dirty collar and poorly fitted harness. The face of the collar in particular should he watched and kept clean et all times to avoid grinding dirt into the shoulders'. Ry observieg the suggestions outlined horses ',viii respond by giving steadier, more efficient anal more satisfactory work. FOR SALE - Electric motors rewound and ra' paired. Expert workmanship. Medan 'tie . prices. New motors n et.lrk idnttger Ineustrtes, 549 Ontario Street, 'Stratford, Ont. FARMERS - How .would you like an al. „reel auto steering Wagon with or '.r t'.lou' 16" or 20" tires, capacity e-toee and take the pole out and the retch a• part to convert it into a two wheel trailer. The best wagon in tein:149. Also spring tooth harrows ' or 8 sections or drag harrow. 1 to 6 sections. Inquire of George Wisenherr. Phone 76-r-9. N, 11 ' ,317 fr" ' IG Pictures of people in the snow, such as this, are made more pleasing by the even Illumination which light reflected from the snow provides. Pictures in the Snow LAST summer In writing oto of these Columns we mentioned that some of your best shots of people were runic at the beach where the sand reflects sunlight, providing even lighting and soften- ing the shadows. By the saute token you'll find shots of people in snow scenes tele often atltolig your most pleasing, .since snow also served to reflect. light, Too, you'll find that in making such shots it's best to adjust your exposure accordingly. Irl broad terms, the mune relee of exposure apply to 5110ty scenes as to beach scared, Thus pictures in- cluding people In tho foreground aro generally clttesifloil as "bright" sub - Joao, permitting you to halve the normal exposure for an average sill- jeet. Snow scenics --anti similar snapswhich 1 don't contain prominent objects in the foregrond---are :claseecl as "brilliant" subjects, Today's shot was made on a sunny day, the type of clay which for a picture like this normally calls far an exposure of 1/50 of a stored at 0/11„ Because of the light reflected by the suow, however, the picture was made with an exposure just half the normal -1/50 at f/16. There's another factor, though, which often least be taken into cote sideration. Tho winter sun le rarely as bright as the summer sen. Fre fluently you'll finer the sky overcast 01' hazy and the shadows soft ,and indistinct, not strong. On such days the light retleetel by the enOW will merely offset the weakened sun, And yott'11 wan/. to g°backagain to Your 1/50 at f/11. But whether the day Is bright nr cloudy you'll have One advantage the basic advantage that tho snow 11n1of your helps malto for even lighting y 511bj0Ct. 235 -John van Guilder