HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-2-25, Page 5Sports m And One Thing
or Another
("A Sixblt Critic")
For the past couple of seasons most
of the other National hockey League
clubs have been loudly Reefing about
allegedly illegal tactics used by the
Maple Leafs, So the outer day a
Toronto paper published some action-
pic t u r e s taken during a Leafs -
Rangers game, clearly showing that
the New Yorkers were using pre-
cisely the same tactics that they, and
the others, had been complaining
* *
Just why the paper should have
gone to this trouble, we really cannot
say. Any competent observer of
hockey, as it is played today, knows
right well that if ever the rules
against illegd hooking and holding
were strictly enforced they'd have to
double the size of all the penalty -
coops, and that most games would
be largely played with an average of
about Three players a side on the ice.
* * *
!Wella( is really irking those other
"Big League" (rants, in our opinion,
is the fart that the Leafs are con-
siderably smoother in their use of
such tartirs, and don't pct caught
in the art as often as the clnn,sicr
There may be a reason for this
stale of affairs; or the "hook check"
—which is simply keeping an oppon-
ent out of action under the guise of
reaching for the puck --was brought
to its fittest flower of perfectioli by
"Nappy" Day, now coach of _the
Maple Leafs, ]'laying on the false
team tvitil men like Red I-Iorner,
King Clancy, Chuck Conacber and
other rough -and ready operators, Day
had the reputation of being an ex-
ceptionally clean player. And while
it is undoubtedly true that he never
performed any great amount of
bodily mayhem on his opponents,
what he used to do to their morale
is something else again!
• * *
Deceilingly powerful - he had
more streilgih in his arms than al-
most any athlete we've ever known—
Day could hook an enemy out of the
play, and keep hint under restraint
long enough for a Leaf attack to
get • organized, so smoothly that, tine
less you were specifically looking for
it, you'd never notice what -was being
done. Too, the innocent expression
on his face when the maddened
"hookee" took it swat at hien—and
ro got himself penalized — was es-
pecially maddening. He was a real
artist at it, make no mistake about
that; and while "Happy" was—and is
— his generally accepted nickname,
"Clarence the Clutch" Was what some
of his disgruntled opponents used to
call hint.
* * *
But for all that, there's little doubt
that there's far loo much of this
looking and holding today, both in
professional and amateur hockey,
and that it's doing a lot M spoil Ike
,game for spectators. Except in very
rare instances, there's no occasion
for a player to raise his stick higher
than his waist; and if the officials
would make the boys keep their
slicks down where they belong, -we'd
sec a lot nwr,' hockey, and a lot less
of what resembles a"scru,n" in Eng-
lish rugger.
r * * *
Tltis is not a book -review column,
which is probably just as well, be-
cause we generally get round to
reading a worth -while book after has
any -
wherefrom 3 to 5 yearst 't
gone out of print. Still, to all
th^etre fans who remember the
great days of Montgomery and
Stone, we recommend -- if you
haven't already done so — reading
ROLLING STONI'1, in which Fred
Stone tells the story of his life in
a highly interesting planner.
* * *
Stone was probably one of the
greatest natural athletes who ever
lived, As good a judge as James
J. Corbett told hint he was good
enough to be a champion boxer,
but advised against it. I'Ie played -
baseball well enough to be a big.
leaguer had he so chosen; and could
hold his own with the best at trap-
shooting, roping, rodeo work —
anything, in fact, he had a notion of
taking up, Nor does he tell of such
things in any way of self -praise,
simply as happenings along the
* * *
His skating experience is of in-
terest to Canadians, He first tried
that sport t.hile on a visit to Tor-
onto—and didn't do so well at it
Years later he had the notion of
doing a figure skating act on the
stage, and set out to master the art;
and inside a few weeks had done
so ton amazia extent, g e tent, 2,l fact
t' a act was one of the hits of the
w * *
You see, what nobody had told
1052 0005 that the skates he tried in
Toronto were of the hockey variety
- 7oith the long straight blades -
and that even Barbara Ann Scott or
Sonja Henie would have a hard lime
nutting 10021y fancy figures on. them!
Michael, One -Time
King of Romania
King Mihai (or Michael) of Ro-
mania, who abdicated a few weeks
ago, was born twenty-six years ago,
son of Carol, who is now in exile in
Portugal, and of Helen, who was a
Greek princess; was educated in the
palace in Bucharest, along with
twelve 'commoners picked from vari•
ous walks of life to be his com-
panions, first came to the throne
when he was not quite six years
old; -his father, Carol, had abdicated
to pursue Lis life with Magda Lir
pescu. A regency ruled, and Mihai
was left to his toys and pony, When
Mihai was nine Carol came back to
the throne, displacing the boy. In
the early days of the recent war
young Mihai became king for the
second time, wile.. Carol fled again;
The Nazis were now in effective
control of Romania. In 1544 when
the victorious Russians were driv-
ing into Romania, Mihai locked up
the pro -Nazi Premier in a vault
and switched his nation to the Al-
lied side. For eight days he actually
was ruler; then the Russians took
over, leaking hint a figure -head once
more. He amused himself by reck-
lessly fast driving, of automobiles
and speedboats, almost tore the
w'ngs off the light training plane in
which he learned to fly because he
insisted on simulating dive bomb-
And Plenty
"Love makes the world go
"Yes, but it takes money to
square it,"
Young Canada Carries Ont' --And such carryings -on! Some of
the older folks may say. Still, it's lots of fun for the younger
folks, and probably not any sillier -looking than the square-
dance, the one-step or the Charleston appeared to oldsters of
bygone eras. It's a scene from CANADA DANCES, the
National Filni Board picture illustrating what a great part
dancing ha's played—and is still playing—in the development
of our Nation's social life.
Dancing's Fun for Yo
"Victory Day, New Year's Eve
or plain high spirits, whatever the
occasion, if it mattes you happy,
tradition will get you. You'll
These are the opening words of
David Catton, the commentator
who speaks to you from the screen
as the film "Canada Dances" un-
winds before your eyes.
"Canada Dances," a National
Film Board production which will
be seen i 1 many 'ural Ontario com-
munities this winter, is the story
of dancing in Canada. In many re-
spects, we in Canada are lucky, for
with our divergent backgrounds -we
have inherited almost all known
forms of the dance. Listen again
to the commentator:
"It doesn't shatter how you
dance, who you dance with or
where you dance. Once you're in
the mood, you'll dance! You don't
have 't0 learn. It's as easy as
breathing. You shake your shoul-
ders, beat your feet, link hands or
arms—and let 'er rip."
"In it's most perfect form, the
dance becomes art. Ballet's rich-
ness of color, music and precise
movement is carefully thought out
in advance—none of ibis spur of
the moment stuff, For ballet, like
the tribal dance from which it grew,
expresses not only joy and cele-
bration, but man's mystical beliefs,
his hopes, his fears—his life."
Canada Has Both
There you have the extremes:
the happy-go-lucky, informal and
spirited dance, and the serious, sym-
bolic ritual dance, In Canada we
have them both. And the "in-be-
tween" dances? We have an abun-
dance of these too.
In Canada's early days the no•
madic Lldians developed elaborate
ritual dances for the purpose of
imploring the spirits of rain and
good hunting for food, the spirit of
war for victory. Their prayers were
A total of 65 million fists eggs are hatching in Ontario's largest hatchery, at Glenora,
Prince Edward County. A. B. Brown, manager, is shown holding a tube of eyed white-
fish eggs, Behind him are jars containing 90,000 eggs in continuously moving water,
piped down from famed "Lake on the IVM'ountaitt,"
ng and Old
the beat of tonttom and moccasined
The early pioneers, both British
and French, carried in their hearts
the traditions of the lands they
left. In their settlements, after the
hardships of the day were over,
they joined hands in the steps and
melodies of the reel, the jig, the
quadrille and the passepied. Today
these dances are as much alive as
they were one hundred years ago,
From Overseas
Later settlers, among them the
Scandinavians, Finns, Ukrainians,
Chinese, Dutch a n d Poles, also
came to till Canadian soil. They,
too, brought their dances. Happy
dances, rythmical, colorful and
All these dances flourish today
in the countryside, and even in the
industrial cities. But the industrial
age, bringing with it the roar and
speed of transportation, the whistle
and shriek of factory, the chatter of
machines, has produced yet another
form of dancing, "jitterbugging."
The dance of the cities is like life
in the cities: it is tricky, nervous
and fast. It is symbolic of the clat-
ter of street cars, the jumping pulse
of traffic lights, elevators, skyscra-
pers, tinteclocks, assembly lines and
typewriters. They get the "city -
slicker" in a groove—a groove that
fits him for the dance he has come
to know best,
But — whatever the step, and
wherever it is done, it is still danc-
ing. And dancing, as "Canada
Dances" points out, is as old as
man himself.
One -Hand Driving
A Serious Menace
In the hue and cry after the var-
ious hazards of motoring that ser-
iously affect life and limb, little is
said about one -hand driving. This
is not meant facetiously. The haz-
ard is a real one, says The Insur-
ance Magazine.
Modern cars steer so easily that
there is a constant temptation to
take one hand off the wheel, to
drive with the other, perhaps even
with but one or two fingers. Men-
tal relaxation accompanies this
practice. Any sudden emergency, a
blowout, a child dashing between
parked cars, a sudden skid, finds
the driver physically unprepared,
unable to cope with the situation,
Elementary, isn't it? 'Yet how
many of us are completely free
from criticism on this score? Both
hands oft the wheel, please!
This Age
"And what did you learn in
Scripture lesson, dear?" asked
"Oh, all about the Ten Com-
mandos," replied Tommy.
Classified Advertising
ar510.Ol18 111•I'0l1'1'l ',r l'I$5
AN Ul"F1411 to ever) 2007' or- Iasi of given
Unna and full 1lturmr -.un Own tree rte
Romany 10 lt•areteree imienl Attorney, 47?
Bonk Street, Intern
--^ -
BAB) l'lll('7ie
Moulden Polley Cha'ko -- fou buy baby
chlrlt, 20r one ',u0oo 'I'o receive 101
panda on real ',revelment You inial bu ter
Inln wale,, Your Wuney 10 /1107.01/4 1412 offer
002' trilby rblel„ from a Pnuliry Pude welt
every breeder out:ovu m leaned and government
banded 'lane /advantage of our nnrly die-
cmml V1 rap tot our 1048 ea intone and
Wee hot Sn.rrken Poultry Norma Monition
Pour -Week -Old Pullets
rwo. three, four wetdr' and older Mullets
February hatelred Start .0111, early hatched
chleks end get the High Prime for 0000 0007
Sunoco, rendnrly "072 Large 'type %%bite
Loplmrna And seven other popular breed,
Send for price Ilot, Management Guido and
catalogue and book your order sow
Lakeview Poultry Farm
Exeter Ontario
12%c Ilurondalc Chicks 12 oc
All Breeders blond tested, banded, and In.
050,0,1 and bricked by high pedigreed found
mini steak. Sussex x New Hump.. (lurk
x New Minn., Burred Rocks. New Honore
mixed 12tec, pulle'10 26e Light Sonnex Mix.
ed 24.. puncta 270. Large type Leghorn'.
mixed Wee, pullets 26e. All heavy breed
corkerelo 40. Medium breed 2e. S1 00 per
100 dowel balance 0.0 D. Order from rind
enclose Ole art.
1-Iuron(lale Chick Hatchery
London Ontario
with sehummer'a Quality Chicks. Govern.
meet approved, R.O.P. sired. Make 0a mlho
takenw, ooeCl.atalOnt. ogue Free. Sohummer''n Hatchery.
Danish Brown Leghorn., int reed Reels,
Rhode Inland Reda. 811 Government ,,p-
r,r0ved which tueann Government inepeetors
20,5,02 our brood flocks and btldrery and
N hick emote you 1,101, quotIty chlrlra. Writo
for prices. Cochrnne'a Pnuttre Farm, Ridge.
town. Ontario
RAISING CHICKS% Special price for March.
April -heavy breed cockerels, 40, medium
weight hybrid eacicorels, 2e, Leghorn cock-
erels, So. Seventeen years hatching chitin.
for 00tlafled rurt0mera. Live arrival guar-
anteed. Oct hull information. Prank Edwards,
Watford, Ont.
"Oxford" Approved Clucks live. lay and pay
They ere the remit. of twenty-two yearn
of careful selection and breeding In O.B.S.
They ,eve to be good, because we want the
very best kind of chicks for our own 00rke
-big, vigorous and euro' maturing We
etrea0 egg sus and uniformity- Barrett 1100118
-\Vlule Leghorn. -Ramp. x Rork Crnsnbrods
-Ramp x Leghorn Crosehrcde-Rork x Le0-
horn Crm'sbreds. Write for tree folder The
Oxford Farmers' Co -Operative Produee Com.
tinny, Limited, 434 Main Street, Woodstock,
BIG, Eluelry. Hooey Breed Cockerels, epeeist
for Feb 10th and 23rd. 07.00 per 100. ease
non-aexed chicks and =note at be tea In
prices Write today for prieeliat pad free
entendor. Big Reek Farm. 5lille Recites.
Rock Cockerels
FOR February and March, our Burred Rocks
re fast teathering and broil for tiveu-
blltty and fast growth. Hares Poultry
Form, Jcrseytelle, Ont
NO MATTER whether y'oare-raising ,hien.
Ono for the eggs they will produce or to sell
as broilers or roasters. you ran make more
money if your chicks are from aulric matur-
ing, heavy laying :ancestry. Our exeerience
hes shoran that the chicles making the Last -
est grolvth and maturing earliest are most
nlwny'o the ones that make the beat rgg
records afterwards, es even for broilers and
roasters it will Day' you to buy good mock Of
known egg bred layers. We have the follow -
Ing Wore breeds to choose front White Leg.
horns, Black Minaret.. Aticonas,Browm Leg -
home, Barred Rork, white Reek. New Ham.
Shire, Rhode Mined Red. White Wyandotte.
Light Susaox, Black Austrntorp, Jersey White
Giant also 12 hybrid cros00s. all from Govern-
ment Approved 0,220,00, tested breeders.
Free catalogue. Top Notei, Chick Satee,
Guelph. Ontario.
BABY Chicks from as 02.0.?, Dreoding
Farm Hatchery. Tt costa no more to buy
the beat. Satisfaction guaranteed, Write for
prier. list. Blenheim Hatchery-, Blenheim,
Hii4S In the nets that pay the 6111,,.
Your success In the poultry business depend.
on the quality of '110 chicks you buy, not on
the quantity. Because the sons and daughters
of every family are Judged by their fathers
and mothers. It stands to reason that good
breeding 005 good blood linen must be Pres-
ent If the chicks are to become quant' Pro-
ducers. You rannot expect thigh egg laying
quality in young pullets unless 11,00 have high
Producing parents. It costs no more to bey
our chick. and roots no more to feed them
than It does ordinary chIeke. Yet the dumb-
er of eggs you should receive will usually
return extra protltr. Twaddle chick. have .
nlwnrs had the reputation 07 01,0,1y. 121,112.
of lots of large eggs. This year you will def-
initely want the beat chicks available to
return the greatest poonfle profile on your
Investment. Free catalogue. Tw'eddle Chick
Hatcheries Limited. Fergus. Ontario.
to raise, And Inv better. from 4 Gob high
prndurtion 'weeder. Leghorn,, , -.Reeks and
Hybrids Miller Poultry Fern. Viarlrenn
Lakeview Chicks for 1948
from a real laying and breeding plant, over
10,000 breeders Inspected, banded and blood
tested Mnny cualnm000 have had yearn of
continuous 0000000 with Lakeview Clicks
This year It mny be even more Important to
buy the beast air. nn4 Mrs. Norman Milliard
of Parkhill, Onu,rin. have hod 16 consecu.
Live Wore of oonllnuoun 0u0oeee with Lake.
view Chicks. Why can't 0022 too' Start
your ehleku early. There will be a Ohnringe
of Ogg, next Fell and prices are bound le 11e
higher Send for huge Illustrated enlnlog,e
and Poultry Management Guide with bag
curly order discounts.
Lakeview Poultry Farm
Wein Bros, Exeter, Ont.
HAVE VOL: anything rite= dye,nu or clean.
Ing? Write In us for Information We are
glad to answer your queallone Deportment
H. Parlter'e ()Ye Works Limited 191 range
Street, Toronto. Ontario
FOR SA1.10
_ 550111, Nn.1 Pnstourinod Uoney'712 tins
4 Ib. for $11.76. The Henderson Apiaries,
Box 36. Carleton Place, ()Marto.
BNAUTTLL0L Wane, foxhienda. T months.
Write for pedigree and 5tloe. Reglotra-
limle Ponding. w', T. Manley. Galt, Ont.
1OATC1'IERY-Poultry firm 00 10 acres ,wit22
deck henhouse far 1600 hone, 20,000 Me-
tUator, battery brooder,, largo furnace, bet
and cold Water, pressure system, cattle
stable, comfortable 6 room brick louse With
convenieno0n, 0,00lns town, Selling emnpped
or lvtU,oUL Wan. Penne, Realtor, Exeter,
11112 SALE
PIANOS 501.1) ---
10'1. DOWN eighteen menthe to trey. All
planus ire completely t:,atory reruodumned,
refmiehed. tuned like new. 11.0 ha, a very
11,r„t aoi,,:l lull fire rni'lni,s 0,41:,'0. Will., 10-
d4' for further information on 11.1.1101 02,22
72.121100 ht :dock. P`urnilure Sates Compeer,
121A King Street Wtsl. 'Toronto.
Parra 12110 Service nerd 21 lieneedy k Son
411 Pollego SI Torun,
White Holland Pnultel We. ane 5,20120 that
live and grew Into fano sturdy mature birds
for the retailer who wants 7200,120 of 10 to
12 !b. dress d females, and 15 to 10 11,. U2)n0,
w111021 are lues( 10 line with prevailing W0102,1
dementia. This breed le ualurelly heavy her-
e's and les, susceptible to 100 and Plat
d,uea00s. W0 have had our breeding flock
GOventmenl Inspected, handed and blond teab
ed without u single reactor. Place your order
early 20 11001.0 booking Cr,llglelou TerkoY
I9ancb, Walerlowa, Ont. _
52e 41'20205. going roneerrl lhre0 enurres
int0120. Timber, Farm, Heaver. nal rush
e 5x11 trade. balance 00,02,, Immediate pea-
0,a0l0n write H. 0 Couniand, Golden, H.C.
Broad -Breasted Bronze Turkey
Reserve ('i.ur order for 1548. We turned
down 24214.111 for 60.000 Poulin lura season.
Pouito nil be trhed in brand new 0neelul ter
trey Incubatolro, ill turkeys Ute chlrks) we
expert there will be more 2120210y In lurk000
In 1948 than 1047 an it is likely feed prices
welt. be cheaper next summer when Use new
crop comes along. Send for turkey manage-
ment guide and price lint and book your
order for 1545.
Lakeview Turkey Ranch
Exeter Ontario
CHICKEN edamRange 5 bettors, Colony
Houses built un order. Souders woodwork,
St. Juwbs, Ont,
8012G15TI:R4114,-Smooth,irox- Terriers, 0001, -
er SpnnIelu. Puppies, open and bred bitch-
es, Arnie Kennels (Iteg'd.). 31 Edith Street,
St. Calharines, Out, Dial 2--6545,
LIFT lrudq low platform one riding type,
Das powered, capacity 6000 lbs.. 01760.00.
and one walking type lectr)e powered CfPmY
lir 9600 lb,, with charger, 51350.00. Box 6.
73 Adelaide 5t. W.. Toronto.
55/AL1. LTacittne Slep c"mpletely enulpped
WW1 small tout,. electric slop equipped for
Inciter work. test bench 26 cycle, maty snare
motors, welding equipment. Woodworking
shop can be bought outright or In separate
00ctfon0. Mee. Geo. 11011, 83 Nelson SL W.,
Brampton, Ont,
GUNS, ammunition. expert repairing. re.
bluing, high ,lame (20712ng tackle. Ted Man.
melt Sporting Coeds, 230 Ottawa SL N..
H001 1100.
OPPORTCNITY to buy fine Jerry bull, 2
years old. Basil Carnation Detre (113525).
Sire. Brampton Suc0eee Basil (1011021, Sire
of elr0, the sensational Brampton Beetle..
(512551. Datil. Crescent Cirantin Actor
(804037. Mature cines, 10,262 lbs. milk. 5,20
lbs. butterfat. testing 5.15%. Fraser Fergus-
on. R.B. 7, Liantmoque, On.
GATT/MY-OPERATED Radio Fel for sale.
Deforest Crossley Corona model x tithes,
nperinlly equipped with Rpm00o G;linlinnmr
for us with either ster00e battery or dry
cells, New cost over saes Make offer A
fine, and Meting gift Box 151. 73 Adelaide
W., Toronto
C11010E light amber hone)', 0000 of six 4 -
lb. pall,, $13.20 F.O.R. nsrrte If flag
elation. Include freight chnrnes to preens
shipment, Stanley R. King. napvlew 60,100
Apiaries. nnrrle, Ont,
Bought for rash. Write Box 301, Fergus,
TitRh-BY Poultu, Brand Breasted Bronze
Breeders and Hatchery under 0110 eaula-
tions. write for information. leen Mullen.
Addison, Ontario,
Seeda that are dependable for Gm'den Lovers.
MoHcet hardeners: write for our tree eat.
a l00ue Onto On seed COnlpfny Wmiprllo.
TURKEY poult0 for ante, Rroad breasted
bronze turkey point., Canadian Hatchery
approved. New hlcubotors. Ilrewdere govern-
ment banded and nllorum free. No re"elore
for 100 years. Poullo from eggs gathered on
our own tarms. We select for vigor and meat
type. Send for folders. Ula:Inlny & McColl.
Lantblou Turkey hatchery, R.R. 5, Fomat.
LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson method
In(ormstIon on request regarding eln0,en
Rnberte0n'o Hairdressing Ar0demy 131 000-
00'ape Rond. Toronto
41I6r11'A t
WANTED”-- Every Guttered of Rheumatic
Pains or Neuritis to t2? Dlxon'e Remedy'.
Munro'. Drug Store; 335 Elgin. Ottawa.
POatpald 81.00.
ROw61AN'S Ruh, an e -remedy for
sinus n'lnblo, flu, swollen glands, bronchitis,
week eyes. ew'nllen throat. Addree0 200
Queen St. NV., Toronto. Price 212.00.
FRUIT JUICES; The principal 1ngrediente
12, Dixon', Remedy fpr Rhoumntlo Pains,
Neuritis. Mnnro'0 Drug Stere, 316 Elgin,
Ottawa. Postpaid 71.00.
0ren2 0nporlunitY Learn
PIr00001 dignin05 pmfesslon. gond tenger
' bnusude ettrcesetnl Sinrvel grad= ter
America'. greatest system Illustrated nota
gigue free write Or Call
888 moor St 1V 1'0,0nto
Branches 41 Kthe SI Hamilton
A 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa
t)t'Pnll'rt7NlTIES FOR 0116N AND 81'440140N
1400071E TELCO RA CH kilt
Commeuring 0ular0 5175 monthly. 13111 do.
Maud ' Learn at Remo with aalf-l,euelllrig
m2,, hired Very practical career pian folder
danribe0 write Casaun I'Yatoms, Toronto,
NEED rnunedlete steady innome7 Send 260
In Hi eru'e, 116 Oxford, Toronto. for Peek
un tented mail beelneneca b010114 on uhet0-
FE'l'n LLiS')'bNAUGH 0 COmeeny PAMnt
l"-'mdnra eletab1,ohed 1000. 74 ring West,
Termor 10,0x481 at Information n request.
'•EL7.In1) C051040 Retom Cbrlot" wonder.
202 book free 51001440 Nlselon. Rorheeter
11, IN t'
STAMPS of alt kinds (relight. Pay 50 cents
Per 100 for used EIIZAbethe, Barohlno,
Brentford, Ont --
_THE book for every home, eight hundred
household helps, Two dollar., post paid;
Order (2.0.1), or write Znlek Veatch, Engle-
hart. Oat.
1'IIOl'OO HAPlit
Muolmnrn Photo Service. Bnrlorhon, Ont.
Rolle d,veloned and t prints 30e, 22-1.e
pints 400 Work guaranteed.
SEATERS! 1 Save your dollars. Orabonr
Skate -Sharpener really 0100rpen0 ekatea ef-
fh'lenlly, quickly, 000212'. All metal. Rant.
proof. Precision Adiosled, Gunrnnteed. Poet.
paid 76 cents. Mooney's Specialties, Box 65,
Levis, Quobeo,
Free -Wheeling
Smith, a ,scat cyclist, never
rode a horse until he stayed with
a sporting uncle, and accepted an
invitation to follow the hounds.
He borrowed a young horse
which at first went steadily, then,
startled by a rabbit, broke into
a mad Jallop, and his rider was
Brown forward,
"What on earth are you doing
with your arms routed the horse's
neck?" asked his uncle, mystified,
"I'm feeling for the brake," came
the snuffled reply.
Peeled roue BOORS land CASA from
0112E and THIEVES. Ile bore o eixe
and OW of Stare. 2,r Cabinet, for any
022000 e, Visit 2,e. or write for prices.
ate.. to Dent. w,
J. 6c.J!TAY L 14 LI M ITE[)
145 Front St. E.. Toronto
Entnbnshed 1605
Farmers Attention — Consult
your nearest Harness Shop
about Staco Harness Supplies.
We sell out goods only through
your local Staco Leather
Goods dealer. The goods are
right, and so are our ',rues.
We manufacture in 000 face
tories — Harness. Horse Col.
lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan-
kets, and Leather Travelling
Goods. Insist on Staco Brand
Trade Marked Goods. and ysu
oat enHrfartinn Made only by
42 Wellington St. E., foronte
ISSUE S-1945
POP—Out Of This World!
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