HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-3-31, Page 2SY
J A C ..K S 0 N• C 0 L E
ti: »cd in his red clothes, calls on
Straw Aldnman ane( tel!; him that Ile
will not be allow ed to hear his red
t:'ii>pnlg, ;mil,I y1kr.ow;I 1.4atn.
'One thins; et ;t your,' said
Valdes. "\\ le. re see the elo_ies
you wore e"
.\ feeble. hand i, ,int ed toward
the colt fir pla,:r. \ alder soon held
t11•:• cheap fiesta germ. 1'. and the
sa-h and neckerchief which had
bc,u crndcly is 'h :210,1 12011 a
•r ed calico curtain. He
dropped the 1111201 on the oIves
and touched a taunt to theist,
"Boueht 'em ir, m a Mex va-
quero I know," mumbled the boy
on the he.'.. "But 1 can,ee now
theethewere Hilt Il:t:i!I like.'.,Hr4."
What made o 2 •ry such a foot
nue. e, amigo?" Valdes aked.
"I—er--:yell. Lus- Bartle tree
saying yon might he hired out to
bcaimen.' Straw Seidman said he-
sitantly. "So 1 \emit there to their
meeting is no wing they wutlbi wel-
come you—mot—if that was right."
Valdes' sat el. was ellort and icy.
"1 see. But don't you ser t!te:e
must he a resson for that meo
L'artle to lie like that:"
'.You mean he lied on ptm •,e,:e?"
Young Aldnman frowned. "Not Mr.
Bartle, You':e wrong thee. He's
a rine 01a11.. "He
-He'll have a chance le. ero10
that—prom, .''
The r:,1 211.,21 ,pre1 forward.
'I'in 1 tali 1 Ned-. a friend emf the
Allman, — a seer_, farm- my -
reason to quarrel with Barri,:. un -
le: von. ,1n• in rt::, 02s Witte00f-
121021, Barge's all 211e boy clarets he
and nmee. He br,•n¢1:1 2.e here
t, this yule;, gave up platy of
uselit ler tools and thine, to build
wi es"
"Have it y:en way. Mr. Nelson,"
Valdez shrug_0,1. "But if this man
Bartle ,should by :0'y 011:10C, be
O'•00mib',e for what L saw 00 Don
At. crc s Cr„.,. and for what hap -
peeled on the. farm last night, then
eertaie tilt some other Good
S...meritau will ;late to .take you
folks to thing--soniehodv who
wiit not tract to ie repaid with
He sank upon the bed and In ash-
e+l ;he sardv ':sir 411; h from Straw
Allman's ,yee.
-Novo" he .aid, e.ell use what
30'1 I:•:o:-,
. h.c-cry thing—from
the 01112 you first !cr,eve your were
iuq to settle: here i11 Deep \Vater
Vaacy until the mint0e you saw me
C1:20 in that d, -•r,
11,1i20 11 s face chased as
For gay breakiasts and that well-
groomed look all day, Pattern 4890
is just what you've been searching
for, lady! Ever -useful, ever -suitable,
and ever -so slenderizing!
Pattern 4890 comes in sizes 34,
36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50. Size 36
takes 3. yards 35 -inch fabric.
(25e) in coins for this pattern to
Room 421, 73 Adelaide St. West,
Toronto. Print plainly S I Z E,
ISSUE 13 — 1048
if hie and 0one.lence had Bcwed
Miele into him 1101 12 sutil d a
Tittle, hopefu,llc. Ho that was jus-
tifirti, as far a• the red-headed
avenger teas ontrerce21-1,2.11 not
0(•021 he, any more than lib other
three i21 the sickroom, could sus'
pert that even now death lurked
1•.1 Cthallere was confident
of the safety of all of them, be-
cauee he knew that since dusk
Juanita should 111:0 been on hand
outei,le as he I',:l told her to be,
And it danger ehoukl threaten, the
rail of a 1uoun'uin cat woad float
o21 the (tight air.
Sheriff Bill Lamle ended a long
vigil, spat a wad of tobacco into
the cold stove and banged down
the lid.
"No fool like an old fool," he
=all aloud, "What in thunderation
ever made me think that I'ete Has-
kell or Tim Callan would try and
kill Russ Bartle? Should have
known that plenty of smoke means
damned little fire."
Was that a rider pulling up out-
side At this hour? Lande snorted
:.m.1 went toward the door.
* * *
The stranger at the door was a
man in store clothes. Though U0-
ke:owu to Sheriff Lande, he weie
Clarke \Veber, newly arrived set-
tler in Deep Rater Valley.
The sheriff opeeed the door for
(ichor to enter and lit the oil
ars" he snapped.
"I thought maybe you'd gime me
a little official information."
"About what." the sheriff asked.
"Rewards." \Veber's grin was
wine 11)2(1 boastful. "1 want to know
where i stand if I deliver to you
a toast worth stoney in several
states—say rive thousand here, and
ten thousand over in New Mex,
and fifteen thousand down Texas
way. Exactly what would I get?"
Laude's temper was testy. °\Vicat
in tarnati .n you want to know
that for: Or maybe you're figur-
ing to try to deliver this gent where
he's worth most—unless everybody
pay; for the one delivery?"
"Yes. I think it's good business
"So do I—to got your man first.
Who is ire?"
"I'd rather not say right (tow:"
Suddenly Laude, with a growl
deep in, his throat, darted behind
Reber. He pushed the man away
front the outer door and twisted
the key in the lock.
Lande clutched the man by the
scruff of the heck and the seat
of the pants, IIe half pushed and
half kicked the stunned Weber
across tits door, shoved him into
the cage and hanged and 1, sed
the door.
'Reckon you better change your
mind," Lande snapped. "Till you
do. you're under arrest. Maybe
you didn't figure that concealing
the whereabouts of any wanted
titan is a; good as working in ca-
hoots with hint."
Until Laude had blown out the
light and returned to bed, Weber
was undecided what to do, 1'Ie
could see gold dollars sliding
through Itis greedy fingers, and the
thought pained hint.
"Sheriff-" he finally called in the
chilly darkness, 2
"Yeah?" growled Lande.
"It—it was El Caballero Rojo I
was talking about," Weber stam-
mered reluctantly.
* s+ *
Silence, Then the sheriff's bois-
terous laughter shook the flimsy
building. He slammed the wall be-
side his bunk with his nuat•eleaver
"El Caballero Rojo!" he roared.
"And,, you worrying about how
much you'd collect on his scalp!
Why, you simple'brained squirt, if
you lifted a finger against that
redheaded hombre he'd eat you
alive—saltless—before you could
sneeze! You just better thank me
for locking. you up. I'm saving
your life, you poor dumb weasel."
"But I did see him," \Veber in-
sisted, "I did have a gun on him,
too. ISn a good shot, but—"
"1 know. lie's a better one,"
Lande swung his feet to the floor.
"He shot your iron away, huh?
That why your paw is bandaged?"
"Yeah," \Veber admitted, "I
came upon him just after lie had
finished firing a tobacco drying
shed, Anti I also believe he hung
a young fellow on Dote Attcro's
Time sheriff sat reaectively on the
edge of his bed, not answering,
Then Weber could hear the stamp-
ing of feet getting into tight boots.
(To Be Continued)
Your Handwriting
and YouBy
Alex S Arnott
Script Reveals
True Charaeer
Does that boy you love so much
write a script like the writer of
this week's illustration? There are
so many variations of character
indicated in this script that his be-
haviour will probably bewilder you
at tunes and cause you to wonder
whether he is as sincere as he pro-
fesses to be. He probably does
not understand himself as he should
and if his actions are mysterious
and unsettled, there ie a reason for
Jeer look at the writing ltelow.
See how specious the script is and
li 0, far flung the letters and words
are. There is nothing cramped
about his w'riti210. How could any -
2222, expect this fellow to narrow
his thoughts and actions clown to
a el111111Un cans. to fo112in• a single
line of th059111, 1. concentrate on
one thing for a long ; -'riod of time.
\Nkat he desires most is plenty of
room to think, to broaden his
knowledge, to cover a lot of ground
just as he has so clearly indicated
le the spaciousness of his writing.
Now We have the anwer to his
unsettled nature. He hasn't the
personality- to stay put; he is the
outdoor, adventurous type and must
be on the move if he is to be
* * *
Notice (tow broad and round the
letter "y" looks, Here is a person-
ality that is adaptable and congeni-
al, that likes change and variety.
The things for which he may show
preference today will not necessari-
ly retain this same preference to-
morrow. You can only expect him
to he adaptable and congenial when
there is plenty of scope for his ever
changing thoughts and actions.
Deep emotion and sentimental
feeling, evident in this script, indi-
rate a nature that is easily- moved
by sympathy for others, and long-
lasting impressions for sentimental
things. Do not be surprised if he
takes exception to challenges of his
personal honor for he is an idealist
and rates behavior above alt other
traits of character, This makes him
sensitive to injustices, and w'ill
cause hint to make his stand against
these even if it entails personal sac-
rifice. To sum up this trait of char-
acter, the writer will always have
a soft spot in his heart for the un-
derdog , nd will not stand idly by
while injustices are being imposed
upon a fellow man without rais-
ing a protest.
Our readers rotae receive an in-
teresting and instrtt:tfre personal
analysis ,of their .hand2iitiag by
sending an example of turning with
25 roils and a s'amp,'d, self-addres.
sed envelope to Box B, roar, 421, 73
Adelaide St. [fest, Toronto.
For gala occasions, gala aprons,
of course! Easy needlework -- vari.
ety too, Simple sewing, end each
of these thrifty -cut aprons takes
74 yard.
Flowers to crochet and embroider.
Pattern 520; embroidery transfer;
cutting charts; crochet directions,
in coins (stamps cannot be accept -
cd) for this patten to the Needle-
craft Dept., Room 421, 73 Adelaide
St, West, Toronto, Print plainly
Living Beauty for Easter—In Bermuda, workers plucked blos-
soms from a field of white lilies so as to leave this cross for the
delight of visitors on Easter Sunday.
?'amu -ate :lei Cat441.4 are('
Unselfish Girl
Wants to Marry
I find I ant in love with a young
man who, I'm sure, doesn't knots I'm
alive, I feel like a lovelorn idiot!
I'm 18, but I'nm
sure this isn't
just a come -and
go affair for me.
He is 20, owns
leis own business,
and is prosperous
and well-educat-
"1 have a good
position, and 1
.upport my folks. They are unable to
work. Every time I think of this
lad, I know I must get over it. I
feel obligated to my parents. They
have given me a happy home and
a high school education, and I've tak-
en care of them since I graduated
nearly two years ago. I have two
brothers and a sister They all are
married, but have never given a cent
for our parents' support,
"I want this lad's friendship, and
later his love, more than anything in
the world. (He is handsome, too.)
Shall I try to make him notice mc?
I don't wish to force myself, of
course, Or shall I give up the whole
idea because of my obligations at
C. B.,,
* f dcn't agree that your oblige-
* tions to your parents must deprive
* you of the right to love and live.
* 1 don't believe they intend that,
* either. The neglect of their
* other children must humiliate
* them, and cause them many hours
* of anxiety en your account, too.
* So often in a family of several
* children, one shoulders the entire
* burden of the parents, while the
* others lightly go their selfish
'2' ways, leaving the devoted child to
* carry on alone. For you to feel
* that you mast forego marriage,
* while your brothers and sister en-
* joy their 010n and go scot-free, is
* all wrong. You had better get them
* all together and have an under-
"' standing, before their disregard of
* their parents' situation becomes a
* permanent attitude,
Modern Etiquette
By Roberta Lee
Q. What is the correct way for
a married woman to sign her name
in social correspondence?
A. She should use her full name.
If Jane Smith has married Henry
Brown, she should sign her social
correspondence, "Jane Smith
Brown" or, "Jane S, Brown." In
writing to a stranger, she should
write below her signature, "Mrs.
Henry Brown,"
Q. Is it bad foram to tip a soup
bowl, or a plate containing liquid
food, ((leen eating?
A. Yes, this is too often done,
and should be avoided.
Q. When accompanying a woman
in the rain, should the man carry the
A, Yes, always.
Q. Is it necessary that a person
slate his reason for declining an
A. No, while it is not obligatory,
it is oftentimes a courteous thing to
do, and probably will avoid a mis-
understanding and resentment,
Q. What would be the proper
way to introduce ,\lis, Smith to 11011.
A. Say, "Mrs, Brown, may I pre.
sent Miss Smith ?" Or, "Mrs. Brown,
Miss Smith." Always present the
unmarried woman to the married
* There is no reason that you
shouldn't encourage this nice lad,
* and become friends with him, Of
* course you are only infatuated at
* the moment, for you scarcely know
* hint, and acquaintance may show
* that you two are not compatible
* at all. That's a chance. too,
TO "MRS. F. S,": I understand
how anxious you arc to adopt a
child, and I'm in favor of it —
later. After you have had your
operation, you will know how much
your health improves; and when
you get a larger house you'll have
the extra room which the agency
demands for the baby. This delay
will quell your family's present
objections, too.
1t is likely that when you do
adopt a baby, your husband will
take more interest in the (mouse and
also in helping to train the child,
Remember, timough, that supporting
and educating a child costs more
as it grows older; so he is wise to
plan to increase his income where
he can.
Meanwhile, take as active a part
as you can in your church activi-
ties and community affairs. I know
you do your part of the work 011
the farms, hut outside interests will
help balance that, and make life
more pleasurable for you. 'Then
you won't get -so depressed.
A woman's health depends large-
ly on how happy she is, how satis-
fied with time life she leads. It is
my opinion that when you do adopt
1 baby you will find your strength
adequate, and your spirits improv-
ed. So later on, when you come
home from the hospital, you will
find out whether the idea is as
practicable then as you hope.
(Sour address was not enclosed.
If you'd lilee to send it to me, 1
will use it).
Don't submit to injustice—if
you can do something about it,
No one will respect you if you
don't respect yourself, Perhaps
Anne Hirst Can show you how.
Write to her at Box A, roots,.
421, 73 Adelaide St. West, To-
How Can I?
by Ane Ashley
Q. How can I prevent mist form-
ing on eyeglasses when coming
front the outside air into a warm
A. Try the following methods
Mix olein -potash soap with about
three per cent glycerine and a small
amount of oil of turpentine, and
polish the lenses with this solution,
Q. How can I easily remove the
seeds froom dates?
A, By washing them thoroughly
in warm water, then using a sharp
knife to make slits in the sides for
removal of the seeds.
Q. How can . remove spots from
suede shoes?
A. Suede shoes that have become
spotted with rain can be renewed
by rubbing the spots gently with
an emery board,
Q. J'low can I prevent the metal
tops of salt shaker's from corroding?
A, They will not corrode if they
are covered on the inside with
melted paraffin. Open the holes with
a pin while the paraffin is cooling,
Q. How can I take away stains
from coat collars, and remove the
shiny appearance that betrays time
age of a nmatm's suit?
A, Rub with a spoonful of am-
monia in which enough salt has been
add to make a soft paste,
Q. flow can I keep egg yolks
for several clays?
A. By covering them with cold
water until needed.
Sunday School Lesson
13y Rev R Barclay Warren
Eternal Life
Colossians 3:1 4, 12 17; 1
John -5: 11.12,
Golden Text — And this is Life
eternal, that they might know Thee
the only true God, and Jesus Christ
whom thou hast sent. —.1011n 17:3,
The resurrection of Jesus Christ
from the dead is the most astound-
ing miracle. That I -Ie, whose side
was pierced, rose from the grave
after three (lays, nevermore to die,
sealed the fact of His divinity. Aro
wonder the chief priests and elders
bribed the soldiers to tell that the
body was stolen away while they
slept. His resurrection is set forth
in the Scripture as a prophecy that
we too, shall rise front the dead at
His appearing in glory. It is also a
type and a symbol of tite Christian
life even now. It is this last sense
that is 'emphasized In this lesson, "if
ye be risen with Christ, seek those
thiugs which are abole — set your
affection on things above, not on
things on the eartlt," We nuts 1 have
clothes, h0ttees, cars, eta, but we
need not' set our hearts upon them.
If we are possessors of eternal life,
our aspirations are higher.
* * *
Paul exhorts those who are risen
with Christ in this newness of life.
We must be merciful, kind, humble,
meek, long-suffering and forgiving.
Holding all these graces is divine
love, which is the bond of perfect-
ness. God's peace is to be the umpire
in our hearts, We are to be thank-
In such hearts there is music.
Psalms, hymns and spiritual song
are the vehicles of expression for
the music within. Some are poor
singers and yet have the singing
* * *
"He lives, Ile lives, Christ Jesus
v:alki1(,4;p-, with!a) me and talks with me
x•211 life's. Harrow way.
He livers. He I..es, :salvation to im-
1',•': aid.: see 1:'.w 1 lowly He lives?
He ,,.e ,...1:myhea1.'
Skirts Shorter
Four Years Hence
Women's skirts will be up above
their knees again by 1952, accord-
ing to a costume expert.
The "new look" had only four
Years to run.
"By that time, everybody will
be wearing long shirts," she said.
"Then the fashionable thing will he
to wear them short."
She thinks a lot of males, will
hope for long skirts again when
they find out how many girls have
knobby knees.
Knowledge of how to preserve
meat with spices and the use of sugar
was learned from the :Moslems by
the Crusaders.
PerfectlyC honest
01:0 girl to another: "I11 course I
had to tell her she 1oolt1 like a mii-
lion--and I meant every year (11 its"
2,,. 11111 0,1,, 1In,22n, •1
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HERM 1...t`S
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When women are disturbed by
noises at night... become so fid-
gety they perspire when talking to
strangers...orcry tooeasily—these
symptoms often herald a time
when they need special building -up.
But actually there's little to
dread or fear! For plenty of sleep,
fresh air, wholesome food and Dr.
Chase's Nerve Fool will help to
build up vitality and tone up the
system --so you can keep serene
through the most trying periods of
life. Yes, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food
has helped thousands of women to
face the future with confidence.
So if you're feeling nervous .fid-,
pity or run-down—(f you don't .
rest well at night, and often feel
moody or irritable—take Dr. •
Chase's Nerve Food for a while.
Keep yourself in good condition
try this time -proven tonic which.
has helped so many. The name
"Dr. Chase" is your assurance. 0
Sure, Crown Brand Corn
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