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The Brussels Post, 1948-3-24, Page 5
V -- THE BRUSSELS POST 1'C,,,1nc .day, tiL'+f it :„i'h, Ia1S Here's a career for young Canadians —'- an active life with travel, adventure and the satisfaction of serving your country in a famous uniform. Never before in itspeace-time history has the Royal Canadian Navy had so much to offer a young 'man, There are new ships with modern equipment , , , wide facilities for sports and recreation . , , and valuable skills to learn. This is a man's ,job serving with the Royal Cana- dian Navy , , , a satisfying and secure profession. SALT WATER CRUISES Calling at foreign ports, sailing the high seas, visiting other countries — these are all in the line of duty for the men In the Royal Canadian Navy. YOU LEARN A TRADE You can learn about radio -tele- graphy, naval gunnery, marine and electrical engineering, radar, asdic, loran, and other specialized skills. You will never regret the thorough and practical training you get in the Royal Canadian Navy. AN ACTIVE LIFE It is a busy exciting life in the Navy — and a healthy one too ! Plenty of sports and physical training help you to develop a strong physl• que and keep you in top condition. �=S PENSION FOR THE FUTURE The R.C.N. looks after its men. You will like the feeling of financial security and the assurance of free medical and dental care. Rates of pay have been increased, and after your service there is a generous pension for the rest of your life. THE NAVAL RESERVE If you can't enlist in the permanent service, you can join rho RCN (Reserve) and ob- tain, with pay, in your spare time the comradeship, the crafts, and skills for which sailors are (moue. Get the facts today from The Naval Recruiting Officer, Royal Cgnedtan Navy, Ottawa N. W .1 BLUEVALE 'Rev. J. A. Burden conducte•i the regular morning service in tete United Church here Sunday and delivered a message suitable lo Palm Sunday. Communion service will be oba.erved next Sunday. The Y.P.U. is preparing a drama, "The Challenge of the Erose." to be pre• seated dulaing the Easter Season, At Knox Presbyterian Church, Rev. Leland Jorgensen used the subject, "Oboist Going to B.:a Death," for a pre -Easter message The choir sang a spacial number. It Was ..announeed that the Sunday i School would reopen the first Sun- day in April at 10:30 am, The community ;tall was filled to capacity for the St. Patriok's con- cert, oncert, sponsored by the Triple Group of the Ladies' Aid Society of Iiia:. Preeb3^terian Ohurch, J, C. Hig- gins woe chairman and throughout the program told humorous Irish stories. The llarwicic boas and ;our young girls sang Irish songs, Mr. Hoffman sang a solo and Mrs. A. D. Smith and Mrs. Gordon Greig EMPLOYERS MUST OBTAIN NEW UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BOOKS. - All Unemployment' Insurance Books now in useexpire on March 31st, 1948. New, books will be issued by the National Employment, Office to employers, but only when old books are completed and turned in to the Office. Employers are urged to exchange Un- employment Insurance Books promptly at March 31st. Penalties are provided for failure to comply. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION C. A. L. MURCHISON, Commissioner. J. G. BISSON, L J. TALLON, Me) Commissioner. Conamis,,lontn. Give your old tractor more pcwer Install a Robin Manifold We can equip your wagon or tractor for rubber. Special discount on new tire.; and batteries. See A. S. BOWMAN & SONS Machine and Welding Shop Cow. anstowf, Ont. — Phone 636r3 Listowel SURGE MILKERS Hot MAW Halt Wn.t ?r He.).tcsrs GEORGE POLLARD REPRESNTATI✓E — eRUSSELS. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements ON' WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31st et 1 p. m. At Lot 3, Con, 0 Colbourne Twp. 1V4 miles North and !rz mlie West of Carlow FARM 100 acres cloy :eau), 3 acre:, fall wheat, 30 acres plowed, :, acres good hardwood hud Never feiiling watersh. suPp}y.Gonbuildings. Terms made known day of sato, will be sold subject to reserve hid. Cattle - 8 cows — 13 young cattle, Implements — Waterloo Threshing Separator 33-45 on rubber with straw cutter and grain elevator Waterloo Tractor 35 H. P• on rubber Model McCormick Deering 10 ft. tractor disc McCormtGek Deering 3 furrow plow implement trailer McCormick Deering Cultivator dike new) CMS. barrels, Trapauiin°. harmer Mill Wagon, Belts, Hay ltactr. Cirenlar Saw and other farm machinery. TERMS CASH Mrs. Wilford Nixon, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. sang two duets. Musical numbers on the trombone and coronet by Mr. and Mrs. Jorgensen, mouth organ selections by E. Nichol, Rose Gray and 13116 Mundell and violin and banjo music by Lloyd Felker and Harold Grant were enjoyed. Two humorous readings were given by Mrs. Gordon Grey. A club swing- ing exercise by Mrs, Gordon Mun- dell and a drill by eight girls in Trish costume were highlights. The piano accompanists were Mrs. J. C. Hdgglns, Mas, C. Hoffman, Ivlre. R. Elliott and Mrs. L. 0, Jorgensen. The hall was decorated with shamrocks and green pipes on a white barkgronnd making an ap- propriate settling. Personalis: Mrs. John Hall has returned home after spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Masters, at Parkhill: James Gan- nett has returned home atter being a patient in the Wingliam General Hospital for over five months, The Story Of Easter How did Tituster gat Its name? What was the date of the first Paster? Read ... hn Tho Ameri- can Weekly with this Sunday's (March 28) "issue of The Detroit Sunday Times . . . the story of Easter told by li`ranris P. L eButl•e, S. J. Moderator, New York Catholic ldvialenco Guild. 13e sure to get Sunday's• Detroit Times, O.R.M.T.A. Held Meeting The Huron Branch of the Ontario Roglstreed Music TCachee'3 Associa• Eon held their meeting nn Minch 13th in Clinton, The guest speaker wss Miss Cora 13. Ahrene, NUS. Bac., L,T,CI,M., or Stratford, Miss Ahrens spoke on Ear Training and Piano Teaching Problems, The next meet- ing is planned for the week of the Goccnn3oh Mudie Festival, Further information will be given at a later date. The Tenth Annual Convention of the 0. R. M. T. A. will he held March 31st, Apr. 1, and 2nd, 1943 at the General Brock Rotel, Niagara Falls, Ont. Music teaoherp will benefit by attending any or all sessions planned on the Agenda, KEFFIJR'��; MACHINE SHOP ref Acetylene and Electric Welding Our shop is eduipped to do (First Glass Wg-A d i 11'1 En? And Lathe Work Your Patronage Solicited. Good Service Assisted. Agent Icor Surge Milking Machines CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and uapiements at North half of lot 25, McKillop Twp., 6 miles north of Seaforth on County Road on CLEAiiIN0 AUCi'.1054 RAIL: Of Farb, 5 ,:k Irsptam, uta. At ro.Mit h'il'l of ic.t t:%. concession of Morris town:, i0 11 ,s is—e, north and 1 mil.;<s west of Breseele an MONDAY,. rlt-.1;e.-1 At 1 P.M. HORSES 1 blur 1. mats. 5i yr^ fir; 1 hay ruure 13 yrs;. 01,1 1 hay 41'1rili' mar„ • . in^1.e or double (lows 1 red cow 7 yrs. old, fresh 6 weeks, with coir 1 grey row. R yrs. elsl, freshens in May 1 red rnw alurl rail. fresh 2 wrelts 1 aged black row, rine .Jun, 7th 1 aged 'Meek and white cow doe May lith 5 .heifers coming 2 yrs. fled 2 steers naming 2 yrs, old 6 yearling calves IMPLPIMHNTS 1 Mneaey-Hai'1'la hay loader 1 Massey -Harris manur.> cpreeder 1 Massey -Harris side rake 1 Masaey-Harris riottinr tun; 1 Meaney -Harris seed drill 1 Magary -Harris grain grinder 9 inch 1 tubber hell 5 lurk ss wide 1 rubber belt 3 inches wid? 1 hay knife 1 root pulper 1 rubber tired wagon with rark 1 steel hired wagon R, 11 ft. stock rank 1 Chatham fanning trill with hanger 1 steel tired top buggy 2 cutters, 1 Portland neariv new 1 set double harness 1 :set atingle harness 3 wooden barrels 1 steel gas, barrel 3 horse collars HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS 1 Celennan gas lamp 1 Coleman gas lantern 1 Coleman gas iron. 2 coal oil lanterns 2 coal oil lamps 1, 8 -burner coal oi1 stove 1 coal oil heater 1 gond Cheer heater coal 1 brooder stove Other articles too mention. ,S351 THURSDAY, APRIL lst 1948 at 1 P.M. HORSES Bay horse 8 years old Aged gray horse and mare weighing 1400 lbs., work single or double CATTLE 2 Hereford heifers fresh in February 'Hereford cow fresh in March Shorthorn heifer due time of sale Shorthorn cow due time of sale T-lere-ford cow, doe time of sale Hereford cow, due in April 3 heifers coining 2 years old 9 atreers coming 2 years old 5 year-old oalvets 3 young calvesPIGf3 1 sow clue April 2 1 'sow clue April 16th HENS RO Barred Rock hens MACHINERY LICA. Tractor 10.20 Cockshantt 2 -furrow plow 36-50 Decker blower feeder and ele- vator, extension pipes 7 -ft. cut Deering binder 6 -ft, cut mower 12-Ot. McCormick dunip rake Maxwell side rake Cockahutt 13 -disc fertilizer dri11, sowed R crops, Massey -Harris inthrow disc 12 -ft, 2 Frost and Wootl cultivators Frost and Wood steel 3 -drum roller 'Rru.lking plow Drag harrows Cnclrshnttt manure spreader !like new) Rubber tired wagon', box and stock rack (new) 2 farm wagons, wagon rack, gravel box Cutting box' Penning nodi C ^.titer Sleigh Colony house 10 x 12 Collins electric brooder 2 incubators 4 range shelters Sientt•ler Lawn mower Mn:sseyHarr3e spreader 8 H.P. engine Electric renter Crean, separator (McCirmfek-Deer, tog) with motor 2 oil derma, steel posts, drive belts Whiffittree. forks etc., water tank Maltese GRATNin 400 has. mixed gra 100 bus. eke 25 beta. buckwheat 50 bus. Wheat 60 lbs. Alfalfa and timotnv seed h',U,RNITURE Quebec: heater, kitchen table, 4 ehairs, beds, churn, Perfection oil heater, Occasional chairs, couch ole. TERMS CASH No 'reserve' as farm le gold. Robert McFarlane, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. with oven or wood numerous to TERMS CASH No reserve as farm Is sold. ARTHUR HENDERSON, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer F, d-fr,,iriuth Re£; Ts;.erea Optorneffreel 'Western Orttas ia's Moes Modern Eye Sarva 'r "'hone 118, i- trr stoyi Al three weeks, a sow's milk falls oft—and baby pigs are clamoring for more fend and nourishment, Count on U/og tsgs$441. —it's "Iana proven". —that the cheapost gains a plg over makes is In tbo num ing period. Normal pigs gain double their birth weight in first week and should be eight times birth weight at seven weeks. {1t�� � .1112 DISCUSS BREIT 'OH ©Z A 2s `'OUR ST Q�`IL� TH" aG� C@11JEIN'S ?All REM i'T iflD. 16 WINGHAM CICNX 920 FRIDAY, MARCH 26 — 8:00 - 8:15 p. m, D.L•'S, At Wingham Poetic Injustice 'Phe Wineltaau 'f1 5 „u i- teari tearp..r;l'•:; steeled a their r'.aU1nu m„n: t , , e,tt t p • :Scottish Churchyard. His eyes d a ututton sir ptiit1 ' • ,,rreitt a li epitaph, "Lord, she w94 Fitz 'ISian erfreti , 1Vttl then.' Sept, 26. Central 1, ,. i ', , aril "Say, sexton. wlot Wye make o1 dorsi ing Curpor't' ir•.t iutncre • 1 that " h,• aeked. council approval had heel] gran:, fl { "Thais all richt, -11.; the sculptor for the erection of 50 warden3 houses '.tr•nr 0,0 r near the ode of the stone this year, and didna leave room for the 'e'." f' OU OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD sir t, Animals COWS—$7.00 HO''. SES—$5.50 HOGS, over 300 lbs. - $2.00 per Cwt. ACCORDING TO SIZE AND Wrima.v.i Our Same Prornpt, Efficient, Courteous Service SIMPLY PHONE COLLECT Brussels 72 — Ingersoll 21 .ONTARIO ..�'`-. f Y11 a •91 APRIL PT 1948 TO Kt T C ®r E ATO S Require LICE SE 0* Apply to Your Municipal Clerk Under the provisions of the. Tourist Camp Regula- tion Act 1946, effective April 1st, 1948, each tourist camp operator is required to secure a license which may be obtained upon application to the Municipal Clerk. For a copy of the Regulations write to The Director, Development Branch, DEPARTMENT OF TRAVEL & PUBLICITY PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS TORONTO HON. ARTHUR WELSH Minister TOM C McCALS D,,P„ty Minister TOURIST SERVICE EDUCATION WEEK - Prom March 31st to April 66 5oo=1st business is YOUR business. The Canadian nfAssocia- of Tourist and Publicly Bureaux has published an iiiormadve booklet "The Visitor Industry" witch tells what you can do to help further this important national program, Write for your free copy. Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs — REPAIRED and RECOVERED — Also Rebuild Mattresses it iS 1 FREE PKKKOUP AHD DELIVERY Strati: xrd Upholstering Co 43 B oteveicis Street Enquire at — Stratford; Oot. Do A. RA.NN Fatmlture and Famcrsl Scrvlca. Phone 36 or 85 l'trusasb, 01414.