HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-3-24, Page 3If You're Dreaming Of an Expensive Car You'll Need Patience if vnu'te belt picturing voureeli (lli,i 1p 0111 01, the mora cepeasi5 Al; lo made. cats such 10 a Lin 1•'.111 t ;n lillac or Packard you'd Let e • tor 1; , e your patieacc a little exist ci.shie, For the dcaees are that you're in for quite a 115'ail. Now than the 1uu011101311n manufact- urers thoroughly understand the act- ual 11R -ailing of Ottawa's controls— imposed la conserve (1111a411'5 fast (10 hulling 1'. S, dollar reserves— the:, ire eserves-there able to tell us just about how 'many such cars we shall be allowed to import this year. 91 r+ d The supply of Canadian -made cars Promises to he about equal 10 last y.ar's 105,000 --second largest on rec• crd but as for the bigher-pfired type, the 0111001: is pretty hopeless, e,prcially as more people than ever would like b1 41('8 up i110, the luxury class. Ilene, toughly, is the pieta re for 19,k., 'There don't Le any Li:twins at all, at least for a while, Last year 230 ranee into this country. Cutting them off entirely will allow Ford people to bring in more nec- essary parts for their lower•prired cars largely manufactured in Can- ada, 81 al e General 'Motors, faced with a sim- ilar problem, are also not likely to bring in any of their costlier makes; so for a time there won't be any neer Buicks, Cadillacs or Olcismobiles crossing the holder, other than those driven by American visitors. Just what this means is seen in the fact that last year more than seven thousand Bucks were brought in. For every six FIudson's last year tlu-rc will be lint one in 1948. Pack• artls, over 1800 o1 which came in during 1947 will lie cut to 275. For Nash, the 110sitiill is about the sante as Hudson although this doesn't take Mb, consideraticn the cars of that make planned to produce in this company's 'dant. K aioet" 1'1'aser, a comparative new- comer in the field, sold something al•tr.md seven thousand cars in Can- ada last year—the quota this year is something ander twelve hundred, Last year nine thousand Studebakers were bronglu in. ft looks as if there 11'11'1 Le any this year, and new Stud- ct'akel:s will be virtually non-exist- ent 1111111 then 11115' plant in 'Hamil- ton ,tarts producing, 111 view of the restrictions, \\'illys has decided 11.11 to import any more st:,inn wllgims Lent will concentrate on Jeeps and Jeep Trucks. The 1948 (mica of the little ('roslev is set at 1111y 28 cars—because this car wasn't marketed here till late in 1314;--u1- lb'nlgll there is a possibility that this might be increased, Whatever the final quota set, all imports by this company- are likely to he of the station wagon type. 1' 91 So, as we said in the beginning, don't expect that expensive American car you're been dreaming about to- morrow, or even the next day. FIow- erer, by June or 1111', there are likely to ile a lot more English snakes for sale --although (hese. too, 5ri13 prob- ably be snapped up in no time. Summing it up then, the only cars which will be available in any sort of volume. are those in the low and medium-priced fields, such as Chev- rolets, Fords, \fercurys, Dodges, Oidsmobiles 6's, Monarchs, De Sot - OS and 5o on, By Another Name Doctor's Wife: "Anel what docs your .husband do?" 2nd Wife: "He's an efficiency ex- pert "in a large office." Doctor's Wile: "what docs an ef- ficiency expert dor' 2nd \3,'ife: "\\'ell, if we women did it, they'd call it nagging." Presto!—i'rctty Nanette 'Paige is opening a remarkable can, ]1y punching foto' holes in the bottom, she allures a liquid to enter another 111011tber where it conies in contact with it chemical, Presto—heat! The - heat cooks the contents of tate can. Presto—hot thinner, Winter Playground—More than 2,500 persons braved the wind -1x.1111 ice of fent-tang Bay 7o . attend I tntta11gui'he11e's first winter carnival, which featured dogsled rate- and scoot racing, the new Georgian Bay Sport, Idolding the reins of his dog, is Ted Light, winner of the do:; race for contestant; under 16 veal's, anti '-17'11.1 Nicholson. 1I(,ney I-Iarbor, a close second. Sports -- And One T hing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") ".lie gave me forty thousand doll- ars worth of baseball information -- and a very,snmil Mise in pay." That was the crack :lade by Eddie Stinky right after his recent discussion of 1948 contract terms with the Brook- lyn Dodger president: and evidently it got beneath the skin of Mr. Rick- ey, an astute gentleman noted for itis intinla'e knowledge of two things —the intricacies of the Fame of base• ball, and just exactly 31150 many cents there are in a dollar. Anyway, shortly after popping off in this manner, \L', Stanley found himself traded to the L'ost3nl Braves in 11111. of baseball's most surprising deals, as Eddie was looked upon as a fixture with the Dodgers—indeed, it was generally thought he was des- tined to succeed Leo I?urocher when the former "Lip" moves from bench to the front office. a' 11 The trading of Stauky is Lound to stir up a let of things—and among then \1'C wouldn't be surprised to find a revival of interest in the base- ball players' union. The fans hear and read plenty about men like Bob Feller, Ted Williams and other stars who draw anywhere from forty to eighty thousand for a few months toil. But they know little or nothing of players forced to accept, year after year, just a fraction of what they would be worth—and what they cottld easily get—frons some other club, yet tenable to do a thing about it because of the jug -handled style of contracts that, in spite of all arg- uments to the contrary, give the managements about 80 per cent the best of it. 1n his ver' interesting story of his life "Babe" Ruth tells of how Mayor Jimmy Walker made hint "blubber" by reminding the Home Rltlt King brow march his conduct and example meant to the dirty -fared kids of America. Thai's just the kind of Using Jimmy Walker mould be likely to get off, and not even 05/1, kis tongue in his cheek Schen he said it. Vet few men living should be in a better position to know than !Calker that. baseball—boxing—hockey--any professional ,sport is, at bottom, a profit waking business and nothing else. Even the general public should 513055 that much by this time. Vet more pure shush( and hooey is written and spoken about :Port—Yes, and 1011 rat it 11p—than about, well, even the private lives of our glamorous Pic- ture ieture stars. 1f the day ester comes when newspapers pfd sport on the same basis—int the matter of free pllbliri/y—as they do, for insta ee, Automobile Factories or Depart- ment ,S'tor'es, that will be n dark day indeed for a lot of promoters. d' 0 xt The "tie-up" which exists, in far too many instances, between sports writers and sports promoters, is de- plorable, even dangerous The writ- ers, often poorly -paid even by news - Pallet' standards, are expected to meet and travel, on terns of equality', with 311e11 making 111531y titles the money they do. The temptation to eke out those incomes by a seemingly harm- less chore of boosting or press-agent- ing is always there, and is generally accepted. As one well-known Sports Editor—now dead—used to put it to his staff in moments of expansion, "I know you all arc making a little on the side; and with thing's as they ate I don't suppose there's anything Nye can (lo about it, But there's reason in all things, and 1 don't want any over -stepping of the bounds, That is, 15von't stand for anybody pulling 11 gun and sticking anybody up!" 4 The results of this practice are, in nine cases out of ten, comparatively harmless. But there conies that tenth time. Suppose a promoter, to whorl you, are indebted for various favors, is putting on a boxing bout which you know n:ter 411053d I:ase been made. I'erllala it's a broken clown and punch dunk fighter, matched with an up-and-coming 1,03- 11110 oyN'ho can really punch. :Arc yo•t, the writer, going to say 11l: 1 you really thin'.;, or are t•nu (gins In pass it oft -'o3, "well, 1110 public will pro', a' ll• get it. nullity's l' 0)1 1, set 0! 01 the heck"? 4' e if 1,mi/ion be, a —,' r tlht rp,;, 111 akar spar lo broad',' of 1,'.I'11 r,r 1 fatalities._ ter,' fin111 "111.1,'" isi' tolylI, 1,511,',' a ,loud, .Vot so tong apo liar 11„''i7„' son a,,1 ?i -Los I1,1 •r,' to l ntr'; iu 1':r l!'i' ds Cit': 1.u'1l d Chi -ago s',nrt,; t,; i!: r Lad tif,' 770 -'st- inal fortitvde to say r;:at Doyle, ifr a per:'inns t'•')tt, had short died after a k»o'b'nai, 717a1 coded the vat,), but just a) he as Chicago aago tins (our eerned, It hoar' p:d;r, rr.rtedd, in Cleveland, with the result that Doyle 108.0 ki!!cd. _ n « One can't help wondering just what those Cle•e:an'I spiels writers —who trust have l -sawn all about Doylc's omtlition beforehand yet made no effective effort to stop the bout—thought of themselves when they learned I'e Iva; dead. Or, for that matter, the prtlnoters—Doyle's managers—or the folks who accepted rent or a percentage for the space in velirh to stage the :latch. Proba!ly they all 113liPped in—along with a lot of fans— to make sure that the floral tributes at the funeral were both numerous and imposing, "You can always trust the sporting crowd to shell out for any worthy cause— they may talk,hard-boiled but they're really the softest -hearted mugs on earth.” The sentence just quoted is not, by the way, our own. Not So Green Two piles of apples lay on the ground. One contained a large-sized and rosy selection. Tule fruit in the other pile was green and small. "Large on top and small at the Lot - tom?" inquired the new hired hand as he prepared to fill the barrel. "Certainly not-" 1eplied the farm- er virtuously. "Honesty is always the best policy. Fut the little apples at the top and the large ones at he bottom." The hired hand did as he was told, commenting to himself that 1»s em- ployer was as green as his g01ei105 11•(1it. "Is the barrel full?" asked the fanner, "Yea," replied the hand, "Filled and nailed down." "Good," said the farmer. "Now turn it upside down and label it." HARNESS & COLLARS Warmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harneoa Supplies, We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices, We manufacture In our lac- tortes ahtoriee — Harness, Horne Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and. you get satisfaction. Made only hy: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD, 42 Wellington St, E., Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE CHECKED in a a1.47r -0/ Money back For quick relief from itching caused by cereals, athlete's toot, eeebleo, Pimples and Other [tale conditions rise pure,cooling, medleatcd, ltgalti D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Creaseless and talnless. Soothes, comffoortts and quickly calm today itching. IX oO. PRESCRIIcPTIO druggist ISSUE 12 --„ 19495 Europe Foresees Bumper Harvests -\ /111'1 winter has tempered Eur- opean 1:11 00y and given promise of bumper crop; in repayment for last year's suffering. Nowhere leas there been the iu- terse hardship of last winter, the worst Europe experienced in this century. \buru'arlt rainfall accompanied 1bnrrnlnlly Right temperature;. '1'lle n1oi-tare raised prospect for liar - rests that in some countries may equal :hose of before the war, r1 sn:el .11000: Germany -1)r. pite the food shor- tage. 3 111 111 111 1 expe•rieneed untiring like the suffering of last year. In ,lid-rehrearc of J1117, Perlin auth- orities f030f le 1 more tha'1 1fin per - sill, Ind bird fr,ni c.pu,nrt` and mahntu•io ,11. :co 71110:i c•onditiuua are reported this year. France—Che of the best harvests since before the war is expected. Spring Reheat is past danger of frost damage, Britain—London's mean tempera- ture, representative of all Britain, has been tl`e highest since Ip48, Fields are grecs. Italy—The weather man 553-0 Wi11ter 111(1)- be just about over. Flowers are blooming in the north- ern provinces and winter wheat is six 111Clte0 high. Fruit trees blos- som in orchards outside Rome, _ Scandinavia Sweden had 40 per cent more snow, but temperatures three to five degrees above nornmal. Migratory birds are returning to Denmark, 182,0, crocuses are blooming. -Russia—Sone areas report the warmest weather in so years. May Re -fuel Planes In Air Over Ocean Four weeks of tests over the AI• Mantic have led some British air experts to expect the refuelling of planes in the air to become regular routine, Aviation ministry officials are cautiously optimistic. Much depends os the final results of the trials, -which will continue at least through April when weather conditions are usually at their worst. The refuelling service ,..oxides tanker aircraft which sleet at rende- s-0u5 with freight -carrying Liberator planes and pars fo them the 1.000 gallons or more of fuel needed to complete the long nen-stop crossing • between London and Afonhral. It is argued thaat refuelling in flight has these advantages: 1t enables an aircraft to lake off from a shorter runway, because it need not carry its full Toad of fuel. It increases the possible payload and increases the range of all aircraft. The increased payload is the Main commercial arg»Rient• It is calculat- ed that a passenger aircraft cottld save the --eight and space needed to carry 2,000 gallons of fuel and '- so add :1 its passenger -carrying cap- acity by 16,000 pounds, or 50 persons. The highest peak in the western 111111isphe05 is Mount Aconcagua, in \rgentine, 22,834 feet above sett level, Classified Advertising A(,1,', IS 15.15- .0 ill 1.1\li :151) ('1.1.4\1`,(1 141lt SA1.1: - OILS, GR c ' TIRES, 11,55 1. 1 n, 1' le rrnady for _.•. 111'..,7 f 1 t ,, " , 501 11 1 . 1 , ( , 11 Add, 080 068 , , ' , 1 1 li 1, ! L1 ' .t. ,d 1 l o. t 1. Un,U., J I !,i ' 1 '•' Ila,,,, y„ I' S1 „.10 It .,, ,,. .�, no. _...__ —_ .._ __ ...- _. 1i;%1, -I, 1 •,. t L r.,t11 hidden or INCREASE YOUR INCOE _ Dolt s:v.r. I.1 , . -1 es. up,•,. ,,, `ea. Niue flog 01 1`Il1opted' ar1:iY for ell t. t '1 Felt ' .1, .. .. -- ...- --.- 151:. 11 1.1.•,-. 11111:,, :5,:4,1 t, diSt fes", 2,511 011:1, nrnl,,,n 111 1,L., ,-:; 11:05, 1 t':'• •,l r., e•y " this Alnlr„ 1. !Slue Brand 1'!,"III, 70, 7221 1'. ,Ir • 4 10. bur 111 I:., '1.1:.- 11,0.1.1,.: 1!1.:1,'1: •1,11T11 Shop 1, 2 Alexandra fib /00, NnutOdd,Arlo - 1 X. , 1010u 1.1.0••, F ,p lo'nt,ltt, Pt 111 ,4151•;51, OPI'181 rl xi ems A 14 l ,1,11 1 tn.'. Bum/ /0.4 full i. i tttati `,, Nant an 10... f' Tln• li•ousay I.• r,,sltred Parent 0Us/ 'u.>a, 271. Had, t0:,- 1. ,0log 1. RAW FURS 510.1',,' aJ lirvner are in 1.01-01 demand Por 1:1 1 ,nil prompt rto olO ahlp Y ur rate 4111 to Alio! •I 8 L : 1 , 10101.1. 0. Infil.01.0,/ Orin 01' 1. 1 1 1 bull1 1 , very l fi std. 1 11 Iter,:' 10,01 10 •• Wo' x 1 i,.1 bnip„,•.1 11 111 et,Al01:1;' 111, rio. mk ”.-n 1 „l s oats, 11.50 pier . I n 5•'. 1'I : .1 aur t,,. :111')) 1; •, .. i•:r,.. 11.11, 5, Strut - 1 I t �'� ill 10, ` n 1p sr.rr prr i:, n n,ll•• 1.1111 I ] ,09 it • 1 ,. 1 ti! WOO et1' 1 1 11.. 1 ,.. 1 :, r•,: - 1' 111„0 1 to•t0, ,. i:l„••'., 1.'.,5 registered HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Pure firs f Il'•r if 1:--, •+1 b Son 910 1,:!,,pe 1orh,ln BROAD -BREASTED BRONZE TURKEY POULTS I, ren r.., order lar (1,42 180 1 ',re0 d 011, •1111.19 lot G01011 Plu!i I 1 n..',n Poults 0'1 r s elton b, brnn•l octs 07. a, t,r Ites :. 1, ,•n, v, 011 turaeya ,r -d I,nl 11 e1( ors e. 11 Do more n, r t IrIe:e In 3511, Pa,(111 Oa It la tit ! fed toupee fed. I..'010 t ,I,Ot annln,l 1 110 new 'rr`n. '1111 11,11 re 1,1 Ol 0, nr r Ir, -r 1. IIr-I .fe'p nrlrr Iib' n, -i, , lit 40 x 150, ue. Bela 11100. ., 1 ,1110, („,l, PUMPS, ETC. 51. 1.0 0 11 111 111110151 1 I II 1,'011 P>',ttelnb. 1.11..,111,• , 11:18111111O f 1 : +I, oat> 8.16.00 cont - pin" 11-,1 1,1,5. (.1:1,.1, 4 belh.o engines, 2% 1, r! , nl 't.' 595.75. control/Ira IomlPa. 1•brin bolo .td. ,6emout, 110 rel,, rally 00.7.00 Scutt fet: o••,• ....logien. 11':4 direct front factor"' dor. ,, ha, 111, rine sue. '01• len, tett. t `i'fiI 1461St. Laurent 1t I. •• I td, 1 , , 21 Inds:'tdol ,• , le ,,,pe. 1', . , tl a 1 r LAI:EVIEW TURKEY RANCH ,,, 11,5111 t oft r OLITARIO 1 t r 1'.I Cr.:,t, , IfAH01tL 1x0 FOUI WL KOLD r'ULLTS F , 10, r w , , ,'t r„ i o. it, I - 1 10, 1i (' i...i 1 method. L.I 5 1 I Start w0. J,l , 2' ” .0 1101 ' dq 1 ll ni 1, 010, 111 ,I1, n. i ,r. ,. ... ... ... .. o. (O., l• nt%,n d' i H., 1101,, I .vor • pi, 11.., 11 YirrIribf. $:.90 11 1.P. .. ..r.0.1,1 , L0 • i 04ey, I1.lt. $1,11 ,1 tee et, • l y. Masan, ''. !al -•0,0 n ,e cool/ s 11 our 11,,• _ -,, n I..r,• ':i l., for ( Lnyere LAKEVIE \4/ POULTPY FARMet: re pr r. a rrk,•,.d (.rr,.• 111:.0.1 EXETER ONTARIO FOUR GOOD BUYS 12?yc IIURONDALE C-r3IC_{S 121•'' All Li,-,.,•, mo I ,i rested. b:,r.n,-n ant us 0l. ee(0J 11 Pa bh. by II+gl.. ren. 10.11 1 Blinn Won s Su,i0X s New io !nock x New 15.1 too., L.,rred Rotas. :, , Demos meted " 12'-0, r::n." a 2 Light •Suseex Al's - ea 140. emirs, c Large typo Leghorn, marul 121•_,1 1,1.7.eta 200 Ali henry breed rocker, is 9c. Ai ed, um breed tv SI Pe Der 100 down 0:51500 0 0 U Ord,•, fen's and enclose ices a't Hu,-ondale Chick Hatchery London Ontario ,'05151' wt.). l,.orrn high mot 0,r t,:a. have ergot /natty years In Noel, IUNr ve1;10nt o work 1111,1 111‘.011110;r /Of Inc ro,t"c.i c•:: prod „•. tion ttrel to ands rd large tUte .et,; ,>'. T11I: Produced Dr.,mdnrfol la 4ers 1'nu' it our breeding:'•h is torr - bey c1.010n,tr:,led h1• Ih,• 1•001fi5',i0h:, tialformio Of he -r 1 r 031011un. in, s 15 the 11,1,.4 '' r ,..,1',,; tha t filen.filen.Fn 11,'1,'1, to .1013 11,01, :',•.-, fie, :ills, 1:11;11 cret... 109111,40Mt-,40M .d . Las been bred all our docks r ',.-H its,al hl lla''�tles!sa 1 , coat -fe D. 0: ., .m1. Conti chi. Its , 111 mt ore than , •chic50. IL 1'0..1.0 1•0 101,• 11 10.1110.11out- ,'hi. '; 4'Id 00510 n Illor0 1 I 1 11 , lima ..10- : littarY bislts. to. pooh,of it thoold re- file ,cal our, e Our r1ID1k:1 2:: •.:s:.1 ,,. ',. had Ih„ ; 1 1'"r steady 1:,,,:,g 01 !its of Inv::- T1,.s 5, tit' sot 11 1 i', -s > r t- t .,ria i. n, 1.. the Uri,/I r: I f[a pet 111,0 -001. \t -• 10 ,•-.711 5111 ' 1 loo o .•'•1. 111 star, 1 eh '1„ 1.111 011 , r, 1 't .ddb m,3 145 mI,( 1" 1' .11 u..'. Order Your Baby Chicks Now OM' It, seek ace White 1./.gi torn H. (J 1 1 fa Friox 1 r ' Hn.nl. ibio1is 1,411.011. 111 01. 0110,fitr. 1.,•. .,1't5 fretfor 210.1 ( •-o h.,• Drodu, 100 are„Il. ruwl'5, r P phi 1:'.' 95`1'1. Poul,', tau. Phone a: I122. 51 w: ere' ,. ROCK COCKERELS Cc For Mae, L : ,,.I A00a. 0110 11,,-,11 1b, I; 0•e, fust , - 'ng and Wed for II'ra >' ol;,nod fast mrowtll1e 0':,o-, 1'011 1/1.11 1'..',,,, J.c N:111110r 01111,1':n. LAKEVIEW CHICKS FOR 1908 trunk a real le', 015 or/411.ng "10111, user 10.050 breeders ,netwete5, bnhd,.l and 510a1 rrstod Many essron,ers nu re Lau tee XS 01 0051l11afua 0010050 185111 La toi1'irn' Chicks Tills seat 11 mal. 130 even mare ',portant to buy the t,1st lIlo and Mrs Norman SI"II10 of Parkhill. Ontario, have had 15 efirui071.1.(lt'e 11 ars nt eo"l Wiens success 10111, Lase. view Ch,oI,s. R'i:a' Dagt yua ton? siert Your rh.cks early There viii be a shortage of egg, rest Poi! and prices are Wood to be higher herd lir large Illustrated 00.0 logos and Pooh!y Management uu lde with big early 00101 d:0r,ants. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM WEIN BROS. EXETER, ONT. - BLACK AUSTRALORPS� R, 0. P. S:005. Hatching Eggs, day old chicks. DONLEY POULTRY FARM ROUTE 13. LONDON, ONT. INVESTIGATE Before yotl 11114.r your chick nyder, TndAY as never bolo;•, it base to buy quaint'. Oslo- tortb'o Ch t, IN 11500 been the chnfre of par- ticular poult•r20'n for 21 ,'enrn. Send for our free rS»,ingae find price 11st tudu4'. The 05rl.c^ you 0tnrt Your chicks, the more pro- nto they will make for you. we hove Burred rto. lie, New Itaupshhro, Light Sussex, w'1,Ite I,eghot-nr, L, Susses ,,, x N, Han.. 13. Roel, x N, Hemp.,' and N, Hent:, x b• Rock—all approved chicles from p0tLo'uo,Il tested breeders, Write to GsIn- Ll nos 1801', Trenton. On- 10rio. Producers of good baby clicks since 1927, CPT DU\1'N boor verh,.ad, boy started clucks. Say' on 0001 and fuel, off lo tt gond start to catch the gond fall -winter ntarkrts. Buy chlrko•—now--I( you went the markets brat get the extrn rents per do,,',, or 11,. LIMY Hnbdm",r, 120 301m N„ Il'umilton, Ont, BABY CHICK BUYERS Be sure that run order the mom l number of 011101,, lhls season. We are certain that Profits will be nm00 by producer,. who get started on the right track. Monilten Poultry Farm la n 1$1/V01.11 111011L arnrnral farm, Our clleks are healthy, Vigorous, have fast de. velOpment and the neee0aary breeding for high egg production. write for Our cata- logue and Mire list, Monition Pnult ry Farina, Stmlktm,. Ontario, THIS 010111 011,'ry ,Idol; roust he worth Its feed. 15'1111 nig Iinek Farm rhielt5 50" can produce 1101)31 EGGS with 100, feed, moms 11(105 with len: work. 81nn15 mum wllh l,01 equipment. 15.11rr area n1F i.'rl, Faro, chicks will nu'"lantica11>• in, em.' your 000 Yield It t•nlaing additional .25050 nr keeping more layers. 'Write for pri.• Ent and .n loader, 111(1 1(tl('l11 0A1:11. 0-:]. ib„911•,,1 floc' AY 11ARI.? Start is nits at start tern pr0111- ahh. ,`l,l,-koll Feae:o. lie Pn'e :um ,start curly wllll TOD 50101, Ltdeks. 0.,1 * nosy for de• livery on O0' dobe you avloh and thu, ,n•n!,4 risltf delayed deliveries. You get olll>• 9l rang healthy' oro-.seler1,11 ehleks r,•om Ton Notch, 111 our hreedo lure Onverlunou( Apu••ov.•,1 Par thrum t00ted 11101 of good production 5110111). All popular breed:. old wine dor crus, breeds to choose from—,00,I Or nml-0.•1"4, tiny old and older, Heavy m•odueero of :heat and Egge these ehlekn honk[ your chances of bigger Proate. They grow fast feather fast „til pro- 5noe Carly. For fifteen yours, Toa, Marl, hes been drawing repent nrdors from ,0(100(4 en:Ampere 00nt niter fent'. Start early ,Burt right. Start with Top NPteb Chicks. PITO Catalogue. Top Notch Chick Salo, (lnellll, Ontario. TR 1: 1 I si eider, e..t1,41,3 $ it It. or, 1let a 10 0. Y. Liee• t 1 1 5.1 of bon go 18:0.1 01 i 11, 1 . _: 0101:011. len-5,'1. r1 1'.11151, hydra (1(50 to v'n0ge. goon bun, loom. bush. A barge .1 85,800 100.111-011 0.11151 and 00)",; house. Feed 3'02),1 8 'i 20.1:0, 811011. or, bath way Price 11.6.0 (('-A01E; 0IBM, 1100, to 1001, way. 0s.:n and dr:e.•st,rd, 10,n !wire, good house, Price 17.00. FAItE .;, an 8.t, e, 0, 0,4 to hell, 11 Interested 1lCPC. .1 01. LONG; Real Estate Broker, Brllaae',, 0.. t. - BUILDING 28' X 421 ALL 11151011. \EVER needs palntug. Erected 10 !n roan hours, immediate delivery, (0- urr„ .lull, A Neale Sales Ca., 21 don'ts Street, Ter0am. PIN-UPS FOR MEN ONLY if >-"u 're 21 veave or age You 2000 obtain our 110 rid 0.10.41 0umu4, photographs of gotga0110 n, 10,s mare and young professional mod, to nt ,1 • 5n1:0r Der set Please bete Bar EUROPEAN PHOTO SERVICES 51 ADELAIDE ST. E., TORONTO MONEY 8111ICC buanra, 1,, 1011114e near :`•1. 7 1.1.1..1 , complete Na t,r wer Sew ill 1 H`m ere n flacons g 011 property Also n, rt ,r I.a•1 0 .nr11• Harold Ma csholl L>m. eIt.utt Al l 1 '.” 011E01. D, Fo, y.stootts and Ilheu- „1 1,. 11' .;:,lied. Munro', 1 ,.g . , , . ., ,0 1 lb , ,,. Ino a. I'ostnald 11,5 10111, 1111 1 of Iiheunatte pa',,, s.t 1. 1 70, l,!nait'n Bern• ,05 M ,o S Drug911.1,. ' 1162,,. Ott0W.. b,•.d St.00. O('l'OI(T[- !11'1'IF:S 1'1111 W011115 BE A HAIRDRESSER (015 CANADA'S LICA DI• , scDoof, tl heat '00,',l up,::y Learn Halydre0sitlg I Pleasant dignif,o.t t+:ol.wsiorl, good wages, thou:Alois successful Alarvot graduates, gmerle,t's greatest system. Illnstruted cata- logue fres. write or Call Mir:v'101, HAIRDRESSING ScHt s ti... 858 Blow 50. 11'.. Toronto Praw'brs: 44 00.,:, St , Houlihan. R 74 Rideau .5u'0e1, Ottawa. PA2'E NTS 1'ET14EI(STONA 11(101 9 Company, Patent B0110iumn. Established 1805, 14 Ring West. 7'orunl0. ILoOI,L-t of information nn request. "ELIJAH: Coming Before t'i l ist", wonderful head, flee, Megiddo 1O. elm,. Reeh,0ter I1, A Y, 127 510♦ L -\ Y .4AEIC G n also formulae adabte Descriptive tc 01114I1 Fyte Company, 145 QueenWoo. Ottneu 001 I ASTR(1L005', 001n1 0tr,', I jus, north of Queen St., Toronto. ARMY FOLDING TABLES, thasi 0.-07 ti• ts Offered a3 a 11r.e0 far 11010.111 COSI. e 72" a :' 1' x 38". Suit- able 11 • , a, 0 t ,. Ia•gaets, t hub's. shipping 01,d ...CI .1. I...' 0! anr•,osys. T.. , ear 13. nr Pari:, E' 1011 Toronto. C.0.0 or send Money f$11.,- Allose nil or transport when n•'der'r/ 1' Bht'T1-TONE, 4'9 Cecil Street. Toronto. :\S..L•t'de 2717 CHERRY LOGS 0...•,01 tor cost, %Ai.. Re, 04 Fergus. ort, COTTON TOWELS Blenened. hem Flour end 000. 2000. beta. 0304. 17' s ;N" for dor. 12,40; 2 dn::0, 14.00; i dot• $10.00, add 250 shipping charge 107-Pro,ln,11, 07 Ontario 4t.. Toronto. RE(,ISTERI:D Alaska, Ajax. Cartier and Eeacel ••:,iO CERTIFIED 0racon, and Beaver 10 ,;,, and Mnntrnlm Barley: COM- MER('1AT. Nn. 1 and No, a Cartier, Max. Deaver, Al... t'lelnnd. Banner and Vic. tory oat”. (in'n^r. Barbed and O.A.C. 21 00, lo': ('0\11111111'1 AI. No. 1 O.A.C. 181 Peas. ('ANN'S 51171 t.td., Exeter. Ontario. TU CI,L•`.AIL rix eight -sound nails amber honey, 111.510; 70 pounds, 114.10. Herbert Herrin, Alllstnn. Ont. AYRSHIREft, butte. calves rq breeding age, from R.O. R dams, (Worse Sprn!g. Thorn- hill. Outs Do. AD.I1 'STAn1,E leather cartridge belts. 2381 calrbpe shells, excellent workmn nand/. 13.54. Mars thon Agency, 11140 Gerrard East. Ton onto 151151 Ito,•ren rich clay 104,5, lou acres hardwood WWI, 2005 buildings. 30:tb or without alock and Implements .lames Stewart At,Fmeutwnn, Ont. THE BOOT: for every home, 0:ghl hundred household' helps, Two d0T10 is, r0st paid Order (1,0 D. or verge Zolol, Vertileb, Engle hart Ont. WATCH THEM GROW In new Trans,narent Eleetrir 1•,03,.)• Rrond- er. 600 cnlmclty. Very Deonomte-o. write for descriptive literature. Black Le'b'run, and Al anus factlu'Iog, R. No. 1, Womb/leek, Ont. 4C 011'4 Choi 0 'r0. Power Ment Saws—New, Used, Repairs. The Seale Shop. 691 Bits St., 1'orontn, HARDY 2 -year Lathan Raspberry canes, MOP per hundred, Premier Strawberries 02.00 per hundred. A. Crowle. 11.19. 1, Wing - ten. oat. HI -POWERED RIFLES Converted snort inn models, 1100o110,t 0,ndl• tion. Sl:lou „1111. Satisfaction Uunr0nte'd or Money rc rowed. Write for doacrnttvo folders, SCOPES SALES CO, 326 QUEEN ST. OTTAWA, ONT. k'0XT101'NI) with redh0ne Props. 9 rlm,thl 015. Outstanding hunting strain. Melee 316.00, 1S'oolo. 512.00, Harold Snider, 100010 Na 2, Kitchener, Ont. 16 Mutual SL, 9(11101 N A NTE n REGIS1''0R GENERAL DUTY—LivingI'N S conditions aro salary geed. Hospitalisation olan, Aooiy superintendent Brume-lrlselsouol Per- kins Goan final, Sweetsburg, Que. Lul!AL advertising r,vresentatve wanted for monthly publication wilt reader coverage in your Inrolity. sul,rtantiol ceminlen'on ar- rangement on P./elusive County contract. Pull details to Afwley Advertising Agencies. Moo Richmond 150st, Toronto. DOOR 1.. door iole,mon wanted to sell made to measure mens 5023,0, dlreet from menu - torturer. Large Profits. Apply Burry Allan Pants. 11011 St Lan•rorre, Montreal, 1. Que, MOUTHS WATER when the fragrance of Maxwell House fills the air. This wonderful blend of coffees is Radiant Roasted to develop to the fail ai its extra goodness. MUTT AND JEFF—It just dawned on Dawn that it wasn't dawn yet, YOUR NEW VOH, THAT's 'MANS NAME NOT HER ( 'DAWN" 'IS REAL VERY PRETTY MKS. MUTT! WE JUST V BREAKING - CALL, HER "DAWN" 'BECAUSE SHE'S. ALWAYS -- By BUD FISHER DAWN, STAND ON THIS MATTRESS WHEN You Do bISHES THE FLOOR k 19 HARb ON YoURFEET! I;\