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- We deliver -
Wednesday, March 31st, 1948
Mrs. Ira Parker
A well known former resident of
villaue 1(fld vIelnity passed into
• the tele 110(110(1 10 Kincardine
lamp -Tut Hospital on Tnetairty mn
ine, :Mara 22rd, 'In the person of
Minnie McNaughton, widow at' the
lett• Tra C. 'Wirer. and youngest
da•ughter of Ronald MeNauglitaii and
lilts wife. Margaret Tortoyeen.
I Born In Brussels, Minnie. McNaugh-
ton spent practically all of her life ' Waterworks
there. In June itniS (lir was (((1(100tnd
: Ross Knight Awarded
Grand Championship
Teachers and pupils of the le es
s• Cementation Athol will be glad
to 'liver that a liner pupil, Rees
igh t wa. a w rd tel th Grand
ChamPlordiliiP for showmanship at
the College "Royal" reeoutly heed at
Kemptville Agricultural Tiebool.
semi:red e total of ISO points,
points over his near. -ad rival, Ross
is tile
e son of Mr. „and Mrs. Russel
Kn•Iglet of Grey Township.
Lions Amateur Night
Friday, April 2nd
The Amateur Night sponeorod
the haul Unn.s Club, which 1.att
be postponed, will be 'ne.d FridaV.
April 21141 in the Bribme,s Townhill
&nit miss it! Many amateurs are
scheduled to take part and the pto
gram Pron1 I/14 :4 10 bP voided ant! en-
Engineer Commences
E. ec
in ma Ti ir rlfor of Melville Church F. Roberts, enginet ht.
age a . ,
'Cechy:in &Parker. Ving]1 in Tieta-,er was Ilio '14.11 of both
1etoe0 b
r of leee Mr. Thrice1 pre,erd sorylecis on Smeley. At the 10010 1110.
away and Mrs. Parker returned to
Iltir former home heri!. service Rev. Mr, IvItIne m'eachee or
the subjpet. 'Tlii Itbn 'i Ravlonr" and
Possessed of a hvbght and ein sIrr.R4.4,41 thp Cliilotl-of indebtedneas
toying per ainal"ty, v'd it exceptional. to the great reminder of ChrieM
ly• eaten -11 ability n4: a retitle!! anti sant/lea ant victory which phis!tr
elocution:bd. Mrs. Parker was 0 wry brings. The anthems were, 'Titre
popular entertainer a:. piddle !Anther- have taken away my Lerd he
licrts throughout the 11- ('01. Stainer. and 'Ono 'Worldhy(YETari.
Tett ber great eet 140(0100iee was Miss June Work rendered the solo.
_. Brussels , 1 gdy,11 In t110 a /-I I lit InA nf lnt
'Ini• (eree
who, alt orvorl in ways, as.
inano azillatEt=emectut=1,/messinsuarratiam7-==on,
---------,Ipresitlewt of tht! W.M.E, t re:ISM-Pr of
-------* 1 111., 'W.A.. leader n? t11, Aitssion
Paoli and teacher In the S. School.
!of large Masses or young men and
lemneme /11:11r wlinsa lives • her in-
fluener for grind has spread far 11 11 1
IN17111 fs OVA/. -I 11 1/I land and in the United
, states. Wherever they have gone to
lnalte their homes.
1 A few years ago, nwinz to failing
i health. she was obliged to give nn
;here home here and went to live with
;her sister. Mrs. Parker Poster rf
• Kinea Mine. the only rem mining
le,,,etur or n ratline ee five.
Many friends gathered to pay
their last tributes of re.:peof anl
In1'f, II, her f11111.11 1 ."1•VI0(. by her
request, was held in her 7011011 loved
i chit. f 11, the 'rutted (Myrrh. 'here • on
i Thursday afternOrin, Rel.. H11,1411
i 11`1,‘4110. the minister prenehirx from
the appropr'ato text. "Dec t't is swal-
lowed np in Victory" 1 Cerinthinne.
By her roguest. the menwho herr
her to 1100 last resting place were
former members of her yonne men's
Sunday school ch... They wen,
Herb Menefee, Stanley Wheeler,
Robt. Devisee and Ian Glassier.
"0 Death; where ee thy sting?
0 grave. where is thy victory ?"
leading and P
Wholesalers for Acme Pressure SYsteins
(deep or shallow well)
Clark Air -Cooled 3 H.P. Gas Engines
Electric Motors, Grinders and Rollers
Electrical Appliances and Fixtures
DE LAVAL DEALER -Milkers, • Separators, Speedway Water
Heaters and Accessories.
Full line of deep and shallow well Pressure Systems.
To Arrive
A truck load of table potatoes at
GreWar'S Groceteria All April O. The
price le Jew and the potatoes are
things which are 1
If ye then be risen with Christ
seek t
Melville Church
Minister Rov. G. A. Milne, M.A.
10 a. m. Sunday School and
Bible Cease
11 a. M. Holy Communion.
7 p, m. "A Church is Born."
Louie D. Thompson, Organist ,
(.1 and Choirmaster.
erntrzwoolgasfinew...... 4,10415615.56.1.Fanalgor.Insat.
The United Church'
Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
Organist Miss Elva Sboldice
11 R. 01 Morning Warship
After Faster
junior Convention
12 Church School and
Bible Class
1Vlission5ry Sunday
7 p, m. Evening Prase
Everyone Cordially Weloome.
Church of England
Parish of SMARMS
MP/. J. H. Kerr, Rector.
First Sunday Atter Easter
April 4111, 1948
t. Georgele; Chutes Walteri-
A0 p. m, Evening Prayer
Sunday School
et. David's Church, Hanfrytt-
' 10,80 a, 01, Morning Prayer
Sundae, Sohool
JOhnia Church, Brunets*
1 p. m. Sunday SohOdl
a p, ea. Evening Prayee
. 4 .
The United Church
Special Easter music was heard In
the United Church on Sunday, 111
the morning the choir sang 'The
Day which the Lord hath made" by
Robson; and "The :dela of Easter
morning,' by Creswell. In the even-
ing the anthem was "Christ Arose,"
by Lowry. An Motor message. was
delivered at the morning worship. In
the evening the motion picture "The
Call of Samuel" was shown.
Seaforth, Ont.
rors..nah.:: Ralph S. Shaw, secre-
tary-treasuren the lienal Town-
ship Public School Area Board and
A. 11. Smith, chairmen et' the 'rm.-
'Oro,- Area Board are delegates to
the Ontario Ethic 1110(1111 onfer-
ewe in Toronto 011s week; Rev.
M. Thompson, Toronto, represent-
ing the missionary and mainten-
ance fund of the Centel Chureh,
with Rev, J. A. Surdea; he was
accompanied by Alex Reil, Wing -
ham; Tack Lielow, Stratford, with
his mother Mao. Nellie "Allow; Miss
Jessie Strachan bas returned to
her home at Jamestown after be,
ing a patient in the Whigham Gen-
eral Hospital; she recuperated at
the home of her cousin Mrs. Thos,
Irt, Smith, Wingham,
7., •
Capitol Theatre
Thurs., Fri., Sat. Aprti 1.2-2
Buck Privates Come Horne
Bud Abbott and Lau ee'istelle
Bang up -slap dash stuff that will
raise the roof, your old favorites do
ft again.
Mon. Tues. Wed. April 5-6-7
In Technicolor
Mother Wore 'fights
Betty Grablo and Dan Dailey
The new 20th Century -Foe Techni-
color story- with - music credited
with being the first true intimate
story of the kind of people who made
show business like no other business
on earth. A fashion parade giving
out with gayest tunes. At the turn
of the Century.
Next Thurs. Fri. Sat. April 8.9.10
(In Technicolor)
' with
June Ailyson Peter eawford
Joan McCracken
M. O. M. gives us a youthful, tune-
ful, yoyous shot In the arm in the
form of the gayest, brightest film
you have soon In a long time, "Good
news" that Is really woth cheering
"THE WEB" - Adult Entertainment
Elia Raines and Edmond O'brien
Wed. Thur. March 31 - Apr. 1
"Unfinished Dance"
Fri. Sat. April 2.3
"Apache Rose"
"Flame" the Wonder Dog
Sat. Mat. 2:30 Serial
Mon., Tues. April 5-6
Shirley Temple in
"Honey Moon"
OFFER $210.00
Mon. Attend. card night
Wed., Thurs. Next April 1.8
Adult Entertainment
Joan Crawford in
Matinee Wed. at 2:30
Awe.** p*Wwithisailf........raroilmaa•wmi,
CKNX every Mon. to Fri.
at 6 I.M.
MCWONS• ,,.,,01 '140,,,. MreEarl, ,
'Open the gates of flu- temb
temple''' y
the evening serviee R00. Mr.
Milne preached nit the athj?ct
'astor's 1"10(0 1141 itiff' and based
the 140001011 10 the anne:1 lance
Jesus to the 11 ISIPIT11,/1 in the upper
room, lerenine enlivens were, 'Sine,
by 111 a 11 4.1111/4 114,11111' Handel, and
`Lift up your heads' by Hopkins. Mr.
Gerald Gibson Yen te-rd Hip solo
`Stranekm of (10 11101'.
Rertie, Women% Y..nstitote
The Male.fic Wenn n's instifittr
held a of riehrd and flye-
hundred parties 111 1110 Library en
0Ti p11 11111. lith and 111111L All play-
ers report a goad The «mvennr
of (111 oninnte
ilt r 'n (+MrD
arcs. s, en
Walker and her able 1("I211[ 1;, Mrs.
.7, Work. Mrs. J. Bryan. and Mrs. C.
P11/.11 inn 'won 1,1 a 110 1 1114
np.pnrtanity tn thank all who helpea
in any way to make three patties 1411
of 11o inon -falltitIif vitt.-r works '14
itrusesls. Lt., had in at y s
finding the depth of row( '1:0malbs
and te,' 1,41. 1413.111,11 1.1./.4.141'1
ine the location of the well. Two or
hel, !tin/enmeee•
'e! itlocal"/11
have been found.
Melville Prrshyler'an
Toting People's So 10`-.' met at 1he
ome of rs .71.11 11 on Moulay
evening. .P.:m .l.nnstratt.e
enntliteted thr
e deotionta(01-
0101008 and extended a 17.1 01 nu. In
several formerh
members who ore
in the 1190101.Fallow-
ing! the 1111q1 .4.5,4 1.100 .\111 staf.
ford Johnston, of The Stratford
'Beacon -Herald. once in Wrest: on
wartime inrolligsnce. Johns-
ton deserlied the precautions tak-
en to prevent leakage nf inforha-
tion regarding the embarketien
dates cif Meridian freers. and out-
lined the methole -•mployed 111
gathering information on the
st:•ting•th of enemy positions on flip
actual battle -front. On behalf of
1111 society. Mtge, Jreel? Little
thanked Vuill for her hos
Tenders will be received till 2.30
Peel. on Saturday, April 3rd by the
Cornell of the Townehip of erey for
St. John's Lodge
7 Hold Social Evening
St' John's Lodge Add 6. d
a social eatiffieri!. ,n Hi,
11,11 on Tuesday •.,: Max w!tn!'n
over seventy 50 os ts 10441'.- 10.
Th, g11 14it0 elc011lei by Wor.
eerael rebeie. tee tree ie
the gathering as being the 110011.1
its kind to be held in liros,els for
many year- The company • sitiyed
a Kw:I-MIT/I, 1111;r14., a 1141 ,,ttir
(mat (-eta /Mel. which ninth was
stew: d The programme 01410 ill
el le', it Johnston and IP.,
1'tr.hill Bill, a.
in charge of the mold.whicl
1.1 ful I t'ai
11 1 1-1114. W1,714/441; of thattee e,r.•
ed by or. Feee terenee, e4.1 ite
A \',t,,!. The 1,f A.01 11 Lane
Syn.- and rice •a!!,:11
/.4 .,1 ntlti
114101 1 Ili, •,,
'reiebee wilt he treeemel till
Saturday, April Xrd 11 1 o'clock r 11
for the er/i/Arll 01011 al1 a 1.!1,110/1/.
Firkigt! at lot, 21-21. non. 17. Twp. :1!
Grey. Plans and sperifiett-7,01. may
14010 at 1111'(1, 11,„ and oil in 0,1:41,1t11.9 and Paskarrne-
Or by Ca/II,11 I I.Ing :1,1 11/iiiin-I4 v.411 an't 11'' 140 4,
'0' t'NT 0 °In'
Rd SIMI.. at Ethl. Ont. 01111111 .1'
test wells far oil and gas in 01'4.
b'ecuritY will he l'Nuth.otl.
ee 9.: soon es r,edi -asdne end
The 1010051 or any f.,1,1,y. eoltilemee` is (':11 t1- Tre hes
n.c,ssarily acreptod
, been f-,x11101-Inz 1,41 40.+0 01 'Windsor 1I
J. TTPen's, Elerk, .
1(1111,ati,.,1 tb..! there
04,1. arc Id!! MY and ia
Parte rete. reueinF.'
V")p 11,.. 1101 11:iy (10(11 hi:, 141011(1.i'
,,41 ........... (10110.1.
Mr Ronald Sander Tinntir,
("JILT. 110:1 thnlr re!rnifo"
Concert By World
Farnc P ian7s t
lo WingfinIn. 40144:‘,01la
,4 c!,
7/1,4 41 II In, !Atilt; Ko, ilfspf.ar
1 It 1nmM
). Wi/411(0%.,! 14all April
7th. especially Wu,. .1i. ha, port'irmn.
.,1 (I, ramie:tit yore. finer
at In 4/141 011 111, motor concert hall of
the world Here is an 0(0100(114 oppor-
trunty tn bear artitt seldom henna
In a city -h-tel 1-1! +Ilan 'fimeinto
The Time; Wednesdas. April 7th.
Tie Pito Nrinn'1111 Ti,/,:11 I-11/4 1 1-
11,41atn,, 1 pr/141 rr4
Whin 11./i 1/,/,1 /..,',41V./318
' 1111(0 '1 fay-
entritf s bar. 1(11(1 NOW/pl. Thee
•• /',. i 141:41 1., eerie. ere
00101011 17' *he Win to ConcertA0000til.On.
Assoriattor Pl-ns ne
eNt snsqrk
are 71090 under way.
t hat
',"•r •-rr-.N.T
A. R, (seedy'. 0044!'(of Witirripeo.
"11iftlitnba. whb
o e, 110,1 et -If 'mg
11'5, 1-1.'01.11P5,4 011151 '5-1,1'12,5 11r51":01,1ef)
al4f1 ("15,7,y ,51,,1!5":."5". for sr.Y."s7
1pfi r,0! Stin197 for Til!!7,,, twit,
. ([(444"In Win 1111-1.4.4 TT,- is 711110 in!! cast
stone is holidaying with (1410:11!.1
Herb Russell. 5th line.
Mr. and Mrs. rs
im. Wm
. Cate et
denehter .Teen et' Lention were •
Easter visitors with :he and Mr-
hltrhio. eth line.
'Mies Gertrude Cram of Hesreler •
AN/14, an Easter visitor with 1141".:Margaret Michie at the 110100of
Lorne and Mrs. Nicel, eth
CARD OF THANKS ornshing and hauling; 10,0(1) or more Morris.
T wise to thank everyone wbo (ethic yards of gravel nn tnaliship Mr, and Mrs, Carsten Ferrier of
ithetliy 'fent me oar ls and boxes of
roads, Tenders to give price With TOronto with Nelson and Mrs
frail and (111(41711;11 11, 0028 in 4, in. and with in. SvrE.011.
hospital. Certified cheque for 200.00 must be
Lois Rorie
enclosed. The lowest or any tender
not nee, aceeptod.
- --- •
7, H. Fear, Clerk
WHEETE,R-Glenn and r,n14 W31 4/1.11.- Ethel, Ont.
Pr (nee Lois Meleienzie are
Pleased to announen the birth of a-
son, Ronald McKenzie, at Vietatift.
T-Tnaptial, on March 24, 1943,
DROTITRIIR--Tn Wingimin General
Hospital, on SaturdaY, March 20th,
to Mr. and Mrs, Lyle Brothers, of
Wroxeter, Twin deughtere. Ore
baby etillborn,
PARKER -Tit 'Kincardine General
Hospital an Tuesday, 14150011 eard,
1948, elinn•ie McNees-11ton, widow
of the late Ira C. Parker Funeral
service was held from the tutted
(thumb. Brussels on ,Thursclay,
March 25th at 2.11 P.M. Interment
111(1011WIS 011(155518 Cemetery,
- - --
Winghom General Hos-
pital on Saturday, March 271.11,
1948, William Bird in his 92nd
year. Funeral Nees held. from the
home of leis brother-in-law, Thos.
jacklie,, Wroxeter TuesdaY,
Mara nth, 1048. Service et 2 P.M.
interment in Bruseele• Cemetery,
Easter service was bold last Sun-
day afternoon in the Presbyterian
Church oondected by the pastor
Rev. I, D. Mayor who took for the
subject 01 1118 Easter message 'The
first Sermon taken from St. Jelin
Chapter 20 and the tRth verse. The
choir sang the anthem 0111151 Is
ViettOrs over .the wpelt end: Mr.
arta Mrs, A. Shaw of Brien with
10. and Mao: Bowes and Wetly; Miss
Olive Ritheade or toron Novi her
parents E. and Mrs. Richards; Alias
10, anentlegleam 7,589100 With her
mother Mrs, E. Cunninm; ghaMiss
Muriel Kreuter of 0(150(5 with midMIs.
Mrs, Kreuter.
leles. M. Alexander le visiting
Non& Molesworth,
Mr. S. Gray spent Master at his
1101110 in Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. Tim Dunbar of Kitob'
Misr are visiting with friends here.
Mr, Arnold of 'Kitchener
spent the Week end with his parents
Stewart and Mao. Tient1IP and
family of Wingharn, Lesii. and Mrs.
'Beattie and son Paul of S-mferth
Good Friday with Geo. ani
e file 4144I-1/1
10 seesent
1 11,",,T. Hn o
elen .Tchns10cntuctef
!le .etf117. opereele wee tite sing
144'.4 n hm
yn. Tone Watson the
Melee Tee minutes were reid. Study
le•••e •.••••- <ahem he 1 e* the girls -
peel. e. 0' made for the next most-
iT1T 1,, 14, 11010 :0r ;II, 171510" holidays
111'01l11(1 to take the form
enit'een: With 111,- .1,tfffies.1 0055e11(It wr- decided to 'loll n mother ant
ilatiele••r benquet a later date
and cotne•itt,-e W01/11 41111-101111,141,to
make the arrangements. The meet-
ing closed with taps. The vest 01
afternoon was spent in warkille gO
the guilt blocks ane eeterwards Mrs
Stevensserved a delictras lunch.
¥ 4TH
At 8.30 p. m. Sharp
Come and enjoy a laughter -laden evening
!teat en,
mt. "Re-
s,- ou'll
.e day."
on de -
'00 W-