HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-3-3, Page 740,000 Russians Prefer to Make Homes in Britain Of the many misconceptions of our day, none is more presistent tha:. the belief that Britain swarms with foreigners, all eager and de- termined In oust Britons from their jobs In cold, sober figures the picture looks very different -259,- 000 civilian foreigners (of 16 years of age and upwards) compared with the 33,000,000 Britons of compar- ables ages, 'lit -Bits, England. This comparison takes no ac- count of German prisoners -of -war or the 142,000 Poles who are in this country only as an aftermath of war, Neither of these categories can be said to compete with British workers to any serious degree be- cause they are not free to under- t.tke civilian employment in the ordinary way. Could you guess which nation is most strongly represented among the 250,000 civilian foreigners resi- dent in Britain? France, America, Italy, or—? The answer will sur- prise you. Russians top the list with nearly 40,000, while close be- hind, numerically, come the 35,500 Germans. In both cases these civilians are almost entirc,y refu- gees from their native lands, and many have been here for years. Next on the civilian list conte the Poles -20,500 of them—and then the Italians With a total of 17,000. The Austrians are nearly as strong numerically — 15,850. Americans ar,: sixth on the list, with a total of 13,600, closely followed by 13,- 000 French nationals, 'l'hen there are 12,700 Chinese, and after them the Dutch (11,500); Belgians 00,- 400); Czechs (10,000); Swiss (8,- 800); and Norwegians (8,600). Much (ower down the scale conte Spaniards (4,400), Drones (4,0101, Greeks (3,800), Swedes (8,0051, and Rumanians (2,400). The two smallest groups are 81 Dollars and 198 Luxembourgers. There is, however, one category worth a mention on its own—the 2,700 who are a perpetual head- ache ache to the authorities. The Y are c'a •sified as Stateless, and even if they were highly undesirable, they could not be deported for the simple mason that they have no known Fatherland to which they could be sent. One other aspect of the picture must not be overlooked. The 250,000 foreigners mentioned arc by t>n means all the then and women of foreign origin now resi- dent here. 1' men January 1, 1946, and June 30, certificates of natural- ization were granted to 13,415 appli- cants, and only 150 were refused; and on June 30 another 23,070 ap- plication: were outstanding. At this rate, another ten years would build up the proportion of foreigners to I for every 64 Brit- ons—scarcely a proportion to cause worry. So It Will A commercial traveller entered the shop of a grocer named Marcel and said: "March, on the 1st of April the price of tea is going up." "I'm sorry to hear that," replied I4f 'rrlt. A few days later a wholesale sales- man came in and said: "March, on the 1st of April the price of sugar is going up," "I'm sorry to ]tear that," said March, Later on the landlord came in and said: "March, on the 1st of April I must put the rent up." "I'm sorry to hear that," said March. Then he put up his sign in the window: "The first of April will be the end of March," More than 1500 displaced persons from Germany recently arrived in Canada to start new — and happier — lives with the help of the government. On arrival, they are registered, given sheets and blankets, fed and bathed. Prospec tive employers must guarantee them a year's work at prevailing wages, living quarters and good working conditions. These pictures sho some of the D,I . s at St. Paul I'Ermite, near Montreal. Above Jack Frost gives them a cold reception as they wait outside the govern meat hostel to board busses for Montreal. Sports - And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") Arany columns have been written— and there has been evert more "In- side dope" passing around—regard- ing what ails the once -mighty Cana - diens. "They're sore at Seiko"; "There's dissension between the players"; "They just won't give their best for Dick Irvin any more"—these are just a few of the pieces of gossip you hear whispered around by the wise -guy element that hangs about the fringes of every sport * * * Well, we haven't had a great deal of personal contact with any of the Canadiens for the past few years; and our long-standing opinion of the value of "inside information" is that 111e more you hare, the quicker you can go broke betting on it. From our most recent look at the Mont - meters in what might he laughingly called "action" we would say there is no mystery at all about the lowly position they occupy. * * * 6l'hen eec were n lot younger, there used to be n somewhat ribald verse which was rather popular. It rat, as 21'0 recall, something as follows; "King David and King Solomon led Merry, merry lives — With maty, maty lady friends and nearly, ninny wives—But when old age came over then,, with many, many qualms — King Soloman wrote 'Proverbs' and King David wrote 'The Psalms.' 4; * * And that just about sizes up what's happened to Canadiens. The way hockey is played nowadays, once a guy's legs begin to go bad on him, you can ring down the curtain. Old age seems to have caught up with several key members of the once - Flying Frenchmen all at once, and they just can't stay along with the pace any more. We may be wrong of course, but iu our opinion it's as simple as that "She was a good old waggon but she done broke down"— and unless a miracle should happen, we feel you can count Canadiens out of it until a heap of rebuilding has been done. Just In The Nick of Time—In Cleveland an ex -Marine pestered by domestic troubles wrote to a • newspaper threatening suicide, Reporter Jack Hume was sent to investigate, altd , above is seen arriving just in titne to prevent Dominic Varkett from leaping off the High Level Bridge, ..With the help of a passing truck -driver, Hume managed to pttll the would -'be suicide to safety and, after a struggle, to subdue hint. Here, for no good (reason., we are reminded of a crack the late 11'ill Rogers once palled. It was during the first if'orld War, and one even- ing Rogers 11413 al fie stage doing his monologue and rope -spinning act when suddenly a middle aged lady in the audience rose and shouted, "Why aren't you in the Army you big coward,'" Rogers raised his Itand and quitted other members of the audience who were felling the dame to sit down and daft up, then asked her fo repeat her question, "Why aren't you in uni- form?" she yelled. "For the very sante reason, my dear lady," Bill calmly replied, "that you aren't in the Ziegfeld Follies. Physical dis- abilities!" * * * Down in Parliament somebody Inas come up with the bright suggestion that Canada should try to find some loophole in the amateur laws where- by Barbara Ann Scott could be pro- vided with a University education, at public expense, and still retain her present status as a "simon pure". This strikes us as about the d?zziest • idea that has evolved from that dir- ection ieection in some time, which is saying quite a lot. * * * Barbara Ann Scott has already brought to Canada—and to herself— just about all the honors there are in connection with figure skating. Anything else she does, from now on, is hound to be in the nature of an anti -climax; and next time she mightn't be so lucky. For while she is undoubtedly tops in her graceful art — although some of those dis- gruntled rivals don't appear to think so — from all reports she didn't get any the worst of it in finding better ice conditions than soup of her com- petition did. * * * Then why—just for the purpose o£ preserving her "amateur status" — tion when, just by making one mo - should Canada give her free educa- tion picture, she could probably col- lect enough to take her through every university in the land? Why—just to provide a grand box-office draw for some snobbish Skating Clubs that wouldn't give her a tunable if she'd finished second—should Miss Scott S1o!5CRATCt NG Relieve Itch in a Jiffy 7/Relieve itching due to eczema, pimples Ioiditd'.ssoioolng radiated DDD. troubles. (ordinary strength or extra strength). Greaseleo, stainless. Soothes and nen, Steno aching nukkly.35e trial hatleprova Wad,. Proscription or money Irak. k year druggist kr ISSUE 9-1048 refrain from following Sonja ITenie's lead and collecting some real dough for herself? * * * No doubt many will recall all the auger and head -shaking there was in that same Miss I'fenie's native land When it was announced that she was turning pro. But, had she refused to do so, what would she be now. Just another old-timer, hanging around the carious skating meets, and with- out enough of that youthful zing and charm left to catch the judges' fancy any longer. Barbara Ann Scott should cash in, while the cashing's gond, and tell anybody who tries to persuade her otherwise to go chase hilnself. * * * For the public—especially in mat- ters connected with sport — hos a shockingly short memory. Twenty year's 0)' so ago there was a young lady by the name of Gertrude Ederlc who caused far more of a world sen- sation - by stoinlnliag the English Channel — thanBarbara Ann Scott can ever hope to do. Wonder where Gertrude Ederle is now—and if she ever thinks of those thronged streets of cheering thousands 101)0 once so z2 )11112 greeted her. "Three cheers are all very well, but when it carnes to buying groceries they don't go nearly as far as three bucks" may be a cynical viewpoint. Still, it's not very far front being Use truth, just the saute. Fifty-fifty "Where have you been?" "Having my hair cut." "You know you can't have' your hair cut in the firm's time." "Well, it grew in the firms titne, didn't it" "Not all of it." "Well, I didn't have it all cut off." ll9� I'a.TTQ:IJL4R Ato7JT coffee? Then try Maxwell House. It contains choice Latin-American coffees. Expert Blending com- bines them all in a superb Maxwell House blend that has extra flavor. ERVES" ealled Te Losing interest—los• ing friends—she never went out any more—always too tired. "Nerves", she thought—hut it was her kidneys—the fil- ters of her blood— that needed attention. She used Dodd's Kidney Pills at once. The improved action of her kidneys helped to dear away blood impurities and excess acids. Fatigue, backache, headache, lack of energy dis- appeared. Dodd'' Kidney Pills contain essential oils and medicinal ingredients that act directly upon the kidneys—and help restore their normal action. 144 Doddrs Kidney Pills Classified Advertising AGENTS nAN1 ) C./11.S, GRI 151ES, moo' Il,ld'o. 11r'trie P :r tnutrol),,, 11011n1• end Barn Paint, lux unnL n,ay '•u r. D''ab'rn waned. Write war ' Gr'e',• @ eel IJm its!. Toronto An old est abliehed thick troc 0 whams agents lel Home diotri,.to. Ltehat enlnmb ulna mod. lm•rense your morose.. write OA No. 1, 71 Adelaide St. 11(., Toronto. 01 Si utile, 111 1 lIlt'I t 1 r 1'1 Hs 414 OPVt6B to every inventor Leg at invert Ilona and full Inferno, non 0111 tree 1'h, Romany I s Registered Talon) llHem,. 411 110,0 8'rvel 01iue'n r0T'R OWN BUS1N1i8S — Pull or Spare. Hine. Start at home. Big cash profits' empty made nsoluttzin) Baby Shane. N0 lexs,orl,S.,'. Few deltas' mart rue—BIg Demand. Write GLUM SALES, A-6 Suite 1102, 210 6th Avenue, New York 10, New York. .. SAIII CH)CKe Monk ton Poultry Chicks — 100 082 babe chick' for one relation To receive diet• den,' on gout eves' hent, you meal be 4.01 Min where your money to mural e0 We offer 700 50)12 08tc0e tom n P oulrly farm with every breeder pullurum tested end government banded T000 ad smitten of aur early 0)8• count Write (0r our 1048 cat elegem end price oat Monk10n Poultry Fa rem Monk ton ()nutria Four -Week -Old Pullets 1,00, three, (our week and older pullets February ha Wheel Store with early hatched chick. rind net the high pries' Eur eggs next Summon and early F0)1 Large Type Whits Leghorne end .oven other 1,00,801 breeds Send (or price 1101, Mann MMeien1 Oulde end catalogue and book your order now Lakeview Poultry Farm Exeter Ontario 121/4c Flurondale Chicks 121/2C All Breeders blood tested, handed and to sheeted and backed by high pedigreed found. at ion stock Sussex x New Hemp fork x New Homp, Braved Rocks, Sea 111111108 mixed 15tic, pellets 25c Light Sussex Mix ell 110. pallets 27e. Large type ),0Rhorn0 mixed 1" -Ira, pullets 20c All heavy brood enekrrcls le. Modem breed 20. $1 00 per 100 clown butane° C D. Order from and enclose title nil I-lurondale Chick Hatchery London Ontario RING THE BELL with Schammer's Quality (114-1,0 Govern. men) npnreved, R 0 P Sired Make no nt)n- lake entnlogne Free Sebum ewes Be Olney. Linwood.. Ont. RAISING CHICKS" Special pr10e for Match. April—heavy breed enc1mr0)8. 40. medium weight hybrid reekerels, 2c, U'Rhorn och• prole, 1e Seventeen yearn latching eleeks for galleried eurtomere. Live nerten l guns an teed. Opt lull In formation Frani, Newe 08. wn1(0101, Ont. 81C, !Risky, Heavy Breed Cockerel@ semen] for Feb 16)11 end 230.1. 00.00 per 100, elan non-rescel chicks and pullets at bnrgnlb Priem' write today for nrrellel and free eolrmin r. 1110 1100k Form 11111' I:n,too. On) _ _ • 0)8105' and pork aro still high In price, Moro over all indications point towards continued premium nrieca on all type nt meet. The alert poultrymen. who wisely in- vests In flora of fast growing chl0ka that will mature Into broilers or roamers In a few short week. stands to make an extremely handsome profit Ulla year. No matter whether you are reining chickens for the eggs they will produce or to .0)) as broilers or 100,40r. on the dreased poultry market. you can make more money It your chicks are from quick maturing, heavy laying an- cestry. The Mae time required for your chicks to reach broiler size. roasters or to start lay- ing the earlier you will begin to realize a return on your Investment. Oil 'Eon Notch chicks are from Government Approved Pul- lernm tasted breeders and are Last meter- ing. Thio year should be a good year to really melt In handsomely on sour poultry - Free catalogue. Top Notch Chicle Sales, Guelph, Ontario. Rock Cockerels FOR February and March, our Barred Rocks aro fast feathering and bred for liven - ability and. fast growth, Hones Poultry' Farm, lerseyville, Ont. BABY Chicks from an R.O.P. Breeding Farm Hatchery. It costs no more to buy the best. Satisfaction guaranteed write for price list. Blenheim Hatchery, Blenheim, Ont. Lakeview Chicles for 1948 from er 1 0 real 0, 00breeder. lInspected.and r banded Nan5. 11)000 tested. Many customers have had s'enrs of continuous success with Lakeview Chicks This year It may be even more Importnnl to buy the beet. Mr. and Mrs. Norman 0,1)0,d of Parkhill. Ontario. have had 16consent- 1.13,0 seer. of continuous aureole tel th Lake- view Clucks. Why can't you t00? Start your chicks early. There will be a shortage of eggs next 10011 and Prices are hound M he higher Send for large 11)0,1,0ted 001010rue and 000)1,y Management Guide with big early order discounts, Lakeview Poultry Farm Wein Bros, Exeter, Ont. BLACK AUSTRALORPS R. 0. P, sired, Hatching 0,00, day old chicks. DONLEY POULTRY FARM ROUTE 6, LONDON, O_ NT. GET started Chicks 000 rave on feed, We have them for immediate or Inter delivery. But get your order in soon. It's possible fewer chlek0 may be hatched this Yeer— seme poultrykooper' may be dlsnnnotnted. Order 1101V. Bray Hatchery, 130 John Hamilton, Ont. CT•IICKS for every requirement of the )sultry man. Every poultry producer 1100100 that yell enn make inore moneyyear chicks aro from quirk maturinghen07)al ingan- c00try and that chick" wbcll make the (0,1' 005 growth 8lw'nye are the ones that malro the best enS o have spent 54 yearrecord .\ s inanima eff005endthorough vo aping my rbreeds along the Milling.Droner lines. Only ffemoloo (1105 lnee culla and ,Milne=tales end tested under G0vmmment Sulrerviolon aro retained h1 our floras for breeding, 1Y0 have the following pure bleeds to choose Groin, white Loghorn0, Bingle bl1000000. An- cones, Brown Leghorne, Barred Mocha, White Rooks, Now I+Tamhepre0, Rhode Island Reda, white Wyandotted, Light Suo0ex, Blaen An,tt atom., J. rsey White Clients, Also 12 hybrid crosses. Free catalogue, Twodtile Chick Hatcheries, Limited, Forane. Onutria DYEING AND CLEANING GRAVE ICV ease hog needs dyeing 0r elenn• me write to tie for Information we are glad to answer Your nutations Don0rtment H Parker's Dye Work. Limned 701 Yong, Street, Toronto. Ontario 11(1U SA1.31 ('O11 SALE )18 3'1' gee)ity No 1 pasteurized burry, 12 the RS, ',8 i l'1I16E1> (1l'1RMAN Shepherd . 1'051181* 4 10. tar 011.75. The 0Jeu.iereon Mutt Oe. scum deet Vermilion and American Wood,. Dos 2q, coni lel„li leave, Uaterl". Tt121(01' poops for 001e, Broad brraoied 1,55.. iu rlsty )oohs, VienaHan 1lulc11m•Y ,pl•r -d New 10008ut0,0. Mestere govern ane heeded end puilulum 10o,. No reactors fol tun S4.1110. Muffle fruln o100 ga leered on our own frame. 00 eelert fur cher and meat S 1'p'•. steel fur folders. M"IUniey & M04011, !.debt,. Turkey Ha tubers'. MIL 5, Fore'. 1. Uel. 1'IAN(.6 SOLD — _. BUDGET P1.AN 10% DOWN 0)6hle00 menthe to pay. All 1)0000 are cuo,nlelelY factory recondlllonnd, refinished, tuned like nen'. We have a very largo selection of va rima makes. Write to. day for furrier Information on term. and pianos 1n meek, k'urniture Sales Company, 321A King Street Weal, Toronto. HARLEY l)AVil)S(JN MU'f()RC\'Cl-ES Parte and Service lien L•: Kennedy @ Ban 410 College FI Totems CRAIGIELEA While Holiend Poultsl We sell tenets that live and grew Into nee steady mature birds for 100 retailer who wants plenty of 10 to 12 Ib, dreg: d females, and 15 to 18 lb. toms, which are most In line with prevailing tvelahf demands. Thin honed le naturally heavy 1011 fere 000 lens aurae' fide to leg and J80') d lemma. 11'e hove had our brew] lag Cork Government inspected. Medal and blood tete ed )1111001 a single marten, Place your nrder early to Insure looking Cralglelea Turkey Rnneh. Warerdown, Ont. 320 A0RES. going tonere.. three sources 100000, T'mher, Farm. Beaver. nil snob of Prat trade. halnn,0 rash. Immediate pone se08)0n Write B C Cropland, Golden. 8.0 Broa(1-lireasted Bronze Turkey Poults )teeerre s'cur order for 1048 We turned down orders for 60.000 Poulin laot semen Pouts all ha Mewl In brand new 000010 tor• key in0u0n tore, an 10rxey. (nn rhirleal Wo rx5eet 1111.111 will be more money In turkey. In 1048 11'nn 1047 a. It la Moly feed prlrn' wdl. be ehranrr next summer when the new rrhn emmne nlong Send far 1110007 100000 • meet guide and mire Het and book roux order for 1048 Lakeview Turkey Ranch Exeter Ontario GINS, mmmmnitloo, expert repairing. re• hiumg, high clans 0031100 tackle. Ted Man- nrek Snorting Geode, 220 Ottawa St, h., I1nmilton. BATTERS'•OPEI1A7'ED Radio Set ear 80)0 Deforest Crossley Corona model. 8 tubes. 800vlalle equipped wl th Romeo !eliminator for us with either storage battery or er0 rolls New cost over 1550 0)080 nleer A Finn and lasting gift Bra 151 73 Adele hl' W., Toronto )'1101016 light archer honey, rime of sex Ib Palin. $13 20 F.0 13 Barrie Il nag elation. Include freight charm. to prettily Women t. Stanley R King. 50111e1V L0d50 Apn ries. I3orr)o, Ont CHERRY LOGS Bought far cash. write Box 04, Fergus. Ont. 71711K1,37 Poul to Broad Brea0ted Bronze Breeders and Hatchery ander Gov egnia- Ilona. Write for Information. Evan Mullen, Addison. Ontario. Bends tint are denendnhle for Gnrdnn Levert'. Market Gardeners: write for our Pros 00t. Monne Onto eta Sand rempnlay Wntnr100 smarts "VIKING" CREAM SEPARATORS Whether you need snare marts,power drive, or a new creno, 000000tor. they are avail- able at your Meal VIKING dealer. Wve 0000)7 n Irict Ion clutch pulley with alt our electric dries anti n low stand with our electric machines, See your Viking denier or write to us. SWEDISB SEPARATOR CO. LIMITED 720.721 Notre -Dame west, MONTREAL,— ONTREAL_ CITE Four Good Buys TRUCKING BUSINESS which include, 2 large 0.00),s recently overhauled with P.C.7, License for every kind of haulage, Steads work end a money maker, 100 -ACRE, FARM, hydro. close to village. good building., bush- A bargain 55,300. 100 -ACRE FARM and brick house. goad buildings, hydro, bush, on highway. Price 54,500. 60 -ACRID FARM, close to highway, barn and drivoohed, hen house. good house, Fria/ 32,500. - FARMS. all sizes, priced to tell, it Interested write: 3, 0. LONG, Real Estate Broker, Bruseele. Ont. BUILDING 28' x 42' ALL'MINI'M, NEVER need. un1111fng. Erected in 30 man house, Immediate delivery, 1n - etre John A, Neale Sales Co., 21 Jarvis Street, Toronto. PINUPS FOR MEN ONLY If you are 21 y00re of one you may obtain aur unretouched au0erb photograph. of gOrgeou0 movle stars and young pretension/LI models at one dollar per set. Please 'tate age. European Photo Services, 51 Adelaide St. E., Toronto line Malta 500, Females 560. For compaI lunch;,' 1,1110 protection, Rut a German Skew h •r,l. llilthoven Kennels ihrg'd, St,olan•ny, 00, 1''t R SAI,11, Pain. at Mulrblrlr, 135 )000. I,1I'lnm00 lar share 000)301' 00 00100 Burloy T'dvu �•e and general farming crops. Slat* what help you have and 11 any ogalpment, 11. J. McManus, Phone 08, R.R. No, 4, 8t.' If (WRY MAKING 8001nv00 In Village near No. 7 0)55007, complete water power SaW Mill, license and Garage an property. Man 10 acre farm. 40311' Herold Marmsnll, LYR, Ont, ARMY FOLDING TABLES Gond ueetl condition, Offered at a 3'100 Car. below coal, alae 72" x 30" x 30", 8,fb able for parties, banquets, chubs. ahlppins and other useful )urp00en. To clear 50.08 reek, F.O.B. Toronto. C.O.D, or 'end Mon0y Order. Advl00 rail or transport when metering. N. BLUESTONE, 40 Cecil Street. Toronto. Adelaide 5773. $6 0oo 100 acres, to clo00 n0 ectal*. ''f41- Rcod cloy sell, hydro. 134 r111041l0•a from eduoi, ehoreh, train & bus. Kenneth 11010. Reabm•o. ENGLISH bulldogs'Wintered pa3p)00, grown stool,, Lnheland Kennels. H. J. Goon, P,ewdioy, Ont. FOIL one dollar I wilt fiend You formula for one of the beet beeper events 5n0wn: ••nornutrwd 00 100005 beck. Stanley Fuller. Wl,ilnrs•, Ont. AWI',TABLE leather cartridge belts, 22-38 ea11W'e mmlia, excellent worlrmanohip, 53.50- Marathon Agency, 1340 Gerrard East, Tor- _ 0 EIGHT sound palls Amber honor, 513.004 70 pound. can 518.05. Herbert Barrie. A.1- ilstein, Oat, NEW Briggs & Stratton Alr-Conled 90001190 engines. Aaeorted elm'. Write for Dos- rrlplive Folders end orlon. Scone Sa1,0 Co.. 356 Queen St., Ottawa, Ont. SPLENDID 000rtunity: we have for tale trunk garden situated North Buy. Ontario: no compel itinnt Immcdlnto possession: down moment, 53,000 FOR full particulars write Mrs. Charles 50011ie, real estate broker, Pastel' flee Box 72. North Bay, Ont. 5^.Tt VeuWlY 1,I ^OTRIC Welding & Radiator Renoir. Rig trade in tobacco steamers. Alone and vane carry on. 4 acres on highway. modern 7 room brick house, new barn and ]ten hn.e, R. Sear000, Realtor. HAIRDRESSING LEARN Hairdressing the 1100001000 method Information on request regarding classes Robertson's Hairdressing Aademy 117 Aver nus Road Toronto tI F.11) (.A PROVEN REMEDY — Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pn1ns or Nourme should. try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's' Drug Store, 216 1651)0, Ottawa. Postpaid 11.00. BOWMAN'S Rub, an effective remedy for 01nus trouble, flu, swollen glands, bronchitis, weak eyes. +Molten throat. Addimee 260 Queen St. W., Toronto. Price 52.00. DON'T DELAYI Every tetferer of Rheum- atic Palm or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 336 151010. Ottawa. Postpaid 61.00. 11PPISR•rr'NITI He FOR W1)01E5 �RE A HAinDRESSER .10IN CANADA'S LEADING SIBOOL 0rrnt Opportunity Learn Fin lydreasin0 Pleasant dignified profession good wage' 'hnnannds amuse' fel Mn rvel gulden In America's gree teat system Illustrated ,ala- Iogue free Write 0r Cali MARVEL. HAIRORERRINO SCHOOLS 668 Moor St IV corona Br000he, 44 1tin, Sl Hamilton 5 71 R1dr011 010001 Ottawa 1111'IIRTDNITIES FDR 5810N AND WOMEN NEED ,mmodiete randy Income" 80mi05e 10 Green',, 116 Oxford. Toronto, for hook on tested mall hu0lnesnee begun en 0)1ne- 'tring PATENTS 10E'rIIERSTON A UGH @ Company patent en'lol tore lista hushed 1950 11 King Wret !'aroma 8,00)01 of Information 0 request PIORR4INAIV "0114345 1105117(0 Rror0 flue." Wonder fol b0ols free Megiddo Minster' Ra001810, 11. N v STAMPS of all kinds bought. nay 60 oenio ser 150 for used 1;11a0bntl,e. Bnr,b)n0. Brantford, Ont, 137 MONEY -MAKING plans, 0100 formulas 00lnblo products. D,00011tive literature FREE E11'10 Company, 145 Queen Weak Oltnwn. 11ELP WANTED HELI' WANTED — 1(EN, WOMEN, Earn 025, to 550 100,1,15. Add*easing Chrdo. Bend The to rover mailing, McMILLAN COMPANY, 5030 Wnshington Park Ct. Chicago 16. Illinois. REGISTERED NURSES 4— FOR GENERAL DUTY—Living conditions and eatery good. Hospitalization plan. Apply aupm')ntendent. 13ro,nc-55fathomed Per- kins enk)ns Hospital, Sweetabu'g, Quo. Cigarette Tobacco ALSO AVAILABLE POUND TINS MUTT AND JEFF—And The Fish Jumped Right Back In The Water By BUDD FISHER OH, MOTHER DEAR '18 COMING To VISIT US! I'LL HAVE I'LL IRAN;AUP MOTHERS NEW PICTURE - `• - wot1'1•TREY ,SURPRISED TO SEE THIS! Moer;uts,,F,COMESEE a'1 Mower; WHAT WE PUT OVERTHE 0.0 MANTLE To REMIN a A d cl / d �� � � TO MEET HER AT THE STATiOH! FIRST/ 'f'l' its f `'1?` t 't try US OF j.;•;,• .)(1 h YoU( tea, 3 , ,, dl Vii' i1 Ao,, .a%..,. i iii !� i�lf��, 'iY ill (; .S sp ��{ I r `'.`' • r f„Vii' �ya 1te vaMb•I va r1 ' S ;f i - U[.. r. �"'— 4,�. ' h e IIS MB J 5 a 6 5 t -"• t4.-,e`a.k �.i,: •7 \p' : r7c� .ifja t..� I ”; �',!j'{(�qp ���,_,a•"(t It F - �(1 f .j to f {I J ,..iJ41- '(},[''._�p�.�. ,., 1 \ 1 1'. �. I "ate,'' ' t