The Brussels Post, 1948-2-18, Page 7Sports -- And One Thi
or Another
("A Slxbit Critic")
The 'Winter Olympic Games have
brought to light several highly in-
teresting facts, a few which might
be mentioned being — (a) that a
boy brought up In Canada is quite
liable to be a better hockey player
than one who has grown to man-
hood in Ital. (b) that countries
such as Norway and Finland in
some mysterious manner Manage
to develop more skilled skiers' than
lands situated in the tt•opics; and
(c) that while it may not be abso-
lutely essentirl for a champion fig-
ure skater (feminine) to have an
eye -filling face and "built", still it
doesn't seem to hinder any.
Now all these may be very amaz-
ing pieces of information — the sort
of things nobody would have fig-
ured out by the light of pure reason,
or without the proof of actual ex-
perience. Still, we doubt if they are
worth all the money the Games
C,.51, to say nothing of the back-
biting, childish squabbles and al'
feeling they caused, The Swiss
gentleman, - who opened the pro-
ceedings by saying what wonderful
things the Olympics are for "furth-
ering International goodwill" cer-
tainly Hurst have lid a clois'eretl
existence up to now. \Vhat a shock
ire's going to get when somebody
tells hien about the birds •and bees
and flowers, and other basic facts of
life l
* 4r 41
The English girl—O recent arrival
to Canada — who put the blast 00
Toronto by rdlliltrl fl a "dead town"
aa:! ,several other unpleasant things
—has been properly rrern7'ed and pati
in her plewe by the Press of that fair
city, r.'nny rnhta'us of • supposedly
valuable nrt'.spn,''rr spore 'being de-
voted to telling her where to head in:
Unto taken back fond abashed the
poor girl 'trust have felt after read-
ing i1! 3'ifl1, no-e(W Tor x01110 10 !bink
of it, probably not nearly so much as
she might- hod nobody paid her the
41ightesl attention. :)s one of the
greatest publicity-peltcrs of all -time
71scd to put it, "1 don't care what
yet( say about ole so 1ting as 1"0U
SAY SOMETHING, and get any
name spelled right.''
:y a t1
T' e theory that "the customer is
always r'_ht can be carried too far
in any line of business — and no-
where is this truer than in the busi-
ness of Spol't. Too much rowdyism
can sicken or even kill a great sport
more quickly than anything else —
a shining example is Field Lacrosse
— and the hockey moguls, by plac-
ing too great emphasis on the fight-
ing qualities of their hired help,
may' be setting off a chain reaction
that they'll someday wish they'd
brought under control ere it was
too late.
fl t1 4,
"A wild brawl broke out on the
ice and overflo 'zed into the rail
Seats as the spectators struck out
at the players." "Close by a dozen
players surged around shoving el-
bows and fists into each other's
faces." "It was during this final
brawl of the evening that a live
bullet was flung on the ice by a
spectator." These are quoted from
the account of a single game taking
place in Detroit not so long ago.
Now we realize that the fights
which take place on the ice among
hoc' y players are about 95%
phony — a lot of grabbing, tugging
and hauling that doesn't mean a
thing, so far as actual damage is
concerned. It's the effect, not on
one another, but on the cash cus-
tomers, that's important. For there's
a type of sports fan who positively
shouldn't be allowed to witness any-
thing more ncrve•agitating than
tiddlywinks — and generally he's
the type ofguy with money or in-
fluence enough to wangle seats right
down in front.
Q1 it 01
Spectators who take punches at
enemy players have no business be-
ing at any sort of game. A ratan
who would throw a live shell —
even a .22 — would, if he happened
to have one handy, heave a bomb
or grenade. Yet seldom is anything
done to these wild-eyed wombats,
who can spoil an entire evening for
everybody within hearing or seeing
distance of them, You sec them
back in the very sante seats at the
very next gauze, carrying on in the
sante old way, They should, after
one warning, be barred for life —
or else told to confine their atten-
tions to wrestling, where a certain
amount of rowdyish among the
pew -holders is part of the game.
Canadian Curlers
Sweep ki ito Action
From coast to coast top-ranking
curlers are sw•ing!ng into action
along the playoff trail leading to
a berth in the competition for the
Macdonald's Brier Tankard, em-
blem of tate Canadian single rank
curling championship. Duelling for
the provincial titles got underway
on January 19 at Quebec City
where the British Consols comp-
etition is run off in conjunction
with the annual International bon-
spiel. Sectional strife is scheduled in
other parts of the country right
through to the last week in Febru-
Winners of the provincial crowns
will converge on Calgary for com-
mencement of the round robin Brier
competition March 1st.
Last year in Saint John, New
Brunswick; Jimmie Welsh and his
veteran rink -members had little
trouble in waltzing through all op-
ponents to capture the Tankard for
Manitoba for the Seth time, Jitn-
anie hung up nine straight victories
in his starch to the title and it was
evident almost front the outset that
he hat! the'rink to heat.
Howard Palmer, Dominion cham-
pion in 1941, was expected to pro-
vide stiff opposition and the Cal-
g'arians were pre -Brier favoritesin
many books, But the Albertans,
defending the croon won by Billy
Rose' at Saskatoon in 1906, curled
in erratic fashion. Howard, him-,
self, was below font and was quick
to shoulder much of the blame for
his risk's showing. The Calgary
quartet's greatest satisfaction .time
front the lough battle they .gave
Welsh in ,the 4th round, a game
wl'ich Welsh ultimately won 9 to
1 after trailing Palmer 7-4 at the
end of the ninth frame. Alberta
wound up in a fourth place dead-
lock with Nova Scotia, each with
four wilts and five defeats,
Ill second place in the winter
curling book comes 'Alberta, With
four Brier victories to its credit,
the prairie ' province' ranks second
to Manitoba, which has come down
in front .00 less than 11' times: The"
Alberta representatives arta always
tough to beat. This year they will
be playing .in their own backyard
before a vast throng which is ser•
tain to be Solidly pro•Albcrtn. 'Re-
gardless of who represents the
province they will have a lot of
moral support and that means a
great (teal, .as most ctu'lers will'
freely aelnlit.
Billy Rose, who scored a spec•
Aviation Pioneer Dead — Or-
ville Wright, who with Itis bro-
ther Wilbur, pioneered the de-
velopment of the airplane, (lied
at Dayton, Ohio. He was 76
years of age and lived to see
his flimsy craft of cloth and
sticks grow into the air giants
of today.
lacunar win in 1949, is being
mentioned' as a likely contender, as
is veteran Cliff Manahan, a two-
time Dominion ..champ (1.993.1987).
Palmer promises to be in the run-
ning again, and, minus some of the
worries which affected his play at
Saint John, will un(loubtedly prove
a tough contender.
W gl Is
Casting about for another logical
aspirant, the experts will be forced
to give dna consideration to North-
ern Ontario and British Columbia.
Both have been knocking on the
door for a long time and in the
two post-war competitions ' have
provided t good deal of the Brier
fireworks, In 1946 Not•thern On-
rrtario wound up in a first place tie,
losing out in the playoff. Last year
they were in a contending position
for the first three days, slipping 00
the final day to wind tap in a third-
place tic,
'5 41 lk
In 1049 13. C. wound tip behind
the three deadlocked leaders at the
end of mine rounds and at Saint
Toho "Frendty DrAnlour's Trail
entry defeated Sasicatcl'tewan in a
playoff for second place.
Southern Ontrrio will also be
regarded with respect, as will New
l3runswick and Nova Scotia. Both
the Maritime provinces 'have made
threatening -gestures .from time to
time and calibre of play has itnprov'
ed steadily.
Preparing For a Different Sort of 'World—The world our
children are growing into is vastly different from the one our
grandparents knew—with (distances shrinking daily and i.on-
don, Ontario hardly a "sleeper jump" from London, England.
The National Film Board picture TOMORROW'S CITIZENS
is a vivid illustration of what our educational authorities are
doing toward preparing our boys and girls to understand the
problems which face them.
"Tomorrow's Citizens"
"Tomorrow's Citizens", tl feat-
ure film on the Ontario rural filet
programmes this winter. is in many
ways an answer to the spate of
questions which has been raised
ever since the first atom bomb was
dropped on Hiroshima, namely,
"how are we preparing ourselves
for the atomic age?"
For most of us, of course, life
has continued in much the sante
Spanner as it. did prior to the at-
omic attack on Hiroshima. But,
nevertheless, we are aware that a
new forst of energy has been re-
leased, which, combined with other
scientific discoveries of tate past
decade, is capable of transforming
the world completely — for better
or worse.
For the moat part, the question
concerns our children and tine man-
ner in which they are being edu-
cated. Are they being made aware
of the possibilities_ of the future?
"Tomorrow's Citizens" takes a
look. at the classrooms of to -day,
and decides that a beginning is
certainly being made. Take neaps,
for instance. The old public school
geography book Wraps showed the
countries and continents in a flat-
tened out forst, attd you were
taught to think of the distances be-
tween places in terms of raihvay or
steamship miles. The net result
was that most countries seemed
remote and not worth bothering
New Kind Of Maps
But a revolution in Wrap making
has been under way for soma years
now in a quiet sort of way. Map
makers like Richard Rdes Harrison
are featured in "Tomorrow's Cit-
izens" as showing the world in
terns of airways: ;he airways
which in future will be travelled by
jet and rocket propelled aircraft.
This reduces the distances between
countries very startlingly. People
we thought of as living on the
other side of the world are now
next door neighbors,
Maps are drawn, too, front other
new points of view. For iestaitce
in place of the flattened projections
of the "Old ',Vorld" and "New
World", and the "Eastern Hemi-
sphere" and . "Western Hemis-
phere", we can now look at the
world front the north pole, and
note a new relationship between
the major countries of the world.
Feon1 such a map we can get an
Voice of EExperietice
On a blackboard itt front of a
small Canadian business College
tin, enterprising manager wrote in
hold letters;
"Short course in Accounting for
A little later in the day a crowd
gathered before the board to read
gild laugh over—a second line
some knowing passer -I' Ita(1 •
added. It read: ,
"There is, NO accounting for
PILE7-eMoodeinnn amverdetoem044
mettle formerly thought
(mpooelbte. Filen were reneltered one
at them. 'tint', none0100 today. The
no* PL'itone treetment hon proven it,
self In thetannds of the most stub'
been mars. IL nese results becrtnoe
it noes (lreet 10 the Internal ease
Your drat betlte In liquid taken be
m0110t ahntvo yell the difference, or
that Pelee eetnalod at 01100, All
modern breamiste,
entirely different view of the gco-.
graphy and world relations.
What else do the children of to-
day see in their classrooms? They
are making the acquaintance of
many new technical advances which
are transforming the world. Of
course they may not understand
these all at once, but they become
familiar with them, Also, they are
being made aware of the communi-
cations which link one country or
continent with another. Through
pictures, films, and actual tours
where these are possible, the child-
ren sec the great ships and rail-
ways and airways which form the
basis of world commerce and the
interchange 'of ideas and customs.
Shrinking World
But there is more to the business
of education to -day than this, as
people who are worried, about the
future will maintain. Besides be-
coming aware of new inventions
and technical processes, the citi-
zens of the future must be given a
sense of social responsibility. This
is commonsense for a world that
is.shrinking—a world which finds
all nations on each others' front
and back door steps.
The Test
The fancily was having com-
pany for dinner. Julie, aged five,
laid down her spoon, looked at iter
mother, and said: Mommy, there's
a hair in my soup,"
"Hush, dear," implored the em-
barrassed mother, trying to cover
tate situation, "it's just a crack in
your plate."
Julie picked up her spoon, stirred
dubiously a few times. "Mommy,"
site insisted, "can a kwack move?"
Classified Advertising
Al:I1N'I'S DAV 1)1
An old a t't Int it'd vt'' , butt L'my W Ioh111
lllil'il 11 !n !: 1 dint. 1.14.
1,.n,•,'t:1 I.u,alnin.
Sion 501,1 lur'i'I:+00 : Il letent". tt'llLo 000
No. 1, 7:: Ad ,:tele It. tt etent"
ATI EN').ON 1''Altll0104
11UNlv1'D,V,I Panne, 1;8'1"0, onn road,
eight ,,rile. tt et of Wotrrl,o, 10 00.
under rultivet Ion, Balance In hardwood pled
reds' Mit Clone to ,annul and all
ehurehea, b1., 1ae going part door,' a -roomed
homy, Mtge burn. w111, scl:twshed, ado.
,hlclten slftbl'• ,mond floor. Aleehine shed.
fentry Monte, fluid mtlit cou4'art 4011 with
arm, Seeuud farm 81 00., nn hnud.m;n. cu
,Ie. ,ender ell!' 10411014 (1a111m'e peeler'., trout
erect running through, than Axt. Baden,
1St; SI IOSh Irpl'ISR'l' L n i 1.1Eb
AN OPFER to•very Inventor-- Wei at Innen
Ilona end full Information emit tree Che
Ramsay ( o., Registered Pet.' Attorney, f7)
Bank Street, Ottawa
Monkton Coulery Obirca----1000 buy baby
chleks fol ono renann ''e receive Mel -
deeds on 001.1r InveoOnont, you meat be ver
tells where your money Is Invented We offer
EM baby ,'hick, from n Poultry Farm with
every'tbreedor pallorum teemed and government
banded Tette advnnmge of our early die.
count Write tar our 1048 entningue and
trice net. Memklnn Poultry Parma Monetnn
YOP ran :Jt,a,, profit with quality chick..
The: .0 ole unusual tinme, but during oar
24 year's in tu• poultry buaineen we have
never aeon to year when Tzvedrlie sd,i,l,a and
good m"n,,u didn't maw out On 105.
Thn tvorle shortage of food is unarming mud
the hen la to mighty Important factor !n this
°cottonllo name. She le the mint eronnmiral
rroducer of in,at as well as 111e producer of
the Neater rating totent--tic ,•erg. increas-
ed prodnetket tuts teed Coat. sm. of 100
can remember when poultry 00,1 Was dirt
eheao but you had a lot of Ilene laying an
average of outY 00 eggs a year. New. we
have the 100 -,;ng hen and tate. of Twiddle
customrra are petting 200 -egg averagrn and
remember every extra ego mule darn the
cost of feed per egg. The answer then Is
better poultry and hundrpda of enetoners
00010 hack year Atter year to get time (make
bred to Inv enut pas' TWeddle Chick.. Send
for free r1 talegu. nod »n"etist. T,',uddle
Chlok Ilatrer+es Limited, Fergus, Ontario.
Four -Week -Old Pullets
Two, three. four week and older pullets
February hatched. Start With early hatebed
chicke and get the high prices for eggs next
Summer and early Full. Largo Type White
Leghorns and seven other popolnr breeds.
Send for price list, Monngen,ent Guide and
catalogue and boon your order now
Lakeview Poultry Farm
Exeter Ontario
12%c IIurondale Chicks 121/2c
All Breeder. blood tested, banded, and In.
0110,05 and backed by .nigh Pedigreed found-
ation stool,. Sussex x Nen- Munn.. Rock
x New Hamm. Barred Rocks, New Ramps
mixed 12150, pullets 26r. Light Susses Mix -
140. pullets 27c. Large type LegitOr,.A
mixed 12S_c, pullets. Ole. All henry breed
cockerels 4e. Medium breed 2c. 91.00 per
1.00 dozen balance C.O.D. Order from and
enclose this ad.
Hurondale Chick Hatchery
London Ontario
with Schununetes Quality Chicks, Covent.
meat artlOot'e,l, 11.0.P. Steed. Make no mle-
talre. Catalogue Free. Schunnner's Hgtchera',
Linwood. Ott.
TOP production, top prices. That's what
you want from your poultry. It's the early
chick. that get them, 'WC 0110 0100 prompt
shipment dayelds. torted, or take order later
delivery. 13roy- Hatchery, 130 John 0..
Hamilton, Ont.
Danish Brown Leghorns, Barred Roeko,
Rhode Island Lteda. All ttut'armnont 1.1e
rroved which means Government tnop+otore
Inspect our brood flocks arta ltuchery and
which 01,001es YOU high qun,lty aliens. Write
for prices. Cochrane'a Puult'v Fenn. Ridge -
Mete Ontario
SUPPOSE you had never bought n chick in
Your life, To -day YOU de0Ide to go after
egg profits. The number of dollars you take
In will depend Inrgety on hoar closely you
Mick to these two sound rules. 11) don't
experiment ,With bargain" chicks; 12) boy
only quality chieks of good breeding, each
chicks as Top Notch Cltielta, 11', have the
following hybrids to choose from: Black
Minorca x White Leghorn, White Leghorn x
Darrel Rock. Barred Rack x White Leghorn.
White Rock x Witte Leghorn. Now Hemp-
ohlro x White Leghorn, Light Sussex x \tripe
Leghorn, Austra While. New Hampshire 11
Burred Rock, Burred Rock x Nov Hamp-
shire. Nev Hanmrhire x Light Sueoex. Light
Sosoex x New I0amponnire, Light Sussex x
Barred Rock, Also 12 pure breeds. All Gov-
ernment approved from Pullnum tested
breeders. Pre catalogue end AAAA list. Toy
Notch Chick Sales, Guelph. Ontario.
RAISING CHIC7(S? Special price for Murch,
April—heavy breed cockerels, 4e. medium
weight hybrid cockerels, 2c. Leghorn enett-
ere10, lc. Seventeen roue hatohing 00005,0
for entiarlet •01tnmer,. Live arrival tuor-
nnteed. Get full Information. Frank Edwards.
\1'-1 001,11. Onl.
"omerd" Approved Chicks live, lay and pay.
They are the reeting of twenty-two Mune
of careful selection and breeding in O.B.S.
They have to be good, beeause we want the
very best kind of 02,101s for our own flocks
—big, vigorous end early maturing, We
etrese egg sine and uniformity, Barred Routes
—White Leghorns—Hump. x Rock Croaahreda
—Hamot x Leghorn Crosobreda—Rock x Leg-
horn Crorabrcde, erne for free folder. The
Oxford Farmers' Co-Opern tire Produce Com.
Pana', Limited, 434 Mnln Street. Woodstock.
Cigarette Tobacco
11411Y C111('1:11
(5111.1:*1'LIAT Alit: Seent<rli:r, leAtelEt
to 111:0(•, mot lay better. 1'u', 1:1.11 high'Itoe. tiro, d;'I'A. I„1;11'.•r+,:'. 1,,,,•Iio tend
Wields. Miller Poultry 1'.,1::. ('1•:.l keult
( 1 1,.
1,a1.eview Chit•l.s for 1948
hum a 11.4 1151101 nun breedutg Shun, 000r
10,0uo l,,•.de,:, 0011,•01 ,t, u.,wh•d tort) "loud
Paled Hinny ennloner:. bat,• bad ye"ll'e 01
Tide uuun May
eve ore i rw t'Idckt.
Thin your t hey' be erre more Imtn,rine,1 to
buy the cool. Her. anti 21ra. N'urnwo etelhud
of Pud.hill. Ontario. Lute had 15 '.,,,,Aero•
ttve yearn -of colt till 0uu eucceso with .Akio
vlaW 0kI01to. Wily can't Sete too: Start
YO0r checks early. 'Here will be a OharLaie
of eggs next Trull and pr)N'A are bound to 110
higher Meet for large Iltuatrated catalogue
and Poultry Htnnogoment Oulde with big
curly order di,rnunte.
Lakeview Poultry Yarm
Wein Tiros, Lxeter, Ont.
010, Healey, heavy Breed Co herele, special
for Feb 10th and 23rd, 92.00 per 100, also
non - toted 011501:1 and paters 01 1,005,00
5Nces 15'nte [odny for Pelcennl and O',w
enle•ndor. trig nook Fara,, 51111e Hoichen,
1110 CHICKS 1111114
With evtl1' ceder of 10U Vpilal rhlelm we live
100 fru„ Irmvy breed loch. 10,0,00 Rack
Pullete S21 05. white hook Penult. 023111.
While Le hnrl, .Pullete 920 05. ttluwn Leghorn
Pullets 928.94. Iced -nock Pullets 523.90, beg.
Moan -hock 55,5,0 920.91. New Iianit shire
Puilet0 520.25. All ehirks cold err from
blued leaned 01008. hneked by high pedigreed
stuck. Also get our Opeetnl pr1cee on Mixed
elu'•kn and Ceel,orele 51.00 books out order
L'alnue C.O.D. Guaranteed dd'Inoly 00111
IS a ,thery, Chatham, 0010010.
DAVE 0'1)1. unyunau 1100.0, dyr1118 or Clea,.
mg" Write to ue 204 in ror0,,lnou tee are
glad to answer your que911n0,, Department
H Pall,er'0 050 Works Limited 70, Settee
Street. Taranto Ontario
A MODERN and completely 04g01,10ee1 gin and
oert'1l•e mtatml. very favorably nlluated at
the edge of a thriving town of nlwut 2,000
population. and right where tow heavily tra-
velled »rut int. at highways meet. The build-
ing le very ,lLtrtive. weitd,ghted anti heated
with natural gas. Besides the sera's station,
it o,ll,orlm•a an p-to-elnte rnf(00 sloop with
u eepnrate pert which handles elord•lo,1l and
sporting goods, all of whirl, gotta to make a
money malting businose. All kietde of auto.
mobile accessories, including the famous
Goodyear tires, are carried 10 sock. The
gallonage for the year 1941 was 72,650 gal-
lons. Here 10 u wonderful oppai'tuaily for
some one t0 get into peeing bushman for
himself. 1f you are interested. come at once
and hlepeet It for yourself and get (0,11, l
partloolara, (lir ,`fill or write
BOX 311, DRESDEN', 001'.
Parte and Service Bert E Kennedy & Son.
4111 College St Tarnnla
320 ACRES. gong concern. three sources
income, Timber, Farm, Denver, all cash
or part trade. stance cash. immediate 004-
4eseion, Write 10. C. Couptend. (:olden. B.C.
For ante In Sudbury, Ontario. One of 000-
bury''e (ratting and moat ...roue taxi
buaineas with eight new curs and all modern
enulpment. Beet location In city with a
largo garage and aervlre station 930.000
0001, or payments can be arranged Write
George Appleby, 140 Edward Ave.. Sudbury.
PUREnilED, extra dark, well -furred. Gout
ler Standards, Silverbluen and Ilolf-Bloods.
Progeny of prize winners. Reduced priers.
011,, bllsle Johnston, R.n. No. 0, Peterbor-
ough. Ontario.
NEW coinplele concrete Block Machinery Iq
eluding Motor,. Racks, Pallets, Conveyor,
Bette, Pulleys, Lft Truck. First reasonable
offer acro+ted. J. A. Patton, 00R41, Wood-
FOR SALE, Cass Super 2farket, Tbedford,
Ont., LII health: grantee., cold storage.
butcher ehop. main portion cinder block;
living quarters above. brood steady Waimea;
wonderful 1OUriet trade,
CURLING Reeks: Pinest Imparted Scottish
quality: 40-42 Mo. melt: balanced and
Matched: lexcellrnt guaranteed condition: 040
noir;deposit. Write Capitol 10001p-
meta('o �' 137 Denserer St., Ottawa, Ont.
615 YARDS of 36 -tort, wide gay printem-
nnnts, a yard and up, 62.00. 160 pieces
Print . x 1-61.00, All Postpaid. ('olnnitd
00111 Co., Brantford, Ontario.
REGISTERED Dnebohund Female. black and
inn. Choice bloodlines, Innoculpted, 930
Cattle Collier, hnrentn true heelers. male
melee, 05.00. Lauded! 1olen1100, Drayton.
NO 1000(101 L•'yegiesaee, whutshlelds, in raid
w'cnthel with lata -Vu. Prevents inlet from
frost• or steam. Gua'nnt000 clear vision.
Sample 250. Year's supply 01.00. Motley's
Agencies. 1300 66, Levis, Que.
CHOPPING mill. 000,00te ronctruetiot, 2
storey, waterpower. 91e scree land with
good brick bowie, :dent for feed beakless,
could be converted for lightmnnufnrluring.
A bareal,, at 97.500. APaU' Box 4, 73
Adelaide W., Toronto.
Colorful a0tm'tnnent, Prettiest designs.
Guaranteed washable cottons, prints, bread•
cloth, etunning allk quilting patches, assorted
aizee, matting attraettve quilts. Preferred
aelecl100. $1 60 (20 lbs. 65.291. FREE' 16
nutlt deslgnat Needle.: Thread. Rendttence
With order, Delivery extra.
Washable Cotton Pring, Broadcloth. PigUes.
ate. About 10" to 30" width. Lineal mea
suremonto. Tentage 300.
Station 61, Dent. 4, Men trool.
ROW Croo Trnoar. Cnct0hutt 70. Fully
equipped. This tractor Is 110,0. B. 5lahley.
Sehembern, Ont.
Broad -Breasted Bronze Turkey
Reserve your order Mr 1945. We turned
down prder. for 00,000 P0unts Inst ,Anson,
Poults all hatched In breed nett spednl rur•
key inoubntor0, all turkeys (no 08101101. We
expert there will bo more money In turnkeys
In 1040 then 1043 as It is likely teed prices
cull: be cheaper next eummer when the new
Drop comma along. Send for lartamy mann..
0lent guide and prlee 1101 and boots yam
order for I0411.
Lakeview Turkey Ranch
Exeter Ontario
BATTER0-O11:nA1'ED 110010 Set for gale.
Deforest Crnssley Corona model, 0 tubes,
specially equipped with ttnmuco IOilminatnl
for ue with either 01001 00 battery or des
cells. New cost over Seel), Slake offer A
fine and lasting gift. pox 151, 73 Adelaide'
W., Teronfn.
CHOICE light amber better. 00ne of 01x 8 -
lb. pane, 919.20 F.O.B. MM., if flag
slntton, Include freight chargee to MN*
shipment. Stanley 13.. Xing. BN'vleW Lodge
Aptnrkes, Barrie, Ont,
Bought £0r en0h. Write Box 804, Ferlme,
11..1.14, 10.000 sate Mune/Date .delivery,
A1nn stet 0,00o on hand n 81 Unr,Lmin,
67514 ,St Lawrence Blvd., Montreal, Otte
70 '(,10,' baled -Wee. fee poi
Itr .001, 0 II. J Saver, thou.. Oat
'11•ion:r Pu,Ou,. Broad trooulod llruuso
111' ,.dors and InnlelWO1 Under (lay.
AIa''m.wrIMadrotor. information. Iran Mullen,
A."i11ol.t tedigrotrd 0010810, exooilont 14.010.
Stir for $2,00 up. Jars Cooke, Uraymn,
mite M.
Dahl5 Item Sherthon, bull, fourteen menthe,
1 rum a h00vy-mincing dant. Apply John
Merrily, New hamburg, 00.10. No. 1, Ontario.
Settle that are dependable for Garden t.00erd,
Morket Gardeners: write for our free rut-
al"t;e• oo4ario Seed Company, We1,Woo,
Whetted, you need spare parts, 0 power drive.
1.r n 11010 cretin separator, they are evell-
Id,lm et your local VIXING dealer. We eup0ly
a friction clutch pulley with all our electric
1115000 and n low stand with our electric
mnchmes. Hee your Viking dealer or write
to tut
720-722 Notre -Dame Weed,
I. Alt:. H,lydrenoing the F01,ert0o1' methwl•
lnformatlon on request regarding clne00.,
Rol•rrtsodro Hairdressing Academy. 137 Ave.
rue [toad. 'Toronto
1•t"S 1'1tl1VLL—Every tattler. of Itheumatte
limps ur Neuritis should try Dixon'e Rem-
edy. 51up110's Drug Store. 336 Elgin, Ottrnv0,
Poopnid 11.00.
SATISFY Yonraotf—Every tufferur of 101,011 -
,,,,,ll, Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon'.
Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin.
)maws. Postpeld 11.00,
Grin 1 Ge,prtu0,ty Lenro
fls lr,lresshlk
Pleasant 0<gm0e0 °rote/1400, good wages
quanta oda secree00,1 110 reel gen dun tee
America', greatest system tlluetreted cater
1000, free Write or Call
265 Bloor St W . t'oronto
Branches 44 Ring 8t.. Hamilton
& 74 (tideau Street. Ottawa
SPARE or full-time money -making Learn to
make cnndY at home and earn as you
learn: correa0Ondenee course. National In-
stitute of Confectionery Reg'd Delorlmler
P.O., 1100 152, Montreal, Que.
1l0C0Mh TELRGRAI'Ht6R"—"
Commencing salary 0171 monthly. Rig ds
mm id. Learn at home with sett -teaching
machine*, Very practical career. Cr. folder
dearribes. Write Ca90an Syntems, Toronto,
NE130 Immediate ete0dy Income? Send 250
to Green's, 115 Oxford. Toronto, for book
on tested mall businesses begun on oboe -
I. berlih tST0NAUGH & Company Potent
Snlicitnrs. Established 1800. 14 King Weet,
entente Booklet of information n request.
"ELIJAH COMING Refire Chrlel". wonder-
ful boot, free Megiddo Mission, Roeheeter
Il, N1'
0100koka Phatn Service, Barton.. Ont.
Rolla developed and 8 prints 33e. 1240
0,1010 40e. Wort, guaranteed.
—. ._.HELP 'WANTED ..
Stfl'ERVISORS for ward -teaching Program
to tube,'culools nursing. Idospitalization
and tumults, Diane available. Apply attain&
experience and salary expected to Superin-
tendent of Nurses, Freeport Sanatorium.
I(itchener, Ontario.
APPLICATIONS aro now being received for
the Spring Class at the Woodstock General
Hospital School for Nurses, Nursing is an
outotanding career. giving you an assured
future when other positions fall. Education-
al routttrement, Junior Matriculation stand-
ing. No initial road good monthly allow-
ance: attractive Nurses Residence. For up -
Plication 11atiera. 000110:
Superintendent of Nurses.
Woodstock General Hospital
Woodstock, Ontario.
`Hoot' Man
Now that Britain's railways are
nationalized, the public wants that
extra bit of service. One of the
latest requests asks the engineer
of t11e 6:20 a.m, Hastings -Ashford
train :
"Would you be so good as to
hoot as you go over the iron
bridge just out of Rye station, as
we rely on you to get my husband
up for work?
"When you don't hoot, we are
i a fix as we cannot buy an
alarm clock anywhere.
"P.S,: My husband says 'not
too loud' but I say 'blow like
Railroad officials said the re -
'quest was being "considered."
C affect
1 is2N PE YS
The kidneys aro very delicate organa,
easily affected—especially by a cold. Their
duty is to filter impurities and excess acids
from the blood. When you have a cold
extra work is thrown upon your kidneys.
bodd's Kidney Pills help your kidney,
clear your system of excess acids and
poisons caused by colds, and give you a
chance to shako infection sooner—fed
better faster. If you have a cold get and use
Dodd's Kidney Pills. 134
D cod's Kidney Pills
iSSGE 7-1946
POP -All Wet
••' OMe. Nevem. c391j$ Warr
OlitiiM15'i)"130 Dtn tq'Gta'nu -150