HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-3-3, Page 4Listowel, Ont. tch for' FIB 1.1 l tin gi ( 1. 110' e,'`r 1- '4#1f :i ,;oe cLi 124, We have heaters, adios, slip covers in stock for your General Motor Car. eilMtr ad m , ccesso fes Also a large stock of Genuine Ford Parts and Accessories. "Service With A Smile'"' L. & W. JACKSON OTORS tinned Phone — 161 Listowel — Ontario THE BRUSSELS POST Ag 41, r: d BI' <UARY __—• ffLt Chatter H Y FOR SALE - 2 Work pig,. 5 weeks Rue rinoatrnt enr Corlett (AIN DON. Feb. 2 . _,1 native 01 'fait Count y, Charles Henry Cor. 1S' lett, 41, of Walton, lied at Victoria Phone "- -0 Hospital Thursday. He lead !arm _ eel near Walton for the last two ma FOR SALE - 1 large sap pan, 10 good condition. \l rk IT:unilton Pham' 4,-r-26 FOUND -- 4 snap -on chalk, .16(1'• rain have same by calling at Du9(sens' :u' to 1)1.nn Store nue payine for ad. 'LEASE NOTE— ;it.,.:.ors sharpeue.1 and put in don; and four brother( Albert Cor• 1' rt', ct working and^r if left at The, lett. Not -metals, P.Q.; Herold ('pr- Drussels Post. i lett, Hanover; and Glen ^nrlett, _ Walton. The body win be forward.. WANTED— '1 years. 1h•. Corlrt1 r1•(" •or n" Y ear. a an-er, going to Timmins 20 years ago, and remaining there until he moved to Walton. Sur - riving are 115 whine. Mrs. Winn'. fred Coriett; two daughters, Chap lone and Dawn and a son, William, all at home; his t>']rent1, lir. and. 1L'<. \\'Hilae Corlett. Mon1(hnu; a •t.r, Air.. Fred Stultil1iton, Tarn - CLEARING Ataeitt.ee �AL11 Of Form Stock anal Ir.plcrosnti. At lot 46. highway 60, two miles east of Bluevai•e nn MONDAY. MARCH eth starting at 1 o'clock The following— HOitE1SS 1 Golding 7 yr. old 1 mares yr. old'. in fell 1 filly colt t,OWS Cow 5 yrs old due end 01 \I;trr•11 row, 0 yrs, old, farrow ('016 0 vis. ((1d calf ,t f/,•.t Cow R yrs. old, fre:r( Cow 4 yrs. old due end of April Coy 7 yrs. old due fir.t 1pr'i Cow 4 305, 014, duo rad •1pri1 Cow 4 yr-. old elle 'mi't'e of Anril 16 head yearlings PIGS 31 chunks around ne lbs. 20 chunks around 40 lbs, MACHINERY `,'„d, 1 T. Fortson Varier built motor Oliver 2 -furrow tractor plow Bet sIntlee tootle drag harrows (new) International diem bead bay loader (new) International 13 disc fertilleer drill (new) Massey -Morris no. 10 manure spread- er (new) Massey -Harris Wright \Vay milker (new) International walking plow (new) Interniation:al 1 -horse snuffler (new) Mases, -Harris binder 7 -ft cut Massey -Harris dump rake Wooden wagon Four -section diamond harrow Flay tack Fannie mill 4 milk (-ans. like new Massey -Harris mower 5 ft. cut 12 plate out -throw disc • Other articles 100 numerous to tion. 25 tons mixed hay 350 bus. mixed grain 250 bus. Ajax oats (fit for seed) 200 bus. 'Western barley TERMS CASH No reserve as farm is sold. JOSEPH CHAPMAN, Prop. 1 ROBT. PATRICK, Cleat FRANK KIRKBY, Auction0er i1 ,0 A SIGNET Finn etylod. r11Tegorc rJ 19 let, e' 550 ?rad - s609 Perfect d- Perfectly matched —emcl the en- gagement dia- mond is flaw- less. For HETI ATTENDANTS W. G. LEACH Jeweller russe1S, 44/0444 EAR -RI NGS Dainty Hearts and Bows de. co Eden In Siert a6" lug Silver. LOVELY PENDANT Two -torso loveliness In Sterling and Saver gilt. A full stock of Flatware in 1847 Rogers Bros. Il �= Community Plate — 1881 Rogers and Tudor Plate by Oneida Community Also a few empty Silverware Chests. E. Richards it Son Phone 86-r-5 Ethel Repair Your Tractor — any make Remember we Repair all Farm Equipment Dominion Nobby Tires Otaco Farm Implements Pedlar Barn Equipment Book Your Oil Now for Spring The Price h Right. 775') AtAtOWAMAgatTOWIVAVAVatte 1• d to Guelph where requiem high Raw Fnrs, highest pt'iCa, Haid elan mass was elute ,,t Sacree Hone Red Foxes. Ship to :Vermeil Greer. ! Church, Unnflay. at 1,5 1 am. Mr - spoon, 223 Grace St., Toronto. tial followed in Guelph Roman Catholic cemetery. FOR SALE— A few choice 1 ut l.rl(L l( sows (hue in March and April also a Shorthorn Roti 11 months old, Wilbur Turnbull FOR SALE— ' 50 acre farm S 1..a lot ', con, 1.1, ' Grey, frame house, bank barn, thou - i ing shed. hen 'house, hydro within le mile, ' Seines Stevenson Phone 51-5.17 PIONEER CHICK MASH STARTER This is the year to buy chickens and start them on Pioneer. Views of Dr, I. R. Sperling. Poultry Nutri- tion Specialist for Pioneer Feed Co. See your Local Pioneer Dealer. WANTED— con - Man for steady travel among sumers in Brussels. Permanent eon- nection with large manufa:Otnrer Only reliable hustler considered Write Rawleieh Dept. No. ML -J•152• 181, Montreal. _ FOR SALE— Bray Chicks, Started and W- eld for immediate shipment. Get off to a goer start with February March chicks. They Pay the best on fall and winter markets. Don't hold back. It's going to be another good year for 'wise poultrYkeeper9. Agent, W. Gelnn Brav, Phone 34 -r -c, Brttesels. Phone 23-r-19 GREY s Word h,as be511 1•Pceivei of the death in Sacramento, California, of desire McKay wife of tlhlate Robert Fairhairn, Mr. and Mrs. Fairbairn, at one time resided on the 8th concesi.eon of Grey. Her husband and a son predeceeeed her many years ago. She is survived by two brothers, Peter Mei{ay or Brantford) and Alex 1. Mct{1y of Estevan, Sask. Deceased was ar, aunt of Airs. A. ArmterOng and Duncan Nc• Kinnon of Brussels, FOR SALE— ----_ 100 acre Farm, lot 15, con. 15, GreY Township, bank barn, stone stabling, straw shed, and hen house, cement silo. Water in both. Driving shed, drilled well, Spring, Solid brick hens, Frame kitchen and woodshed, 2 miles from church. Miss -Janet McNair, R.R. 2, Brussels PIONEER CHICK MASK STARTER This Is the year to buy chickens and feet' them Pioneer. Views of Dr, T. R. Sperling, Poultry Specialist, Pioneer P'ee(ls, See local Pioneer Dealers. — FOR SALE— 1 Durham heifer to fresher in April; 1 white faced heifer to freshen in May; 1 blue heifer to freshen An May; 1MasseyHerris 13 disc drill with grass seeder in gond shape; 1 13 -hop Peter Hamilton seed drill with grass seeder; 1 1030 Chev. mine running good with good tires, new battery anti carbuerat0r, 1048 license, M. E, McCauley Phone 36-r-15 with re. FOR SALE— Kitchen range, with reservoir and warming closet will sell cheap, also pair ladies' low rubbers size 7, in good conddtion. Hoe 50, The Brussels Post FARM FOR SALE - 72 acres lot 6, con, 0, Grey Twp., on County Provincial road 114 miles east of Brussels, bank barn 75' x 65-, good stahlee and water system, hen house 46' x 15' driving shed, good brick house, drilled well, hydro available, choicest of land in good state of cultivation 40 acres plough- ed. Wiil accept cash or reasonable terms may be arranged, Ulmer Ellacatt, Prop. FOR SALE -- 100 -acre farm on Highway, good buildings, bush, hydro. 40 -acre farm near village, 30 acres ploughed. Brick house in thriving village, barn and hydro, price $2,500.00 37 acre farm in a village, frame house and barn, J. 0. Long, Phone 84 .Real Estate Broker, Brussels, Ont. "HELP WANTED --MALE" AN OPPORTUNITY Established Rural Watkins District available. It you are aggresstve, and between the ages of 25 and 65— have or can secure travel outfit, ii this is your opportun6ly to get estab- lished in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company. JDept. 0.11'4, 0177 Mason St„ Montreai, Que. 11 )sin FOR SALE— Elootric motors rewound and re :sired. Expert workmanship. Moder- 'r nrtces, New motors in stock. Settger 1naustrles, 649 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ont. :day. 11(11611 :led, ti,4!. mem hey/S- the boo of I E P1OYG EUT INSURANCE? $87,500,000 was paid from the Un- employment Insurance fund to unem- ployed Canadians from September 1, 1945, to October 31, 1947. ed to this $31,000,000 Govas ernm,enrt oft Canada. fundd by by 500,000 individual unemployed workers and their deepenS ants bene- fitted from these payments. In many cases had payments not been available the unemployed would have suffered want! What's the •good of Unemployment Insurance? --Can there be any doubt' Unemployment Insurance helpo s the ee employer by providing power; and helps the with purchasing worker by providing maintenance a 11 ()wane e s during unemployment. Employer and Employee and the Gov- ernment all have an interest—Unem- ployment Insurance is a large factor .join a healthy National Economy< Make full use of your local office of the relational Employment Service. De tetanal of Lab ghat HUMPHREY MITCHELL, Minister of Labour A. MacNAMARA, Deputy Minister decor ..,......0...Th WOD1S are now equipped with new Safety -Rim wheels and new Super -Cushion Tires —AT NO EXTRA COST DODGE GIVES YOU UNSURPASSED SAFETY --AND AN EVEN SMOOTHER RIDE! SUPER-CUSHIONtires, fitted on new, wider Dodge "Safety -Rim" wheels are now standard equipment on all Dodge Models—another Dodge "extra" feature. Dodge thus gives you greater safety and a smoother ride at no additional cost. These unique, new Super -Cushion tires use only 24 pounds of air pres- sure yet they carry 26% more air volume, which greatly reduces road vibration, They cushion the car against lateral or crosswise shocks, the softer tires taking the jars when they hit ruts, stones or rough pavement. You are assured of greater safety as these new tires run cooler which lessens the chance of a blowout. Should a blowout occur, the new Dodge "Safety -Rim" wheels hold the tire on the rim — even at high speeds -- allowing safe, straight stops. Lower air pressure rind 2544 gletder irai the ar smoothest in Dodge volume Olio 1,istory Stow Dodge "Safety -Rini" wheels combine with Super -Cushion tiros to sot n new standard of motoring safety. Now tires hove more road contact which gives better traction, re- duces tiro -wearing wheelsp(n, ROOMY MANUFACTURED iN CANADA BY CANADIAN CRAFTSMEN ALEX ANDERSON PHONE 82 BRUSSELS