HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-2-18, Page 5eft 1ULOVA eHER EXCELLENCY A" ei.) 21 jewels $4950 ISULOVA ("HS EXCELCENCY AA'11: 21 Jewels $4 500 WATCH 11.1.11STIMT1011$ ENLIIIIGED TO 5110.1i 0C17111. ..... • : •1a,e1.0.11tietteeeeet:,,,eiellig:11• en $1 LITNEPAL "IsglAs ot to SA 11 -- oNener 3 5 ru:s 7 A.M. Bell Electrifies Sleepy Fireman Into Action Action wee east and fitrione in the new home of Mr, and Mrs. Harvey MerCallab, Monday morning. Mr. Mr, Callum, who is a inemb er of the Blyth Fire Departin ent a woke al. 7 ani.and mistook the ringing of the bell by Town Foreman Sohn Stanlee, tor the fire bell. Harvey hmuedietely sprang into bis flreman's clothes. and with a quirk Maitre oaf the window, he covered the intervening distance between his Moore and the fire hall lin "nothing tint," • Tht the meantime TIM' Foreman Staples ambled (Iowa to the tire hail and arrived pilot as Hterve was ohoul to gait the fire. engine. A short eim• vensation straightened the affair out.. That: 'quick gianze out the window which faces up lawn from the Meet- 'WM resedettee was what did the triek, Someone at Vockleitie Bakery was just.etoking up at the tine, and . the Mack ,smoke that. mantled the sky 114)0(10 a. perfect Manton for the SleOPY firenan, We heard Harve relate the, story, 11, few 11011104 laUlr, and derived eon- eiderable enjoynattat from it, "I thought the whole main etreet WaO on fire," eta. Harve, Standard Children Without Childhood eiRVY tifieto •,1 FOti SUNNY Ni4,1” 11 ,Stataylttll Short . W. 1'.. Carlo and Sons, 1Vatiord. 4,:t havo recently ,v1;1-,1 tio• reor, sire, 1211110001 :1,11 it I tt t ir herd hill 1 1)441 t (TY. .Ittinsof 301.11" 'POO 1.11414.11a, 4 f W . Turnbull utul Son, silts...I.:, I ratite, and is sired by . Iten.,e• j 2nd, by milted Lie 11414'' rot (trap.) and is out of 1 ilentirt.el I dam, (luny Royal Princes," 1 h, !that trace., to 1,11“In00r ',els hied Ads FOR SALE— Colony house x 12. Phone 76,1,5 Geri. 1fentlersen FOR SALE— One young York sem au..' Mare!) let. Phone 1 Goo, FOR SALE— A aural reliable horse. , work single or double, eight y••nie old, Phone Ilx. Brusseie FOR SALE— Large white enamel Claire Jewell I store, with hot 'miter front and j reservotr, nearly new. Phone 15-r-13 Geo. Michie j WANTED— Raw Furs, highest price% paid also 1 Red Foxes. Ship to Norman. Greem spoon, 223 Grace St., Toronto, • ! FOR SALE - 2 or 3 •seetion Spring Tooth Drag Ii Harrow Wad 1 tractoe denbie disc. Geo. Wotionburg Phone FOR SALE— 1 50 erre farm S 101 7, C011. '1.1. Grey, frame house, hank barn, dev. lug shed, hen, house, bytitm within 12 (12(144. .Tames Stevenson Phone 1-r-1 7 . . FAFilM FOR SALE— North half of Int IA conces.sino 13, , MeTallep township. all in grass, I Brink house, two barns. nine acres hardwood. bush, hydro within half 1 mites. Apply to Weiser(' Reid, Walton WANTED— Man for steady travel among non- stutters in Brussels. Permanent eon- neotion with large inanutateturer Only reliable hustler considered. Write Ilawleigh Dept. No. ML -3-152. 1 31, Montreal, WANTED— Plocks to supply us with hatching eggs for the 1948 hatching season. nooks culled and bloodtested free. Guaranteed premium pins hatchabil- ity premium paid. Also wanted to purchase cockerls suttable for breed - Mg. For full details write Tweddle Chick Hatcheries, Limited, Fergus. Ontario. FOR SAL-s— limy has started chicks for lin mediate, delivery. Save on feet' with these. Indications point to a good year for penliTykeepers. Ro member the February -March hicks that pay the best. Help the ITatehery plan proditoticm, with eerie orders, placed through agent Win. Menu Bray, Inthel: Mom Brussels. FARM FOR SALE - 7211 ie with pleasure wt recall the acres lot 6, eon. 9, Grey Twp., on County Provinelal road 124 miles fun we had in our childhood .. east, nr„„eis, 1,11.1k ham, 75' x ofthosethings which were not, int good stables anti watAr system, bon portant then but within are now hous„., 11" x 15. 1101,1119. hod, 4001111 treasures In our memory hook, That wriek house, drilled well, hydro is the way childhood should he carefree and Bemire, (11) 1(44. 1110 Wank. But. how different 11 is for thette baye and girls in Darope whose lives 1 a been Heed b the revages rot 1 v1 y . war? Truly, they are old before they ere young. They are haitlfed and cold. Many. 'Milo, orphellS, Will 14e94e1' know the 1o94e 041111141 their mo;ther's heart. Thousancie know 1110 other bottle than a, eite of rubble, Garbage dumps is where they eke' ont food ,to help stretch the skin over their dwarfed bodies. ThOir 11("e$ are miserable. available, choieesit of 18nd in good state of cultivation 40 acree plough. ed, accept cash reasonable terms may be arranged. Eilmer 1011a.co4)t, Prop. tOhildhood tor these boys1 end gills 1100 passed them by. Living' rout survival has been earnest !mottoes— a 24-et0urseed.ay job and It etartee (24 the cradle. It is in theee peer lire fortunatee that wo are asked to extend 021" help with donations to bhe C1a,,a1100n APPeal for Children, „ Money collected in thie •a,ppeal will be used to purehatte food and cloth. lug. Money will be spen1 for books.; and pentlilii, It'a fowl start for and it nittat totetead, FOR SALE - 100 -acre farm on Highway, good buildings, bush, hydro. 40 -acre farm neer village. 30 acres ploughed. Brick house in thriving 9411111409, barn and hydro, Pelee 3.400•0') 37 acre farm in a village, frame house And barn., 1. C. Long, Phone 94 Real 'Notate Broker, Brussels, Ont. . . 'IHE BRUSSELS POST Csionty 4,0,1" [thy"'.14. 1, .1 t 1,10 ,tiortle 14.11 A•11 Ajd Il(pork 14101 I•tIOn• i?11 7 hi 111141 ,111 ,1d. 11' 1 11110,1ii141.4 el 40 ('fp :I 111 1 W111 '1•••1' tir ( ! rt.((''4 ,k111 [4 4,0,, 1ttArA%9A44 0(1f ;Ind me - over leer y,-ttr. 1'" 1' • 11, g,/,•'11•1,1 1V -1,1.1t 111 ,11,11111'111 1110 e h1/81 re111,18 „ ' 11, -.,,11.•!, et' 111 1111,41•Reet?.• 0/1 1, M1.„ (11,1 (roe, 4, 1!1, •,tow,,1 Of 411- 4)14,1 114.4V is. 011`4 ,4/1 ar,rit1 'Feb 91 li 11,0 ; kleflowitn. beea ,1 er , work had W 111 007 Ad ow, Itittle. and had not ,:tkr..s ; durimr year !Melt iv4,, on., of 11tA 1110., Orrolltotm n 1,1 At in i the tettelety'e Itietere. ! Misr menowrin ropor,,,d' 4 s t. casAs involving 172 fhiblrea, be••.;,1e, rimilv ,,,,,,,,,,,, families Ovr•i, 2,11110 0-1141 194,11111 laatk oe 1(414'. pared with 14)29 ;fin ime•lon-' y6:4 1. 41,is41ed cominir"d with 767 in 1946. ("curt ((4044(4 00(044 totalled 40; the provieee. year 28. Fifteen hundred letter wo•••• written and 27.404 miles travelled. Mudli interest, it wis stated, -hie; been aroused in the week throughout the noway by addr,-.Ases given ; Women's institutes, (Mime) 0111411.1117. :iesho 0 1 01111w., eel ly 1111110 There were 32 addition -11 eases of child protection weeir derive Ow Year. TwAtlitr.th'A the 10981 111% CE4SeS ware Closed, iesrme; te otill 1,01(•11. 'I'll e Vae•1 amount nf work entailed is shown In the ram that 1 t required 22 first investigations Involving 33 ild ren 4,27 4'j‘.' a erl 1 807 .01 Hee leilrerrieW0: 41(007 /4I r.illoal and two mental Minh, attendances 111 ado. of 4110 factors involved in flieso ease0 included 41114 ('t(, discord: menteal. moral and 1,114fsir41 negleett non-support, (1 1'(11)14e((1(('00. illness nl 'parent nr guard inns : RaS.PPP'r( mental defect: and nosed oriental Bluest:, personality pro- blems. separation r4' parentq. de- Tiniq'neney of children. deSertion, im prisonment and sex offences:. twin deaf notes who were taken for training .20 the School fur the Dent at Belleville. One boy is at the School for Boyo at llowmanville, and 011p girl in care is at the George- town School tor Girls, 1)0911 OE W110191 Shaw a vast improvsinent ,"111.1•P entering these Schools. In (Monsanto with .tble, work, Mrs. Chaffee and Miss McGowan et - tended thirty...five .court cases: ten children - were made, permanent Wards, end ten temporary wards. Tinder "alltleen in care" the yeas' 1047 WaS started with 83 children. Trefty-eight were admitted and (ho same number discharged, which left 83 still in care at the end of the year. -t'isii•ts numbered 1,274; office interviews, 69'5; attendancesat el int es--intsileal. 70: dental. 1: mental. 5; first placements., 30: re - Play enients, 22: foster home in- vestigations, 49, involvinr. 121' search for foster homes, 53 visits; investigations for Neat adontinne 19; linal adoption ,malers obtained, 22, 111 19 97 these were al uninarriet1 parent. cases open: 31 new (',42404 were opened during the year: 99 closed, which left 53 at the ie1,1 et the year. mimber office int ei"Tlewe regarding a,greemeivie. mate t penny!, 110l'ons, etc., totalled 71: office intervie'w's regarding mother oiled. 16(4: temervisine visiis regard- ine these, 136; other vieits -le this 11:1 ((('11 of the work. -175 with 1 Court attendances. 'I11,e Family '4410(94(441 ('4? hoard dm, .ing the year 1111.8 108 nem1 til" chitdrenis A,41 Society to administer the allowance for fone forilthe Tele week involved 179 visite and 265 office interviewv,i Mei* horny •1. lova nee invetigation 04411004 44 '1' gent 90 11:o Director of Plinily lowttneee, One 12111.‘sli child guest lo connilet- tni her high school ;41 oest ((110 3.'elrmo...r 000044 1111401' the1')0111.,11t1 :•1101 Allowance Boatel 'were closed during the year. Regarding eupplementary e1111,11119 rt. Depell 8 e MA' 1103 of Trustees. the three 8.800 which were alum during 1947 A1re (1,11111leted and (eased. Ntis. 14(0 4,W(112 completed her re- port by recording the a 11111,1,113 (1111 of Mrs. fltaffee and hei self to in• dtviduale and groups throughout the county who had given Isisflance- "HELP WANTED -14 ALE" AN OPPORTUNITY— Established Rural Watkins District available. It you are aggressive+, and between the ages of 245 and 66— have or can settles travel outfit, tide is your opportunity to get estab- lishod in a profitable businese 00 3404(1own: rot full partietila.re write today to The 3, It, Watkins Company. Dept, 0-8-4, 2177 Mitten St,, Montreal, Que. the eyeretarr. 11 th, .4,01 fo!' 1 tart .trAttr,' 4)14., !It or rho For.1.1;. IT 1,111:,1,1ne, 4 •', 41,90. 1,1111,1',18 fr,linivir, dime, 1.prs4,, nt, 1,1 for 1947. T11'4 'Cc"o,•: . .. • 2726.06 111111: ,111ei44:t eve., , 14'4 44 t.• bond:, 14' NI . . . :1'7 :1,4 P1.011/ 14111, 19,(1(114 '47(4 ee emete•e 1'4 67 - • TVIPTIC110,6r1,1-1T,•1 1114117.11 11,,a rads 4)4' '44429.4 , ;"' 1 •13 Salaries . „ , Tra.volllna expoloan 152" 4442 Dr2441' :olopres. rent ., 4441, 24) ffinthine ......... . . 2410121 0111:,2cn,o"4 11e;111.".'111:47ph 'toes Office fool ilTene thrships and convert, tion Sundry 4411'll 140449 /PI On 96.22 191.2? 91049 901 Tialanee . .... 702.02 li/frs Albert Tavinr and Mrs Deer:re :Polmetan were rerme.ted 444, .0n9414, of th• Soci•ly te Min ffAA• in her 11 1411 wn 4141(4 41011(41(1 91y ,:tzrt'A,1 that both she and Miss 71Trflowati roust talo,, holidays 111, geol. m, present staff wag re.eneaet11 Al the inttrnitig ete vie, 3,,Ka,,s to tonic 1112,1117 snhAd1110, "a 1" W°'1 "1 Presliyit.erian Charon Sunday. The iirtaing. of snAti.nrt:11 111 Aet 111 41 C. lorzen,...-m pr;, "Peace of file society was discussed. it d,„„ hi was fell Riese .niieti create reeeP interest if held 10 Cincleritei end at d„,•„.„.1.1,„3,, tioinf, ;a the 1101411 and 1101(111 .17 do," M the cmunty. A committee to forma.. .Ta.i•P plains for thas•e 044(1 appeintee. coninoeed of C. M. Rebeeteem Hares' Nterrentb. Mrs .1 Ibent Taylor, Mre, Georg. Johnston and TT. NT Shard:te- tra) Mr. Wilkes 1948 re-otected presi- dent. Other officers are: 17irst vies, pres.ident. Rev. T,. ff. Ttir110r; 91',1 viiire,president. C. 112. Rebertsnii; treasurer, A. H. Erekine; ,seerefary, A. NT., .Roltertelon; direeteee. 'Mrs. Albert 'Payleti, 111re, ftrevre, ereett. sten, Mies Ann NNiNirtele, Harry Md. Create', RPW, (7, W. Copt, and Capt. Bessie Agar': of the Salvation Army; pros secretary, Airs F. 11. Redditt; advisory eomanittee, H. M. rar4. TT. 1'). DelMrop, .T Reynelds. Mre. F. 11. Redelitt. 1V- ,4491ry1 i 1.9413 1444 : ettiee OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD (i.ZoLk L.t.tttiO HOGS OVEIi. !`.0 LEIS. - $3.00 PER 100 E85. At Your Farm ACCORDING To,:•7,4ZE AND CONDATION OUR SAME PROMPT- EFFICIENT, COURTEOUS SERVICE S7rnply Phone Coll 740t4zzs 72--- ..11:ag.c.'xso31 21 The," 91,'4't 1(141 ::toso,1 with 14111 of of Hymn rols. i1411l, day That !gayest, Lord ended," after Whitt the benediction was pronouneed. I Miss NTarjorie Retinae. R.N.. 41:044 ; Doreen McFall] and BM Golinen. all , of Toronto visited with Mr. and I Mrs. T. 'Holman ovor th, wm•li end. Marjorie leaves en March 2 for Honolulu. Hawaii where she lute taken a position n Ettl American hospital BLUEVALE WA 14 TaNT The nor, vnited ('liu,'Oli 1411444) held their February meeting on the thirteenth of the month which was "World Day of Prayer." Thy ladles of the Anglican Church joined with 4114 at 141144 meet:Ina% The service was in eharge, of the seveeteenth and boundary gronp under the lesder• ship of Mrs. A. Clark, Sit, MIS Ssit ell by Mrs (40 th, Anglioan Oliureh. and . members of the 'groups.. 'Pile (114404'' 111, Is sent out In the leaflet of the "Wonien's 1(14 '('-(7.1114401! entilleil" 0411,, followed the theme being "The Lord Ft Pray- er." Miring the serviee 1114(1(y familiar 14914114s vfnro snug and MTS.. 1-1 Smalhion favoured tie with the solo "Silently Nor We Row 'Before My. l'• Wilhoe Presidedand we I vont d , new (1(011(1101 3. The S Moly. he said, 11111.111 90 be temente- tatted. on having two sech vompetent officials. A Vote of thanks was tendered to (hem and their staff for the floe work they are tieing FOR SALE -- Electric motors rewound and re saired. Expert workmanship. Moder. 109 Prices. New motors in stock. Bettor !nauseous, 649 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ont, F. F, 1-1nuth Regi,Ts erect Optometris1 'Western Outatlea Most Madera Eye Sorrice 'Thone 118. ilarristort KEFFEI.V;S' MACHINE SHOP Acetylene and Electric Welding Our shop is edulipped to do First Class Welding And Lathe Work Yosn. Patronage Solicited. Good Service Assured. Agent for Surge Milking Mindanao (1.n1,- Rev. J. .A. ner. United Church. 1144,11 "If the tmindethet what can t 'eh t s Alex M rack in aril route. Mies Dolores Munition sang duet. The evening eervic Was Is charge of the Y.P.11, with th President. miss Wilde sreches thlae, conducting the (114.'l'211140' Mr. Burden led in a Gilds quiz, Personals; Robert Shaw, Merris with his eisters4n-law. Mrs: Ja01e11 12011440I00,101 itnd Mrs, Robert Nich liteen: Mre, Eldred Niehol, Tern- bery. with Mrs. Ottrtts, and' Mre Kirtim.; Miss Dorothy Terasey, Bruseels. attended the funeral 41.4 her aunt. Fraser; Mrs, M. Attlien, L1101,711oW, Wirth ht.tr 4)1(41- 100. Mies Mary Deft; Miss Shirley sedum, Avingitstii, with her Par Mr. .1141:2 Mrs. Fred ilT,*s. :lank Wickn1 Pad, Belgrave, with Mr. and Mrs. George Tiorn- 24lb,e Muriel Smith. Wirighaux,. W0.1 her parents, Mr. and Smith; Fleming 111nek in To - EAR "Queen's Park Report No. 5' by PREMIER GEORGE MEW "YOUR HALTH AND ¥01NR UT - 'R14' Wingham Friday 8.00 to CKNX Feb. 20 815 p. m. Is Your Subscription Paid or Renew It Now $L50 per year The russets Post Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs --- REPAIRED and RECOVERED — Also Rebuild Mattresses 014 o. 62 FREE PICK-UP 141,JAD DELIVERY Strad i'rd Upholstering Co. 43 Brunswick Street Stratford, Ont. D. A. RANN Fun/atom and Funeral SerAce. . trusts